The long-form census is back – with penalties still possible if you ignore it

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The Liberals Thursday kept a campaign pledge by reinstating the long-form census, while avoiding discussion of penalties for those who don’t fill it out.

The longer survey had been replaced by the previous Conservative government with a voluntary household survey in 2010. Now, Innovation Minister Navdeep Bains and Families Minister Jean-Yves Duclos say the mandatory long census will be in place for 2016.

But the ministers would not say whether those who refuse to fill out the census will face any penalties, including jail time.

“We want reliable, good quality data,” Bains told reporters. “And this is a positive announcement.” Pressed on the issue of potential penalties for those who don’t participate, Bains would only say that “the law is the law.”

The Statistics Act includes a $500 fine or up to three months in prison for refusing to fill out the survey or providing false information.

The previous Conservative government had talked about changing this, but never did. Liberal MP Ted Hsu, who did not seek re-election, also tabled a private member’s bill earlier this year that called for the mandatory long-form census to be reintroduced while removing the threat of jail time for non-co-operation. It did not pass.

Some Canadians have previously refused to fill out the census, but no one has ever been jailed for the offence. The overall response rate for the mandatory long-form census was 94 per cent in 2006. The number dropped to 69 per cent for the voluntary National Household Survey in 2011.

Bains said the government would have a “robust communication plan” to highlight the importance of filling out the census. He also said there would be no additional cost for re-introducing the mandatory version.

Many statisticians had criticized the shorter, Tory version of the survey because of its voluntary nature. They felt the data didn’t accurately reflect smaller geographic areas or certain groups, such as lower-income Canadians and immigrants, who tend not to respond to surveys.

Debate over the census is not just an abstract issue. All levels of government rely heavily on census data for programs and services.

For example, provincial governments use it for determining which social programs are of greatest need. Municipalities and non-profit organizations use the data to tailor their services to their communities, such as determining where to offer language classes to immigrants, or services for seniors.

Moreover, the long-form census acts as an “anchor” for other key Statistics Canada surveys and data releases.

Duclos, a Quebec City economics professor before being elected to Parliament, said academics have been hit hard by the lack of reliable data as a result of the Conservatives’ switch from a mandatory census to a voluntary survey.

“We’re moving to 2016 with a better system that is less costly and more reliable. And people like me from academia are delighted.”

Public service unions applauded the return of the long-form census as a “powerful symbol” that the government is serious about gathering evidence for policy-making.

The Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada made reinstatement of the census and the “unmuzzling” of scientists top priorities in its decision to campaign in the election against the Conservatives.

“What could be more symbolic than reversing the ill-thought-out elimination of the census? It shows the (new) government is serious about embracing evidence,” said Debi Daviau, president of PIPSC.

Newly appointed Treasury Board President Scott Brison reiterated this week that restoring a “culture of respect” would be a government priority. Many public servants argued that restoring the long-form census would be one of the fastest and most symbolic ways of showing that commitment.

But the man who preceded Brison in the job, Conservative Tony Clement, evinced disappointment Thursday.

“I would say they would have been better to have a much broader review of data collection in our country and come up with a better system – a system that doesn’t rely on hundreds of years of tradition rather than looking at how data capture can happen in a seamless way, in a way that protects the privacy and security of people,” said Clement.

The Canadian Association of Professional Employees (CAPE), which represents 1,800 of the economists and analysts at Statistics Canada, strongly lobbied for the return of the long-form census.

“This is the foundational piece for evidence-based policy in government, as well as supporting provincial, municipal and private sector, in designing policy and programs grounded in reality and not ideology, said CAPE President Emmanuelle Tremblay.”

Long-form census

– With files from Jason Fekete, Ottawa Citizen


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