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Full text of "Improved Culture Techniques For Mass Rearing Galleria mellonella"

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Vol. 101. No. 2. March & April 1990 



Frank A. Eischen^, Alfred Dietz^ 

ABSTRACT: Supplementing an artificial diet with 5% pollen, honey, or beeswax signifi- 
cantly increased surv ival of adult Galleria mellonella. Surv ival on the basic diet averaged 
27.4%. When honey, pollen, or wax was added, survival was 44.7%. 80.8%, and 89.6%, respec- 
tively. Developmental time for moths fed diets containing 5% pollen or a combination of 
pollen, honey, and wax was shorter by approximately 2-5 days. Newly emerged virgin 
females which had fed as larvae on a 100% pollen, honey, and wax diet weighed 36% more 
than females derived from larvae fed the artifical diet. A phagostimulatory hypothesis 
is suggested. 

Additionally, 78% of prepupae accepted cut plastic soda straws as puparial sites and 
spun their cocoons in them. This greatly facilitated the handling of individual prepupae 
and pupae and should be a convenience to both research programs and commercial wax 
moth producers. 

The greater wax moth. Galleria meIIonelIa(L.\ is easily reared and is 
often used as a laboratory animal. However, our initial attempts to 
establish a culture from wild stock resulted in low survival rates (ca. 30%) 
when an artificial diet [Stoneville(SV) developed by Linger al. 1979] was 
used. However, pilot studies indicated that survival was good (ca. 95%) 
on a diet composed wholly of their naturally occurring larval food. i.e. 
pollen, honey, and beeswax. Inspection of the artificial diet (King et al. 
1979) did not reveal nutritional shortcomings. Previous studies have 
shown that small amounts of beeswax improved growth rates (Beck 
1960, Dadd 1966, Young 1964). Further, Dadd (1966) observed higher 
survival rates during portions of larval development when beeswax w r as 
added to an artificial diet. These findings suggested that small amounts 
of natural food could play an important nutritional role in adult sur- 
vival. We report here the results of a study done to determine why sur- 
vival differed so strikingly on artificial diet compared with a diet com- 
posed of natural ingredients. 


Six diets were tested. Their composition by weight was as follows: 1) 
100% Stoneville(SV), 2) 95% SV + 5% pollen(P), 3) 95% SV + 5% hon- 
ey(H), 4) 95% SV + 5% beeswax(W), 5) 95% SV + 5% PH W, 6) 100% PH W. 

| Received June 19, 1989. Accepted September 23. 1989. 

“Dept. Of Entomology, Washington State University. Pullman, WA 99164 
^Dept. of Entomology. University of Georgia. Athens, GA 30602 

ENT. NEWS 101(2): 123-128, March & April, 1990 



The Stoneville diet consists largely of baby foods (Gerber®mixed and 
high protein cereals), gycerol, wheat germ, water, sucrose, and vitamins 
(see YAngetat. 1979 for details). Its protein composition is about 13%. The 
pollen-honey-wax diet was made by mixing bee-collected pollen (63%; 
see Dietz 1 982 for plant species represented) with chipped honey comb 
(37%). The honeycomb (cappings) contained approximately 50% honey. 
The protein content of this diet is estimated to be about 13%. Twenty 
grams of diet were placed in 100ml glass rearing jars, sealed and kept 
frozen until used. Fortified diets were prepared by placing 19gofSV diet 
in the rearing jar, and then lgof either pollen, honey, or wax was sprink- 
led or dripped onto its surface. 

