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19 Science-Backed Remedies to Get Rid of Back Acne Scars

Acne is something that millions of us have had the misfortune of experiencing.

It can be grossly unsightly, highly uncomfortable and painful, and do an outstanding job of messing with our confidence and sense of well-being.

For many, it is a sad reality of growing up and puberty, while for others it is something that plagues them well into and throughout adulthood.

Having acne in itself is by no means enjoyable, but it often leaves behind a reminder even after it’s gone in the form of scars etched into the skin.

However, acne and acne scars are both things that are partially under your control.

In this article, we will touch upon what acne actually is and why it happens, and also the many different ways in which back acne scars can be reduced or removed altogether.


What is Acne?


Acne is a skin disorder that causes the surface of your skin to break out in pimples and redness.

If you have acne, you may notice the appearance of smaller black and white pimples, known as comedones.

Blackheads appear when the opening is large and the pimple opens at the surface of the skin and flattens, turning black due to exposure to oxygen in the air.

Whiteheads, on the other hand, stay just below the surface due to a small opening and feel like tiny bumps.

In addition to these, you may also see inflammatory lesions in the affected skin area.

Some of these are small, red bumps known as papules; small, red bumps with pus secretion known as pustules; solid, painful lumps right beneath the skin known as nodules; and large, very painful lumps right beneath the skin that contain pus, known as cysts.

These inflammatory lesions are the ones that most often lead to scarring.

The most common area for acne to occur is on the face, the back, the neck, the chest, and the shoulders.


Why Does Acne Happen?


Your skin has small holes called pores, which allow oil and sweat to be secreted through underlying glands and hair to sprout out.

These pores are connected in the dermis and epidermis to oil glands through follicles, which are essentially passageways that carry out sebum (oil) secreted by the sebaceous gland, sweat secreted by the sweat glands, and dead skin cells, up to the skin’s surface.

The oil and dead cells, along with other dirt particles, can clog up the surface and cause a plug to form. Germs and bacteria cause swelling, and a pimple grows as the plug breaks down.

When this happens repeatedly and in multiple spots, it is termed acne.

There isn’t just one reason why you suffer from acne.

It may be because your sebaceous glands are producing too much oil, or if dead cells have accumulated in your pores and need exfoliating, or because bacteria has built up in your pores.

There hasn’t been a much scientific consensus regarding the different claims about why someone may be more likely to suffer from acne, but there are some theories that do seem to make sense.

One is that your likelihood increases if your parent/s also suffered from acne since the internal workings and tendencies of your body are similar.

Another is that hormonal changes, especially an increase in androgens or very low levels of androgens, can increase oil production and secretion, causing more pore blocks.

This is why puberty, pregnancy, menstruation, use of certain medications such as corticosteroids and oral contraceptives, hormone treatments, or hormone replacement therapy often lead to breakouts.

Another possible trigger may be stress, which may be because sebaceous cells have receptors for stress hormones.

You may notice that during times of stress, such as during an important project or exam time, you tend to break out more than at other times.

One other major factor that may aggravate acne is an imbalanced diet.

Dairy, carbohydrate-rich foods and even chocolate have been linked to acne, though more studies are needed to prove causation rather than correlation.

Junk food and greasy food too may worsen acne to some extent.

For most people, one or more of these underlying causes may be worsening their acne.

In a small number of cases, however, it might also be due to inadequate hygiene and cleansing.

Washing your face twice a day, exfoliating once or twice a week, avoiding beauty and makeup products with ingredients that cause irritation, using clean brushes, and removing makeup at the end of the day can make a big difference.


19 Remedies for Back Acne Scars


Acne scars anywhere on your body can look rather ugly, and make you self-conscious about your appearance or cause you to lack confidence when you go about your daily activities, especially in social or professional settings.

Acne on the facial area is usually very visible, but many also have acne on their backs.

Back acne or back acne scars may make you hesitant about wearing clothes that reveal your back, or lower your self-esteem when it comes to your private life.

Knowing this, there are many remedies available on the market to treat acne scars.

But the problem with these remedies is that many of them – such as laser treatment or medical products or certain manufactured products – are quite expensive, and you may not want to invest so much of your money in these treatments when you’re unsure how effective the results will be.

And that’s a very valid concern — many products do not work the same way for different people, and you might end up being disappointed when they don’t do much for your acne scars.

