Perimeter of Quadrilateral

How to find the perimeter of quadrilateral?

The sum of the length of all the four sides of the quadrilateral is called the perimeter of the quadrilateral.

In the given figure, the perimeter of the quadrilateral     

Perimeter of Quadrilateral

= (AB+ BC + CD + DA) units.

Solved examples to find Perimeter of the Quadrilateral:

1. Find the perimeter of the quadrilateral with sides 5 cm, 7 cm, 9 cm and 11 cm.


The formula to find the perimeter of the quadrilateral = sum of the length of all the four sides.

Here the lengths of all the four sides are 5 cm, 7 cm, 9 cm and 11 cm.

Therefore, perimeter of quadrilateral = 5 cm + 7 cm + 9 cm + 11 cm

                                                     = 32 cm

2. The perimeter of the quadrilateral is 50 cm and the lengths of three sides are 9 cm, 13 cm and 17 cm. Find the missing side of the quadrilateral.


Let the missing side of the quadrilateral = x

Perimeter of the quadrilateral = 50 cm

The lengths of three sides are 9 cm, 13 cm and 17 cm

Perimeter of the quadrilateral = sum of the length of all the four sides.

50 = 9 cm + 13 cm + 17 cm + x

50 = 39 + x

x = 50 - 39

x = 11

Therefore, the missing side of the quadrilateral = 11 cm


Missing side of the quadrilateral = Perimeter of the quadrilateral - Sum of the length of three sides.

3. A man crosses a distance of 48 m while going round a quadrilateral field twice. What will be the cost of fencing the field at the rate of cost $1.75 per m.


Perimeter of the field is the total lengths of its boundary = 48/2 m = 24 m

For 1 m, cost of fencing the field = $1.75

Therefore, for 24 m cost of fencing the field = $(1.75 × 24) = $42

7th Grade Math Problems 

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