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15 Ways You Can Find The Confidence To Speak Up

Forbes Coaches Council
Forbes Coaches Council
Updated Dec 10, 2021, 09:17am EST

Speaking in front of people is one of the most common phobias out there. But this phobia is particularly harmful in the business world. You have ideas, input or questions — things that need to be addressed if the project is going to proceed smoothly. But that fear lingers: "I work with these people. If I speak, will they think I'm an idiot, or will they think that I don't know something that everyone else somehow is already in tune with? What will happen if things go badly?"

While it's easy to doubt yourself into silence, it's not helping you. Speaking during a meeting or during office conversations not only helps keep you engaged with your peers, it solves problems and helps your career. No one expects anyone to be 100% witty or insightful all the time. It's just a matter of starting slow, with a few simple statements or questions here and there, then working forward.

There is a lot more to it, of course; changing habits takes time. To help you find your voice, and to feel more confident and comfortable with expressing how you feel, members of Forbes Coaches Council suggest you do the following:

All images courtesy of Forbes Councils members.

1. Take Small Steps Before You Run 

If you have an idea that you're afraid to voice to a group, first share your idea and ask for feedback from someone you trust. Then commit to sharing one comment during a meeting to introduce your idea. Afterwards, invite outside perspectives by asking a witness what they thought of your contribution. Credible feedback from a trusted source can boost your confidence, and help you find your voice. - Kirsten BlakemorePartners In Leadership 

2. Identify Occasions You Feel Comfortable Speaking 

Ask if there has been an occasion where you had no difficulty in expressing your feelings and your voice being heard. This could be outside of work with friends or family members. Once you have identified the situation, ask what were you doing differently. Another approach is to imagine yourself a year from now looking back to a situation where you were direct. What did you do differently? - Valerio PascottoIGEOS 

3. Write Down What You're Going To Say 

Writing down what you're going to say helps when you struggle to speak up, as it minimizes stutters or stumbles. Know that it is OK to read your thoughts and feelings: It gets you out of your head and makes you sound clearer and more concise. It lets others know that this is important to you and you have put some thought into it. By sharing your thoughts, you are inspiring others by speaking up. - Frances McIntoshIntentional Coaching LLC 

4. Develop Your Skills In Lower-Risk Environments 

Identify some opportunities to get out of your comfort zone. Look for people or environments that are lower in risk, or where you have a strong support system for trying new things. Let a trusted colleague or mentor know that you want to build confidence in this area, and ask them to observe and share feedback to help you grow. Like any skill, practice will help you improve. - Jill HauwillerLeadership Refinery 

5. Define Why Your Voice Is Important 

Small voices have a big impact. Start a conversation with yourself. Why is what you have to say worth overcoming your nerves? Who or how you are helping by raising your hand? Who will you inspire and why are your words welcome in the world? As you gain confidence in your why, make space for others by asking what's important to them. Start small and practice often! - Meredith Moore CrosbyLeverette Weekes 

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6. Take Action, Rather Than Seeking Perfection First 

I used to struggle with the same issue. The mistake many people make is believing they have to feel confident in order to act with confidence. Actually, it's the other way around. Confidence comes from taking action. Ralph Waldo Emerson said, "Do the thing and you will have the power." Stop waiting until you or your idea are "ready." Create your confidence by taking action and speaking up. - Loretta Love HuffEmerald Harvest Consulting 

7. Visualize The Conversation First, Then Act 

Rather than "diving in" and blurting with confidence, start by visualizing the meeting or conversation. Watch the room nod in assent as you confidently and competently articulate your view. Witness the shift in your own mind as you rehearse the outcome. Then, after you have practiced in your mind, make it a reality. Be brave: By stepping out, you are giving yourself permission to grow. - Billy WilliamsArchegos 

8. Phrase Statements Through 'I Think' And 'This is Why' 

The hesitation in voicing opinions is a phenomenon affecting leaders of many levels. I ask leaders to do this. Phrase what you want to say in two parts: "This is what I think" and "This is why." Doing so will prepare you to feel more confident. It will also help your comment join the conversation, as one rooted in prepared thinking versus rash, emotional "must say something" comments. - Leila Bulling TowneThe Bulling Towne Group, LLC 

9. Focus On Facts, Not Emotions 

In order for others to align to your opinions, suggestions and solutions, you’ve got to be clear in how you communicate them. You’ll be more confident when you share the stats and facts, and not be emotional around what you’re sharing. You’re perceived to have greater strength when you speak with clear conviction.  - Marlo HigginsMarlo Higgins, Your Chief Inspirational Officer 

10. Pay Attention To Your Body And Verbal Language 

Working with a voice coach or acting teacher can make you more aware of how you carry yourself and speak in different situations. I have found that when I am videotaped, I am able to make adjustments, which lead to more confidence in presenting myself and my ideas. - Dr. Sarah StebbinsDr. Sarah Stebbins, C.P.C. 

11. Let Go Of Outcomes

One of the things that stops people from sharing their opinions and letting their voice be heard is that they are overly attached to the outcome of their sharing. If you let go of the outcome, and share for the sake of sharing and speaking up, you can be less attached to what other people do or don't do in response. Speak up, express your position — no matter the response, it is worth doing! - Kiran GaindThe Connected Family 

12. 'Act As If' To Build Confidence And Credibility

Changing who you are starts with doing, but this isn't always easy. The easiest path is to "act as if." Try putting on the confident persona of someone you admire, such as an actor, parent or friend. Simply ask yourself, "What would Joe do?" and play that out in safe situations, such as with friends and family. When you see a positive reaction, it will begin to feel natural and become a positive habit. - Laura DeCarloCareer Directors International 

13. Be An Advocate For Others

You can practice by being an advocate for others who you see having a tough time getting their opinion out there. Look for the person who keeps raising their hand and getting overlooked. Say, "I think Joe or Joan has something to share." Help enough other people and you'll feel empowered to jump on in with your own thoughts. - Mike Ambassador BrunyNo More Reasonable Doubt 

14. Wait For The Better Opportunity

Effective listeners are just as important as the noisy meeting attendee who fills the room with their voice and importance. Listen and watch the patterns of their behavior and speaking style. You will then find your sweet spot. Remember sometimes the best way to be heard is after the meeting when your one-on-one strengths are better appreciated and respected for a more reflective, thoughtful style. - Gayle DraperIntentional Careers and Human Resources 

15. Remember: There's A Reason You're At The Table

You owe your colleagues and clients the wisdom of your opinion. Remember, you get paid because of your expertise! As long as you are confident in how you came to your conclusion, stating that point of view can begin with one sentence. Nothing more. A simple statement of opinion with the reasoning behind the "why" creates an opportunity for others to get curious and engage in dialogue. - Deborah GoldsteinDRIVEN Professionals