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DIY Pumpkin Spice Solid Sugar Scrubs

Just go ahead and give me all the booties, boots, any and every kind of fall footwear. But after a summer of sandals, my feet are in need of special treatment. So yeah, not only do I want all the boots, but I want all the pumpkin things, too. Basic and guilty as charged. Combine all of that and you've got yourself a diy. While I use these Pumpkin Spice Solid Sugar Scrubs on my feet, they're perfect on the rest of your body or as a gift. Read on to see how to make them:

  • 1 part carrier oil (whatever oil you'd like to use. Coconut is a fave in blogland)
  • 2 parts soap base (I got mine at Michaels)
  • 3 parts sugar (I used white, but whatever you'd like)
  • Essential oil (I used a body-safe scented oil)
  • Soap colorant (red and yellow)
  • Pumpkin mold (I got mine for around a dollar at Walmart)
  • Glass bowl
  • Spoon for mixing
  • Melt your soap base (and oil if it is solid). The best method is using a double boiler, but a microwave will work too. Remember, the bowl will be hot, so please take proper precautions.
  • Add in your colorant, scent, sugar, and mix everything.
  • Spoon or pour mixture into mold. Allow to cool before popping out of mold.
  • If your mix begins to cool and harden too quickly, add more oil to the mix. If it looks too much like soap, add more sugar.
  • I used about 2 cubes to create around 20 or so of these. These are small molds I got at Walmart.
  • As for the soap and soap colorant, I purchased those at Michaels.
  • The scented oils I use are usually from Nature's Garden. These smell so good, but choose whatever scents you like. I know everyone isn't into pumpkin scents.
  • I used white sugar so I could easily color it, but for a more pumpkin spice feel, I have used raw and brown sugars, and avoided coloring the mix.
  • Since these are small, I use them on my feet, but they are fine to use on the rest of the body (skip the face).
  • Store these in a resealable container.


  1. Hey Lovely,

    I just nominated you for the One Lovely Blog Award! I hope you don't mind!

    Check it out - http://missfrecklesblog.wordpress.com/2014/10/15/ive-been-nominated-for/


  2. Wow this is awesome!! I love the little pumpkin shapes. This could be the perfect housewarming gift!!


  3. Not only is this a great DIY but you can totally bag them up and give them as gifts to your girlfriends!! Love it!!

  4. I love your recipes and love pumpkin anything so this is a total WINNER!

  5. I didn't know they carry soap base in Michaels! yay! This is just perfect for fall:)

  6. these are so cute! great project elle! xo jillian - cornflake dreams

  7. This is too cute. Love the molds you used. My feet need some TLC before the Winter sets in.

  8. I have a feeling if I made this I would use it all year round!


  9. These just made my day! I am heading to WalMart asap and finding that cute tray and trying these out! Thank you so much for sharing!
    Cheers, Monique
    Casually Chic by Monique
    Find me at : bloglovin' | facebook

  10. This is such a fantastic DIY project, and would make a great hostess gift! The best part is that I already own that exact same pumpkin mold, so I definitely need to try this out!

  11. So cute! These would be such a great gift!

  12. What a great DIY and it looks so pretty too, would be a great gift!

    Reflection of Sanity

  13. These are so cute! What a fun idea!!

    <3, Pamela

  14. Ok I'm obsessed with this and love how you put it in the molds! So cute!

    <3 Shannon

  15. you are a genius!! I must try this asap!

  16. Oh my gosh - the molds take it to a whole other level! Adorable!

  17. I sware you have bwtter diys than pinterest Elle!! That is so cute how you put them in little pumpkin molds. How cute would be that on display in the bathroom for fall!!!

  18. These are so cute, I'd love to try making my own soaps, they'd make a great gift idea too :) xx

  19. How cute and awesome ! It looks so easy to make too. :)

    ~ Lu

  20. These are so cute and such a fun idea!

  21. These sound awesome! I love pumpkin everything during the fall.

  22. these look awesome, Elle! you're so creative!

  23. These look so adorable...i would never use them if they turn out so good hahaha

  24. I wish I had the energy to be this creative, lol. These are a great idea for a gift though - I may think about something like this for the holidays! Thank you for the inspiration!

  25. ohh yes!! I want to try this asap!

  26. these would make an awesome gift to give family and freinds.

  27. Adorable! So creative and these would be such cute gifts (although I'd be tempted to hoard them all for myself ha).

  28. These are just the cutest things I've ever seen and would have had no idea they were that easy to make!!

  29. These would make the cutest gifts!!

  30. wow this seems nice and little pumpkin shape is so cute :)

  31. What a fun DIY, my feet are in serious need of a good scrubbing. Thanks for sharing!


  32. Oh wow, that seems so easy to do!! Thanks for sharing!!

  33. These are adorable Elle! And I love anything pumpkin so I so need to make these.

  34. You had me at pumpkin!! I looooove this time of year...

  35. Awesome DIY! I must try this!

  36. These are the coolest!!! Thanks for sharing!

  37. WOW!! Such a great DIY and gift idea! You are awesome!! Hope you are having a wonderful day!
    Style Delights Blog

  38. This a fabulous idea - I love all your DIYs, girl. They're easy to follow (and there are so many of them - I'm totally going to have holiday gifts on lock! :)

  39. I love these DIYs! You always have such creative and festive ones.

    xo Julie
    Cap and Gown Style

  40. These look cute! So fit for autumn.
    Check out my site? Let me know what you think about it. :)


  41. Oh I am totally trying this! It sounds awesome.

  42. Totally love these, Elle! They're so cute and I bet they travel really easily, too. I don't like traveling with liquid soaps because I always seem to make a mess.

  43. Your little scrubs are always so cute! I love that you found little pumpkin molds. Too cute!


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