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Running Tech: What Is A Gait Analysis And Why Should Every Runner Have One?

Updated Oct 3, 2018, 11:23am EDT
This article is more than 5 years old.

If you're into your running, you may have heard of something called a gait analysis.

A gait analysis is a method for identifying biomechanical abnormalities in the gait cycle, or in other words, it’s a tool used to assess the way in which you walk and run. It can be beneficial in that it can identify any overactive or underactive muscles in the feet, which could lead to potential injuries and inefficiencies in the future.

There are several different kinds of gait analysis that you can have done, some more complex and techy than others, and some much easier to perform. But which is the best kind for you, and where can you have an assessment done? Read on to find out.


The first and probably most simple way of doing a gait analysis is having a running shoe specialist evaluating your foot patterns and fitting you into a running shoe. Also known as a “qualitative analysis”, this process involves a physical examination by a clinician followed by a visual assessment of the patient’s gait.

I went along to Runners Need, one of the biggest running experts in the UK, and a store that offers free gait analysis as part of a shoe fitting process. The set-up comprises an analysis station with a treadmill, camera, and a laptop equipped with Dartfish sensor software.

Runner's Need

The first stage of the process is to capture a short video of around 20 seconds of your running on the treadmill in a neutral shoe with little or no cushioning. This helps to highlight abnormalities in your gait.

Using the video recording tech, the store's trained staff were able to analyze the way in which my feet struck the floor as I ran, and compared any asymmetries to look for "pronations" by using visual cues. Pronation refers to the way in which your foot rolls inwards as it strikes the floor. It’s your body’s way of distributing impact, and a natural part of the gait cycle. Understanding your pronation type is important for selecting the right type of running shoe and ultimately could help you to avoid injury.

Runner's Need

Based on an assessment of the footage, Runners Need then selected a second pair of shoes suited to my foot type and the way in which I ran.  This will either be a stability (or structured) shoe to correct pronation, or a neutral shoe for runners with a neutral or overpronated/supinated foot motion. Mine was a neutral shoe.

After I'd completed a second run, Runners Need then compared my footage side by side and assessed the results.

Check out a video of my gait analysis below for a better understanding of what to expect:

At the moment Runner's Need is also running a 'Recycle My Run' initiative, which means if you donate a pair of trainers in store or at the Royal Parks half marathon event later this month, you'll get £20 off your new pair.


A Kinetic gait analysis is perhaps the most advanced as it also takes measurements of force into account, like power, torque, and pressure. This kinetic data can bring issues to light that can’t be determined by the naked eye, enabling a better evaluation of patients, and thus develop more effective treatment plans, and monitor progress.

For example, Boston sensor firm Tekscan uses these gait analysis tools in the form of mats, walkways, and in-shoe sensors to add objective, repeatable, and actionable data to the evaluation process.

However, more advanced sensing system such as these can be difficult to find locally, take a while to complete and be very pricey.

DIY with wearables

If you prefer the DIY approach, there are also some buy-it-yourself wearables available that you can employ to do the sensing for you.

One example is Seattle-based Boogio, an IoT wearable company that makes pressure-sensitive sensors for footwear. The company's offering is essentially a sticker that you put underneath an insole that has pressure sensors across toe heel and arch, with sixty-five thousand layers of pressure sensitivity.


A small device then clips to the side of the shoe and contains a gyroscope, 3D accelerometer, Bluetooth connectivity, and battery. Boogio generates a lot of data points such as the weight of your body on your feet, how you are holding yourself up when standing, and can infer from your inner balance when shifting weight from left to right.

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