Quick Tip: Reheating on the Stovetop


I was talking to a client today and we were discussing methods that could be used in place of the microwave (which you know we DO NOT use or recommend!) for reheating food in a hurry.

The conventional oven is great, but it can take quite a while and occasionally it will dry out the food. Sometimes a toaster oven is not available or convenient. Many items like soups or stews can easily reheat on the stovetop in a pot (as can casseroles with a touch of water added) but what about items like hamburger patties or sausages, leftover porkchops or meatloaf, etc?

My solution is to put these items in a saute pan, with lid, and add just a touch of water or chicken stock (or even a dash of white wine if appropriate to the dish and diner). Then heat over medium high and let the steam heat the food. Keep an eye on the pan and if it cooks dry, simply add a dash more of liquid and replace the lid quickly.

It’s super fast and the food stays moist. We use this tip daily!

What other ways do you reheat food (without a microwave)?

  • That is a great idea about using water so that heated leftovers don’t get too dry in the oven. We always make sure we use a lid in the oven which does help. The only time we ever use the microwave is to heat up a hot beverage again right as I walk out the door b/c I like my tea really hot. I need to get back to what I used to do, heating it quickly in a small sauce pan. We used to have a toaster oven, but it just takes up too much room on our counter. I have a friend who never reheats leftovers; instead, they simply eat them cold for lunch the next day! 🙂


  • That is a great idea about using water so that heated leftovers don’t get too dry in the oven. We always make sure we use a lid in the oven which does help. The only time we ever use the microwave is to heat up a hot beverage again right as I walk out the door b/c I like my tea really hot. I need to get back to what I used to do, heating it quickly in a small sauce pan. We used to have a toaster oven, but it just takes up too much room on our counter. I have a friend who never reheats leftovers; instead, they simply eat them cold for lunch the next day! 🙂


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