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Spider crab cooked over charcoal with chilli butter

A fresh and citrusy spring dish from Petersham Nurseries

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Serves 2


1 whole spider crab
10g red chilli, finely chopped
10g garlic paste
1/4 bunch flat leaf parsley
50g butter
30g sea salt
20ml olive oil
1/2 large lemon, unwaxed
  1. Method

    Step 1

    Clean the spider crab by thoroughly scrubbing the legs and body.

    Step 2

    Cut along the top of the body to release the main shell of the crab. Reserve for stocks, soups or alternative dishes.

    Step 3

    Remove the gills, sometimes know as dead man’s fingers, from the crab.

    Step 4

    Cut the crab in half down the middle, this will leave 2 portions of crab ready for grilling.

    Step 5

    Season the crab heavily with the salt and the olive oil.

    Step 6

    In a pan gently cook the chilli and the garlic in the butter and then add the chopped parsley to finish.

    Step 7

    Place the crab onto the grill and cook for 4 four minutes each side.

    Step 8

    Place the crab onto a plate and pour the butter over the top. Serve with a wedge of lemon.