Listen Up: Why You Don’t Feel Heard in Your Relationship

I received a call from a woman the other day in my office. She wanted to start couples therapy with her husband of 10 years. As I inquired about what was going on, I quickly learned that when the couple attempts to talk to each other, it becomes heated and they end up in a fight. She wants to come in to work on the communication skills she’s attempting to use.

I receive these kinds of calls regularly from people struggling in their marriages and relationships, and perhaps eight out of 10 couples who call me for therapy are looking for help with communication. Most self-help books and even many professionals will tell you that the key to a better relationship is good communication.

Solid, healthy communication is essential in any relationship because it’s the pathway to intimacy. When we talk and share our feelings, we feel closer to others and often get our needs met.

However, talking is only half of the equation when it comes to good communication. The other half is listening.

Without the capacity for good listening, communication becomes irrelevant.

As a human being, you have a deep desire to be heard. It started when you were a baby and needed your caregiver to hear your cries for support. The important piece of this early dynamic is not what your caregiver did or said in response to your communication, but that you were heard, period.

There’s nothing more frustrating than trying to share your thoughts or feelings with your partner only to experience deflection or defensiveness.

Being vulnerable and expressing your innermost needs and desires can be terrifying. If you’re met with resistance or feel unheard, you might experience a sense of abandonment or even shame.

Being heard conveys that your thoughts and feelings matter, and it paves the way for a deep sense of trust.

Anyone can talk. Not everyone can listen.

How do you know when you’re being heard?

When you try to communicate with your partner, check in and notice if any of the following issues arise:

  • Your partner flips the topic around so that you become the problem.
  • You’re told that you’re being ridiculous or that you’re overreacting.
  • Your partner’s response is focused on why he or she feels the same way.
  • Your partner leaves the room.
  • It seems like you’ve been heard, but then the same issue resurfaces later.

The inability to be a good listener can stem from several underlying issues, and it’s important to understand what these might be before trying to fix things. Don’t presume that it’s simply because your partner doesn’t want to hear you.

The most common reason people can’t (or don’t) listen is because they shut down the capacity as a defense against experiencing discomfort. This can happen, for example, when you drive a point home beyond what is necessary, which compels your partner to shut down and stop listening even when the intention to hear you is there. You should have to communicate something only once or twice for it to be heard.

The inability to be a good listener can stem from several underlying issues, and it’s important to understand what these might be before trying to fix things. Don’t presume that it’s simply because your partner doesn’t want to hear you.

Sometimes a partner can feel overwhelmed by his or her own feelings, forcing the person to shut down or stop listening. This happens when there’s a low tolerance for emotions or if the person grew up in an environment where he or she was consistently overwhelmed by other people’s feelings.

Timing can also create a block for good listening. Trying to share what you have to say when your partner is just walking in the door after work or tending to a screaming child is unproductive for being heard.

Resentment can also impede listening skills, so check in with yourself to be sure you have honed in on your own listening skills before demanding this of your partner.

Lastly, anxiety, stress, and even attention-deficit issues can cause a partner to struggle with listening skills.

Maintaining a sense of compassion and understanding for why your partner can’t listen to you is a first step toward improving this dynamic.

On a more practical level, Imago therapy uses a truly helpful technique with couples to improve intimacy, with the main focus on listening. It’s called “mirroring” and it requires great focus and patience.

It’s not a practice I recommend trying outside the therapy room if your conversations easily escalate. If you can remain civil, you can begin a process whereby your partner listens to you and repeats back what you have said. The goal is exact reflection (hence the name “mirroring”).

The challenge for the listening party is to resist making a point or responding defensively. The only job of the listener is to repeat what he or she heard.

Start with these steps:

  1. Ask your partner if it’s a good time to talk. If not, schedule a time that would work for both of you.
  2. When you talk to your partner, speak concisely—stay on topic and convey the most important points.
  3. Pause between statements and ask your partner to repeat back to you what he or she heard you say. If it’s correct, let your partner know and continue. If he or she missed it, say it again.
  4. Continue until you feel completely heard and that your issues or concerns have been received accurately. Then switch roles and let your partner respond or express his or her thoughts and feelings with you as the listener.

