Expert Tips on Photographing Your Pets

A few days ago a friend (a fan of both good photography and pets) discovered a Web site with particularly interesting and expressive photos of dogs and cats. I checked out the site, Fat Orange Cat Studio, and was mighty impressed with how photographer Li Ward captures that blink-of-the-eye moment. I take lots of photos of my dog and cat but I am always about two seconds behind.

So how does she do it? I contacted Ms. Ward and asked her if she would share some tips that everyday photographers could use to snap better shots of their pets. She was happy to answer some questions. So get the pets pumped for a weekend of photo sessions. Here goes!

Logan1Li Ward. Li Ward

What type of lens do you recommend? A fast prime, or do you need a zoom to get in close?


I have one prime and one zoom. The lens that gets the most use during my pet shoots is my 17-55mm f/2.8 zoom. While not a prime, it’s very fast and works great in low lighting. It focuses quickly — a must when shooting pets — and I love the versatility I get in the varying focal lengths. I love shooting wide angle, but it’s great to still get the portrait shots too without having to stop to change lenses or switch cameras. When you’re photographing animals that are always on the move, time is of the essence.

My prime is the 50mm f/1.4. I use it when I am in especially low or tricky lighting situations. Having those several extra stops is key. I love using it for up-close portraits and will shoot wide open for those creamy, dreamy shots. For these, I do get physically close to the pet, if it lets me. Some are camera-shy, while others lick the lens. A more powerful zoom would be useful in those cases.


Any other technical recommendations? For instance, do you prefer to shoot in aperture mode? Looks like you’re using a wide aperture, right?


I shoot in manual mode 99.9 percent of the time. For situations in which a lot is going on at once — lighting conditions are changing frequently, the animal is moving around, running to and fro in a yard that has both shade and sun — I might switch to shutter or aperture priority so I can concentrate more on getting the shot rather than messing with the camera.

I also almost always shoot in burst mode, usually in slow burst at 2 to 3 frames per second. If I’m trying to capture a really animated subject, then I use a fast burst of 5 frames per second. You’ll be able to catch unpredictable things like cats licking their chops, or some other funny facial expressions that come and go in a blink of an eye.

I do like shooting wide open, but it really depends on the situation and type of shot I’m looking for. For example, I love flare shots or backlit shots and for the same location, I might shift my lens slightly and shoot two different ways: compose so that the sun is just off-frame, wide open and metered against the subject so the subject is lit and the sky is blown out. And then the opposite: recompose so the sun is more in frame, but the subject partially blocks the sun with its head, stop down to smaller aperture so the sun flare becomes a pointed star and the subject is a silhouette.


What about angles? You seem to often be at the animal’s level but sometimes above.


Yes, I end up doing a lot of gymnastics during a shoot. I’m crouching, kneeling, on my back, on my side, waking up sore the next morning.

Shooting from just where you are results in a photo that’s pretty boring, because you’re capturing your pet at an angle that everyone else also sees. I do mostly shoot at the animal’s eye level. Now you’re in their world, two or three feet off the ground, and it results in a more personal, intimate photo.

But I also try to shoot from every other conceivable angle: directly above, directly below, slightly below, from the back (the back of a cat’s head is hilarious to me for some reason), from the side. Basically I’m never standing up straight and am constantly contorting. It’s a great workout.


How do you quickly capture pets? They move so fast.


Like I mentioned previously, I shoot mostly in burst mode. That, and the fact that I just keep shooting. The camera never leaves my face until I feel I have captured what I want for that particular moment. My eye is glued to the viewfinder.

Back in the day when I was obsessively photographing just my own cats, I’d wait for them to do something interesting or cute before I actually brought the camera up to shoot. Of course by that time, 1 or 2 seconds have elapsed, and they’re doing something less interesting, and I’ve missed the shot.

Now, I sort of treat my still camera as a video camera. Even if I’m not actively shooting, and even if the subject is not doing something “capture-worthy,” I continue tracking through the viewfinder and recomposing. Because soon enough they will do something capture-worthy, and I’ll be ready to press the shutter the second it happens.

One of my favorites is one I took of a Lab chewing on a stick. Nothing terribly exciting on paper, but I kept shooting anyway and caught a moment when the dog looked up and spread his gums wide, baring his teeth and with the stick between them so that he looked like the world’s most huggable shark. In half a second, that moment passed. I laugh every time I look at it.

And even if the animal is moving too fast and you end up getting blurred shots, that’s O.K. Sometimes better than O.K. Some of my favorite shots are ones where I couldn’t focus in time. They may not be “technically” correct, but there’s a sense of movement, and you really have captured the essence of the pet that way — active, happy, always on the move. Sometimes it’s the imperfect shots that end up having the most personality.

upcloseLi Ward

How do you get the attention of a pet?


Treats, ham, roast beef, squeaky toys, patience. With dogs, I like making meowing sounds. Seems to get their attention every time, and as a bonus, they give the quizzical head tilt. It’s a little trickier with cats because if you make an attention-making noise more than even once, they will ignore you thereafter.

What I usually do with cats, especially the more aloof ones, is to get in position to shoot, make a noise once, take the shot, and that’s the end. It hardly ever works twice. Sometimes you can tell if they’re stressed or nervous, tired or bored. When that happens, I don’t push it.