A cheaper alternative is to try natural ingredients, many of which you can find already in your home and some which might just take a quick visit to the grocery store.

These ingredients usually are used in marketed products too, but applying them at home yourself will ensure that there are no harmful chemicals that might potentially irritate or damage your skin.

Here are some of the most effective ways to reduce back acne scars right at home:


Olive or Tea Tree Oil


You might be wondering how oil can possibly help reduce acne and acne scars when all it does is increase the amount of sebum in pores.

The truth is that a lot of times, your skin isn’t moisturized enough.

It reacts either by overproducing oil naturally as compensation or by becoming very dry and flaky.

Olive oil is something that you already probably have in your house since it is great for hair and cooking too.

In addition, its high antioxidant content (1) and vitamins and minerals make it a good tool for acne and scarring, since they fight inflammation.

To get the best outcome, you can apply olive oil before you sleep every night with a cotton ball to the affected area on your back.

Let it soak in and wash off any residue the next morning if you feel like it.

Tea tree oil also has antiseptic, antifungal, antibacterial, and antiviral properties that help heal hypertrophic scars (2).

Dilute two to three teaspoons of tea tree oil with a cup of water, and apply to your back a few times during the day, as well as before going to bed.

You could also store this mixture for future use, but just make sure that for every 1 milliliter of tea tree oil you add at least 3 milliliters of water or more.


Green Tea


Green tea has long been known as a health elixir of sorts, but many are not aware of its effect on acne and scarring.

The special feature of green tea is that it contains chemicals known as polyphenols, particularly compounds known as catechins.

Green tea has six of these – catechin, epicatechin, epicatechin gallate, gallocatechin, and epigallocatechin – which is a lot more than most foods or beverages contain.

These catechins have strong antioxidative qualities, helping fight inflammation and suppressing the lesions that cause scarring.

Epigallocatechin in green tea especially has been proven to work at a molecular level inside skin cells and reduce sebum production to combat acne (3).

Green tea can be used both orally and topically to prevent lipid synthesis in the sebaceous glands and acne vulgaris (4).

By fighting inflammation and reducing the number and severity of sores, and by speeding up the healing process, the antioxidants in green tea can go a long way toward reducing back acne scars.

To consume enough of these polyphenols, drink at least one cup of green tea per day.

For best results, two to three cups a day are more effective, since this dose provides around 240 to 320 mg of polyphenols.

For topical application, boil two tablespoons of loose green tea leaves in eight ounces of water, and allow the tea to steep for 10 to 20 minutes so that the active compounds can be fully extracted.

Then dip a washcloth or cotton ball into the tea and apply to your back; repeat multiple times.

Let the green tea soak into your skin.

Another way is to cut open your used tea bags and mix the leaves inside with some honey, or purchase green tea powder and mix it with some honey to make a paste.

Apply to the affected area and let it sit for around 10 minutes, after which you can rinse it off.


Apple Cider Vinegar


Apple cider vinegar is one of those ingredients that comes in handy time and again around the household, especially when it comes to health and beauty.

It is no different with respect to acne and acne scars, since apple cider vinegar works as an excellent astringent and disinfectant, preventing the growth of inflammation-causing microorganisms and helping diminish scars.

Furthermore, it helps keep the skin’s pH level balanced and gets rid of dead cells, which also go a long way towards reducing acne and scarring.

As with green tea, you should both take apple cider vinegar orally and apply it topically for the optimum results.

For internal consumption, mix a teaspoon of unfiltered apple cider vinegar with a little bit of raw honey and add to a glass of warm water.

Drink this concoction twice daily or more if desired.

This will flush out toxins and help your body become better at fighting inflammation and scars.

For topical use, mix a tablespoon of unfiltered apple cider vinegar with a cup of water and apply the solution to your back.

Let the mix soak through for around 10 minutes, and then wash off with lukewarm water.

Repeat this two to three times a day.

To prevent your back from getting dry, apply a lightweight moisturizer after each wash.


Baking Soda


As with apple cider vinegar, baking soda can be used in a variety of ways around the household, from a rising agent for baked goods to a bleaching agent for teeth or dull surfaces.

Because of its rough texture, it works really well as an exfoliator.

Moreover, it has amphoteric properties, which allows it to act as both acid and base.

By doing so, it helps balance the pH level of your skin, effectively getting rid of the bacteria that thrive when there is an imbalance.

To some degree, baking soda also prevents scars by fighting against inflammation.