If your partner becomes defensive, frustrated, or is unable to do this, abandon the idea and consider contacting a therapist.

Remember: listening is a capacity that can be diminished or strengthened depending on a person’s history or experience. While communicating effectively with your partner is an essential piece of your relationship puzzle, don’t give up without giving your communication style the benefit of professional support and guidance.

© Copyright 2015 All rights reserved. Permission to publish granted by Andra Brosh, PhD

The preceding article was solely written by the author named above. Any views and opinions expressed are not necessarily shared by Questions or concerns about the preceding article can be directed to the author or posted as a comment below.

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  • audra

    August 10th, 2015 at 10:19 AM

    Seriously it’s because my husband just does not listen to me anymore :/

  • Kryz

    September 13th, 2016 at 7:41 PM

    How so

  • MR

    October 21st, 2016 at 8:38 PM

    I feel like this is generally a good article, but it seems there’s much more of a burden placed on the listener than there is on the person actually communicating. Telling someone to simply “not be defensive” is a good start, but this is very often because the one talking is making accusations or not fighting fair, and this completely undermines the purpose of communication and breaks it down. There should probably be some examples (or more of them, rather) of what to avoid when you are the one communicating since that is every bit as often the problem, and lays the groundwork for the one listening.

  • Elaine

    August 11th, 2015 at 4:04 AM

    Maybe the process should be more that we start couples therapy with our intended spouses way before we actually tie the knot and say I do. I think that there are times when we are so in love with each other before getting married that we are a little blinded by the things that our partner actually does when we are having discussions. We feel these things like we are being ignored or made to feel like we are to blame only after we have been married for a while and then it makes you feel helpless to change things. Working on things like communicating with each other before getting married could be something that could be beneficial to many couples, teaching you the skills that you need before you actually encounter the problem.

  • Theresa

    October 19th, 2023 at 11:31 AM

    What is sad is that after 29!!!!! years, nothing and I mean nothing is being heard. I am not the woman who is yelling to take out the garbage or cut the lawn, walk the dogs, do the cooking.. I have made it a point when I said I DO that this was not a man’s job. I raised my 3 children and I have taken care of my husband like a “good old fashion woman should”! smh I am asking for communication like how was you day!!!!!!!! How is theresa, theresa has many issues with in herself sometimes I think hmm my husband of almost 30 will help me with this one. He doesn’t want to hear a dam thing.. BUT let work call he has alllllllll the time in the world. Am I upset your dam right I am. I am not the woman or the wife that should be treated like a fool. One thing I can be proud of in this Life being a great mother and wife… So what do I do with that. SMH I’m over it. Trust me don’t feel bad for him, he gets everything and anything he wants boats, bikes, quad’s Clubs, sex he is not lacking I can promise that. He is lacking respect thats it.

  • Evan

    August 11th, 2015 at 11:30 AM

    Wouldn’t it be great if all marriages came with a mediator?

  • Jay

    February 9th, 2018 at 9:38 PM

    More like a psychiatrists

  • rory t

    August 12th, 2015 at 10:34 AM

    Well look at it this way- we all have to admit what part of this we play, and are we actually communicating that which we wish for our partner to hear?

  • Elsa

    August 26th, 2023 at 4:00 AM

    Hey My partner and best friend are texting each other about things. I don’t know why

  • Dominique

    August 14th, 2015 at 7:41 AM

    and just to add to rory t’s comments- I would like to know if all of us who are complaining about not being heard, if we are listening when our spouses try to talk to us too.

    It is so easy to always point the finger at someone else and say that they are the ones who are to blame, and maybe they are and then again maybe they are not. Maybe we would be well advised to actually own and share some of that responsibility.

  • colleen

    August 16th, 2015 at 10:59 AM

    Relationships are full of all sorts of gives and takes

    But they are even harder when it always feels like there is one doing all of the giving and another who does all of the taking

  • Tayla

    August 18th, 2015 at 1:06 PM

    Another topic in relation is when your partner hears you but does not respond in a loving and caring way. Why express your thoughts and feelings if your partner wont be there to comfort you or accept you feelings and thoughts.