In your photos, the dogs and cats seem so relaxed and playful, yet they also seem very responsive to you and the camera. How do you do this?


If they seem relaxed and playful, that’s because they are! I let them be whatever it is they are. I would say 80 percent of my shoots are totally candid. I’m following the animal around while it does its thing, whatever that may be.

The other 20 percent are the more posed shots, where for variety’s sake I try to get the dog or cat to sit or stand where I’d like them to. Sometimes you have to motivate them to do other things. But there is a lot of patience involved in that. If they respond, great. If they don’t, we move on to something else. Or we call it a day.

FerrisLi Ward

Is there any way to avoid the eye-glow (similar to red-eye in humans) caused by flash?


Yes. Don’t use it. I prefer natural or ambient lighting during pet shoots and try to avoid using flash when I can.

However, if you need to use flash, make sure you don’t fire while your pet is looking straight at the camera. Shift so that you’re shooting from the side, or wait for your pet to look slightly away before you press the shutter.


Do you have any tips on composition? Your images are very beautifully composed.


I usually compose so that the subject is off-frame, or off-center. Centered shots are usually pretty boring. I also like getting extremely macro, focusing just on an ear or a snout. I like looking for attributes that make your pet who he or she is, like the way her left ear tends to flop, or how green his eyes are, or how round her paws are. I will zoom in on those and fill the entire frame with just that. And I like doing the opposite, where a colorful wall fills most of the frame, and you get just a little nip of whiskers or a tip of a tail off frame.

Experiment and practice and experiment some more until your photos don’t just show an image, but tell a story as well.


Do you have any tips for people using point-and-shoot cameras?


Chances are your point-and-shoot will have the ability to shoot in aperture, shutter, and manual modes in addition to the preset Portrait, Flower, Sport modes. If so, I would suggest ignoring the preset modes for the moment, and play around in the other modes to get a sense of how lighting, shutter speed, apertures affect the outcome of a photo.

I would also turn off the flash and experiment with natural lighting. Good lighting is key: soft morning light, soft evening light, soft evening light filtered through trees (my favorite), through a window or skylight, cloudy-day light (my second favorite). Be aware of the lighting, and don’t be afraid to move from where you are to find it, or move furniture around to get it.

And of course, you don’t have to have a fancy-pants camera in order to compose an image well. You only need to have a working eye for that one, and a lot of experimentation and practice.

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Nice work. Great advice, thanks for passing the info on.

Great article! It reminded me of my years of teaching high school kids photography as part of our art curriculum. Almost all of them photographed their pets. Without using ANY of my expert instructions, they produced some of the worst photos you ever saw! So bad, in fact, they were hilarious. I had a contest in which any student could submit the worst pet picture for a prize. Outside my classroom, on an eight by eight display panel, I would post the weeks submissions. The whole student body came by every day to see the results, usually laughing themselves silly. It was a great experience for me and for the students.

memo to self for selective onforwarding …

average work…17-55? why bother…I am guessing you are using a canon rebel or something.

This got a times piece?

@eggleston So what? It’s not the equipment that counts,but the results. It’s sad to see so many buying the “better equpiment = better photos” lie.

I’m sure any one of New York Times’ photographers could take excellent photos using a Canon Rebel and a kit lens – because they are good photographers with a keen eye. Not because of the equipment.

Wonderful article with great tips for pet lovers! Li is an amazing photographer & person, which I know from experience. She captured the personality of my dog in the most beautiful photos. Her work is above and beyond average. Anyone who has worked with her knows they have photos that will be cherished for years and years to come.

eggleston, get a life…
Taking good pictures is not about the camera… it is about composition and lighting and timing. It is about everything except the camera. The camera is a tool, nothing more.

She did write f2.8 lens. 17-55 2.8 made by both nikon and canon sell for over $1,000 and are pro- or near pro-quality. And it’s the skills of the person behind the lens that’s going to get the quality image.

I too have fat orange cat named Woody. Some of my shots are good but I will take the advice and do a little more shts .

not to mention a 5 fps burst speed requires at least a 40D or the equivalent Nikon, which is also usually above $1000. The 50mm f1.4 sells for $400.

Checking out the site shows an excellent collection of truly unique shots, which have great composition, and rarely look ordinary, which is more than you can say for the majority of pet shots you’ll see.

Clever use of angles, expressions, colours, triangles, contrast, and macro turn the ordinary into the unexpected. Great work!

As a Canon Rebel owner I take offense to your assumption that I cannot take a decent picture. I love my Canon and have taken some truly great photos. I like to think the camera is assisting me in producing those photos not the other way around.

Great tips and great reminders. She gave me one of those “Duh” moments when she suggested using the burst mode. I don’t do a lot of action photography so it’s something I don’t automatically think of.

I got a kick out of one of the commenters who was guess at what kind of camera she was using and because it was supposed that she used a Canon Rebel it wasn’t worthy of a Times piece.

That caused me to recall an article in one of the photography magazines years ago. In that article they gave some top notch professional photographers Kodak Instamatic cameras and had them shot some assignments. They also had some advanced amateur photographers go out with their Nikons, Canons and Minoltas and shoot the same assignment. The pros won hands down. The bottom line is not the equipment, it’s the eye. Ms Ward has the eye.

Good article. I am just an amateur, but love to take animal pics. The key words for me: Take lots and lots of pics. Develop “the eye.”

Checked out FOCS. Great!