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Help with Microsoft Keyboards US-International

Typing Diacritics And Special Characters

Microsoft English US-International Keyboard

Type International and Special Characters using the right  <Alt> key or the following modifier keys: Apostrophe(), Accent Grave(`), Quotation Mark(), Tilde(~), and Circumflex(^). To type just the modifier key by itself, type the <Spacebar> following the modifier key. Press and hold the right <ALT> key then press the keys <shown in red> to make the special characters:

á é í ó ú <Right Alt> a e i o u Acute
Á É Í Ó Ú <Right Alt> A E I O U
© <Right Alt> c Copyright symbol
ñ Ñ <Right Alt> n or N  Tilde
® <Right Alt> r Registered trademark symbol
æ Æ <Right Alt> z or Z Ligature
¨ <Right Alt> “ Umlaut (dieresis)
´ <Right Alt> ‘ Acute ( ‘ = apostrophe)
ð Ð <Right Alt> d or D  Eth
ø Ø <Right Alt> l or L  O slash
µ <Right Alt> m  Mu
ß <Right Alt> s Esszett (sz ligature)
þ Þ <Right Alt> t or T  Thorn
å Å <Right Alt> w  or W  A ring
ü Ü <Right Alt> y or Y
ö Ö <Right Alt> p or P
ä Ä <Right Alt> q or Q
¢ Alt><Shift>c  Cent
§ <Right Alt><Shift> s  Section mark
¡ <Right Alt> 1  Inverted Exclamation mark
² <Right Alt> 2  Superscript ²
³ <Right Alt> 3  Superscript ³
¤ <Right Alt> 4  General currency symbol
<Right Alt> 5  Euro currency symbol
¼ <Right Alt> 6  One fourth
½ <Right Alt> 7  One half
¾ <Right Alt> 8  Three fourths
<Right Alt> 9  Left single quote
<Right Alt> 0  Right single quote
¹ <Right Alt> !  Superscript ¹
£ <Right Alt> $  Pound sterling
¥ <Right Alt> –  Yen
× <Right Alt> =  Multiply sign
÷ <Right Alt> +  Divide sign
« <Right Alt> [  Left guillemet
» <Right Alt> ]  Right guillemet
¬ <Right Alt> \  Not symbol
¦ <Right Alt> |  Broken vertical bar
<Right Alt> ;  Paragraph (pilcrow)
° <Right Alt> :  Degree sign
ç Ç <Right Alt> , <  C cedilla
¿ <Right Alt> / Inverted question mark

Press the keys shown in red sequentially to make the special character:

ç Ç ‘c ‘C C cedilla ( ‘ = apostrophe)
á é í ó ú ý ‘a ‘e ‘i ‘o ‘u ‘y Acute ( ‘ = apostrophe)
Á É Í Ó Ú Ý ‘A ‘E ‘I ‘O ‘U ‘Y
‘ <Spacebar> Apostrophe
ä ë ï ö ü ÿ “a “e “i “o “u “y Umlaut (dieresis)
Ä Ë Ï Ö Ü Ÿ “A “E “I “O “U “Y
¨ <Alt Shift “> <Spacebar> Umlaut
” <Spacebar> Quotation
à è ì ò ù `a `e `i `o `u Grave ( ` = accent grave)
À È Ì Ò Ù `A `E `I `O `U
` ` <Spacebar> Grave ( ` = accent grave)
ã ñ õ Ã Ñ Õ ~a ~n ~o ~A ~N ~O Tilde
~ ~ <Spacebar> Tilde
â ê î ô û ^a ^e ^i ^o ^u Circumflex
^ ^ <Spacebar> Circumflex