  • Laurel

    August 15th, 2017 at 9:34 PM

    After 25 yrs your husband should know by now that he needs to validate my feelings but when I share something intimate or deep he says nothing back I guess cuz he doesn’t have a clue. But geez say something after listening to my thoughts. And yes it’s the way you share with him so he won’t feel attacked. I’ve tried everything and sadly nothing has changed or gotten better. A sad story:(.

  • DeeCee

    September 4th, 2017 at 8:38 PM

    OH Laurel, I feel your pain. Many of us have learned to be hypervigilant to our partner’s sensitivities…pushing ourselves to be vulnerable enough to share what we are feeling without attacking the other, and are met with crushing silence. For me, it only solidifies the bad feelings or concerns I was trying to express, leaving you standing there exposed and empty handed. As the saying goes, “words may sting like hell, but silence breaks the heart.” I share your story no doubt. Chin up. You matter too, even if you are surrounded by messages that you do not. XX

  • Geraline T.

    September 3rd, 2016 at 6:57 PM

    Hi everybody well my man is not a good listening I will talk with him then ask him what did say just say one thing I said and can’t answer and he irritates me a lot but because he always be trying to be like me instead of being himself do almost everything I do and that’s make my blood rush and I feel like I don’t belongs in a relationship don’t know why if you know please help

  • Rachel

    April 13th, 2017 at 12:36 AM

    My husband is deaf but reads lips. When we have a disagreement he refuses to look at me. I can tap his arm, wave my hand in his face or even stand directly in front of him and he still refuses to look at me so that I’m never allowed to get my thoughts/opinions out. I’ve tried telling him how much that bothers me and that it’s hurting our relationship but he says no it’s not. Been together 17 years with 5 children together. I’m getting really worried about this.. Don’t know how to get through to him just how serious this is. Rarely he’ll say OK I’m listening, what do you NEED to say? All while huffing and puffing and rolling his eyes. Any advice?

  • John

    May 14th, 2017 at 12:06 AM

    I’ll listen to you when I’m getting paid $85/hour to do so. If you want to complain, call your girlfriend. If you want help to identify a solution, I’m happy to help. Have you ever considered how painful it is for men to listen to constant whining when the person won’t even attempt to solve the problem? Constant complainers get dumped pronto. Must people who feel they aren’t listened to talk too much.

  • Tinker

    September 17th, 2017 at 9:01 PM

    1) This article isn’t about forcing someone to listen to you whine.
    2) Stay single. You’ll be happier, seriously.

  • Also John

    October 31st, 2018 at 2:40 PM

    Seriously. After many instances listening to my long term girlfriend vent for an hour plus I’ll ask what she wants me to do about the situation, and she can’t ever make a single concrete suggestion. B**** literally just wants to chew on my ear, and complain, but has zero interest in discussing solutions. Can’t wait to get rid of her.

  • g

    May 4th, 2020 at 6:33 PM

    Voicing a concern is not the same as plain nagging/complaining. If, for example, my partner ridiculed me in front of my friends by making fun of my physical weakness and/or work performance in front of other people and my other friends, that would be humiliating. That would hurt me and so I have to let him know that such behavior is not acceptable to me. If he dismisses this as annoying whining, that basically becomes a justification for his further verbal abuse of me in public. What if he buys me some food that I’m allergic to and get sick from? And what if I dare to tell him that I don’t like to eat that particular ingredient because it creates bloody skin rash all over me, which is very irritating and truly painful? Will he turn that around and say I’m the bad one because I complain and whine and I should just suck it up and choke myself on food that hurts me? He might as well start hitting me and hurting me physically and any attempt at stopping this by me could be called a complaining and whining attitude, making me feel guilty…. THere is a BIG difference between complaining about things that directly make you feel uncomfortable or hurt you and complaining about trivial things, through which you try to control the other person (like telling them to speak in the right accent or do another “better” hairstyle). Also, if you respectully voice your concern as ” this action creates such and such feelings in me, and I need to think about how to deal with these bad feelings”, there’s nothing wrong about it and it’s not whining. But if you expressed your bad feelings with words ” How did you dare to do this to me, you brainless idiot?” – it’s already a poor communication and sounds like whining. Again, even if your partner was caught cheating and lying to you and even stealing from you, the latter way of expressing bad feelings would be still immature, even if appropriate. So, blaming the victim of abuse for complaining is not helping the victim, but rather gaslighting the guilt back onto the victim. Concerns MUST be voiced, heard, and dealt with – not avoided by being called whiny “complaints”. Dismissing someone’s true concerns as unnecessary complaints is just a form of dismissing the feelings of another person, which should never be done by loving people.

