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How To Borrow Money From Friends And Family Without Destroying Your Relationships

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With bank loans so hard to come by, a growing number of businesses are borrowing from family and friends as a way of getting low cost funding without having to jump through too many hoops.


But while borrowing from friends and family can be a great way of getting inexpensive funding for your business, it can also be a recipe for disaster, leading to family arguments, breakdowns in relationships and even legal action. Here's how to do it right:

1. Take it seriously. Borrowing money from a family or friend is a big deal for both you and them, so treat it that way. Give them a formal presentation so they know exactly what they are getting themselves into. Explain what the money will be used for and provide regular updates on the progress of the business.

2. Make it clear whether it is a loan or equity. Are you borrowing money that you plan to pay back? Or are they investing in your business in return for an equity stake? Make sure both sides understand exactly what is taking place and the consequences. If it is an equity investment, for example, then if the business fails they will lose all their money - and even if it is a success they may not be able to realise their investment for many years.

3. Do not borrow more than your family or friends can afford to lose. This is really important, and requires considerable careful personal judgement, especially if the lender is an elderly parent who may well be quietly making financial sacrifices elsewhere in order to help the next generation get a venture off the ground. If your business fails you need for it to be a shame not a crisis; and not so awful that it compromises your parents' retirement plans.


4. Be honest about the risks involved so that your family and friends go into the venture with their eyes open. If they think you are creating the next Facebook and you have done nothing to correct that impression, then both you and they could be in for a nasty shock.

5. Determine upfront the extent of their involvement in the day to day running of the business or in deciding the strategic direction of the business, if any. If you haven't laid out clear ground rules in advance then a relative or friend who has lent money may believe he then has a right to get involved in decisions about the direction of the business. If they are popping into your office everyday with 'helpful' suggestions, then things could get awkward fast.

6. Put everything in writing so both sides know what is involved. It may sound overly formal but it is really important. If it is a loan, will you pay them interest, and over what time period you will be paying them back - in regular monthly sums, or in lump sums depending on how the business is doing? And what happens if the business fails? No matter how well you know someone, a casual conversation can easily be misinterpreted and mean different things to different people even at the time, never mind years later. If you write it down there is less likely to be room for any dispute.

Alan Pluck is the chief executive of Portobello Business Centre, an enterprise agency which helps start-ups and small businesses. He says: "Draw up a schedule of when the payments are going to be made, and how, and agree what happens if you can't meet the payments, for example if there can be a break. Putting it all in writing will not necessarily stand up in a court of law, but the process of writing it down strengthens the chances of it going smoothly. If it is in writing then no-one can argue with it."


7. Avoid talking about it at family occasions. Try to keep business talk separate from family life and social events with friends because otherwise everyone else will get really bored - and then they will get cross with you for spoiling the occasion.

8. Put family first. If a friend or family member has lent you money and your business shows signs of becoming really successful, then instead of paying back all the loan, consider offering them a slice of equity in return for the amount outstanding. It may cost you more, but if it keeps the peace, it's a small price to pay. And if you are not prepared to put your friends and family first, think carefully about whether this really is the best financing route for you.

Read the original article on The Telegraph. Copyright 2014. Follow The Telegraph on Twitter.
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