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How To Learn From People Around You (Even If They Have Different Views)

Updated Dec 10, 2021, 09:42am EST
This article is more than 7 years old.

This post and this subject has been on my mind for a while now. Learning from everyone around me -- from my teammate to my competitor to the random person I bumped into in the coffee shop this morning -- is something I find increasingly valuable.

And, as hearts, minds, and anxiety disorders have flared over politics throughout the past few weeks, it feels like an even more important topic to discuss.

I’m an entrepreneur with a media company and my company’s product is stories. Accordingly, I spend a lot of time sitting down, talking with people and learning their stories. I’ve definitely discovered that the way that I learn about the world is by listening to (or reading) how other people experience it.

I’ve learned how to be an entrepreneur through the stories of mentors’ successes and failures. I’ve learned how to run my company through conversations with small business owners about how they work and by listening to how a former boss learned how to be a good manager. And I learned how to be a teammate by reading about examples of successful teams.

Like many of you, I’ve been a bit of a mess in the weeks since the U.S. election. I realized in the moment the election results came out that there was a lot of topics that I didn’t understand. So I did what I always do when I don’t understand something: I drove to my favorite used bookstore and stared at the shelves for hours. At the end of the day, I had a stack of 20 books that I somehow managed to whittle down to just two to buy because ya girl has limited funds.

When I got home with my two books. I felt overwhelmed by the task I’d assigned myself: understand the world and then go make it better.

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But in the days since, I’ve found time to have hard conversations and read new perspectives and I’m reinvigorated by how much I’ve already learned. And come highwater, business struggles or political turmoil, I’m going to keep talking and reading and learning. I hope you will too.

Here are three of my favorite ways I convince people to tell me their stories and teach me about the world:

1 . Express genuine interest in the point's of view of others

Any conversation that you’re going to really learn from has to be substantive. Which means both sides are going to have to push past niceties and initial judgments and open up. There’s a book that’s well known and oft-referenced in the business community called How to Win Friends and Influence People. In his book, Dale Carnegie writes, “You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you.”

And while being interested in the person you’re talking to is a valuable technique for getting them to share their experiences and lessons with you, interest also helps you learn. In a paper called The Psychology of Curiosity, a Carnegie Mellon professor wrote that curiosity (or the feeling that you’re being deprived of knowledge) is a major motivator in learning. Which makes sense, right? If you’re having a conversation with someone but you’re focused on something that’s going on outside the window, you’re not going to learn. But if you’re giving your full and genuine interest to that person, you do learn.

2. Conversations are way better than interrogations

My favorite learning sessions are reciprocal. It can be a weird thing for the journalist in me to sit down for an interview and have it be a two-way conversation. In so many ways, my training tells me to keep my mouth closed and maintain a professional, one-way conversation. But when you’re really trying to learn from someone, you have to be able to give something in return.

I remember sitting in my fifth grade classroom and my teacher telling us that when we’re talking to someone we should make sure to regularly nod, keep eye contact, say ‘mhmm,’ and jump in with questions when we needed clarification. Those little tricks work as well in my life now as they did when I was a kid.

I’ve also found that it’s helpful to be as prepared for the conversation as possible. So if it’s a conversation that’s been set up in advance, do your reading. Learn as much about the person as you can. If you’re trying to learn business lessons from them, study up on the industry they work in. That way when you’re talking you can say, “Oh yeah that reminds me of X” or “Right which seems kind of like Y.”

If you want an example of someone who is really good at conversations, listen to the radio show On Being and pay close attention to the host. I think she’s an absolute genius, and I’m constantly using her techniques to guide my own conversations.

4. When they teach you a lesson, ask them to back it up

Occasionally you meet people who seem as wise as Grandmother Willow and who speak in life-lesson soundbites. If you’re trying to keep a log of perfect quotes then this person is your best friend. If you’re trying to learn from their life, then you want to get them to tell you a story, not a quote.

Studies have shown that the human brain loves a good story. A Harvard neurologist discovered that when humans tell each other stories, their brains release a chemical called oxytocin. Oxytocin, he wrote, tells our brains that “it’s safe to approach others” and it motivates cooperation with others.

So if you’re having trouble getting to the story-sharing part of your conversation, try asking more open questions. And then when they give you information, dig into it. Ask, “How did you learn that? What was your experience? What did you read?”

In my experience, it’s way more powerful to learn how someone else learned a lesson than to have them just flat-out tell you their takeaway.

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