To use as an exfoliator, just mix some baking soda with water to form a thick paste.

Apply the paste to your back, gently rubbing the affected area so that it is properly exfoliated, and leave on for 10 to 15 minutes.

Rinse off with warm water afterward, and apply a lightweight moisturizer.

Most of the dirt and dead cells should be removed, and your scars will appear lighter.




Turmeric is a reddish-orange herb that is usually ground into a spice and used in many recipes, especially in and around South Asia.

It is widely used in Ayurveda, and often used as a beauty treatment in places such as India.

For example, Indian brides often undergo a tradition where their skin is pampered with turmeric paste before the wedding day.

The reason why this underrated member of the ginger family is so good for acne scars is that it contains a compound called curcumin, which is a strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent.

It increases skin healing time and improves collagen deposition to get rid of scars (5).

It also lightens the skin, making the scar look less visible, and soothes any swelling or redness.

You can mix turmeric with water and some sandalwood to make a thick paste and apply it on your back.

Leave it on for around 20 minutes, then wash off.

Keep in mind that turmeric is densely pigmented and can leave behind yellow stains on light-colored clothing.




Peppermint leaves can be used not only in certain food and drink recipes, but also as home remedies for a range of issues.

Among them is healing acne scars. Mint leaves are a natural analgesic, which means that they can reduce pain.

If your acne lesions have become painful, instead of squeezing them you can apply crushed mint leaf paste to ensure that there is minimal scarring.

Mint is also rich in antioxidants and reduces the inflammation that worsens scarring (6).

You can also add some honey to crushed mint leaves and apply that to your back.

Be careful not to waste any of the juice that can be extracted from the leaves, since it contains the essential nutrients that help your scars heal.

The benefits of peppermint can also be derived from ingesting mint leaves orally or drinking peppermint tea, or by applying peppermint oil to the affected skin area.


Egg Whites


Eggs are one of the most commonly-used ingredients in most households, and one of the cheapest and most widely available solutions to acne scarring.

If you have tried other beauty home remedies in the past, you are most likely aware that egg whites do an excellent job of tightening your pores and making your skin feel more youthful and elastic.

When you apply it to your acne scars, the shrunken pores will make the scars look smaller; with time they will fade away.

Egg whites also have amino acids, which help rebuild skin tissue and can thus assist in scar healing.

For best results, don’t whip the egg whites.

Instead, just apply with a cotton ball to the acne scars and rub in a circular motion.

After a few applications, let it dry and become hard. Use lukewarm water to wash it off and pat dry.

After repeating daily for a week or so, you will begin to see visible results; you can continue as you please.

Apply a lightweight moisturizer after use, and discontinue use if your skin reacts harshly.


White Willow Bark Extract and Witch Hazel


White willow bark, unlike many of the other ingredients on this list, may not be something that is already in your kitchen, dresser, or supply closet.

However, it isn’t very difficult to find and is quite effective at helping you get rid of those pesky acne scars.

White willow bark extract is used in many topical anti-aging and anti-acne products, mainly because it is a rich source of salicin.

This component helps dry up blemishes with regular use so that they fade away.

It also protects your skin from inflammation and the likely resultant scarring (7).

Witch hazel, on the other hand, contains the catechol tannin that does a wonderful job of cleaning pores and treating inflammation (8).

It is a good idea to apply these extracts if you already have acne lesions on your back and want to minimize scarring or want to treat old scars.

Mix a tablespoon of the extract with some boiling water, add some witch hazel, and let it steep for ten to fifteen minutes.

Then strain the liquid, and add an essential oil of your choice to the mix.

Apply to the affected area with a cotton ball around three or four times a day.

If you can’t find one of these ingredients, you can use just the other as a standalone too.


Lemon Juice


Lemons are rather acidic in nature and contain high amounts of vitamin C.

That is why lemon juice — or lime juice if you prefer — is an excellent ingredient to use to fight acne scars.

Lemon juice is one of the most popular home remedies that people use to lighten their hair or skin.

When you apply it to your acne scars, the bleaching effect of lemon juice will lighten them and make them less red and closer to your natural skin tone, thus making them less conspicuous.

You can extract the juice directly from a fresh lemon and apply it using a cotton ball, or you can rub small slices of lemon directly onto your scars in a circular motion.

Many people have skin that cannot handle the high acidity of lemons, so you can dilute it with rose water or honey if your skin tends to get easily irritated.

