Getting an OEC in Dubai

Here you go Philippines I’m coming home after 3 long years of working in Dubai. I haven’t been home since I had left Philippines 3 years ago. Obviously, this is my first time of applying for an OEC (Overseas Employment Certificate) and serve as an “exit pass” for all the OFW (Overseas Filipino Workers) that are taking their vacation and has to comeback to their host country.

Here again I will share my experience.

I was expecting to do the queuing process again for the whole day at least, the same thing that had happened to me when I renewed my Philippine Passport. But, It is such a great relief for all OFW’s that are in UAE  because they had launch the Balik-Manggagawa Online Processing System for OEC. Yes, you can do it online now, and will only take maximum of 1 hour and everything will be done smoothly when you reach the POEA office which is just right next to the Philippine Consulate in Dubai.

Procedure and Steps to follow:

  • Set your appointment online.
  • Visit
  • You have to register using your personal information before you can log in.
  • Once you’re registered, the site will direct you to the online appointment page.
  • You will get a prompt message to enter your last OEC number, if you don’t have it just skip it.
  • You will be directed to “My Profile” page, upload your passport size photo, this photo will appear on your OEC certificate, and complete your information.
  • Once you had completed your information, you can go to the next steps where you can select the time, date and place of appointment.
  • You will get an instruction to confirm the message on your email and finally, you will get an email confirmation of your appointment and details of the requirements.


Fill up the forms, better print these out and fill it all up prior to your appointment time and date to save time though these forms are available in the POEA office.

Original Passport with 6 months validity and Residence Visa
Return Airline ticket
Printed email confirmation
Personal appearance


In case better be ready than sorry, try to make a photocopy of every documents you have to avoid hassle. Make  it a habit as well to always bring a passport size photo with you. Bring your original employment contract along with the photocopy or labor card. In my case, I am having a Freezone visa so I had brought any possible legal documents I have. They did not ask though, but just being prepared 🙂

On your appointment date, be there on time. You have to queue a little bit to verify the documents you have and to check if you have an online appointment. Then you will be ask to sit and wait. You will be called by group 20-25 persons per group. While waiting there will be one lady who will explain things about what you should do for the next steps. She explained things about SSS and PAG-IBIG and was very helpful for your queries.

The whole group will be then asked to fall on line and will proceed to counter 1-3. Counter 1 is for Pag-ibig window, they no longer accept payments and you have to wire your payment through money exchange. You will be given your Pag-ibig MID/RTN and list of information sheets of contributions and accredited exchange partners.

Counter 2 is for OWWA window, where you will have to pay your OWWA membership fee. Counter 3 is for OEC window, the staff will ask your return ticket along with your original passport and OEC fee.

Dhs10 – OEC fee
Dhs92 – OWWA membership fee.

You will be given receipts for all your payments and instructions on how to print your OEC through 

Counter 1-3
Counter 1-3

Proceed to room 11 for SSS application or for updating your SSS membership. The staff in there will assist you for your queries and and will explain things to you like preferred contribution amount etc…

Follow the given instruction of printing your OEC.
OWWA membership has 2 years validity period.
OEC has 60 days validity period.

Please Read
Please Read

I was happy that getting an OEC in Dubai is now quick, easy, smooth and staff were helpful 🙂

“Enjoy your vacation”