Moths were obtained by removing overwintering prepupae from a 
dead honey bee hive in Athens, Georgia. They were incubated at 30°C. 
Adults emerged in about two weeks and mated inter se. Eggs were collected 
between strips of pleated wax paper. Three days after laying, egg masses 
were divided into small clusters of 10-1 5 eggs. These clusters were placed 
on filter paper in petri dishes and incubated at 30°C + 2°C. Just before 
hatching, eggs were examined and clusters containing at least 10 larvae 
that appeared normal were selected for testing. Excess larvae were des- 
troyed by puncturing the eggs with a needle. Eggs were then placed in 
small aluminum foil baskets ( 1 6mm x 10mm) and randomly assigned to 
diets. Twenty replications of each diet were performed. After addition of 
the eggs, the rearing jars were sealed with a solid metal screw lid contain- 
ing a rubber interseal. Rearing jars were held at 32°C + 1 °C, 40 + 10% 
RH. and 12:12LD. Seven days after infestation, egg clusters were re- 
moved and percent hatch determined. Also, the solid lids were replaced 
with a similar lid containing a 9mm hole. This hole was covered with a 
piece of transparent tape, sticky side out. Several small holes were 
punched in the tape with a small pin to allow air exchange. When the 
first prepupae were observed, this tape was replaced with a circular piece 
of aluminum screen. At this stage, rearing jars were inspected daily. As 
adults appeared they were removed, sexed, and their emergence date 
noted. The first twenty adult virgin females that emerged from the SV 
and the pollen-honey-wax diets were weighed. Sixty days from the time 
of egg laying, the contents of the rearing jars were examined. Cocoons 
were counted and pupal mortality noted. 

Survival and emergence data were analyzed with a 1-way ANOVA, 
and differences among treatments evaluated with Duncan’s multiple 
range test. Student's t-test was used to determine differences in adult 
female weights. 

To confirm that the supplemented Stoneville diet was suitable for a 
mass rearing program, we fed the Stoneville+5% fresh frozen pollen to 
ca. 6,000 hatching G. mellonella larvae (eggs were weighed, not counted). 

Vol. 101, No. 2, March & April 1990 


As prepupae emerged from the diet and began spinning light cocoons, 
they were removed and placed in 3.81 glass jars containing cut plastic 
soda straws (2 X 0.5cm; Sweetheart R ). About 70 prepupae were added to 
jars containing 200-300% excess of cut straws (scattered horizonally on 
the bottom of the jar), which were covered with a single circular piece of 
toweling. Jars were kept in a darkened incubator (same conditions as in 
above dietary trials). 


The addition of 5% of either pollen, honey, or beeswax (PH W) to the 
Stoneville(SV) diet resulted in a significant increase in adult survival 
(Table 1). Adult survival on the basic diet averaged 27.4%. The addition of 
honey increased survival to 44.7% (P < 0.05). Fortification with either 
pollen, wax, or a combination of pollen, honey, and wax produced sur- 
vival rates that did not differ significantly from the control diet (89.2%). 

Males reared on the SV+5% pollen, SV+PHW. and control diet 
eclosed in a significantly shorter time (ca. 3-5 days, P < 0.05) than moths 
on the other three diets (Table 1). Average time to first emergence was 
slightly shorter for males (0.2- 1 .3 days) than that required by females, but 
this difference was not significant. Newly emerged virgin females weighed 
on average less when reared on the SV diet, than on the control diet ( 1 14 
and 156mg, respectively; P <0.001). During the mass rearingtrial 78% of 
prepupae spun their cocoon inside the cut soda straws. The adult sur- 
vival rate for larvae fed the Stoneville+5% pollen diet during this trial 
was estimated to be about 84%. 


The striking increases in survival caused by small amounts of pollen, 
honey, or beeswax was not the result of an altered physical consistency, 
nor the addition of essential nutrients (Haydak 1936, 1940. Allegret 1964; 
Dadd 1966; Marston and Campbell 1973). Dadd (1966) suggested that 
the inclusion ofbeeswax served as a source of metabolic water. However, 
the basic Stoneville diet contains about 17% water and supports good lar- 
val growth (King etal. 1979). The 300% increase in survival with the addi- 
tion of 5% beeswax to this diet suggests that beeswax performed an 
additional function. 

Eisehen et al. (unpublished) found in a preliminary test that newly 
hatched larvae preferentially chose artificial diets to which alcoholic 
extract of pollen was added. This suggests that pollen provided phago- 
stimuli attractive to G. mellonellci. Other observations support this view. 
Balazs (1958) reported that newly hatched larvae preferred honeycomb 



to an artificial diet, even though this diet contained honey and beeswax. 
He also noted that older larvae fed the same artificial diet chose hon- 
eycomb when given the opportunity. Haydak ( 1936) reported that larvae 
attacked old combs in those areas that contained pollen. We have on 
numerous occasions observed newly hatched larvae that have been 
given the Stoneville diet wander about the inner walls of their rearing 
container when food was nearby. Newly hatched larvae given a honey- 
pollen-wax diet were rarely seen away from the food. The natural history 
of this moth also lends support to a phagostimulatory hypothesis. Adult 
females oviposit in and around bee colonies; generally in crevices where 
eggs are protected from the bees (Paddock 1918, Nielsen and Brister 
1977). Once hatched, the larvae must search for food. Though distances 
may be short, it would be adaptive to be able to locate food (which also 
serves as shelter) rapidly in the hostile interior of a honey bee colony. 

