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Boswsll in. search 0.1 a wife., 1766 


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e tsnvate *^/aper$ of J-a 


BoswelVs London Journal^ 1762-1763 

BoswelL in Holland, 1 763-1 764 

Boswell on the Grand Tour: Germany and Switzerland^ 1 764 
BoswM on the Grand Tour: Italy., Corsica., and France^ 1 765-1 766 
Boswell in Search of a Wife,, 1 766-1 769 

Margaret Montgomerie (? 17 $8- 1789), from the oil painting in the 

collection of Sir Gilbert Eliott of Slobs, Bt 










-r* Boon COMPANY, INC. 


Boswell in Search of a Wife, 17 66* '1769. Copyright (j$ *y56 by Yale, 
Copyright., ^^28, *9$o 9 /$w, by Y&fc University, Copyright renewed 
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Hill Book Company, Inc., Trade Department, 330 West ^arf 6*/rw/, N$w 
York 36, New York, Library of Congress Catalogue Card Number; 56*- 1104* 



FREDERICK A. POTTLE, PH.D., UTT.D., LL.D., Sterling Professor of English, Yale University; 


FREDERICK W. HILLKS, PH.D., O.B.E., Bodrnan Professor of English, Yale University 
HERMAN W. LIEBERT, Assistant to the Librarian arid Research Associate, Yale University 

EDWARD C. ASWELL, Vice-President, McGraw-Hill Book Company 

ROBERT F. METSIDORF, PH.D., Curator of Manuscripts and Research Associate, Yale Uni- 


C, COLLBBK ABBOTT, M.A., pn.p., Emeritus Professor of English Language and Literature in 

the University of Durham 
JAMES T, BABB, M.A., Librarian of Yale University 

WALTER JACKSON BATE, pri.a, Professor of English, Harvard University 
WILLIAM BEAT-TIE, M.A., Librarian, National Library of Scotland 
THOMAS G. BRRGIN, PH.D., O.B.E., Benjamin F. Barge Professor of Romance Languages and 

Literature, and Master of Timothy Dwight College, Yale University 
CLBANTU BROOKS, B.A., B.LITT, (OXON.), Professor of English, Yale University 
PAUL 8. BRKUWNO, Lirr.o., Deputy Librarian of the University of Utrecht 
It W. CHAPMAN, IUJTT., LLJX, C.B.K., KB.A., Sometime Fellow of Magdalen College, Oxford 
JAMES L, CLIFFOBP, 1*11,0,, LHTJ*,, L.ILD,, LL.IX, X^.R.S.L,, Professor of English, Columbia 

TKK Rioirr HONOTTHAULK LOHD CLINTON, P.O., O.C.V.O M Fottercairn House, Fettercairn, Kin- 


Lf^.B,, Chftirninn of the Board of Trustees, National Library of Scotland 
L. P, CURTIS, PH.D., Associate Professor of History, Yale University 
Sm OAVTN DK BRKR, RIU,, M.A., D.SC., IION.D. ihsu, Director, British Museum (Natural 


Sin, JAMES FEKOUSSON OF KILKRKIIAN, BT., Keeper of the Records of Scotland 
ARTHUR A, HotionTON, J,^ IJTT.D., L.UD, LL.D,, New York City 
DONALB F, HYDR, Four Ouk Farm, Somerville, New Jersey 
W, S* LEWIS, t,rrr,B H LJLD^ Follow of Yale University and Editor of the Yale Edition of 

Horace WWpole 1 ** Correspondence 

C. A. MALCOLM, M.A., PH.D., O.B.E., Librarian lo the Society of Writers to the Signet, Edin- 


HENRI PEYRE, DR.ES L., Sterling Professor of French, Yale University 
L. F. POWELL, M.A., D.LITT., F.R.S.L., F.L.A., Sometime Librarian of the Taylor Institution, 

Reviser of Hill's Edition of BoswelPs "Life of Johnson" 
S. C. ROBERTS, M.A., LL.D., Master of Pembroke College, Cambridge 
L. W. SHARP, M.A., PH.D., Librarian to the University of Edinburgh 

D. NICHOL SMITH, LITT.D., LL.D., F.B.A., Emeritus Professor of English Literature in tho 

University of Oxford 

CHAUNGEY B. TINKER, PH.D., LITT.D., L.H.D., Sterling Professor Emeritus of English Litora 
ture, and Keeper of Hare Books in the University Library, Yale University 

The Yale Editions of the Private Papers of James Boswell will consist of two independent 
but parallel series planned and executed for different types of readers, On<\ the "research" 
edition, will give a complete text of Boswell 3 s journals, diaries, and memoranda; of his cor 
respondence; and of "Th& Life of Johnson" from the original manuscript: the whole run 
nlng to at least thirty volumes. It will preserve the spelling and capitalization of the original 
documents^ and will be provided with extensive scholarly annotation. A targe group of 
editors and a permanent office staff are engaged in this comprehend re undertaking* the 
first volume of which may appear by ^957, The other, the reading or "trade" edition, will 
select from the total mass of papers those portions that appear likely lo interest the general 
reading public, and will present them in modern spelling arid, unth annotation of a popular 
cast. The publishers may also issue limited de I axe printings of the trade rolurnes, with 
extra illustrations and special editorial matter, hut in no case will the trade rolunies or the 
de luxe printings include matter from BostvelTs archil w that will not cttao appear in the 
research edition. 

The present volume is the sixth of the trade edition, 


INTRODUCTION by Frank Brady ix 

TEXT OF Boswell hi Search of a Wife, i 366-17 6 9 i 

APPENDIX A. Verses in the Character of a Corsican 351 

APPENDIX B. Genealogical Tables 353 

INDEX 357 


Margaret TVTontgo merle (? 1738-1789), from the oil painting in the collec- 
tion of Sir Gilbert Kliott of Slobs, Bt. Frontispiece 

Map of Edinburgh in 1 765, Redrawn by Harold K. Faye 

Following page viii 

Archibald Douglas, ist Baron Douglas of Douglas (1748-1827), from an 

engraving in the Scottish National Portrait Gallery, after a portrait by 
George Willison. (Boswell was present in Willison's studio when this 

painting was begun. See the entry in his Journal for 22 July 1769.) 

Facing page 70 

Title-page of the first edition of Boswoll's Account of Corsica, published in 
February i 7^)8 Facing page 130 

Poslsoript lo James BoswolPs loiter of proposal io Margaret Montgomerie 
(20 July 1769), and his endorsement on her letter of acceptance (22 
July t7()<)) From the originals in the Yale University library. 

Facing page 

David Garrick (1717-1 779) as Steward of the Stratford Jubilee, September 
i/fic), from a jnex'/olint; in the Theatre Collection of the Harvard Col- 

lege library, by Joseph Sauriders after Benjamin Van der Gucht 

Facing page 280 

viii List of Illustrations 

The Marriage Contract between James Boswell and Margaret Montgomcrio, 
31 October 1769, signed by Miss Montgomerie on 25 November 1769; 
with endorsements by Pasquale de Paoli, Samuel Johnson, and Archi- 
bald Douglas. From the original in the Yale University Library 

Facing pages 348-349 

Map of Edinburgh and Environs, about 1767. Redrawn by Harold K. Faye 

Front endpapers; also following page 352 

Maps of England, Scotland, and Ireland at the time of Boswcll's journal, 
1766-69, locating many of the places mentioned. Redrawn by Harold 
K. Faye Rear endpapers; also following page 352 


The map of Edinburgh in 1765 which follows this page was ready for 
printing before we discovered in it a number of errors that go back to the 
original." Edgar's map of i 765" is a revision by an unknown hand of a map 
drawn in 1742. The revisions were patched into the old plate, which in most 
respects remained unchanged. One of these* revisions was the insertion of 
the Royal Exchange (built 1753-1761), which replaced three entire closes 
of the old map: Mary King's Close, Stewart's Close, and Pearson's ("lose. 
The reviser, who wished to leave the sequence of numbers on each side of 
the Exchange as they were, assigned the numbers of those doses to buildings 
in various parts of the city: the Royal Bank, St. Cecilia's Hall, and Dr. 
Alexander Monro's new theatre for dissections and lectures in anatomy 
(Nos. 19, 20, 21 of our map). The engraver misunderstood his directions, or 
could not find the new numbers, and so fitted them in around three sides of 
the courtyard of the Exchange. Actually, the Royal Bank (built 1727) was 
in No. 70, the close which Edgar calls SteiFs (it was later called Royal Bank 
Close); St. Cecilia's Hall (built 1762) was at the foot of Niddry\s Wyml 
(No. 87) on the right-hand side looking up from the Cowgate; and "Dr. 
Monro's New Class" (built 71765) would have been somewhere in the area 
of the University of Edinburgh ("College" on our map) . The mysterious 
"Chander" (No. 101), which appears both in Edgar's map of i 742 and the 
revision, is probably a misreading of Chanctor, and is equated by H. R Kerr 
in his composite "Map of Edinburgh in the Mid-Eighteenth Century" (Rm/c 
of the Old Edinburgh Club, 1922) with the structure called *The Chancel- 
lor's House" in earlier accounts of Holyrood Palace, 



The onset of maturity Is marked by one definite sign: a moment of 
sudden realisation that the future has turned into the present. 
Whether James Boswell ever experienced such a moment it is difficult 
to say. His determination,, during the period covered by this volume, 
"if possible to maintain a propriety and strictness of manners" after 
the publication of his Account of Corsica, looks in another direction; 
it illustrates the impossible desire to reach a stage of static perfection 
that tantalized him throughout his life. But during the years 1 766- 
1 769, whether he knew it or not, he arrived at the greatest degree of 
maturity he was to reach. What had come before his education., 
sexual and religious experiences, the Grand Tour must be seen in 
a new perspective. It served to prepare him for the crucial particular 
situations he now faced, which, moreover, he was to deal with suc- 
cessfully. He became a lawyer, wrote a fine, popular, and influential 
book, and got 'married. These were his marvelous years. 

To enter into the main stream of society, as Boswell now did, en- 
tails the adoption of a number of attitudes towards oneself, others, and 
one's work; it impels the individual to acquire a number of public 
and private roles. The roles chosen depend, in turn, not only on the 
context of the society in which he is to play a part, but also upon his 
past: the framework of relationships he has built up, and the funda- 
mental principles or passions that rule him. "You may just keep in 
mind," Boswell wrote to Margaret Montgorncrie, "that a disposition 
to melancholy and the most violent passion for the family of Auchin- 
icck make a part of my very existence," Here are the bases of his ac- 
tions and attitudes- 

Melancholy and family are intertwined elements which can be 
illuminated by a look at BoswelVs society and his early relationships. 
Modern, and especially American, readers are likely to forget that 
eighteenth-century society, though like our own in its stress on prop- 
erty and money, differed from ours in one important respect: it was a 
"lineal" society. A man thought of himself arid was judged by others 

x Introduction 

In terms of his family, its position and traditions, a good deal more 
than in terms of what he was or made of himself as an individual. For 
Boswell, then, what he was or did as a person counted less in itself 
than it did in relation to the family of Boswell of Auchmleck. 

Such an attitude immensely complicated his most significant re- 
lationship up to this time, that with his father. He loved his timid 
and pious mother, but she lacked his father's force of character and 
the prestige he commanded in a patriarchal society, 1 ,ord AuebinleeL, 
his son felt, was a man of "real worth" with a "strict regard to truth 
and to honour." As a judge he was known for his integrity, intelli- 
gence, and devotion to his duty. But to Boswell he seemed cold and 
unimaginative, with a talent for checking conversation and for put- 
ting what he despised in a contemptible light. More important, 
though he acted fairly towards his son and perhaps even loved him, 
he neither understood nor approved of Boswell's actions and char- 

Boswell had spirit enough to rebel against his father's unflattering* 
view; his survival as an individual demanded that he do so. I Us pa- 
pers refer again and again to quarrels with his father, sullen inter- 
views, remonstrances, defiant letters. But he was incapable of ever 
shaking himself really free from his father's opinion of him, of attain 
ing "the privileges of an independent human being. 1 * Material factors* 
played a part: his father provided him with a necessary allowance 
and other money on occasion; eventually the property of Aueliinleck 
and the position it gave its owner were at stake, (Though Brswell 
could not actually have been disinherited., his father could have made 
difficulties for him.) But beyond these considerations and the basic 
struggle which defying a parent involves was the fact that Bosw<H\s 
picture of himself was confused. Much as he loved the roles of the 
"great man" and the "playhouse buck," to run around London and 
chase after girls in the streets, he also had "agrooabta, family, sober 
ideas" he shared many of his father's values. He clung passion- 
ately to the idea of the House of Auchinleck of which his father was 
not merely the representative, but also the living spirit of its grave, 
shrewd ideals. To twist a phrase of Samuel Johnson's somewhat-, the 
issues between Boswell and his father were often "matters of sensa- 
tion not of judgement/' which brought out differences of temper- 

Introduction xi 

ament rather than opinion. Therefore, Boswell could never be sure 
that he had a right to oppose his father and to follow his own course 
of action. The feelings of guilt and resentment that ensued account, 
in part at least, for his melancholy. 

Lord Auchinleck's intention, three years after his wife's death, to 
remarry brought their relationship to its greatest crisis. Though such 
a decision might seem but mildly objectionable to most sons, Boswell 
wildly resented it. He saw it as a slur on his mother's memory, and 
as an ungrateful return for his submissive behaviour. He feared that 
remarriage might estrange his father from himself and his brothers, 
that Lord Auchinleck might even leave his estate to children by his 
second wife. (He did provide his widow with a large jointure.) 
His proposed bride was an "infamous woman" so to "impose on an 
old man worn out with business, and ruin the peace of a family!" 
Boswell had felt himself an "old Roman" in disputing with his father 
over the entail to the estate; now he conjured up visions of leaving 
Scotland, his prospects, and his career, to become a "wild Indian" in 
America if his father remarried. The violence of his emotion indicates 
how profoundly he was disturbed, and. suggests that he feared some- 
thing more central than any of the facts mentioned could warrant; 
he may have been afraid that remarriage signified the final alienation 
of his father's affection from him and from the mother with whom 
he had, to some extent, identified himself. 

From sxich deep disappointment it was a relief for him to turn to 
Johnson, the other great older figure in his life. Instead of greeting 
him with cool Scots sarcasm, Johnson, Boswell records of one meet- 
ing, "took me all in his arms and kissed me on both sides of the head, 
arid was as cordial as ever I saw him," Here was a father who, 
whether he approved of him entirely or not, demonstrated his love 
for him. 

BoswelFs attitude towards Johnson, however, was a complicated 
one. It included first the obvious roles of the dutiful son, the enthu- 
siastic friend, arid the eager student. He loved and admired Johnson, 
defended him, and wished to learn from him. He may even have 
sought and enjoyed being reprimanded on certain occasions; experi- 
ence had taught him that fathers condemned. Bxit the range of sub- 
jects they discussed, and even more important the particular topics 

xii Introduction 

to which Boswell constantly chose to return^ indicate that he could 
also play the equal and the sceptic. Boswell questioned Johnson, of 
course, about problems immediate to his life: law., Corsica, his father's 
prospective marriage and his own; but he also pressed him about, 
death and free will, matters tense with significance for both of them, 
and which Johnson wished to avoid. Furthermore, he felt secure 
enough to mention almost any thought that came into his head, and 
to pursue it even when Johnson showed annoyance: what would you 
do if you were shut up in a castle with a now-born child? There is a 
futile air about Boswell's struggles with his father, since neither 
seemed willing or able to learn from the other. But in BoswelFs deal 
ings with Johnson, enough affection and tolerance existed on hot It 
sides so that a give-and-take situation could often, though not always, 
be establisShed. It was not a closed system in which nothing new could 
develop, but a meaningful and productive relationship. 

In the landed and contentious society of eighteenth-century Scot- 
land, the law was the great profession. Boswell clearly reveals his 
mixed attitude towards it, as his destined vocation from early years, 
in an anecdote in Bosuwlliana. After complaining that lie disliked the 
law as a career and had entered on it only to please his father; he 
added: "I am pressed into the service here; but I have observed that 
a pressed man either by sea or land after a little time does just as well 
as a volunteer." Boswell did make a much better lawyer than one 
would have predicted; as a contemporary wrote: U 0allecl to the bar, 
he distinguished himself in his first appearances by an ingenious in- 
vention of arguments, a brilliancy of eloquence, and a quickness of 
wit" 1 His early earnings were considerably better than the average 
for young advocates, thoxigh to be sure his father's position as a judge 
helped to make him sought after, Bosweli grew used to his work n and 
even to like it at times. A stabilizing influence, it: provided him with a 
place in society and a comfortable status in his own eyes; whatever 
roles he adopted temporarily, he was permanently James BmwelL 

1 Quoted in Percy Fitzgerald's Ufa of Jamt*s #o.vwvr//, 1891, 1, u>0, 

source is unknown. 

Introduction xiii 

The case that most interested him in his early years at the bar was 
the Douglas cause, the greatest civil trial held in Scotland during the 
period. Archibald, Duke of Douglas, died in 1761 without direct 
heirs. His sister, Lady Jane Douglas, at forty-eight had married Colo- 
nel (later Sir) John Stewart, and two years later, in 1748, had an- 
nounced the birth of twins at Paris in very obscure circumstances. 
One of the children died young. The guardians of the Duke of Hamil- 
ton and his brother, acting for them, and another relative who had 
an arguable claim to the estate if Archibald Douglas, the surviving 
child, were disinherited, brought suit maintaining that the children 
were spurious. The Hamilton lawyers thought they had discovered 
that Archibald and his brother were French children fraudulently 
obtained, and when the case, after having been fought through the 
courts since 1762, came to a decision in July 1767, the Court of Ses- 
sion agreed with them by a vote of eight to seven. In February 1769, 
the House of Lords reversed this decision upon appeal. 2 

Boswell did not need to be pressed into this cause; he became an 
ardent volunteer for Douglas. As well as composing ballads (sung to 
admiring audiences) and contributing* items to the newspapers about 
it, he wrote a slightly disguised fictional account of the case called 
Dorando^ while the trial was going on. In this little work the facts 
are twisted with an easy facility to favour Douglas. Speeches uphold- 
ing his claim are inserted into the mouths of characters representing 
Robert Dundas, Lord President of the Court of Session, who was 
strongly opposed to it, and the Earl of Chatham; Douglas's victory is 
triumphantly predicted; and in a flight of fancy at its conclusion, the 
Prince of Dorando (Douglas) rescues the Prince of Arvidoso (the 
young Duke of Hamilton) from a wild boar, restoring peace between 
the two families. For this and other literary services, Douglas re- 
warded Boswell by making him a regular counsel in the cause after the 
main victory had been won. a 

The major issue in the Douglas cause, so far as Boswell was con- 

3 A. Francis Stouurt's The Douglas Cause^ 1909, a volume in the Notable Scottish 

Trials series, contains the boat short account of the case, together with illustra- 
tive documents, Lillian de la Torre has made an accurate and exhaustive study 
of the affair, and has come up with an ingenious solution to its difficulties in her 
lively and entertaining The Heir of Douglas, 1952. 
:j BoswelPs other efforts to help Douglas are discussed on pp. 69 and 87. 

xlv Introduction 

cerned, was "that great principle of law filiation on which wo 
all depend." Doubt a man's parentage, he felt, and yon cut the very 
ground from under his feet. Why Boswcll felt so strongly about an 
abstract principle can be understood if Douglas's problem is trans- 
posed into terms of his own situation. Boswcll's own inheritance was 
threatened; in a metaphorical sense his parentage was questionable, 
for the differences between his father and himself must have made 
him wonder if he was a worthy son of the family of Auchinlee.k. The 
resentment aroused by such uncertainty found a happy release. Dur- 
ing the rioting in Edinburgh that followed the news of Douglas's 
victory, Boswell headed the mob which broke the judges" windows 
not excepting his father's. 


Boswell's visit to Corsica in 1765 arose from a desire to see some- 
thing which the ordinary young man on the Grand Tour missed; it 
ended by giving him a cause and a reputation. In the Corsiean fight 
for independence, first from the Genoese and after May 1 768 from the 
French, he saw externalized his own rebellious struggle for liberty, 
with none of the conflict which his respect; for authority aroused in 
his personal situation. Authority, in this instance, amid legitimately 
be defined as oppression, and in all his efforts on bohalf of the Corsi- 
cans Boswell could be sure that Ite had the unqualified approval of 
another much-respected older man, Pasquale do Paoli, the gallant 
Gorsican leader. 4 

As soon as he returned to the Continent; from Corsica. Hosxvell 
started an elaborate newspaper campaign intended first to bring (lor* 
ska and his connection with it to public attention,, and ultimately to 
persuade the British government to aid the Corsieans, In tins cam 
paign, "facts" and "inventions," as he distinguished thorn in his 
marked file of The London Chronicle, wore mingled in a fashion cal- 
culated to mislead any but the most knowing reader; all furthered his 

* The political and social implications of Corsica and the Conunm r<b<liicm for 
eighteenth-century Kurope, and Boswrll's conception of th* Corsintm an* dis- 
cussed in the introduction to the Journal of a Tour to Corsica in Rosuvlt on tht* 
Grand Tour: Italy ^ ( \>rsi<w, and France. 

Introduction xv 

grand design. He also raised money to buy arms, and edited a volume 
of essays "in favour of the brave Corsicans." 

His most important effort, however, and the climax to his attempt 
to rouse his countrymen, was his Account of Corsica; The Journal of 
a Tour to That Island, and Memoirs of Pascal Paoli, published in 
February 1768. His "little monument to liberty," as Boswell called 
it, made a strong- impression on the public: a book of the hour, it ran 
to three editions in England, three in Ireland, and was translated into 
Dutch, German, Italian, and twice into French. Because of Corsica., 
Boswell was as well known on the Continent as Johnson during their 
lifetimes. It impressed the French government, which had a trans- 
lation made, and undoubtedly influenced the decision of the British 
government to send secret supplies of arms to the Corsicans. But the 
ministry had no intention of entering on a large-scale war over a com- 
paratively unimportant island, and the attempt of a group in Par- 
liament in November 1 768 to force a more open stand against the 
French was badly defeated. The French were then able to proceed 
against their much inferior enemy without fear of British interven- 
tion, and by June 1769 had effectually overcome all resistance. 

Though his book did not succeed in its object, it deeply affected 
Boswell himself. His identification with the Corsican cause was so 
complete that he was still known as "Corsica Boswell" twenty-five 
years later, Johnson might deprecate his enthusiasm for the Corsi- 
cans, arid others smile at its apparent excess, but the cause was a noble 
one and commanded respect for its most famous adherent. Further- 
more, Corsica made Boswell secure in another social role, that of au- 
thor. Ho had "an ardent ambition for literary fame," as he remarks in 
its Preface, for lie felt that a successful author had "established him- 
self as a respectable character in distant, society, without any danger 
of having that character lessened by the observation of his weak- 

Boswell could display weaknesses, however, at closer range, as 
well as an open and very human mixture of motives. His appearance 
in the figure of "an armed Corsican chief" at the Shakespeare Festival 
in 1769, after the Corsican caxisc had been definitely lost, served no 
larger purpose than to gratify his yearning for flamboyant exhibition- 
ism by playing his Corsican role to the utmost. But his bid to save 

xv i Introduction 

Corsica was essentially a serious affair, no matter how it was tricked 
out, and might have had serious consequences. After Paoli's escape 
from Corsica, his former adjutant returned to Ajaccio with his preg- 
nant wife, and a few weeks later their child was born. If Bosweli had 
been successful in securing his government's intervention, Napoleon 
Bonaparte might have been born a British subject. 


Nowhere did Bosweli strike more poses, or assign roles more rig- 
idly to himself and others, than in his relations with women. Many 
of those in whom he had any serious interest he characterized by cer- 
tain repetitive key words or phrases. These identifications were all 
the more hard and fast because Bosweli needed women enormously 
and yet was often timid with them. Though he boasted that women of 
all ages and tempers were fond of him, it is doubtful that he really 
felt this to be the truth: the confidence displayed by the Don Juan is 
more apparent than real. Casting a woman in a particular role do* 
fined her for him, making her far easier to cope with than if he had 
tried to understand her personality in full. His concept of his own 
sexual role ranged erratically from "Mark Antony" to u l)<m Quix 
ote," and his judgment of women was liable to be even loss sound, 
especially when he was further unnerved by the prospect of mar 
riage. 5 

The glittering procession of women that passes in this volume* can 
be divided into two groups: those whom Bosweli could marry and 
those he could riot. In the latter category belong his "Italian an#ol/* 
Girolama Piccolomim, that pathetic reminder of his stay in Siena; the 
gardener's daughter; and the pert, rompish "Tarred of Moffat, Mrs, 
Dodds. Among the theoretically eligible-, Bosweli was confronted by 
the brilliant and frightening Dutch u termaganC" '/kHide; the "York' 
shire beauty/' Miss Bosville; and the unidentified Miss II, whone per- 
sonal "charms" were enhanced by her position as heiress to certain 
vahiable mining properties. 

The question of choice was complicated by the sometimes utiitwl* 

5 Chauncey B, Tinker treats certain of BoswelPs love affairs perceptively in his 
Young Bosuwll, 1,922, ch, 7. 

Introduction xvii 

sometimes conflicting claims of love and fortune. Among the more 
important prospects, fortune was the predominant factor in the in- 
stance of Catherine Blair, known to Boswell as "the Heiress" or "the 
Princess." Social and property considerations made her an extremely 
desirable match: a distant relative and Lord Auchinleck's former 
ward, she was heiress to the estate of Adamtown. Boswell found her at 
eighteen a a handsome, stately woman" with a good countenance, as 
well as "sensible, good-tempered, cheerful, pious," but a sober and 
prudential estimate did not satisfy him. He had to idealize her, to con- 
vince himself that he lay entirely in her power, to adore her "like a 
divinity" in the romantic groves of Auchinleck. And divinity was not 
an end Miss Blair was shaped to. Temple thought her "a woman of 
sense and prudence"; Boswcll's reports of her conversation show her 
to have been naive and candid., a straightforward Scots young lady 
far from the Dulcinca del Toboso or even Cleopatra that his "feverish 
constitution" demanded. He must have sensed the disparity, however, 
between the actual Miss Blair and his conception of her even before 
she made it plain to him; his confession to Temple that he saw his 
love for her as another chapter in his adventures indicates that he 
saved himself from any real emotional commitment by safely "dis- 
tancing" her. When he finally proposed, he could be sure of rejection. 
Fortune also played a considerable part, in Boswell's affection for 
"la belle Irlandaise," Mary Ann Boyd: "just sixteen, formed like a 
Grecian nymph" - and almost, certain of a comfortable inheritance. 
This was Boswell's Horatian romance; she was an Arcadian shep- 
herdess and he a "Sicilian swain," He carved her initial on a tree, and 
cut off a lock of her hair. But his pursuit of her into Ireland in the 
spring of i 769 was hampered by a growing interest in Margaret 
Montgomerie, his companion on the trip. Momentarily in the exhil- 
aration of this Irish jaunt, he may have scon himself as Macheath, his 
early hero from G&y'$Btfggar'$Op&ra: 

How happy could I be with either 
Were t'other dear charmer away, 

but his heart had made its choice. 

Margaret Montgomerie emerges as the most real figure in the 
Bos well ian gallery of women, partly because a good number of her 

xviii Introduction 

letters have survived, and also because the ways in which Roswoll saw 
her converge with what she was actually like. She was his first cousin, 
poor, and two years older than he. Though Boswell did not think her a 
beauty, he found her sexually very attractive, a "heathen goddess," 
Essentially she was a strong woman, neither hard nor aggressive, but 
patient and enduring. She lacked Boswell's extraordinary appetite for 
experience, preferring instead to live in peace with the world; she 
realized, as he did not, the necessity for compromise and prudent re- 
serve. But she knew what she wanted, and she was willing to tako it if 
offered. What she wanted was James Boswell. 

The relationship between them is moving in its gradual develop * 
ment. Margaret had been Boswell's confidante for a number of years 
before he took his interest in her seriously. Then he began to test her 
and himself: did he love her enough, was she interested in someone 
else, how much did she love him? Quarrels were followed by rap- 
prochements. Her meagre dowry was a serious barrier; Lord Auchin- 
leck was opposed to the marriage because she would bring neither 
property nor sufficient money nor useful now connections to the fam- 
ily, and Boswell felt the force of these objections. But seeing her now 
as "my lady" and "my valuable friend, 1 "' Boswell slowly began to 
realize that love was more important to him than fortune. His final 
test was severe: would she be willing to go off to America with him 
and live on almost nothing? When she answered that she would* even 
Boswell was convinced that she loved him. 

After this crisis, the two were on firmer ground. Their mutual love 
and respect gave each confidence and a sense of value, Margaret foil 
it her duty to be submissive, to study his happiness, to be entirely 
guided by him, Imt she did not hesitate to speak her mind, whether it 
meant offering advice about a cold or admitting her wish to see him* 
Boswell insisted on his faults and his melancholy, feared that their 
happiness might bo too great to last, but he had a due appreciation of 
her "admirable heart and spirit," which strengthened him for the 
responsibilities of marriage, A new note of maturity sounds in his 
letters; whatever Lord Auchinleck or the world might think, their at- 
tachment to each other was a credit to both, Boswell had found the 
woman who best suited him. 

Introduction xix 


Any edition like the present is a desperate undertaking, since it 
seeks to fulfil the double demands of truth and art, while it is inevita- 
bly boxmded by the nature and inflexibility of the documents that 
have happened to survive. In fiction one can impose whatever form is 
desired on the cycles of nature; here the documents insist in part on 
creating their own structure. Still, despite these limitations, it is pos- 
sible to establish them within a framework, and this the editors have 
tried to do. Basically we have presented Boswell as a private individ- 
ual rather than as a public figure, realizing fully that the documents 
selected emphasize certain aspects of a complex personality at the ex- 
pense of others. How different an impression might be given if Bos- 
well's letters to Mrs. Dodds had survived instead of those to Miss 
Montgomerie! Only a full-scale biography, such as the one Professor 
Pottle is now writing, can correct these deficiencies in perspective. 

What Boswell reports, and how he reports it, are also of great sig- 
nificance in determining the nature of this volume. He himself defied 
"any man to write down anything like a perfect account of what he 
has been conscious of during one day of his life, if in any degree of 
spirits"; a man could mark external circumstances, "but the varia- 
tions within, the workings of reason and passion . . . the colourings 
of fancy, are too fleeting to be recorded." Literally this is true, but it is 
arna/Jng how evocative his own writing is in its nice mixture of de- 
scription and incident, and in its apparently uncalculated selection of 
significant detail* What he reports is the scene before him, whether it 
is the Edinburgh court room or the London stage-coach, and he re- 
ports it as directly and undistortedly as he can. He avoids periphrasis 
and elegant variation in his Journal, or rather they never seem to 
enter his head. Simplicity, vitality, and precision arc the essential 
characteristics of his writing, It is a triumph of the normal vision* 

Such a style could not be sustained unless it reflected the man 
within. George Colman, Boswell noted, "very justly observed that my 
character was simplicity: not in a sense of weakness, but of being 
plain and unaffected," This is the truth to which both his life and 

$ A phrase* like "cherished the risible exertion" (21 February 1768) is extremely 
unusual; perhaps, indeed, the only example of elegant variation in the volume. 

xx Introduction 

writings lead. One should not be misled by his candour or his uncer- 
tain self-estimation into thinking him eccentric; the strengths and es- 
pecially the weaknesses that can be confided to a journal are not nec- 
essarily those exhibited in society. "Blending philosophy and raking;" 
as he did, is no unusual matter, especially considering that the philos- 
opher he most admired was Thomas Reid with his belief in "common 
sense." (The common-sense vision, too, tends to be comic, in the 
broadest sense, rather than tragic, though it is only coincidence that 
this volume ends, like most English comedies, in marriage.) Boswell's 
actions, like his aims, were for the most part ordinary; what distin- 
guishes him is the extraordinary expressiveness of the great writer. 


The principal manuscripts from which this book has been com 
piled are the following: 

1. Journal in Scotland, 10 January to 3 June 1767; 61 quarto 
pages and a title-page, numbered by Boswell 173, but pp. t 2, 71 $ 

and 2528 are now missing; ranging in size front 7$ by 6 to /| by (i| 
inches, unbound. 

2. Journal in Scotland, i January to 27 February 1 768: 34 quarto 
pages and a title-page, numbered by Boswell through p, 32; roughly 
7! by 6-| inches, unbound. 

3. Journal in London and Oxford, 16 March to ? April 1768; 
partly filled bound half-calf quarto notebook, 70 pages ('that is, i<> 
leaves), numbered by Boswell 1108, but pp. 21-22, (>>> 70, 7 $-84,, 
89-102, and 105-108 are missing. Pp. 21-22 are printed from a typo* 
script made while that portion of the* toxt was intact, and the* groutor 
part of p. 108 has been recovered from the "off* sot" on tho blank 
page following. 

4. Notes for Journal in London, 21 April to 16 May 1768; 7 un- 
paged octavo leaves, written on both sides, roughly /| by 4! incites, 
unbound. Notes for 24 to 30 March are written on the verso of the 
third leaf. 

5. Journal in London, 20 to 22 May 1768: 10 tin paged octavo 
leaves, the last blank, roughly /| by 4! inches, unbound. These leaves 
are enclosed in a wrapper endorsed by James Boswell, the Younger. 

Introduction xxl 

"Conversations with Lord Mansfield," and contain on the inside in 
his hand an extract from the page of notes which originally preceded 

6. Journal of Journey to Ireland, 25 April to 7 May 1769: "Jour- 
nal of the first part of my jaunt to Ireland in 1 769 with Miss Peggie 
Montgomerie. I regret that I ceased when it would have been most 
interesting": bound half-calf quarto notebook, 33 pages and a title- 
page (17 leaves), numbered by Boswell 19^ 825, 2425, 2527, 30, 
but continuous and complete; roughly 7^ by 6 inches. 

7. Journal in Scotland, 12 June to 27 August 1769: enclosed in a 
wrapper endorsed by Boswell, "Journal, Summer Session, 1 769": 100 
numbered octavo pages (50 leaves); most are roughly 7^ by 4! 
inches; unbound. 

8. Journal in England, 28 August to 26 September 1 769: "Journal 
of my jaunt to London., the Jubilee at Stratford upon Avon in memory 
and honour of Shakespeare, and to visit ray old and most intimate 
friend, the Reverend Mr. Temple in Devonshire, &c., &c., &c. Au- 
tumn, 1 769": written from the other end of the notebook containing 
No. 6; it consists of 122 pages and a title-page (62 leaves), numbered 
by Boswell i -i 1 3, 1 041 14, but continuous. The lower half of the leaf 
bearing pp. 3940 has been cut away, and pp. 4142 are missing. The 
promise of the title is more ample than the performance, for the ac- 
count: breaks off in London a month before the trip to Devonshire. 

9. Memoranda and Notes for Journal in London, 3 September to 
17 October 1769: 14 unpaged duodecimo leaves, roughly 6^ by 4 
inches, stabbed and sewn, A fragment, leaves being missing both at 
the beginning, and (apparently) at the end. There are no entries for 
September 6, 8-10, 19, 22-23, 2 ^ 3 and October 6, but the portion 
preserved seems to be complete as Boswell wrote it. 

10. Notes for Journal in London., 24 September to 3 October, and 
i 7 October 1 769; 4 unpaged quarto leaves, ranging in size from 9 by 
7'i to 8$ by 7 inches, unbound. 

1 1. Papers Apart, Manuscript of Life of Johnson, after 28 May 
1768: Corrections and Additions for p. 333 of Boswoll's manuscript: 
7 unnumbered quarto pages on 5 leaves; most are roughly gf by 8 
incites, tmbound. 

12* Papers Apart, Manuscript of Life of Johnson, 30 September 

xxii Introduction 

1769: Corrections and Additions for p. 335 of BoswelVs manuscript: 
10 quarto leaves, rectos numbered by Boswcll i-io, sonic with addi- 
tions on versos, roughly 9! by 8 inches, unbound; an octavo loaf 
(roughly 8 by 4! inches) inserted at verso of p. 4. 

13. Manuscript of Life of Johnson, 16-26 October i 769: 1 8 quarto 
leaves, rectos numbered by Boswell 335-352, some with additions on 
verso, roughly 9$ by 8 inches, unbound. 

14. Papers Apart, Manuscript of Life of Johnson, 26-27 October 
1769: Corrections and Additions marked U RC" [Roman Catholic? | 
for p. 352 of Boswell's manuscript: 22 octavo leaves, rectos numbered 
by Boswell 1-22, some with additions on versos, roughly 8 by /> 
inches, unbound. 

15. Manuscript of /i/^o/7o/m,vo72, 8-10 November 1769: 3 quarto 
leaves, rectos numbered by Boswell 351-353; matter of this quotation 
on 351 v., 352 r. and v., 353 r. 

1 6. Upwards of 550 letters sent or received by Boswell between 2 \ 
February 1 766 and 25 November 1 769. All but 62 of these letters arc* 
at Yale. The letters to Boswcll in the Yale collection are originals as 
arc Boswell's letters to John Johnston and W. J. Temple, (Ho retrieved 
his letters to Johnston from Johnston's executor, and Temple returned 
the few letters of this period that are now at Yale. The others to 
Temple, which are in the Morgan Library, were discovered about 
1840 in Boulogne, France.) Almost all the other lotions by Boswell at 
Yale are drafts or copies. The originals of the letters from Margaret 
Montgomcrie to Boswell with one exception were lost sometime after 
the transfer of the papers to Colonel Isham. A typescript had boon 
made previously, from which our text of the letters is taken. BoswelTs 
Register of Letters, now at Yale, covers the period from the opening 
of this volume to 21 October 1766, and from to Juno to <) November 
1769: while neither complete nor entirely accurate,, it is often useful 
for fixing dates and for proving the existence of lost letters, 

17. Miscellaneous documents, 23 February 1766 to 25 November 
1769. These include such items as Boswell's Consultation Book (the 
original of which is in the National Library of Scotland), verses, two 
assorted notebooks, and legal papers, 

The Journals included in this volume and the Notes for 21 April 
to 16 May 1768 were published in I<HO by Frederick A* Pottle in the 

Introduction xxiii 

seventh and eighth volumes of the Private Papers of James Boswell 
from Malahide Castle, in the Collection of Lt.-Colonel Ralph Hey- 
wood I sham,, an expensive limited edition of which only 570 copies 
were printed. Some fifty-five of the eighty-five letters included in the 
present volume have also previously appeared, most of them in the 
Private Papers or in Professor Chauncey B. Tinker's Letters of James 
Baswcll, Clarendon Press, 1924. Most of Boswell's letters to Temple 
included here arid in Tinker had been previously published in Letters 
of James Boswell Addressed to the Rev, W. J. Temple [ed. Sir Philip 
Francis] 1857, and reprinted with an introduction by Thomas Sec- 
combe in 1908. A group of newspaper items mainly about Corsica 
composed by Boswell has been collected from The London Chronicle, 
1 767. Outstanding among the material that now appears in print for 
the first time are Boswell's letters to Temple about the gardener's 
daughter, Temple's letters to Boswell, notes of a conversation between 
Boswell and Johnson, and the manuscript versions of certain scenes in 
The Life of Johnson. The fully written Journal is printed without 
cuts, but other documents have been abridged whenever it has seemed 
desirable. Notes saying that certain letters have not been recovered 
should not be taken as indicating a policy of including all the letters 
we have that are mentioned in the Journal, Such notes are intended to 
explain why letters that sound important enough to be included in 
this edition do not appear here. 

The spelling, capitalization, and punctuation of both manuscripts 
arid previously printed material have been reduced to accepted mod- 
ern norms, and abbreviations and contractions have been expanded 
at will. All quotations have been standardized in the same fashion. 
The standard of spelling for all but proper names is The Concise Ox- 
ford Dictionary (1951)- For place names F. H. Groome's Ordnance 
Gazetteer of Scotland, J. G, Bartholomew's Survey Gazetteer of the 
British /,V/<*A% and London Past and Present by Peter Cunningham and 
1 1. B. Whoatley have been followed. Family names have been brought 
Into conformity with the usage of The Dictionary of National Biog- 
raphy^ Mrs. Margaret Stuart's Scottish Family History^ G. E. Co- 
kayuo's Complete Baronetage and Complete Peerage, Sir James Bal- 
four Paul's Scots Peerage, and various other special books of reference. 
Names of speakers in conversations cast dramatically* whether sup- 

xxiv Introduction 

plied by Boswell or the editors, are put in small capitals without dis- 
tinction. A few clear inadvertencies have been put right without 
notice. Square brackets indicate words added where the manuscript 
shows no defect,, and where there is no reason to suspect a slip on the 
part of the writer; angular brackets indicate reconstruction of words 
lost through defects in the manuscript, where the reconstruction is not 
entirely certain. Those who wish to examine the unnormaH'/ecl and 
unmodified text of the Journal are reminded that it is available in 
Colonel Isham's Private Papers. 

The annotation and editorial notes to this volume have been de- 
signed for the general reader, though it is never easy to estimate how 
much the general reader knows or wants to know. We have attempted 
to provide essential information when it is available, and occasionally 
to add sidelights which are intended to characterize a person or event 
more firmly, but complete annotation such as full explication of 
Boswell's legal cases lias been reserved for the research edition, 
The indexes of this series are not mere finding tools., but supplement 
the annotation. Tn particular., we usually reserve for the index the 
function of supplying Christian names and professions of persons 

An edition such as the present, one is based extensively on previous 
published and unpublished work; it is, in fact, a highly collective and 
co-operative enterprise*, which draws on the minute and multiple ac- 
cumulation of facts, inferences, and guesses of at least a generation of 
scholarship. As has been mentioned above, F, A, Pottle published a 
text of BoswolVs Journals and certain of the Notes for this period in 
Colonel Isham's privately printed Prirate Papers of JV/wv? /fawv//. 
He also published the correspondence between Boswell and Margaret 
Montgomerie, almost all of which appears in the eighth volume of the 
Private Papers, Certain other letters and documents reprinted here 
also first appeared in these volumes. As also mentioned above, Profes- 
sor Tinker published many of BosweU's letters included here in his 
Letters of James Boswell. 

