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Inspiring stories

Chris and Barry’s Story

Chris and Barry’s Story

Hear how community boxfit sessions are supporting Chris and Barry, who are living with Parkinson's, to meet new people, get fit and lose weight in a safe and friendly environment.

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Abi’s Cycling Story

Abi’s Cycling Story

Hear how learning to cycle has improved Abi's wellbeing and helped her to be more active in her everyday life.

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Benefits of…walking sports

Benefits of…walking sports

Walking sports are a fantastic way to stay active and enjoy physical activity, especially for those who prefer a slower pace or have specific health considerations. Let’s dive into what...

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Benefits of…Active Travel

Benefits of…Active Travel

Active travel is an approach to travel and transport that focuses on physical activity (walking and cycling) as opposed to motorised and carbon-dependent means. We all rely heavily on cars...

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