10 Ways To Feel Better If You Get Too High

In honor of 4/20 we're revisiting some of our greatest…hits.
In the history of the world, there is no record of a fatal marijuana overdose. Nevertheless, many people have gotten so high that they've wished they were dead, which is terrifying.
Beyond psychic meltdowns, many other people have gotten high and simply not liked it, with all the expected feelings of euphoria and sensual enhancement eclipsed by panic, paranoia, and a racing heart rate. Should you ever find yourself in the grip of an unpleasant marijuana high, there are things you can do.
Before we get there, though, you should know some “don’ts”: Don’t answer the phone unless you know who’s calling and want to talk. Don’t use a stove or drive a car. Don’t stare at yourself in a mirror or give yourself a haircut. And when your bad bout of highness is over, don’t neglect to google “Maureen Dowd Colorado” to confirm how not alone you are.
Ahead, 10 tips that actually can help.
*©2016 By David Schmader. All rights reserved. Excerpted from Weed: The User’s Guide by permission of Sasquatch Books.
Refinery29 in no way encourages illegal activity and would like to remind its readers that marijuana usage continues to be an offense under Federal Law, regardless of state marijuana laws. To learn more click here. This excerpt of Mr. Schmader’s book is not intended to and should not be construed to constitute professional medical or health advice. Always seek the advice of a qualified professional.

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