Alt Text: How to Make Friends With Famous People at Cons

Convention season is well and truly upon us, and hundreds of thousands of geekfolk are even now descending upon convention centers, hotels and the occasional high school auditorium for the usual sports of the season: buying crap they don't need, previewing movies they won't like, and, best of all, meeting people who are famous, but not so famous that they can opt out of the convention circuit. Here's how to put your best (possibly costumed) foot forward.
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Convention season is well and truly upon us, and hundreds of thousands of geekfolk are even now descending upon convention centers, hotels and the occasional high school auditorium for the usual sports of the season: buying crap they don't need, previewing movies they won't like, and, best of all, meeting people who are famous, but not so famous that they can opt out of the convention circuit.


Being a famous person myself, I have dealt with the approach of a nervous fan who is silently mouthing a memorized opening line designed to convince me of an undying loyalty to me and my work, while at the same time cultivating an air of attractively jaded worldliness. Being not actually famous in any useful sense of the word, I have more often been that nervous fan, meeting such luminaries as the guys who did that weird song where animated floating protosimians sing about the moon.

So I talked to a number of established con-going webcartoonists and asked them how a lowly fan could work toward being The Sort of Cool Person That Would Be Pretty Cool to Have a Drink With, If That's Cool. Here's what I learned.

Be Yourself

Many fans treat their golden moment meeting their idol like an audience with the Pope, the Queen or the Queen of Popes and make the mistake of assuming there's some sort of elaborate etiquette to follow. Others try to seem as sarcastic or cynical as, well, a cartoon character. Neither is as appealing as just being yourself.

"We do not expect you to have a funny line, or repeat our jokes back to us, or dazzle us with something rehearsed." -- Kris Straub, Chainsaw Suit and Starslip

"Don't feel like you have to make jokes or be sarcastic to win me over." -- Shmorky, The Flash Tub

"A person who is sweet and brief will brighten a crappy convention day while a loudmouth who tries to act cool and make rude jokes will not." -- Jess Fink, Chester 5000 XYV (NSFW)

Gabba Gabba One of Us

Most people who have geek fans are, in one sense or another, geeks themselves. Let's face it: You don't go into a career drawing cartoons, writing stories or pretending to be a space alien because being an international diplomat just isn't challenging enough. So be at ease, but at the same time be understanding of your idol's frail human weaknesses.

"You also don't need to apologize about being 'awkward': It's a comic convention, most people are!" -- Angela Melick, Wasted Talent

"I used to think I was just antisocial, but I now think there's just something your monkey brain doesn't like about talking individually to 200 people in a single day." -- Zach Weiner, Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal

"I stay away from even my dearest friends for a few days after I come home from a show. I'm just ready to be alone with my cats and not talk to a single human." -- Danielle Corsetto, Girls With Slingshots

The Way to Their Heart

There are many ways to make a good impression, but the offer of something tasty to eat and/or drink is a gesture of friendship that dates back to the first time two traveling Cro-Magnons met and one offered the other half a gopher. Not everyone is comfortable with food of unknown provenance, though, so consider unopened packaged goods.

"I would remember someone forever if they went and got me a sandwich!" -- Jess Fink

"If you bring me a coffee at a convention I automatically consider you a good person." -- Jeph Jacques, Questionable Content

"Bring me a Starbucks Doubleshot (vanilla) and a salted caramel-n-chocolate cupcake mid-Saturday, and I will be your friend. This is not a joke. You want to be my friend? That's how. I take candy from strangers." -- Spike, Templar, Arizona

"Gifts of tea, coffee or snacks are often very helpful." -- Danielle Corsetto

"Bring me booze." -- David Willis, Shortpacked!

They Like You, They Really Like You

Above all, remember that artists and famous folks actually want to be your friend, or at least your amiable convention acquaintance. Don't be afraid to approach, don't be afraid to be friendly, and don't be afraid to say what you like about their work. Because, you know, ego does come into it a little.

"I always tell nervous people at shows that if they're worried about being a convention weirdo, they are automatically not being a convention weirdo." -- Jeph Jacques

"Be friendly! Bring fan art! Ask politely for a photo of us holding the book you just bought! Inquire about our comic's storyline! It's OK, we dig it!" -- Spike

"There is nothing I enjoy more than a fan making a truly insightful comment about one of my characters." -- Bill Barnes, Unshelved

"Nobody actually wants to be a dick except that one webcartoonist. (You know who I'm talking about.)" -- R. Stevens, Diesel Sweeties

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Born helpless, naked and unable to provide for himself, Lore Sjöberg overcame these handicaps to become a con-goer, a conga-er and a conger.