The basic annotation for this volume has been collected from 
various sources. We have made grateful use of certain of the notes to 
Professor Tinker's edition of the Lelter^ as well as, on occasion,, of 
notes from the 'Hill-Powell edition of The Life of Johnson, Sir 

Introduction xxv 

Fergusson has generously answered many questions on Bos well's 
Scottish background. We have drawn upon Professor Joseph Fola- 
darc's unpublished Yale dissertation, "James Boswell and Corsica" 
(2 vols., 1936), and Dr. Richard C Cole's unpublished Yale disserta- 
tion, "The Correspondence of James Boswell in 1769" (1955). The 
text of the Journal for i o January to 3 June 1 767 and i January to 27 
February 1 768 was reviewed and annotation for it collected by Pro- 
fessor Eleanor T. Lincoln as a class exercise in the Yale Graduate 
School. Similar services were performed for the Journal and Journal 
Notes from 16 March to 22 May 1 768 by Dr. Joseph L. Walsh; for the 
Journal from 25 April to 7 May 1769 and from 12 June to 27 August 
1769 by Professor Irving McKee; and for the Journal and Notes and 
Memoranda from 28 August to 1 7 October 1 769 by Professor John P. 
Kirby. Dr. Charles H. Bennett reviewed the entire text of the Journal., 
Notes, and Memoranda for the period, and made additions to the 
annotation, especially for the Journal from 10 January to 3 June 1 767 
and i January to 27 February 1768. He also drafted annotation for a 
trade or reading edition. Using these materials and others resulting 
from his own researches, Professor Pottle completed a text for a trade 
edition over fifteen years ago. The subsequent recovery of papers from 
Malahide Castle and other documents of the first importance necessi- 
tated the planning of a quite different volume and extensive revisions 
of and additions to the annotation. 


The general plan of this volume, worked out by the editors, has 

benefited considerably from the advice of the Editorial Committee. 
Also, Mr, Licbert provided the artist with materials for the maps, and 
Dr. Mot/dorf, who has been of assistance at every stage, assumed re- 
sponsibility for collecting' the illustrations. Both they and Professor 
I lilies read the proofs. Of the larger Advisory Committee, Professor 
Clifford and Sir James Fergusson read the proofs and provided correc- 
tions and suggestions for the notes. 

In addition to those mentioned specifically elsewhere, we grate- 
fully acknowledge the assistance of the following; C. Collcer Abbott, 
Frederick K. Adams, Jr., Clcanth Brooks, Herbert Cahoon, W. Ken- 

xxvi Introduction 

neth Cornell, Miss Lillian de la Torre, Robert W. Hill, Dr. Harry M. 
Keil, James M. Osborn, Paul Pickrel, Marshall Waingrow, Robert 
Warnock^ and Charles McC. Weis. Our next-door neighbours in the 
Walpole Office, George L. Lam and Warren H. Smith, have, as usual, 
often taken time from their own pursuits to help us with one of our 
problems. Finally we heartily thank all members of the office staff of 
the Yale Editions of the Private Papers of James Boswell during the 
past year: Miss Harriet Chidester, William F. Hawthorne '57, Robert 
E. Murphy '58, Mrs. Marion S. Pottle, and Mrs. Phyllis 0. Warfol. 
Mrs. Hope G. Waingrow is mainly responsible for the index. 

Yale University, New Haven 

15 Aug'USl H)*)() 



This, my dear Peggie, iX 7 think, a just and true abstract of our 
story. It docs you great honour, and I appear a better rnan titan people 

S?? // - of / / 

{^/C/oswell in \zJearcn of a 



SKETCH OF BOSWELL'S LIFE TO MARCH 1 766. James Boswell was born 
in Edinburgh on 29 October 1 740, the eldest son of Alexanderjloswell, 
whose title, Lord Aiuchinleck, indicated his position as a judge of the 
supreme courts of Scotland. Of an old family and an important land- 
owner in his home county, Ayrshire, Lord Auchinleck imparted his 
strong sense of tradition and family pride to his son. Boswell studied 
law at the Universities of Edinburgh and Glasgow, but his real inter- 
ests were writing and attending the theatre. In the sspring of 1 760, he 
ran away to London and briefly became a Roman Catholic. The Earl 
of Eglinton, his father's Ayrshire neighbour, reclaimed him from this 
lapse (which would have seriously disabled him in public life), and 
introduced him u into the circles of the great, the gay, and the in- 
genious." Admiring everything about London, Boswell tried to per- 
suade his father to secure him a commission in the Foot Guards, but 
Lord Auchinleck kept him at his studies in Edinburgh until he passed 
the civil law examination in June 1762. Then, although refusing to 
purchase a commission in the Guards, his father permitted him to 
return to London to sec if he could obtain one through influence. 

Boswell's ensuing year in London had two solid results: he wrote 
the first long stretch of his great Journal, 1 and near the end of his stay 
he met Samuel Johnson. The Journal vividly records his London im- 
pressions and experiences, from parties at Northumberland House to 
his affair with the actress Louisa and encounters with streetwalkers in 
the Strand, while Johnson was to exert a permanent moral and intel- 
lectual influence upon his life. Having failed to secure a commission, 
Boswell agreed to become a lawyer as his father wished, and crossed 

1 The journal for this year was discovered by Professor C. Colleer Abbott at 
Fettercairn House in 1930, and published in 1950 under the title of Boswell's 
London Journal, 1762-1763 by the McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc. (New 

York) and William Hememann, Ltd, (London). 

2 Sketch of BosirelTs Life to March \ 766 

over to Utrecht in August 1 763 to continue his study of civil law. I lis 
year in Holland was unhappy: he disliked the Dutch, and a combina- 
tion of hard work and unaccustomed chastity profoundly depressed 
him. But near the end of this year a relaxation of his religions and 
moral standards and his interest in Belle de Zuylcn (Zelidc) , a Dutch 
girl of noble family, helped to revive his spirits. 2 

In June 1764, Boswell started off on his Grand Tour proper. He 
visited a good number of the German courts., and, though ho failed to 
meet Frederick the Great, he was presented to many people of the first 
rank and became close friends with the Margrave of Badon-Durlach, 
But greater successes were reserved for Switzerland,, whom ho met 
Rousseau and Voltaire. Rousseaxx, though unwilling to become his 
father-confessor, did encourage and reassure him. With Voltaire Bos- 
well had a delightful conversation on religion. 11 Having made the two 
great, antithetical spirits of the age conscious of his existence, Boswoll 
headed happily over the Alps to Italy in January 1 765. Here, ho pur- 
sued John Wilkes, sightseeing, and women with equal pertinacity,, 
travelled with Lord Mountstuart, the Earl of Bute's eldest son, and 
had a serious love affair in Siena with Girolama Picrolomini, Tho 
most important event of his Continental tour, however, was Iris visit 
to Corsica in October and November 1765. Ho was profoundly in- 
fluenced by the sight of this small nation fighting for its liberty and, 
by the memorable character of its leader, Pasquale de Paoll From 
Corsica ho travelled to Genoa, and then through Franco to Paris. I 1 oar 
ing there of his mother's doath ho hurried homo, after stopping brioflv 
in London, where lie saw Johnson and Roussoau, and infortnod Pitt 
about Corsica.' I lo arrived in Kdinburgh about /March t 

2 $00 ftostivtl in Holland, 176$ '/?&/, W^ McGraw-Hill Hook Company,, 

(Now York) and William Hoinomann, Ltd. (London). 

n SOP Boswell on the (Irand Tour; Germany and Stritzcrttirtdi /7&J, 

McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc. (Now York) and William tioinomatm, Ltd, 


4 $0.0 Rvswt'tl on the (*ntnd Tour: Italy* Ctu'sira^ and, Franct\ tyi**} //A% HF^^ 

McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc. (Now York) and Williiun iloint'in*iii t Ltd. 


Auchinleck, 28 April 1 766 3 

[Boswell to William Johnson Temple] 5 

Auchinleck House, 28 April 1 766 

MY EVER DEAR TEMPLE, Many a curious letter have you had 
from me in my different situations. A more extraordinary one than 
this you have never had. I write to you while the delirium is really 
existing. In short, Sir, the gardener's daughter who was named for 
my mother/ and has for some time been in the family as a chamber- 
maid is so very pretty that I am entirely captivated by her. Besides my 
principle of never debauching an innocent girl, my regard for her 
father, a worthy man of uncommon abilities, restrains me from form- 
ing the least licentious thought against her. And, therefore, in plain 
words, I am mad enough to indulge imaginations of marrying her. 
Only think of the proud Boswell, with all that you know of him, the 
fervent adorer of a country girl of three and twenty. I rave about her. 
T was never so much in love as I am now. My fancy is quite inflamed. 
It riots in extravagance. 

I know as well as you can tell me that a month's or perhaps ten 
days' possession of this angelic creature would probably make her 
appear to me insipid as does to you Celia "who at Berwick deigns to 
dwell. m I have a clear remembrance of my being tormented with 
many such passions, all which went off in a little time, and yet, 
Temple, I am still dreaming of delightful nuptials. She and I were in 
a manner brought up together. As far back as I can remember, we 
used to build houses and make gardens, wade in the river and play 
upon, the sunny banks. I cannot consider her as below me. For these 
six or seven years past I have seen her little. Before I went abroad she 
had begun to be timid and reserved, for Lord Eglinton admired her 

r> Temple, Boswell's one-time classmate at the University of Edinburgh, and 
closest friend, was now at Cambridge qualifying himself for holy orders. Though 
the two shared an in politics and literature, their intimacy was based 
on an unreserved trust and openness and an appreciation of each other's 


This letter was not sent until 1 7 May. See, p. 5. 

7 Euphemia. Possibly the gardener's daughter's last name was Bruce. 

* Celia is Ann ("Nancy") Stow, Temple's first cousin to whom he was more or 

less engaged. Thomas Gray later nicknamed her "Madame Minx." Boswell had 
stopped to see her at Berwick on his way north. The quotation is unidentified. 

4 Auchinleck, 28 April i 766 

extremely and wanted to seduce her, 9 For my part I saw nothing more 
about her than in many good-looking girls in the neighborhood. But 
since my return from my travels, I have been quite enchanted with 
her. She has a most amiable face, the prettiest foot and ankle. She is 
perfectly well made, and has a lively, genteel air that is irresistible. 

I take every opportunity of being with her when she is putting on 
fires or dressing a room. She appears more graceful with her besom 
than ever shepherdess did with a crook. T pretend great earnestness to 
have the library in good order and assist her to dust it I cut my gloves 
that she may mend them. I kiss her band. T tell her what, a beauty I 
think her. She has an entire confidence in me and has no fear of any 
bad design; and she has too much sense to form an idea of having me 
for a husband. On the contrary, she talks to me of not refusing a good 
offer if it is made to her. Enchanting creature! must she be enjoyed by 
some schoolmaster or farmer? Upon my honour, it exits me to the 
heart. If she would not many anybody else, I think I could let her 
alone. That we may not be too often seen together, she and I write 
notes to each other, which we lay under the cloth which covers my 
table. This little curious correspondence^ which to her is an innocent 
amusement, makes my heart beat continually. She has a fine temper* 
She has read a great deal, for I always supplied her with books. In 
short, she is better than any lady I know. 

What shall I do, Temple? Shall 1 lay my account with all its con- 
sequences and espouse her? Will not I he exquisite languish of her eyes 
charm away repentance? Shall I not pass a life of true natural felicity 
with the woman T love and have a race of healthy and handsome* chil- 
dren? Good heavens! what, am I about? It would kill my father* Have 
1 returned safe from London., from Italy, and from l*Yuneo to throw 
myself away on a servant maid? You might apply to mo what was 
said of St. Paul when the viper fastened upon his hand after the ship' 
wreck: "Whom though he hath escaped the sea, yet vengeance suf 
fercth not to live." 1 

I have got a lock of her hair which 1 dote upon. She allowed me to 
cut it off. If I should marry her, I would never suffer her to dress better 
than she docs now. I think I could pass my whole life agreeably with 

For Alexander Montgomeri<\ t*nth Earl of Kg] in ton, ,w p. J. 

1 Acts 28, 4, 

Auchinleck, 28 April 1 766 5 

her assistance. I am not fit for marriage in all the forms. A lady would 
not be compliant enough, and would oblige me to harass myself with 
an endless repetition of external ceremony and a most woeful main- 
taining of proper conduct. Whereas my dear girl would be grateful 
for my attachment, would be devoted to me in every respect, would 
live with me just as a mistress without the disgrace and remorse. After 
all my feverish joys and pains, I should enjoy calm and permanent 
bliss in her arms. Was there ever such madness? 

My friend, give me your hand. Lead me away from what is prob- 
ably a delusion that would make me give up with the world and sink 
into a mere animal. And yet is it not being singularly happy that after 
the gloom I have endured, the dreary speculations I have formed, and 
the vast variety of all sorts of adventures that I have run through, my 
mind should not be a bit corrupted, and I should feel the elegant 
passion with all the pure simplicity and tender agitations of youth? 
Surely I have the genuine soul of love. When dusting the rooms with 
my charmer, am I not like Agamemnon amongst the Thracian girls? 
All this may do for a summer. But is it possible that I could imagine 
the dear delirium would last for life? I will rouse my philosophic 
spirit, and fly from this fascination. I am going to Moff at 2 for a month. 
Absence will break the enchantment. I charge you in honour not to 
mention it. Write me how you are affected by this letter. My dear 
Temple, I am ever yours, 


[Boswell to Temple] 

MoJEfat, 1 7 May 1 766 

MY DEAREST FRIEND, I have been a week here, and to prevent 
that rodomontade of which you have frequently accused me, let me 
toll you at once that my love for the handsome chambermaid is al- 
ready like a dream that is past, I kept the extravagant epistle which 
was to inform you of it till 1 should see if absence would not free me 
from the delirium, I can now send you with a good grace what would 
certainly have alarmed you, but will now be truly amusing. Romantic 
as I am, it was so strange a scene in the play of my life that I myself 
2 A watering-place in Dumfriesshire, about a day's journey away. 

6 Moffat, 1 7 May 1 766 

was quite astonished at it. I give you my word of honour it was 
literally true. There are few people who could give credit to it. But 
you, who have traced me since ever I fairly entered upon the stage, 
will not doubt of it. It is a little humbling; to be sure. It was the effect 
of great force and great weakness of mind. I am certainly a most 
various composition. Pray recollect my letter from Rotterdam," and 
compare it with the inclosed. They are both genuine effusions, both 
original pictures of the same man at different times. 

I can tell you though, Temple, such a man as I am must be very 
much upon his guard. T believe my safest way will be to give you a 
promise that I never will marry without your approbation; indeed 
you would not do amiss to make me such a promise too, for you was as 
seriously resolved to marry that girl at Berwick as ever I was to do a 
thing in my life! Arid had you married her, what a pretty figure 
would you have made by this time! For she has an old look, an auntish 
wisdom, awkward manners, and 1 imagine a narrow heart. She would 
grudge me coffee. 

I am persuaded, Temple, that true exalted friendship never was 
stronger than it is between you and me. It has grown with ourselves 
and is in, more vigour than ever. It has stood the trial of many a long 
absence and of my extensive travels, notwithvStanding wliich you hav< 
kept up with me, as I told you with sincere joy in London. It has one 
more severe trial to stand our marriage. Few have ever enjoyed the 
singular happiness that we have. Let us valuo it and preserve it* If we 
cannot have wives that will be united as are their husbands, lot us 
take care to have such as will not offend us, as will be complaisant and 
agreeable and entertain us with elegance* I confess, my dear TempU% 
that you are the best adviser. You are more clear and determined than 
I am. After having seen your lovely Nancy* who upon honour looked 
so sour that I suspected she was the elder sister, 4 instead of giving yon 
a spirited admonition to have nothing to do with 'her, I indolently 
thought: let him please himself. His grand ideas of rising in the state, 

3 Boswell had been extremely depressed when he first arrived in Holland In 
1763: "Would you believe it? I ran frantic up and down this street^ crying out, 
bursting into tears, and groaning from my innermost heart** (fiomw/i in J7o/ 
land, 16 August 1763), 

4 When Bosweli sent a visiting-can! to Ann Stow, her eider ist*r had burned it 
in front of the boy who delivered it. 

Moffat, 1 7 May 1 766 7 

of climbing the rocky steep of exalted ambition, and rivalling the 
most renowned in every age are now as if they never had been. Why 
should not his gay ideas of an angelic partner of his soul share the 
same fate? I ask you pardon*, Temple. To rise in the world is not 
always given to superior merit, unless we allow a brazen assurance 
and unceasing forwardness to be superior to the merits which you and 
I now value so much. But an amiable wife and elegant living may be 
obtained by such philosophical men as we are, without either sur- 
prising strokes of chance or uncommon assistance from patrons; and 
therefore, my dearest friend, let us still please ourselves with the 
prospect of family happiness. 

Miss Bosville is a charming young lady. 5 1 got her to speak a good 
deal before T left London and found her extremely sensible. She never 
dances. That I should have insisted,' 5 for no man shall ever pull about 
my wife. She loves reading and walking, and does not tire of six 
months in the country. But she is very fond of routs. What can that 
mean? Will she not cure of it? She speaks French very prettily. I dined 
three or four times a week at her father's while I stayed in London. He 
has written to me since I came to Scotland. I am to go and see them in 
Yorkshire. We must take time. 

As to Zelide I am quite at my ease, 7 1 have had a letter from her 
father telling me that he took my proposal in very good part; at the 
same time he informed me that things were so far advanced between 
his daughter and M. le Marquis, that the Marquis was actually apply- 
ing to the Pope and the King of Sardinia for leave to marry a Protes- 
tant, and that therefore he and his daughter were bound in honour to 
fulfil their promises to him. As, however, the event of this application 

5 Elizabeth Diana, eldest daughter of Godfrey Bosville of Gimthwaite, York- 
shire, whom Boswell regarded as the chief of his "clan." Boswell thought her 
"vastly pretty: black hair, charming complexion, quite modest" (Boswell on the 
Grand Tour: Italy, Corsica, and France, 16 February 1766). The throe names 
Bosville, Boswell, and Boswall are variants of the original French, Boisville. 
<J That is, insisSted upon. 

7 Belle de Zuylen, whom Boswell always refers to as "Zelide," was the attractive, 
intelligent, and unconventional daughter of a noble Dutch family. Boswell, al- 
ternately fascinated and repelled by her, had made a very tentative proposal of 
marriage to her through her father the previous January, For a connected ac- 
count of the whole Z61ide affair, see Boswell in Holland, Correspondence with 
Belle de Zuylen, 

8 Moffat, 17 May 1766 

was uncertain, if I continued to be of the same mind after they were 
free of the Marquis, he would then mention my proposal to Mademoi- 
selle and have the honour to be umpire between us. 8 Nothing could 
be more genteel and friendly. I am glad I am off with Zelide. A bel 
esprit would never do at Auchinleck. My father and I have talked 
fully of her. He could not bear such a woman. You may remember 
you laughed very heartily at my finding fault with a pretty Dutch- 
woman. But my father judges extremely well when he finds fault with 
a clever Dutchwoman. "I love," says he, "one who has been accus- 
tomed to play in concert, be the music heavy or be it lively. For such 
a person will make harmony in any country. But one who has played 
in discord with those around her will hardly play in tune at all." 
Cum. fiier is Romae, Romano invito more is sound sense; 1 ' and Otway 
says with much truth, 


The man that's singular , . . 
His spleen outweighs his brains. 3 

Zelide who must always shine, and Stockdalc who is sublimated and 
thinks you below him in genius are weak beings, and would make ono 
miserable to live with thorn." "Tis true (hoy can't help their levity, 
Very well. Neither could they help it were the* one humpbacked arid 
the other palsied. I am sorry for them. But 1 would not join my exist- 
ence with theirs. 

Alter all, Zelicle may perhaps take up^ 

But this is a flight. Now, Temple, let me explain to you how I am 
already so free of the charming chambermaid Absence alone was not 
enough. But I have found at Moffat a lady just in the situation of the 
one whom you formerly dallied with in Northumberland. Hut mine 
has no hope of ever being as yours now is. so that she is at full liberty. 
and therefore the king can do no wrong. I am quite devoted to her. 1 

H Belle's Catholic suitor was the Marquis de Bellegimk, a nobk of Savoy mid n 

colonel in the Dutch Service, 

9 "When in Rome, live as the Romans" (St Ambros^ "cum" for "i f *) 

1 Altered from Otway's Orphan, II L i, 7*5-77* 

2 The Rev. Perdval StockdaK A friend of Temple\s one-tune army officer tunned 
clergyman, became a minor poet, critic, and dramatist, 

3 Obsolete for "reform." 

Moffat., 1 7 May i 766 g 

dare write no more, but when we meet you shall hear of Elysium. 
Love reconciles me to the Scots accent, which from the mouth of a 
pretty woman is simply and sweetly melodious. It is indeed, and I 
could engage to make Temple himself swear so in a few months. I am 
all health, affection, and gratitude. 

I came to Moffat to wash off a few scurvy spots which the warmer 
climates of Europe had brought out on my skin. I drink the waters, 
and bathe regularly, and take a great deal of exercise, 4 and have a fine 
flow of spirits. I am as happy as an unmarried man can be. The felices 
ter et amplius* enchants me as the mitre or the genteel chintz arm- 
chairs in a handsome parlour do you. This shall be my last irregular 
connection. I shall be attached to the generous woman for ever. I am 
plaguing you with romantic sallies, my Temple. Forgive me, and it 
shall be made up to you before I sleep. 

I wrote you a glowing letter from Prussia and observed that our 
fellow collegians had got before us in life. Do you remember what 
you and I used to think of Dundas? He has been making 700 a year 
as an advocate, has married a very genteel girl with io n ooo fortune, 
and is now appointed His Majesty's Solicitor General for Scotland. I 
should like to hear your remarks upon what I tell you. 15 

If you have not taken orders, I shall be out of all patience. Down 
with you to Devonshire, you dilatory dog. 7 And do riot use your living 
as you have done the sighing and vulgar Celia. 8 1 will abuse her. So let 

4 Moffat lies among some of the most impressive scenery of the Border, and 
serves as a centre for excursions. 

5 "Thrice happy arid more [are they who are united in passionate love]" 
(Horace, Odes, L xiii. 17-18). 

Henry Dundas, of the great legal family of Dundas of Arniston, was the 
younger half-brother of Robert Dundas, Lord President of the Court of Session. 
He later became Lord Advocate, Treasurer of the Navy, Home Secretary, and 
the political boss of Scotland. His wife, Elizabeth Rermie, ran away with a Cap- 
tain Fawkener in 1778. Temple, Boswell, and Dundas had been schoolmates at 
the University of Edinburgh, Dundas being" a couple of yours younger than 

T Temple was ordained priest in the Church of England on 21 September 1766, 
His cousin once removed, Wilmot Vaxighan, fourth Viscount Lisburne, presented 
him with the living of Mamhoad in Devonshire, worth about 80 a year, 
8 Temple confessed, his irresolution in regard to Miss Stow in his letter of 17 
March 1766 to Boswell: "It was foolish of me to think of marrying any person in 

i o Moffat, 1 7 May 1766 

me alone. I must make you laugh, though. One morning before I left 
London as I was going along Great Russell Street, Bloomsbury, to Miss 
Bosville's, whom did I meet but our friend Clack. BOSWELL. "Your 
servant, Mr. Claxton." CLAXTON. a Your servant, Sir." BQSWKIX. "Any 
news from Temple?" CLAXTON. "No, but there's a letter come for him 
in a woman's hand." BOSWELL. "It is from her^ I dare say. We must 
have him married." CLAXTON. "Yes, yes, he wants to be off, but he 
shan't be off." BOSWELL. "No, no, the dog shan't be off. Do you watch 
him there and I'll watch him here, arid I defy him to break away." tt 
Thus, Temple,, upon honour did your two friends commune con- 
cerning you. 

Mr. Pitt wrote me a most polite ministerial letter in answer to the 
one which I sent him with your approbation. He said he would be glad 
to "have the honour of my acquaintance" when he came to town. I 
accordingly waited on him and had a noble conference, all which I 
have in manuscript and hope to feast you most luxuriously with it. 
Mr. Pitt is a great admirer of the Corsican Chief; "It may bo said of 
General Paoli what Cardinal de Retz said of the great Duke of IVlon- 
trose, c C'est uri de ces hommes qu'on no trouve plus quo dans les Viw 
de Plutarque.' ' 51 Thus did Demosthenes talk of Kpaminondas. 

So Mr. Gray thinks I should publish my Account of Corsica soon, 2 
I am afraid he has had a fit of ennui and just wished for something to 
amuse him, 1 am, however, certainly to give you something concern- 
ing Corsica next winter, and am to do it with my father's a pprohat ion, 
Pray offer my respectful compliments to Mr* Gray, and toll him that 
as I was but five weeks in Corsica, T cannot he exported to havo ma- 
terials enough to furnish anything like a complete account of it, But 

that part of the world, but especially one so disagreeably connected, . , The 
girl has some sense but no constancy." 

9 This expands a conversation already printed in tttmwftl on ///*" (trttntl Tour: 
Italy., Corsiaa, and Franct^ a i February 1 76(5. 

1 Boswell's correspondence with Pitt hen* referred to and the record of the 
"noble conference" are printed in Bosiwlt on th& Grand Tour: ltal\\ Cormw, ant I 
France, 17-23 February 1766, He used Pitt's remark about Paoli, "Hi In one of 
those men who are no longer to be found but in the Livtw of Plutmvh," IH the 
last sentence of Corswa. 

-For BoswelPs interest in Corsica, see Introduction,, p. xiv. Thomas Gnt>% the 
poet, was a cherished friend of Temple's at Cambridge*. 

M off at, 1 7 May 1 766 1 1 

that I hope to tell my countrymen so much concerning the brave 
islanders and their glorious leader that all the true lovers of liberty 
must admire them and be interested for them. Quorum pars magna 
fui 3 was really the case; so that I shall be obliged to write like an 
egotist, and would keep my eye on Bishop Burnet. 4 Would Mr. Gray 
give me his advice as to the form in which I should write? Shall I 
make it a continued narration? or memoirs? or letters? What shall be 
the title? Some Account of the Present State of Corsica An Account 
of the Island of Corsica A Tour to Corsica Letters written from 
Corsica Memoirs concerning Corsica and General de Paoli? What 
shall be the motto 

Manus haec, mirnica tyrannis, 
Ense petit placidam sub libertate quietern? 5 

Would Mr. Gray advise me as to this? 

I am going very well on with the law, which I now like. As we 
grow older we get a stronger relish for solid truth. The mind is com- 
fortably nourished with jurisprudence. Metaphysics are made-dishes, 
and the belles-lettres are sweetmeats and liqueurs. In short, Temple, 
I am soon to be a counsellor. I am ever, with the warmest affection, 
your friend and servant, 


[EDITORIAL NOTE : Having freed his mind of the gardener's daugh- 
ter arid entangled himself instead with Mrs. Dodds, the lady at Moffat 
mentioned in the preceding letter, Boswell arrived in Edinburgh in 
the middle of June to complete the preliminaries necessary for his 

admission to the bar. Here he printed his Latin thesis on a title of the 
Pandects, De supcllectile legata (Concerning Legacies of Household 
Furniture), and having gone through the formality of defending it 
before the Faculty of Advocates, he was admitted advocate on 29 Jxily, 
[Young advocates working up practice commonly accepted ccmrt 
appointments as counsel for poor clients, and put themselves in the 

a "I played a large part" (Virgil, Aeneid, ii, 6). 

4 Gilbert Buraet, Bishop of Salisbury, wrote a valuable History of My Own 
Time, but the egotism displayed in it has sometimes been ridiculed. 

8 "This hand, hostile to tyrants, seeks peace and quiet under liberty with the 

sword" (Algernon Sidney). It was not the motto adopted. 

1 2 June 1 766 to March 1 767: Summary 

way of such business by attending the circuits of the Justiciary Court. 
Bos well had been a member of the Faculty only about eight weeks 
when, at Glasgow in the autumn of 1766, he was handed his first 
criminal client one John Reid, a poor man of bad reputation who was 
accused of stealing no fewer than one hundred and twenty sheep from 
a farm in Peeblesshire, driving them off to Glasgow, and there offer- 
ing them for sale to the butchers. The charge was of course capital. 
There is no doubt that Reid had on occasion stolen sheep, for he later 
confessed as much to Boswell; nor was there any question that in this 
case he had offered stolen sheep for sale. But he persisted in maintain- 
ing that he had been imposed upon: he had had the flock* he said, 
from another man who had commissioned him to drive them to Glas- 
gow and sell them. Boswell, who became convinced of his innocence, 
threw himself into the case with greater ardour than the Court 
thought appropriate. He managed to get the trial postponed to t/> 
December, in Edinburgh, and secured the assistance of Andrew Cros- 
bie, a fine but erratic lawyer who had a fondness for this sort of ease. 
The Lord Advocate countered by clapping on a second charge* of 
sheep-stealing, committed as far back as 1 763. Reid lost his nerve and 
proposed to settle for transportation, but was persuaded to stick it out* 
Boswell provided him with physical and spiritual comfort : ho paid for 
his food in the Tolbooth and gave him a religious book with an in- 
scription saying that if he could not save him from punishment in this 
world, he hoped at least to assist him in obtaining' mercy in the world 
to come. At the trial the prosecution presented many witnesses and 
the Lord Advocate, the Solicitor General, and three other advocates 
spoke for the Crown. Boswell and Croshie presented no witnesses at 
all, but talked to such good effect that the jury returned a Scots verdict 
of "not proven," whereupon Reid was discharged, The judges of 
the Justiciary Court (one of whom was I/ord Auehmleek) denounced 
the verdict as against the evidence, and the Lord Justice-Clerk a few 
months later made a spiteful reference to it in giving* his division in 
the Douglas caxise. By such xeal and imprudence at the very start of 
his legal career, Boswell made practically certain that he would 
never attain to a commanding position in his profession. 

('The work closest to BoswelFs heart, however* was his projected 
book on Corsica, Despite recurrences of the malaria he had picked up 

June 176610 March 1 767: Summary 13 

in Corsica, he made a determined effort to collect the materials he 
needed, both from printed accounts and from manuscript information 
furnished by the Reverend Andrew Burnaby, who had also toured the 
country; John Dick, British consul at Leghorn; Count Antonio Riva- 
rola, Sardinian consul at Leghorn; and through General Paoli him- 
self. By March 1 767, he was ready to write. Meanwhile, he continued 
a newspaper campaign he had begun on the Continent to engage 
sympathy for the Corsicans with various items, both true and in- 
vented, intended to keep Corsica in the public eye. The most bizarre 
of his "inventions," as Boswell called them, was a Corsican courier, 
Signor Romanzo, who travelled mysteriously from European capital 
to capital, conferring with high dignitaries about aid to the Corsican 
cause. These items, to Boswell's delight, were copied in good faith by 
other periodicals and circulated widely throughout Europe.] 

[Received ?i September, Lord Hailes to Boswell] 6 

Newhailes, 29 August 1766 

DEAR SIR ... As to Corsica, work as hard as you can, while the 
ideas are fresh in your memory. But pray be very short in your topog- 
raphy. Rather correct the errors of others where they are wrong than 
transcribe their observations where they are right. Do not make your 
vestibule too large for your house. Make your revolutions as rapid as 
those in The Rehearsal; 7 ride post through the wilds of history; who 
cares to know the ancient history of Corsica? It is the virtues and 
actions of their present leader which renders the Corsicans an object 
of public curiosity. If yoxi publish any letters, sacrifice to modesty 
arid leave out yourself. By drawing a score where self was mentioned, 
you will make the world think that you write to instruct it, not to 
puff yourself. Let your anecdotes be characteristical, of rain and wind 
and bad lodgings as little as you please. Paschal is more pleasing to 
an English ear than Pasquale. Do not omit anything that can give us 

Sir David Dalrymple, a jxadge in the Court of Session with the style of Lord 
Hailes, was one of Boswell's early models, and a mediator of differences between 
him and his father. A scholarly and respected historian, he advised Boswell on 
literary and antiquarian matters. 

7 Buckingham's play, which ridiculed the heroic tragedy popular in the Restora- 
tion period. 

14 Auchinleck, i September 1766 

a clear idea of that hero; remember he is the chief figure, he must 
come forward; the others, even yourself, must keep back. But why do 
I thus talk to you who have so lately seen painting in perfection; you 
are now to adapt the knowledge you have learnt; from history paint- 
ing to history writing the transition is obvious. . . . 

I beg my best respects to your father, and ever am, dear Sir, your 
most obedient and faithful servant, 


[Received c. 2 September, Samuel Johnson to Boswell ] B 

London, 21 August t 766 

DEAR SIR, The reception of your thesis put me in mind of my 
debt to you. Why did yoti dedicate it to a man whom I know you do 
not much love?" I will punish you for it by telling you that your I ,at in 
wants correction. . . . * 

I have now vexed you enough and will try to please you. Your 
resolution to obey your father I sincerely approve," but do not ac- 
custom yourself to enchain your volatility by vows: they will sorno 
time leave a thorn in your mind, which you will perhaps never be 
able to extract or eject. Take this warning, it is of great importance,** 
The study of the law is what you very justly term it, copious and 
generous; and in adding your name to its professors^ you have done 

tt Printed from The Life of Johnson, the second sentence restored as described in 

the following note, 

"The Life has "Why did you * + ***** + *+ (v " f m f the transcript of the Inter which 

Boswell used as prmter\s copy contained the missing words, and they can easily 

be read through his deleting stroke. The thesis was dedicated to his old Italian 

travelling companion. Lord MountstuarU the eldest son of Gcorgo HPs former 

Prime Minister and intimate friend, the third Karl of Bute. Handsome., convert 

tional, and indolent, he thought Boswell had "fine old noble ideas" but mis 

trusted the "strange inc.ohtwncy" of his temper (Mountstuart to Boswell, ac| 

May 1766), They had quarrelled violently in Italy, but were now .supposed to 

be on friendly terms, 

1 Johnson's animadversions on BoswelFs Latin are omitted* 

B a For Boswell's relations with his father., see Introduction, p. x. 

* { Boswell remarks in the Life (21 August 1766! that in u previous letter to John- 

son he had complained of irresolution and u ma<ie a vow as a security for gmtd 


Auchinleck, 2 September 1766 15 

exactly what I always wished, when I wished you best. I hope that 
you will continue to pursue it vigorously and constantly. You gain, 
at least, what is no small advantage, security from those troublesome 
and wearisome discontents which are always obtruding themselves 
upon a mind vacant, unemployed, and undetermined. 

You ought to think it no small inducement to diligence and per- 
severance that they will please your father. We all live upon the hope 
of pleasing somebody; and the pleasure of pleasing ought to be great- 
est, and at last always will be greatest, when our endeavours are ex- 
erted in consequence of our duty. 

Life is not long, and too much of it must not pass in idle delibera- 
tion how it shall be spent; deliberation, which those who begin it by 
prudence and continue it with subtlety, must, after long expense of 
thought, conclude by chance. To prefer one future mode of life to 
another, upon just reasons, requires faculties which it has not pleased 
our Creator to give us. 

If, therefore, the profession you have chosen has some unexpected 
inconveniencies, console yourself by reflecting that no profession is 
without them; and that all the importunities and perplexities of busi- 
ness are softness and luxury compared with the incessant cravings of 
vacancy and the unsatisfactory expedients of idleness. 

Haec sunt quae nostra potui te voce monere; 

As to your History of Corsica, you have no materials which others 
have not, or may not have. You have, somehow or other, warmed your 
imagination. I wish there wore some cure, like the lover's leap, for all 
heads of which some single idea has obtained an unreasonable and 
irregular possession, Mind your own affairs, and leave the Corsicans 
to theirs. I am, dear Sir, your most humble servant, 


4 "Such are the counsels which I am able to give you; go, act" (altered from 
Virgil, Acncid 9 in. 461-462). 

i6 Auchinleck, 18 September 1766 

[Boswell to William Pitt, Earl of Chatham] 5 

Auchinleck, County of Ayr, 1 8 September i 766 
MY LORD: When (to use your own words) you was "William 
Pitt, a plain member of Parliament," you expressed a high regard for 
the Corsicans and their illustrious Chief. I have ever remembered 
that conversation which Mr. Pitt honoured me with, and 1 own my 
hopes of relief to the brave Islanders have been very great. 

May I presume to ask the Earl of Chatham if he will befriend a 
noble and unfortunate little nation whom I have seen with the en- 
thusiasm of liberty, and for whom 1 shall be interested while my 
blood is warm? Pardon me, my Lord, if I intrude upon you, and be- 
lieve me to bo, with the highest consideration, your Lordship's most 
obedient and most humble servant, 


[Bos well to Samuel Johnson*] 6 

Auohinlerk* (5 November i 766 

MlJCH ESTEEMED AND PEAK SlK, 1 plead not gUllty t<> . , , 

Having thus, I hope, cleared myself of the charge brought against 
me, I presume you will not be displeased if I escape the punishment 

which you have decreed for me unheard. If you have discharged the 
arrows of criticism against an innocent nuuu you must rejoice to find 
they .have missed him., or have not been pointed so as to wound him. 

To talk no longer in allegory , I am., with all deference, going to 
offer a few observations in defence of my Latin., which you have 
found fault with. . . . 

Might I venture to differ from you with regard to the utility of 

5 This loiter was not sent until November, The original is missing hut the copy 
of it which Boswoll enclosed in his next letter (see p, 17 ) is among the Chatham 
papers in the Public Record Office, BoswelFs draft, which is practically identical 
with his copy, also survives. Pitt had formed a ministry and been made Karl of 
Chatham in the summer of 1766. 

Printed from The Life of Johnson, The hiatus in the first sentence, s Eoswell 
explains in a noto, covers a "private transaction'* referred to in Johnson 1 * letter, 
that is, to Boswell's alleged dislike of Mountstuart, In this case the copy for fhr 
Life does not preserve the missing words. 

Auchinleck, 6 November 1766 17 

vows? I am sensible that It would be very dangerous to make vows 
rashly, and without a due consideration. But I cannot help thinking 
that they may often be of great advantage to one of a variable judg- 
ment and irregular inclinations. I always remember a passage in one 
of your letters to our Italian friend Baretti, 7 where, talking of the 
monastic life, you say you do not wonder that serious men should put 
themselves under the protection of a religious order, when they have 
found how unable they are to take care of themselves. For my own 
part, without affecting to be a Socrates, I am sure I have a more than 
ordinary struggle to maintain with the Evil Principle; and all the 
methods I can devise are little enough to keep me tolerably steady in 
the paths of rectitude. ... I am ever, with the highest veneration, 
your affectionate humble servant, 


[Boswell to Chatham] 8 

Edinburgh-, 3 January 1 767 

MY LORD: It is now more than three months since I took the 
liberty to write your Lordship a short letter in behalf of the Corsicans, 
of which a copy is now transmitted lest it should not have come to 
your hands. 

I have received a letter from General Paoli In which he thus talks 
of Mr. Pitt: u La pubblica farna esalta fino alle stelle II talent! del Sig- 
nor Pitt, ma la relaziorie che ella mi fa della conversazione avuta con 
esso lui mi ricmpic ancora di maggior ammlrazione e dl attaccamento 
per la buonta del cuore di questo Pcricle della Gran Bretagna." 9 

My Lord, I wrote to General Paoli the many strong and noble ex- 
pressions which you uttered to me in a private conference with as 
much eloquence as over Mr, Pitt displayed in the fullest assembly. 
And, my Lord, 1 trust you will now show a generous sincerity, 

I would recommend to your Lordship, Mr. Dick, His Majesty's 
Consul at Leghorn, as a gentleman of great information and judg- 

7 A translator and critic, whom Boswell had mot in Venice in 1765, 

8 Bosweir.s draft. The original has not been recovered. 

g "Public report exalts Mr, Pitt's talents to the stars, but the report you give me 
of the conversation you had with him fills me with even greater admiration and 

love for the goodness of heart of this Pericles of Great Britain," 

i8 Edinburgh, 3 January 1767 

ment as to everything that concerns the Mediterranean, and I would 
recommend him as a man of worth and spirit who is warmly attached 
to the brave Corsicans. He will give your Lordship all the light you 
can desire as to the advantages which Great Britain might derive 
from an alliance with Corsica, either in the way of trade or for the 
conveniency of war, and will faithfully execute whatever commands 
your Lordship may lay upon him. 

Your Lordship knows that a proclamation stands in force* by 
which the subjects of Great Britain are prohibited from holding any 
intercourse with the malcontents of Corsica, If your Lordship would 
only get us that proclamation annulled., it would be of great conse- 
quence in the mean time. Corsica seems to be particularly unlucky. 
The Swiss and the Dutch had powerful assistance in recovering- their 
liberties. But the gallant Islanders for whom I am concerned have 
now been in arms for the glorious cause nine and thirty years, and not 
a state in Europe has interposed in their behalf. 

Let me plead with your Lordship for Corsica. Let me put you in 
mind of the people animated with the spirit; of liberty,, whom the 
Romans stood forth and protected against the great King of Asia, and 
in so doing gained more real honour than by the most extensive con- 
quests. 1 And lot me recall to your Lordship the excellent old fable of 
the lion and the mouse, Far be it from me to attempt pointing out anv 
measures to be taken by the Government of my country. But surely a 
great free nation may befriend a small one. Is Great Britain now 
afraid of Franco, or does she owe anything to Genoa? 

As an advocate for Corsica I look tip to the Karl of Chatham, and I 
cannot but hope for a favourable answer* 

I have the honour to romain n <fec, 

1 Th<* eighth chapter of 1 Maccabees tells how the Jewx appealed for protection 
to the Romans. Boswell quoted It at length in ( Ws/ra, 

[EDITORIAL NOTE: Boswell's Journal had lapsed since 23 Feb- 
ruary 1766. He started to keep it again in condensed form on i Jan- 
iiary 1767^ but the first leaf, bearing the entries for i January to the 
middle of 10 January, is missing. When the record begins, the scene 
appears to be Arniston House, where Boswell is visiting Robert Dun- 
das,, Lord President of the Court of Session.] 

SATURDAY ID JANUARY .... Then in library; found some 
curious remarks on Corsica in Graevius. President took them up at 
once before you amazing quickness. Hearty all afternoon; quite at 
home. Darns 2 with Miss Dundas. 

SUNDAY 11 JANUARY. Laird of Dundas [invited the company 
to church] and all went. You alone here; library all forenoon. . . . 
Hearty at dinner. Bottle of claret [for] each; second one [being- 
brought] I grumbled, "Shall leave the half till night." . . . Good 
strong conversation against infidelity, &c. Evening with ladies; read 
alternately, all of you, Rambler and Bible. 

MONDAY 12 JANUARY. Breakfasted early. President walked 
you about in room, and told you with fire how Justiciary Court 
brought itself down sending one judge by himself to circuit [and by] 
not sending impertinent counsel to prison. Complained of putting im- 
proper people into that office; talked of political connections with 
masterly force. You came all in in coach. Miss Dundas, fine girl. 
Liked her very well; was retenu? for fear of appearing lover. Quite 
proper; was really sorry to think of her and her sister, who might per- 
haps become maiden aunts. Safe journey through monstrous deep 
snow to town. Sorry to part. Heard of Willy Webster's being 
drowned. 4 Sorry, but felt mind hardened. Mr, Frazer dined with y<m. 
Afternoon, Miss -_; B very well. 

a A Scottish name for the game, of draughts, 

a Restrained. 

4 Webster was the son of BoswelFs mother's sister. 

* Mrs, Dodds, She had followed Boswell to Kdinbxirgh, and had taken lodgings 

there so as to continue their liaison. 

