There is no need to conduct a survey—I think we can all agree that smudging mascara ranks pretty high on the list of beauty gripes. Oil from your eyelids can travel down to your lash line and smear the formula, while stiletto-long lashes can transfer some mascara above your lid as you blink. And if you’ve got really long lashes and/or oily eyelids, then lucky you—you’re particularly prone to this type of mishap. There are, however, a few handy strategies to prevent smudgemania. My favorites:

Use eyelid primer.

Even if you don’t wear eyeshadow, covering your lids in primer cuts down on the grease on your lids, lessening the likelihood of oil-instigated smears. Urban Decay pretty much invented the whole the shadow-primer category, so—unsurprisingly—their line of primer potions are really fantastic. My favorite is the Urban Decay Eyeshadow Primer Potion in Sin ($22, because it leaves behind a little shimmery nude hue that evens out the tone of your lids and makes your eyes look more awake. (Depuff and brighten the skin under your eyes with Bio Correct Under Eye Concealer from the Women's Health Boutique.)

Related: How To Banish Dark Circles And Puffy Eyes for Good

Try a tubing formula.

About a decade ago, tubing formulas were all the rage—they work by coating your lashes with these little shrink-wrap-like polymers that stay on (and on and on and on…) until you physically remove them with warm water. Do not try and remove them with a makeup wipe; it simply will not work. I imagine that they aren’t as buzzy today because so many new mascara formulas have come on the market since then. But if you’re smudge-prone, I can’t recommend a tubing formula enough. The best one I’ve found is the Trish McEvoy High Volume Mascara ($31.50,, which creates incredible length and volume and won’t end up anywhere on your face.

Learn how to apply and remove false eyelashes like a pro:

preview for No BS-Beauty: Applying and Removing Fake Eyelashes


Use a waterproof formula—strategically.

Most women trying to avoid smears naturally opt for a waterproof formula because it holds onto your lashes with a death grip. Here’s the problem with that—if you wear a waterproof mascara every day, that leads to a nightly routine of pulling at and rubbing along your eyelashes because that stuff is a pain to remove. If you’re the type who has long lashes that touch above your lid constantly, use normal mascara, but then add waterproof to the tips of your lashes. That way, when you blink, the mascara formula won’t transfer. When you remove the formula at night—because you only have a bit of it on—it will much easier to take off and overall less aggressive on your eyes (yay!). I love the NYX Proof It Waterproof Mascara Topcoat ($7,, because you can swipe it over any formula of mascara seamlessly, no clumps.

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Hold that blink

I’ve had to train myself on this one. The first minute after applying mascara is the time when that ink most wants to travel because…it’s still wet. After you’re done with your coats, just try not to blink for a minute. It sounds like a bit much, I know, but this really helps give your formula time to set, and helps you avoid getting black traces around your eyes.

Related: 5 Places You Should Think Twice About Tweezing