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Unleash Your Imagination – Magical Fairy Garden Designs

Fairy gardens are miniature landscapes with tiny houses, plants, trees, pathways and everything else. They give the impression that tiny creatures are living there and they’re wrapped in this magical aura which makes them super interesting and cute. Create your own fairy garden and make it wonderful. It’s a wonderful detail that will improve your back yard landscape although you can pretty much position these things anywhere you want.

Broken pot fairy garden

It can be really fun to create a fairy garden and you can include the kids in the project too. They’ll enjoy coming up with ideas and creating this little universe.{found on innerchildfun}.

Broken pot fairy garden

The kids might also enjoy organizing and creating a fairy garden party. They can use cute little plants and have fun playing with them. It’s like a tea party but for fairies.{found on site}.

Broken pot fairy garden

This fairy garden is like a miniature courtyard with a tiny house with  moss roof, tiny garden tools and even a hedgehog. It actually gives the impression of tiny creatures living there. Your front yard landscape has never looked better.

Broken pot fairy garden

In a fairy garden, everything has to be tiny and made of natural materials. So if you want to make a table, use a mini tree stump and a slice of wood.

Broken pot fairy garden

The colorful banner is a lovely addition. The mushrooms are cute too and look at that wooden pathway. It’s a simple design but it’s very well planned.

Broken pot fairy garden

Since it’s a fairy garden, you might also want to add a few little fairies that look like they’re relaxing on the porch or in the yard. What a whimsical decoration for the garden.

Broken pot fairy garden

You can use any kind of old container to create the fairy garden. It can be as big or as small as you want. Of course, the bigger the container, the more room for your imagination.

Broken pot fairy garden

An old metal container would be great. Make a little fairy house and surround it with small plants. The fairies will love it and they might even move in one night.

Broken pot fairy garden

Another way to use the container is by placing it on its side. Fill it with tiny things like tables, pots and plants, a fence a bird house and anything else you think would look good there.{found on etsy}.

Broken pot fairy garden

Make the fairies feel at home and give them everything they need. If you’re serious about this project, you can also add electricity to the fairy house.

Broken pot fairy garden

Paint the house, the fence and the outdoor furniture and use bold colors. Fairies love color and they’re attracted by vibrant flowers. So pick a palette and go with it.{found on confessionsofaserialdiyer}.

Broken pot fairy garden

Here’s an interesting idea: use an old book to make a mini fantasy garden. Carve out a circle to make room for the tiny house and use moss and plants to cover the hole.{found on pennywiseblog}.

Broken pot fairy garden

Use a variety of colorful plants to make your fairy garden stand out. You can organize them in tiny pots. A fairy garden is a nice way to welcome spring but also to add a fresh vibe to your home during winter.{found on makinglemonadeblog}.

Broken pot fairy garden

You can outfit the garden with all sorts of things like benches, rocking chairs, fountains, swings and anything else you can create using wood and twigs.

Broken pot fairy garden

Don’t forget to bring your mini garden inside when it gets cold out. It could be fun to watch the snow set on the tiny house but the plants would die.

Broken pot fairy garden

You can use an old wooden barrel or a large planter for your mini garden. Don’t bother re-staining or painting it. The weathered look only makes it more interesting.

Broken pot fairy garden

Maybe you can use a tree and make a fairy treehouse. That would be lovely and fun as you can expand the fairy garden. Maybe if you design it properly, birds or squirrels will want to move in as well.

Broken pot fairy garden

If you want an indoor fairy garden, there’s no point in making it big. So what about this cute cup? It’s filled with soil, moss and a few plants and it looks very lovely and intriguing.

Broken pot fairy garden

Outside in your garden, you can use a big tree stump if you have any on your property. Carve a hole in the center, fill it with soil and start adding all the pieces: the tiny house, the plants and the decorations.

Broken pot fairy garden

This mini garden was used using herbs and edible flowers. It’s something you can adapt for your kitchen. Instead of plain and boring pots for your herbs you can make a fairy garden.

Broken pot fairy garden

A larger fairy garden can fit in a baby bathtub. You can put it out in the garden and decorate it everything you want. The house is a must and from there you can improvise.

Broken pot fairy garden

If you want something a bit more elaborate and hobbit-inspired, you can transform one of trees in your garden into a home for the fairies. Add a door at the base, some windows and a path.{found on theknittedgarden}.

Broken pot fairy garden

Or you can be rally inventive and make all sorts of miniature elements for your fairy garden such as a mini staircase, furniture, a bridge, a river and all sorts of fun things.

Broken pot fairy garden

You can find mini furniture kits in stores or order them on the internet if you want that professional look for your fairy garden. The furniture looks just like what you use on your own patio but smaller.

Broken pot fairy garden

An old bowl can be repurposed and transformed into a mini garden with a tiny fairy swing. It’s a simple project which doesn’t require a lot of supplies.{found on etsy}.

Broken pot fairy garden

The fairy house for the mini garden can be a birdhouse which you can paint and decorate. You can even outfit it with a cute roof covered with pennies. And isn’t that clothesline adorable?{found on theburghbaby}.

Broken pot fairy garden
Broken pot fairy garden
Broken pot fairy garden

Design the fairy garden around a tree. The tree can be the house and the space around it the courtyard. You can make a tiny planter box for tiny crops, install a hammock, a swing and all sorts of other cute things.{found on themagiconions}.

Pot Gardens.

Broken pot fairy garden

Turn old pots into fairy gardens. It’s a lovely idea and you can let the kids take care of the project or you can have fun designing it yourself. Place a terra cotta pot on its side and sqeeze everything inside.

Broken pot fairy garden

Broken pots can be used too. In fact, figuring out how to use all the pieces should be really interesting. Maybe you can design a terraced garden that leads up to a fairy castle.

Broken pot fairy garden

Try to make a sort of staircase using the broken pieces use plants and moss to put together everything and don’t forget to add color.{found on deavita}.

Broken pot fairy garden

You can also use two or more pots to make a larger fairy garden. The smaller pot at the top can be the house that sits on a cliff, surrounded by vegetation.

Broken pot fairy garden

Two or more pots can be combined in all sorts of interesting ways. This is a really majestic display. The fairy house is a pumpkin and beautiful flowers form the pathway.

Broken pot fairy garden

The ferns actually look like mini conifers here and the house seems like it’s in the middle of a dense forest.