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How To Select Your First Rental Property 

Forbes Biz Council
Abhi Golhar
Updated Aug 29, 2017, 03:27pm EDT

Owning and renting real estate has long been considered one of the best ways to build personal wealth over time. Real estate investors with portfolios of dozens or even hundreds of rental properties can realize enormous annual profits while also building up wealth in the equity of their properties. In order to reach this level of success in real estate, however, every investor has had to take the initial step of buying his or her first rental property. In many ways, the first property in a rental portfolio is the most important, as its success or failure will often determine whether or not an investor decides to commit more deeply to real estate. Here are a few tips for selecting your first rental property to help ensure that it is a success.

Determine Your Parameters  

The first step in selecting a property is to determine a few of the basic aspects of what you are looking for. Decide, for example, what area you want to rent in. In most cities of any size, neighborhoods near colleges or close to downtown business centers will offer decently high rental incomes. Also, determine what kind of property you want to purchase. For most investors, the answer to this will be a single-family home. Some, however, may be attracted by the possibilities of a duplex property that can command multiple rental incomes at any one time. These properties also have the advantage of bringing in at least some income even if one tenant moves out.

Another important factor to determine is your budget. Many first-time investors believe that the more they spend, the more income they will make. While this is true to some extent, it is possible to turn a profit on lower-cost properties if they are in the right area and appeal to the right tenants. Determine what amount of money you are comfortable spending or borrowing to invest in your first property and stick at least fairly close to that number as you search for properties.

Build A List Of Suitable Properties 

Once you have decided what you are looking for in a property, it is time to start scouring your local area for homes that meet your criteria. Look in the neighborhoods that you have determined to be good areas to own a rental property for homes that are close to your price range. Take into account the size, condition and age of the property, as well as any other factors that may impact how much you can reasonably charge in rent for it. Online listings can be invaluable in this stage of the search, as they will typically list square footage, bedrooms, bathrooms and pertinent utility information, as well as show pictures of the inside of the home that you can use to determine its general condition.

Though the number of properties you find will vary based on availability in your market and the criteria you set, you should aim to find at least 10 properties that are worth further investigation. Even if you think you've been lucky enough to find the perfect property on your first or second try, continue to find others, as a larger list of candidates will give you more options and make you more likely to find a property that meets your criteria.

Sample acquisition criteria I use is:

  • Minimum of 3 bedrooms
  • Minimum of 1.5 bathrooms
  • Minimum of 900 square feet
  • Minimum year built: 1960
  • Minimum monthly rent: $900/month
  • Renovation budget not to exceed the cost of the home
  • 1-car garage is preferred
  • Target purchase price: $45,000–$105,000

Narrow Down Your List 

Next, arrange showings for each of the homes on your list so that you can get a good look inside each one. This step alone will likely narrow down your list considerably, as there will be some properties you simply decide don't meet your standards. For the rest, do more in-depth research. Find rental listings for similar properties in the immediate neighborhood to determine what standard rent is. Begin comparing each property's potential rental income to its price, and you'll soon be left with only two or three properties that stand out as offering the highest potential return on investment.

Explore Financing Options 

Now that you've done the hard work of selecting a small handful of good properties, it's time to explore your financing options. In most cases, this won't vary too much from property to property, as most investments require taking out a mortgage. Every so often, however, you'll get lucky and find a property that the current owner is willing to finance at a lower rate than a bank would offer you. If this is the case with one of the last properties on your list, it may tip the balance in favor of that property.

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Take Action 

Up to this point, every step in selecting your first rental property is free. Many would-be investors reach this stage and go no further, suddenly faced with the prospect of purchasing a very expensive investment asset. If you want to achieve success in real estate, you will have to purchase a property at some point. Select the property you consider to be the best investment and take action by making the purchase. If you think you might have missed other properties or simply don't find the properties you are left with as appealing as you had hoped, it is all right to step back, explore other options and take stock at this stage, but be sure to proceed with the intention of actually buying a property sooner rather than later.

The journey from just starting out in real estate to becoming a successful investor is a long one. By implementing a rigorous selection process on your first property, however, you can set yourself up to invest wisely and to succeed going forward. This kind of vetting process can also be used to select your subsequent properties. Make sure you always select the best available properties, and you will be more likely to find success as a real estate investor.