20 Edinburgh^ 1 3 January 1 767 

TUESDAY 13 JANUARY .... Before nine, Miss . , quite 
fond. She reproved you for drinking so much. Home, arid had clerk, 
arid corrected Caithness memorial till twelve. 

THURSDAY 15 JANUARY .... Evening called Miss ; 

gentleman with her. Came away jealous. Erskine came; very happy 

FRIDAY 16 JANUARY .... At six, after torment with jeal- 
ousy, went to Miss, She was gay. She declared | that she had | no fear 
fof you]. You was torn with passion, or, as Rose 7 used to say, your 
gloom fixed on love as its object. You was quite serious; said you was 
much obliged to her. She must not think you ungrateful; hut really 
you could not be miserable altogether, therefore you'd try to cease. 
You'd be her Mend, &c., &c. But you again grew fond. Note came; 
'twas open. Said she: "We can understand one another, though | our 
letters are] open," 8 and laughed. You said nothing; but like Spaniard 
mused on the fire. Murmuring between you. She | said she | would not 
make you uneasy. YOU. "Then show me card," She did so freely. 
Twas from a poor woman you had got into Infirmary. Bless me! She 
just tried my jealousy. You asked pardon for weakness, She smiled, 
as well she might 

| 7/>w/o/7 Chronicle \ 1 

SATURDAY 24 JANUARY, Extract of a letter from Hamburg. 

January i, CC A courier arrived here early tins morning in a very extra 
ordinary dress, said to he a Gorsican express, with dispatches front 
General Paoli to my Lord Marisclml of Scotland* and Sir Andrew 

e Lieutenant the Hon. Andrew Krskino, brother to the sixth Karl of Kellie* w<ts 

otic of BoKwelFs dose friend*. In t^H they had published Lettetb ftetuwn the 

Honourable Andrew Ktttkine ami James Wo.vf /*<'//, #A</,, a youthful bagatelle full 

of private* jokes, 

7 A Scotsman whom Boswelt hud known w4! m Holland, 

H Mrs. Dodds is teasing Ro.sweiU saying that she and the "lover** Boswell is 

jealous of understand eueh other even if their Inters are not sealed, 

9 Six pages, containing the record of 17 January to $ February, are mi*sin# k 

1 Here begins the bizarre ^invention"* of Signor Hoinan/o (sr p, < |l, llofh 

Georgt* Keith, tenth I'.arl MarischaL and Sir Andrew Mitchell mentioned In if 

were friends of Boswell from his German days. 

Edinburgh, 24 January 1767 21 

Mitchell, His Britannic Majesty's Ambassador at the Court of Prussia. 
We hear that this courier was immediately carried to the Stadthouse 
and examined for upwards of two hours, but nothing has yet tran- 
spired. It was with some difficulty that our magistrates allowed him 
to pass, under a convoy of the city guards, who were to attend him for 
several leagues and take care that he was not followed by any of our 
sailors, who had gathered about him in great crowds on his first ar- 
rival. Our magistrates had also the precaution to stop the departure of 
the post some hours, in order that an account of this singular affair 
might be transmitted to Potsdam by a special messenger, before the 
letters of our idle politicians should make the news of it resound 
through Brandenburg and to Paris and Vienna. This Corsican courier 
had plenty of money about him; and by his air and manner, it was 
strongly suspected that he is a man of more distinction than he 
chooses should be known." 

[Boswell to Temple] 2 

Edinburgh, t February 1767 

MY DEAR TEMPLE, When I see lying before me your last letter, 
dated the 2d of December, and consider how long a time has passed 
without any communication between us, I am filled with wonder and 
regret. But T think both of us are arrived so far in the knowledge of 
human nature that we can calmly contemplate the vicissitudes of our 
own minds, arid withcvut fretting at our imperfections can be sorry for 
them while we arc supported and cheered by the consciousness of our 
good qualities. 

I am sincerely happy that you are at length the Reverend Mr. 
Temple. I view the profession of a clergyman in an amiable and re- 
spectable light. Don't be moved by declamations against ecclesiastical 
history, as if that could blacken the sacred order. 3 1 confess that it is 

a This and all of the following letters from Boswell to Temple, unless otherwise 
stated, are reprinted from the Letters of James Boswcll, 2 vols., 1924, with the 
kind permission of the editor, Professor Ghauneey B. Tinker, and of the Claren- 
don Press, The originals of all the letters to Temple printed by Professor Tinker 
are in the Morgan Library, New York, The present letter, which was written in 
installments, is here given in parts according to date. 
8 Temple had written to Boswell (20 November 1766): "The great truths of 

22 Edinburgh, i February 1767 

not in ecclesiastical history that we find the most agreeable account 
of divines. Their politics, their ambition, their art) and their cru- 
elty are there displayed. But remember, Temple, you arc there read- 
ing the vices of only political divines, of such individuals as in so 
numerous a body have been very unworthy members of the Church,, 
and should have rather been employed in the rudest socular concerns, 
But, if you would judge fairly of the priests of Jrsus, you must con- 
sider how many of the distressed they have comforted, how many of 
the wicked they have reclaimed, how many of the good they have im- 
proved. Consider the lives of thousands of worthy, pious divinos who 
have been a blessing to their parishes. This is just, Toniplc. You say 
the truths of morality are written in the hearts of all men, and they 
find it their interest to practise them. My dear friend, will you 
believe a specious moral essayist against your own experience? Don't 
you, in the very same letter, complain of the wickedness of those 
around you? Don't you talk of the tares in society? My friend, it is 
your office to labour cheerfully in the vineyard, and if possible to 
leave not a tare in Mawhead. 

You are tempted to join Rousseau in preferring the savage state, 1 
am so too at times. When jaded with business or when tormented with 
the passions of civilised life., I could fly to the woods; nay, 1 could 
(be) the whinstone on the face of a mountain, wen* it possible for 
me to be conscious of it, and to brave the elements by glorious insensi 
bility. But these are the sallies of desperation, Philosophy tenrheth us 
to bo moderate, to be patient, to expect a gradual progress of refine- 
merit and felicity. In that hope I look tip to the Lord of the Universe* 
with a grateful remembrance of the grand and mysterious propitia- 
tion which Christianity hath announced. 

Thus far 1 got in rny letter before breakfast. It is now late in the 
evening when I sit down again. But I sit clown in the same frame in 
which 1 parted from you in the morning, In a word., my dear Temple, 
be a good clergyman, arid you will be happy both here and hereafter. 

morality are written in the hearts of all men, they fiwl it their Interest fa prir < 
Use them; but priests of all ages and nations and of every nert have aimtitntty 
and upon principle endeavoured to fix their attention upon something else* by 
making religion consist in fopperie% absurdities and nommse to the .wmiclal of 
learning and of their character." 

Edinburgh, i February 1767 23 

I can well imagine your solitary state at the rectory when all your 
neighbours are gone to town, and in such a winter too. I hope you read 
Thomson, and made the clouds and storms 

exalt the soul to solemn thought 
And heavenly musing. 4 

... of it while my father lives. His notions and mine are so dif- 
ferent that the wife whom I would choose would in all probability be 
very disagreeable to him. If he does not marry again, there is a duty 
upon me to live with him and be careful of him. His character is such 
that he must have his son in a great degree of subjection to him. Were 
I to marry., he could not alter his ideas, so I should be in a most awk- 
ward state between the subjection of a son and the authority of the 
father and master of a family . . 

. . , keep himself free. A bachelor has an easy, unconcerned be- 
haviour which is more taking with the generality of the world than 
the behaviour of a married man possibly can be, if he acts in char- 
acter. The bachelor has a carelessness of disposition which pleases 
everybody, and everybody thinks him a sort of a common good, nunc 
rriihi nunc aliis benignus* a feather which flies about and lights now 
here, now there. And accordingly the connections of a bachelor are 
always most extensive. Whereas a married man has a settled plan, a 
certain degree of care, and has his affections collected by one great 
attachment, and therefore he cannot be such good company to every- 
body he meets. But, in my opinion, after a certain time of life a man 
is not so desirous of this general flutter. The mind becomes more com- 
posed and requires some settled satisfaction on which it can repose. I 
am sensible that everything depends on the light in which we view it, 
and nothing more so than marriage. If you think of that weariness 
which must at times hang over every kind of society, those disgusts 
and vexations which will happen in the intercourse of life, you will be 
frightened to take upon you the serious charge of the father of a f am- 

4 Winter^ 11. 4-5. Half the leaf has been cut away, the hiatus involving this 
paragraph and the following. The mutilation had occurred before the first print- 
ing of the letter in 1857, though the editor attempted to disguise the fact by in- 
venting some forty words to fill the gaps. Actually something more like two 
hundred and fifty words are missing. 
tf "Pleasant now to me, now to others" (altered from Horace, Odes, III. xxix, 52). 

24 Edinburgh, i February 1 767 

ily. But If you think of the comforts of a home where you are a sort of 
sovereign, the kind endearments of an amiable woman who lias no 
wish but to make you happy, the amusement of seeing your children 
grow up from infancy to manhood, and the pleasing pride of being the 
father of brave and of learned men, all which may be the case and de- 
pends much upon our conduct as fathers then marriage is truly the 
only condition in which true felicity is to be found. 1 think we may 
strike a good medium. Let us keep in mind the nil admirari* and not 
expect too much. It was from having too high expectations of enjoy 
ment that I certainly suffered so severely. For the natural gloom of 
my mind was not sufficient to torment me in a degree* so acute. 

In the mean time, my friend, T am happy enough to have a dear 
infidel? as you say. But don't think her unfaithful. I could not lovo 
her if she was. There is a baseness hi all deceit which my soul is virtu 
ous enough ever to abhor, and therefore I look with horror upon adul- 
tery. But ray amiable mistress is no longer bound to him who was hor 
husband. He has used her shockingly ill. I IP has dosortod hor, I Jo lives 
with another. Is she not then free? She is. It is oloar,, and no arguments 
can disguise it. She is now mine, and wore sho to ho unfaithful to mo, 
she ought to be pierced with a Corsican poniard. But I bolievo she lovos 
me sincerely. She has done everything to ploaso mo. Sho is perfectly 
generous, and would not hear of any present. Sho has hithorto boon 
boarded here, which lays us under a restraint. 1 have found out a sober 
widow, in whose house is the rendezvous of our amours. But I have 
now prevailed with my love to let me take a house for hor, and as it 
will be ray family I shall provide what is necessary. In this manner I 
am safe and happy and in no danger either of tho perils of Vonus or of 
desperate matrimony, 

I am now advancing fast in tho law, I am coming into groat om 
ployment I have this winter made sixty 'five guineas, which is a con 
siderablc sum for a young man, I expect that this first year I shall 
clear, in all, about a hundred pieces.* 

6 The "admire nothing" of Horace (Rpisth's, L vi. i ), 

7 Temple, in referring to Mrs. Dodds, had written (so November 176*6); "What a 
dear Infidel you have got (from not faithful you know, BowvelU, Nothing so 
convenient as an eloped wife. How are you so lucky In *wstw*?*' 

H Continued on p. -32. Boswell/loen not exaggerate his MT<K<. Sir Walter Kraft* 
who passed advocate* In 170/3, in his fifth yew ut the bur received fv**i of 144, 

considerably less than BoswelFsfees m his first full yi*ar 

Edinburgh, 4 February 1 767 25 

WEDNESDAY 4 FEBRUARY. Was hurt to find soul ravaged by 
passion; determined to be firm, [as you] saw it hurt ideas of family. 

. . . Had been looking at houses for Miss ; at last fell on one in 

Borthwick's Close, quite neat and light. 

THURSDAY 5 FEBRUARY .... In morning went to Mrs. Leith 
and took house. Mind at ease; determined to be generous and let Miss 
- do as she pleased. Very busy all day. Tea, Lord Hailes. [Was] 

going to write noble letter to Miss ; sent for by her; went. She 

tender as ever, quite affectionate. Saw all was easy. You felt too much 
like married man., but 'twas gay. Then at nine, ClerihueV and Mr. 
William Wilson and Brycc, [a] client. Saw [that law was a] form of 
fleecing poor lieges. Hurt, tant soit peu^ [soon] firm again. 

SATURDAY 7 FEBRUARY. With honest Doctor [Boswell] and a 
Doctor Livingston walked out to Sir Alexander's. 2 Fine day. Was 

powerful like Johnson; very much satisfied. Evening with Miss 

She had taken other house, so resolved to give up yours. A little gloom 
still, a little fever. 

MONDAY 9 FEBRUARY. Robert Hay' $ trial. You opened and 
strongly protested his innocence; quite calm. a Lasted till eight. Jaded 
a little. 

The Star and Garter in Writer's Court, kept by John Clerihue, a favorite tavern 
for lawyers, 

1 Ever so little. 

2 Sir Alexander Dick, one-time President of the College of Physicians of Edin- 
burgh, was now retired to his estate at Prestonfield where he kept open house. 
His most conspicuous trait was amiability, Dr. John Boswell was an amusing, 
honest eccentric., very different from his brother, Lord Auchinleck. Boswell ad- 
mired his scholarly attainments and responded to his affectionate nature, but 
complained of his loose conduct. 

a Hay, a young soldier (said variously to be twenty, twenty-one, arid twenty-two 
years old), was charged with having assaulted a sailor in the Cowgate, Edin- 
burgh, and with having robbed him of 2 and a silver watch. It was admitted 
that he had tried to sell the watch on the clay after the robbery. Boswell' s defence 
(apart from such moving but irrelevant representations as that Hay was "the 
favourite child of an old and distressed mother . . . whose grey hairs must be 
brought with sorrow to the grave should her unfortunate son be condemned") 
was that, on the night in question Hay had been drunk for the first time in his 
life and could give no clear account of himself; that he had "a dark remem- 
brance" of having been in the company of "one Robertson, a soldier of most in- 
famous character," and that the watch must have come from him. The jury in a 
unanimous verdict found Hay guilty, but recommended mercy. 

26 Edinburgh, 10 February 1767 

TUESDAY 10 FEBRUARY. Very busy. Poor Hay condemned. 
Dined Mr. John Gordon's: George Wallaee and James Stevenson 
new scene or rather old one revived. Quite comfortable and plain; 
saw how various happiness is. Very good conversation. Busy all the 

WEDNESDAY ii FEBRUARY. Visited Robert Hay. Why it is, 1 
know not, but, we compassionate less a genteel man ["in affliction than 
a poor man] . He was very quiet. You had a kind of sentiment as if he 
was utterly insensible to good. But he said if he had got time., he would 
have been a new rnan as from his mother's breast, and wept. Had 
Bible. Spoke to him seriously and calmly; bid him free innocent 
people, but not impeach a companion if [he hold information | in 
trust.' 1 At eight, Miss a little. 

| Received 12 February, Chatham to Boswoll ] 

Batlu .(, February i 7^>7 

SIR: The honour of your letter found mo here confined with a 
severe fit of the gout and totally unable to writes or I should sooner 
have acknowledged that favour, I now write with some difficulty,, but 
can no longer defer expressing the sense I have of the great, honour 
done me by the sentiments contained in the Italian passage of the lot- 
tor you are so good to convey to me, I can assure* you* Sh% I retain the 
same admiration of your illustrious friend* General Paoll, which I 

1 Some days of tor the trial (the date is not #ivn in the copy preserved in the 

Boswell papers) Boswell forwarded to the King a formal petition in I lav's I***. 
half, hedging 1 that the sentence he commuted to transportation. This petition 
slates what wore prohahly the real facts of the rase: **t le confesses that the mght 
the robbery happened . , , he was unfortunate enough to drink too much, and 

to be persuaded to go along with John Butterfteld,, drummer in the Forfv fourth 
Regiment of Foot, who committed the robbery, while your petitioner stood h>% 
and afterwards accepted of a watch as part of the spoil." The petition goe% on to 
say that this appeal for clemency is being made because there is "nwon to fear 
that . . . the judges will not transmit the recoinmendttttoti of the jurv, as their 
Lordships were much offended with your petitioner because front a mist*tk**n 
principle of honour, ho for some time refused to discover (us accomplice, and, in 
order to divert the course of public vengenriu% laid the guilt to the charge of mi- 
other person.'* Butterfield^ who appears in the list of witness***, hatl meantime 
fled the kingdom. 

Edinburgh, 12 February 1767 27 

once expressed to you, but, sincere as this admiration is, I must not at 
the same time forbear to acquaint you (in answer to your desire to 
know my sentiments) that I see not the least ground at present for this 
country to interfere with any justice in the affairs of Corsica. As I 
think nothing more natural and commendable than the generous 
warmth you express for so striking a character as that able Chief, so I 
doubt not you will approve the directness of my opinion upon an oc- 
casion which admits of no deliberation. 

I am with great esteem arid regard. Sir, your most obedient, hum- 
ble servant, 


SATURDAY 14 FEBRUARY. Had composed song on [the memo- 
rial for the | Hamilton cause. 5 Lord Hailes | said], "Very witty, but 
put it in the fire; you'll make yourself enemies." He had frightened 
you, such is still your weakness. Showed it to Sir Adam ("Fergusson]., 
David Hume, &c. All liked it; no venom. "No," said David Hume, 
" 5 Tis not in you." Sung it in Parliament House with circle round 
you; had the iwida vis* of Wilkes. Resolved to follow your own plan. 
Walked down with Sir Adam and Nairne to Lord Alemoor's; viewed 
my Lord calmly. Felt the sentiment of awe for others gone. Afternoon 

very busy, Mr. William Wilson, S., r at tea with you. At six, Miss 

at Philippl. 8 Had been indifferent for this week. You and she this 
night first cold and upbraiding, then kind as ever. Home, and labour 

SUNDAY 15 FBBRUAKY, Morning Erskine called; told you 
what applause you got. You was quite firm and gay. Church, fore- 
noon. Home between sermons, then to prison. Such an audience! 

5 That is, a song attacking the memorial for the Hamilton plaintiffs in the 
Douglas cause (see Introduction, p. xiii). Sir Adam Fergusson, mentioned below, 

had written the memorial He was a conscientious, respectable, somewhat 
humourless man, a considerable scholar and linguist, arid best known to 

posterity because Dr. Johnson called him u "vile Whig," 

6 "Lively force" (Lucretius, De rerum natura, L 72) . 

7 This "S. 9 " which follows William Wilson's name and no other, may stand for 
"Senior." But it is also possible that it indicates "Writer to the Signet." 

a This probably means, "At six met Mrs. Dodds at the house of the sober widow 
who serves as a screen, for our amours" (see p 214). The use of Philippi to mean 
a place of assignation was probably suggested by Julius Cat>$ar, 1V._ iii. 284: "To 
tell thee thou shalt see me at Philippi," 

28 Edinburgh, 1 5 February 1 767 

Young divine preached: "Be not slothful in business," &c. not at 
all applicable to his hearers. Great genius required for a jail preacher. 
You sat in the closet, like an isle. 1 You did not like to hear the divine 
in his prayer talk of a disgraceful death. 'Twas too shocking to his un- 
happy hearers. He should have preached on patience, on the necessity 
of punishment, on the corruption of man's nature, on the mercy of 
God. (They sang] psalms, with precentor reading [them] line | by 
line] with a doleful tone. Your mind now so strong | that such a scene 
produces] no impression. . . . 

Went and saw poor Hay. He was bad and all heaving could not 
speak. His aged mother there, and his wife (a soldier's wife), very 
well looked. Then David Hume's, who was next day to set out for 
London; tea with him. He agreed to manage your Account of Corsica 
with Millar. You very pleasantly maintained your happiness in being 
a Christian. Then Miss -. _'s, where you met La Cara in black. Your 
love returned gay and fine. . . . Supped Lord Knmes; y rather too 
high. What a variety you have made of Edinburgh! 

[Received c. 15 February, Sir John Prhigle to Boswell'l' 

London, 10 February fftij 

DEAR SIR ... I continue to have the satisfaction of hearing from 
different hands of your application to business, and of the figure 
which you have made and are likely to make at the bar. I believe that 
I told you in a former letter, but I must repeat it, that my pleasure is 

the greater, as in this event I have had my vanity gratified in thinking 
that I judged well when I told yon that your genius, however differ - 

ently it then appeared to you, was most calculated for that profession* 

Romans 12, 10-1 u The "prison" is the Tolbootlu the ehv prison of Edinburgh 
the "Heart of Midlothian" of Scott's novel, 

1 The isle or "aisle" was a wing 1 or lateral extension of the church, commonly 
where the lain! had his seat, 

- Henry Home, styled Lord Kanies from his position on the Bench, wis om* of the 
able, wide-ranging, and eccentric members of the Court of Session, Author of 
works on law, philosophy, history, agriculture, and educiition, he is h*st remem- 
bered as a "bunging" judge,, and for his treatise on aesthetics., Klwrwnts o/ 

8 Pringle, a pioneer in military hygieiw% was Ittter* w to George III and 
President of the Royal Society, He was a great friend of Lord Aurhittlwk and 
very fond of writing Boswell admonitory letters 

Edinburgh, 15 February 1767 29 

which you seem now to have embraced in earnest. I will go further, 
since you must now give a little credit to my predictions, and tell you 
that if you continue to give application you will soon get the start of 
all our young men in the Parliament House, and will give the tone for 
a new eloquence very different from what prevailed there in my time. 
You have the advantage of possessing the English language and the 
accent in a greater degree than any of your rivals, and a turn for ex- 
pressing yourself in a clear and energetic manner, without those hy- 
perbolical modes of speech that were introduced long ago, and were 
still kept up during my youth, and which slipped from the bar to the 
tea tables at Edinburgh. 

By letters which I have since my return had from my worthy 
friend your father (for I have had more than one upon the subject), 
I have the comfort to find that you have made him very happy; and 
I have the superstition to believe that whilst you go on in this train 
(I mean in sobriety, diligence in your business, and attentions to the 
best of parents) God will bless you, not only with conferring upon 
you his imperceptible favours, but will even condescend to gratify 
you with reputation and other worldly enjoyments, which we may 
desire but never set our hearts upon. You may be assured that your 
father's confidence in you and his affection will daily augment; for, 
between ourselves be it spoken, could you expect that after all that is 
passed, he should all at once consider you as arrived at the full ma- 
turity of your judgment? Permit me to predict once more. In a year, 
or two at furthest, if you persevere in this course, my sage friend, so 
far will he be from seeing you in the light of a boy that he will not 
only communicate to you all his most secret affairs^ but will consult 
you upon them and show a regard to your judgement. 

In order to hasten this confidence, I will presume to suggest what 
may be the most proper means: that is, I would advise you to look out 
for a wife, and to make such a match as he and the whole world shall 
approve of. After examining that affair with some attention, I am 
much for early nuptials, and indeed so much, that if I were in your 
place I should set immediately about them. I am persuaded that you 
woxild have a great deal of satisfaction in following that plan; for 
your temper is good, you would have joy in children, and I believe 
I may add that yoti have had too much experience of the vague and 
vicious pleasures not to relish the confined and virtuous ones as soon 

30 Edinburgh, 15 February 1767 

as you will make the comparison. This would give great contentment 
to your father, and, as I said above, nothing would so much ripen that 
confidence which he is beginning to have in you as that very action. 
Your reconciled friend (and you may depend upon the sincerity of 
the reconciliation) is a married man, and I am persuaded happy in 
that state, although the match was made upon prudential considera- 

tions only.' 1 

With regard to your design of publishing an Account of Corsica, I 
wrote to your father my thoughts on that subject. You may remember 
with what pleasure and approbation Sir Andrew Mitchell and I heard 
your natural account of those travels; but to relate and to print are 
two very different things. If you bad any encouragement from the 
Minister that would be another matter; but as he has not. chosen to 
answer your letter on that; subject, yon may take it for granted that, 
the publication would give him no satisfaction. At present be you and 
Paoli private friends. Possibly the timo may come when the Ministry 
here may find it their interest to support him; in which event they 
will probably apply to you. Meanwhile, I hope you have not omitted 
to take an opportunity of sending that brave man the present which 
you proposed, as a just return for the civilities which be .showed you 
during your stay with him/' 

I am with great sincerity, dear Sir, your affectionate friend and 

humble servant, 


TUESDAY 17 FEBRUARY .... Kvonblft With MlStf -< --, dfOSS- 

ed in the very black she had charmed you with on Sunday, You was 

delighted with her* . . . 


papers to draw. Had been accustomed too much to make the law easy* 

and write papers like essays for a newspaper, without reading much- 
Saw labour arid poring necessary, and reading long papers, Dined 

Samuel Mitchelson's with Sir Alexander Dick and family. Evening 
with Miss -~-.-~, again in black. Allowed you full sight; enchanted 

4 Pringlo is talking alxnu Lord Mountstuart, who hnd married Chm'lotti* JNm 

Windsor, an ugly heiress When Mounts twirt and Roswi*lt had <iuwH*d at th** 
beginning of A 7^6, Prin#l< hud artod as mtwwdwty, 

5 The present was a collection of English hooks, whirh mainly dwtlt with 
and morality* 

Edinburgh, 21 February 1767 31 

with her. She said, "Next night 111 wear black and let candles burn to 
keep you longer." 

SUNDAY 22 FEBRUARY. . . . You stayed in the afternoon and 

wrote letters. Evening was with Miss , who came instantly on 

your sending [for her, and was] very kind. 

WEDNESDAY 25 FEBRUARY. At five Miss with you; pretty 

well. At eight, at Mrs. Dunbar's in Gosford's Close, low house but 
comfortable, with William Taylor and John Stobie 6 consulting on 
cause of old Barclay, [the] Quaker [of] London. Four bottles [of] 
good claret drunk, quite style of old consultations. Home and finished 
paper. Was with Father; was hearty. Asked him, u Am I not doing as 
well as you would wish? " HE. "Yes." Took his hand. 

SATURDAY 28 FEBRUARY. . . At six with Miss , in vary- 
ing humour. She upbraided you; almost would give up concert. 1 
Talked of expense offending you, [and] parted angry with you. [As 

you came out] met , 8 [and showed] alarm. You supped Lady 

Betty's with Grange, Dr. Gregory, 9 Arbuthnot and his ladies. Pleas- 
ant, but you was a little drowsy. 

[Boswell to Temple, continued'] 

28 February. In this manner have I travelled on through seven 
folio pages. Every day I have intended to close my letter, and every 
night I have felt real pain of mind to think that I had not done it. 
Your kind favour of the igth current is just arrived. It rouses me, and 
now I am resolved to give no longer quarter to my indolence. 

I am at present leading the strangest life. You know one half of the 

<J For John Stobie, see p. 43 /z.a. 
7 That is, common design. 

w Lord Auehirileck? Boswell says in the entry of 2 March: "Father has been 

n Lady Elizabeth Macfarlane was Andrew Erskine's sister and wife of the anti- 
quary, Walter Maefaiiane, who died in June 1767. The following year she 
married Alexander, seventh Lord Colville of Cuirass. Next to Temple, John 
Johnston of Grange was Boswoll's closest friend. An obscure "writer" (that is, 
solicitor or attorney) in Edinburgh, he was mild, indolent, melancholy, and a 
great lover of Scottish scenery and antiquities. Dr. John Gregory was Profes- 
sor of Medicine in the University of Edinburgh, He was chiefly known for his 
Comparative View of the State and Faculties of Man with Those of the Animal 
World} which had been published the previous year. 

32 Edinburgh) 28 February i 767 

business before the Court of Session is carried on by writing. In the 
first instance, a cause is pleaded before the Lord Ordinary., that is to 
say one of the fifteen judges who sits in his turn for a week in the 
Outer House. But no sooner does he give judgment than we give* him 
in representations and answers and replies and duplics and tri plies., 
and he will sometimes order memorials to give him a full view of the 
cause. Then we reclaim to the Inner House by petition, and there 
again we give in variety of printed papers., from which tho Lords de- 
termine the cause. For it is only in causes of great consequence that 
the Court orders a hearing in presence. This method of procedure is 
admirable, for it gives the judges a complete state of every question., 
and by binding up the session papers a man may lay up a treasure of 
law reasoning and a collection of extraordinary facts. l 

SUNDAY i MARCH. Miss Blair of Adamtown in |'our| seat [at 
church], handsome, stately woman; good countenance." Dined Duch- 
ess of Douglas, vfcry hearty." . . . Before dinner had been with Miss 
_, and settled plan how to explain last night's alarm. You and site 
were as fine as ever. At six she met yon. By having lived luxuriously 
so much last week., you was confused and debilitate*. | and | performed 
only one a kind of ludicrous distress. 

TUESDAY 3 MARCH . . . . Tea, Grange; Krskine there. Read 
part of your London Journal; delighted j them |, Talked of your fever 
for Mrs, Dodds.' 1 They showed you weakness; you saw 1 t was only sue! 
den resolution to be free. Sat till near three extraordinary night. 

WEDNESDAY 4 M A no a . Was so much hurt to hear srmulal of 
Miss . .would riot visit her. Was on rack. . , . 

[Boswell to Temple, continued] 

4 March, Here 1 am still, and let me go on, It must he <*onftsw! 

that our Court, of Session is not so favourable to eloquence as the Kng 

1 Continued below, 4 March, 

-For Catherine Blair, see Introduction, p. xvn, "Ow" church wai the New 

Church, the east end of St. Giles's cathedral, 

3 Ostentatious, vulgar, illiterate, and vigorous, Peggie Douglas, Dowager I)'h 

ess of Douglas, ws one of the main forces behind Archibald Doughis in the 
Douglas cause, 

4 This k the only place In the Journal where iofwell giw^ the nmm* of hia 

Edinburgh, 4 March 1 767 33 

lish courts. Yet the Outer House here is a school where a man may 
train himself to pretty good purpose. I am surprised at myself I al- 
ready speak with so much ease and boldness, and have already the 
language of the bar so much at command. I have now cleared eighty 
guineas. I am kept very throng. 5 My clerk comes to me every morning 
at six, and I have dictated to him forty folio pages in one day. It is im- 
possible to give you an idea of my present life. I send you one of my 
law papers and a copy of my thesis. I am doing nobly. But I have not 
leisure for learning. I can hardly even answer the letters of my 
friends. But henceforth. Temple, I will write to you every two weeks. 
Trust me. It is very odd that I can labour so hard at law when I am so 
indolent in other things. Let you. and I keep up a frequent intercourse 
and preserve our friendship in its full force and elegance, and assist 
each other to dispel every cloud. 

You are right in preferring social life to retirement, for no philos- 
ophy is equal to action. You should not, however, have quitted your 
elbow-chairs and fine carpets. They are amusements, and you must 
not be without them. You have had a fit of low spirits. 

In a former part of this letter I have talked a great deal of my 
sweet little mistress. 1 am, however, uneasy about her. Furnishing a 
house and maintaining her with a maid will cost me a great deal of 
money, and it is too like marriage, or too much a settled plan of 
licentiousness. But what can I do? I have already taken the house, and 
the lady has agreed to go into it at Whitsunday. I cannot in honour 
draw back. Besides, in no other way can I have her. But I have had 
more intelligence of her former intrigues, I am hurt to think of them. 
I cry, "Damn her, lewd minx." 7 1 arn jealous. What shall I do? 

Oh, my friend! were you but here; but, alas! that cannot be. Mam- 
head is not within a call. It ought to be so, for you should always be 
my pastor; and I might now and then be yours. Friend of my youth, 
explain to me how we suffer so severely from what no longer exists. 
How am I tormented because my charmer has formerly loved others! 

5 Scots for "busy," 

Temple had written (19 February 1767) that he had abandoned ideas of "el- 
bow-chairs, fine carpets, and such trumpery." He now thought the man happiest 
"who has no more than the mere necessaries of life, cleanness, and decency." 
7 Othello, III. iii 475. 

34 Edinburgh, 4 March 1 767 

I am disgusted to think of it. My lively imagination often represents 
her former lovers in actual enjoyment of her. My desire fails, I am 
unfit for love. Besides, she is ill-bred, quite a rompish girl She debases 
my dignity. She has no refinement. But she is very handsome, very 
lively, and admirably formed for amorous dalliance. What is it to me 
that she has formerly loved? So have 1. 1 am positive that since I first 
courted her at Moffat she has been constant to me. She is kind. She is 
generous. What shall I do? I wish I could get off, and yet how awk- 
ward would it be! And, after all, can I do better than keep a dear 
infidel for my hours of Paphian bliss? But, alas, since yesterday I am 
cooled. Think of your Berwick Celia and sympathize with me. One 
way or other, my mind will be settled before I can hear from you. This 
is a curious epistle to a clergyman. Admonish me, but forgive rne. 

Doctor Robertson will soon give the world his Charles the Fifth. 
Smith, I suppose, is in London. But I do not hear that his book on 
jurisprudence is in any forwardness. 8 David Hume, you know, is gone 
back to be a minister of state, being appointed secretary to Mr. Con- 
way. I fancy he will hardly write any more. I was very hearty with 
him here this winter. Whenever you go to London, I will #ive you a 
letter of introduction to him. His quarrel with Rousseau is a literary 
tragicomedy. I wrote verses in the character of each of them, I also de- 
signed a ludicrous print. They have altered my idea and made a 
glister be applied to David. But you may have the substance of it from 
one of the London print-shops under the title of "The Savage Man," 
You must know Rousseau quarrelled with me too, and wrote mo last 
summer a peevish letter with strong* marks of frcnxy In it. For he has 
never yet told me the came of his offence* As you well observe, how 
different is our friendship! 11 

I have got pretty well acquainted with Doctor Gregory. lie was 
very desirous to know rne, His book is ingenious and elrgant, and lie 
himself is one of the amiable, pleasant men alive, 

8 Adam Smith never did write a book on jurisprudence., though a collection of 
his lectures on justice, police, etc. was published long after his death, Possibly 
Boswcll refers to his Wealth of Nations, published in i 776. 

Boswe.H's relations with Rousseau arid his share in the quarrel between Rons- 
seau and Hume are discussed in Roswcll an the (!rtm<l Tour: //#/>*, Corsica^ and 
Franca, after 2"$ February t /()(>. 

Edinburgh, 4 March 1 767 35 

The session will be up this day sennight. I shall then set myself 
down to my Account of Corsica, and finish it in the vacation. I have 
got more materials for it. I had some time ago a letter of sixteen pages 
from General Paoli, and lately a letter of three pages from my Lord 
Chatham. David Hume told me sincerely he imagined my Account 
of Corsica would be a book that will stand, and he is obliging enough 
to transact the publication of it for me with Andrew Millar. All your 
old friends here are well, in statu quo^ Jeel and all, and remember you 
kindly. 1 Sinclair has never found his brother. I don't write often 
enough to Squire Bosville, but I shall give him a good letter tomorrow. 
His beauty, I am afraid, would be too fine for this northern air. 
Temple, will you allow me to marry a good Scots lass? Ha! ha! ha! 
What shall I tell you? Zelide has been in London this winter. I never 
hear from her. She is a strange creature. Sir John Pringle attended 
her as a physician. He wrote to my father, "She has too much vivacity. 
She talks of your son without either resentment or attachment." Her 
brothers and I correspond. But I am well rid of her. You say well that 
I find mistresses wherever I am. But I am a sad dupe, a perfect Don 
Quixote. To return to where it winces, might not I tell my little 
charmer that really I am an inconstant being, but I cannot help it? 
Or I may let my love gradually decay? Had she never loved before, 
I would have lost every drop of my blood rather than give her up. 
There's madness! There's delicacy! I have not had such a relief as this 
for I don't know how long. I have broke the trammels of business, and 
am roving unconfined with my worthy Temple, 

My brother Davy is a prodigious fine fellow. He and I dined to- 
gether tete-a-tete on Christmas Day in an elegant manner, and went 
to chapel,' 2 as you and I did long ago. He is in constant occupation as a 
banker . . . 3 

1 Jeel is Scots for jolly. Boswell and Temple, while students at the University of 
Edinburgh, had been entertained at tea or dinner at the home of Robert Hunter, 
Professor of Greek, and had been amused by his broad Scots ("Will you hae 
some jeel?") "Jeel" consequently became their nickname for Hunter. 

2 That is, to the Chureh-of-England chapel in Carrubber's Close. Temple had 
introduced Boswell to Anglican worship there, probably on Christmas Day, 

1755. See p. 12472.3. 

8 Continued on p. 36. Brother David was an earnest young man apprenticed to 

a banking house in Edinburgh. 

36 Edinburgh, 5 March 1767 

THURSDAY 5 MARCH. Had message from Miss ; went to 

her. Could not conceal [you] was black and dreary. She was much 
affected. You begged of her to have patience. You was unhappy, but 
you would not tell why. Supped Lord Coalston's. Some young lawyers 
there, and Miss Nisbet of Dirleton, a most charming creature did not 
she speak too broad. Her mother, a genteel, amiable woman. You was 
much in spirits. You consented to sing your Hamilton song. You 
was asked about the prison, &c. You was well understood. 

[Boswell to Temple, continued} 

March 8, still here .... and thinks those weak men whose 
minds waver. He is doing as well as I could wish. He is to settle 
in London. I hope you will make him your banker. On Christmas Day 
he and I drank in great form, a The Reverend Mr. William Temple,, 
Rector of Mamhead, Devonshire." 

What is to be thought of this life, my friend? Hear the story of 
my last three days. After tormenting myself with reflecting 1 on my 
charmer's former loves and ruminating on parting with her, I went 
to her. I could not conceal my being distressed. I told her I was very 
unhappy, but I would not tell her why. She took this very seriously., 
and was so much affected that she went, next morning and gave up 
our house, I went in the afternoon and secured the house, and then 
drank tea with her. She was much agitated. She said she was deter- 
mined to go and board herself in the north of England, and that I used 
her very ill. I expostulated with her, I was sometimes resolved to let 
her go, and sometimes my heart was like to burst within me, I held 
her dear hand. Her eyes were full of passion. I took her in my arms. I 
told her what; made me miserable. She was pleased to find it was 
nothing worse. She had imagined that I was suspicious of her fidelity, 
and she thought that very ungenerous in me, considering her be- 
haviour. She said I should not mind her faults before I know lun\ since 
her conduct was now most circumspect We renewed our fondness, 
She owned she loved me more than she had ever clone her husband. 
All was again well She said she did not reproach mo with my former 
follies, and we should be on an equal footing. My mind all at once* felt 
a spring. I agreed with her. I embraced her with transport. 

Edinburgh, 8 March 1767 37 

That very evening I gave a supper to two or three of my acquaint- 
ance, having before I left Scotland laid a guinea that I should not 
catch the venereal disorder for three years, which bet I had most 
certainly lost and now was paying. We drank a great deal till I was 
so much intoxicated that instead of going home, I went to a low house 
in one of the alleys in Edinburgh where I knew a common girl lodged, 
and like a brute as I was I lay all night with her. I had still so much 
reason left as not to "dive into the bottom of the deep," 4 but I gratified 
my coarse desires by tumbling about on the brink of destruction. 
Next morning I was like a man ordered for ignominious execution. 
But by noon I was worse^ for I discovered that some infection had 
reached me. Was not this dreadful? I had an assignation in the 
evening with my charmer. How lucky was it that I knew my mis- 
fortune in time. I might have polluted her sweet body. Bless me! what 
a risk! But how could I tell her my shocking story? I took courage. I 
told how drunk I had been. I told the consequences. I lay down and 
kissed her feet. I said I was unworthy of any other favour. But I took 5 
myself. I gloried that I had ever been firmly constant to her while I 
was myself. I hoped she would consider my being drunk as a fatal 
accident which I should never again fall into. I called her my friend 
in whom I had confidence, and entreated she would comfort me. 

How like you the eloquence of a young barrister? It was truly the 
eloquence of love. She bid me rise; she took me by the hand. She said 
she forgave me. She kissed me. She gently upbraided me for enter- 
taining any unfavourable ideas of her. She bid me take great care of 
myself and in time coming never drink upon any account. Own to me, 
Temple, that this was noble and all the time her beauty enchanted 
me more than ever. May I not then be hers? In the mean time I must 
be shut up, and honest Thomas must be my guardian. 6 He does ex- 
cellently well. Pray what do you hear of Nicholls 7 and Claxton? Make 
my compliments to them. There is a pretty book just now published, 

4 / Henry IV, 1 iii. 203. 

5 That is, checked. 

fl Boswell's servant, who had been recommended to Mm by Temple. 
T According to Boswell, the Rev. Norton Nicholls, a good friend of Thomas Gray 
as well as of Temple, was distinguished for "an amiable disposition, a sweetness 
of manners, and an easy politeness" (Boswelts London Journal, 13 May 1763). 

3 8 Edinburgh, 8 March 1 767 

An Essay on the History of Civil Society, by the Moral Philosophy 

Professor here. 8 Let me hear from you soon, and believe me, ever 



Postscript. 9 My dear Temple, you are by this time well acquainted 
with my present situation. Many a different one have you known me 
in. You must comfort me; for by the time I can have your answer 
my spirits will be very low. 

My present misfortune is occasioned by drinking. Since my re- 
turn to Scotland I have given a great deal too much into that habit 
which still prevails in Scotland. 1 Perhaps the coldness of the Scots 
requires it. But my fiery blood is turned to madness by it. This will 
be a warning to me, and from henceforth I shall be a perfect man. 
At least I hope so. Adieu, my friend. Let us correspond once a fort- 
night. Write me fully. Tell me sincerely, do I right to insist that my 
dear little woman shall stay? She was married very young. But she 
has three children. I hate to think of it. No matter. She is like a girl 
of eighteen. She has the finest black hair, she is paradisial in bed. Is 
it not right I should have a favourite to keep me happy? But, alas, I 
love her so much that I am in a kind of fever. This is unworthy of 
Paoli's friend. Lord Eglinton once observed very justly that a man 
may be in love with an Italian woman of gallantry, because by the 
custom of the country she does not think she is doing wrong*, so 
may be called virtuous. But in this country a woman of gallantry is 
a woman without principle. There is too much truth in this. But I 
cannot apply it to my angel. By the by, she is now more affected by 
my bad conduct than she was at first. Adieu encore. 

WEDNESDAY ii MARCH* .... a kind of gloom to think this 
was the last day of the session. You drank tea at Mr. Alexander Tail's. 

8 Adam Ferguson, 

9 This postscript is written on another sheet, which became separated from its 
letter. It seems to belong 1 here, 

1 It Is quite true that Boswell did not begin drinking to excess until about the 
time he was admitted to the bar, This is, we believe, the first record of real 
drunkenness that has appeared in these volumes, 

2 Four pages of the Joiirnal, containing the entries from 6 to the middle of 11 
March, are missing. 

Edinburgh, 11 March 1767 39 

He was not in. You had for company Mrs. Tait [and] Mrs. and Miss 
Blair. You was quite easy. You liked Miss Blair more and more with- 
out any fever. Saw Miss _ a little. 

FRIDAY 13 MARCH. Had a kind card from Miss - ; went to 
her and stayed from twelve to two. . . . 


? MARCH. I am a singular man. I have the whim of an English- 
man to make rne think and act extravagantly, and yet I have the cool- 
ness and good sense of a Scotsman to make me sensible of it. 

