How to Grow and Care for Rose of Sharon Bushes

Rose of Sharon Flowers

About Growing Rose of Sharon Flower Bush in Your Yard

Rose of Sharon plants are a fast-growing, prolific bush (or tree). It is native to the mountain woods of China and India. The flowers bloom prolifically in mid to late summer. Easy to grow Rose of Sharon bush is a member of the Hibiscus family. It is not related to roses. Bushes grow tall, up to 12 feet, and are generally wide. This bush is one of the last to open its leaves in the spring. And, its mid to late summer bloom, is one of the last as well. However, it is well worth waiting for.

Grow Rose of Sharon bushes singularly, in groups, or as a hedgerow.

Flowers Bloom: Mid to late Summer.

Flower Colors: Varying shades of blue, lavender, pink, purple, red, and white.

Plant height: 8 – 12 feet tall.

Plant Hardiness Zones: 8 – 12

Botanical Name: Hibiscus Cyriacus

Rose of Sharon Plant Propagation

Rose of Sharon bushes are grown from seed. Its prolific blooms, result in prolific seed drop. As a result, you may find lots of “little ones” each year.

It can also be easily propagated by rooting cuttings.  Take tender new growth and set it in a container with an inch or two of water. Roots will soon grow, and the new bush can be transplanted outdoors.

About Seed Germination

Rose of Sharon Bush

How to Grow Rose of Sharon Bushes

Fast-growing Rose of Sharon bushes are easy to grow. Once established, they thrive for years with almost no care.

Grow them in full sun to partial shade. Rose of Sharon plants grow well in a variety of soils, from clay to sandy loam. Fertilizing is only needed in poor soils. Fertilize once in early spring, and again in early summer.

The bushes grow best in moist, well-draining soil. Rose of Sharon bushes do not like to have their feet wet. Plants are drought tolerant. But, make sure to give them adequate water during the blooming period. Dry soil, or uneven water, can result in buds and blooms dropping prematurely.

Select a location and dig a hole deep and wide. Mix in generous amounts of compost or peat moss. Place the plant in the hole and fill it with soil and compost. Tamp the soil lightly. Water generously when planting. Keep the soil moist in the first few weeks after transplanting, to promote new root growth.

Mulch around plants to help retain moisture, and to keep weeds down.

Ideal Soil pH: 5.5 – 7.5.

Rose of Sharon Flower

Pruning Rose of Sharon Bushes

This fast-growing plant will grow several inches in a year. Prune Rose of Sharon plants every few years, to maintain the height and shape desired. Do not hesitate to aggressively prune them, as they quickly grow back.

Winter Protection

Winter protection is not needed.

Rose of Sharon Whie

Insects and Plant Disease

Occasional insect problems can occur. Use insecticides only if necessary.

Plants are seldom affected by disease.

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