  • b

    May 20th, 2017 at 6:37 AM

    i’m no profesional, and i can’t speak for everybody, it’s just my opinion but i don’t think treating your spouse like they are stupid and making them repeat after you like a child is a very polite, loving, or respectfull way to communicate just so you feel heard. my husband does this to me all of the time because i don’t communicate or think like him. he does it so he feels heard, but then i’m the one who ends up not feeling heard. i cannot wait to get a job and be more self sufficiant…

  • Laurel

    August 15th, 2017 at 9:39 PM

    I am not heard ever. And after years of not having my feelings acknowledged it tends to do major damage. I pretty much can’t stand him anymore.

  • Julie

    August 27th, 2017 at 4:28 PM

    b & Laurel
    I know your pain, my husband can’t talk to me civilly without getting angry and yelling at me. He is always right, is very reluctant to ever apologise about anything because he’s never wrong. I have wracked my brain trying to help our situation, well I say our situation, he says my situation. Like Laurel, I have lost hope and love for my spouse, he’s overly generous giving himself expensive gifts, but to me our children & extended families & friends he pays out for no gifts. He’s selfish yes, he wouldn’t say he was because I’m the selfish one, I’m the money grabber in his eyes. At least I know, our children, family & friends know that it’s different. It breaks my heart he’s so mean but he won’t change. My husband doesn’t like my family who have been my friends when he was doing his own thing early in our married life, we’ve been married 43 yrs. I’ve left him, went back because he said he’d change, he changed for 3 months then he gradually slipped back into his old ways. When he’s really angry with me he will get me to repeat what he’s said like a little child who is being reminded of something they are to remember. This is very degrading & embarrassing, as well as not being polite or loving of that person. The one they are treating this way is the person they are supposed to love & cherish. That has flown out the window. I to have lost so much love for my husband as he’s so self absorbed that he doesn’t know how to show love & compassion to me. I don’t know how our lives will fair in the future as a married couple. My husband has changed a lot over the years, & not for the better, verbal abuse has reigned in our marriage, it’s brought my self esteem down to the ground. Hopefully with professional help I can rebuild this & then decide which way my/our lives are heading. I don’t want to change my life at 61 yrs of age but I will if I’m not shown respect & love in our marriage, just to be able to talk to my husband without getting yelled at would be a blessing in itself. Life is too short for verbal crap to be spewed out at the supposed person you say you love.

  • DeeCee

    September 4th, 2017 at 8:51 PM

    Julie, I wish you all the strength, courage, and self-love necessary to lose him. Your husband sounds like mine- a narcissist, for which there is no recovery. In the end, it is you who will be found.

  • Michelle N.

    October 30th, 2017 at 7:48 AM

    Julie, I feel your pain, my husband is the same as you describe, and will not listen, often tells us to shut up and if he doesn’t agree with what we are saying, he says you are ridiculous. He blows up over everything, and seldom apologizes. We are all weary of dealing with him

  • K

    July 26th, 2017 at 8:57 AM

    I’m asking for a solution with a sibling. I think the same thing applies. What do you do when there is a history of bad blood that has been recently cleared and she disagrees with just about everything that I say. For example, I can be saying in my point of view, I believe both shows are about nothing with Seinfeld and Friends or Big Bang Theory and Seinfeld have crazy characters like Chandler and Kramer. To which, shee responds with no, it’s not. They are to totally different. To which, I reply with that’s your opinion. Then, she continues to tell me random facts about the director and definitions about it. Thanks for sharing when I know, it’s not the same director to which her response would be no, it’s not .
    How do you ask someone to paraphrase that particular scenario when its not something they are willing to listen to. For example, I could say we have differing viewpoints that you (my sibling in this case ) aren’t willing to accept, acknowledge, or respect. As she continues to either remain silent or say no, it’s not. By this point, it’s not worth it, so I walk away.