I have often found myself inclined to give praise in a great degree. 
The reason is that in giving praise one feels a pride similar to that of 
one giving money. When I deal out laudatory epithets I am like a 
great man bestowing his largesses. Our inclination to censure strongly 
is owing to the same imaginary dignity. We suppose ourselves men 
of power distributing punishments; such, indeed, are not often of 
much importance. 

Lord Auchinleck used to pass his time in the country in continual 
attention to the improvement of his place, but would often busy him- 
self with very small matters. He would, for instance, gather stones off 
the land for hours; nay, he would very gravely fill his pockets with 
them, and carry them to mend a broken part in some favourite part. 
His sons, though they had a high respect for him, could not but 
exercise their humour on such oddities in a great character. David 
said, "He carries the stones in this manner upon the principle of 
utility, and no doubt he does some good to the road. But he would 
also do some good were he to fill his nails with sand, and sprinkle it 
upon the road. Why does he not always do good in some more im- 
portant manner?" 

I have seen contemptible beings exceedingly vain of being satiri- 
cal. They do not consider how very little a dog is yet capable to bite. 
The veriest cur may scratch the heel of the most generous horse. 

I have sometimes fallen into a strange, wild reverie, looking upon 
the human species as produced merely to exist a little here, and then 

8 An undated group of thoughts in a notebook entitled "Memorabilia," placed 

here because they follow an extract of a letter from Boswell to Lord Marischal, 
dated 12 March 1767. 

40 Edinburgh, March 1767 

be destroyed by the course of nature; so that all the diversities of 
character and of virtues have appeared as of little consequence. Me- 
thought I could use the words of him who was born blind, when Jesus 
was curing him, "Methinks I see men as trees walking." 4 

I am a weaker man than can well be imagined. My brilliant 
qualities are like embroidery upon gauze. 

SATURDAY 14 MARCH. Tea, Miss ; provoked her with old 

stories. Grange had been with you in the forenoon, and insisted you 
had no morals. You was shocked. You saw Miss .- had no senti- 
ment. You had sore conflict. But you resolved to try one winter, to 
enjoy fully so strong a passion. You then fancied you could inspire 
her with finer feelings. You grew fond. Her eyes looked like precious 
stones. Some delirium seized you. She seemed an angel 

SUNDAY 15 MARCH. Had message from Miss ; she was to 

set out next day. Was in, quiet all this day. Captain Erskine and 
Houston Stewart drank tea with you. Houston was dissipated as ever. 
You felt cairn superiority, but not to shock him you assumed dissipa- 
tion a little. You had wrote earnestly to Miss She came at eight, 

and sat a while with you. It was vastly kind. 

MONDAY 16 MARCH. You called on Miss - and passed a 
great part of the forenoon, as she was not to go till Tuesday. Ycm again 
spoke of old stories. She was fretted. You were both very uneasy. You 
saw her temper such that no eloquence could touch her. But you was 
her slave. Returned at five to tea. She was young and vivacious. What 
a temperament! You gave word in honour you'd never again allow 
her to be ill spoken of by Grange in your presence. You were like man 
and wife. . . . Went to Lady Betty's. She had been ill; you was so, 
[She still] appeared invalid. Was restless, having" promised to Miss 

to return. You talked much of Miss _ n and Lady Betty and the 

Captain rated you about her. At eleven you went to her. You was lot 
softly in. She was quite kind. But the recollection of her former tricks 
galled you, for your heart was affected. You had been with Lord 
Monboddo and talked of your flame. 5 He quoted Ulysses and Circa: 

4 Mark 8, 24, 

5 James Burnett, a judge in the Court of Session with the 1 style of Lord IWonboddo, 
was an able lawyer, a passionate admirer of antiquity, and remarkable for his* 
pro-Darwinian evolutionary views. Though a highly intelligent man, he was 

Edinburgh, 16 March 1767 41 

"Sub donaina meretrice vixisset turpis et excors." 6 You saw how 
lightly passions appear to those not immediately affected by them, for 
even to yourself will this afterwards seem light. You was all resigned 

to sweet Miss . You chased away all reflection. You drank in 

instant delight. You sat till one, and parted with great fondness in 
hopes of meeting. Home, Father still up. Lady Betty bore the blame 
of late hours. 

TUESDAY 17 MARCH. [Was] feverish [and felt like] Mark 

Antony, quite given up to violent love. . . . Then Miss G and 

gave money for [your] house, &c. Had laboured hard all winter, but 
now passion made you at once give up the fruits of your labour, which 
you had carefully collected. . . . 

WEDNESDAY 18 MARCH. Found a listlessness creeping on you. 
Reviewed winter; wondered at the variety of business you had gone 
through, having made fourscore and four guineas. Went to Lord 
Hailes to have him examined by Lord Eliock in Cairncross cause. The 
other party could not attend. You was hurt to find reverence for Lords 
ceasing. You feared that caelum ipsum might lose its dignity if you 
got to it. Wild idea! Can finite beings be at all compared to infinity? 
You had a tete-a-tete with Lord Hailes. He commended you in some 
causes, said you had fought a good battle; but in Warnock's cause you 
had drawn a paper with as unfair a state of the facts as Lockhart 
could have done/ You told him of feverish passion. He bid you break 
off, but he seemed not rigid. 

Then Dr. Blair's. 8 Had not seen him of a long time. He was com- 
fortable. Talked of Corsica. He was roused with it. Complained of 
sickly love. He talked of it calmly as a bad thing. Talked of marriage, 
how agreeable, and how suited to you. Talked of action as quite neces- 

mislcd into maintaining vigorously that in some countries men had tails. This 

prompted Dr. Johnson's remark that Mdnboddo was as jealous of his tail as a 


(J "He lived filthy and stupid ruled by a whore" (Horace, Epistles^ I. ii 25, "vixis- 


7 For Alexander Lockhart, see p. 1 16 77.9. 

8 The Rev, Hugh Blair was Professor of Rhetoric and Belles-Lettres at the Uni- 
versity of Fxlinlmrgh, and later published some very popular sermons. Boswell 
described him as learned, ingenious and full of an engaging simplicity, 

42 Edinburgh, 1 8 March 1767 

sary. You said yes, but [only] as a remedy to distempered minds. The 
sound and perfect human being can sit under a spreading tree like the 
Spaniard, playing on his guitar, his mistress by him, and glowing 
with gratitude to his God. Music, love, adoration! there is a soul The 
Doctor was struck and pleased with this warm effusion. Commissioner 
[Cochrane] dined with you. 9 

At five, Lady Betty's, comfortable tea. You was still in fever about 

Miss She and the Captain 1 showed you what a weakness [this 

was], what want of firmness, and how in all such cases a man of im- 
agination supposed his mistress to have virtues. Lord Kellic actually 
believed Miss Massey, a common whore, to be a most virtuous woman 
but in unhappy circumstances, and that for the first time her heart 
was engaged to him. Lady Betty talked to me as a Christian. In short, 
everything was said, and the Captain recalled all the scandalous 
stories, [her living with the] waiter and all, which revolted you. 
You resolved to be self, to break free from slavery. What strength of 
mind you have had this winter, to go through so much business and 
at the same time have so violent a passion! You held Lady Betty's 
hand. Owned error; said, "Have hope of me"; and gave honour you'd 
never again allow yourself to fall into such a scrape. 

Home. David sat long with you. Told him fairly your situation 
(all but paradisial completion). He, like a man, advised you to got 
free; you'd ruin yourself. You would fain have indulged for one year, 
"No," said he, "you might acquire habit of slavery, and, besides, it 
would then be ungenerous to quit." You wavered and knew not how 
to determine. You saw yourself gone. You wondered how you would 
feel if a notorious villain; for, from your violent passions, you dreaded 
its possibility. Was stunned; resolved firm. To bed quite agitated. 

THURSDAY 1Q MARCH. Waked in tender anguish: "What, shall 
I give her up?" Your melting moments rushed on your mind: her 
generosity ah! For some seconds a real fit of delirium | sei/ed you |, 
tossing in your distempered mind |tho thought of) instant self-de- 
struction. Bless rne! is this possible? It was literally true. Got up, 
roused, grew better, Bad weather had kept you still in town yesterday. 

9 Basil Cochrane, BoswolPs maternal grand-undo., one of the Commissioners of 
the Customs in Scotland. 
1 Andrew Rrskinc*. 

Edinburgh., 19 March 1767 43 

However set out today, the same family form. John Bruce, Mr. Stobie, 
Matthew Dickie, [and] Bob Boswell all down with you to the Back 
Stairs. 2 This composed your mind. It was, as it were, quilted with 
good, comfortable, family ideas. Jogged on. Good conversation on law. 
Dined Livingstone; night, Bedlay's new house. Father gave you 
account of the Hamilton memorial after supper, [but] left it off. 

In your room begun letter to Miss Was gloomy but resolved; 

considered she had not feeling [enough] to be much affected. 

FRIDAY 20 MARCH. Heavy snow. Father resumed the Hamil- 
ton memorial. Astonished at his memory, and how all this time he has 
never said a word, and yet has it so perfectly. [He has a] prodigious 
strong mind, singular frame. Dined Strathaven; night, Sornbeg, [to 
which you] walked up from Galston. Comfortable and easy, reflected 
on the gradual course of things. Was contented. Sat up late and 

finished letter to Miss Sent it; was firm as if it had been a year 


SATURDAY 21 MARCH. Left Sornbeg in the morning. As you 
came along, talked of economy. You was sensible of your want of that 
virtue, and wanted to save yourself. BOSWELL. "Come, come, I see some 
people in this world have economy, and some not." "Very right," said 
my father, "but why don't they acquire it then? You may as well say, 
'Some people have learning in this world and some not. Some people 
are thieves in this world, and some not.' That argument will serve for 
everything." How excellent was his reasoning! You resolved to exert 
your active powers. My father has done so, and is the man he is. 
Arrived safe at Auchinleck. Reflected on your emancipation from 
Circe, Enjoyed the noble scat after the longa negotia 3 of a winter 
session. But the evil complaint pained you. It was, however, pretty 

SUNDAY 22 MARCH, Lay abed long and reflected comfortably 

2 All evidently dependents on the Boswell family. John Bruce was Lord Auchin- 
leck's major-domo, and John Stobie his law clerk. Matthew Dickie, whom Bos- 
well once described as a kind of diminutive Falstaff, was later his law clerk. 

Robert Boswell was Dr, John Boswell's son, and a "writer" in Edinburgh. The 
party walked down the long flight of stone steps leading from the Parliament 
Close to the Cowgate instead of making the horses pull the coach by a round- 
about route np the hill to the High Street, 

3 "Tedious business" (Horace, Odes, III. v. 53). 

44 Auchirileck, 22 March 1767 

on being free from Lais. 4 We did not go to church. I wrote to M. de 
Sommelsdyck a calm family letter which my father read, I am sure, 
with satisfaction. 6 We read some of old Mr. Robert Bruce's Scots 
sermons, and a chapter of the Greek New Testament, and a psalm of 
Buchanan. We were very happy. We arc now friends as much as my 
father's singular grave and steady temper will allow; for he has not 
that quick sensibility which animates me. Since the beginning of last 
winter he has ceased to treat me like a boy. This evening I thought 
with astonishment, "Is it really true that a man of such variety of 
genius, who has seen so much, who is in constant friendship with 
General Paoli, is it possible that he was all last winter the slave of a 
woman without one elegant quality?" 

MONDAY 23 MARCH. Mr. Dun, Hallglenmuir, 6 &c., here. I 
roused my mind and wrote the Introduction to my Account of Corsica. 

[London Chronicle']' 7 

THURSDAY 26 MARCH. Extract of a letter from The Hague, 
dated March i, 1 767. "The Corsican courier who some time ago made 
such a noise at Hamburg stayed a week in this place., and had an 
audience of three hours of Sir Joseph Yorke, His Britannic Majesty's 
Ambassador, to whom he was introduced by the Reverend Mr. Rich- 
ardson, his Excellency's chaplain, and by the Reverend Mr. Maclaine, 
minister of the English church here, in whose house he was lodged 
during his residence at The Hague. M. Formey, perpetual Secretary 
of the Royal Academy at Berlin, had recommended him to Mr, Mao 
laine. It seems he would not put up at cither of our two great inns, the. 
Marechal de Turenne or the Parliament d'Angleterrc, What; was the 
reason of this nobody can say; very probably he thought, ho would 
be less exposed to the visits of idle people by having an apartment; in a 

4 The name of a famous Greek courtesan applied to Mrs, Dodds. 

5 The Countess of Kincardine, BoswelFs great-grandmother on his paternal side 
and great-great-grandmother on his maternal side, had been a Sommelsdyck. A 
partial copy of BoswelFs letter which survives describes various documents and 
obje.ts d'art. at Auchinleek pertaining to her and her relatives. 

The Rev. John Dun was minister at Auehinleek and had once been BoswelFs 
tutor. Alexander Mitchell of Hallglemnuir was a neighbour and distant rein lion. 
7 In this continuation of the adventures of Signor Romanzo, Boswell draws on his 
acquaintance with Holland and the English there. 

Auchinlecky 26 March 1767 45 

private house. But some of our penetrating politicians of the Morning 
Society will needs have it that the courier meant to show that neither 
France nor England could be looked upon as friendly to his nation. 
To such extravagant lengths will some wise heads carry their divina- 
tion. This courier passed by the name of Signor Romanzo. He ap- 
peared to be a man of profound learning and great address. The Stadt- 
holder showed him particular marks of attention, and the Duke of 
Brunswick was much with him. His equipage was superb, and his 
servants had the richest clothes ever seen in Holland." 

FRIDAY 27 MARCH. Began my Account of Corsica, [and found 
I] could labour well. Father studied Douglas memorials 8 and at 
intervals [read] Don Quixote. [He was] much entertained with him. 
Joked on my Account; called it quixotism. 

SATURDAY 28 MARCH. Went on well; thought I was writing 
for Europe. Had kept the house all this week. Honest Dr. Johnston 
had been with me. 9 At night Mr. Brown arrived. 1 

SUNDAY 29 MARCH. At church. Mr. Brown went to Mauchline. 
Evening, [we read from the] Greek Testament; very comfortable. 
Quite firm; mind sound after the fever of love. Determined to support 
the ancient family; offered up sincere devotions to my Father above. 

[Boswell to Voltaire] 

Auchinleck, 29 March 1767 
SIR: The politeness with which you received me at Ferney has 

never faded from my remembrance. I often recall it with the liveliest 

pleasure, and I am happy to think that I can boast of having had 

several conversations with M. de Voltaire. 2 

After I left you, you was so good as to write me a letter in English, 

which I had the honour to receive at Naples. On my return to Rome, I 

sent you an answer. I know not if yoxi received it. 3 

Since that time I have seen a great deal, and I think my travelling 

8 Memorials for the defendants in the Douglas cause. 

5) Daniel Johnston, a physician in Cximnock. 

1 James Brown, BoswelPs clerk. 

2 Boswell's description of his visit to Voltaire at Ferney is printed in Boswell on 
the Grand Tour; Germany and Switzerland, 25-29 December 1764. 

3 These letters are printed in Boswell on the Grand Tour: Germany and Switz^r- 
Iand 9 15 March and 4 April 1765. 

46 Auchinleck, 29 March 1 767 

has done me great service. It has at least furnished me with a stock of 
ideas with which I can entertain my mind while I live; and to a man 
of keenness of thought that is very important. For if he has not a good 
stock of ideas he is apt to turn his keenness against himself, and you 
philosophers know that the human mind cannot be nicely searched 
without certain pain. My philosophy appeared to you very gloomy, 
for I confessed to you that misery seemed to me to be the principal 
portion of thinking beings. 

I have visited the Island of Corsica, where I saw with enthusiasm 
a brave people who have vindicated their liberty with as much real 
spirit as was ever found in antiquity. General Paoli is a most extra- 
ordinary man. His abilities in politics and in war, his learning, his 
eloquence, and his generous sentiments render him truly illustrious. 
He has been now ten years the commander of his countrymen from 
personal merit, a glorious distinction! 

I am busy writing an Account of Corsica, with Memoirs of General 
Paoli, which will be published the beginning of next winter. Mr. 
David Hume is so obliging as to take the charge of the publication, 
as I cannot be at London myself. 

What does M. de Voltaire think of the Corsicans? I am persuaded 
he feels for them as I do. Why do you not write something in their 
behalf to rouse the cold spirit of the times? Why does M. de Voltaire 
live in the same age with so gallant a nation and not compose a verse 
to their honour? 

After all my travels, I am now fixed in Scotland half the year as an 
advocate and the other half as a country gentleman. If it is not pre- 
suming too much on your former goodness I would beg to hoar from 
you. I entreat you may make my best compliments to Madame Denis 
and to Pere Adam. I have the honour to be, Sir, your most obedient, 
humble servant. 

My address is &c. 

Je n'ai pas ose vous 6crire en francais. Je crois qu'il ost mkuix 
d'4crlre dans sa propre langue, meme quand on sait bien xmo langue 
&trangere; et a plus forte raison quand on en sait tres pen. 4 

* I have not dared write to you In French, I believe it is better to write in one's 

own language, even when one knows a foreign language well; and with much 
greater reason when one knows it veiy badly. 

Auchinlecky 30 March 1 767 47 

MONDAY 30 MARCH . . . . Proceeded in Corsica. Received 
noble letter from Temple; was in great spirits, 

[Received 30 March, Temple to Boswell] 

Mamhead, 20 March 1767 

BEFORE I PROCEED to what I am going to say, let me beg of you 
when we write to each other never to consider me in the light of a 
priest, but in that of your friend, of a philosopher in the modest and 
original sense of the word, in short in that of a man. Now for your 

Though your last favour, my dearest Boswell, affords me the sin- 
cerest pleasure and much entertainment, yet I must confess myself a 
good deal concerned to find your attachment to your Moff at acquaint- 
ance is become so serious. A little occasional amorous dalliance, it is 
to be hoped, all of us may innocently enough allow ourselves; I mean 
where the object is incapable of injury, and ourselves run no hazard 
of fame or health; but then such intercourse ought to be but occa- 
sional, when nature will not be denied; and the desire being satisfied, 
the object should be thought of no more. Perhaps this reasoning may 
shock your delicacy (it once would have shocked mine), but unhap- 
pily in our present circumstances it is but common sense and common 
prudence, and whoever acts otherwise is considered by people that 
think, and even by the world, either as the good-natured dupe of an 
artful woman, or the slave of his passions. 

I know, my dear Boswell, that neither of these characters can be 
applied to you, but if you continue to cohabit with a married woman, 
the unnatural mother of three children, and by your own account 
noted for her former gallantries, have a care of the character of a bad 
citizen, an encourager and the support of vice, and the convenience of 
a lewd woman. To be convinced that this is not declamation, for a 
moment only put any of your friends in your circumstances. Poor 
Temple, I am really grieved for him, my heart bleeds to see him act 
with so little regard to the esteem of his friends, and even his character 
in, common life; he is a promising young man coming fast into busi- 
ness, and cannot be too guarded in his conduct; and to keep another 
man's wife, to take a house for her, and at this time too when so many 

48 Auchinleck^ 30 March 1 767 

industrious poor can hardly procure a morsel of bread, a woman that 
has deserted three poor infants and whom any handsome fellow that 
has money [can] lie with, surely he must either be bewitched or ut- 
terly abandoned. Probably in these words^ or somewhat like them, 
you would compassionate my unhappy turn of mind. 

Now you, who think it possible for the God of nature to have a 
son whose blood alone can appease him for the crime a created being 
committed in eating an apple, do not flatter yourself that such a pro- 
pitiation will atone for sins against the laws of our country and against 
mankind. In the vast continent of Ethiopia, where according to Di~ 
odorus men yet live in a state of nature, chastity and fidelity are not 
virtues, for women and children are there in common; 5 but in our 
polished Europe, where we have sacrificed many of our natural rights 
to the peaceable enjoyment of our persons and properties, the laws of 
our country are our religion, and can hardly ever be violated without 
impiety. The absolute necessaries of life are what we all have right to n 
can demand, and ought to obtain, but he who indulges himself in 
superfluities, not to say criminal excesses, when thousands of his fel- 
low creatures are fainting with hunger, what must we think of such 
a citizen! But to talk more like myself. My dearest Boswell, if you 
love me let me entreat you to sacrifice this woman to our friendship. 
You know that there is not a person in the world who possesses such a 
share in my heart as you do; you know it; is my affection for you that 
dictates this letter; if then you really love me, if you would not give 
your worthy father pain, if your own peace, of mind, if your timc% if 
your health, if yoxir good name is dear to you., by all that is sacred in 
friendship, by all that is desirable in life, let mo prevail with you to 
break your ignominious fetters, to assert the command of yourself, 
and be again my Boswell. . . . e 

Adieu, dearest friend, let our affection increase with our years* 
and let our hearts be conscious of a friendship that might have clone 
honour to Greece or Rome. 


5 Diodorus Siculus in his Historical Library attributes this state of affairs to 
neighbors of the Ethiopians, the Fisho aters. 

6 In the omitted portion of this letter., Temple tells Boswell that the "holy inter- 
course" of philosophy., history, and poetry is preferable to the "melting down' 1 of 
his manhood in the arms of his Ohloe, 

Auchinleck^ 30 March 1 767 49 

P.S. Pray keep your promise in writing often. You shall hear from 
me again next week. Tell me if you are got well. 

[Boswell to Temple] 

Auchinleck, 30 March 1 767 

MY DEAR TEMPLE, I have this moment received your kind let- 
ter of the 20th instant, which has been like an oration of Tully to my 
soul. I am happy that I can make you a good report, for as my Circe 
went to Moffat just after I wrote to you last, and I myself was to go to 
Auchinleck, I had time to think coolly and to call up that reason 
which I have so often contradicted. Johnston, an old friend of mine, 
a writer in Edinburgh, but too much of an indolent philosopher to 
have great business, being rather a worthy country gentleman with a 
paternal estate of 100 a year, was much distressed with my unhappy 
passion. He was at Moffat when it first began, and he marked the ad- 
vance of the fever. It was he who assured me upon his honour that my 
fair one had a very bad character, and gave me some instances which 
made my love-sick heart recoil. 

He had some influence with me. But my brother David had more. 
To him I discovered my weakness, my slavery, and begged his advice. 
He gave it me like a man. I gloried in him. I roused all my spirit, and 
at last I was myself again. I immediately wrote her the letter of which 
I inclose the scroll for your perusal. 7 She and I have always corre- 
sponded in such a manner that no mischief could come of it, for we 
supposed a Miss _ to whom all my amorous vows were paid. You 
will observe my method. I wish you may be able to read the scroll. 

After reading the note to Mrs. , 8 read pages two, three, and four 

to Miss .-, then read what is below the second score in page one, 
and lastly read what is between the scores in page one. This is leading 
you an odd dance, but it is better than giving myself the labour of 
copying the letter, which I think you ought to see, and which you will 
please return to me. I have not yet got her answer. What will it be, 
think you? I shall judge of her character from it. I shall see if she is 
abandoned or virtuous, I mean both in a degree. I shall at any rate be 

7 The enclosure is missing. A "scroll" is a draft or rough copy of a letter. 

B The name in this instance has been crossed out. The dashes elsewhere occur in 

the manuscript. 

5O Auchirileck, 30 March 1 767 

firm. What a snare have I escaped! Do you remember Ulysses and 


Sub domina meretrice vixisset turpis et excors. 

My life is one of the most romantic that I believe either you or I 
really know of, and yet I am a very sensible, good sort of man. What 
is the meaning of this, Temple? You may depend upon it that very 
soon my follies will be at an end, and I shall turn out an admirable 
member of society. Now that I have given my mind the turn, I am 
totally emancipated from my charmer, as much as from the garden- 
er's daughter, who now puts on my fire and empties my chamber-pot 
like any other wench; and yet just this time twelvemonth, I was so 
madly in love as to think of marrying her. Should not this be an ever- 
lasting lesson to me? It shall be so, and Mrs. shall second it. By 

the by, Temple, I must tell you that I have never owned Mrs. Js 
real kindness to me except in my letters to you. I am much upon hon- 
our in all these affairs. So if by some strange accident anybody who 
knows her should enquire of you, laugh it off as a frolic. 

You unrelenting dog! You have used my charmer cruelly. You 
say she is the unnatural mother of three children ah, no! She loves 
her children, but a barbarous father keeps them from her. Her affec- 
tion for her children makes her amiable to me. But I confess she 
ought, for the sake of her children, to conform to the strict ideas of the 
world. How strangely do we colour our own vices. I startle when you 
talk of keeping another man's wife. Yet that was literally my scheme., 
though my imagination represented it just as being fond of a pretty., 
lively, black little lady who, to oblige me, stayed in Edinburgh, and I 
very genteelly paid her expenses. You will sec by my letter to her that 
I shall have a house and a servant-maid upon my hands. I low she will 
settle that I know not. You rogue! don't bid me settle it this way: put 
the maid into the house and kiss the maid. At any rate, I shall not he 

What say you to my marrying? I intend next autumn to visit Miss 
Bosville in Yorkshire. But I fear, my lot being east in Scotland, that 
beauty would not be content. She is, however, grave, I shall see. Then* 
is a young lady in the neighbourhood here who has an estate of her 
The "kind keeper" of Dryden's loose comedy. Limber ham. 

Auchinleck, 30 March 1767 gi 

own between two and three hundred a year, just eighteen, a genteel 
person, an agreeable face, of a good family, sensible, good-tempered, 
cheerful, pious. 1 You know my grand object is the ancient family of 
Auchinleck, a venerable and noble principle. How would it do to con- 
clude an alliance with this neighbouring princess, and add her lands 
to our dominions? I should at once have a very pretty little estate, a 
good house, and a sweet place. My father is very fond of her. It would 
make him perfectly happy. He gives me hints in his way: "I wish you 
had her." No bad scheme this. I think a very good one. But I will not 
be in a hurry. There is plenty of time. I will take to myself the advice 
I wrote you from Naples, and go to London a while before I marry. 

I am not yet quite well, but am in as good a way as can be ex- 
pected. My fair neighbour was a ward of my father's. She sits in our 
scat at church in Edinburgh. She would take possession here most 
naturally. This is a superb place: we have the noblest natural beau- 
ties, and my father has made most extensive improvements. We look 
ten miles out upon our own dominions. We have an excellent new 
house. I ,am now writing in a library forty foot long. Come to us, my 
dearest friend. We will live like the most privileged spirits of antiq- 
uity. I am now seriously engaged in my Account of Corsica. It ele- 
vates my soul, and makes me spernere humum. 2 1 shall have it finished 
by June. My brother David is quite to my mind. I inclose you a letter 
from him. You will see the young man as he is, in it. He has a portion 
of that sensibility which rendered you and me unhappy every mo- 
ment, till time and experience taught us common sense and moderate 
desires. I am over, my dearest f riend^ most affectionately yours, 


What varies casus* have you known your friend in, first and last, 
real arid imaginary, only recollect. How do you get your letters, when 
my Lord Lisburnc is in London? Must this go to his Lordship's town 
house? Return me David's letter with the scroll to Mrs. 

TUESDAY 31 MARCH. Began information for Gilkie. Read al- 
ways a little of Hamilton and Douglas memorials after breakfast. At 
night you and Father both owned you were living very happily. 

1 Catherine Blair, 

2 "Spurn the earth" (adapted from Horace, Odes, III. ii 21-24). 
8 "Varied hazards" (Virgil, Aencid, i. 204). 

52 Auchinleck^ 2 April 1767 

THURSDAY 2 APRIL. Mr. Brown at Cumnock. Mr. Reid dined. 4 
Gave him your time as a worthy old friend of the family. Talked of 
your grandfather, &c. Dr. Johnston drank tea. You was still bad. At 
night had fear of ghosts, [thinking of] poor Robert Hay. 5 

FRIDAY 3 APRIL .... You laboured hard and with spirit. 

SATURDAY 4 APRIL. Accounts came of the Corsicans having 
made a descent on Capraja, with a letter from Mr. Dick confirming 
it and informing you that all your correspondence was safe. You was 
roused. You had not felt your blood in fermentation of a long time 
before. You only regretted that you don't feel yourself more manly. 
This your own fault. Resolved more guarded conduct. 

SUNDAY 5 APRIL. Mr. Brown had gone yesterday to Kilmar- 
nock. At church. Evening read Greek Testament and Hervey. 

MONDAY 6 APRIL. Corsica went on, and old charters. You saw 
everything is only practice. 

TUESDAY 7 APRIL .... You was well enough. At night 
talked with Mr. Dun on the nature of God and of a future state. Felt 
yourself much unaccustomed to these subjects. Meditated seriously. 
Wonderful thought; alarming too. But God is good. 

WEDNESDAY 8 APRIL. Dr. Johnston thought me better. Corsica 

| Boswell to Chatham | 7 

Auchinlock, 8 April t 767 

MY LORD: I have had the honour to receive your Lordship's let- 
ter from Bath, and I perfectly feel the sentiments which it contains. T 

4 The Rev. George Reid, minister of Ochiltree, had been chaplain to James Bos- 
well, Boswell's grandfather, and domestic tutor to Lord Auchinleek. He was 
now about 70 and lived to be 90. 

5 Who had been hanged on 25 March, 

e The Rev. James Hervey was author of such popular essays as i\fe<Ht<ttions 

Among the Tombs, Reflections on a Flower Garden, and (*ontemfrfation$ on the 


7 Published In part in the Correspondence of William Pitt, Karl of Chatham, ed, 
W. S, Taylor and J. H. Pringle, 1838-1840, iii. 244-2:47, and in Letters of Jarnw 
Bo$wcll> 1 iio-ni. BoswelFs draft differs very little from the letter us sent. 
The original, which is followed here, is among the Chatham Papers in the Pub- 
lic Record Office. 

Auchinleck, 8 April 1767 53 

only wish that circumstances were such that your Lordship could 
have an opportunity of showing the interest you take in the fate of a 
people who well deserve the favour of so illustrious a patron of liberty 
as your Lordship. I have communicated to General Paoli the contents 
of your Lordship's letter, and I am persuaded he will think as I do. 

Allow me to give your Lordship another quotation from a letter 
of that hero. It is addressed to a friend of mine at Leghorn. "Essendo 
al Ministero il Conte di Chatham, voglio sperar tutto il buon successo 
alia generosa premura del Signore Boswell, per la rivocazione dell' 
ingiuriosa Proclama del 1763. Quel sublime genio della Gran Bret- 
tagna e quell' anirna grande ne' propri sentimenti e nel sistema della 
sua politica, ritrovcra i piu efficaci motivi per far uscir la sua Corte 
dello stato di indifferenza sopra gli affari di Corsica." 8 1 leave with the 
Earl of Chatham these words of General Paoli, and I am persuaded 
quelV anima grande will not forget them. 

Your Lordship applauds my "generous warmth for so striking a 
character as the able Chief." Indeed, my Lord, I have the happiness of 
being capable to contemplate with supreme delight those distin- 
guished spirits by whom God is sometimes pleased to honour human- 
ity; and, as I have no personal favour to ask of your Lordship, I will 
tell you, with the confidence of one who does not fear to be thought a 
flatterer, that your character, my Lord, has filled many of my best 
hours with that noble admiration which a disinterested soul can enjoy 
in the bower of philosophy. 

I think it my duty to inform your Lordship that I am preparing 
to publish an Account of Corsica. My plan is, first, to give a geograph- 
ical and physical description of the Island; secondly, to exhibit a con- 
cise view of the revolutions it has undergone from the earliest times 
till now; thirdly, to show the present state of Corsica in every respect; 
and, lastly, I subjoin my Journal of a Tour to That Island, in which I 

8 "Now that the Earl of Chatham is in the Ministry, I venture to hope for good 
success to Mr, BoswelFs generous concern in the revoking of the injurious Proc- 
lamation of 1763* That sublime genius of Great Britain, and that great spirit, 
will find in his own sentiments and in his own political views the most effica- 
cious motives for causing his Court to emerge from its state of indifference to the 
affairs of Corsica," John Dick was the Leghorn friend who forwarded a copy of 
Paoli's letter to him. Although Boswell does not seem to have known it, Paoli, on 
31 January 1767, had written directly to Pitt asking for English aid. 

54 Auchinleck, 8 April 1 767 

relate a variety of anecdotes and treasure up many memoirs of the 

illustrious General of the Corsicans memorabilia Paoli. 

While I was in Corsica I was careful to write down everything 
that deserved attention, and since my return home I have received 
many materials from different people of that country. I hope my book 
will be agreeable, and may do some service to the brave Islanders by 
representing them in a proper light. General Paoli is very impatient 
for my publishing it. 

I beg to know what your Lordship thinks of my undertaking, for 
although I am so much engaged to the island that I must at any rate 
go on with it, the approbation of my Lord Chatham would make me 
advance with double spirit. 

And I must entreat your Lordship's permission to take notice of 
your noble sayings concerning Corsica and General Paoli. It will add 
much dignity to the subject and to the author. I promise to insert 
nothing that is improper to be read by all the world. But when I re- 
cord General Paoli's grand ideas of your Lordship, I would also record 
your Lordship's grand ideas of him, that posterity may sec how 
highly two such men thought of each other, 

As for myself^ to please a worthy and respected father, otio of our 
Scots judges, I studied law, and am now fairly entered to the bar. I 
begin to like it. I can labour hard; I feel myself corning forward, and 
I hope to be useful to my country. Could your Lordship find time to 
honour me now and then with a letter? I have been told how favour- 
ably your Lordship has spoke of me. 1 To correspond with a Paoli and 
with a Chatham is enough to keep a yoxing man ever ardent, in the 
pursuit of virtuous fame, I ever am, my Lord, with the highest ad- 
miration, your Lordship's much obliged, humble servant, 


P.S. I beg to know if I may address my letters to your Lordship by 
the public post? 2 

See p. 10. 

1 Erskme wrote to John Johnston (2 June 1766): "I would toll Boswoll what Pitt 
said of Mm at Bath, but why feed vanity?" Apparently no record survives of 
what Pitt did say. 

2 By the time Boswell's letter reached him, Pitt had sunk into a tat of prostra- 
tion close to insanity, and he remained unfit for business during the rest of his 

Auchinleck, 9 April 1767 55 

THURSDAY Q APRIL. Craigengillan 3 and Mr. Duff dined. You 
was quite easy and felt the effect of experience, which it is impossible 
for youth to conceive. Only most people are not so much surprised 
with it, because they did not look so far before them in youth as I did. 
In the evening came Captain Cuninghame-Montgomerie 4 and Mat- 
thew Dickie. Very comfortable. 

FRIDAY 10 APRIL. Your toe was pretty well, and you walked 
in the Broomholm with Matthew. You talked of Miss Blair. I felt my 
openness too great. I might soon acquire a habit of telling everything. 
By doing so a man becomes quite easy, but loses delicacy and dignity. 
You thought it best to own a libertine misfortune and regret your 
fault. The same company continued all night, with honest Hallglen- 
muir. You found time, however, to advance a little in Corsica. 

[Scots Magazine~\ 

London, April it. This morning M. Romanzo, agent from Corsica, 
had a private audience of the Earl of Shelburne. 

SUNDAY 12 APRIL. Overton very kindly agreed to buy Dal- 
blair r> for me, and got a letter of commission from my father to the 
extent of 900. We had much good conversation on my being a well- 
doing laird, as the Jameses have been in this family. Overton went to 
church with us, from whence he went home. At night we read our 
Greek chapters, translating one in English, the other in Latin. 

MONDAY 13 APRIL. Corsica advanced. Treesbank 6 and Polqu- 

hairn dined. The latter told you gross scandal of Mrs It hardly 

hurt you, so well are you grown. Dr. Johnston thought you not so 

3 John Me Adam of Craigengillan, a wealthy landowner and close friend of the 
Boswell family, was later a fricmd of Burns, who addressed a poem to him. 

4 Captain Alexander Montgomerie-Cuninghame, eldest son of Sir David Cuning- 
hame of Gorsehill. His wife was Elizabeth Montgomerie, Lord Auchinleck's 
niece, and proprietress of Lainshaw. 

s Part of the wild vale of Glenmuir, aboxit ten miles east of Auchinleck. It prob- 
ably bordered on the Auchinleck estates. 

6 James Campbell, laird of Treesbank, was Lord Auchinleck's first cousin. He 
married in 1768 as his second wife, Mary Montgomerie, sister to the late laird of 

56 Auchinleck^ 13 April 1 767 

well. Said your distemper had paroxysms, but could hardly go wrong 

in the way you treated it. Mr. Brown returned. 

TUESDAY 14 APRIL. Began information for Mackenzies against 
Sir Alexander Mackenzie. 7 Made library [your] consulting room to 
inspire you with noble ideas of antiquity of family while you wrote 
in favour of entails. . . . Little was done to Corsica. You began 
Dorando . . . . 8 

WEDNESDAY 1 5 APRIL, You was in great vigour of genius, and 
in the library you dictated Dorando. You thought it excellent. Mr. 
Brown, when writing it, often was struck with admiration, and cried, 
"That's grand!" You considered it as an elegant mark of your attach- 
ment to the family of Douglas. You did nothing to Corsica. Mr. An- 
drew Mitchell was here, 

THURSDAY 16 APRIL. Waterhead breakfasted. You and he 
agreed that venereal disorders do not hurt the constitution. Only se- 
vere cures do. There may be a good deal in this. But Waterhead and I 
have both been wild, so are not impartial judges, for no doubt such dis- 
orders do harm. Mr. Mitchell and I and Knockroon rode up to Cum- 
nock to the roup 1 of Dalblair. I dined in Mrs. Johnston's. The trustees 
were hearty. Sundrum was there. 2 There was a kind of awkwardness 
when he and I, who had formerly travelled pretty much in the same 
way, and had now taken so very different roads, met again. I was as 
much composed as I could wish to be. I felt myself insensibly grown 

About four we had the roup. Overton made at first an offer of 
2400. It had been set up at 2000. 1 bid 1 o more. I sat as if pretty in- 
different, but was very anxious, till at last it fell to me. The company 
then took me by the hand as Dalblair. We went upstairs, and I gave 

7 Sir Alexander Mackenzie wished to break the entail which settled his estate on 
his eldest son, in order to provide for his children by his second wife, I f< was un- 

8 For Dorandoy see Introduction, p. xiiL 

9 John Boswell of Knockroon was a distant cousin of BoswelPs, and ut one time or 
other collector of taxes in Ayr. Boswell bought his lands in 1790, 

1 Auction. 

2 John Hamilton of Sundrum, an important landed proprietor, later for many 
years Vice-Lieutenant of Ayrshire. He had been a college mate of BoswelFs both 
at the University of Edinburgh and the University of Glasgow, 

Cumnock, 16 April 1767 57 

them a bowl of punch. Polosh said he would give me 500 for my 
bargain, and, if I had not bid, he would have given a great deal more. 
So said Overton, perhaps in earnest. So said several. This showed the 
influence of the family of Auchinleck. It was most fortunately con- 
ducted. Had Overton bid a small sum, they never would have let it go 
for that, the ice would have been broke, and when once they had begun 
to bid they would have gone to their utmost stretch. Or had I bid 100 
more, as I intended, I should have paid 90 more. Over and above the 
price, I was burdened with an annuity of 25 a year to young James 
Gib's wife, which, however, I believe may be compounded for 80. At 
any rate the price cannot be more than 2500. 1 drank tea at Dr. Johns- 
ton's, from whence I wrote to David acquainting him of my purchase. 
When I came home I found my father in the library. He imagined 
Dalblair would be bought by the Earl of Dumfries. But I told him, 
"It's our own," and the price. He took me by the hand as Dalblair and 
was very well pleased. 3 

FRIDAY 17 APRIL. At breakfast my father treated me with some 
fine honey. "For," says he, "you are a stranger laird a parish 
laird." I finished Mackenzie; at night read it to my father. I was 
wrong towards the end. But upon the whole he thought it a good 

SATURDAY 18 APRIL. Corsica advanced. Mr. Brown went 
home. Sent Dorando to Foulis. 4 Imagined he might perhaps scruple to 
publish so strong an allusion to the Douglas cause; left him to himself. 

MONDAY 20 APRIL. Corsica advanced. At night I began to 
write an account of the Boswells from my father's dictating. 

TUESDAY 21 APRIL. Corsica still understood to advance. Also 
much entertained with the Douglas cause. Studied today Godefroi's 
| testimony'] by |'the] Pursuers. 5 At night came Captain McAdam 
and Mr. Robert Aikcn. Felt a kind of wildness and awkward reluc- 
tance to be in society. Tis in the family. 

;i He did not continue to be so well pleased. Boswell still owed 1300 of the pur- 
chase price in 1776, and Lord Auchinleck, who had gone surety for part of it (see 
entry (or 12 April), made a number of unpleasant scenes before finally advanc- 
ing the money to pay off the debt. 
* Robert Foulis, the noted Glasgow printer. 

8 The Hamiltons were trying to prove that at the time when Lady Jane was sup- 
posed to be lying in at a different house, she was actually at Godefroi's inn. 

58 Auchinleck, 22 April 1767 

WEDNESDAY 22 APRIL. Corsica still. Read Godefrofs [testi- 
mony] by [the] Defender; amazingly strong. Captain McAdam and 
Fingland dined. At night continued account of [the] Boswells; very 

THURSDAY 23 APRIL. Corsica advanced. Mr. Dun, Mr. Hugh 
Campbell, and Mr. Smeaton, the seceding minister, dined. The se- 
ceder was jocular upon the established minister. 6 Mr. Dun went home 
after tea. Mr. Smeaton was my client, so had a right to my time. I 
went through his cause to him. It was curious to find myself the grave 
counsellor of an old seceding minister with his mind full of Presby- 
terian notions about the Covenant, the Act and Testimony, &c. At 
night he and I had a long tete-a-tete. I led him into metaphysical en- 
quiry. I talked of original sin. I argued in defence of the metempsy- 
chosis, or of a pre-existence. I objected that indeed this could hardly 
be, as there is to be a resurrection. Now, in this state we know nothing 
of spirit. All that I know of a person is an animated body. If I do not 
see the animated bodies of ray friends at the Resurrection, I cannot 
know them. Now, if there is but one soul, which has animated a va- 
riety of bodies, there must in every generation be numbers a-wanting 
at the last day; for not only does the same soul serve different bodies, 
but has different accidents and fills different spheres in life. To this 
I answered myself, that the Resurrection is a doctrine exceedingly 
dark. That in creeds we find the restirrcction of the body, but that the 
Scriptures do not expressly contain it. Paul, in order to give some 
satisfaction to the curiosity of the Corinthians, says, "It is sown in cor- 
ruption, it is raised in incorruptiori; it is sown a natural body; it; is 
raised a spiritual body"; and, having illustrated this with a compari- 
son, to grain, he says, "And that which thou sowest, thou sowest not 
that body which shall be," Therefore I suppose | there will be] no res- 
urrection of the body, in conformity with "flesh and blood shall not 
inherit the Kingdom of Heaven," and with "at the Resurrection there 
is neither marrying nor giving in marriage," 7 

Now, may it not be thus? A soul darts its view backward through 
all the stages of its existence; the earthy frames arc totally forgot, and 

The Seceders were members of Presbyterian splinter groups that had left the 
Church of Scotland. They held, in general, rather old-fashioned views, 

7 1 Corinthians 15 and Matthew &2* 30. 