The shorter times to eclosion of moths fed diets containing pollen 
indicate that even small amounts of pollen are effective in promoting 
development. Since pollen was localized on the upper surface of the diet 
mass, it seems unlikely that its consumption would have been uniformly 
distributed during larval growth. If the phagostimulatory hypothesis is 
true, then consumption and consequent beneficial effects oceured dur- 
ing the earliest instars. From this it follows that an early pollen meal may 
supply a nutrient, perhaps protein, that allows faster development, while 
apparently wax and honey do not. 

Prepupal acceptance of soda straws greatly facilitated the handling 
of prepupae and pupae. Large numbers of known age groups can be held 
in relatively small containers. This is convenient when storing prepupae 
under refrigerated conditions (ca. 15.5°C). We find that chilled, lightly 
spun prepupae are easy to use by fishermen, a slight squeeze on the straw 
prompts the prepupae to crawl out. Because male prepupae emerged 
from the diet slightly before females, the first harvest of prepupae results 
in a high percentage of males. This is an added benefit when separation 
of sexes is desired. Since these tests, we have successfully reared many 
thousand G. mellonella using this technique. 

These findings should be of value to those who wish to preserve the 
genetic variation observed in wild stock or to increase the yield of G. 
mellonella in newly-established cultures (Bush 1973). However, cultures 
that have been reared for many generations on a particular artificial diet 
and consequently undergone selection for it may not show greatly im- 
proved survival. Nevertheless, under some conditions it could be pru- 
dent as well as cost effective to supplement artificial wax moth diets with 
small amounts of properly stored pollen or unprocessed honeycomb. 

Vol. 101, No. 2, March & April 1990 


Table 1 . Developmental characteristics of Galleria mellonella reared on an artificial diet for- 
tified with honey, pollen, or beeswax 


% adult 

days to 

1st cf 



days to 
1st 9 








27.4 ±4.7 a 1 

42.7 ± 1.1 a 

43.9 ± 0.8 a 

1 14.2 ± 5.3 mg 2 

Stoneville + 
5% honey 

44.7 ± 6.0 b 

43.3 ± 1.3 a 

43.5 ± 0.8 a 


Stoneville + 
5% wax 

89.6 ± 3.8 c 

42.8 ± 0.7 a 

43.7 ± 1.0 a 


Stoneville + 
5% pollen 

80.8 ± 4.1 c 

39.7 ± 0.8 b 

41.0 ± 0.9 b 


Stoneville + 5% 
honey, pollen, wax 

82.5 ± 4.7 c 

39.2 ± 0.8 b 

39.4 ± 0.8 c 

Honey, pollen, wax 

89.2 ± 2.6 c 

37.6 ± 0.7 b 

37.8 ± 0.7 cd 

156.0 ± 5.8 

^ Means in the same column followed by the same letter do not differ significantly at the 5% 
level according to Duncan's multiple range test. 

“Means weights are significantly different (P < 0.001). Female weights on other diets were 
not recorded. 


We thank R.D. Akre and CAV. Bersiford for reviewing the manuscript. J. Fields helped 
with the statistical analysis. This investigation was supported in part by Cooperative 
Agreement 25-2 1-RC293-078 between the University of Georgia (A. Dietz, principle inves- 
tigator) and the Honey Bee Breeding, Genetics, and Physiology Laboratory, USDA-ARS, 
Baton Rouge, LA. 


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July 31-Aug. 3, 1990. International Symposium on Biotic Stresses of Barley in Arid and 
Semi-Arid Environments. Huntley Lodge, Big Sky, Montana. Contact: Jack Riesselman, 
Dept of Plant Pathology, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT 59717. Phone: 406-994- 
5149 FAX: 406-994-6579.