15 Easy Ways to Make Your Girlfriend Smile When She’s Sad

make girl smile
Photo by Brandi Redd

Life isn’t always easy neither is love, but when you have a shoulder to lean on, it helps fight through the darkest times with ease. Sometimes, it doesn’t feel right when you find your girl a bit gloomy, and you don’t even know the reason behind that sorrow. Whatever it may be, it is your responsibility to cheer her up.

There are many things you can do to cheer your girl up. Check the list below to find out how to make your girlfriend smile when she’s sad.

15 Easy Ways to Make Your Girlfriend Smile When She’s Sad Video

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How to Make Your Girlfriend Smile When She’s Sad

1. Talk to her.

A girl will appreciate the time you take to talk to her. It’s a beautiful gesture that shows how much you care for her and eventually will brighten up her gloomy days.

2. Listen and understand her feelings.

When she pours her heart out to you, be a patient listener. Giving her the chance to talk will make her feel better. Also, be a listening ear for her pain and make her feel wanted.

3. Give her a hug.

A hug is a great way to brighten up your girlfriend’s mood. Physical affection can help provide emotional support and may be exactly what she needs. So, as much as possible, comfort her physically.

 Ways to Make Your Girlfriend Smile When She's Sad
Photo by StockSnap

4. Take her out on a date.

Planning a date for her might be a great way to take away all the blues she’s feeling inside. Take her out for a romantic candlelight dinner or a new place she hasn’t visited yet.

5. Show her positivity.

When everything looks enveloped in darkness, people need the right ray of positivity. As a boyfriend, consider it your responsibility to show her light during her gloomy days. Make her feel the zing of positivity, faith, hope, and strength. Be her pillar of strength and paint the beautiful smile all over her face again.

6. Try some humor.

They say laughter is the best medicine. So, to lift her mood, crack up silly jokes, tell her funny and embarrassing stories, and do anything entertaining that would make her forget all the worries and sadness she feels inside.

7. Give her a small gift.

Give her a small token of love to make her smile. You can buy her favorite food, give her flowers, or leave her sweet notes. Simple things like that will eventually take away all the sorrow she’s going through.

ALSO READ: 20 Best Gift Ideas for Your Girlfriend

8. Cook for her.

If the way to your heart is through your stomach, the way to your mind is also through food. It doesn’t even matter whether it is just a fried egg. Your gesture is what will make her smile instantly.

9. Pamper her.

Pampering has a way of making girls feel better. Treat her to her favorite ice cream, buy her fries, or give her foot a massage. You don’t always need to do fancy things, because girls only need a bit of pampering and she’ll be happy to have a boyfriend like you.

10. Watch her favorite movie together.

This may be tough, but if you really want her to think you care and want to see her smile again, it’s a small sacrifice to make.

11. Do things she likes.

Going out of your way to accompany her to an activity she likes shows that you care more about spending time together. Picking out a new shade of lipstick for her or even hiking through the woods despite being a homebody will bring a smile to her face and remember the future gestures.

12. Travel with her.

Sometimes, it’s really nice to travel away from it all for a while. It’s like giving yourself a mini-vacation. You see new sights and spend quality time together, all within the comfort of an exciting venue.

Ways to Make Your Girlfriend Smile When She’s Sad
Photo by StockSnap

13. Remind her how much you love her.

When she’s sad or hurt, hug her, hold her hand, and tell her how much you love and care for her. She needs to feel loved and cared for to see that beautiful smile again.

ALSO READ: 16 Ways to Make Your Girlfriend Feel Loved

14. Remind her why she is so great.

In your girlfriend’s weakness moment, be there to remind her of her confidence, strength, and why everyone loves her. Those words alone can take a girl from being sad and will eventually make her smile again.

ALSO READ: 24 Tips to Make Your Girlfriend Feel Special

15. Be there during her downcast.

Show her that no matter what it takes, no matter what she’s going through, and no matter how heavy the burden she feels. You’ll always be there by her side to help her ease the pain and make the burden lighter. Prove to her that you’re not only there for her during happiness, but you’ll also be there when she’s sad. Your presence is enough to make her feel good and make her smile again.

As long as you love your girlfriend, these things shouldn’t be hard for you. Love has a way of melting the toughest hearts and making us go the extra mile to sort out the chaos.

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Gift ideas to comfort your girlfriend:

Chinese Translation: 让你的女友伤心时,让她微笑的15种方法


11 Ways to Make Your Boyfriend Smile When He’s Mad at You

16 Ways How Not to Be Sad All the Time

Mitch is a writer and photographer. She also does screenwriting for independent film producers and joins various film competitions. Mitch believes that “You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.”
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January 2, 2021 11:55 pm

Don’t send her text messages just go up and meet her one time hug her so that she feels a bit relaxed talk to her in a way that her mood lifts up. You just can express your feelings by texting her you have to spend some time with her. This would definitely help

December 15, 2020 6:00 am

I think that some of these things with work, but maybe some won’t? Not all girls want the same thing or like the same thing.

October 5, 2020 4:55 pm

What if my gf want to kill herself what do I do???