Auchinlecky 23 April 1767 59 

the spirits recollect each other by mutual ideas. A spirit remembers 
having been in different states of life, as a man recollects infancy, 
youth, and manhood; and, as it is by a communication of ideas only 
that spirits shall recollect each other^ the spirits of every age will find 
their companions and friends in this spiritual intercourse. Only throw 
body out of the question and all is easy. Suppose the ideas of Alex- 
ander the Great and Luther to be repeated by the same spirit, those 
spirits who retain the ideas of Alexander's courtiers and those who re- 
tain the ideas of the first Reformers will find corresponding communi- 
cations. The ethereal spirit, the air, affects us with sensations both of 
cold and of heat. We do not look for a distinct body out of which the 
qualities producing each of these sensations must issue. 

Mr. Smeaton was struck with my subtle philosophy. He defended 
himself by some abstract doctrines of the schoolmen, and I let him off. 
I found he had afterwards said to James Bruce that he had conversed 
with many, but he had never found a gentleman who had such a 
foundation, and if I lived I must be a very great man. 

[London Chronicle'] 8 

THURSDAY 23 APRIL. Letter from an English soldier in the 
Corsican service to his cousin at Salisbury. 

Island of Capra, this 20th Day of March 1 767. 
Dir Bob, This is to let you know I am piur and well, thank God. 
You knows as how I never coud be quaiet, bot was allwis awishing for 
somthing to do. And I had mi bellif ool of it in Germani, and win I was 
dismist the servis as laim, I cryd lyk a nu born child to Doctor Arm- 
strong, and that wurthi sowl gaiv me a guiny and a paiper all ful of 
diricshiuns how to git mi ligg heeld. So you knows as how I cumd 
horn and recuvert, and as how I next embarkt to Martinico [and had 
hot wurk cnuff of it. I then went with my Captain to Itali] 9 wer I 
heard mooch tauk of them here Corsicans, so over I gos, and faith Bob 

8 In the following "invention," Boswell imitates illiterate letters in the novels of 
Fielding, Richardson, and Smollett, and anticipates such comic American char- 
acters as Mr. Dooloy, 

9 The phrases in brackets were added in Boswell's hand to his marked copy of the 
Chronicle, The printer must have dropped them out inadvertently. 

60 Auchinleck, 23 April 1767 

I never was better. The General on em Poll is as good a man as the 
King himself, whom God blis, I shall never sarv another whyl he his 
any thing to do. He speaks to us in inglish for you must know thair ar 
fyv mor on us inglish, two on em Scots, but they call us all inglish 
here, Wir not listit nor sworn befor a Justis-, no, no, all Volonteers, and 
never a lash, all bold and free as as many lyons. We haiv littel pai to 
signifi but enuff of good vittals and drink, sweet mutton as any on the 
downs, and the best of wyns as plenty as smal bir in old Ingland. Youll 
see by the Paipers wiv had an expedishun to the Island of Capra. We 
landed saif and soon took thri forts, and ar now seeging the Sitedil. 
Thair drol littel fellows them Corsicans. Som on em can tank to be 
understood, as we went briscly on they cryd well don Brother Inglish, 
well don Brother freemen. They fyt powrfuli, but I wish we had 
Gunner Robison and som mor of the train, for thair tilleri dos not plai 
so smart as I coud wish. If Duncan Drummond wer heer by Jove hid 
blow the Genoeses to hell. 1 We heer as how a fleet is cumin against; us. 
But we will all dy on the spot befor we giv it up. No more at present 
but rests your loving Cousin 


FRIDAY 24 APRIL. My father and I went to the burial of the 
Justice Clerk's lady. 2 I was not affected by such solemn feelings as I 
used to be at burials. I did not see the rest so affected. A woman had 
paid the common debt to nature and we interred her decently; that 
was all. We had so heavy a rain that few of us came out of our ohaisos 
to go into the islc, n My father and I sat snug. We came home through 
the Trabboch, At; night [received] many letters; a great packet from 
Temple, curious, &c. 

1 Boswell had met Duncan Drummond, Captain in the Royal Regiment of Artil- 
lery, in Genoa. There is no record of his having known David Robison, Lieuten- 
ant Fireworker in the Royal Irish Artillery, 

2 The Lord Justice-Clerk, acting head of the Justiciary Court, was Thomas Mil* 
ler, a neighbour of the Bosweils at Auohinleck, On M iller 1 s elevation to this posi- 
tion David Boswell wrote Boswell: "It is a shame that such a body sprung from 
nothing should come before so many more worthy personages^ (a<) April tjttti), 

8 The isle (see p. 28/2.1) was often used, as a burial place for the laird's family, 
The burial probably took place in the family vault at Stair church. 

Auchinleck, 24 April 1767 61 

[Received 24 April, Temple to Boswell] 

Mamhead, 13 April 1767 

MY DEAR BOSWELL, I kept my promise in writing to you, but 
my letter is so unreasonably long that I must defer sending it till I 
get a frank from Lord Lisburne in town. 4 Indeed it is lucky I am going 
thither, for I am in some danger. Boswell, what weak creatures are 
we! how apt to forget ourselves, how prone to folly and vice! I wrote 
to my friends in the North to get me a sober, careful maidservant to 
manage my house, and on whom I might entirely depend, for I can- 
not bear to suspect anybody and hate the trouble of ordering dinner, 
&c. They have sent me a young creature of two and twenty, not hand- 
some indeed, but the very picture of health, modest, gentle, and even 
anxious to please me. I am a weak creature: good nature, affection 
destroy me, I cannot resist it, I cannot get this girl out of my head. 
How I despise myself! and what is worse, it makes me mad to think 
my man is always by her. What shall I do! I am miserable, it has af- 
fected my health, I wish to be dead. I know it is all owing to my situa- 
tion; in any other I could never forget myself so much, but I see no- 
body, I am as bad as you were at Utrecht, I rave, I burst into tears, I 
almost say, why did you give me being? I cannot sleep, I call out aloud 
in my bed. God, I hope I am not mad! 

What shall I do! I'll go to town instantly, I'll go down to the 
North, I'll come to you. And the lady at Berwick. They tell me I shall 
be infamous there if I do not marry her. We must sacrifice our happi- 
ness to our good name. You must give me leave, you must approve, 
you must insist that I do not deceive her. How cruel it is that virtue 
and peace of mind should depend so much upon circumstances, situa- 
tion! Aristippus said a man that can live alone must either be a god or 
a beast. A god alas! A beast I may be. But I would not injure her 
for the world; I would not attempt it. 

What I have said has given me some relief. My heart is not so 
heavy. I write incorrectly^ but as I feel. You know your own weak- 
nesses, you can pity mine. My constitution is rather a peculiar one. 
My passions seemed to sleep till I came hither. I am much altered. I 

4 Postage on letters was paid by the recipient, not the sender. It was customary 
for members of Parliament to frank covers for their friends. 

62 Auchinleck, 24 April 1767 

am no longer that resigned, tranquil creature you knew me. My 
thoughts are too much turned upon myself. Discontent, ambition, a 
gentler passion, indolence, yet an insatiable thirst after knowledge 
tear my very soul in pieces and make me a torment to myself. What a 
picture have I drawn of myself! I cannot look at it. Pity your lost 
Temple. Farewell, farewell, my dear Boswell. 


[Received 24 April, Temple to Boswell] 

14 April 1767 

MY EVER DEAR FRIEND, I have just now received your letter 
from Auchinleck, and to find you are yourself again suspends the 
anguish of my troubled mind and is a most sensible relief to me. What 
a pleasure is it to me to feel that the interest, the honour, the happi- 
ness of another man are as dear to me as my own. I can never repent; 
me of this double existence. It is the surest pledge of the goodness of 
my heart; it may increase my pains, but it must also double my pleas- 
ures. I thank your friend Johnston, I thank your brother David; they 
are good young men. Davy's letter is sensible, and I think very like 
our own at his age. I shall be curious to see Mrs. ~ ,~~ 's answer. Yours 
is very polite, delicate, and philosophical. 

I am in a very good frame now. My Boswell has broken the shack- 
les of a dishonourable connection, is happy at the seat of his ancestors, 
has thoughts of a union that will be a credit arid happiness to lum., and 
is employing his recess from business in creating an eternal monu- 
ment to his love of letters and of liberty/* You see I almost flatten* you 
to keep you in humour, for you are a very young man, and you know 
I regard no honours but personal ones worthily acquired; and it is not 
certain that your book will last, 

What shall I say of myself? 'Tis a fine morning, the sun shines 
mildly and nature is reviving in every herb and flower. I am now 
quite calm, pleased with and thankful for my existence, 1 look up to 
the God of my being with silent gratitude. If we may say so., what 
should I have lost had I never been! many cares, many sorrows, many 
disgusts, but oh! what sensations, what thoughts, what, pleasures, 

5 In the Preface to Corsica, Boswell spoke of his work as "my little monument to 

Auchinleck, 24 April 1767 63 

How horrible the idea of never having existed, of existing no more. It 
makes my very blood run cold. Certainly, certainly, impossible! Wol- 
laston says God cannot disappoint us! silly enough! We cannot be dis- 
appointed if we do not exist. And how are we accountable creatures? 
Are we not the workmanship of God? Don't we think and move and 
act through him? If he foreknows the tenor of our lives, where is free- 
dom? These doubts can never be resolved. I give over the search. What 
then do we really know? That we are created beings, born to live with 
one another, to be grateful to God for what we enjoy, to be just, hu- 
mane, temperate; this, I think, is all. 'Tis enough, Boswell. God bless 
you. Your most affectionate, 


P.S. Your letters come directly to me here. I inclose your brother's 
and the other with mine this afternoon to Lord Lisburne to frank. 
Don't write again till you hear from me from London. I propose going 
by Bath. I must amuse myself. Today I think the girl very ordinary, 
her features coarse, far too much red in her face; besides, she cannot 
write. Never was there such folly. Her lips too don't please me, and 
her breasts are too small. And think of the want of delicacy in that 
rank. The coarse jest, the lewd reply, the falseness, the unfeeling 
heart, and the inexpressible meannesses and low arts. The best can 
hardly resist example; water always tastes of the soil it flows through. 
Let this be buried in oblivion. Do not reproach me, my dear Boswell. 

MONDAY 2 7 APRIL. Corsica went on pleasantly. After dinner I 
got a letter from ["Miss] that the black boy, &c. G I was very com- 
posed; half delighted to obtain what I had wished, and half vexed to 
think of the expense, &c. a curious example of the vanity of human 
wishes. A man loves a woman to distraction. He would give the world 
to have a child by her. It does not appear. He suffers, he quits his 
angel, his love cools. He hears she is pregnant. world, world! But I 
resolved to behave with humour and generosity, and pleased my 
fancy with a thousand airy plans. I also got a proof of Dorando. What 
a variety of productions! My father argued with Mr. Connell, or 
rather joked, against reading books of controversy about religion. I 

6 Boswell and Mrs. Dodds were both very dark in complexion. 

64 A uchinleck, 2 7 April 1767 

saw my father had never been uneasy upon these matters. His system 
has never been tried. He has had it like a man who has carried his 
walking-stick under his arm, being so strong that he has never had 
occasion to put it to the ground; but, had he leaned on it, he might 
perhaps have been obliged to seek for another^ or at least to look well 
how he put his own to the ground. 

TUESDAY 28 APRIL. Baillie Wilson of Kilmarnock and his son 
came in the morning, and, as clients, had a claim to my time. We 
walked about. I was very comfortable. At night I received a packet of 
papers brought from Holland by Captain Kinloch. But my Journal 
was a-missing. I was much vexed. I figured its being exposed to a hun- 
dred enemies. I wrote immediately to Mr. Brown at Utrecht, and to 
Mr. Kinloch of Gilmerton, the Captain's father. 7 James Bruce said it 
would cast up yet. So I suppose he would have me not cast down. 
Come, a pun is not a bad thing at times. 8 

SATURDAY 2 MAY. My father was to have gone with me to Lain- 
shaw, but he was not quite well. I rode to it. I dined at Treesbank, a 
noble, hearty meeting with the honest Laird. I then called at Hill of 
Kilmaurs', and saw Mr. Smeaton and his wife. I was as solid and 
sagacious as I could wish. Biit I don't know how, I have not the vivid 
feelings of satisfaction that I expected. Well, is not this the nil ad- 
rnirari of Horace? the 

prope res una, 
Solaque, quae possit facere ac scrvarc bcatum?" 

[Reached] Lainshaw at night; easy and happy. 

SUNDAY 3 MAY. Stewarton church all day. Many reflections on 
old stories. But calm and not shocked with the course of nature. Had 
thought I would be in love; was so. 1 Steuart Hall supped with us, a 

7 Boswell's Holland Journal never was found. See Boswvll in Holland, p. j^f) of 

McGraw-Hill's edition (p. 349 of Heinemann's), 

8 The next three days have an identical entry; "Corsica advanced," 

g u To admire nothing [is] almost the one and only thing to make and keep a 
man contented" (altered from Epistles, L vi. 1-2). 

1 With Jean Montgomerie, widow of James Montgomery of Lainshnw, and 
sister-in-law of Lord Auehmleck's nieces. Boswell also calls her La Vwhtva (see 
entry for 8 May). Ho had not been at Lainshaw since Montgomery's death in 

LainshaW) 3 May 1767 65 

genteel, lively man. At night a long walk, the Captain 2 and I; a solid, 
serious conversation. Relished much his strong sense. Curious pun at 
supper to ladies: "Is cod light? 0, yes, fish is light; anything that 

swims is light." Mrs. was so agreeable you formed romantic 

schemes, xxxx. 3 Lainshaw was really comfortable and orderly. You 
had no dreary ideas of death. All is soon easy and well again by a suc- 
cession of good people. 

MONDAY 4 MAY. Early this morning some rioters about meal 
at Stewarton were with you, being indicted against the circuit. 4 I 
counselled them as well as I could, and promised to let them know 
soon what to do. The ladies promised to come to Auchinleck. I set out, 
dined at Kilmarnock with Mr. Wilson; saw manufactory of carpets 
and the tannery. All well. Felt most agreeable change of the frame of 
my mind as I sat by my cousins of Sornbeg, 5 with whom I had form- 
erly been most weak and dreary. 

TUESDAY 5 MAY. Very early set off with James Bruce to see my 
lands of Dalblair. Took up Dr. Johnston at Cumnock. Rode on to 
Hallglenmuir, [where we had] a good breakfast. Then Polosh arrived 
and we all proceeded. Good fresh day; difficult riding. Now and then 
like to sink. When we came to the foot of Wardlaw the physician, as 
we called him, stopped. We made it out to the top; took a dram of rum. 
Immense prospect: Ayr, Ailsa, Ben Lomond, Jura, Galloway hills, 
Cairnsmore, Clydesdale hills. Resolved to erect a pillar here, but must 
do it without lime, as there is none but at a good distance, though 
there is plenty of stone, a quarry on the very top of the hill. We then 
came to the house, a very poor one, but might be repaired. Got plenty 
of bread and milk. It is a noble moor farm; a great extent above 
three miles from, Wardlaw to the march behind Benhill, and two 

December 1766, which perhaps accounts for his remark about "the course of 


2 Captain Montgomerie-Cuninghame. 3 So in the original, 

4 The rioters, discovering that meal was being shipped out of the country in a 
time of scarcity, seized some and forced its sale to the local inhabitants. The 
charges against the four defendants who appeared to face trial were found "not 

5 The Campbells, generally called of Barquharrie. Bruce Campbell, mentioned 
in the entry for i June, was of this family. 

66 Dalblair^ 5 May 1 767 

miles broad. Few places fit for planting; it may be tried on the 
west point, Craigengour. We rode up to Benhill, a very pretty hill. 
Unluckily my Lord Dumfries has one half of it. But I can make a 
plantation of a triangular or oval shape. There is in Dalblair variety 
of moorground, a tup park well inclosed, some arable land near the 
house, and a few trees which the snow hurts much. On the Gass water 
there is a great appearance of lead, [and] large and extensive veins of 
spar. It may be a noble quarry in time. . . . 

THURSDAY j MAY .... In the evening arrived Mrs. Mont- 
gomerie, Mrs. Cuninghame, &c.-> from Lainshaw. 

[London Chronicle"} 

THURSDAY j MAY. A letter from the Hague, dated April 28, 
says, "Signer Romanzo, the Corsican courier, passed by here lately in 
his return from London, He appeared remarkably gay, but made a 
profound secret of his negotiations. His maitre d y hotel was heard to 
say that the taking of Capraja had gained Corsica 100,000 extra- 
ordinary credit from the English merchants." 

FRIDAY 8 MAY. At night [ came ) Sir Adam Forgusson and 
George and Professor Wallace. You was quite inamorato of /Vz Vc- 
dova. All went well. After supper somebody talked of flirtation with a 
married woman nothing but trifles and jests, &c. Said my father: 
"Ay, ay; they begin wi' needles and prins and etid wi' honied. nowt" n 
The best conceit I have heard. The day had passed we'll, yet you was 
uneasy to have company, even your own relations. Curious turn. 
Worthy Sir Adam wondered you was "still on Dougias side," The Fall 
of Terni surprised me, but not like this, 7 

SATURDAY 9 MAY, Walked about with Mrs, Cuuinghame; re- 
called old stories. Spoke of the family hypochondria quite seriously; 
saw it was believed in the country. Both you and honest David have a 

6 A Scottish proverb meaning that those* who begin by stealing needles and pins 
end by stealing nawt (cattle*). Lord Audtinleek is also alluding, of course, to th 
horns of the cuckold, 

T Boswell had visited the Cascade* of Velino at Terni on his trip to Italy, and 
thought it "prodigious wild" (Rosuwll on the, Grand Tour: //#/v, (,''raVa ? and 
France, 14 February 1765). 

Auchinleck^ g May 1767 67 

certain pride to think of it to a certain degree. But it would be very 
bad should it be universally known. There are also two ways of view- 
ing it. Either thus: there is a distemper in that family, all crack- 
brained; or thus: that family is remarkable for genius and worth, 
though they have a cast of melancholy, often the attendant of dis- 
tinguished minds. I am now perfectly well upon the whole. Let my 
actions bear evidence. 

[EDITORIAL NOTE: On 1 1 May, Boswell set out with his father to 
join the southern Justiciary circuit at Dumfries. "Want of sleep had 
hurt" him, and for the first time in "many months" he had a sharp 
attack of hypochondria, seeing the vanity of all things: "judges, 
chaises, men, and horses." Recovering by the time they reached Dum- 
fries on the 1 2th, he divided his time between the law court during the 
day and assemblies at night. He became fond of a Mrs. Laurie ("Not 
yet firm against fine eyes"), and on 17 May after a long walk with 
her and others reported himself "in love like a madman," but "knew 
it would not last." 

[He and his father started for home the next day, riding through 
Auchinleck village on 19 May with the trumpeters, attached to Lord 
Auchinleck in his position as judge, sounding their call. The next day 
on a "good ride to Ayr" for the session of the court there, Boswell com- 
posed The Douglas Cause, a companion ballad to his earlier Hamilton 
Cause. While at Ayr he rode out to Adamtown, Kate Blair's estate 
("fine lands, large orchards, good house, but in disorder") ; he "was 
much joked on having been viewing the premises." Business went 
well: he got a "handsome fee of six guineas" for defending some riot- 
ers from Galloway. He wrote for 24 May: "Felt now that former ideas 
of recommending myself to the county with anxious care were gone, 
and that I just did my duty and showed my talents free and uncon- 
cerned." Yet, he added later, his vivacity still appeared "feverish in 
this cold and composed country." He was home for breakfast on 27 

THURSDAY 28 MAY. Mr. Claud 8 and I went to Adamtown, 
dined, passed the afternoon agreeably, [and] stayed all night. 

8 Claud Boswell of Balmuto, Lord Auchinleck's first cousin but a couple of years 
younger than Boswell. Later as a judge in the Court of Session he was styled Lord 

68 Adamtown, 29 May 1767 

FRIDAY 29 MAY. Mrs. Blair and Miss came with us to Auchin- 
leck. We rode by the chaise. . . . After tea walked down to the old 
place, and from thence up the waterside to the Broomholm and so 

SATURDAY 30 MAY. My father would not let them go. Wettish 
weather. We walked to the grotto and down the grotto walk, and then 
to the old place. Miss Blair and Mr. Claud and I walked to the top of 
the old castle, and then with Mr. Overseer Bruce we made the com- 
plete round of the avenues and came in by the Hern Gate. Polqu- 
hairn, Mr. Thomas Wallace, &c. dined. Dr. Johnston called after din- 
ner. We walked again to the natural bridge. I had a deep return of 
gloom. I wished the ladies away. I was quite discontented. At night; 
recovered. Looked at medals. 

SUNDAY 31 MAY. All at church. We had our dues. First [we 
drank] the twopenny, which was to be cleared off to make room for 
the strong ale to be decanted in the stoup. My father filled always the 
other capful 1 to Mr, Claud and me, and said he made slop-bowls of us. 
All went well. Honest Hallglenmuir was with us. Yet I looked some 
years before me, and saw that I would not feel then as I figure in 
prospect, no more than I feel now what I have figured in years past. 
At night walked at the old place, and down to the cave at iho back of 
the garden. 

MONDAY i JUNE. The ladies agreed to stay one day longer, Bui 
it was a wet day. My mind had been relaxed by elegant dissipation. I 
called myself to my post and wrote Corsica as well as ever At, night 
Bruce Campbell with us. [I was] too free and nmipageneous. Time 
must cure all. 

TUESDAY 2 JUNE. Went; with the* ladles to CoiLsficlcl/ J Fit ic day* 
[Played] at ninepins with Messrs. Gland., Bnico Campbell, and Sandy 
Montgomorie, and then all four in dining room with coats off played 

"The "old castle" dated back to the days of the Auchinleeks of Auchmleek, 
James IV had granted their estate to Thomas Boswell in 1504. The "old plan*" 
had probably been built in the middle* of the iGth century, It was superseded by 
Lord, Auohinleck's handsome now mansion, 

1 A "cap" was a wooden cup or bowl; a "stoup," a deep, narrow vessel, 
2 The home of Alexander Montgomerio, next in line,, after the Karl's brother, to 
the Earldom of Eglinton, The Sandy Montgomerie of the next sentence is prob- 
ably his son Alexander, 

Coils field, 2 June 1767 69 

at the handball, quite keen. Was pleased to relax a little into youthful 
frolic. Rather too impetuous here; better so than being too bashful. 
Home at night. Auchinleck seemed desolate without the ladies. 

WEDNESDAY 3 JUNE. From this day till I left Auchinleck I 
omitted to mark daily the incidents of my life. In general I was at 
home, and much composed and happy. I went over one day and drank 
tea at Barquharrie; and one day when Gilmillscroft and Hallglenmuir 
dined at Auchinleck, I proposed to them to take a ride up and see the 
coalwork at Barglachan, which we accordingly did. As we returned 
by our village, I said, "Gilmillscroft, are you dry? Cooper Gib has 
good twopenny." The Laird relished the proposal. Up came the 
worthy physician (Doctor Johnston), and in we all went to Cooper 
Gib's (the provost) , where we had twopenny with cap and stoup and 
drank like fishes, while the provost and the overseer (James Bruce), 
who was also of the party, drank punch at a by table. We drank "Agri- 
culture," "Trade," "Mines and minerals," "Coal and lime," &c., and 
Miss Blair in all manner of ways: "Her speedy return to the loft of 
Auchinleck kirk," &c. We sung most nobly, and towards the end of 
the evening we got rum in gills and took a papin* all the time eating 
bread and cheese, both raw and roasted. We then got in Halbert the 
schoolmaster and drank to the rising generation. Time galloped away. 
I loved to be a perfect Scots laird of the last age. We were vastly joy- 
ous. At ten Gilmillscroft went away. 

[EDITORIAL NOTE: Boswell's Journal unfortunately lapses for the 
rest of 1767., one of the busiest and most amusing periods of his life. 
It can be replaced in part by his letters and other documents, partic- 
ularly by his correspondence with Temple, which concentrates on 
their love affairs, 

[The Douglas cause was much in the foreground at this time. 
Dorando was published anonymously on 15 June and became at 
once a succes de scandale, going into a third edition. And Boswell 
found another way of exciting interest in Douglas. On 1 9 May, a letter 
printed in The London Chronicle announced that "no less than five 
eminent writers of shorthand are preparing to set out for Edinburgh, 
in order to take the reports for the Scots judges on the Douglas cause." 

3 A combination of small beer and whisky. 

jo Summer of 1767: Summary 

These five shorthand writers, ranking with Signer Romanzo as one 
of Boswell's most elaborate and entertaining inventions, were to have 
a short but distinguished career. On 16 June they were reported to 
have passed through Berwick the previous day. On the igth Tlie 
Edinburgh Advertiser built them up in extended character sketches. 
Mr. Tracy, for example, had dissipated a fine fortune "by extravagant 
living with the late Duke of Hamilton and many of the first nobility." 
Of another, Mr. Burridge, it was reported that he " wears a brown coat 
and a cut wig, and looks as grave as a parish clerk; yet over his bottle 
he has the most droll and ludicrous sallies." He had been a govern- 
ment spy in the Rebellion of 1745. "It will be in vain to think of 
excluding the shorthand men from your court," the Advertiser an- 
nounced. "They will appear like men of the highest rank and quality. 
Nay, they have often been known to dress themselves in women's 
clothes." By 26 June, they had actually been in court, and naturally 
were sympathetic to the Douglas side. 

["At this point the joke ends. The publishing" of extracts from 
Dorando and the continued reports of the progress of the shorthand 
men so infuriated Robert Dundas, the Lord President, thai he hauled 
the publishers before the bench for publishing- opinion upon a case 
sub judice. Boswell himself was engaged as counsel for Tlie Edin- 
burgh Advertiser, and wrote a brief filled with demure sarcasms 
against the Lord President and his Court. But however much Dorando 
might sway the multitude to the side of Douglas (and it was un- 
questionably very influential in that direction), it failed to impress 
the Lord President, who on 14 July; when seven of the judges had 
voted for Douglas and seven against, cast his deciding vote for the 
Hamilton party. The ease was appealed at once to the I louse of Lords, 

fin the mean time, Boswell was still advancing in Corsica, which 
he kept before the public eye through the career of SIguor Roxmmxo 
and other newspaper items,] 

[London Chronicle*] 

SATURDAY 6 JUNE, Extract of a loiter from Marseilles, dated 
May i. "Signer Romanzo, the Corsican courier, has been among vis 
these ten days past. The Duke de ~., having said something very 

Archibald Douglas, ist Baron Douglas of Douglas (1748-1827), from an 
engraving in the Scottish National Portrait Gallery, after a portrait 
by George Willison. (Boswell was present in Willison's studio when 
this painting was begun. See the entry in his Journal for 22 July 1769) 

Auchinleck, 6 June 1767 71 

impertinent against the British nation, and particularly against a 
great personage, the generous Corsican told him that the British were 
a nation of men, and their King the best prince in Europe. He said this 
with such an emphasis and so indignant a look that the Duke thought 
proper to call him out, and they fought behind the ramparts. The 
Duke was severely wounded, but Signor Romanzo escaped unhurt. 
This affair has done him great honour with everybody. Gest un beau 
coup cela pour prendre conge^ said a colonel of the Gendarmes. M. 
Romanzo is preparing to embark on his return to Corsica." 

THURSDAY ii JUNE. Toulon, May 9. It is said that when 
Signor Romanzo had an audience of General Paoli to render an 
account to the illustrious Chief of his different negotiations, his Ex- 
cellency insisted that the conversation should be in English. 

[Boswell to Temple] 

Edinburgh, 1 2 June 1 767 

MY DEAR TEMPLE, I have this moment received your letter of 
yesterday. All your letters have come safe. I may at times be a man of 
flight, but I am equalled if not exceeded by my friend. Now at Mam- 
head all passion for a pretty maid, yet profound, daring, and philo- 
sophical; then to London and desiring me not to write till I should 
hear from you; and now to my astonishment at Berwick upon Tweed. 5 
Never surely were two men of minds more similar. 

I am not surprised with what you tell me of your present views. 
Perhaps the plan you are now thinking of may be the surest for your 
happiness. The lady undoubtedly has merit: she has a genteel fortune, 
and her constancy shows that she has a real regard for you. But of this 
we shall talk at great length. 

The lady in my neighbourhood is the finest woman I have ever 
seen. I went and visited her, and she was so good as to prevail with her 
mother to come to Auchinleck where they stayed four days, and in 

4 That's a good way of taking leave. 

6 Temple wrote from Berwick on 11 June that (i), the "innocent" servant-maid 
he had wished to make love to had had a child before coming to Mamhead; (2), 
that he now intended, though with reluctance, to marry Ann Stow, unless Bos- 
well could raise serious objections; (3), that he wished to visit Boswell in Edin- 

72 Edinburgh, 12 June 1767 

our romantic groves I adored her like a divinity. I have already given 
you her character. My father is very desirous I should marry her. 
All my relations, all my neighbours approve of it. She looked quite at 
home in the house of Auchinleck. Her picture would be an ornament 
to the gallery. Her children would be all Boswells and Temples, and 
as fine women as these are excellent men. And now, my friend, my 
best adviser comes to hear me talk of her and to fix my wavering 

I must tell you my Italian angel is constant. 6 1 had a letter from 
her but a few days ago, which made me cry. And what shall I tell 

you? My late Circe, Mrs. _, is with child. What a fellow am I! 

Come to me, my Temple, and on that Arthur Seat where our youthful 
fancies roved abroad into extravagant, imaginary futurity shall we 
now consult together on plans of real life and solid happiness. We 
can now hear from each other every two days. How glad I am at this 
unexpected meeting! What a variety have we to talk of! I was at any 
rate to have insisted on your coming down to see my princess. Perhaps 
it would be well for me to be as much engaged as you are. It would 
fix my mind at once in women as the law has done in employments. 

[Received ?i8 June, Temple to Boswell] 

[Berwick] Wednesday [1,7 June 1767*] 

MY DEAR BOSWELL, Your last letter gives me both pleasure and 
pain, I am happy to think of the connection you have in view, but 
distressed at what you tell me of the consequence of your late tin- 
fortunate passion. It must not be known on any account: it would give 
all your friends much uneasiness and might disgust the young lady. 
Your own prudence will point; out the best methods to keep it from 
the light; your humanity will protect and take all due care of it. 

I am impatient to come to you. Pray name a week when you can 
give yourself entirely to me. Business rrmst not interrupt us: no long- 
winded briefs, no importunate, noisy clients; friendship arid philoso- 
phy ill agree with interest and clamoixr. . . 

You are too ycmng a man to be retained in the Douglas cause, yet 

G GIrolama Piocolomini's letters to Boswell during the period covered by this vol- 
ume are published in Boswell on the Grand Tour: Italy, Corsica, and 

Appendix A. 

Edinburgh, 18 June 1767 73 

as I hate a crowd, and you will probably wish to hear the trial, I 
should not choose to come while it is in agitation. I intend, and indeed 
must return to Devonshire the middle of next month; name therefore 
your time, and let Thomas take a comfortable lodging for me for a 
week; yet not till I hear from you again. Yours, my dear friend, 


I am amazed at the constancy of your Italian friend. How must 
she write to force tears from you? But you are easily melted. 

[Boswell to Temple] 

Edinburgh, 22 June 1767 

MY DEAREST FRIEND, Your impatience is not greater than mine. 
Every hour since I heard you was at Berwick I have been for taking 
wing to meet you. I only regret that this is session time (term time) 
with me, which of necessity enslaves me more or less. This Douglas 
cause is still put off by some new delay. The Lords are to examine 
tomorrow Isabel Walker, who was one of Lady Jane Douglas's maids, 
and is the only person now alive who has been accused as an accom- 
plice in the alleged crime of partus supposition Her examination will 
be solemn and important. Though I am not a counsel in that cause, 
yet I am much interested in it. I doubt if it will be determined this 
week. But I am persuaded it will not be put off longer than next week. 
The week after next my father is judge in the Outer House, and 
I shall have such a load of business that we could be together very 
little. I would therefore have you to come and stay next week when 
I hope to be in a great measure disengaged, and any hours that busi- 
ness absolutely demands shall be compensated by reading journals 
and letters which you will delight to peruse. 

You will also have my Account of Corsica. How happy am I that 
my Temple comes to give it his friendly revisal. My Lord Hailes has 
given me seven folio pages of remarks upon it. He says, "I am much 
entertained and instructed." Is not this noble? You may have very 
good lodgings in the same stair 8 with us. When I get your answer 
fixing a particular day, I shall secure them for you. We shall live en- 

7 Supposititious birth. See Introduction, p. xiii. 

8 Lord Auchinleck's house was one of the floors of Blair's Land, Parliament Close, 
a multiple tenement served by a common stair. 

74 Edinburgh., 22 June 1767 

tirely in the luxury of philosophy and friendship. We shall have the 

society of Dr. Blair, Dr. Gregory, Dr. Ferguson, and our other literati. 

But we shall keep the best portion of our time sacred to our intimate 


My dearest friend! is it not a distinguished felicity to participate 
of the highest friendship as much as the greatest and best of other ages 
have done? This is literally the case with you and me. We are divine 
madmen to the dull and interested many. Will you come on Saturday 
or on Monday? Why, why, is it session time! Temple, you must be 
at Auchinleck. You must sec my charming bride. If you cannot return 
in autumn, pray resolve to take a ride now, arid on pretence of viewing 
the seat of your friend view also the woman who has his heart. Come, 
you have the fire of a Spaniard. I know you have. Oh, think of this. 

I am ever, my dear, dear Temple, most sincerely yours, 


My Circean charmer will probably be here by the time you come. 
You must see her. I have a great deal to tell you. My Signora is indeed 
a wonderful creature. You shall know all. But again let me entreat of 
you to take one romantic ride to oblige essentially your most cordial 
friend. God bless you. 

Sir Alexander Dick, a Corycius sencx" quite a classical man and 
much of an Italian in pleasantness of disposition, lias a fine seat just 
a mile from town* He is very desirous to see Mr, Temple, We shall b< 
quite at home there. Well, I never was happier. Adieu till we meet, 

[Received ?2/> June, Temple to Boswell | 

| Berwick] 24 June f t 767 | 

THANK YOU, MY DKARKST BOSWKLL, for your affectionate letter. 
Your friendship, 1 think, is the only happiness I enjoy in life. Indeed 

my relations are my greatest enemies: my father cruel, an ungrateful 
brother. I beg your pardon but cannot help complaining, for I foel to 
my very soul. 

But, till 1 return, let mo banish from my memory every disagree- 
able reflection. 1 am going to see my Boswell, my friend, my dearest 

"Old man of Corycus" (altered from Virgil, Georgia iv. 127), Virgil describes 

him as a hospitable old fanner making the most of his unproductive land. 

Edinburgh, 25 June 1 767 75 

friend. Boswell, believe me, I love you as I do myself, and when I 
die shall thank God above all things in life for your friendship. Indeed 
our intimacy little requires these declarations, but to have the virtue 
to make them with sincerity is a pleasure which I shall ever glory in. 
Let the boast of others be eloquence and wit and learning, let them too 
be our ornament, but let the basis of our fame be laid in virtue, hu- 
manity, and friendship. 

God bless us! you talk as if you had more business than Norton or 
Mr. Yorke. 1 In time you may be worthy of as much, but do not, do not 
think such methods necessary to raise my esteem of you; 'tis an injury 
to yourself as well as to your friend. 

I am greatly disappointed to find the young lady is not at Edin- 
burgh. I fully expected to have had the pleasure of paying my respects 
to her there. I am the more grieved, as I fear it will hardly be possible 
for me to go to Auchinleck. 

Let me now congratulate you on my Lord Hailes' approbation. I 
dare say he is a good judge, and I now begin to flatter myself that your 
Account of Corsica is a book that will stand. 2 1 trust it will and hope it 
will make but a small segment of the glorious circle that is yet to 
surround my Boswell. I shall be abashed in the presence of your 
Gregories and Fergusons, but shall recover myself when I recollect I 
have seen a Gray. Yours ever, 


Expect me Monday evening. 

[Boswell to Temple] 

Edinburgh, Friday 26 June 1 767 

MY DEAREST FRIEND, The first thing I must do is to defend 
myself against a charge of affected importance. Yes, indeed I do say 
neither Mr. Yorke nor Mr. Norton can be busier than I shall be the 
week that my father sits as judge in our Outer House. For you must 
know that the absurdity of mankind makes nineteen out of twenty 
employ the son of the judge before whom their cause is heard. 3 And 

1 Two former Attorneys-General of England. 

2 Hume's opinion as reported by Boswell. See p. 35. 

3 From 29 June to 4 July, Boswell was concerned in fourteen cases. 

76 Edinburgh, 26 June 1 767 

you must take it along with you that I am as yet but a very raw coun- 
sellor, so that a moderate share of business is really a load to me. So, 
my dear Temple, you are wrong. Never suspect that I can pretend 
to be a bit better to you than I am. You know me too well, and I am 
perfectly satisfied with the genuine esteem which you have for me. I 
may perhaps now and then assume some airs. For it is strange that it 
should be so, but undoubtedly we are very well pleased that those 
who cannot admire us for what we truly possess should admire us for 
what we do not. 

Thus far my defence, and now, my ever dear friend, lot me enjoy 
the agreeable prospect of our meeting. I have secured lodgings for 
you. When you arrive you are to choose whether you will have one 
room with a large alcove bedplace or two rooms. As you are to stay 
immediately above us, Thomas will be always ready to attend upon 
you, as I suppose you will not bring a servant with you. 

I would not cloud the present frame of ray mind with any gloomy 
reflection that concerns either you or myself. It is better to com- 
municate them when we meet, when our mutual sympathy and 
friendly warmth may temper and relieve them. In the mean time, 
I must tell you that on Tuesday last; drinking Miss Blair's health (for 
that is the name of my angelic princess) n I got myself quite intoxi- 
cated, went to a bawdy-house, and passed a whole night in the arms 
of a whore. She indeed was a fine, strong, spirited girl., a whore worthy 
of Boswell if Boswell must have a Whore,, and 1 apprehend no bad con- 
sequences. But I am abashed, and determined to keep the sir iciest 
watch over my passions, 

You must resolve to visit my goddess. You arc a stranger,, and may 
do a romantic thing. Yon shall have consultation guineas as an 
ambassador has his appointments. You see how I use you. In short, 
between us two all rules and all maxims arc suspended. Fray prepare 
yourself for this adventure. We shall settle it, I hope. I cannot go with 
you though* You arc to sec our county for a jaunt upon my recom- 
mendation, &c. Adieu, my dearest friend. Ever yours, 


This is Friday, If you write me a line tomorrow, I shall have it on 
Monday by dinner- time- 

Edinburgh, 29 June 1767 77 

[Received ?2g June, Temple to Bos well] 

[Berwick] Saturday 27 June [1767] 


beg your pardon. May you soon have always as much business as Mr. 
Yorke or Norton, and may I ever be thus mistaken when I apprehend 
anything to your disadvantage! 

If any ill effects are the consequence of your last week's extra- 
vagant sally, you will be in a fine situation indeed! Your libation to 
Bacchus is excusable enough, but you might have omitted the sacrifice 
to Venus. 

So Miss Blair is this angel's, goddess's name. Pray is she like any- 
thing human? Would Miss Bosville give one any idea of her, or could 
any of Lady Harrington's daughters serve by way of contrast? 4 In- 
deed, Boswell, it gives me a good deal of concern that she should be in 
the country at this time. 

You are good to get me a lodging so near you. I should imagine 
the alcove room will do well enough, for I am now learning to be an 
economist. I shall set out tomorrow evening after divine service and 
sleep at Old Cambus, so that I shall have an easy journey next day to 
Edinburgh. I bring a servant and horses, but shall send them back 
the morning after my arrival. Economy again, you see! 

I dare say I shall like Sir Alexander Dick. I have heard of him, 
formerly a physician, and Mr. Spence sometimes spends a summer 
with him. 5 

There is a Cambridge acquaintance of mine too at Edinburgh at 
present, a Mr. Wyvill, a clergyman of a good living in Essex, a man 
of letters and merit, and more orthodox than your friend. 6 He is upon 
a visit to his father, who has an employment in the customs. You must 
let me introduce him to you. 

Would you believe it, but I really tremble to think of hearing you 
at the bar. Tis childish, for I have been told by several people that 

4 Lady Harrington and at least one of her daughters were notable beauties. 

5 Joseph Spence, literary and art critic, is best remembered for his collection of 
anecdotes about Pope and his friends. He had been Professor of Poetry at Oxford. 

6 Christopher Wyvill became a noted parliamentary reformer and advocate of 
religious toleration. 

7 8 Edinburgh, 29 June 1 767 

you are beginning to make a figure. Persevere in the glorious career, 
my dear Boswell, arid be the joy and boast of your worthy father's 
old age, and ever the dearest friend of your affectionate 


Adieu till Monday evening. 

[EDITORIAL NOTE: No records remain of Temple's visit except the 
following sheet of instructions, which Boswell gave to him for his tour 
to Auchinleck and Adamtown. Temple intended to arrive on Monday 
29 June, as his letter printed immediately above indicates; he prob- 
ably began his journey to the west of Scotland on the following 
Monday, 6 July, since he wished to be out of town during the period 
(7-14 July) when the judges were delivering their opinions on the 
Douglas cause.] 



He will set out in the fly on Monday morning, and roach Glasgow 
by noon. Put up at Graham's, 8 and ask for the horses bespoke by Mr. 

Boswell. Take tickets for the Friday's fly. Eat some cold victuals. Set 
out for Kingswclls, to which you have good road; arrived there, get a 
guide to put you through the moor to Loudoun; from thence Thomas 
"knows the road to Auchinleck., where the worthy overseer, Mr. James 
Bruce, will receive you. Be easy with him, and you will like him 
much; expect but moderate entertainment as the family is not at 

Tuesday. See the house, look at the front, choose your room, ad- 
vise as to pavilions. Have James Bruce to conduct you to ihe cab 
house/ to the old castle, to whore I am to make the superb grotto, up 
the river to Broomholm, the natural bridge, the grotto, the grotto 
walk down to the Gothic bridge; anything else he pleases. 

Wednesday. Breakfast; at eight, set out at. nine; Thomas will 

7 Published in Letters of James Boswell Atldrewd to the R<*v. W. L Temple fee!. 
Sir Philip Francis] 1857, pp. 97-99. Those instructions wore apparently written 

out on a separate sheet of paper, which is now lost. 