An alternative is to use half lemon slices when you shower by adding a layer of rough sugar or baking soda or salt and using that to exfoliate your back.

Aside from lightening the appearance of acne scars, lemon juice can also help by rebuilding collagen to ensure that the skin is stronger against rips and tears in the future, and doesn’t scar as easily.




Oatmeal is a delicious, healthy breakfast cereal that you most likely already have in your house.

If you don’t, you should make a trip to the store and get it, because not only is it warm and nutritious to consume, it also helps prevent acne and heal acne scars.

Great for all skin types, oatmeal can help soak up excess oil and gently exfoliate skin.

It mildly cleanses your pores without causing irritation and helps soothe the inflamed areas to reduce redness and swelling (9).

There are different ways in which you can use oatmeal for your back acne scars.

One is to make a soothing daily oatmeal bath to soak in.

To do so, finely grind around three to four tablespoons of plain oatmeal and mix it with your bath water.

Make sure you mix up the water well and don’t just let the ground oatmeal fall to the bottom.

You can also just put the same amount of oatmeal into a clean muslin cloth or sock and immerse that in the water before getting in.

Remain in the tub for around 30 minutes, and you will immediately feel that your skin is clean and supple.

An alternative is to make an oatmeal mask for your back.

Mix a few tablespoons of oatmeal with some rosewater or honey, and apply that paste onto your back.

Leave it on for 15 to 20 minutes before washing off with lukewarm water to get rid of the stickiness.




Borax is a boron compound which is a mineral and a salt of boric acid.

It can be used in many different ways around the house, such as to kill insects and fungi, clean the house, soften hard water, and so on.

It is also used in a bunch of common products, from teeth bleaching products to buffer solutions to glass, ceramics, and pottery.

Overexposure to borax, i.e. inhaling or ingesting it in large amounts, can cause irritation to the respiratory and digestive system, so it is best to use it carefully and keep away from children.

Borax is a potent cleanser since it effectively wipes away harmful microbes and germs on your skin that cause acne and scarring.

It has been shown to inhibit the growth of acne vulgaris and skin inflammation (10).

Mix half a teaspoon of borax with some glycerin and water to form a paste, and then lightly scrub the affected area with it.

Allow it to dry completely, then wash off the residue with lukewarm water.

Repeat up to two times a day.


Aloe Vera Gel


Aloe Vera is a reputed healing agent, popular for its soothing effect and ability to repair damaged tissues.

Among its other benefits, it is an astringent that can tighten pores and reduce oiliness, an emollient that can soften skin and calm it down, an antifungal agent that can prevent fungal infections, and a regenerative agent that boosts the growth of new cells (11).

Together, these benefits can reduce acne and the scars it forms.

It is best to use fresh Aloe Vera gel, which you obtain just by cutting fresh leaves.

You could also buy Aloe Vera gel at the store, but it might end up being more costly and less effective than if you extract it yourself.

Apply the gel directly to the affected areas on your back, and repeat twice a day.

You will see the results in just a few days, and you may continue until you’re satisfied.


Apply Ice on Scars


When you have swelling on any part of your body, you have probably tried applying ice to the area.

If you have, you know that ice is pretty good for the soothing inflamed skin and bringing down redness and swelling.

When you get acne on your back, applying ice will help bring the inflammation down and prevent scars from developing.

To avoid freezer burns from the ice sticking onto your skin, cover the ice with a piece of cloth or use an ice pack.

This will help the lesions settle down, and your scars will become less visible.

Do this for around 15 to 20 minutes each day for the best results.

You could also try making ice from rose water since it has long been known for its medicinal and anti-scarring properties.




There are probably few ingredients we use more than potatoes.

Baked, mashed, grilled, fried, crisped – there are so many delicious ways to prepare this crowd favorite.

And that’s a good thing because the potatoes in your kitchen can also help heal your back acne scars.

For this remedy to be effective, make sure you use potatoes that are fresher and have some moisture in them.

All you have to do is cut up the potatoes into small slices, and rub the slices all over the affected area in circles until the moisture dries out.

Do this for around 20 minutes daily, and you should see results in a week or two.

Once your skin has soaked up all the nutrients from the potato and is fully dry, wash off the area with lukewarm water and apply a lightweight moisturizer on top.

The reason why raw potato works for acne scars is that it contains potassium, phosphorus, chlorine, and sulfur.

