{ Homemade Salt Glitter }

Homemade Salt Glitter
Salt & Food Coloring
We made blue & green
So cool!
Lorelai's salt glitter picture

The term “glitter” is used lightly here, since it’s NOT traditional glitter. It’s great in a pinch and is just as fun (read: MESSY) as regular glitter. Another upside is that clean-up is a cinch… this glitter doesn’t stick! Lorelai enjoyed making a fun picture this morning with her salt glitter.


  • Salt
  • Food Coloring
  • Bowl & Spoon
  • Baking Sheet/Pan
  • Container to hold the glitter. I used old spice containers.


  1. Preheat oven to 350*
  2. Determine how much glitter you want to make. I filled one of my cleaned, empty spice shaker halfway with salt, and then poured it into a bowl.
  3. Add food coloring and mix until you get your desired color.
  4. Pour onto your baking sheet (or in my case, into your baking pan). I recommend only doing one color at a time. TRUST ME, it’s a pain in the behind to get the salt out afterward without mixing it.
  5. Put the pan into the oven for 10-15 minutes. You’re just drying up the wet food coloring here.
  6. Take out and allow to cool.
  7. Scoop out into a container to store. You’re done!


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  1. ok…love this idea! glitter is getting unbelievably expensive, and in our small town, at times we can’t find it at all. and even more perfect because my daughter loves mixing and ‘cooking’ right now!

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