8 The Saracen's Head Inn, Glasgow- 

Probably Boswell wrote "old house," 

Edinburgh, 8 July 1767 79 

bring you to Adamtown a little after eleven. Send up your name; if 
possible, put up your horses there^ they can have cut grass; if not, 
Thomas will take them to Mountain, a place a mile off, and come 
back and wait at dinner. Give Miss Blair my letter. 1 Salute her and 
her mother; ask to walk. See the place fully; think what improvement 
should be made. Talk of my mare, the purse, the chocolate. 2 Tell you 
are my very old and intimate friend. Praise me for my good qualities 
you know them; but talk also how odd, how inconstant, how im- 
petuous, how much accustomed to women of intrigue. Ask gravely, 
"Pray, don't you imagine there is something of madness in that fam- 
ily?" Talk of my various travels German princes Voltaire and 
Rousseau. Talk of my father; my strong desire to have my own house. 
Observe her well. See how amiable. Judge if she would be happy with 
your friend. Think of me as the great man at Adamtown quite 
classical too! Study the mother. Remember well what passes. Stay tea. 
At six, order horses and go to Newmilns, two miles from Loudoun; 
but if they press you to stay all night, do it. Be a man of as much ease 
as possible. Consider what a romantic expedition you are on; take 
notes ; perhaps you now fix me for life. 

Thursday. Return to Glasgow from Newmilns or from Adam- 
town. See High Church, New Church, College, and particularly the 
paintings, and put half a crown into the box at the door. My friend, 
Mr. Robert Foulis, will show you all. 

Friday. Come back in the fly. Bring your portmanteau here. We 
shall settle where you are to lodge. 

N.B. You are to keep an exact account of your charges. 

[Received c. 28 July, Temple to Boswell] 

[Berwick, c. 27 July 1 767] 

MY BEAR BOSWELL, Forgive me for not writing to you imme- 
diately on my return hither, birt really when I am at Berwick I am 
never myself, oppressed with low spirits, dissatisfied with myself and 
with everything around me. 

1 Not recovered. 

2 Miss Blair sent him chocolate as Boswell wrote to Sir Alexander Dick (21 
August 1767), but nothing is known of the purse or the mare. 

8o Edinburgh, 28 July 1767 

I had a very accurate letter from Dr. Gregory; I have begun my 
regimen and shall be punctual in observing it. Pray have you heard 
from Miss Blair? If she does not write favourably of me, mention not 
a word of what she writes. Her dear idea shall ever accompany me, 
and if you lose her you may be assured you will regret it as long 
as you live. Next week will probably unite me to one not so handsome, 
indeed, but I would fain hope almost as good. Make my best respects 
to your excellent father, and remember me to David, honest Johnston, 
and tell Wyvill I am ashamed of not taking my leave of him but shall 
write to him soon. I can say nothing more but that I am ever yours 
most sincerely, 


P.S. I hope poor Thomas is better. When the third edition of 
Dorando comes out, I must beg two copies. 3 

[Boswell to Temple] 

Edinburgh, 29 July 1 767 

MY DEAR TEMPLE, I have more reason to make an apology than 
you had, for I have been longer negligent. Let us guard against this 
vice and not subject ourselves to continual returns of remorse to a 
certain degree. For every instance of our doing those things which 
we ought not to have done and leaving undone those things which 
we otight to have done is attended with more or less of what is truly 
remorse. I am an unhappy man. The consequences of my debauch 
are now fatal, for I have got a disease from which I suffer severely. It 
has been long of appearing and is a heavy one. T shall stay a month 
here after the Session rises, and be cured. I am patient under it, as a 
just retribution for rny licentiousness. But 1 greatly fear that Mrs, 
__ is infected, for I have been with her several times since my de- 
bauch, and once within less than a week of the full appearance of mis- 
chief. In her present situation the consequences will be dreadful; for, 
besides the pain that she must endure, an innocent 'being* cannot fail 
to be injured. Will you forgive me, Temple, for exclaiming that all 
this evil is too much for the offence of my getting drunk because I 

3 Curiously enough, the third edition of Dorando had been advertised as early as 

29 June in The Caledonian Mercury. 

Edinburgh, 29 July 1767 81 

would drink Miss Blair's health every round in a large bumper? But 
general laws often seem hard in particular cases. I am not, however, 

certain that Mrs. will be ill. I would fain hope that she may 

have escaped. I have told her the risk she runs. Her good temper is 
astonishing. She does not upbraid me in the least degree. 

I have not heard from Adamtown since you left me. I wrote to 
Miss Blair above a week ago, and thanked her for the polite reception 
she gave my friend. I told her how much you was charmed with her, 
and that I should not probably get a letter from you without some fine 
thing said of her. I made your compliments to her and Mrs. Blair. 
What can be the matter? Probably the letter you carried has been 
thought so strange, and so distant from any rational scheme that it has 
been resolved no longer to carry on so friendly and easy an inter- 
course with me. Or what would you say if the formal Nabob whom 
you saw there had struck in, and so good a bird in the hand has made 
the heiress quit the uncertain prospect of catching the bird on the 
bush? 4 I am curious to see how this matter will turn out. The mare, 
the purse, the chocolate, where are they now? I am certainly not 
deeply in love, for I am entertained with this dilemma like another 
chapter in my adventures, though I do own to you that I have a more 
serious attachment to her than I ever had to anybody. For "here every 
flower is united." 5 Perhaps the dilemma will be agreeably solved. So 
let me not allow my mind to waver. At any rate you have a tolerable 
hold upon me. 

Smith is here just now. His Jurisprudence will be out in a year 
and a half. Hoping to hear of a very happy event being at length 
certain, I am ever most affectionately yours, 


[Received ?8 August, Temple to Boswell] 

[Berwick] 7 August 1 767 

DEAREST BOSWELL, I just sit down to acquaint you that I was 
married yesterday. Do I repent? God knows; I'll tell you a twelve- 

4 The Nabob (that is, the man returned from India with a fortune) was appar- 
ently William Fullarton of Rosemount. 

5 From Macheath's song in act I of Gay's Beggar's Opera, 

82 Edinburgh, 8 August 1 767 

month hence, I own I can't yet perceive that it makes any difference. 
I awoke in the morning not at all surprised at myself. I got up, read, 
and eat and drank as usual. Indeed, I am apt to believe that almost 
all changes are much more in the idea than in the reality. The mind 
is a very complaisant and pliant gentleman, and easily suits himself 
to every situation. Thanks to your excellent father; I have in great 
measure adopted his idea. 

But how can I talk so indifferently when you arc so justly dis- 
tressed. I feel with you most sincerely, both on your own accoxint and 
that of the dear innocent exposed to such danger. Forgive me if I 

suspect Mrs. herself, but I must suspect her; and dearest Boswcll, 

guard, guard against her artful openness and vulgarity. But you see 
the consequence of such connections, and how dare I call the punish- 
ment unjust? It is according to the order of nature and Providence, 
and you will ever find, my orthodox friend, that faith without works 
is nothing, that virtue is happiness and vice misery; henceforth, never 
have the audacity to refuse drinking David Hume in my company, 
and learn to reverence his name till you can imitate his example. I 
know I write confusedly and incorrectly, but consider my situation. 
My respects to your father, compliments to David, Wyvill, and 
worthy Johnston. Most sincerely yours, 


From my wife's bedchamber^ this 7th of August, 1 767. Tn my next 
I shall not forget Miss Blair, Perhaps your jealousy of the Nabob is 
not groundless. 

[Boswcll to Temple] 

Edinburgh, 1 1 August 1 767 

MY DEAR TEMPLE, T sincerely congratulate you on your mar- 
riage, which from your manner of writing I take to ho a very good, 
comfortable situation, Y<w have removed half my apprehensions, and 
I suppose I shall likewise by and by experience the agreeable union. 
But what can you say in defence of this heiress? Not a word front her 
since you were there. You carried her one letter from me n and I wrote 
her another a week after, neither of which have boon answered. You 
must know that my present unhappy distemper joined with a cold 
tmmght on a most terrible fever, and I was for several days In a very 

Edinburgh, 11 August 1767 83 

alarming situation. I am not yet got up, though I am in a fair way of 
recovery from every evil. Well, but to return. I wrote Miss Blair on 
Wednesday the 5th that I was afraid Mr. Temple had told her my 
faults too honestly, so that she found she was mistaken in having too 
good an opinion of me. That, however, she had punished me (only 
think of that, Temple!) too much. That I felt it the more, because I 
had been for some days confined to my bed by a feverish disorder, and 
had been dreaming a great deal of her. 

Now, my dear friend, suppose what you please: suppose her affec- 
tions changed as those of women too often are, suppose her offended at 
niy Spanish stateliness, suppose her to have resolved to be more re- 
served and coy in order to make me more in love, nay suppose her be- 
trothed to that man of copper, the formal Nabob still politeness 
obliged her to give me some answer or other. Yet it is now four posts 
since that answer might have come. Is it not strange after such frank- 
ness and affability? What shall I think? As I am quite in the dark, I 
will take no resolution against her till you advise me; for I still cannot 
help thinking she is the best woman to be my wife whom I have ever 
seen. Perhaps her mysterious conduct may be quite cleared up. 

I am in great hopes that my black friend is safe. No symptoms 
have yet appeared. Temple, what an escape. I had the other day a 
letter from my Signora at Siena written with all the warmth of Italian 
affection. I am a strange man, but ever your most sincere friend. 


David, Johnston, and all here wish you joy. So does Sir Alexander 
Dick and Doctor Boswell. The honest Doctor thinks you a good quiet 
philosopher, a kind of Parson Adams. 6 Inimitable! Wyvill was so 
good as to call when I was very ill. I shall send to him and have him to 
chat a while. I am to be a week or two here, quiet and studious. Mr. 
Dilly, bookseller in the Poultry, has purchased my Account of Corsica. 
I receive one hundred guineas three months after publication. 7 1 shall 
be close employed all this autumn in revising it and correcting the 
proof sheets. Let me hear from you soon. 

The comic parson of Fielding's Joseph Andrews. 

7 Edward Dilly with his younger brother Charles ran a well-known publishing 
firm; Charles later published The Life of Johnson. It was at their house that Bos- 
well managed to bring Johnson and Wilkes together for dinner. 

84 Edinburgh, 25 August 1767 

[Boswell to Temple] 

Edinburgh, 25 August 1 767 

MY DEAR TEMPLE, Marriage is like to lose me a friend, for I 
have not had a line from you for near a fortnight, although my last 
letter was full of anxiety with regard to my amiable Miss Blair. What 
can have occasioned so long a silence? I conclude because you are not 
able to make an apology for the conduct of a lady for whom you are 
a kind of surety. I will therefore relieve you from this dilemma by in- 
forming you that she has made an apology herself. On Monday sen- 
night I had the pleasure to receive a most agreeable letter from her, 
in which she told me that my letter to her had lain eight days at the 
post-house at Ayr, which was the occasion of her seeming neglect. You 
see, my friend, how appearances are often very deceitful. This never 
occurred either to you or me. I have refrained from communicating 
this to you from a curiosity to see how you would endeavour to excuse 
her conduct. But since I have waited so long in vain, I now make you 
as easy as myself. I would send you the letter, but it says so many 
fine things of you that I will not give you so much pleasure till I hear 
from you again. 

Wyvill was so good as to come and sit a whole afternoon with me. 
He is an admirable critic on my Account of Corsica. He Is gone on a 
jaunt to Glasgow, &c. with his father and sister. He sends you his best 
compliments. I hope to have him with me again in a day or two. 
I ever am, my dear Temple, your most faithful friend, 


[Received 26 August, Temple to Boswell] 

Berwick, 2/5 August 1 767 

MY DEAR BOSWKLL., I thank you arid all our friends for their 
good wishes. I make no doubt of being happy. My wife is a modest, 
sensible, good-natured girl, and always seems best pleased when we 
see least company. She studies my humour in everything, and will 
make an excellent country parson's wife. 

I am glad I did not know of your illness, I trust you are now quite 
recovered, perhaps indeed once more happy at yoxir princely retire- 

Edinburgh., 26 August 1767 85 

ment at Auchinleck. Pray endeavour to acquire a juster relish for 
natural beauties, let the fauns and naiads of your groves and streams 
view you of tener, and never neglect one evening to invoke the genius 
of the Broornholm. 

There is no mystery in Miss Blair's conduct. The Nabob with 
bended knee has offered her his crown, and she is in doubt whether to 
accept of it, till by a little finesse the haughty Boswell is obliged to be 
explicit. Tell her immediately you love her, will marry her, or be 
content to lose her. 

You are very lucky in selling Corsica so well. I hope it will bring 
you fame as well as money. I desired you to send me two copies of 
Dorando with the speeches; 8 pray don't neglect it. Thomas will easily 
find out the Berwick carrier. 

I am quite sick of being here, but cannot yet get away. Nicholls 
is so kind as to go down to supply my living. There is even now such 
a thing as disinterested friendship. 

Remember me in the kindest manner to Wyvill. I am sorry I have 
not spirits to write to him, but I shall be able to do nothing while I 
stay here, 

Mrs. Temple sends her compliments to you. Pray write soon, and 
believe me, ever yours, my dear friend, most sincerely, 


[Boswell to Temple] 

Edinburgh, 28 August 1767 

MY DEAR FRIEND, It seems you and L> like the magnetic needles 
of the two friends, have both turned towards each other at the same 
time. You would receive the day before yesterday a letter from me 
complaining of your long silence, and I by the same post received a 
very kind [one] from you. 

Are you not happy to find that all is well between the prince 
of Auchinleck and his fair neighbouring princess? In short, Sir, I am 
one of the most fortunate men in the world. As Miss Blair is my great 
object at present, and you are a principal minister in forwarding the 
alliance, I enclose you the latest papers upon the subject. You will 
find the letter I wrote her when ill, where you will see a Scots word 
8 Presumably copies of the judges' speeches in the Douglas cause (see p. 87). 

86 Edinburgh, 28 August 1767 

roving from the French rever, as if to dream awake. 9 I put It down 
as a good English word, not having looked 1 Johnson. You will next 
find the lady's answer; then a long letter from me which required an 
extraordinary degree of good sense and good temper to answer it with 
an agreeable propriety; then her answer, which exceeds my highest 

Read these papers in their order, and let me have your Excellency's 
opinion. 2 Am I not now as well as I can be? What condescension, what 
a desire to please! She studies my disposition and resolves to be 
cautious, &c. Adorable woman! Don't you think I had better not write 
again till I see her? I shall go west in a fortnight. But I can hardly 
restrain myself from writing to her in transport. I will go to Adam- 
town and stay a week. I will have no disguise. We shall sec each other 
fairly. We are both independent. We have no temptation to marry 
but to make each other happy. Let us be sure if that would be the 
consequence. Was it not very good in my worthy father to visit my 
mistress 3 in my absence? I have thanked him for it, and begged he 
may send his chaise for Mrs. Blair and her to come and stay some 
days with him, 

I am recovering well, and my spirits are admirable, I shall send, 
you two Dorandos by the carrier. He docs not go till Thursday. Honest 
Johnston, who sits by me, sends you his most sincere congratulations. 
Pray make my best compliments to Mrs. Temple. 1 ever am n dear 
Temple, your most affectionate friend, 


[Bos well to Temple] 

Edinburgh, 29 August 1 767 

DEAR TEMPLE, My letter of yesterday was so full of fcho Princess 
that I had not room for anything else. I cannot, however, delay ex- 
pressing the great satisfaction I feel at your prospect of happiness in 
a married state. By what you say of Mrs, Temple I have no doubt of 

The New English Dictionary cites this dialectical word as ran*, and gives but 

one example of its use, and that from the year 1789. BoswelPs derivation of the 
word is incorrect. 

1 Scots for "looked in." 

2 These letters have not been recovered, 

3 Miss Blair, of course, not Mrs. Dodds. 

Edinburgh, 29 August 1767 87 

your living agreeably, as I am persuaded you will make an excellent 

I like your way of representing marriage plainly and simply. For 
we have a strange custom of looking upon it as something quite 
mysterious, and have therefore twice as many apprehensions as we 
need have; for, I do say, we must have some apprehensions when en- 
gaging to have a fidelity and common interest for life. Not only will 
you be happy, but you will make your friend so too, by showing him 
the way to calm and permanent felicity as far as this life will allow. 
The packet I sent you yesterday would furnish you with an excellent 
subject for a homily, as worthy Sir Alexander Dick said. My old and 
intimate friend, can I be better? Can you suppose any woman in 
Britain with whom more circumstances could unite to engage me? 
All my objections arise from my own faults. Tell me, can I honestly 
ask so fine a woman to risk her happiness with a man of my character? 

I am so well that I hope to be abroad in a few days. My health 

must be restored in the first place. Then I have Mrs. to take care 

of. You may say what you please, but she is a good girl. She [has] a 
contented, cheerful temper, and is perfectly generous. She has not had 
a single guinea from me since you was here, nor has she given me the 
least hint as if she wanted money. It is my duty to be kind to her 
while she bears Edward, the Black Prince. I am indeed fond of her. 
But some tender feelings must be forgotten. She comes and drinks tea 
with me once or twice a week. This connection keeps me reasonable 
in my attachment to the Princess. Next month will probably fix our 
alliance, which may be completed next year. 

I am glad Nicholls is so good a man. Do you wish to have the 
speeches of our judges? They are very imperfect. You will soon have a 
better edition. With compliments to Mrs. Temple, I ever am yours, 


[EDITORIAL NOTE: Apart from his pursuit of Miss Blair and his 
successful legal practice, Boswell's main interests during the remain- 
der of 1767 were the great Douglas cause and Corsica. The theatre of 
Douglas activities having shifted from Scotland to England, Boswell 
now provided his new audience with two publications, one intended 
to instruct and the other to move, it. On 24 November was published 

88 September to December 1 767: Summary 

The Essence of the Douglas Cause., which reduced the four thousand 
pages of memorials and proofs to a neat, clear, and of course one-sided 
pamphlet of eighty. Four days later appeared the Letters of Lady Jane 
Douglas, an attractive but rather unscrupulous selection from Lady 
Jane's private correspondence. While these works can hardly have af- 
fected the Lords' decision, the latter especially had a profound influ- 
ence on public opinion. 

[With his publisher arranged for and Robert Foulis engaged as 
printer, Boswell also had to work hard on Corsica. The Account had 
probably been completed by the middle of June, and this could be 
sent to the press at once. He received his first proof of it by the begin- 
ning of September. The Dedication is dated "Auchinleck, 29 October 
1 767^" which was his twenty-seventh birthday. But in spite of Billy's 
promptings^ the Journal of a Tour was still being revised in line with 
his friends' comments until well into November. Not until 30 Decem- 
ber was the whole printed off, and Boswell able to sit back to wait for 
its publication.] 

[Received ?4 September, Temple to Boswell] 

Berwick, 3 September 1767 

MY DEAR BOSWELL, I received the packet and your letter by the 
next post, and am happy to find that not Miss Blair but we are hi 
fault. To be sure we might easily have supposed that such an accident 
had happened, but where we are much interested, common sense 
often deserts us. Upon the whole, however, as it has been cleared up 
so agreeably I am far from repenting of our mistake, 

I shall say nothing of your letter to the Princess; it is in your usual 
manner, quite characteristic. She writes easily arid naturally-, like a 
woman of sense and prudence* We must not look for wit and humour 
indeed, but for simplicity and unaffected freedom. It; is the only style 
in which a wife should write. 

I am glad you are in so fair a way of recovery, T love your human- 
ity to Mrs. - ,~ .., but afterwards you should really think of her no 

As you say there is a correct edition expected, you need not trouble 
yourself to send the speeches. 

Edinburgh, 4 September 1 767 89 

Probably I shall continue here a fortnight longer. You certainly 
should write to Adamtown. Do not forget my most respectful compli- 
ments, and tell your charming mistress it is impossible she can do 
anything to hurt herself in my esteem. I sincerely beg her pardon for 
my unworthy suspicion; it was natural enough, she will own, but 
Miss Blair stands single above her sex. . . . 

I lead a very idle life. I read, I may well say, nothing, and at pres- 
ent take much more care of my body than of my mind. I am perpet- 
ually on horseback or walking in the fields; my wife is all my com- 
pany, and I desire to see nobody else here. She desires her best compli- 
ments to you. Return mine to Johnston. Yours ever, my dear Boswell, 
most sincerely, 


[Boswell to Temple] 

Edinburgh, 9 September 1 767 

MY DEAR TEMPLE, How kind are you to take such a concern in 
what interests me. We have been to blame, you say; and throughout 
the whole of your last letter you talk in the plural number, as if the 
affection between Miss Blair and me were of equal importance to you 
as to your friend. I do think her the finest woman I have seen, take her 
altogether; nor could I wish to be happier in a wife, 

But in this strange world it is hardly possible to be happy. If un- 
easiness does not arise from ourselves, it will come to us from others. 
How unaccountable is it that my father and I should be so ill to- 
gether! He is a man of sense and a man of worth. But from some un- 
happy turn in his disposition, he is much dissatisfied with a son whom 
you know. 

I write to him with warmth, with an honest pride, wishing that he 
should "think of me as I am." But my letters shock him, and every 
expression in them is interpreted unfavourably. To give you an in- 
stance, I send you a letter I had from him a few days ago. How galling 
is it to the friend of Paoli to be treated so! I have answered him in rny 
own style. I will be myself. I have said: "Why think so strangely of 
my expression of being primus Mantuae?* Suppose I were married to 
Miss Blair, would I not be primus Mantuae at Adamtown? And why 
* "First in Mantua" (adapted from Virgil's Georgics, iii. 12). 

go Edinburgh, 9 September 1 767 

not? Would not you be pleased to see your son happy in Independence, 
cultivating his little farm, and ornamenting his nuptial villa, and fit- 
ting himself to fill one day, as well as possible, the place of a much 
greater man?" 

Temple, would not you like such a son? Would not you feel a glow 
of parental joy? I know you would. And yet my worthy father writes 
to me in the manner you see, with that Scots strength of sarcasm 
which is peculiar to North Briton. 5 But he is offended with that fire 
which you and I cherish as the essence of our souls, and how can I 
make him happy? Am I bound to do so, at the expense not of this or 
the other agreeable wish, but at the expense of myself? The time, was 
when such a letter from my father as the one I enclose would have 
depressed me. But I am now firm, and as my revered friend Mr. 
Samuel Johnson used to say, I feel the privileges of an independent 
human being. However, it is hard that I cannot have the pious satis- 
faction of being well with my father. I send you an extract from a 
letter of yours which gave him a very bad opinion of Tcrnplc in the 
year 1 759. It will divert you to read it at this distance of time. Pray 
return it together with my father's letter by the earner who bring\s 
you this and Dorando, of which 1 have sent only one copy, as I have 
few here. When you got to London, I shall desire Mr, Wilkio^ my pub- 
lisher, to let you have two or three of them. Let me know if packets 
come safe by your carrier. ... 

The press is opened, and my book is fairly set a-going. 

navis, refcrot in mare tc novum/ 

The proof-sheets amuse me finely at breakfast. 1 cannot help hoping 
for some applause. You will be kind enough to communicate to me all 
that you hear, and to conceal from me all censure* I would not, how- 

Boswoll probably mean to write "Britain." 

a Temple had written to. Lord Auehinleck, proposing that he and Boswoll 
should go together to Geneva to study. The letter contained the. words, "Voltaire! 
Rousseau! Immortal names!" 

TU ship! [the flood] will bear yon into a strange, sea" (altered from Horace*, 
Odv$y I. xiv. i). Boswell seems to have in mind principally the concluding lines 
of the Ode.: "0 you, so lately a cause of worry and fatigue, hut now an object of 
tenderness and concern, may you escape those seas which race among the shin- 
Ing Cy eludes," 

Edinburgh, 9 September 1767 91 

ever, dislike to hear impartial corrections. Perhaps Mr. Gray may say 
something to you of it. 8 The last part of my work, entitled The Journal 
of a Tour to Corsica, is in my opinion the most valuable. You have not 
had an opportunity to see it. So soon as I find a sure hand I will send 
you it, and you must do me the favour to peruse it with care and write 
your observations and corrections on a separate paper, referring to 
the pages as my Lord Hailes did. Pray enquire and let me know if you 
can get a sure hand by whom you can venture to send it to Mr. 
Wyvill, who is also to revise it for me. Did you see him as he passed? 
He promised to me that he would call upon you. 

I rejoice to hear of the continuance of your contentment. Laugh 
as you please or reason as you please, I think your present way of life 
very comfortable. Reading little, riding, walking, eating, drinking, 
and sleeping well, and enjoying the society of a wife whom you love: 

Parson, these goods in thy possessing 
Are better than the Bishop's blessing. 9 

My dear friend, I weary you with a letter of an intolerable length. I 
cannot, however, conclude without saying one word of the Princess. I 
shall write to her tomorrow; and so soon as I am quite clear of all evil, 
shall go and throw myself at her feet. I offer my best compliments to 
Mrs. Temple, to whom I hope to pay my respects next spring at Mam- 
head. My old friend, at this moment our first acquaintance at Hunt- 
er's class comes full into my mind. What a crowd of ideas since! 


[Boswell to Temple] 

Edinburgh, 22 September 1767 

MY DEAR TEMPLE, I ain really uneasy at not having heard 
from you since I sent you a packet by the Berwick carrier. Thomas 
took the packet to him on Thursday sennight. It contained Dorando., 
a long letter from your old friend, with one from his father. Pray 

8 Gray wrote to Horace Walpole that it was "a dialogue between a green-goose 
and a hero" (25 February 1768). 

Pope's imitation of Swift, The Happy Life of a Country Parson, 11. 1-2 ("goods" 
for "things"). 

g 2 Edinburgh, 2 2 September 1767 

write to me, and if you have not received the packet make the carrier 

give an account what he has done with it, for I should be vexed to 

think it has fallen into the hands of strangers. If my uneasiness is only 

occasioned by your indolence I shall be glad, though I shall not spare 


I have written to the Princess in a style more and more as you 
would wish. I expect to hear from her soon. I have received a most 
polite letter from Sir James Steuart, in answer to one which I wrote 
to him with regard to a passage in his Political Economy which is in- 
jurious to the Corsicans. I shall settle that matter in my book in terms 
very respectful to Sir James. 1 

I see in the newspapers a specimen of A Tour to the East by Lord 
Baltimore, just published. It seems to be written with the most care- 
less ease but with vivacity, and now and then you meet with admi- 
rable little anecdotes. Lord Baltimore has had a very good opportu- 
nity to know something of Eastern manners. He is a man of singular 
independence and whim. He lived a long time at Constantinople, 
wore the dress of the country, kept his seraglio of the finest women, 
and in short enjoyed the existence of a Tnrk. a Do you, my dear Tem- 
ple, enjoy the existence of a worthy clergyman of the Church of 
England. Make my best compliments to your one wife, and believe 
me ever your affectionate friend, 


[* London Chronicle*] * 

THURSDAY 24 SKPTKMBKK. Extract of a letter from Civitavec- 
chia, dated August 14. "The celebrated Prince Herac.lZtts of Georgia 
hath sent General Paoli a present of six beautiful camels, with a letter 
full of the glow and metaphor of oriental eloquence, lie concludes, 

1 Temple had asked Boswell, in the omitted portion of his letter of 3 September, 
how Sir James Stenarf s new book had been received, 

2 Lord Baltimore continued in his supposed oriental ways, barely escaping con- 
viction on a charge of abduction and rape the following year, Evidently Bos- 
well knew his work only from the newspaper specimen referred to, since the book 
itself does not bear out BoswelFs statements with regard to Baltimore 1 *; residence, 
in Constantinople, 

n Indexed as an "invention" in BoswelFs own file of The London Chronicle, now 
at Yale. 

Edinburgh, 24 September 1767 93 

'Great Sir, while in thy zenith of glory, deign to accept the tribute of 
him who is proud of being born in the same age with Paoli, and feel- 
ing the most exalted admiration of his character without one spark of 
envy.' " 

[Received 30 September, Temple to Bos well] 

Jermyn Street [London] 26 September [i 767] 
You WILL BE SURPRISED, MY DEAR BOSWELL, to find me apply to 
you for money, but at present I have a particular occasion for 30, 
which if you can I imagine you will send me a bill upon London for 
in a few posts. We set out for Mamhead Friday, the 2d of October. 
Direct for me there. I shall write to you soon with regard to your 
father's letter, and return it under one of Lord Lisburne's covers. My 
wife desires her best compliments. Yours affectionately, 


[Boswell to Temple] 

Edinburgh, 2 October 1 767 

MY DEAREST FRIEND, Your letter from London relieved me 
from a great deal of anxiety, both on your account and on that of the 
letters, which would have made a bad appearance to strangers. How 
can you let indolence occasion me so much uneasiness? Your letter 
came late, night before last; it was not in my power to get 30 ready 
for last night's post. You have along with this a draught for that sum. 
I have sent you a copy of my Corsican Journal, which you will do 
me the favour to peruse in the shades of Mamhead in the tranquillity 
of your rectory, and write down on a separate sheet of paper your re- 
marks and corrections^ as my Lord Hailes did. You need not take the 
trouble to mark both page and line, only page. So soon as you have 
finished six sheets, send me your remarks, and transmit the sheets to 
Wyvill with franks addressed to me along with them so that he may 
send them to me. Wyvill, I fancy, will be in Essex. I expect a letter 
from him every day with his address if he is not, which I shall send to 
you. His address in Essex is Rector of Black Notely, near Braintree, 
Essex, You will find many various readings in my Journal; tell which 
you prefer. Now, Temple, I trust you will be diligent and clever to 
aid your friend, and will let me see that had your fortune made you 

94 Edinburgh, 2 October 1767 

a minister of state you would have been an able and expeditious one. 
I allow you a day to three sheet [s]. Transmit to Wyvill six and six, 
and to me your remarks. Pray be my Atticus. 4 1 am very near well. I 
go west on Wednesday. There is again a little silence in the Princess. 
Compliments to Mrs. Temple. Ever yours, 


[Received ? 2 October, Margaret Montgomerie to Boswell ] r> 

Lainshaw, Thursday |"i October i 767 | 

DEAR JAMIE, I beg the favour of you to take the trouble to bring- 
out a gown of mine with you. I shall write the mantua-maker to bring 
it to you, but, if she neglect to do it, she is a Miss Tait who lives in 
Milne's Square; so I'll be obliged to you if you'll send to her. 

I am glad you propose being here so soon. I hope you intend being 
at the October meeting at Ayr, as I dare say your favorite Miss Blair 
will be there; and as the Duke of Gordon has convinced you he is in 
earnest, I hope you will continue fixed in resolutions of following his 
example. 7 I was at Pollok this week and left Mrs. Montgomcrie in 
perfect health. 8 

I fancy you have seen Lord Eglmton, as T met him on his way to 
Edinburgh. I beg my compliments to Davy. All hero join in best 
wishes to you and him. Adieu, dear Jumes, and believe me, your 
affectionate cousin arid obliged 


Will expect you and David the beginning* of the week. 

\" London Chronicle"] f) 

THURSDAY 8 OCTOBKE. A correspondent writes that a threat- 
ening incendiary letter has been lately sent to the author of Dorando, 

Cicero's friend and correspondent, 
5 For Margaret Montgomerie and the textual history of her letters to Boswell, 
see Introduction, pp. xvii and xxii. 
(] At tho races. 

7 The Duke of Gordon was about to marry Miss Blair's cousin and friend, Jeanio 

8 Jean Montgomerie was the daughter of Sir John Maxwell, of Pollok, 
A Boswelllan "invention." 


Edinburgh, 8 October 1767 95 

A Spanish Tale, declaring with horrid imprecations that if he does 
not retract the speeches and arguments therein contained before the 
appeal of a certain alarming cause, he shall be stabbed in the dark; 
and that a very considerable reward has been offered for the discovery 
of the author of the said letter. 

[Boswell to John Johnston] 

Edinburgh, 9 October 1767 

MY DEAR SIR, You will wonder to find me still here. But this 
unhappy distemper has been very obstinate, and as I have done so 
well hitherto I have determined to finish my course of medicines in 
the most complete [manner] . I am now, I may say, perfectly recov- 
ered. Tomorrow I go to Sir Alexander Dick's where I shall stay till 
Monday; and on Tuesday morning David and I set out for Auchin- 
leck in a post-chaise, with trusty Thomas riding by us. We are to 
stay a night at Bothwell Castle. I wrote to the Duchess of Douglas to 
let me have a warm, orthodox room, and she with great good humour 
sent me word that the warmest bed in the house was her own, to 
which I should be welcome. How far this would be orthodox, your 
Honour and Mr. Joseph Fergusson may judge. 1 

Having said so much of myself, let me now treat of you, my 
friend. A letter which I had this morning from Mr. William Hay has 
thrown me into great concern. He tells me you have a new attack of 
the old complaint. Does he mean that some latent poison has broken 
out? Or that you have again been infected? 2 Either of the two sup- 
positions is distressing. Pray take care of yourself, and let me know 
by the very first post how you are. 

We are unhappy mortals, no doubt. But in the present state of 
society, a great part of our unhappiness is occasioned by our own vices 

1 The Rev. Joseph Fergusson at one time had been tutor to the Boswell children. 
He was now minister of Tundergarth, Johnston's parish. 

2 Johnston had reported his "complaint" in a letter of the previous spring (24 
April 1767): "My good friend, I may in confidence tell you that it is owing to 
my own folly in indulging an irregular passion with a wretch full of disease. At 
first, when I found myself affected, my mind was so totally unhinged that for 
some days I was quite miserable, until reflection and cool philosophy brought 
me back to reason more justly and to think of attending to my own recovery." 
We have no further information as to the "new attack." 

96 Edinburgh, 9 October 1 767 

and follies. You know I am an austere philosopher in principle, and 
even my practice has often been so. Could either you or I act in con- 
sistency with our principles, we should not be in danger of suffering 
from a malady the most dreadful which nature has ever produced, 
and which has been well said is the cause of poisoning the very 
sources of the human species. As far as man can be depended on, I 
trust that I shall henceforth maintain such a conduct as is the best 
for this life and for that which is to come. I have been busy with the 
Douglas cause, and have made out the Essence of it, which I hope will 
be of considerable service. The scheme which I communicated to you 
will make a great noise. 3 Wishing to hear comfortable accounts of 
you, I ever am, dear Sir, your affectionate friend, 


[Oath of David Boswell] 4 

I, David Boswell, youngest son of the Right Honourable Alexander 
Boswell, Lord of Session and Justiciary, present representative of the 
family of Auchinleck, do by these presents declare that, according to 
the usage of the family when any branch of it is sent forth into the 
world, I have stood upon the old castle of Auchinleck and have there 
solemnly promised to stand by these old walls with heart, purso and 
sword, that is to say, that in whatever part of the globe my fortune 
should place me, I should always be faithful to the ancient family of 

3 The scheme was perhaps Boswell's intention of "editing" the letter* of Lady 
Jane Dcmglas. 

4 An oath which Boswell requested his brother to take on the occasion of his 
leaving to become a merchant in Spain. Geoffrey Scott remarked that the oath 
"illustrates, better than anything else we possess, the highly romantic attach- 
ment which [Boswell] felt, and assiduously cultivated, for his feudal ancestry, 
... It Is in its inspiration an eminently juvenile document, The romantically 
staged scene on the crumbling walls, the seal of investiture, the chaplains 
drawn from their pulpits at Auchinleck and Tunderg'arth and "appointed for the 
occasion,' and the entire family of Bruces mostly juvenile gardeners pro* 
claiming with one voice, at a suitable moment selected by Boswell, their fealty 
to his ancient line, all this appears more like the device of a boy of fifteen 
than a man of twenty-seven." On his return from Spain in t/Ho, David iuldinl a 
ratification, and explained that the custom of swearing such tmths did not go 
back to time immemorial but had begun with this instance* 

Auchinleck, 27 October 1767 97 

Auchinleck, and give a reasonable obedience to the representative 
thereof. In consequence of which I was invested with a ring according 
to the usage of the family. All this was done upon the nineteenth day 
of October in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and 
sixty-seven years, in presence of James Boswell, Esquire, my eldest 
brother and heir of the family; the Reverend Mr. John Dun, minister 
at Auchinleck, and the Reverend Mr. Joseph Fergusson, minister at 
Tundergarth, chaplains appointed for the occasion; I departing for 
Valencia in Spain, there to settle as a merchant. Also in presence of 
Mr. James Bruce, overseer at Auchinleck, and Alexander, John, An- 
drew, and James Bruces, his sons, all present having with one voice 
wished the continuance and prosperity of the ancient family of Auch- 
inleck, and that the family of Bruce might ever flourish there. In 
testimony of which I now subscribe these presents, and seal them 
with the seal of my investiture, they being written by the said James 
Boswell, Esquire, and subscribed on the twenty-seventh day of the 
said month and in the said year of our Lord. Amen. 

JOHN DUN, Witness. 
JOSEPH FERGUSSON, Witness. (Seal) 
JAS. BRUCE, Witness. 

[Received ?28 October, Temple to Boswell] 

Mamhead, Monday, seven in the evening, 

19 October 1767 

MY DEAREST BOSWELL, I received yours of the gth instant 5 on 
Friday last, but the packets only came to my hands this moment, 
being sent by mistake to Lord Lisburne at Bath. His Lordship is just 
arrived here and brought them with him to my great joy, for I own I 
began to have my apprehensions. The bill came also safe. 

You complain of your father's letter, but I think without reason. 
How could you tell him "that were he anybody but your father, you 
could live in friendship with him and with satisfaction"; and "that 
you never will concern yourself with country business till he is dead." 

5 Not recovered. 

98 Auchinleck, 28 October 1767 

Surely strange declarations from a son to a father, and very unbecom- 
ing and undutiful from such a child to such a parent. But you will 
take your own way; I find all I can say is in vain; I shall therefore 
interfere no farther, but leave you to your own inventions. Allow me, 
however, to assure you of one thing, that if any open rupture happens 
between you, the son alone will be blamed and will repent it as long 
as he lives. Undoubtedly there is some severe humour in the letter, 
but is there no foundation for it? And notwithstanding its severity, is 
it not full of the tenderest affection and regard? Indeed, my dear 
Boswell, if you do not endeavour in everything to please such a father, 
I can never think so well of you as I have done. 

I will read your Journal with all possible care, but do not confine 
me to days. When I have finished a packet, I will dispatch it and the 
observations as you direct. I would fain hope that this book will do 
you some credit and make it remembered a century hence, that there 
was one James Boswell. I fancy you expect at least to be named with 
a Stanyan and a Molesworth. 6 

How can you expect to hear from the Princess? Does not she hope 
every day to see you at Adamtown? But I forgot myself; you arc now 
at Auchinleck, and have you been to wait on her; and does she look as 
well, and did she receive you with as much ease as formerly? I trust 
not. Were there no blushings, nor hesitation, nor eyes afraid to meet? 
And did not your heart beat, my friend, and were there no tremors 
and anxieties on your side? Alas! my Boswell, where those symptoms 
are wanting, respect and esteem may inhabit, but the god of love will 
be sought for in vain. If she still deems you worthy of that honour, 
pray make my best respects to her and to Mrs. Blair, and say with 
what pleasure I shall ever remember the polite and friendly recep- 
tion they gave me at Adamtown. When I return, I trust I shall salute 
her mistress of, though not a more sweet, yet a more princely seat. 

And now, Boswell, you are at the retirement of your ancestors; lei 
me beg of you to please your father a little and show some curiosity 
about flowering shrubs, trees, and the manner of laying out ground 
with some sort of taste. Let honest James Bruce and you persuade my 
Lord to cut down the row of trees that spoils the meadow, and not to 
make the wings to the house little bandboxes, but in proportion to the 

6 Abraham Stanyan, a diplomat, wrote An Account of Sztntzerland, Robert 
Molesworth, first Viscount Molesworth, wrote An Account of Denmark* 

Auchinleck, 28 October 1 767 99 

body of the building; otherwise, tell his Lordship from me that the 
whole will look like a giant with the arms of a dwarf. Most affection- 
ately yours, 


My wife is even happy in my hovel. She begs her kind compli- 
ments to you. 

[Received ?3i October, David Boswell to Boswell] 

Glasgow, 30 October 1767 

DEAR JAMES, This is wrote at a place which I shall ever hold in 
contempt as being filled with a set of unmannerly, low-bred, narrow- 
minded wretches; the place itself, however, is really pretty, and were 
the present inhabitants taken out and drowned in the ocean, and 
others with generous souls put in their stead, it would be an honour 
to Scotland. I arrived here yesterday about three o'clock. My jaunt 
since I left you has been really very agreeable. I dined with Mrs. 
Wilson at Kilmarnock, where I had much respect shown me, and I 
thought by my behaviour I merited it; worthy Mr. Joseph was quite 
the same man, had his own little jokes about matrimony and was very 
happy. He never knows what it is to make any alteration in his be- 
haviour; I verily believe that if he was in the presence of General 
Paoli he would not be ten minutes there before he would be saying, 
"General, can you recommend us to a goud wife." 

I arrived at Lainshaw before it grew dark; was exceedingly well 
received. I have not better friends in the world than the Lainshaw 
family; they are not such friends, however, as you would wish me to 
have, for the Captain and Mrs. Cuninghame said they thought my 
father should give me 5000 patrimony. We talked a good deal about 
you; I related to them particularly how my father used you, and they 
owned it was a difficult task for you to live with him. My father has 
great confidence in Mrs, Cuninghame, and lets her into all his se- 
crets; she often speaks to him about the strange way he lives in, and 
of the bad way in which he treats his children. She is to speak boldly 
to him next time she sees him, and I hope it will produce some good 
effect, for I must say I should be sorry you was to live separate from 
him; for although he seems to take little satisfaction in his sons when 
they are with him, yet when they are absent he wishes constantly for 

ioo Auchinleck, 31 October 1767 

them and thinks their presence would enliven him. This, I well re- 
member, was the case before you came from abroad, and yet how 
soon after your arrival did he grow displeased with you. 

I left Lainshaw yesterday morning. I really appeared during my 
stay there a sensible, well-behaved young man. Mrs. Cuninghame 
was brought to bed while I was there of a daughter. She was, however, 
so well that I sat with her yesterday morning half an hour, and had 
much conversation about our family. My father had mentioned your 
illness to her, and exclaimed against it, and do you know that she ex- 
cused you by telling him that what occasioned it was now become 
quite common. . . . 