    I ve already said all that needed to be said. So, why should I stay and listen to the fading echo? I just don’t feel valued or accepted, though I’m heard because of the non-agreement.

    Any advice? Thanks!

  • Jonathan

    October 22nd, 2017 at 3:34 PM

    What is this “Check In” nonsense I am reading on these psych sites. This isn’t a terminology I am familiar with can someone please explain what this is and how does one “Check In”

  • Bonnie H

    March 8th, 2018 at 3:21 PM

    Jonathan, it means google it and stop being a troll.

  • Andra

    October 30th, 2017 at 10:43 AM

    Jonathan – I wrote this piece two years ago and just re-read it to see where I used “check in”. You’re right it’s a self-help term that gets used frequently, but it really doesn’t offer much direction. I can only speak for my own writing and tell you what I mean by it. Checking in (with yourself) is taking a moment to see how you feel and what’s coming up in thought and emotion. We so often don’t take that moment to understand our own feelings, especially in heated moments. So what it ultimately means is take a moment of personal reflection. Hope that helps!

  • Tammy

    December 5th, 2017 at 1:18 PM

    Good article just what I needed

  • Kaylee

    April 11th, 2018 at 8:24 PM

    My boyfriend whos 28 and im 22 have been together for about 7 months now, we have been friends for 3 years and have been more than just friends. Im pregnant with his child, we have decided to be together long term, hes loyal, giving, and just has a good soul, he works really hard as well. But theres some serious red flags i need help with. Usually weekends he seems to just change personality wise, he will just not talk to me or act like I dont even exist. I just mind my own, if i say anything it usually starts as an argument. We never have quality time it seems. He loves going to his friends house, when he does he drinks to much or stays there all night, im pretty much non existent in his life during the weekend. Finally week days come along he is affectionate, kind and sweet to me. Apologizes for anything he did during the weekend like saying something he didnt mean. Im getting so sick of it. I try to talk to him about it but he just turns it into my fault for any situation that happens, I tell him I dont feel cared for or my needs are not being met, and im not the type to want a lot. Just sweet things like movies pizza or want to be with me for a night is enough for me, he still thinks i nag to much. Im finally just shutting down, i know he loves me, but im having these feelings of being taken for granted, manipulation, and being used for my kindness. I do his laundry, make him his lunches for work, make him food everyday, clean and just because i want to. On top of that i have a 1 year old and i go to work. But i care so much i try to show him as much as i can and to make his life easier. It truly hurts to not be listened to or have feelings of doubt. What do i do….

  • Dedave

    September 10th, 2018 at 2:29 PM

    I will never forget taking my chaotic family that never seemed to calm down and talk with each other for a boy scout family life merit badge i had to do a family meeting. I didnt think much of it at first. though this gets at parts of what i discovered at the time that work.
    my role at the time was to set the rules and moderate a bit. meaning i said if you violate a, b, or c, i have the right to jump on you, plus we used a talking stick ball. sounds childish, but think about listening, if the rule is you can only talk when you have the ball it creates a level of accountability during these moments.

    my rules for the family, – only “I feel Statments”, No “You…” Statments, and you can only speak when you have the ball in hand.
    The last requirement is physically showing up to the space where this happens.

    I will never forget simply following these simple rules took my rather crazy avoidant of each other, and unable to connect with each other and quite often angry and hurt family, (4 kids, 3 with adhd, and 1 undiagnosed adhd dad, and my poor mother) it took them, and broke down all those barriers we had to communication, defensiveness, attacking the other person, feeling like we cant get our feelings across without the other person jumping etc.

    I will never forget the reaction of my family, out of the 6 of us sitting there, half of us cried, and the other half seemed to express more than they ever had. – and this was the first and only time we did this. I remember for a couple days we all treated each other much more compassionatly. life and normal patterns to set in eventually i admit. Note: we only did this once.

