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Do You Really Need A Laptop Cooler?

Updated Aug 1, 2016, 04:32pm EDT
This article is more than 7 years old.

The laptop of today is a very different beast from its brethren a decade ago.

Back then, a desktop was more likely your primary computer and laptops were for travelling businessmen and for hackers in movies. They were big, bulky, slow and often came with hardware that was simply not optimized for mobile computing.

Fast forward to today however and the laptop has taken over. Everyone, from your 12-year-old niece to your grandmother probably has one. They are sleeker, immensely powerful and getting more and more affordable with each passing year.

However, in the quest to become smaller, light and yet more powerful, some technical issues have cropped up. Chief amongst them is heat.

How many times have you used your laptop for intense applications like video editing or gaming only for it to start getting too hot to touch, forcing you to turn the device off to let it cool down?

The cause for this is simple: the high end CPU's and GPU's that a lot of manufacturers put into laptop's create a fair bit of heat and unlike in a desktop where a big CPU tower allows for plenty of fans and ventilation, a laptop by design has to be as slim and portable as possible meaning that engineers can't cram big fans of create bigger chassis's for better ventilation.

Even when manufactures put in bigger fans, they are often very noisy, another big no-no in the playbook of a laptop designer.

A simple solution employed by people throughout the globe is to purchase something known as a notebook cooler. These devices, which come in a variety of shapes and sizes all promise in big, bold letters to fix that pesky heat problem at a relatively low price point.

The Notebook Cooler

In essence, a notebook cooler is a raised platform for you to place your laptop on. Many models of notebook cooler come with built in fans, temperature sensors and LED lights to let people know that you care about your laptop and want it to be cool. These devices are often powered straight from your laptop via a USB cable.

A simple gander at eBay or Amazon will show you thousands of notebook coolers from manufacturers all over the world. Some will be cheap as chips, while others, like the Logitech Cooling Pad N200 will set you back $160. The most popular ones retail for around 50 bucks.

However, fancy fans and LED lights aside, do you actually need a notebook cooler or is this yet another pointless piece of tech?

Let's find out shall we.

The first thing to understand is how your laptop actually deals with heat.

If you look around your device you will see vents in locations like the sides, the back or even at the hinge area of your screen. Basically, most laptops have fans that suck in cool air from the outside, pass it over the components like the CPU and GPU through a heat-sink made of something like copper before expelling it outside.

Gaming laptops like Asus's ROG series or MSI's G series take this to a whole new level with separate fans and heat-sinks for different components.

The second thing to understand is how and more importantly, where you use your laptop.

Is your laptop on a surface like a carpet or a bed where the bottom side is completely blocked?

If it is, then it could negatively impact your laptop's cooling.

If you flip your machine around you will notice vents on the bottom of your laptop as well as rubber "feet". These "feet" serve a dual purpose, the first is keeping your laptop stable as you use it, the second is to elevate it slightly so that air can circulate underneath.

When used on a table to any hard flat surface, it's fine but when used on a bed or any cloth surface for that matter, the vents get significantly blocked and your device heats up more than it should.

By that logic, the simplest thing to do would be to just elevate your laptop slightly to let air flow more naturally, right?

The Hustle

Well, that is exactly what notebook coolers try to do. These devices are placed between your laptop and whatever surface it might be resting on, allowing for better ventilation of air to the bottom side of the laptop. Additional fans help to make the exchange of air more efficient, or so the theory goes.

The people that make these notebook coolers tell us that this is why you should go out and spend your hard earned money on one of their devices.

The truth is a lot more nuanced than they would have you believe.

Most modern laptops are designed by company's that have spent thousands of man-hours figuring out how to deal with heat. It is why heat vents are placed in places where are fingers don't usually travel and in places where they won't be obstructed. It is also why heat sinks and fans are designed distribute air in a particular way.

By and large, adding an expensive notebook cooler to the mix does very little to aid your laptop's own cooling systems.

There are other ways though, that will show you actual results.

The first one is regular fan maintenance.

Most laptops these days will let you open the bottom panel without voiding the warranty. All you have to do is open said panel and clean your fans to ensure that they are dust-free.

The second method is by adding high quality thermal paste to your CPU and GPU. It may seem daunting to apply but it works wonders and with guides like these, it is really easy. Basically, thermal paste helps keep your core components cool through the use of a paste that is often made from zinc oxide and silicone.

All you have to do now is make sure that your laptop is, especially when on a cloth surface, somewhat elevated and you will be free from buying and lugging around heavy notebook coolers.

The Test

To test this, I played a few games of Overwatch on my 2014 MSI GT70 and with a Thermaltake Massive notebook cooler the GeForce 880M GPU inside clocked in at 93 degrees Celsius.

I then tried it without the cooler and the temperature jumped up by all of one degree to 94 degrees Celsius.

I then used two rubber doorstops on either side of the machine to elevate the laptop and to my surprise, the temperature read at a marginally cooler 91 degrees Celsius meaning that for all intents and purposes, two doorstops got my laptop cooler than my fifty dollar dual-fan notebook cooler.

I tried the same test with a less demanding title like League of Legends as well as the Unigine Heaven benchmark test. Both favored the dual door stop (I am thinking of getting it patented) solution over the actual flashy notebook cooler.

At the end of the day, my advice is this: if heat is really an issue and you don't mind the extra work, clean your fans and get good quality thermal paste. If you don't feel like opening up your machine just use anything you have in your home to elevate the machine slightly.