I hope to hear from you soon. Make my best respects to my father, 
and my compliments to the worthy overseer. I ever am, with regard, 
your affectionate brother and friend, 


[Boswell to Temple] 

Adamtown, 5 November 1767 

MY DEAR TEMPLE, The pleasure of your countenance on read- 
ing the date of this letter is before me at this moment. I imagine it 
cannot be less than I felt glowing in my eyes when I received the last 
of your letters with the elegant and, I am fully persuaded, sincere 
commendations of my Corsican Journal. 7 In short, I am sitting in the 
room with my princess, who is at this moment a finer woman than 
ever she appeared to me before. But, my valuable friend, be not too 
certain of your Boswell's felicity, for indeed he has little of it at pres- 
ent. You must know that Miss Blair's silence, which I mentioned to 
you, was a silence notwithstanding of my having written three letters 
to her and (here supper interrupted me; the rest is written in my own 
room, the same where you slept) and when a former quarrel should 
have taught her that she had a lover of an anxious temper. For ten 
days I was in a fever, but at last I broke the enchantment. However, 
I would not be too sullen in my pride. I wrote to her from Auchinlcck 
and wished her joy, <&c. B She answered me with the same ease as ever, 
that I had no occasion, I then wrote her a strange sultanic letter, very 

7 Not recovered. 

8 Boswell thought that the Nabob was pressing his suit successfully. 

Adamtown, 5 November 1767 101 

cool and very formal, and did not go to see her for near three weeks. 

At last I am here, and our meeting has been such as you paint in 
your last but one. I have been here one night. She has insisted on my 
staying another. I am dressed in green and gold. I have my chaise in 
which I sit alone like Mr. Gray, and Thomas rides by me in a claret- 
coloured suit with a silver laced hat. But the Princess and I have not 
yet made up our quarrel. She talks lightly of it. I am resolved to have 
a serious conversation with her tomorrow morning. If she can still 
remain indifferent as to what has given me much pain, she is not 
the woman I thought her; and from tomorrow morning shall I be 
severed from her as a lover. I shall just bring myself (I hope) to a 
good, easy tranquillity. If she feels as I wish her to do, I shall adore 
her while my blood is warm. You shall hear fully from AuchinlecL 

We have talked a great deal of you. She has made me laugh heart- 
ily with her ideas of you before you arrived, an old friend, an English 
clergyman. She imagined she was to see a fat man with a large 
white wig, a man something like Mr. Whitefield. 9 Upon honour, she 
said so. But she and Mrs. Blair were quite charmed with the young 
parson with his neat black periwig, and his polite address. They send 
you a thousand compliments. With my best compliments to Mrs. 
Temple, I am ever yours, 


[Boswell to Temple] 

Auchinleck, Sunday, 8 November 1 767 

MY DEAR FRIEND, I wrote you from Adamtown and told you 
how it was with the Princess and me. Next morning I told her that I 
had complained to you that she would not make up our last quarrel. 
But she did not appear in the least inclined to own herself in the 
wrong. I confess that between pride and love I was unable to speak to 
her but in a very awkward manner. I came home on Friday. Yester- 
day I was extremely uneasy. That I might give her a fair opportunity 
I sent her a letter, of which I enclose you a copy. 1 Could the proud 
Boswell say more than you will see there? In the evening I got her 
answer. It was written with an art and an indifference astonishing 

9 George Whitefield, the famous Methodist preacher. 

1 The enclosures mentioned in this letter have not been recovered. 

102 Auchinleck, 8 November 1767 

from so young a lady. "I have not yet found out that I was to blame. 

If you have been uneasy upon my account, I am indeed sorry for 

it. I should be sorry to give any person uneasiness, far more one whose 
cousin and friend I shall always be." She refused sending me the 
lock, "because (in the eyes of the world) it is improper," and she says 
several very cool things upon that head. What think you of such a 
return to a letter full of warmth and admiration? 

In short, Temple, she is cunning and sees my weakness. But I now 
see her; and though I cannot but suffer severely, I from this moment 
resolve to think no more of her. I send you the copy of a note which 
goes to her tomorrow morning. Wish me joy, my good friend, of hav- 
ing discovered the snake before it was too late. I should have been 
ruined had I made such a woman my wife. Luckily for me a neigh- 
bour who came to Auchinleck last night told me that he had heard 

three people at Ayr agree in abusing her as a d ned jilt. What a 

risk have I run! However, as there is still a possibility that all this may 
be mistake and malice, I shall behave to her in a very respectful man- 
ner and shall never say a word against her but to you. After this, I 
shall be upon my guard against ever indulging the least fondness for 
a Scots lass. I am a soul of a more southern frame. I may perhaps be 
fortunate enough to find an Englishwoman who will be sensible of 
my merit, and will study to please my singular humour. By what you 
write of Mrs. Temple I wish I had such a wife, though indeed your 
temper is so much better than mine that perhaps she and I would 
have quarrelled before this time, had we been married when you was. 

Love is a perfect fever of the mind. I question if any man has been 
more tormented with it than myself. Even at this moment as I write, 
my heart is torn by vexing thoughts of this fine Princess of ours. But 

1 may take comfort, since I have so often recovered. Think of the gar- 
dener's daughter. Think of Mrs, D- .. By the by, the latter shared 

in my late misfortune, but she is quite well again; and in a fortnight 
hence I expect a young friend, who if a male is to be George Keith 
after my good Lord Marischal, who has accepted of being his name- 
father. 2 

2 Lord Marischal wrote to Boswell on 12 September 1767: "Bonny wark, Colonel, 
getting the lassies wi' bairns, and worse to yoursel. . . , What's done is done; 
get well; take care of Keith Boswell, who in time I hope shall become a nabob." 

Auchinleck, 8 November 1 767 103 

You are too hard upon me in judging of the differences between 
father and son. I never wrote to him that I would take no pleasure in 
country affairs till he was dead. I said, indeed, that I should hardly 
give my mind to them till I had a place of my own; and, I added, 
u Auchinleck will be well taken care of while you live, and you may 
be assured that it shall not be neglected after you are gone." You see 
how a temper anyhow out of tune can interpret. Perhaps I do the same 
by the Princess. However, I promise you I shall be conscientious in 
doing a great deal to make my worthy father easy and happy. He and 
I are at present very well. It is merely a jarring of tempers which 
occasions our differences. 

One word more of the Princess. The two last days I was with her, 
she was more engaging than you can conceive. She and I had the most 
agreeable conversations together, and she assured me she was not 
going to be married to any other man; and yet, Temple, with what a 
cold reserve does she behave. Let her go. 

Do -you know I had a letter from Zelide the other day, written in 
English, and showing that an old flame is easily rekindled. But you 
will not hear of her. What say you? Ah, my friend, shall I have Miss 
Bosville? You see I'm the old man. I am much obliged to you for your 
remarks on my Corsican Journal. Please return the letters enclosed. 
My compliments to Mrs. Temple. Ever yours, 


[Boswell to Temple] 

Strathaven, 9 November 176/ 3 

MY EVER DEAR TEMPLE, Having left Auchinleck this morning 
in a hurry, I brought my letters to you in my pocket so far on the 
road; and as your kind packet of the 30th October has overtaken me I 
have opened one of my letters and add a few lines. Upon my soul, the 
madness of which I have a strong degree in my composition is at pres- 
ent so heightened by love that I am absolutely deprived of judgment. 
How eould I possibly be in a rage at the Princess's last letter? I now 
sit calmly in this village and read it with delight. What could she do 
more? Like you, she thought I could not expect to hear from her when 

3 See 20 March 1767. Boswell is on his way back to Edinburgh for the opening 
of the Winter Session of the courts (12 November to 12 March), 

1 04 Strathaven, 9 November 1 767 

she expected me every day at Adamtown; therefore she was not to 
blame, and she had too much spirit to own herself in the wrong when 
she was conscious of no fault. Yet how amiably does she comply with 
my request and tell me that she is sorry that I have been uneasy on 
her account. "I shall always be a cousin and friend. I hope you will 
not look upon this as a new quarrel." 

I love her, Temple, with my whole heart. I am entirely in her 
power. Were she a woman of such a temper as I have, how might she 
fret against me: "He comes to Auchinleck and is near three weeks 
without coming to see me. When he comes, not a tender word, not one 
expression of a lover. How can I allow my affections to fix on such a 

She has defended herself very well in refusing me the lock. I shall 
get it from her at Edinburgh. my friend, be watchful over me in 
this precious period. If she does not write to me she is certainly un- 
feeling, and I must at any price preserve my own character. If she 
writes as I can imagine, I will consecrate myself to her for ever. I 
must have her to learn the harpsichord and French. She shall be one 
of the first women in the island. But let me take care. I know not what 
is in store. Do you think it possible that she can have any scheme of 
marrying another? I will not suspect her. 

Your remarks are of great service to me. I am glad you show my 
Journal to Lord Lisburne. But I must have my great preceptor Mr. 
Johnson introduced. Lord Hailes has approved of it. 4 

Temple, I wish to be at last an uniform, pretty man. I am aston- 
ishingly so already; but I wish to be a man who deserves Miss Blair. 
(By the by, your expression, "Be perpetually with Miss Blair," is fine. 
It made me more affectionate towards you than ever. ) I am always 
for fixing some period for my perfection as far as possible. Let it be 
when my Account of Corsica is published. I shall then have a char- 
acter which I must support. I will swear like an ancient disciple of 
Pythagoras to observe silence. I will be grave and reserved, though 
cheerful and communicative of what is verum atque decens? One 

4 Boswell had somewhat gratuitously brought Johnson into his Journal of a Tour 
to Corsica by relating how he had discussed him with Paoli. See Boswell on the 
Grand Tour: Italy, Corsica, and France, 22-27 October 1765. 

5 "Right and seemly" (Horace, Epistles, I. i. 11). 

Strathaven, 9 November 1767 105 

great fault of mine is talking at random. I will guard against it. My 
feudal signors are printed off in the Account. 6 Adieu, my best friend. 
I thank God for the comfort of such a friend. Ever yours, 


[Received c. 2 December, Temple to Boswell] 

Mamhead, 22 November 1767 

MY DEAR BOSWELL, I received your two packets today, and am 
now convinced that you are really in love with Miss Blair. Your anx- 
iety, your perpetual change of resolution, your desiring yet not being 
able to break your fetters, are too certain proofs of the dominion of the 
Princess over your heart. As to her Highness, did I not suspect her 
mother I should with you accuse her of artifice. But, indeed, consider- 
ing your behaviour, I think she only treats you in the manner you 
deserve. The defence you make for her is a very good one, and severe 
enough upon yourself. 7 Yet, after all, I must confess I am not alto- 
gether pleased with your mistress's indifference. Did she really love 
you, could she act with such prudence and caution? my dear friend! 
be upon your guard, consider what you are about, and penetrate and 
explore her very soul before you surrender yourself irretrievably to 
her charms. Know that she loves yourself: that she loves and esteems 
you for those qualities for which I love and esteem you, not for your 
fine house, your estate, and your hopes. Converse with her on every 
subject, draw forth and examine her principles, her ideas, her notions 
of retirement and dissipation, of friendship, of pleasure, of domestic 
happiness, of society, of her fellow creatures, and all this with such 
address that she may not be aware of your intention, but be surprised 
in a manner into a confession of her real sentiments. When you have 
done this you will have done all that man can do; yet such is the dis- 
simulation of the sex that you may still be deceived, and instead of an 
angel, wake with a serpent in your arms. Yet there [are] many good 
women, and I trust you will not be less fortunate than myself. 

I wish our future George Keith may not bring into the world with 
him the marks of his father's irregularities! I need not desire you to 

That is, Foulis had printed through Boswell's remarks on the feudal organiza- 
tion of Corsica, or about two-fifths of the book. 
7 Two and a half lines are deleted here, presumably by Temple. 

106 Edinburgh., 2 December 1767 

take care of his mother, but, for God's sake, when she is quite recov- 
ered break off all connection with her and see her no more. Surely she 
was not with child when she first told you so: artful baggage! she 
trusted to her good fortune. I would immediately take the child from 
her and send it to honest James Bruce to be brought up in the coun- 
try. . . . 

I was much entertained with your letter from Adamtown. I 
thought I saw you writing, Mrs. Blair sitting by the fireside, and the 
Princess walking about the room, interrupting you every now and 
then. Your pen in your hand, with eyes that speak what no language 
can express you heard her with ecstasy and unwillingly resumed your 
letter. After supper, she wished you a good night with a sweetness and 
expression that sent you to bed in a fever. I followed you up the stone 
staircase, I saw the unpainted room, I heard you invoke the goddess 
of your adoration, I pitied the poor pillow you squeezed so unmerci- 
fully, and then I left you asleep. Adieu, adieu, dearest Boswell. 


My wife commends herself to you. 

[Received ?8 December, Pringle to Boswell] 

London, 4 December 1 767 

DEAR SIR, By this time you will probably have heard that I 
have been abroad once more, for my health, and that it is not long 
since I returned. This will partly apologize for my long silence, after 
having received so obliging a letter from you, and one too that made 
a demand upon me for speedy advice. . . . 

I should have the more regretted and apologized for my unman- 
nerly silence, had I been persuaded that I could have influenced your 
judgment with regard to most of those articles which were the subject 
of your letter. Not that I consider you as more wilful or tenacious to 
your own opinion than others are, in general; but because the deter- 
mination was to be about such things as a man, after asking the opin- 
ion of twenty friends, will either do or omit doing just as if he had no 
friends at all. I will therefore not pretend to give you my advice, but 
I will amuse you with my opinion. In the first place (as I am assured 
by Mr. Forbes that you have got entirely free from your disorder) , I 

Edinburgh, 8 December 1767 107 

should think Miss Blair would be a very proper match if she has all 
those good qualities which you mention, and which I am the more 
inclined to believe she has^ as you seem not to be blinded by love when 
you recite her good qualities, and especially as you are likely to have 
your father's approbation. How far you yourself are qualified for en- 
tering into the holy bonds and fitted for Miss Blair is another ques- 
tion, notwithstanding that point about which you were doubtful was 
settled fully to my satisfaction by Mr. Forbes. I should hope that 
principles of honour as well as prudence would engage you to keep 
those solemn vows, which too many make too lightly of. 

I was amused, as I have been before on the like occasion, with your 
confidence about your success. I have commonly observed that vanity 
is for the most part punished by mortifying the person in the very 
thing in which he most prides himself; and, upon that principle, I 
could lay a bet that in this very affair you will meet with a disappoint- 
ment. But we shall see. 

You have had, it seems, too much success upon less honourable 
terms with a weak one of the sex. I hope you have as sincerely re- 
pented of that action, as you must have done of that act which 
brought you into the condition in which Mr. Forbes saw you. If you 
have not repented, and with great compunction too, be assured that 
your misfortunes are not at an end, and that Providence for your 
amendment will not cease to chastise you till you cry peccavi. Is it 
nothing to render ashamed and unhappy for life a poor silly creature 
whom you have catched off her guard? The damage is irreparable, 
but since the thing is done you ought to make amends as much as you 
can by money. In the first place, I hope you will apply that sum 
which you tell me you are to receive for the copy of your book. Not 
that I approve of that merchandise, but since you have made the bar- 
gain I take the liberty to tell you what my opinion is with regard to 
the disposal of the money, 

I have always,, you well know, used great freedom with you, not 
only when you have asked my opinion, but likewise whenever you 
afforded me matter to form opinions relating to your conduct and 
character. On the occasion of the book I must therefore tell you that, 
since contrary to my advice you have written it and will publish it, 
you have done, I am afraid, rather ungenteelly in selling the copy 

io8 Edinburgh, 8 December 1767 

(before the publication) to a bookseller. This has too much the air of 
writing for gain, I mean for money, which is below a gentleman. I 
know this was not your only motive; nay, I will do you the justice as 
to say that I believe that this circumstance did not at first enter into 
the consideration at all, but you ought to have avoided the appearance 
of it. I shall keep your secret, but will your bookseller do it; or have 
you done it yourself? Were I the Heiress of Adamtown, be assured I 
should never listen to a lover who had been capable of so doing. See 
the consequences: your bookseller, in order to indemnify himself, 
must puff your work with a pompous title-page, and advertisements 
in the newspapers. He must tell that you give not only the political 
but the natural history of that Island. Now surely you could never 
call yourself a naturalist; or if you had had any genius or education 
for that branch of science, had you time to make observations that 
could claim an article in such a book? If it be not too late, I would ad- 
vise you to change that at least. You see I take great liberties. 

I shall conclude with telling you that with regard to separate 
houses in case of marriage, your father is too reasonable not to consent- 
to it. But remember that by leaving him lonely, he may be tempted to 
take a companion likewise. Perhaps the best for you both would be for 
each to have a good one. I am most affectionately yours, 


[Boswell to Temple] 

Edinburgh, 1 8 December 1 767 

MY DEAR TEMPLE, You have reason to blame me for a too long 
silence, after having received all your friendly remarks on my Jour- 
nal, and while you was incertain as to my negotiations with the Prin- 
cess. I am sincerely obliged to you for your aid in polishing my Corsi- 
can monument. It is now complete, and I would fain hope it will do 
both the brave Islanders and myself a good deal of honour. As to the 
Princess, I sent the letter which you returned. She did not write, but 
bid her aunt tell me that she and I were as good friends as ever. This 
did not satisfy me, and for several weeks did I strive to break my chain* 
At last she came to town, and I have had a long conversation with her. 
She assured me she did not believe me serious or that I was uneasy, 
and that it was my own fault if ever she and I quarrelled. I in short, 

Edinburgh, 18 December 1767 109 

adored her, and was convinced she was not to blame. I told her that 
henceforth she should entertain no doubt that I sincerely loved her 
and, Temple, I ventured to seize her hand. She is really the finest 
woman to me I ever saw. 

I am just now going to meet her at the concert, after which I sup 
with her at Lord Kames's along with her cousin, the beautiful young 
Duchess of Gordon. I am therefore in a hurry and a flutter and must 
break off. But in a day or two I shall write you fully. In the mean time, 
my friend, wish me joy of my present peace of mind, and make my 
best compliments to the woman to whom I see you owe a great deal. 
Adieu, my best friend. Ever yours, 


[Boswell to Temple] 

Edinburgh, 24 December 1767 

MY DEAREST FRIEND, In my last I told you that after I had re- 
solved to give up with the Princess for ever, I resolved first to see her, 
and that when I did see her I was so lucky as to have a very agreeable 
interview, and was convinced by her that she was not to blame. This 
happened on a Thursday. That evening, her cousin and most intimate 
friend, the Duchess of Gordon, came to town. Next day I was at the 
concert with them and afterwards supped at Lord Kames's. The Prin- 
cess appeared distant and reserved. I could hardly believe that it was 
the same woman with whom I had been quite easy the day before. I 
was then uneasy. 

Next evening I was at the play with them. It was Othello. I sat 
close behind the Princess, and at the most affecting scenes I pressed 
my hand upon her waist. She was in tears, and rather leaned to me. 
The jealous Moor described my very soul. I often spoke to her of the 
torment which she saw before her. Still I thought her distant, and still 
I was uneasy. 

On Sunday the Duchess of Gordon went away. I met the Princess 
at church. She was distant as before. I passed the evening at her aunt's, 
where I met a cousin of my princess, a young lady of Glasgow who 
had been with us at Adamtown. She told me she had something to 
communicate, and she then said that rny behaviour to the Princess 
was such that Mrs. Blair and her daughter did not know how to 

no Edinburgh, 24 December 1767 

behave to me. That it was not honourable to engage a young lady's 
affections while I kept myself free. In short, the good cousin persuaded 
me that the Princess had formed an attachment for me, and she as- 
sured me the Nabob had been refused. On Monday forenoon I waited 
on Miss Blair; I found her alone, and she did not seem distant. I told 
her that I was most sincerely in love with her, and that I only dreaded 
those faults which I had acknowledged to her. I asked her seriously if 
she now believed me in earnest. She said she did. I then asked her to 
be candid and fair as I had been with her, and to tell me if she had any 
particular liking for me. What think you, Temple, was her answer? 
No. "I really," said she, u have no particular liking for you. I like 
many people as well as you." 

(Temple, you must have it in the genuine dialogue.) BOSWELL. 
"Do you indeed? Well, I cannot help it. I am obliged to you for telling 
me so in time. I am sorry for it." PRINCESS. "I like Jeanie Maxwell 
(Duchess of Gordon) better than you." BOSWELL. "Very well. But do 
you like no man better than me?" PRINCESS. "No." BOSWELL. "Is it 
possible that you may like me better than other men?" PRINCESS. "I 
don't know what is possible." (By this time I had risen and placed my- 
self by her, and was in real agitation.) BOSWELL. "I'll tell you what, 
my dear Miss Blair, I love you so much that I am very unhappy. If 
you cannot love me, I must if possible endeavour to forget you. What 
would you have me do?" PRINCESS. "I really don't know what you 
should do." BOSWELL. "It is certainly possible that you may love me, 
and if you shall ever do so I shall be the happiest man in the world. 
Will you make a fair bargain with me? If you should happen to love 
me, will you own it?" PRINCESS. "Yes." BOSWELL. "And if you should 
happen to love another, will you tell me immediately, and help me to 
make myself easy?" PRINCESS. "Yes, I will." BOSWELL. "Well, you arc 
very good" (often squeezing and kissing her fine hand, while she 
looked at me with those beautiful black eyes) . 

PRINCESS. "I may tell you as a cousin what I would not tell to an- 
other man." BOSWELL. "You may indeed. You are very fond of Auchin- 
leck; that is one good circumstance." PRINCESS. "I confess I am. I wish 
I liked you as well as I do Auchinleck." BOSWELL. "I have told you 
how fond I am of you. But unless you like me sincerely, I have too 
much spirit to ask you to live with me, as I know that you do not like 

Edinburgh, 24 December 1767 1 1 1 

me. If I could have you this moment for my wife I would not." PRIN- 
CESS. " I should not like to put myself in your offer, though." BOSWELL. 
"Remember, you are both my cousin and my mistress. You must make 
me suffer as little as possible. As it may happen that I may engage 
your affections, I should think myself a most dishonourable man if I 
were not now in earnest, and remember I depend upon your sincerity; 
and whatever happens you and I shall never again have any quarrel." 
PRINCESS. "Never." BOSWELL. "And I may come and see you as much 
as I please?" PRINCESS. "Yes." 

My worthy friend, what sort of a scene was this? It was most curi- 
ous. She said she would submit to her husband in most things. She 
said that to see one loving her would go far to make her love that per- 
son; but she could not talk anyhow positively, for she never had felt 
the uneasy anxiety of love. We were an hour and a half together, and 
seemed pleased all the time. I think she behaved with spirit and pro- 
priety. I admired her more than ever. She intended to go to her aunt's 
twelve miles from town next day. Her jaunt was put off for some days. 
Yesterday I saw her again. I was easy and cheerful, and just endeav- 
oured to make myself agreeable. 

This forenoon I was again with her. I told her how uneasy I was 
that she should be three weeks absent. She said I might amuse myself 
well enough. She seemed quite indifferent. I was growing angry 
again. But I recollected how she had candidly told me that she had no 
particular liking for me. Temple, where am I now? What is the mean- 
ing of this? I drank tea with her this afternoon and sat near four hours 
with her mother and her. Our conversation turned all on the manner 
in which two people might live. She has the justest ideas. She said she 
knew me now. She could laugh me out of my ill humour. She could 
give Lord Auchinleck a lesson how to manage me. Temple, what does 
the girl mean? We talked a good deal of you. You are a prodigious 
favourite. Now, my worthy friend, assist me. You know my strange 
temper and impetuous disposition. Shall I boldly shake her off, as I 
fear I cannot be patient and moderate? Or am I not bound in honour 
to suffer some time and watch her heart? How long must I suffer? 
How must I do? When she comes back, shall I affect any indifference 
to try her? or shall I rather endeavour to inspire her with my flame? Is 
it not below me to be made uneasy by her? Or may I not be a philoso- 

112 Edinburgh, 24 December 1 767 

pher, and without uneasiness take her if she likes me, and if not, let 

her alone? During her absence I have time to get a return from you. 

It is certainly possible that all she has said may be literally true, but 

is not her indifference a real fault? Consult Mrs. Temple and advise 


Amidst all this love I have been wild as ever. I have catched an- 
other memorandum of vice, but a very slight one. Trust me in time 
coming. I give you my word in honour, Temple. I have nothing else 
to save me. 

My black friend has brought me the finest little girl I ever saw. I 
ha v e named it Sally. It is healthy and strong. I take the greatest care 
of the mother, but shall have her no more in keeping. 

I have this day received a large packet from Paoli, with a letter in 
elegant Latin from the University of Corte, and also an extract of an 
oration pronounced this year at the opening of the University, in 
which oration I am celebrated in a manner which does me the greatest 
honour. I think, Temple, I have had my full share of fame. Yet my 
book is still to come, and I cannot doubt its doing me credit. Come, why 
do I allow myself to be uneasy for a Scots lass? Rouse me, my friend. 
Kate has not fire enough. She does not know the value of her lover. If 
on her return she still remains cold, she does not deserve me. I will not 
quarrel with her. She cannot help her defects. But I will break my en- 
chanting fetters. Tomorrow I shall be happy with my devotions. I 
shall think of you and wish to be at Mamhead. Could you assist me to 
keep up my real dignity among the illiberal race of Scots lawyers? 
Adieu, my dearest friend. My best compliments to your amiable 


/? '68 

FRIDAY i JANUARY. 8 Busy all day drawing replies in the For- 
far elections. 9 

SATURDAY 2 JANUARY. Went with my father to Arniston. By 
the way talked of the antiquities and constitution of the election law 
in Scotland. Found it difficult to fix my attention. But by degrees 
wrought my mind into a knowledge of the subject. Was amazed at my 
father's memory and patience. Well at Arniston. All old ideas had no 
longer any force, but the traces of them diversified arid amused my 
thoughts. At night played whist. Still had gloom, because I have 
never played at it when well so as to get free of former prejudices. 

About nine my father was taken ill with his old complaint. 1 
Thomas went express to Edinburgh. The President showed a friendly 
concern which will ever make him be regarded by me. For some hours 
my father was in agony. In the view of death he gave me the best and 
most affectionate advices. He spoke of Miss Blair as the woman whom 
he wished I would marry. How strong was this. I was in terrible con- 
cern. He said if business did not succeed with me after his death I 
should retire to the country. He charged me to take care of my broth- 
ers, to be a worthy man, and keep up the character of the family. I 
firmly resolved to be as he wished, though in somewhat a different 
taste of life. I looked my watch a hundred times. A quarter before one 
Thomas arrived with the catheter. In five minutes my father was easy. 
What a happy change! Went calmly to bed/It was an intense frost, 
and the ground was covered with snow. 

8 This Journal, written on loose sheets, is enclosed in a wrapper which Boswell 
endorsed: "Journal 1768, from January i to February 27." 

9 A new parliament was elected this year, and the complicated property qualifi- 
cations of voters in the counties and burghs of Scotland were being contested by 
the various opposing interests, 

1 A suppression of urine, probably due to an enlarged prostate. The affliction 
had first appeared at the time of the Ogilvy trial of 1765 when Lord Auchinleck 
sat nine hours without rising from his seat (see Boswell on the Grand Tour: 
Italy ^ Corsica, and France, following 30 November 1765) . 


114 Arniston, 3 January 1768 

SUNDAY 3 JANUARY. My father was quite easy. I went out for 
an hour with the President in his chariot. Talked freely on the Doug- 
las cause. Heard how it struck him in its various points. Saw how 
foolish the suspicions against him were. Resolved to take men as I find 
them. Was assured by the President that I should do well as a lawyer. 
Saw no difficulties in life. Saw that all depends on our frame of mind. 
Lord and Lady Hyndford were here. The day passed well. In the 
evening I adored my God; I had now no doubt of the Christian revela- 
tion. I was quite satisfied with my being. I hoped to be happy with 
Miss Blair. 

MONDAY 4 JANUARY. After breakfast, set off. My father re- 
marked how foolish and wicked evil-speaking was. The President af- 
forded a good instance, as so many false reports had been raised 
against him as to the Douglas cause. 2 We dined at Newbattle. I experi- 
enced that calm tranquillity in presence of great people for which I 
have often wished and have now acquired. Much attention was paid 
me. Returned to town. Supped Sir George Preston's. 3 

TUESDAY 5 JANUARY. I was at home all day except calling half 
an hour for Sally's mother. Felt all inclination gone and that I now 
acted from principle alone. 

WEDNESDAY 6 JANUARY. In all day. Matthew Dickie dined 
with us. The terrible cold weather made me consider keeping warm as 
almost business enough. 

THURSDAY j JANUARY. Breakfast Mr. Webster's. 4 Old ideas re- 
vived in an agreeable manner. When my mind was weak, ideas were 
too powerful for me. I am now strong; I can discern all their qualities 
but am master of them. I was formerly, in many articles of thought, 
like a boy who fires a gun. He startles at the noise, and, being unable 
to wield it, he can direct it to no steady point. I am now master of my 
gun, and can manage it with ease. I called for Lord Leven, visited Mr. 

2 For an example, see p. 171. 

3 Preston's wife, Anne Cochrane, was Boswell's maternal great-aunt She had 
brought up Boswell's mother, and Boswell had spent a good deal of time at the 
Prestons' estate of Valleyfield as a child. 

4 The Rev. Alexander Webster, D.D., was married to Mary Krskine, BoswelPs 
aunt. He was a leader of the "High Flying" or fundamentalist faction of the 
Church of Scotland, but is best remembered for his early work on actuarial cal- 
culations. His love of a social bottle was well known. 

Edinburgh, 7 January 1 768 115 

George Frazer, called for Lord Dalhousie, visited Lady Crawford. 
Miss Montgomerie, John and George Frazers dined. 

FRIDAY 8 JANUARY. In a 11 day. Felt myself now quite free of 
fancies. Was amazed to find how much happiness and misery is ideal. 
Passed the evening at Mr. Moncrieffe's with the Chief Baron, 5 Miss 
Ords, &c. Felt myself now quite indifferent about making a figure in 
company. Am I grown dull? Or is it a calm confidence in a fixed repu- 

SATURDAY Q JANUARY. Busy with election law. John Chalmer 
showed me an old opinion of Duncan Forbes, and reflected how 
curious it was that the opinion remained while the man was no more. 
A hint such as this brings to my mind all that passed, though it would 
be barren to anybody but myself. At home all day consulting and 
writing law papers till six. Went and saw The Suspicious Husband 
and Citizen; had my London ideas revived. Went home with Mr. Ross 
and supped and drank a cheerful glass. He gave me all the history of 
his marriage. 6 He put me into my old romantic frame. I wished again 
for adventures, for proofs of my own address and of the generosity of 
charming women. I was for breaking loose from Scots marriage. But 
my elegant heiress and the old family of Auchinleck brought me back 

SUNDAY 10 JANUARY. In forenoon writing to Zelide, &c. 
Church afternoon. Heard Heiress was to have a knight. 7 Was not so 
much shocked as before. I did not indeed fully believe it. Visited 
Sally's mother. Was tired of her. 

MONDAY 11 JANUARY. Busy with law. Lord Chief Baron, Mr. 
Moncrieffe, Lord Strichen, &c., dined. 

TUESDAY 1 2 JANUARY. Went in coach with my father, visited 

5 Robert Orel, Lord Chief Baron of the Court of Exchequer, a witty and hos- 
pitable Englishman. For Moncrieffe, see p. 210 n.g. 

6 David Ross, a well-known actor, was patentee and manager of the Edinburgh 
Theatre Royal. Boswell had written a Prologue at its opening the previous De- 
cember, which he himself credited with having saved the theatre in the face of 
strong local opposition. Ross was married to Fanny Murray, a famous courtesan 
and the main figure in Wilkes's obscene Essay on Woman. Upon his marriage., 
Ross is said to have received an allowance of 200 a year from Lord Spencer, 
whose father had "debauched" her. 

7 That Miss Blair was to marry Sir Alexander Gilmour. See pp. 117-118. 

1 1 6 Edinburgh, 1 2 January 1 768 

Mr. James Ker. Felt myself quite established. Dined Lady Alva's with 
Lord Chief Baron, Miss Ords, and Mr. John Mackenzie. Was well, but 
found I was ignorant and had no turn for the common affairs of life. 

WEDNESDAY 13 JANUARY. Dined Mrs. Boswell's of Balmuto. 8 
Found I had formed a habit there of constant jocularity, in so much 
that I never said one serious word. This must be corrected; they are 
good people. Relations should be regarded. In the immense multi- 
plicity of human beings, the more attachments we can form, the 
better. Do as we please, they are all few enough. Saw Martin's 
portraits. Drank tea at Mr. Kincaid's. Mrs. Kincaid not in; just the 
father and son and his governor. I appeared a formed man of learning. 

THURSDAY 14 JANUARY. Was entertained to find myself again 
in the Parliament House in all the hurry of business. Mr. Kincaid arid 
his family dined with us. 

FRIDAY 15 JANUARY. Breakfasted with Mr. William Alexan- 
der- genteel people. I thought myself among strangers and not in 
Edinburgh. Was busy with election causes; found the law fatigue me 
greatly, and from my indolent and anxious temper I was really har- 
assed with it. 

SATURDAY 1 6 JANUARY. This morning I was amazed when T 
thought of Mr. Lockhart, who is all the forenoon in the Parliament 
House and is never hurried or fretted, and yet goes through such 
multitudes of causes. 9 1 told him he was just a brownie in business. In 
a few hours the work of a dozen of men is performed by him. He never 
talks of himself, or complains anyhow. He said he wondered how the 
story of brownies came ever to be believed. I never before saw him 
aim at philosophy. It is indeed odd how the existence of a being who 
actually performed work, as a brownie was said to do^ came to be be- 
lieved; for it is not like imagining one sees a vision or hears a noise. 
Miss Montgomerie and Doctor Boswell and I were carried out by 

8 Lord Auchinleck's aunt and Claud BoswelFs mother. 

9 Alexander Lockhart, Dean of the Faculty of Advocates, was considered per- 
haps the most eminent lawyer practising at the Scottish bar. He was certainly 
one of the most successful. Boswell described him as always ready to cry and 
fond of getting his fees, and applied 2 Henry IV 9 IV. iv. 3 1-32, to him: 

He hath a tear for pity, and a hand 
Open as day. 

Prestonfield, 16 January 1768 117 

worthy Sir Alexander Dick in his coach to Prestonfield. We were very 
happy. I don't believe there ever existed a man more continually 
amiable than Sir Alexander. Came home in his coach. 

Had a consultation on the Forfar politics. In the forenoon, as we 
went along in the coach, the Earl of Eglinton was at the Cross. I 
jumped out, and he and I embraced most cordially. I had a strange 
pleasure in showing my intimacy with his Lordship before the citizens 
of Edinburgh. It is fine to be sensible of all one's various sentiments 
and to analyse them. After my consultation, I went to Fortune's and 
supped with Lord Eglinton, Lord Galloway, Matthew Henderson, and 
several more. 1 I saw a genteel, profligate society who live like a dis- 
tinct nation in Edinburgh, having constant recruits going and com- 
ing. I was ill of a venereal disorder, but resolved to make myself easy 
and eat and drink, though not to excess, yet freely. 

About one, Lord Eglinton and I went upstairs and had a friendly 
conference. I told him I loved Miss Blair much and wished to marry 
her if she liked me, and I gave him all our history. He said I was right 
to be honest with her; that her answers were very clever, and that it 
was probable she liked me. But he said I did not show her attention 
enough; that a woman had a right to be courted as much as a husband 
after marriage had a right to command. That if I insisted on a woman 
showing much love for me, I was certain of being taken in by any 
artful girl who wanted to have a man with a good estate. That I 
should tell Miss Blair, "If I have any chance, I'll do all in my power 
to be agreeable. If not, I'll make myself easy as soon as possible." He 
said my Yorkshire beauty 2 would not do so well, that she would be 
miserable in this country; and he quoted a blunt saying of the High- 
landers that "a cow fed in fine Lowland parks was unco bonny, but 
turned lean and scabbed when she was turned out to the wild hills." 
Up came Matthew Henderson and swore he believed Sir Alexander 

1 Fortune's was the most fashionable Edinburgh tavern of the day. Matthew 
Henderson was a convivial antiquary, and later a friend of Burns, who said of 
him after his death: U 0f all mankind I ever knew, he was one of the first for a 
nice sense of honour, a generous contempt of the adventitious distinctions of 
men, and sterling though somewhat outre wit" (Letters of Robert Burns, ed. J. 
De Lancey Ferguson, 1931, ii. 33). Boswell once described Lord Galloway as a 
quick, spirited, pleasure-loving politician. 

2 Miss Bosville. 

1 1 8 Edinburgh, 1 6 January 1 768 

Gilmour was to have the Heiress. My Lord advised me to write to her 
and know as to this. Such admirable advice did I get from a man of 
great genius who knows the world perfectly. He talked to me of my 
neutrality in the Ayrshire elections. I felt I was wrong. I was now 
quite free of hypochondria. Walking home after convoying my Lord 
to the Bow, I met a girl. Like a madman I would try the experiment of 
cooling myself when ill. What more mischief may it not bring! 

SUNDAY 17 JANUARY. In all forenoon. At dinner my father 
was out of humour because I had been so late abroad. I bore with him 
quite calmly. At five met at Mr. Macqueen's 3 with Messieurs Rae, 
Alexander Murray, and Armstrong, as counsel for Raybould, the 
forger, as I allow myself to consult on criminal business on Sundays. 
Went to bed at nine that I might be up early next morning. 

MONDAY 18 JANUARY. Rose at three. Wrote a reply in the For- 
far politics, and prepared a charge to the jury for Raybould. Went to 
the Justiciary Court at nine. Dull reading of the decreet of the Court 
of Session for many hours. 4 At two I went home, dined and drank a 

3 Robert Macqueen, a coarse, vigorous, gifted lawyer, well known for his Scots 
dialect and accent. Later a judge in the Courts of Session and Justiciary with the 
style of Lord Braxfield, he was notorious for his severity in the sedition trials 
of the 17905. He is supposedly the model for the judge in R. L. Stevenson's Weir 
of Hermiston. 

4 John Raybould, who seems to have been an Englishman living in New 
Merchiston, Stirlingshire, had already been found guilty by the Court of Session 
of forging bank-notes. If the indictment was true (as there seems no reason to 
doubt), he had hired an engraver in Birmingham to engrave a copper plate 
duplicating a twenty-shilling note of the Thistle Banking Company, Glasgow, 
and had caused five hundred impressions to be struck from this plate. Having 
been unable to hire the engraver to fill in with a pen dates, numbers, and sub- 
scriptions for the notes, he brought them back to Scotland and filled in some him- 
self and got other persons to fill in others. At least fifty notes were completed in 
this fashion, and at least twenty-two were put in circulation. Raybould's counsel 
had caused one postponement by demanding proof that he was the same as the 
person who had been tried by the Court of Session; on this day they seem to have 
limited their efforts to an attempt to establish that he did not himself fill in the 
signatures on some of the forged notes. The case raised an important and inter- 
esting legal point on which the authorities were disagreed: was the jury in the 
Court of Justiciary bound to accept the finding of the Court of Session, or could it 
acquit if it thought the prisoner in fact not guilty? Raybotild's counsel argued 
for the latter view, and the judges of the Court of Justiciary upheld them. It 
made no difference, for the jury returned a unanimous verdict of guilty, Boswell 

Edinburgh, 1 8 January 1768 119 

glass or two of malaga, and wrote another reply. Returned to the court. 
The Solicitor 5 charged the jury for the Crown. I was very uneasy and 
frightened. I however began, and was soon warm and in spirits, and 
recollected all my arguments. I really spoke well for above half an 
hour. I saw my imperfections, and hoped in time to make a real good 
speaker. I felt sound ambition and clear faculties. At eight went to 
Crosbie's 6 and had tea and a consultation with Mr. James Hay, Writer 
to the Signet. He revived in my mind worthy Scots family ideas. What 
a variety do I enjoy by observation! I went to bed in good time. 

[Received ? 1 8 January, Temple to Boswell] 

Mamhead, 8 January 1 768 

MY DEAR BOSWELL, I have read your letter with some care, and 
must confess am rather at a loss what to think of Miss Blair's conduct. 
Though she chooses to coquet it with you a little, yet she certainly 
may love you, and perhaps the dance she seems to intend leading you 
is no more than you deserve, considering the unaccountable manner 
in which you have behaved to her. For what woman can bear to see a 
man so long an admirer professedly, and yet at the same time so cau- 
tiously insensible as always to guard against the least advance to any 
engagement. At last, indeed, she finds you are caught and is resolved 
to punish you for your former temerity. Alas! the proud Boswell, to 
what humiliations, to what entreaties, to what pardons, to what in- 
sults do I not see him destined! The great Baron, the friend of Rous- 
seau and Voltaire, the companion of Paoli, the author of that immortal 
work, the Account of Corsica, is dwindled into a whining, fawning 
lover, the slave of a fair hand and a pair of black eyes. 

does not seem to have been much involved emotionally in this case, partly be- 
cause Raybould was unquestionably guilty, partly because he was "a genteel 
man" (see above, 11 February 1767). 

5 Henry Dundas. 

6 Andrew Crosbie, Roswell's fellow advocate in the John Reid trial, was noted 
for his learning and the originality of Ms thinking and arguments. He pleased 
Dr. Johnson on one occasion by discoursing on alchemy. In later life he was 
ruined in a disastrous banking venture, and died in great poverty. Though Scott 
denied using Mm as a model, he was taken for the original of Counsellor 
Pleydell in Guy Mannering. 

1 2O Edinburgh, 1 8 January 1 768 

Jesting apart, my dear friend, I dare not venture to say whether 
Miss Blair loves you or no. As she now has reason to think that you 
really love her, why does she not ingenuously confess that your flame 
is reciprocal? But you have told her your character; you have told her 
that you are inconstant, fickle, and jealous, and never sure of yourself 
for two days together. Has she not reason then to examine every step 
that she takes, lest imagining she is walking upon flowers she meets 
with nothing under foot but thorns and poison? But is such caution 
consistent with tenderness, with love, with genuine passion? Un- 
doubtedly it is, my dear Boswell; the romance of knight-errantry is no 
more, and good folks nowadays agree to run the race of life together 
because it is convenient; not because they love, but because they do 
not hate. Does not this shock the sensibility of your enthusiastic soul? 
However, in general, it is but too true, and if you want a wife upon 
more refined conditions, I fear you must go seek her in the wilds of 
America, or in that stage of society in which mankind have not yet 
learnt to prefer paltry conveniences and gilded trifles to the genuine 
feelings of nature and passion. 

I am much pleased with her being so amiably affected at Othello; 
for to feel even for imaginary distresses is the sign of a tender and 
generous heart. But I am not fond of the mediation of her Glasgow 
cousin. It looks artful. However, considering your strange conduct, 
perhaps it was necessary and probably more owing to the prudence of 
a wary mother than to anything else. Upon the whole, I dare say Miss 
Blair is a good girl. When she returns, therefore, continue your assi- 
duity and professions of eternal love; if you cannot melt her that way., 
then affect a careless indifference, which, if there is the least spark of 
love in her breast, will certainly blow it into a flame; at any rate you 
must not lose her, for she surely is destined by fate to continue the 
race of the lords of Auchinleck. . . . 

My wife desires her kind remembrances to you. She seems in a fair 
way to bring me a boy. Adieu, my dear friend, 


TUESDAY 19 JANUARY, Was at the anniversary meeting of the 
Faculty of Advocates. 7 Had the true old sensations, and felt myself 

7 "Anniversary" seems simply to mean "annual." Its purpose was the election of 
officers and committees. 