    This goes to my next experience: i had that experience stuck in my head as i felt how impactful in that one instance was a stupid “talking ball/stick etc” that we associate with giving to little kids to take turns, and the only “i feel statments” NO “You….” statments and only talking when you have the ball and the last and most crucial piece – physically showing up to this space.
    in a significant relationship of mine that lasted a good 7 years I took these lessons with me. (note significant other was a bit shy and not as verbalizing as i could be, in many ways we were complete opposites)
    i brought these rules into the relationship, some how initially for a time we spent an hour every day physically sitting with each other on the floor and talking using these rules.
    now i dont think the amount of time we spent was important, but meerly the fact that we showed up everyday some how some where and had our talking ball/stick and i feel staments etc.
    Ive had plenty of relationships, but it was doing that practice for a time that impressed upon me how close two people can really be. it seemed to be not only everything that we both wanted out of a relationship as a result of it, but also eventually you run out of “i feel statments to say”
    ……dont worry, keep showing up…every day…even if only for 10-15 minutes(perhaps you need to add a rule for how to pause and continue a conversation later like to note 2-3 main points made and the summary of the i feel statement dealing with. then plan when to come back to it. (will make it work on shorter time, can also limit to 1 i feel statement a day if strapped on time)

    eventually, we asked how to use this physical time and these rules with each other, and what we did, we became vulnerable with parts of who we where that we wished to change. again using the ifeel statments and no “you statments” and talking ball/stick. but being vulnerable and being forced into that structure i noticed brought us to a place that i look to get back to in any future relationship i have as it truly was the most amazing feeling to have it turn into not just a space to be vulnerable about our faults and ourselves but what we wanted to change, but then to follow this to the next step, and make it turn into a supportive coaching enviroment for each other to work on things. a quote i heard that seemed to embody this, that the irony of indepdendence is that it is by being dependent on another that we can grow and become more independent ourselves and through this relationship we are not codependent but rather inter-dependent.

    So if struggling with this, heck, try it. – show them this comment and see what they think. get your ridiculous looking talking stick, pick a spot to do it at and a regular when. and ensure you both agree to the rules established and that no matter what we agree to abide by these and follow a process, not a finite discussion. I dont pretend this fixes everything, but if you can get those ingredients of showing up and agreeing to follow rules, as part of a process, not a immediate fix, then heck, who knows, you might be on your way to an eventually close relationship. I find the time spent following these rules often became the basis for how close we where going forward.

  • Chris

    June 12th, 2019 at 6:56 PM

    This is a article for one sided minds. This is a one sided situation. The person who wrote this need advice on marriage.

  • Sam

    September 16th, 2019 at 1:22 PM

    Patterned ways of communication, usually one-sided dominant communication (talking more, and listening less) result in continued distance between a couple. It creates a division of unity. Both people in conversation need to be able to talk and listen, listen and talk. I think it comes down to being busy – and individual pressures of each person, how historic conversations have going, and talking at the wrong time of the day (in the evening when tired), and covering too much. Trying to be understanding in conversation, and kind, and also indicate you have some bigger topics to cover, ahead of the conversation, than launching into a non-indicated conversation (springing it on someone at the wrong time) leads to heightened anxiety in conversation, somewhat like stage-fright. (obviously depends on the topic/s though). This results in stressed conversation, and defensiveness. As conversing gets less and less, the pressure in conversing increases. Making time for each other, and to “water the garden” help grow unity and togetherness. And betters communication.

  • K

    September 17th, 2019 at 5:53 PM

    Thanks for the sound advice, I’ll take that into consideration and try your suggestions.

  • Steph

    October 8th, 2019 at 7:35 PM

    Great article. Thank you for this, Dr. Brosh. I love how you address the listener side since it’s often the talker side that gets the attention. I found your article because I have a boyfriend who I feel doesn’t listen to me. What’s exciting is that I think I’m right, because all 5 of the issues you mentioned happen when I try to talk to my boyfriend about a problem. Sure, my communication skills aren’t perfect, but I don’t yell, and I try to stay calm when I’m upset. Now that I know of the underlying causes of not listening, I feel more empathetic about his not listening. I think he fits into the “overwhelmed by his or her own feelings, forcing the person to shut down or stop listening” category. I think he becomes so overwhelmed that he’s done something wrong that he just shuts down and gets defensive. I think he hates making me upset and doesn’t know how to deal with it. I’m going to look into the Imago Relationship Therapy you suggested. Maybe this will help. This has been going on for several years now, though, so I’m pretty sure we’re going to try to find help from a counselor, as well. Thanks again!

