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Face and Body Hair Bleaching: Everything You Need to Know, According to Skin Experts

Close up image of gloved hands holding a mixing bowl with bleach and a brush in it

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Getting rid of facial and body hair can be tedious, not to mention, it's often quite painful. Waxing, sugaring, ingrown hairs, and nicks from shaving...these methods can leave a lot to be desired. But one hair-removal hack you may not have pondered? Bleaching. Although bleach doesn't actually eliminate hair, it can make hair appear practically invisible, negating the need for shaving, waxing, epilating, and the rest. It's also pain-free, quick, easy, cheap, and safe for a variety of skin types, including sensitive skin.

For the lowdown on all things face and body bleaching– from the benefits, how it feels, the cost, and everything in between– we went straight to the pros. Ahead, our guide to bleaching facial and body hair, according to top dermatologists and estheticians.

Meet the Expert

How Does it Work?

Bleaching works by breaking down hair's melanin, or pigment, permanently lightening the hair. Some of the active ingredients (like hydrogen peroxide) that are used to lighten facial and body hair are also used to lighten hair on the head. That said, the product you use to get golden, summery highlights isn't the same stuff you'd use to bleach hair on your upper lip.

"The hydrogen peroxide content is much lower for facial hair bleach than scalp hair bleach," explains dermatologist, Loretta Ciraldo.

The Pros

  • It's a fast, easy DIY. "The most significant pro of hair bleaching is its simplicity," esthetician Ali Tobia, explains. The process of bleaching– from mixing the product to removal– shouldn't take more than 15 minutes. Plus, it can be done at home; no salon trips or spa appointments required.
  • Frequent touch-ups are A-OK. "If your skin doesn’t react negatively to the bleach, it’s safe enough to do weekly," says Tobia. "Most people do it every two to four weeks."
  • It won't leave scars. Have a skin condition that makes shaving or lasering too risky? Try bleaching instead. "[Bleaching] is often the only alternative for people who have any tendency to scarring, like keloid formers or people who get hyperpigmentation from skin trauma," Dr. Ciraldo explains.
  • It's affordable. Even if you need to bleach large areas of your body (like your arms or legs), a single bleaching process isn't likely to cost more than a fancy latte.
  • It makes hair less noticeable. "It is a way to reduce the appearance of unwanted hair without having to wax, shave, or laser," says dermatologist, Brendan Camp.
  • It's not painful. However, Dr. Camp explains, "If pain, burning, or stinging occurs during treatment it could indicate an adverse reaction to the product. If this happens, wash off the product and apply an OTC 1% hydrocortisone cream."

The Cons

  • It doesn't remove hair, it reduces the look of hair. Bleaching can't deliver the baby-soft, hairless surface you can get from other hair-removal methods. Also, bleached hair may be somewhat noticeable in bright light.
  • It may not be ideal for those with dark skin. "Sometimes bleached hair on darker skin is even more noticeable than the natural hair color," Tobia says. Also, hydrogen peroxide can have unintended results on darker complexions. "There have been some cases where bleach has actually lightened the skin," esthetician, Edyta Jarosz, warns, although the result is usually temporary.
  • It's not as effective on long, thick hair. Bleach works best on fine hair, like the hair on your upper lip and arms. If you don't get the results you want after two applications of bleach (more on that in the next section), "the product is not going to be effective enough for you," Dr. Ciraldo says.
  • The results aren't long-lasting. Dark regrowth, which usually emerges within a few weeks, may stand in stark contrast to the bleached-blond tips of the hair. "While less expensive than other forms of hair removal, bleaching needs to be repeated once every 2-4 weeks to treat the new hairs that grow in," says Dr. Camp.

Is Bleaching Facial and Body Hair Safe?

Bleaching is relatively safe, especially compared to heavy-duty hair-removal treatments like lasering. The most common side effects of bleaching, Tobia says, are "redness, itching, bumps, burning, blisters, hives, dry skin [and] swelling." Dr. Camp adds, "Bleaching facial and body hair is generally safe but can cause irritant contact dermatitis. Irritant contact dermatitis occurs from damage to the skin as a result of the chemicals in bleaching products. It presents on the skin as redness, itch, swelling, and scaling. If a rash or reaction develops after the bleaching it could cause post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. This type of discoloration can be more common in darker skin tones and can take weeks or months to resolve in some cases."

If you follow the product directions with meh results—say, the hair didn't lighten as much as you expected—don't leave the product on for longer than the recommended time. Doing so can lead to more serious side effects such as burning and blistering. Instead, Dr. Ciraldo recommends waiting at least 72 hours before trying again in case a skin allergy develops.

"After 72 hours, start to apply one percent hydrocortisone cream to the skin in the area, morning and night," she suggests. "Then repeat the bleaching, following the manufacturer's directions after a day (by 96 hours)."

If you're not sure bleach is for you, there's a simple way to ensure your skin is compatible: "Do a patch test on a small spot before you apply the bleach all over," Jarosz suggests.

How Much Does It Hurt?

Ever white-knuckled your way through a painful waxing or lasering appointment? There's good news: On normal, healthy skin, bleaching is utterly painless.

As the bleach works its magic, a tingling sensation is typical. However, a burning sensation is a red flag that hair bleaching isn't for you.

Byrdie Tip

If you feel any discomfort from bleaching, Dr. Ciraldo says to "wash it off immediately, and apply ice or even 1 percent over-the-counter hydrocortisone cream."

The Cost

Body and facial hair bleach kits are easy to find in drugstores and grocery stores, typically ranging in cost from about $5 to $15.

Tobia and Jarosz both praise Jolen Creme Bleach. Tobia calls it "a mild and reliable product that is budget-friendly."

Dr. Ciraldo recommends another affordable option: Sally Hansen Creme Hair Bleach, especially for bleaching hair on the face. "Facial hair products should have skin-calming ingredients like aloe and vitamin E," she says. The product's mild formula is aces for light and medium-dark hair; those with dark or thick hair should try the brand's extra-strength variety.


"Aftercare is important with skin and hair bleaching treatments to maximize results," Jarosz says. Post-bleaching care can also counteract dryness and inflammation from bleaching, she explains.

After you use bleach, make sure to lightly cleanse the affected areas, Tobia says. If skin is irritated or red, Jarosz and Dr. Ciraldo recommend applying soothing aloe vera gel and ice packs; if your skin's good to go, skip aloe and ice in favor of a moisturizing cream or spray.

"Use a rosewater spray to help hydrate the skin after bleaching," Tobia suggests; she recommends the "simple" Heritage Store Rosewater Spray, made with purified water and moisturizing rose oil.

The Takeaway

Bleaching is a fast, easy, low-risk way to reduce the appearance of facial and body hair, especially for people with light, sensitive skin who don't want the hassle or pain of other hair-removal methods. If you've got $5 and 15 minutes to spare, it's a great alternative to other treatments. If you have more melanated skin or are hesitant about using bleaching products on your face or body hair, it is best to consult with your dermatologist ahead of use.

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  1. Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry. ToxFAQsTM for hydrogen peroxide. Updated July 27, 2015.

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