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Help Clean Up Your Neighborhood!

Apr 23, 2015

Earth Day, which falls on April 22nd, is the day to clean up our planet. But it's not something we should do only one day out of the year, but every single day! Since it's pretty difficult to clean up the ENTIRE planet all by yourself, start out by tidying up your neighborhood with a few simple tasks.

Away With Waste!

Collecting garbage is a pretty gross job, but it's one that has to be done. Organize groups of three or four people (it's safer and more fun this way), wear old clothes that you don't mind getting a little dirty, and throw on a pair of gloves. Don't just stick to the streets, but hit the alleys, parks and parking lots to pick up any trash that's lying around. While you're at it, you could post signs asking people not to litter. Another good idea is to go from house to house collecting recyclable items such as cans, bottles and newspapers.

Gang Up on Graffiti

Graffiti can take the form of art, drawings, or words, but it's considered vandalism if it's done on a person's property without his or her consent. You can help fight graffiti by washing down and painting walls, houses, fences, garage doors and anything else in the neighborhood that has graffiti on it. Hopefully this will discourage anyone from tagging other people's property again!

Mow, Mow, Mow Your Lawn

You may not stop and smell the grass like you would with roses, but come on - with the exception of people with allergies, who doesn't like the smell of freshly cut grass? A nice lawn instantly brightens up the neighborhood, but many homeowners aren't able to care for their lawns cuz they're too old or too busy with work. So volunteer to do yard work by trimming hedges, plucking weeds and mowing lawns.

Flowers and Plants and Trees, Oh My!

If there's a vacant lot in your 'hood that's collecting dust and other junk, then wouldn't it be great to start a community garden? A community garden is a space where neighbors work together to grow fruit, veggies and flowers. If a community garden is out of the question, then try gardening on a smaller scale - plant flowers, shrubs and trees in your neighbors' gardens and along the sidewalks. Plants are important cuz they fight pollution by absorbing carbon dioxide from the air, as well as make your neighborhood a prettier place to live!

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