  • Jamie

    July 22nd, 2020 at 12:28 PM

    Me and my husband have been married for almost four years and we have been fighting all the time. Most of the time it has to do with money or our neighbors on the first floor who I am not fond of. I told him we need to talk to someone but he thinks we can fix our problems ourselves. I want to try to work on our communication but I don’t know what to do

  • Michelle

    September 29th, 2020 at 5:31 PM

    Jamie, hopefully your problems have gotten better. Praying for you. Similar things going on here, he never wants to talk about anything, I’m fed up with the silence.

  • Dave

    February 17th, 2021 at 12:03 PM

    I found this article very relevant. I am an easy-going person who works hard as a professional and at home. I’m naturally accommodating, but rarely accommodated. I take note of things that my wife doesn’t like, and I avoid them. My wife is the opposite – if I have a request or a pet peeve, she will persist to apparently prove how no one is going to tell her anything. She has a lengthy list, and I have a brief one. It is disrespectful, and lately, disheartening, and has me questioning our marriage. When I bring things forward that are concerning to me, she ridicules them, deflects by bringing up whatever it is that I’m doing that annoys her, etc. Nothing is ever listened to, and nothing is ever addressed – except her concerns.

    We have tried counseling, several times, but she is no different in counseling. Ridiculing my concerns makes me feel even more despondent, so I pretend they don’t exist. I’m not going back to counseling with her anymore. It’s purely defensive, and nothing gets solved. We have kids, so while I’m not happy, I don’t want to make things worse. I have run out of things to try and I’m interested if anyone has any advice for a good-hearted man who feels like in this one area of his life that my thoughts and feelings simply do not matter.

  • Dianna

    February 23rd, 2021 at 10:15 PM

    Dave she may never change, however you can leave and having kids doesn’t mean we teach them to stay in unhealthy relationships. Check out the book “Emotionally Immature Parents ” why because someone in your childhood told you that your feelings were not important and your wife helps you continue living like that. We all need to look at Relationships of origin meaning bio family for the reason we put up with unfeeling partners whom are unwilling to do real emotional work. You said your wife isn’t going to have anyone tell her… And she doesn’t let you tell her she has decided what’s best for you. Without a serious Boundary it will go on, books about boundaries helps to an extent if the other person is willing to respect boundaries. Because it sounds like she assumes to be the authority on you and your feelings. Set those boundaries allow no one to tell you “Your feelings are Wrong” Your feelings your inner world no one gets to suggest what or how you ought to feel that’s crossing the boundaries. When you come to a point when this person will not willingly and lovingly open up to this truth you must ask yourself. What is this worth? And what has it already cost me?

  • Victoria

    April 9th, 2021 at 4:01 PM

    It’s called “Premarital counseling” . Maybe there should be some information on it when couples go to get the Marriage license.

  • Laura

    September 24th, 2021 at 11:59 AM

    I found your article to be filled with some great suggestions. However, I’m not really sure how they can be put to good use in my situation. My husband likes to share a lot. And when he speaks to me, he expects me to be fully engaged by stopping whatever I am doing at the time to look at him, give feedback, and give him 100% of my attention and focus. I can appreciate this as I understand the value of feeling heard. However, when it comes time for me to share my thoughts or feelings (not necessarily about him, but sometimes about what was great about my day, an important health issue, or an idea I had), he purposefully gets into the most comfortable position possible, closes his eyes and falls asleep! I don’t mean every now or then. I mean ALL OF THE TIME. That is his SOP. I have tried changing the time of day, even arranging to go to lunch to complete an assignment from a marriage counselor, thinking that he surely wouldn’t fall asleep in a restaurant. BUT HE DID!!! No matter what or where, if I am talking more than 4 minutes, he falls asleep. Even with the listener role of repeating back what he hears, he manages to fall asleep instead. And NO – He doesn’t work THAT much! He is the owner and CEO, and may put in 6-7 hrs a day. And before you ask, he is in great health. Also, he mentors young men from our church and takes them to breakfast or lunch quite often. He has never fallen asleep on one of them. Or in a business meeting, or while talking to a friend. It is only when I am trying to share my life with him. Even if I wait for the rare occasion that he actually asks.

