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About Argentina
/ Geography and Climate
Geografía y clima

Geographic Location
The Argentine Republic is located in the South and West Hemisphere. Its relative position in South America gives the country a diversity of land and culture. From the artic regions in the south, to the forested jungle regions in the north, from the ocean coastline on the Atlantic, to the rugged mountain regions in the west, and bordering five other countries, Argentina provides an important cultural and economic connection for all of South America.
Limits and Extreme Points
American Portion

To the North it is bounded by the Republics of Bolivia and Paraguay, which extreme point is in the confluence of the rivers Grande in the Province of San Juan and Mojinete in the Province of Jujuy (Lat. 21°46’ S; Long. 66°13’ W).

To the south it is bounded by the Republic of Chile and the Atlantic Ocean being the most austral point the Cabo San Pío, located in Isla Grande of Tierra del Fuego (Lat. 55°03’ S; Long. 66°31’ W).

To the east it is bounded by the Federative Republic of Brazil, the Oriental Republic of Uruguay and the Atlantic Ocean. The extreme eastern point is located in the city of Bernardo de Irigoyen, in the Province of Misiones (Lat. 26°15’ S; Long. 53°38’ W).

To the West it is bounded by the Republic of Chile. The extreme point is located between Cerro Agassis and Cerro Bolados (in the Mariano Moreno mountain chain) in the Glaciers National Park – Province of Santa Cruz (Lat. 49°33’ S; Long. 73°34’ W).

Antarctic Portion

The Antártida Argentina is the portion of territory comprised between the 25° and 74° West Longitude meridians, at the south of 60° parallel.
General Characteristics
The vast Argentine territory has a diversity of landscapes, where ice fields contrast with arid zones; mountains with valleys or plateaus; fluvial streams and lakes with large oceans, broad grassy plains with woods and forests.
The Argentine Republic area of emerged lands is of 3,761,274 sq km of which 2,791,810 sq km correspond to the American Continent and 969,464 sq km to the Antarctic Continent (including the Islas Orcadas del Sur) and the austral islands (Georgias del Sur and Sandwich del Sur).
For its area, the Argentine Republic is the fourth–largest country in America (after Canada, the United States of America and the Federative Republic of Brazil).
Worldwide, for its area it is the seventh–largest country.
Climate in Argentina
The main types of climate in Argentina are four: warm, moderate, arid and cold. The extension of the territory and the features of its relief determine the existence of varieties in each of the mentioned types.

Among the warm climates are the subtropical with no dry season, which comprises the provinces of Misiones and Corrientes, the northern area of Entre Ríos and the eastern section of the Chaco region. Its main features are high temperatures and abundant rainfall the whole year round. The tropical one has a dry season, and it comprises part of Salta, the west of Formosa and Chaco, the eastern plains of Tucumán, nearly the whole of Santiago del Estero and the NW Santa Fe. It is of similar features to the previous one, with a difference in that there is a dry season in the first half of the year. Up NW, the mountainous area that includes the sub–Andean hills, its valleys and gullies, is considered to have tropical highland climate.

The area of moderate climates includes the province of Buenos Aires, a large area of Entre Rios, centre and south of Santa Fe, the eastern strip of Cordoba and a part to the NE of La Pampa. Among these climates it is the area of the moderate pampeano climate, featuring especially the banks of the Paraná and La Plata rivers. Along the edge bordering the subtropical climate is the moderate variety with no winter season, characterised by the lack of a definite cold period. The moderate climate, with an ocean influence, is located in the Buenos Aires Province littoral, in Mar del Plata and Necochea area, where the influence of the sea brings moderate temperature. Mild climate is found in Cordoba hills and their valleys. Finally, there is a transition belt towards the west, where the area of moderate climate derives into a region of arid climate.

The arid climates are in high plateau called La Puna, Catamarca's Andes, La Rioja and San Juan, the neighbouring pre–andean area and Patagonia extra–andean. Among their main varieties there is the arid mountain climate, in the high plateau and the Andes, from Catamarca down to Mendoza. To the east of the arid Andes there is the arid climate of the hills and fields, which roughly involves the area of the Pampas hills. The arid steppe climate stretches down to the south of the region of hills and plains; to the west it ends at the foot of the mountain chain and loses its aridity in the south of Mendoza; to the east it borders the transition belt and to the south, between 40º and 42º south parallels, the transformation of the thermal system derives into another type of climate: the patagonian cold arid climate.

Among the cold climates is the humid strip of the Patagonian Andes, characterised by a progression of rains that occur N to S – from 34º S– in this cordilleran sector. The arid–windy climate in Patagonia is characterised by its low temperatures, with scanty rainfall and, in winter, strong snow storms. The humid–austral climate includes a strip of Santa Cruz province, at the south of the previous zone, and the province of Tierra del Fuego, except for the snowy climate of the high mountains; rainfalls are heavier and there is no summer period of moderate temperatures, common in the Patagonian plateau.

The snowy climate is of glacial type and includes the strip of austral cordillera, in the zone of continental ice of Santa Cruz and in glaciers spots in the high Patagonian mountain chain.

With regard to the austral islands climate, Isla de los Estados has an oceanic cold climate. The weather is misty and cold most of the year and storms are frequent. Snowy rainfall abounds. On Malvinas Islands the oceanic type is more defined. There are no temperature peaks; summer is scarcely moderate and winter is not very cold. In Islas Orcadas there is a snowy climate; almost the whole surface of the islands is covered by glaciers, and the sea ice only yields access for a few weeks in January.
Interesting Features
Meteorological phenomena that form part of popular imaginary:
   • "The Short San Juan Summer" is the most widely known. The inhabitants of Buenos Aires gave it this name because it reaches the area by June 24, date when San Juan el Bautista was born. This weather rarity, that can last between three and seven days, sometimes goes up to 24ºC, and that is why it is common to see people lying in the sun at city’s squares in the middle of winter.
   • When the cold season is over, we have the "Santa Rosa Storm", a cycle of heavy and lightning storms that bursts at the beginning of spring and corresponds with that religious figure, on August 30.
   • On July 9, 2007 the City of Buenos Aires was covered of snow for the second time, according to historical records. The previous snowfall had been in 1918.
18:53 - Lunes 20 de Diciembre de 2010
If you need statistical information of Argentina about area, limits; topography, rivers and lakes; climate, natural parks and reserves, you can check in the National Institute of Statistics and Census (INDEC).
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Report developed by the Argentine Chancellery on the external limit and sovereignty of Argentine overseas territories. It deals with general aspects of the Convention of the United Nations on the Law of the Seas (CONVEMAR), the National Commission of the Continental Platform Exterior Limit (COPLA) and specific aspects related to the Malvinas, South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands and the Argentine Antartic region.
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Military Geographic Institute
Av. Cabildo 381.
(1426) Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires.
Phone: (54–11) 4576–5565.
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National Weather Service
The National Weather Service provides the following information: weather forecast, radar images, ozone, peak rainfall and temperature graphs, real time or deferred satellite images.
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