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Fruit smoothie.
Fruit smoothie. (Rusty Clark/Flickr)

Athlete Recipes: CrossFit Champion Annie Thorisdottir’s Muscle Smoothie

The difference between hitting the summit and hitting the wall often comes down to the fuel in your belly. Here, 11 pros share their favorite nutritional secrets and performance-enhancing recipes.

Fruit smoothie.
(Photo: Rusty Clark/Flickr)

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THE MEAL: By now, you probably know what CrossFit is. What you may not know is that Thorisdottir, a 21-year-old Icelander, is the greatest female CrossFitter on the planet, having won the CrossFit games (an annual three-day competition between the best CrossFit athletes) the past two years. That, of course, takes tremendous strength. So after hours of power-cleans, burpees, and rope climbs, Thorisdottir downs a high protein smoothie to encourage muscle growth.

WHY IT WORKS: For one thing, says Korzun, it’s convenient. “It’s a drink loaded with the nutrients you need to recover correctly,” he says. “You just drink it and it goes to work fast.” In the yogurt, Thorisdottir gets one of the highest protein sources there is, says Korzun. And, he adds, that mangos and pineapple contain more antioxidants than most fruits—helping improve muscle recovery.

SECRET INGREDIENT: Yogurt also contains probiotics, microbes that aid digestion.

1. Add to a blender 2/3 cup of natural skyr yogurt (you can substitute with Greek yogurt if you can’t find skyr, which is an Icelandic yogurt), 1/4 cup of frozen or fresh Mango, 1/4 cup of pineapple, 1/4 cup of strawberries, and three to five ice cubes.
2. Blend and drink.

From Outside Magazine, Nov 2012
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Lead Photo: Rusty Clark/Flickr

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