These components have a bleaching effect that lightens up the scars over time, and an anti-inflammatory effect that reduces swelling and redness.


Clove or Lavender Oil


Essential oils, the concentrated and aroma-rich compounds extracted from plants, are being used more and more widely around the world as their benefits come to light.

You’ve already seen how tea tree oil can clear acne scars, but clove and lavender oil follow closely behind in being able to heal and lighten scars.

Both these oils have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that make them great against acne.

Clove also contains eugenol, which kills infections and reduces swelling.

A further advantage is that their smell and effect on the skin can soothe you and help lower your cortisol levels.

They can also help balance other hormones.

Therefore, you are less likely to suffer from hormone- or stress-induced acne and the resultant scarring.

One way to use these oils is in a relaxing bath.

Mix the aromatic oils with any other components that you would add to your bath such as bath salts or a carrier oil, and then add that to your bath water.

Soak in it for around 20 to 30 minutes, and repeat a few times a week depending on how severe the scars are.

You can also mix the essential oil with a less volatile carrier oil in a 1:10 ratio, and apply the mix carefully on the affected areas.

Avoid using the essential oil directly on your skin, since it can cause irritation and burning.


Raw Tomatoes


Tomatoes are delicious and versatile enough to be used in a variety of dishes, but now you can use them to help reduce acne scars as well!

Tomatoes contain a lot of acids, particularly salicylic acid.

If this name sounds familiar to you, it may be because plenty of anti-acne products also contain salicylic acid, a known deterrent for acne, since it unclogs pores and prevents and resolves lesions (12).

Tomatoes also contain a lot of vitamin C, which helps rebuild collagen and thus speeds up the scar healing process.

The carotenes in tomatoes, the cause of their bright red color, help repair damaged tissues and build new ones.

You can make home-made tomato juice by using a juicer or blender and drink it once or twice each day.

While drinking tomato juice does help, you can also apply it topically.

To do this, cut up raw tomatoes and apply directly to the affected areas on your back.

Rub it thoroughly, then let it sit for 10 minutes before rinsing with lukewarm water.

You can also crush the tomatoes to turn them into pulp, and rub that indirectly or use it to make the paste with other ingredients such as lemon juice or raw honey.

The acid content in tomatoes might be too much for those with sensitive skin, so feel free to dilute with water or honey if you experience a burning sensation and redness after use.

Repeat twice a day.




Another simple remedy with easy-to-find ingredients involves yogurt and cucumber.

Make sure that you use plain yogurt and not the flavored or sweetened varieties.

Yogurt is rich in probiotics, which means that it promotes healthy bacteria in the gut and elsewhere in the body.

These bacteria can fight inflammation, and thus prevent scar-causing lesions.

Yogurt has also been associated with reduced oiliness, which means that it can prevent a great deal of acne in the first place.

It also contains lactic acid, which is an alpha hydroxy acid that dissolves dead skin cells and prevents clogs, and also brightens skin and reduces the redness of the scars (13).

You can use plain yogurt, or mix it with other ingredients such as cucumber, strawberries, steamed carrots, or clay powder, and apply it to your back around three times a week to diminish the scars.

Let it sit for around 20 minutes, then wash off with lukewarm water.

Consuming yogurt and these other ingredients, such as by making a healthy smoothie, once a day will further boost the speed at which the scars fade away.


Sea Salt or Epsom Salt


Rough salt is great for exfoliation, and also helps contain sebum levels in your pores to reduce inflammation and acne scarring.

While regular table salt is more easily available, it isn’t a good idea to use that on your skin because of its high iodine content.

Rather, purchase either sea salt or magnesium sulfate, also known as Epsom salt.

These salts have antibacterial properties and can help get rid of dead cells so that they don’t clog your pores.

To use as a scrub, you can mix some of the sea salt or Epsom salt with a bit of raw honey, raw coconut oil, or Shea butter, and gently rub in a circular motion on the affected area on your back.

Let the nutrients soak in for around 10 minutes afterward, and wash off with lukewarm water.

An alternative is to create a bath using one of these salts.

Add around 2 to 3 cups of the salt into your bath water, and mix it in nicely.

Soak in the bath for around 20 to 30 minutes, and pat dry.

If your skin tends to get dry, apply a lightweight moisturizer after the bath.

Repeat this a few times a week, and you should see your acne scars lightening.