    Just proof that you don’t have to shout the words to get someone to hear you communicate – in this instance, he is communicating loud and clear that I am there to serve his needs and that mine are not important.

  • Betsy

    October 9th, 2021 at 9:54 PM

    Dave and Laura, both your spouses are demonstrating narcissistic traits (disrespect, self-centeredness, deflection, gaslighting, blame shifting, etc.) so i hope you will both read on the various forms of narcissism and see if any of that information helps. Nothing is ever their fault (even if it is) and they bring up all sorts of extraneous issues to prove that you’re the “bad guy” in conversations. Sincere and honest communication is impossible as they lie about even the simplest things. And they lie very well. They are extremely self-protective even if it means throwing you under the bus. They accuse you of starting an argument when you just want to share your thoughts. It is a crazy, lonely existence for spouses, often filled with many broken promises. In public, narcissists pull-off the “nice guy” image quite well. The article above assumes both spouses are reasonably well-adjusted people with some empathy for one another. Unfortunately, this is not at all the case for many of us.

  • Ramon

    January 22nd, 2022 at 1:35 AM

    Yes my wife is also mean but she is prego. yes tank you

  • Louise

    May 31st, 2022 at 8:54 AM

    Forty-four years of marriage… . Just this morning over breakfast, as we were planning to run errands today before a trip, I asked hubby for his thoughts on the best order, just a short itinerary, to save gas and time, since we have to drive in different directions within 35 miles of home to get it all done. As often happens he was distracted, evasive, and made light of my request. Laughed at me, said in his world you just “jump in the car.” I’m an organized person and as in most marriages, for the wife there’s a lot to remember and do before leaving town. This in a nutshell is our communication history. He doesn’t listen, doesn’t take me seriously, makes me feel “less than” and if I object, his first move is to tell me I blow things out of proportion and leave the room. But that only happens when we’ve gone around and around and I can’t get a simple, straight answer even about something as trivial as a short to do list.

  • Ayley

    September 18th, 2022 at 3:34 AM

    I’m going to add my voice to the (small) chorus of commenters that observed the one-sidedness of this article. Even just one subheading about effective communication that establishes & maintains a safe environment within which the listener can hear & respond. As well, it seems like some people are approaching their partners at a time when they’re not necessarily available. Give your partner the best chance at listening by not giving them personal attacks, character assassinations, accusations, or examples of your own cognitive distortions to weed through in order to hear & hold enough space for your hurts/grievances.

  • Dee

    October 13th, 2023 at 12:17 PM

    I have been with my SO for 25 years. We were married, divorced, and got back together at one point. I can’t talk to him about anything of importance. If it about our relationship or any opinion or way of doing something that I don’t agree with or would like him to consider doing another way. He meets me with anger and hostility and gets mean. I haven’t talked to him about anything in years. I just stay quiet. Now he just gets angry out of the blue and I am left a little shocked. Of course I have to stifle my thoughts and emotions around this and it builds up over time. I am about ready to just walk with no more notice. So frustrating. So much hurt and feeling so stuck. And I don’t think blaming the victim is helpful. I’m sure some people do ‘nag’ but that isn’t what this is about. I have been conditioned over the years to stay silent and internalize everything. I never thought I would be here.

  • Lara

    April 30th, 2024 at 8:18 AM

    Listening is the most important part in any form of conversation! Why? Well, the big misunderstanding I see in most of the above comments is that it is not just about listening to your partner. You should start by listening to yourself. Sometimes, if we listen carefully, we will realise that it is us, our feelings or the way we communicate, and that our partner truly tries to understand. Other times we will find that we really are not heard. In this case it can be helpful to replace the “You do not hear me! Listen to me now!” with the question “Are you listening to yourself right now?” There have been so many instances in my life, when this question has completely changed the dynamics of a conversation. Still, even if we listen carefully to ourselves and to others, occasionally all we find is the undeniable truth that we are not heard and probably never will be. In this case it is up to us to make the difficult decision to either accept this fact and live unheard or end the conversation (relationship) and find someone who truly listens.

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