How to stop slugs and snails eating all your seedlings

I DON'T know about your garden but the warm, wet weather has transformed mine into a playground for slugs and snails.

snail, slug, repellant Don't sprinkle salt on to your soil - it will kill everything[GETTY]

Several mornings I have been down to the bottom of the garden to fill up my compost bin, and practically run screaming back to the house at the sight of slugs that are nearly as long as my hand.

I wouldn’t mind, but we have a thrush in the garden whose sole job it is, in my mind, to eat the slugs and snails.

But there is only so much a thrush can do and, since I am careful to use slug pellets sparingly, I have looked into new or at least interesting ways of combating the pests.

My favourite remains either spearing them on a sharp stick or chopping them in half with a trowel, but I realise that is not to everybody’s taste.

I am also tempted by the idea of collecting them at night (wearing gardening gloves so it’s not too yucky) and throwing them into a bucket of hot water to make a solution which, once cold, can be poured over the seedlings as a deterrent.

Cheaper, is sprinkling coffee grounds around your seedlings, because slugs and snails don’t like them.

Anybody who is squeamish about the stew idea can simply collect them in bag and release them more than 65ft away so they can’t find their way home – slugs and snails are territorial and will soon return if you just throw them over your fence.

Of course, salt is a traditional solution; although you shouldn’t sprinkle salt on your soil because it will kill everything and make the ground infertile.

A better solution is to mix salt into Vaseline or something similar and smooth it around the rim of your patio pots, so the salt dehydrates slugs and snails as they crawl over it.
You can buy dried nematodes that come to life when mixed in water and, once dispatched into the soil, they will attack slugs as they hide away under the ground. 

These will only work for up to six weeks, though, so it’s quite an expensive solution.

Cheaper, is sprinkling coffee grounds around your seedlings, because slugs and snails don’t like them.

Nor do they like it when you put crushed garlic into the water in your watering can, leave it for a while so the pungent oils are properly released, then douse your seedlings.

And another excellent idea is to ring your plants with bran, which the slugs will devour before exploding from dehydration.

Burying shallow bowls filled with beer to lure them to their death (making sure the bowls or tins jut out so that good animals don’t fall in), is also much more acceptable now that lager is so cheap.

Or you could start eating a grapefruit a day and leave the scooped out halves of rind in slug hot spots to entice them – then just bag up the grapefruit and slugs and throw them in the bin.

As for me, I’m going to carry on spearing them and chopping them in two – and using slug pellets safe for wildlife.

There are several on the market now: try Westland Eraza Slug and Snail Killer, Growing Success Advance Slug Killer or Ferramol Max Slug Pellets.

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