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How to Dispose of Yard Waste Without Dumping It Illegally

Here are some safe and legal options for removing yard waste and debris from your home.

wood chipper pinterest
Watchcaddy - Flickr CC Wikimedia 2.0

It's satisfying to clear your yard of leaves, branches, and other junk that you've accumulated, but now what do you do with that useless pile? Instead of dumping it in some empty lot or backwoods area, here are the best legal and green options for removing the waste.

Call Sanitation

yard waste
Bill Barber - Flickr CC Wikimedia 2.0

Most municipalities will pick up organic waste and yard clippings, or they'll have a designated place for you to drop them off for recycling. Often your clippings are mulched and used on public green spaces.

Haul to the Dump

Cyclist - Flickr CC Wikimedia 2.0

If you've got a truck, then you can haul your debris and junk to the local dump yourself. If they've got an area for recycling, try that first. You may have to pay a fee per load or weight, but that's better than a fine for illegal dumping.

Rent a Chipper

wood chipper
Watchcaddy - Flickr CC Wikimedia 2.0

Got a lot of wood to get rid of? A chipper is great for breaking down large branches and shrubs into usable mulch. You can rent one for $200 to $400 per day; it's an even better deal if you go in on it with a few neighbors. Use extreme caution when using this machine, though. Fargo is only funny because it's fiction.

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Hire a Crew

<p>It may be more cost-effective (and less of a hassle) to hire a crew or a truck to remove your yard waste and any other junk you have laying around. You won't need a large unit unless you're doing a few days of demolition work, but these hauling companies can certainly hold a lot if you need that.</p>
Curtis Palmer - Flickr CC Wikimedia 2.0

It may be more cost-effective (and less of a hassle) to hire a crew or a truck to remove your yard waste and any other junk you have laying around. You won't need a large unit unless you're doing a few days of demolition work, but these hauling companies can certainly hold a lot if you need that.

Burn It

burning waste
Ze'ev Barkan - Flicker CC Wikimedia 2.0

Check with your local laws before burning any yard waste. Even if it is legal where you live, this type of yard disposal emits pollutants and there is always a risk of an uncontrollable fire.

Headshot of Timothy Dahl
Timothy Dahl
DIY Editor

Timothy is a lifelong DIY enthusiast who is fixated on smart home tech, beautiful tools, and wrenching on his FJ62 Land Cruiser.  He’s the DIY editor at Popular Mechanics and also the founder of the home improvement site, Charles & Hudson, the Webby-nominated family site, Built by Kids, and Tool Crave. When not working, you’ll find him on his board or bike enjoying the LA weather with his family and friends. Follow him on Instagram and Twitter.

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