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Turbo-Charge Your Finances With The Power Of Mindful Spending

Updated Dec 21, 2016, 11:58am EST
This article is more than 8 years old.

Days 8 & 15: Don’t spend more than $10 today. This post is part of FORBES’ 30 Day Money Challenge. Follow along on Twitter with #30DaysOfMoney or with the timeline posted here. 

There’s a school of thought that says that if you need to re-organize part of your life – your diet, your house, even your email inbox – you should start from scratch. Go on a cleanse or elimination diet, nuke the inbox and Marie Kondo-your dwelling by purging it of everything that doesn’t bring you joy. Go back to the basics and rebuild from there.

If you feel like your spending is out of control, your wallet might be in need of a similar approach. This isn’t to say you should throw out your actual, physical wallet; rather, what you need to do is “throw out” your spending habits by embarking on a no-spending day.

A no-spending day is exactly what it sounds like: a day in which you do not spend any money. Some people do a no-spending week or no-spending month, and these adventurous roommates even went through a no-spending year, but regardless of the length of time for which you make spending off limits, the objective is the same: to become more mindful about how you’re spending your money.

When you make spending a forbidden activity, you’re forced to examine why you’re buying the things you’re buying and whether or not you really need them. As Julie Phillips, one of the brave roommates who went through the buy-nothing year put it: “I would go into London Drugs to buy toothpaste or one simple thing and leave with $75 worth of stuff — makeup, a magazine, shampoo. I just wouldn’t think about it. Now, I don’t go into stores that much except to buy groceries.”

Recognizing the difference between wants and needs is probably the biggest benefit to doing a no-spend day (or week, or month), though others who’ve tackled this challenge have said that it has made them more resourceful when it comes to meal planning and even cleaning the house. (One woman told Bankrate that going on a no-spend month inspired her to make her own laundry detergent and use washable rags rather than paper towels!)

So what exactly does a no-spending day entail? First and foremost, debt payments or bills that are set on auto-pay don’t count towards a no-spending day. Likewise, we’re not suggesting skipping your rent or mortgage. What does count is everything else: errands, entertainment spending, ordering food, coffee, etc. Because it’s just 24 hours of no buying, groceries are off-limits, too. (If you’re going to forego spending for a longer period, groceries are allowed, within reason. Don’t spend triple what you’d normally spend at the grocery store just because it’s “allowed.”)

Now, it takes a little bit of time and planning to build up to a no-spending day or even no-spending week, which is why the FORBES 30 Days Of Money challenge is starting by asking you to spend no more than $10 today. If you already bought breakfast this morning and were planning on ordering on Seamless for lunch or dinner, too, maybe instead you make yourself a meal using the ingredients you already have at home. If you’ve blown through $10 on your morning commute, don’t worry: we’ll have another $10 Tuesday next week, all in preparation for Walletless Wednesday – the first real no-spending day of the challenge – on March 23.

Don’t think you can stomach a spending purge? Here are some things to read to get you inspired:

My Money Diet: What Happened When A Food-Obsessed 20-Something Gave Up Restaurants

The One-Year Shopping Ban: How This Woman Lived On Just 51% Of Her Income

This Couple Wasted $7,500 On Unused Subscriptions In 18 Months

The Last 10 Things I Bought: A series in which people let Forbes into their wallets to take a peek at their spending. See how a single mom spends her money, how a full-time grad student, part-time nanny navigates her finances, how a family of five gets by on food stamps, and more.

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