Cinnamon and Honey


You may have noticed that honey has been used in conjunction with many of the other remedies mentioned on this list.

This is because honey has strong antibacterial qualities, which makes it an excellent agent for treating infections and scarring (14).

Cinnamon is an equally potent ingredient, and it too helps fight germs and infection.

Ingesting honey and cinnamon daily can help improve your overall health, and prevent acne in the first place.

However, if you have acne scars on your back or any other part of your body, you can use the two together to help diminish their appearance.

The cinnamon will also serve to exfoliate dead cells and dirt from your pores.

Mix a tablespoon of ground cinnamon with around two tablespoons of honey, and apply it to your back in a circular motion.

Let the mix work its magic for around 20 minutes, and then wash off with lukewarm water.

If you want, you can add a teaspoon of lemon juice to make the mask even more effective.

Repeat up to two times a day daily depending on the severity of your scars.

With the diligent application, you should see results in a few weeks.


How to Make the Remedies More Effective


Although all the remedies mentioned above are simple and the ingredients easy to find, you have to be willing to put in the effort to repeat them multiple times and over a significant period to get the results you want.

The great thing about these home remedies is that they’re all-natural, and therefore they’re safe to use.

And because a lot of them include ingredients that you already have, there is no limit as to how many of these you try at any given time.

You should feel free to try multiple remedies.

For instance, you could try mixing Aloe Vera gel and borax, or tomato pulp and baking soda.

You could mix oatmeal and sea salt in the same bath.

You could use olive oil as a moisturizer, and also as a carrier oil for the other essential oils.

You could make a mask with turmeric, egg white, and lemon juice.

There are lots of possibilities, and the more ingredients you use on your scars, the more they’re likely to heal faster.

If you feel like any remedy isn’t working very effectively, don’t hesitate to start another one.

Or, you could use several of them throughout the day.

The key point is to deliver the right nutrients and compounds to your skin so that it may heal faster.


How to Prevent Back Acne Scars


All these remedies might help you get rid of your scars or make them less distinctly visible, but if you know that you tend to get back acne, the best thing to do is also to try and prevent further breakouts and scar formation from taking place.

The right approach to that may be to avoid some of the possible causes of acne.

For instance, you might want to change your diet if you feel that it is unhealthy and contributing to poor skin quality.

By reducing carbohydrates, sugars, and dairy in your diet and incorporating more whole grains, fruits, and vegetables, you may be able to enjoy a significant decrease in the occurrence of acne.

You should also remember to stay hydrated throughout the day and make an effort to remember to drink enough water so that toxins can be flushed from your body.

Another step you can take is to try and reduce stress by taking some time out for yourself or doing things that relax you, such as meditation, for some time every day.

It is also very important to get enough sleep, i.e. at least 7 hours every day.

Figure out your sleep schedule, and try to adhere to it each day so that both you and your skin are well rested because this will help balance hormones and sebum secretion.

You should also make sure to clean and moisturize your skin adequately each day, using good-quality products and clean applicators.

Finally, if excessive smoking and alcohol consumption is the cause of your breakouts, you should try and curb intake as much as possible.

If you already suffer from acne, remember that you don’t have to wait for scars to form to use the above remedies.

Most of them are just as effective for acne as for acne scars and count as preventive measures.

Another very important point is to avoid picking at your zits.

For many, it is an almost subconscious habit that is hard to break.

However, not only will it increase the likelihood of scarring, it might lead to infections because of the germs in your nails, which may make the scarring much worse.


When to See a Doctor


The home remedies above do work for most people, but if they don’t appear to be working for you or if you don’t think the difference is satisfactory, then you should see a skin specialist.

The remedies are helpful mainly because they are so easy to get your hands on and require only minimal effort, but if you think there’s a need for something stronger because your scars are too deep or your healing very slow, your dermatologist will usually prescribe you something that might be better, albeit more expensive.

If you’re a very busy individual and don’t have time either to prepare the remedies mentioned in this article or don’t have the time to apply them and wait for a certain period to let them do their work, you may also want to opt for a less messy, over-the-counter option.

You can usually continue using the home remedies alongside dermatologist-prescribed ointments or pills, although be sure to check with them first.

Although drugstore treatments too are designed to help your scars fade away, many of them actually contain the very ingredients that you can find right at home.

Before opting for such solutions, do give the 20 remedies for back acne scars a try.

They are affordable, easy to use, and definitely worth the effort!

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