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How A 26-Year-Old Artist Makes 40% Of Sales Through Instagram

Updated Sep 19, 2017, 10:32am EDT
This article is more than 6 years old.

Shane Miller

Every morning this week, Nashville-based artist Shane Miller wakes up, brushes his teeth and checks his Instagram. His feed looks like something out of a dream — softly focused impressionistic landscapes featuring dramatic skylines with a hint of attitude. They evoke a sense of nostalgia and longing for something distant and intangible. But unlike most people on social media, Miller’s not checking Instagram just to get a boost by the likes — for him it is part pleasure, part business. Currently, 40% of his sales come from Instagram, a pretty significant for chunk for the 26-year-old artist.

Miller’s canvases can’t be purchased with a click — interested parties need to reach out to him to discuss pricing and shipping costs, which adds an extra layer of work for impulse shoppers. He's currently represented in California, South Carolina, and Tennessee with his work displayed in two galleries, but he views Instagram as a long-term bet for his career. “It is surprising that people are trusting enough to buy fine art online, without seeing the piece,” Miller said. “They trust artists enough to send me a couple thousand dollars and hope I ship the painting.”

Shan Miller

This might sound crazy, but using Instagram as a tool for fine art sales — from both the artists and the buyers perspective —  is backed by hard numbers. According to a social media study by The Pew Research Center, 32% of all online adults use Instagram. Demographically that breaks down into 59% of all 18-29 year-olds, 33% of 30-49 year-olds, 18% aged 50-64 and 8% of those 65 and over, with women significantly more likely to use the service, in all age ranges.

However, art buyers traditionally have skewed older, and the American Attitudes Towards Art Survey by Invaluable reported that the majority of art purchases today are still made by Boomers. But the number of millennials that indicated interest in buying art suggests that as their salaries rise, this will be the platform they turn to for purchases — and 41.9% of young Millennials regard art buying as a good investment.

Additionally, Instagram users tend to be relatively wealthy, compared to the rest of the population, and Pew reports that 31% of Instagram users earn $75,000 and above.

And online sales are booming, according to Hiscox Art Online’s 2017 Trade Report, reaching an estimated $3.75 billion in 2016, a 15% growth since 2015.

Miller’s ‘aha’ moment with Instagram came when he reached out to Instagram influencer Ruthie Lindsey, a friend with a large following in March 2017. “She had 90,000 followers and I asked if she’d trade a painting for a promoted post,” he says. “When we met up she brought a friend who had 1.2 million followers with her, and he liked my work and ended up showcasing it on his feed.”

Almost overnight, Miller’s following ballooned from 500 to 3500; today it’s a respectable 4279. “There was an influx of emails and messages asking about my work, where can they buy it, and I realized the benefits of this type of direct marketing,” he said. Some of his growth has been down to luck; when a celebrity chef  Sean Brock visited Nashville and purchased Miller's work, he got another deluge of attention, which converted into a large number of sales.

Miller's not the only artist finding Instagram a big boon for their business. Other artists of note include Thorgrimur.Art who has 34,200 Instagram followers — his work includes surreal grouchy smurfs and Icelandic horses, and Bay Area painter, Kai Samuel Davis, with 50,800 followers, and an Instagram feed that shows his art, his gallery work and him lying in a homemade paddling pool.

Using this medium to find fans has led to some seven figure sales and propelled artists such as Ashley Longshore into the spotlight. Longshore’s work regularly sells for $30,000 and above and she counts Blake Lively and one of ‘the Rolling Stones wives,” as client’s according to Vogue. In other cases, it’s the dealers themselves using Instagram to shows their client's wares, and million dollar sales have commenced from this. Between March 2016 and March 2017, Sotheby’s Instagram following grew 102% and Christie’s is currently at 339,000 according to the Hiscox Report, who said Instagram is regarded as the most important social media channel for art, with 57% of buyers saying they frequent this regularly.

“What differentiates Instagram from other social networking platforms is the pronounced lack of words; it is overwhelmingly visual and experiential,” writes art consultant and advisor Alan Bamberger on Art Business. “In a sense, the platform strips away all the pretense and bullshit, and forces artists to make cases for their art with little or no hype, to connect with people on visceral fundamental levels and from there, present themselves in visually engaging ways.”

It’s important to note here that Hiscox reported that prices for online art sales tend to be moving towards pricing on the lower end of the spectrum, with 79% of online buyers spending less than $5000 — up from 67% in 2015. This is something Miller has noticed as well. Though he reported that 57% of his client acquisition since January has been through Instagram, that doesn't always translate into a bigger check compared to his gallery sales. “It’s easier to sell a $1200 piece on Instagram than a $3000,” he said, adding that shipping also factors into this, as it's cheaper to ship a smaller canvas than a larger one. “I had a sale for $3000, but the shipping was $900 —  to Australia,” he said.

On a recent panel in Los Angeles, hosted by Instagram Business and Hedley & Bennett, Marne Levine, COO of Instagram explained how their platform has become a go-to destination for many artistic businesses. “It might look like people are turning their passion into their livelihood but in fact, passion is becoming your livelihood,” she said. “60% of people say they learn about new products on Instagram and 75% take action — they tell their friends, they visit a website, [etc..]”

On his blog, Bamberger suggests there are a couple of obvious reasons that draw collectors to the social media platform. “Serious buyers, collectors and people who just plain love art use Instagram to find out which artists are making compelling work, and follow and keep track of what kinds of art they post in order to see how consistent and productive they are,” he writes. “They can evaluate whatever art they look at without any pressure, without anyone yapping in their ears about what it means, why it's significant, why the artist is hot, why it's a good investment, why they should buy now, and on and on.”

As Instagram continues to gain traction with the art crowd a number of specialist services have emerged, offering training for artists on how to use it to sell. Artist business coach Cory Huff runs the Abundant Artist, a website about marketing art and offers online seminars on how to crack the Instagram code for artists, for $25 you get a webinar, PDF's and insider info.’’Some of my artist friends and clients have gone on to sell their work for $20,000 or more,” he writes on his site. A quick search on YouTube finds a large number videos with the title ‘sell art on Instagram,’ some with 75,000 views and above.

“Interested buyers usually begin by direct-messaging artists about specific works of art,” Bamberger wrote. “Sales are being made at a variety of price points, not just for a few hundred dollars and below, but well on up into the thousands... and beyond.”

However, despite the large number of twenty-something followers Miller has, he said the majority of purchasers conform to traditional stereotypes, with people in their forties and fifties making up the majority of his buyers. “They go to my website and say, hey I saw your work on Instagram, can I have a price list?” he said. ‘Or they say I saw so-and-so post your work on Instagram, and that’s how I found you.”

But he’s aware that his success on Instagram might be fleeting.  “This could all go away tomorrow if Facebook changes how the feeds work,” he admitted. “Already they’ve made it harder for artists to promote their work, so who knows?”

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