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15 Tips To Ace Job Interviews

Forbes Business Development Council
Craig McGraw
Updated May 3, 2018, 07:00am EDT

Over the past few years, I have guest lectured at several universities conducting mock interviews and explaining to the senior-level classes that an interview for your first job will be one of the most stressful sales calls you will ever have to make. A majority of the time, a nervous hum from the students fills the room after that statement. I go on to further to explain what you are essentially doing in this interview is selling yourself to the interviewer and potential company.

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Will you be a good fit? Are you the type of person they're looking for to become their next up and coming star? No one knows what their interviews will bring, but by following the tips below, you will go in feeling confident and prepared.

Before The Interview

1. No Alcohol Or Going Out

Some people choose to go out the night before an interview and enjoy a few spirits, either out of excitement for a new opportunity or because of the pure nervousness it brings. The last thing your future employer wants is someone smelling like alcohol the following morning in the interview. Stay in and get a good night sleep to look and feel alert.

2. Google The Company

Know your audience and know their function. Nothing screams being unprepared like not being able to answer a simple question about your potential future workplace.

3. Put Your Resume And Other Documents In A Folder With A Pen

Being organized and able to take notes if needed shows the interviewer you're ready to engage with them.

4. If You're A Smoker, Don't On The Way To Your Interview 

Smelling like smoke may have your interviewer thinking how many more days you'll be out sick than a nonsmoking competitor for the job.

In The Waiting Room

5. Good Posture

Slouching sends a horrible impression. Sit up straight but be relaxed. You never know who will see you and take notice.

6. Turn Your Phone To Silent And Stay Off It

Playing on your phone in the waiting room or having it go off during the interview shows that you are sidetracked from the task at hand. Your interviewer may suggest you attend to the issues and come back when you are ready to give the interview your full attention. Usually, this is a nice way of saying you won't be getting the job.

7. Mints (No Gum)

Along with providing fresh breath, mints are also good for calming a nervous stomach. Gum may do the same, but chewing too loud, snapping bubbles or finding a place to dispose of it before the interview are all problems that could arise.

8. Don’t Clench Your Hands

It may be a natural reaction to clench your fists when you're a little tense, waiting to be called into the interview. This will cause them to perspire, however, and the last thing you want to do is have a sweaty hand when shaking hands with your interviewers for the first time. Instead, keep them on your pants or open in a steeple-like position.


9. Its Okay To Be Nervous

You've gone over different scenarios a hundred times in your head and feel like you've never been more ready but can't get rid of those nervous butterflies when you walk in the door to start the interview. Relax. It's perfectly normal and once everything moves along those butterflies will fade.

10. Smile

It doesn't have to be a forced, over-the-top smile reminiscent of the Joker, but a genuine smile makes a great first impression on everyone and shows you are happy to be there.

11. Give A Firm Handshake

A firmly gripped handshake relays great confidence and suggests that you are genuine -- which are certainly traits you want to demonstrate to your future boss.

12. Maintain Good Eye Contact

Not looking at your interviewer may make you come off as uninterested, disconnected and even bored with what you are discussing.

13. If Possible, Mention Fraternities, Sororities, Sports And Other Groups

I've known people who have gone into interviews being far from the most qualified candidate, and they came away with the job. The reason? A connection with the interviewer and a common ground you can both relate to will often go much further than what is on your resume.

14. Always Ask A Question

Never turn down the opportunity to ask a question when the interviewer inquires if you have any. It's a great way to, if only for a minute, turn the tables a little bit and see how they respond.

15. Be Yourself

The most important thing to do is always be yourself. Aside from an interviewer seeing through the act you are purveying, just remember if you get a job at this company, this facade will have to be kept up at least 40 hours a week when you are there, which won't make for a pleasant experience.

In conclusion, I hope these tips have been helpful in letting you know how to approach job interviews. Using them as a reference will be an excellent tool in helping you succeed in obtaining the career of your choice.