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Human Rights Organizations
Human Rights Commissions

Commission for Human Rights, Council of Europe

The Commission is an independent institution within the Council of Europe mandated to promote the awareness of and respect for human rights in forty-seven Council of Europe Member States. The Commission’s work thus focuses on encouraging reform measures to achieve tangible improvement in the area of human rights promotion and protection. Being a nonjudicial institution, the Commissioner’s Office cannot act upon individual complaints, but the Commission can draw conclusions and take wider initiatives on the basis of reliable information regarding human rights violations suffered by individuals. www.coe.int

European Union Ombudsman:

The European Union Ombudsman investigates complaints about maladministration in the institutions and bodies of the European Union. The Ombudsman is completely independent and impartial. www.ombudsman.europa.eu


European Commission Directorate for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities:

The European Commission’s Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities works toward the creation of more and better jobs, an inclusive society and equal opportunities for all. www.ec.europa.eu/social

African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights:

This Commission is officially charged with three major functions: the protection of human and peoples’ rights, the promotion of these rights, and the interpretation of the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights. www.achpr.org

The Asian Human Rights Commission:

Asian Human Rights Commission works to achieve the following priorities, among others: to protect and promote human rights by monitoring, investigation, advocating and taking solidarity actions. www.ahrchk.net