2 Natural Shoe Shines for DIY Fashionistas

Giving your shoes a good buff and polish doesn’t mean you have to baste your beloved boots, heels or dress shoes in toxic chemicals. Conventional shoe polishes may spiff up your tired footwear, but they also contain ingredients, such as petroleum-derived compounds, methylene chloride and dyes, that are hazardous to the environment and to your health. Many waste facilities list shoe polishes as “hazardous material” that require special disposal. Meaning they’re likely not a substance you want in your home or near your tootsies.

Your kicks deserve a natural way to get gorgeous. You’ll have one pair of eco-happy feet when you gussy up your shoes with these two natural shoe-polishers.

Banana Peel

After you snack on a scrumptious banana, put that peel to good use before tossing it in the compost bin. Shine your shoes with it!

That’s right. The natural oils on the inside of a banana peel work glossy wonders on your leather shoes. Simply buff out your duds using the peel, and then wipe the shoes clean with a soft cloth.

Olive Oil and Lemon

Slick your shoes with a combination of two parts olive oil and one part lemon juice to give your kicks a seriously shiny luster. Let the mixture soak in and then buff with a dry cloth.

If you don’t have any of the above ingredients, try polishing your shoes with any oil you have available—coconut, vegetable, corn or walnut.

While you’re at it, shake a tablespoon or so of baking soda inside your shoes to naturally deodorize them.

image: akseez

Follow Kirsten on Twitter @kirsten_hudson
