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Talk About Your Idea; It Won't Get Stolen

Updated Jun 13, 2013, 12:41pm EDT
This article is more than 10 years old.

(Photo credit: Sean MacEntee)

A lot of entrepreneurs that I talk with are worried about sharing their ideas with too many people. They get very protective of those ideas. I certainly understand and have been in their shoes. However, I’ve also learned that it’s better to share ideas and work collaboratively than isolate yourself.

The simple fact is that many people are too lazy to steal your idea. They won’t likely take the effort to try to recreate your venture.

I’ve heard a lot of great concepts for startups. I try to work with and help the ones I really liked. I don’t try to take those ideas and make them my own. For starters, I’ve got too much else on my plate to worry about taking someone else’s idea. I think this is true for most people.

As I’ve mentioned in other posts, I’ve found it incredibly helpful to bounce ideas off others and ask for their feedback. In return, I’ve gained valuable insight and perspective that I wouldn’t have otherwise received.

Of course, I’m not advocating that you share all your proprietary information or exactly how you plan to execute business strategies.

What I’m trying to encourage is entrepreneurs to be more open about their larger ideas and the vision for their companies. I’ve done it both ways in my career (open and isolated). In my experience, being open about an idea and soliciting feedback has always worked better.

Consider asking friends, peers, and your vendors (i.e., suppliers, accountants, lawyers) for their thoughts. In many cases, they might be able to connect you with someone else who can help turn your idea into reality. But, you won’t know unless you talk to others openly.

That’s why I think this support network is so important.

What’s great is that there are more ways than ever to tap into a support network. I’ve been fascinated by the rise of the work share spaces. There’s a great example in Richmond, where I live, called 804RVA. This is a work sharing space for freelancers and startups that encourages collaboration. It also provides classes, events, and access to an accelerator program. These types of spaces are growing in cities around the country.

I encourage entrepreneurs that I work with to take advantage of these environments. I believe that collaboration and sharing ideas is an important tool to grow a business.

Do you have any collaboration tips or experiences sharing your ideas with others? Let me know by leaving your thoughts in the comments section.