How To Make The Best Scrambled Eggs

Time to rethink that old habit.

For a long time, you've probably heard that breakfast is the day's most important meal. Southern cooks readily agree, having excellent recipe collections for breakfast casseroles, pancakes, and shrimp and grits. When learning how to make breakfast, most novice cooks start with an easy egg recipe, like scrambled eggs.

Since this is often a cook's first dabble with the breakfast world, they might wonder, does adding milk make scrambled eggs fluffier? Read on for seven ways to make the best scrambled eggs.

Perfect Scrambled Eggs
Amarita / Getty Images

Save the Milk for Your Coffee Mug

Good quality eggs don't need a lot of extra ingredients to make them stand out. You can stop if you are in the habit of adding milk or cream while whisking eggs—now. Milk won't make eggs creamier, fluffier, or stretch the dish out. The milk dilutes the eggs' flavor, making them rubbery, colorless, and similar to what you would find at a school cafeteria. When asked if adding milk to scrambled eggs is a good idea, Robby Melvin, Southern Living Test Kitchen Director, simply and unequivocally said, "Nope."

Chefs and home cooks agree that butter is the only dairy you need when scrambling eggs. Use medium to low heat and melt a tablespoon or two in the bottom of your pan until it is golden (but not brown). Then add your whisked eggs, and cook without stirring until the mixture begins to set on the bottom. Periodically draw a spatula across eggs on the bottom of the pan to form large curds until finished.

Crack and Whisk in a Separate Bowl

Some cooks like to crack the eggs directly into the pan, using a fork to whisk them around the pan. Not only do you risk getting eggshells in the pan, but using this whisking method will only result in a streaky scramble. Take the extra step to crack the eggs into a bowl and whisk well to combine. Your finished product will be better because of your extra efforts.

Stir It Up

From the first whisk to the last scrape, scrambled eggs aren't a dish to be left sitting for very long. Whisk the raw eggs vigorously so the white and yolk are combined, not stringy when you lift the whisk from the bowl. This step is important in incorporating air into the eggs and creating that desirable fluffy texture. Don't let the eggs sit—this step is done just before pouring the eggs into the pan or they'll deflate. As the eggs cook and start to set, you'll still need to stir slowly so they cook evenly and no thin edges develop.

Use a Silicone Spatula

A silicone or heat-proof spatula is the best tool for making scrambled eggs. Metal spatulas can scrape and scratch the nonstick coating of your pan, and a wooden spoon can't get into the corners of the pan the way a silicone version can.

Low and Slow Isn't Just for BBQ

Scrambled eggs should be cooked slowly, over medium-low heat. You don't want the pan hot enough for the eggs to bubble, just warm enough to melt the butter. Anything hotter and you will have overcooked, dry eggs. Remove the pan from the stovetop just shy of them being done since they continue to cook once removed from the heat, similar to other proteins. The hot skillet will continue to cook the eggs as you transfer them onto a serving platter.

Don't Forget the Cheese

Crumbled or freshly shredded cheese melts quickly (the packaged, pre-shredded cheese doesn't melt well). Add it after you take the eggs off the heat but before completing cooking. Tender, fresh herbs such as tarragon, dill, or chives also taste great sprinkled over hot scrambled eggs. Season with salt and pepper (if desired), and enjoy a plate of smooth and fluffy eggs, sans milk.

Take Your Scrambles Up a Level

Fluffy scrambled eggs may be great as is, but they're also a game changer for many breakfast recipes. Try them with chorizo in breakfast tacos or whip up breakfast burritos to freeze for harried mornings. Your breakfast sandwich will never be the same.

More Ways to Cook Eggs

Now that you’ve perfected cooking the fluffiest scrambled eggs, master some other techniques to add variety to your mornings and impress family and guests. We have tips for making fabulously runny over-easy eggs, pillowy poached eggs, and baked eggs. Now get crackin'.

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