Voters deserve better

Staff Writer
The Holland Sentinel

A small news magazine, UpFront, from the New York Times, that I get at Fennville High School had a small factoid recently. This factoid was all of maybe 75 words long. It compared the level of public trust in government from the Dwight Eisenhower year of 1957 to 2016. Can anyone guess the findings? Anyone older than 50, to be sure.

In Ike's time, more than 79 percent of the respondents trusted their government. Today? Try 19 percent. Ouch. Yes, this is post Watergate and Vietnam war. But, how about a governor who takes taxpayer time and money to defend himself for poisoning young kids in Flint? How about two Tea Party representatives who behave like spoiled small-town frosh going off to college whilst purportedly "representing" their constituents in Lansing? Gamrat, anyone?

And now? Michigan's own Saul Anuzis (gag, choke), is plotting on ways to make sure the Donald does not get the GOP nomination for president. Even when this man, who I do despise, has received the most delegates. Or Hillary Clinton, who relies on super delegates to ensure she gets the nomination when Bernie Sanders is offering the "angry voters" on the other end of the spectrum a voice. Hillary, I am here to tell you, "They're just not into you."

Maybe these "angry voters" are right? I have, in this very column, encouraged all to vote. Now they have, and it appears that their votes are being overridden by the two-party machinery. This is so very sad. May this be a wake up call to all voters. We deserve far better than we are paying for.

Jeff Raywood
