Snow Magic

Snow Magic January 12, 2017

Water exists in 3 states; liquid, solid and gas; this is one of the things that makes it such a unique and powerful element! It has the power to exist in 3 different states, and to transform in three different ways. It really is amazing if you think about it. Combine that with that knowledge that Dr. Emoto’s work uncovered and it really can leave you in awe of such a strange and powerful element. There is such a large focus on the ocean and smaller fresh bodies of water that we often forget about water in its frozen state. There is much magic to be done with winter water magic!

Hawthorn Berries

It has been winter weather around here for weeks. Truly I enjoy it; I really love the cool weather and how it feels on my skin. I love to hear the crunchy snow and ice under my feet while walking the dog and I really enjoy standing in the snow and examining the crystals of ice and other icy snow formations. I love as the gentle snow falls on my jacket sleeve. I guess I consider it to be a “winter wonderland”. Even with the cold weather, I enjoy venturing out and performing magic after a fresh snow, or first thing in the morning when it’s cold and frosty.

Here are a few ideas on how to use snow, ice and winter weather in your own magic practice. You can start very simple by working with sigils. Using snow to write sigils is a great use of winter water magic. Simply use your finger to indent the snow with your sigil or power symbol. Depending on the time you Snow Magicchoose to draw them, you can bring added intent and correspondences.  You can focus on drawing them during the snowfall to bring a light peaceful energy that is softer. Or you can draw them during the snow melt for banishing or releasing. You can also draw protection sigils in the frost with a warm finger on your house and car windows evoking the energy of the ice to bring frosty protection. Using a bird bath and filling it with water the night before it is going to freeze and/or snow, is a great way to create a temporary shrine to the Cailleach, to lay out sigils in stone or sticks, or even to simply create an altar where you perform your magic outdoors during the winter months. Despite the winter weather with snow and ice all around us, there is still quite a bit of nature to be used in magic. Hawthorn berries are still hanging on the tree and oak leaves are still drifting and floating around in between the snows and some are still hanging on to the tree. Nature can still be incorporated into your magic and while the ground may be cold and frozen, not all spirits sleep!

If you are finding yourself in need of banishing someone, making a snow poppet is a great way to accomplish that. Of course we have all made a variety of snow figures over the years from snowmen to snow angels but have you ever made a little snow poppet? Create the shape of a person with snow on a paper plate, board, or piece of cardboard (environmentally friendly and biodegradable is best). Tuck the taglock in the center, charge it with intent, bring it to life and take it away from your property to melt, as the snow melts so does the person flow away from your life and the relationship will be dissolved. Additionally you can bring the snow poppet to a river and let it flow away from you and melt miles away from you. However you can also use the poppet to help with healing magic. Create the poppet in your likeness, perhaps in your sacred grove, or outdoor altar space. Tuck your taglock in the center and cover with snow. Charge it with healing intent, perhaps add a healing sigil or reiki symbol. You can even go as far as making it a bed of leaves, or evergreen needles, you can add a flowers, crystal or other healing grid of your choice. 9 quartz crystals for the metaphysical inclined or 9 white stones from a nearby river collected on a special night for those drawn to folk magic or perhaps you would prefer casting a circle and calling in the energies of your ceremonial magic practice. Whatever you choose this can be powerful magic!

Winter Magic

Snow or Ice Water can be kept frozen or melted. It is great for winter water magic, and to “freeze” your enemies in place. Likewise the act of “defrosting” will help you move to a more flexible space, rather than being frozen or stuck in place. Water that is made from melted snow, especially a beautiful lazy drift would be a wonderful base to make a transformation or peace water. Taking a bowl of fresh fluffy snow into your working space and creating a spell to help melt away any stuck energies or get things flowing again after a period of frozen time would be a particularly good way to work with snow water. You can also add a sigil or stone to the bowl of snow before it melts. Depending on how you work this type of magic, you can also collect this water and add it to a vial to use in the coming year or during the warmer months where you might need a little snow or melting magic added to your water practice.

Here is a Winter Water Blessing recipe. I have included both the original recipe as well as an adapted one for those Witches in warmer climates, who may want to connect with the Winter but don’t have the snowfall, or are in the tropics!

Winter Blessing Water

You will need

  • Snow
  • Icicle
  • Silver ring or quartz crystal

Select your sacred vessel or bowl to gather the snow in. Bring it inside and place on your altar. Select an icicle from outdoors and place it in the center of the bowl. If you have a sacred symbol that you use to charge your magic with, use the icicle to draw it into the snow. Add a piece of silver or quartz crystal and set it out under the light of the Full moon.  Bottle it and use!

Winter Blessing Water for the tropics

You will need

  • Sea Water or Spring Water
  • Ice Cube
  • Silver ring or quartz crystal

Select your sacred vessel or bowl to gather the water in. Bring it inside and place on your altar. Select an ice cube from your freezer and place it in the center of the bowl. If you have a sacred symbol that you use to charge your magic with, use the ice cube to draw it into the bowl of water. Drop the ice cube in the water, add a piece of silver or quartz crystal and set it out under the light of the Full moon.  Bottle it and use!

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