Super Bowl Party

The Capt. had invited a few friends over to watch the Super Bowl with us since we are all New England Patriot fans. He was in charge of the “football food” and I was in charge of decorations.

I immediately hit the Dollar Tree for all of my supplies. I also picked up a few things to give as prizes for the football pool.

I thought for the winner of the pool it would be fun to give them their very own Lombardi trophy, like this one.


I already had an empty Starbucks bottle and silver paint so all I needed was a little football from the dollar store.


I sliced a wedge out of the middle of the football and hot glued it to the jar. I also took a Sharpie and drew 49 in Roman numerals and then went over it with hot glue.



After a few coats of silver paint my Lombardi Trophy was finished.



The Capt. was so impressed with it that he didn’t want me to give it away, he thought it should be the centerpiece on the snack table.
I agreed with him, so we displayed it proudly!


Here are the other inexpensive decorations that I did:

The living room is where we all gathered to watch the game so I displayed both team colors in there.
I just used fish line and tissue paper to hang over head and look like flags.



(As you can see, The Capt. and Gracie are getting a nap in before the big game!)

I cut some pendants out of construction paper using my Silhouette to make a banner.


The kitchen table was where all of the snacks where placed for during the game and half time munching. It was decorated in a football theme including yellow penalty flags and red challenge flags ( they were actually filled with M&M’S). And there is the Lombardi trophy!


Since The Capt. planned ribs and buffalo wings for his ” football food”, I decided it should be eaten out on the lanai before the game. This is where we made it known that we were rooting for the Patriots.


This turned out to be a fabulous evening, fun decorations, fantastic food and a winning team!

Oh and since I kept the Lombardi trophy for myself, the winning prize was a Super Bowl ring ( aka. ring pop).