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Paint Overspray Removal Tips


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Overspray can easily happen when you don’t properly cover your surfaces. Paint overspray removal is all about finding the right product with the least amount of irritation to the painter and the original surface. From chemical strippers to power tools, there are several options.

Chemical Removers
There is a wide variety of chemical removers out there that are sold in the form of pastes, liquids, sprays, and peel-off fabrics. This method should be avoided if possible because the chemicals are incredibly potent and can be harmful if inhaled or ingested. Be sure to leave the chemical remover on the surface long enough to work through the paint; follow all manufacturer instructions carefully to ensure proper removal.

Sanders and Scrapers
If the overspray is extensive, power tools such as sanders and scrapers are a good method for paint overspray removal. Use coarse sandpaper instead of fine paper to prevent clogging your sander or scraper. Use these power tools carefully, as improper use can lead to injury.

Other Remedies
Heat irons and scraper knives may be used to ply away any excess paint, depending on how extensive your situation is. When using heat irons, beware of the fumes that will be emitted.

Latex Paint
Since latex paint is water based, rubbing alcohol can be used to dissolve the substance. Once the paint has liquefied, soap and water should be able to do the trick. If you get the paint on your clothes, soak in cold water, then wash in a machine.

How To Prevent

Cover your furniture with drop cloths and mask off any areas you don’t want painted with masking tape. Be sure to push furniture to the center of the room if painting indoors.

When removing paint, always use protective covering such as goggles, gloves and face masks. The Environmental Protection Agency lists paint as one of the Top 5 biohazards in the world. In addition, any paint made prior to 1970 contains lead, which can be extremely harmful if inhaled or ingested.


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