September 28, 2020 2:29 pm

This is some good advice and you should try it.Most of you”ll have said it doesn’t work,but trust me it does.Some of the previous comments have said not all girls are the same.I know not all girls are the same.It does not depend on the advice your getting and going it.It’s the way you do it,If you do all of those things with her,it’s the way you do it,if you just do it and you don’t show her love,it won’t work.Try to make her feel important to your life.If the result fails,Don’t give up keep trying,she might be going through something very hard for her,don’t give up on her,Trust me this will work.

August 28, 2020 5:56 pm

I followed this advise to the letter.
My girlfriend poisoned my dog and left me for her cousin.
Wasn’t what I wanted but now I have more time for my thumb war training.
I hope one day I will be a world champion, then maybe a girl will love me for who I am, a winner.

Uzochukwu Gerard
Uzochukwu Gerard
May 8, 2020 11:09 am

Mine is so terrific and so unexplainable to even understand ..I send her texts messages every day and night she never replies me ,but she says “she know I love her”.. Am so in the middle of no where ,like am confused ,she is not speaking to me anymore..
What can I do?

April 23, 2020 2:36 am

I just want my girl to love me

April 14, 2020 3:26 am

I found the perfect advise ever be blessed 🙏

March 28, 2020 5:39 pm

This is not helping at all

Reply to  Bocore
March 24, 2022 9:37 am


November 12, 2019 8:37 am

What if you yourself are shy or afraid to talk to her when she came or you find it hard to understand her huh?

Hugh Ganus
Hugh Ganus
Reply to  Bryan
April 9, 2020 12:58 pm

I understand this one actually. I personally am very shy around my ol lady and anyone else. I’m sorry for wasting everybody’s time with this stupid comment that’s so dumb it probably makes you want to die. The point is, there’s hope for guys like me, it will get better. Maybe I won’t be so shy, maybe I’ll kiss a girl because my next birthday. Who wants to be 41 and never have kissed a girl. Riiiiight? Maybe mom will get off my back and let me wear her dresses when I want to, or dad can ease up and understand—I’m not purposely abstaining from women, I’m just fat. Goodbye everyone. Maybe forever

September 22, 2019 10:14 am

Thanks for the advice.but I have one question I know her problems yet I don’t know how to erase them with happiness please help me out she is facing a serious problem her brother is sick

August 31, 2019 7:30 am

What if you do all this to a girl and still continue nagging on you, not share up and act somehow, what can someone do again?

August 18, 2019 7:27 am

With my perception I think it will be a surprise to her when you visit her and also ask her for a walk.And hold her hand can make her feel a bit okay

Ana cave
Ana cave
August 6, 2019 6:27 am

Make sure you don’t text her unless it’s where are you. Surprise her by picking her up at her house or where ever she is. Just show her that you are here to make her better.

Reply to  Ana cave
June 13, 2020 7:23 am

sometimes uncomfortable silence sucks.

Derp Derpington
Derp Derpington
March 10, 2019 4:47 pm

Did not work. Bad sad girl advice.

danny devito
danny devito
Reply to  Derp Derpington
November 11, 2019 11:23 am

i had the same results

Reply to  Derp Derpington
June 13, 2020 7:19 am

Dude maybe it works but i believe not all girls cause they aint be ALL thesame.!..

Reply to  Newton
September 28, 2020 2:27 pm

Newton,Trust me it works.I know not all girls are the same.It does not depend on the advice your getting and going it.It’s the way you do it,If you do all of those things with her,it’s the way you do it,if you just do it and you don’t show her love,it won’t work.Try to make her feel important to your life.If the result fails,Don’t give up keep trying,she might be going through something very hard for her,don’t give up on her,Trust me this will work.

Reply to  Derp Derpington
September 28, 2020 2:33 pm

Don’t give up on her,she loves you but she is afriad to show it to you.She could be facing problems in her life.Keep on going,don’t give up on her.Show her that you love her.

November 8, 2018 9:35 am

Remember, she is sad. Not bored, so understand your post please. You don’t know the reason for her sadness and you’re talking of taking her out for date. Not all girls are the same

Reply to  Sochima
November 14, 2018 5:00 pm

bro, you have clearly never heard of Juice WRLD

Reply to  Jackson
December 5, 2018 3:37 am

🙂 lol

Ekom Nyong
Ekom Nyong
Reply to  Jackson
January 2, 2019 12:36 am

That guy suffers from heart break.
It’s not his fault

Reply to  Jackson
June 9, 2019 12:40 am


Reply to  Sochima
April 23, 2019 11:09 am

What of if she’s bored being around you,what will you do?

Reply to  Azeez
October 29, 2019 1:00 pm

Try and brighten the mood get her something that makes her feel special for example favorite food or candy

Reply to  Sochima
June 23, 2019 3:44 am

Youre right, not all girls are the same, thats why its a list and not a single direction. Maybe having a fun or romantic night out to help her take her mind of,things is just what she needs, especially if you’re uncapable of figuring out what is making her so upset

Reply to  Sam
September 28, 2020 2:34 pm

I agree with you Sam,not all girls are the same and they will never be.