Edinburgh, 1 9 January 1768 121 

Mr. James Boswell, comfortable and secure. Recollected how formerly 
I should have been wretched with a life so void of vivid enjoyment, 
but now had force of mind enough to be content. At Clerihue's we 
were very merry. The Dean after many ladies had been drank called 
out, "Here is a toast: a young lady just in her teens Miss Corsica. 
Give her a gentleman!" All called out, "Paoli!" I drank too much. I 
went to a close in the Luckenbooths to seek a girl whom I had once 
seen in the street. I found a natural daughter of the late Lord (Kin- 
naird), 8 a fine lass. I stayed an hour and a half with her and drank 
malaga and was most amorous-, being so well that no infection re- 
mained. I felt now that the indifference of the Heiress had cured me, 
and I was indifferent as to her. I was so happy with Jeany Kinnaird 
that I very philosophically reasoned that there was to me so much 
virtue mixed with licentious love that perhaps I might be privileged. 
For it made me humane, polite, generous. But then lawful love with a 
woman I really like would make me still better. I forgot the risk I run 
with this girl. She looked so healthy and so honest I had no fears. 

WEDNESDAY 2O JANUARY. Mr. George Frazer and Mr. Orme 
drank tea and claret with me, consulting on a plan for Lochmaben 

THURSDAY 21 JANUARY. Lords Stonefield and Barjarg, Walter 
Campbell, George Cockburn, &c., dined. I drank tea with Johnston. 
Supped with Dempster at Peter Ramsay's. 9 Had a most pleasant eve- 

FRIDAY 22 JANUARY. My father and I dined at Lord Coals- 
ton's. I had written to Miss Blair to tell me if she was going to be 
married to Sir Alexander Gilmour, and if she was disengaged and did 
not write me so I should upon honour consider it to be the same thing 
as if she was engaged. No answer had come yet, so I began to exert all 
my spirit to be free. I drank tea at Mrs. Hamilton of Bangour's, and 
made my peace for not having visited her since I came home. 

SATURDAY 23 JANUARY, My father and I dined at Lord Gallo- 
way's. Old ideas of true people of quality revived. I then went to the 
play, to Mrs. Hamilton's box. It was Venice Preserved: Jaffier, Ross; 
Pierre, Sowdon; I relished it much. The Heiress began to lose her do- 

8 There is a hole in the manuscript here, but Boswell supplies the name below. 

9 An inn at the bottom of St. Mary's Wynd. For Dempster, see p. 173 72.5. 

122 Edinburgh, 23 January 1 768 

minion over me. I supped at Ross's after the play. Sowdon was there 

and Cullen, &c. Felt myself now calm and improved, as I used to wish. 

SUNDAY 24 JANUARY. In all forenoon. Afternoon, church; 
then tea, Marchioness Dowager of Lothian. Miss BothwelL, a sister of 
the late Lord Holyroodhouse, was there. We had good solid conversa- 
tion on the advantages of the Christian religion. Then drank coffee at 
the Marquess of Lothian's. Found myself as in a London family of 
fashion. Then visited Lady Crawford, a most amiable woman. Sir 
John Cathcart and lady there. 

MONDAY 25 JANUARY. In all day. M. Dupont drank tea with 
me; 10 had two consultations. Supped Mrs. Hamilton of Bangour's, an 
Edinburgh evening. Found I was fit for any company. Before my Ac- 
count of Corsica came out, I was desirous to have all my visits paid, as 
I thenceforward intended if possible to maintain a propriety and 
strictness of manners. 

TUESDAY 26 JANUARY. All the evening was employed in writ- 
ing to Paoli, Mr. Burnaby, &c., before the great era of the publication 
of my book. I sat up till past two. 

WEDNESDAY 2 7 JANUARY. My father and Claud and I dined 
at Lord Barjarg's. It was just a family dinner. I felt myself palled with 
insipidity, so high is my taste of society grown. I drank tea at Mrs. 
Hunter's of Polmood, and revived Sommelsdyck and Auchinleck 
ideas. 1 I then came home and wrote papers busily till seven. Then had 
a consultation at the Hon. Alexander Gordon's. Then supped Mrs. 
Cockburn's. 2 A great company there. Felt myself quite easy, but still 
subject to fall in love with the woman next me at table. I have from 
nature a feverish constitution which time has moderated and will at 
last cure. Mrs. Cockburn said a man much versant in love was not so 
valuable. I maintained he was, for a hack, if not lamed or too much 
worn down, is the cleverest horse when put on good pasture. 

THURSDAY 28 JANUARY. My father was confined with a se- 

10 The Rev. Pierre Loumeau Dupont was minister of the Huguenot congregation 
in Edinburgh. 

1 Mrs. Hunter, like Boswell, had a Sommelsdyck ancestor, which explains the 

2 Alicia Cockburn was a poetess who in person somewhat resembled Queen 
Elizabeth. Her supper parties were well known for the distinguished circle she 
gathered. Burns admired her lyrics, and Scott her conversation. 

Edinburgh, 28 January 1768 123 

vere cold. I saw his great worth and value to me, when I was reminded 
of the danger of losing him. I resolved to act towards him in such a 
way as to make his life comfortable, and give me the consolation after 
he is gone that I have done my duty, and may hope for the same 
attention from my son. I was not abroad but at the Parliament House 
and dining at Lord President's. 

FRIDAY 29 JANUARY, Had Hallglenmuir and Knockroon to 
dine. Went after supper to Bailie Hunter's, and sat a while with Lady 
Crawford and a good many more company. Sat too late. I resolved to 
be more regular, as I really had a constant fever and sweating every 

SATURDAY 30 JANUARY. I stayed in all forenoon writing re- 
plies for Hardriggs, in the division of Dornock commonty. Dined John 
Chalmer's with Hallglenmuir, James Neill, Knockroon, &c. 

SUNDAY 31 JANUARY. Forenoon at church. Dined Mr. Mon- 
crieffe's with Prebendary Douglas and lady, Lady and Miss Eden, 
all from Durham, who wished much to see the author of The Essence 
of the Douglas Cause. Lord John Murray was there. All was elegant 
and really agreeable. At night went to Sally's mother and renewed 

MONDAY i FEBRUARY. Was busy all day with law till five, 
when I drank tea at Miss Montgomerie's. At seven consulted at 

TUESDAY 2 FEBRUARY. At seven met Mr. Alexander Orme and 
Holmains, George Frazer, William Hay, and Jamie Baillie at Cleri- 
hue's at a treat given by the heritors of Lochmaben. Mr. Ross had 
come up to me and asked me to sup with him; so I went and found 
Sir Johns Cathcart and Whitefoord. We were very merry and pleas- 
ant. I drank a great deal, though I was not well yet. Between two and 
three I went to Sally's mother's and renewed again. What a life do I 

WEDNESDAY 3 FEBRUARY. I awaked so ill I could hardly rise, 
and all forenoon I was quite out of order and feverish after my 
debauchery. I felt myself a very rake as I pleaded a cause before Lord 

THURSDAY 4 FEBRUARY. I was busy and regular. 

FRIDAY 5 FEBRUARY. I supped at Lord Monboddo's with Lords 

1 24 Edinburgh, 5 February 1 768 

Coalston and Kennet, Mrs. Murray of Stormont, &c. I was quite easy. 
I saw lords of session in a quite different light from what I have done 
by looking only at awful judges. Claret fevered me, and I again went 
to Sally's mother and renewed. 

SATURDAY 6 FEBRUARY. Breakfasted at the President's. Was 
too late for a cause before Lord Monboddo. Determined to confine 
myself to the Parliament House all the forenoon. Considered the law 
is my profession, my occupation in life. Saw it not to be such a 
mystery as I apprehended. 

SUNDAY 7 FEBRUARY. Church forenoon. Heard Mr. Butter in 
St. Paul's Chapel, 3 afternoon. Drank tea with Mrs. Montgomerie- 
Cuninghame. Then visited Lady Maxwell. Was quite cheerful and 
well. Mr. Fullarton (the Nabob) came in. Miss Blair was now arrived. 
He proposed we should go and visit her. We went. She was reserved 
and distant. I saw plainly all was over. Yet I could not be quite 
certain. Fullarton and I came away together. I liked the rnan. I asked 
him freely how he was. We owned candidly to each other that we 
were both for Miss Blair. I insisted that he and I should not part that 
night. I carried him to sup at Mrs. Montgomerie-Cuninghame's 
and then we adjourned to Clerihue's. I opened the Nabob's mind, and 
he and I gave each other a fair recital of all that we hoped from the 
Heiress. It was agreed I had her heart once, and perhaps still, if she 
was not engaged to Sir Alexander Gilmour. "Come," said I, u we shall 
be at our wits' end. If you'll ask her tomorrow, upon honour I'll ask 
her." We shook hands and wished all happiness to him who should 
succeed. Never was there a more curious scene. At two in the morning 
I went to Sally's mother, and, being flushed with claret, renewed my 

MONDAY 8 FEBRUARY. Between nine and ten went to Miss 
Blair. "Come, before they come in, are you engaged or no?" She 
seemed reserved. I said, "You know I am much in love with you, and, 
if you are not engaged, I would take a good deal of trouble to make 

3 Not "Old St. Paul's," the Scots Episcopal church whose present beautiful struc- 
ture on the east side of Carrubber's Close is believed to cover the site of its 
eighteenth-century chapel, but a "qualified" congregation meeting at the foot 
of the close in the luckless theatre which Allan Ramsay had opened in 1737, only 
to have it promptly shut by the authorities. 

Edinburgh, 8 February 1768 125 

myself agreeable to you." She said, "You need not take the trouble. 
Now you must not be angry with me." "Indeed no," said I. u But is it 
really so? Say upon your word, upon honour." She did so. I therefore 
was satisfied. My spirit was such that, though I felt some regret, I 
appeared quite easy and gay. I made her give me breakfast, and with 
true philosophy I put my mind in a proper frame. It was agreed that 
we were not to ask her if she was engaged. She gave me a lecture on 
my conduct towards her, in talking without reserve. At twelve the 
Nabob was with her, and she treated him with the greatest coldness. 
He and I met at the Cross at two and joked and laughed with all our 
acquaintance. I did the Nabob much good, for I relieved him from 
serious love by my vivacity. I have one of the most singular minds 
ever was formed. 

[Boswell to Temple] 

Edinburgh, 8 February 1 768 

MY DEAR FRIEND, All is over between Miss Blair and me. I have 
delayed writing till I could give you some final account. About a 
fortnight after she went to the country a report went that she was 
going to be married to Sir Alexander Gilmour, Member of Parliament 
for the county of Midlothian, a young man about thirty who has 
1600 a year of estate, was formerly an officer in the Guards, and is 
now one of the Clerks of the Board of Green Cloth, 4 1000 a year; in 
short, a noble match, though a man of expense and obliged to lead 
a London life. After the fair agreement between her and me which 
I gave you fully in my last, I had a title to know the truth. I wrote to 
her seriously, and told her that if she did not write me an answer I 
should believe the report to be true. After three days, I concluded 
from her silence that she was at last engaged. I endeavoured to laugh 
off my passion and I got Sir Alexander Gilmour to frank a letter to 
her, which I wrote in a pleasant strain and amused myself with the 
whim. Still, however, I was not absolutely certain, as her conduct 
has been so prudent all along. 

At last she comes to town, and who comes too but my old rival, the 
Nabob. I got acquainted with Mr. Fullarton, and he and I joked a 
good deal about our heiress. Last night he proposed that he and I 

4 A judicial and financial department of the King's Household. 

126 Edinburgh, 8 February 1 768 

should go together and pay her a visit for the first time after her return 
from the country. Accordingly we went, and I give you my word, 
Temple, it was a curious scene. However, the Princess behaved ex- 
ceedingly well, though with a reserve more than ordinary. When we 
left her, we both exclaimed, "Upon my soul, a fine woman." I began 
to like the Nabob much, so I said to him, "I do believe, Mr. Fullarton, 
you and I are in the same situation here. Is it possible to be upon 
honour and generous in an affair of this kind?" We agreed it was. 
Each then declared he was serious in his love for Miss Blair, and each 
protested he never before believed the other in earnest. We agreed 
to deal by one another in a fair and candid manner. 

I carried him to sup at a lady's, a cousin of mine, where we stayed 
till half an hour past eleven. We then went to a tavern, and the good 
old claret was set before us. He told me that he had been most as- 
siduous in attending Miss Blair, but she never gave him the least en- 
couragement, and he declared he was convinced she loved me as 
much as a woman could love a man. With equal honesty I told him all 
that has passed between her and me, and your observation on the 
wary mother. "What!" said he, "did Temple say so? If he had lived 
twenty years in the country with them, he could not have said a better 
thing." I then told him Dempster's humorous saying that all Miss 
Blair's connections were in an absolute confederacy to lay hold of 
every man who has a 1000 a year, and how I called their system a 
salmon fishing. "You have hit it," said he. "We're all kept in play; 
but I am positive you are the fish, and Sir Alexander is only a mock 
salmon to force you to jump more expeditiously at the bait." We sat 
till two this morning. We gave our words as men of honour that we 
would be honest to each other, so that neither should suffer needlessly; 
and to satisfy ourselves of our real situation we gave our words that 
we should both ask her this morning, and I should go first. Could there 
be anything better than this? The Nabob talked to me with the 
warmth of the Indies, and professed the greatest pleasure on being 
acquainted with me. 

Well, Temple, I went this morning, and she made tea to me alone. 
I then asked her seriously if she was to be married to Sir Alexander. 
She said, "It was odd to believe everything people said, and why did 
I put such a question?" &c. I said that she knew very well I was much 

Edinburgh, 8 February 1 768 127 

in love with her, and that if I had any chance I would take a good deal 
of trouble to make myself agreeable to her. She said I need not take 
the trouble, and I must not be angry, for she thought it best to tell me 
honestly. "What then," said I, u have I no chance?" "No," said she. I 
asked her to say so upon her word and upon honour. She fairly re- 
peated the words. So, I think, Temple, I had enough. 

She would not tell me whether she was engaged to the Knight. 
She said she would not satisfy an idle curiosity. But I own I had no 
doubt of it. What amazed me was that she and I were as easy and as 
good friends as ever. I told her, "I have great animal spirits and bear 
it wonderfully well. But this is really hard. I am thrown upon the 
wide world again. I don't know what will become of me." 

Before dinner the Nabob and I met, and he told me that he went, 
and in the most serious and submissive manner begged to know if she 
was engaged. She would give him no satisfaction, and treated him 
with a degree of coldness that overpowered him quite, poor man. 

Such is the history of the lovers of this cruel princess, who cer- 
tainly is a lucky woman to have had a sovereign sway over so many 

I have endeavoured to make merry on my misfortune. 


Although I be an honest laird, 

In person rather strong and brawny, 

For me the Heiress never cared, 

For she would have the Knight, Sir Sawney. 

And when with ardent vows I swore, 

Loud as Sir Jonathan Trelawny, 6 

The Heiress showed me to the door, 

And said she'd have the Knight, Sir Sawney. 

5 That is, with a constantly recurring rhyme-word. 

6 Sir Jonathan Trelawny, a militant bishop of the late seventeenth and early 
eighteenth centuries, was tried for seditious libel under James II. It is to him 
that the song refers: 

And shall Trelawny die? 

Then twenty thousand Cornishmen will Inow the reason why. 

128 Edinburgh, 8 February 1 768 

She told me with a scornful look 

I was as ugly as a tawny; 7 

For she a better fish could hook, 

The rich and gallant Knight, Sir Sawney. 

N.B. I can find no more rhymes to Sawney. 

Now that all is over, I see many faults in her which I did not see be- 
fore. Do you not think she has not feeling enough, nor that ingenuous 
spirit which your friend requires? The Nabob and many other people 
are still of opinion that she has not made sure of Sir Sawney, and that 
all this may be finesse. But I cannot suspect so young a creature of so 
much artifice,, and whatever may be in it I am honourably off; and 
you may wonder at it, but I assure you I am very easy and cheerful. 
I am, however, resolved to look out for a good wife, either here or in 
England, I intend to be in London in March. My address will be at 
Mr. Billy's, bookseller. But I expect to hear from you before I set out, 
which will not be till the 14 of March. I rejoice to hear that Mrs. 
Temple is in a good way. My best wishes ever attend you and her. 
I am your most affectionate friend, 


11 February. I have allowed my letter to lie by till this day. The 
Heiress is a good Scots lass. But I must have an Englishwoman. My 
mind is now twice as enlarged as it has been for some months. You 
cannot say how fine a woman I may marry; perhaps a Howard or 
some other of the noblest in the kingdom. 

TUESDAY 9 FEBRUARY. 8 Mr. Claud and I visited the Heiress. 
She seemed very ordinary today. My Lord President and his lady, 
Mrs. Montgomerie-Cuningharne, Professor Stevenson, &c., dined. 
Mrs. Dundas and I danced at a private ball at Fortune's, a very good 
company. The Nabob was there, and I made him talk easily and be 
quite cheerful After supper I gave for my toast, "May we bear our 

7 Mulatto. 

8 Boswell, bringing up his Journal at a later date, began to misnumber the days 
here, calling this 2 February, until he came to his supposed 8 February (really 
the i5th) when his memory naturally failed him. He then wrote, "I cannot say 
what I did" for this day, and for the next, "I have also forgotten what I did, only 
one day this week I visited Raybould under sentence of death," The next "week" 
is blank, until the entries pick up again correctly on the 15th. 

Edinburgh, 9 February 1 768 129 

misfortunes with spirit," and sung, "The mind of a woman." Lord 
Monboddo was there and highly pleased. All my prejudices against 
Edinburgh were worn off. I saw the company quite agreeable and 
elegant enough, with a great deal of virtuous manners. 

WEDNESDAY io FEBRUARY. I breakfasted at Lord President's. 

FRIDAY 12 FEBRUARY. Lord Justice- Clerk, Mr. David Ken- 
nedy, Hay Campbell, Mr. Alexander Tait, John Davidson, &c., dined. 9 

SATURDAY 13 FEBRUARY. I dined at Lord Justice-Clerk's with 
my father. Lords Kinnoul, Coalston, Kames, Baron Winn, &c., were 
there. I drank pretty freely, and after five went to Sally's mother and 
renewed. She told me she was again, she believed, as before. 1 1 was a 
little embarrassed, but just submitted my mind to it. I then went to 
Crosbie and had some tea. Then he and I went to Mr. James Hay's and 
had a consultation with Mrs. Smith of Ferret. It was quite in old 
style, and when it was over honest Mr. Hay gave us a couple of bottles 
of claret. This inflamed me again and I went back to Sally's mother. 
She really looked pretty. 

SUNDAY 14 FEBRUARY. I sat in all forenoon. Afternoon went 
to church. Tea at home, then went to the good Doctor's. 2 

MONDAY 15 FEBRUARY. This day I heard from Mr. Dilly that 
my Account of Corsica was ready for publication, so I ordered Mr, 
NeilP to give out copies in Scotland. 

TUESDAY 16 FEBRUARY. I was busy with law. 

THURSDAY 18 FEBRUARY. I breakfasted with Lord Hailes and 
gave him my book. I dined with my father, Lord Coalston, &c., at the 
Solicitor's with the ladies of Cromartie. Lady Augusta, the famed 
beauty, did not strike me. I then went to an Ayrshire ball at Fortune's. 
My book was published this day, and felt my own importance. I 
danced with the Countess of Crawford, so opened the ball. I was quite 
as I wished to be; only I am positive I had not so high an opinion of 

9 A legal gathering. David Kennedy, an advocate, was M.P. for Ayrshire and 
later tenth Earl of Cassillis. Hay Campbell, one of the Douglas counsel, was later 
Lord President of the Court of Session, and a baronet. Tait was a principal clerk 
of session, and Davidson a crown agent. 

1 Boswell does not make any further mention of Mrs, Dodds's possible preg- 
nancy, so perhaps she was mistaken. 

2 Dr. Boswell's. 

3 Adam Neill, printer in Edinburgh, and a business connection of Dilly's. 

130 Edinburgh, 18 February 1768 

myself as other people had. I look back with wonder on the mysterious 
and respectful notions I used to have of authors. I felt that I was still 
subject to attacks of feverish love, but I also knew that my mind is 
now firm enough soon to recover its tone. 

FRIDAY 19 FEBRUARY. I called on Lady Crawford in the fore- 
noon. I felt that I could easily relapse into dissipation, but I also saw 
that I was become strong; and though, when I allowed myself to be 
indolent, I was carried down the stream, I might if I pleased swim up 
against the current. 

SATURDAY 20 FEBRUARY. I dined at Lord Dundonald's. There 
had been a coldness between that family and me, and I had not seen 
them of a long time. All was well again, and old ideas of Major 
Cochrane, my dear mother, &c., &c., &c. revived.* 

SUNDAY 21 FEBRUARY. In all forenoon. I had dreamt of Ray- 
bould under sentence of death. I was gloomy. Afternoon, church. Tea 
home, then visited Raybould, that my gloomy imagination might be 
cured by seeing the reality. I was shown up to him by Archibald, the 
soldier who was to be tried for murder. 5 The clanking of the iron-room 
door was terrible. I found him very composed. I sat by him an hour 
and a half by the light of a dim farthing candle. He spoke very 
properly on religion. I read him the 4 Chapter of the i Epistle of John 
and lectured upon it. On verse 18 I discoursed on fear very appositely, 6 
by an illustration taken from Robert Hay, the soldier who was hanged 
last year. "There, John," said I, "did he lie quite sunk, quite desperate, 
and neither would eat nor drink, and all for fear, just terror for dying. 
But the comfortable doctrine of Christianity prevents this." I was 
quite firm, and I was astonished to compare myself now with myself 
when a boy, remarkably timorous. Raybould seemed wonderfully 
easy. I therefore talked quite freely to him. "But, John, have you no 
fear for the immediate pain of dying?" "No," said he, "I have had 
none as yet. I know not how it may be at the very moment* But I do 

4 Thomas Cochrane, eighth Earl of Dundonald, was Boswell's maternal grand- 
uncle. He had been known as Major Cochrane before his accession to the title. 
The "coldness" may have been occasioned by the Douglas cause, Lord Dun- 
donald being a violent partisan of the Hamilton interest. 

5 James Archibald, accused of murdering a fellow labourer, was found not 
guilty because he had used no weapons but his fists. 

6 "There is no fear in love, but perfect love casteth out fear." 

A C 

C O 

O F 


C O R S I C A, 




BY J A M E S B O S W E L L, JSfq; 

ILLUSTRATED with a New and Accurate MAP of CORSI CA. 

Non enim propter gloriam, divitias aut horiores pxignamus, fed proptcr libec- 
tatcra folummodo, <jnam nemo bonus nifi fimul cum vita amittit. 

jUr. Comic, ct Baron. Scotiae ad Pap, A. D, 13x0* 

G .L : A S 

Title-page of the first edition of Boswell's Account of 
Corsica, published in February 1768 

Edinburgh, 21 February 1768 131 

think I shall be quite composed." I looked steadfastly at him during 
this and saw he was speaking truly. One certain sign of his being 
much at ease was the readiness with which his attention was diverted 
to any other subject than his own melancholy situation; for, when a 
man is much distressed, he is still fixed in brooding over his calamity. 
But Raybould talked of his wife's journey down in all its particulars, 
just as if he had been an indifferent, ordinary man. 

He told me when he came first to Scotland he did not know the 
difference between an agent and an advocate. 7 1 saw him beginning 
to smile at his own ignorance. I considered how amazing it would be 
if a man under sentence of death should really laugh, and, with the 
nicest care of a diligent student of human nature, I as decently as 
possible first smiled as he did, and gradually cherished the risible 
exertion, till he and I together fairly laughed. How strange! He very 
calmly examined whether a man dying of sickness or one in his 
situation was worst. He said one in his situation. I argued that one 
dying of sickness was worst, because he is weakened and unable to 
support the fear of death, whereas one in his situation was quite well 
but for the prospect before him. Raybould, however, maintained his 
proposition, because, he said, the man weakened by sickness was 
brought to a state of indifference. I bid him farewell. It was truly a 
curious scene. I went and sat a while at the worthy Doctor's. 

WEDNESDAY 24 FEBRUARY. I went to see Raybould's execu- 
tion. I was invited up to the window of one , a merchant by , 

who knew me. I tried to be quite firm and philosophical, and imagined 
Raybould in some future period telling what he felt at his execution. 
The most dreadful event seems light when past, and I made it past by 
imagination. I felt very little; but when he stood long on the ladder I 
grew impatient, and was beginning to have uneasy sensations. I came 
home. Mr. William Wilson, S., Mr. Walter Scott, 8 &c. dined. At night 
I was with Lady Crawford at The Beggar's Opera^ which quite re- 

7 An advocate is a counsellor-at-law or barrister, who does the actual pleading in 
court. An agent or "writer" (the English equivalent is "solicitor") is a member 
of the legal profession who advises clients and manages cases, but does not 
present them in court. The position of agent was less distinguished socially, but 
was likely to be more remunerative. Boswell was an advocate, John Johnston an 
agent. A "Writer to the Signet" belongs to a special, superior class of agents, 

8 Sir Walter Scott's father, a Writer to the Signet. 

132 Edinburgh, 24 February 1 768 

lieved any gloom. The songs revived London ideas, and my old in- 
trigues with actresses who used to play in this opera. 9 I was happy 
in being free of Miss Blair. The farce was The Vintner Tricked. It was 
curious that after seeing a real hanging I should meet with two mock 
ones on the stage. I went with Houston Stewart and renewed our old 
acquaintance at Caddie 1 Miller's with oysters and claret. We sat till 
two, very agreeably. When I came home I was a little dreary, but 
it went off and I slept well. 

THURSDAY 25 FEBRUARY. My father and I dined at the Mar- 
quess of Lothian's. 

SATURDAY 2 7 FEBRUARY. Sir Alexander Dick carried me out 
in his coach to Prestonfield. No other person was there. We were quite 

[Boswell to Horace Walpole] 2 

Edinburgh, 26 February 1 768 

SIR: I beg your acceptance of a copy of my Account of Corsica, 
to which you have a better claim than you perhaps imagine, as I 
dare say you have forgotten what you said to me at Paris, when I had 
the honour of giving you a few anecdotes of what I had just come from 
seeing among the brave Islanders. In short, Sir, your telling me that I 
ought to publish something in order to show the Corsicans in a proper 
light was my first incitement to undertake the work which has now 
made its appearance. 3 

If it gives any pleasure to Mr. Horace Walpole I shall be par- 
ticularly happy. I shall think that I have been able to make him some 
small return for the pleasure which his elegant writings have afforded 
me. I have the honour to be, Sir, your most obedient, humble servant, 


9 One of these actresses was Mrs. Love, wife of James Love, once manager of the 
Edinburgh theatre, and an early friend of Boswell's. 

1 A caddie was a street messenger, valet de place., arid odd-job man in general. 

2 Printed in Letters of James Boswell, i. 146-147 and in Supplement to the Let- 
ters of Horace Walpole, ed. Paget Toynbee, 1918, ii. 138-139, The original is in 
the collection of Mr, and Mrs. Donald F. Hyde. 

3 For this visit, see Boswell on the Grand Tour: Italy, Corsica, and France, 22 
January 1766. Though Boswell did not know it ? Walpole had disliked him at 

Edinburgh, 9 March 1768 133 

[Received ?g March, Temple to Boswell] 

Mamhead, i March 1 768 

DEAR BOSWELL, If I am at all sorry you have broke with Miss 
Blair, it is only lest it should give your father pain and lest he should 
think it owing to your own imprudence; otherwise I could almost 
congratulate you upon it, as I cannot help suspecting the mother of 
interested views and the daughter of great insensibility, and even 
want of sincerity and candour. Miss Blair's conduct, till you declared 
yourself passionately her admirer, was prudent and blameless, but 
since that time I should think that neither her reserve nor want of 
feeling can be at all justified. "The woman that wants candour where 
she is addressed by a man of merit wants a very essential virtue; and 
she who can delight in the anxiety of a worthy mind is little to be 
pitied when she feels the sharpest stings of anxiety in her own," so 
says Lady Betty in the new comedy. 4 If she even loves you then 
(which is almost impossible) she is justly punished; if she does not, 
you must own you are happily off. 

So it is as we suspected with regard to the Nabob. I trust he has 
not taken the advantage of your candour and openness. I hope you do 
not forget that the Princess did not give him an absolute refusal. Take 
care you are not duped. Yet perhaps all this time I am accusing Miss 
Blair very rashly and unjustly; perhaps she has heard of your un- 
fortunate connection with Mrs. ; and if so, who then will be to 

blame? And pray do not take any merit to yourself in bearing this 
disappointment so calmly; perhaps some of it may be placed to that 
vulgar creature's account; and if not, I am sure you never loved Miss 
Blair. Pray tell me how the little infant does and where you have 
placed it. 

So you are going to town to publish your book, I fancy. How 
have you swelled it into a six-shilling volume? Though so far on the 
way, I will not formally invite you to proceed to Devonshire. My 
parsonage is in a wretched condition, and I cannot have a spare room 
till autumn. This, my dear Boswell, gives me a good deal of un- 

4 Hugh Kelly's False Delicacy, act 2, scene 2. Garrick had produced it at Drury 
Lane about six weeks before in competition with Goldsmith's Good-Natured 

134 Edinburgh, 9 March 1 768 

easiness. However, if you do come, I'll endeavor to get a bed for you 
at Lord Lisburne's. I know you will think I write unkindly here, but 
you cannot imagine what a vile house I live in, and I own I am weak 
enough to be almost ashamed to receive you in it. However, take your 
own way, and be assured that I can be no place where I would not 
rather see you than any man I know. Adieu, and write to me when 
you get to town. 


P.S. 5 I have just heard to my great concern that my unworthy 
brother has completed the measure of his follies by eloping to Edin- 
burgh with a woman of very low condition and not worth a guinea. 
Claxton gives me a very good account today of your Corsica; he 
commends it much. Pray do not forget to call upon him. As I expect 
a copy, from the author, directed to the Reverend Mr. Temple of 
Mamhead, near Chudleigh, Devon, to be left at the London Inn, 
Exeter, I shall not think of buying Boswell's book. Is it not a shame I 
should have occasion to mention this? But perhaps you have now 
bound yourself by the same promise you did with regard to your 
Letters. Such promises are very convenient. 

WEDNESDAY 16 MARCH. 6 It is very odd that it is hardly possible 
to set out upon a journey without being in confusion. I was so not a 
little this morning. My worthy friend Johnston came and stayed by 
me while I packed my trunk, the sign of a real friend. He who can 
stand by a man while he packs his trunk would attend him to the 
place of execution were he going to be hanged; for really one 
packing his trunk and one going to be hanged are pretty much the 
same company to a friend. My travelling companion was Mr. Robert- 
son near Alloway, one of the contractors for paving the streets of 
London, but who was going thither for the first time. Mr. John Small, 
one of the macers 7 " of the Court of Session, was to ride by us all the 
way. He could not get a horse this morning, so we took him into the 
chaise to Haddington, where we had a beefsteak, having set out at 
two o'clock. We seemed hearty and easy. Only I, whose combustible, 
or rather inflammable, soul is always taking fire, was uneasy at hav- 

5 A postscript preceding this one has been omitted. 

6 To symbolize the importance of his jaunt to London, Boswell started a new 
Journal, the first to be kept in a bound notebook. 

7 A petty official who executes indictments and keeps order in the court. 

Haddington^ 16 March 1768 135 

ing left Mary., a pretty, lively little girl whom accident had thrown in 
my way a few days before. She was one of those females who either 
from wickedness or misfortune are the slaves of profligate men. She 
was very young, and I resolved to try if there was virtue in her; so I 
left her as many guineas as she said she could live upon till my return. 
I got two of my friends to promise to go to her and offer her a high 
bribe to break her engagement to me, and to write me what she did. I 
find I am still somewhat of a Don Quixote, for now am I in love with 
perhaps an abandoned, worthless being; but we shall see. We went to 
Dunbar at night, where we drank the finest small beer I ever tasted 
in my life, and had a good supper and warm punch. 

THURSDAY i/ MARCH. We set out about half an hour after four 
and went two stages to Berwick to breakfast. Captain Webster came 
and saw me. 8 The elections were very dead here. The landlord offered 
any of us a premium to set up as candidate and make a stir. We were 
obliged to take four horses to Belford, but we went all in the chaise. 
By the way we came to a place called Longbridgend, where there is 
an arm of the sea and a river meeting which crosses the road on the 
sands, which we took as easier than the turnpike road. The sea was 
out, so we had to wait an hour. We played at drawing straws and at 
odds and evens for halfpence. We did not dine, but came to Alnwick 
at night to the house of Turnbull, the family of Northumberland's 
old piper, who gave us many tunes with amazing dexterity. My at- 
tention had still been fixed on Mary. It was a moment diverted by a 
glance from a girl standing at a door in Alnwick. We supped heartily 
and drank warm punch. 

FRIDAY 18 MARCH. We set off very early. Small galloped on 
first and had breakfast ready for us at Morpeth. He had travelled the 
road a hundred times as Lord Cathcart's master household. 9 So he 
bullied waiters, postilions, and ostlers, and carried us on like smoke. 
We got to Newcastle about noon. I sent for my brother, the Lieuten- 
ant, 1 and he carried me to dine where he was boarded, at Dr. Wilson's. 

8 Captain (later Lt.-Colonel) James Webster, Dr. Alexander Webster's second 

son, was full of vivacity and lively humour according to David Boswell. He 

served with distinction in the American Revolution and died of wounds received 

at the battle of Guilford Court House. 

a The Scottish equivalent of a steward in a nobleman's household. 

1 Lt. John Boswell, Lord Auchinleck's second son, suffered from intermittent 

attacks of insanity, possibly initiated by a fall on a flight of stairs in 1762. 

1 36 Newcastle, 1 8 March 1768 

The Doctor was not at home. But his lady, a fine, pretty, amiable little 
woman, entertained us. I had on my journey an old French black 
suit, but I here put on my green and gold and made a good figure. 
After dinner the Doctor came in, a worthy, sensible man. He showed 
me a little essay he had written on the Douglas cause. It was well. But 
I had already seen so much upon it in a more masterly style that it did 
not strike me greatly. My brother and I went and drank tea with old 
Mr. Aitken, the dissenting clergyman who was my father's governor, 
and there much plain, old-fashioned, cordial conversation passed. I 
then went to my inn and sent for Mr. Spearman, the attorney. He was 
a young^ smart, talking fellow. He and Dr. Wilson and my brother 
supped with me. I was pleased to see the kind of people in the north of 
England. But hasted south. 

SATURDAY 19 MARCH. Small acquitted himself so nobly that 
Mr. Robertson and I constituted him Lord President, and we were the 
Court of Session, He was very droll. "Come, my lords, we have done a 
great deal of business. Tomorrow your lordships have a church 
cause." (That was to see the Minster at York.) "We shall make a 
good session of it." We got to York at night and put up at Bluitfs Inn. 
We were dusty, bustling fellows, and no sooner was our baggage 
taken off than we posted to the theatre. We went into the back seat of 
one of the boxes, and indeed there was a pretty company. I loved to see 
so many genteel people in their own county town, in place of crowd- 
ing to London. The play was False Delicacy, and the farce, A Peep 
behind the Curtain. Wilkinson, the mimic, played, and several of the 
performers did very well. We returned to our inn and had an excel- 
lent supper, the President encouraging the court to eat heartily. I 
never saw a better inn. The waiters had all one livery: brown coats 
and scarlet vests. We had hitherto been raised very early, but we now 
resolved to take sufficient repose for a night. Upon my word, eating, 
drinking, and sleeping are matters of great moment. 

SUNDAY 20 MARCH. After a long sleep and a copious breakfast, 
we went and saw the cathedral. It is a prodigiously noble Gothic 
edifice. Small and Robertson stayed all the time of service. But I slip- 
ped away to a coffee-house where I fell into conversation with a Sir 
George (I believe, Armytage) about Corsica. He talked very warmly 
for them and seemed to know a good deal about them. I began to think 

York, 20 March 1768 137 

he must have learnt his knowledge of me. So I asked him if the Corsi- 
cans had any seaports. "Oh, yes, Sir," said he, "very good ones. Why, 
Boswell's Account of Corsica tells you all that." "Sir?" said I, "what 
is that?" u Why, Sir," said he, " a book just now published." "By an 
officer in that service, Sir?" said I. "No," said he. "I have not the 
pleasure of being acquainted with the gentleman, but Mr. Boswell is 
a gentleman who was abroad and who thought he would pay a visit 
to Corsica, and accordingly went thither and had many conversations 
with Paoli" (Pioli he pronounced it), "and he has given its history 
and a full account of everything about the island, and has shown that 
Britain should make an alliance with Corsica." "But, Sir," said I, "can 
we believe what he says?" "Yes, Sir," said Sir George, "the book is 
authentic and very accurate." I was highly pleased. 

About twelve we set out, having first seen the assembly room, 
which is really very noble, with columns all round it, and a spacious 
passage with lifters behind each box for gentlemen to get in, and then 
let them down and sit behind the ladies. I call the seats between each 
column, boxes. I lost Mary in the crowd at York, but I found her again 
upon the road. How strange is this! the author of the Account of Cor- 
sica the sport of a frivolous passion. Shall my mind ever be all solid 
and rational? Yes. A room which is hung with the slightest chintz and 
gaudiest paper may by and by be hung with substantial velvet or 
even thick arras hangings with scripture stories wrought upon them. 
My walls are good, so they will bear any sort of hangings. Often have 
they been substantially hung. But as yet I have changed my furniture 
as whim suggested. Small insisted we should dine at Ferrybridge, at 
the inn of his old acquaintance, Landlord Lowe. We did so, and were 
very jolly. Lowe had travelled in Italy with the Marquess of Rocking- 
ham, but had not weakened a bit his honest old English bluffness. 
This was the only dinner our President allowed us upon the journey. 
He was our purser and studied economy as well as dispatch. Lowe was 
very desirous to see my Corsica. Many a curious reader I have. 

We went at night to the inn on Barnby Moor. We were now jum- 
bled into old acquaintance. I felt myself quite strong, and exulted 
when I compared my present mind with my mind some years ago. 
Formerly my mind was quite a lodging-house for all ideas who chose 
to put up there, so that it was at the mercy of accident, for I had no 

138 Barnby Moor, 20 March 1 768 

fixed mind of my own. Now my mind is a house where, though the 
street rooms and the upper floors are open to strangers, yet there is 
always a settled family in the back parlour and sleeping-closet behind 
it; and this family can judge of the ideas which come to lodge. This 
family! this landlord, let me say, or this landlady, as the mind and the 
soul are both she. I shall confuse myself with metaphor. Let me then 
have done with it. Only this more. The ideas rny lodgers are of 
all sorts. Some, gentlemen of the law, who pay me a great deal more 
than others. Divines of all sorts have been with me, and have ever 2 
disturbed me. When I first took up house, Presbyterian ministers 
used to make me melancholy with dreary tones. Methodists next 
shook my passions. Romish clergy filled me with solemn ideas, and, 
although their statues and many movable ornaments are gone, yet 
they drew some pictures upon my walls with such deep strokes that 
they still remain. They are, indeed, only agreeable ones. I had Deists 
for a very short while. But they, being sceptics, were perpetually 
alarming me with thoughts that my walls were made of clay and 
could not last, so I was glad to get rid of them. I am forced to own that 
my rooms have been occupied by women of the town, and by some 
ladies of abandoned manners. But I am resolved that by degrees there 
shall be only decent people and innocent, gay lodgers. 

MONDAY 21 MARCH. We started betimes. We breakfasted at 
3 Small, as President, said, "Come, your lordships have the peti- 
tion of the landlord praying to put you into a new- washed room. Re- 
fuse." He was highly comical, and Robertson was an excellent hand 
to laugh at his jokes. He had gotten his hair oiled. He said it was to 
keep the dust out of it. Robertson laughed for near half an hour at this. 

1 was now become quite composed, and never spoke for speaking's 
sake, or was uneasy because I was silent. The truth is I am now con- 
scious of having attained to a superior character, and so rest satisfied. 
Robertson had read my Corsica and could tell a good deal about it. 
He sung pretty well, and in the chaise when he thought I was not 
minding him, he hummed an amazing number of tunes. This morn- 

2 Perhaps "even." 

3 At Newark, Grantham, or Colesworth, depending on whether they drove two, 
three, or four stages. See above, 17 March 1768, and below, 31 August 1769 and 
i September 1769. (Stilton was the fourth stage beyond Grantham.) 

Biggleswade, 21 March 1768 139 

ing his music took an exceedingly droll turn. He sung "Blest as th' 
immortal gods is he" to the tune of Black Joke.* Much did I inwardly 
laugh. N.B. It will do nobly for Brigadier Bluster in my comedy. 5 
We came at night to Biggleswade, having travelled this day 105 
miles. We had an admirable supper. After my former sufferings from 
bad health and low spirits, I exulted in my present vigour and cheer- 

TUESDAY 22 MARCH. Mary began to fade. 6 I thought of mar- 
riage and was determined to have a good match, as I was become so 
agreeable and so happy a man. Miss Bosville my Yorkshire beauty, 
Mademoiselle de Zuylen my Utrecht bel esprit and friend, 7 were both 
before me. Yet still I had no determined purpose. About two we ar- 
rived at London and put up at the Star and Garter in Bond Street. 8 
The streets and squares of the metropolis with all the hurry and vari- 
ety struck me to a certain degree, but by no means as they had once 
done, and I contentedly felt myself an Edinburgh advocate. Our Lord 
President, who had made us live with economy upon the road, find- 
ing that of twenty-nine guineas set apart for our expenses there re- 
mained two, would needs conclude the session with a jovial repast. 
Accordingly, we had a cod with oyster and shrimp sauce, some other 
dishes,, and three bottles of the best claret I ever drank. Prentice and 
Rowden, the two landlords, were called in to take a glass, and in 
short we were great men. Upon the whole, it was as good a journey 

4 "Blest as th' immortal gods is he" is Ambrose Philips's version of an ode by 
Sappho. The Coal-black Joke is an English air associated with very indecent 

5 So far as is known, this comedy was never written. 

6 On 10 June, Boswell wrote to John Johnston that he was distressed to find that 
there was "not a spark of virtue" in Mary. 

7 Boswell had written to Zelide as recently as 26 February to ask, "Whether do 
you think that you and I shall live happier: as distant correspondents, or as 
partners for life?" (Boswell in Holland, Correspondence with Belle de Zuylen). 

8 Not unheralded. On i March The London Chronicle printed the following 
notices: "Messrs. Herries and Co., merchants in this city, have received bills of 
loading from Leghorn of presents from General Paoli to Mr. Boswell." "James 
Boswell, Esquire, is expected in town." And under date of 24 March: "Yesterday 
James Boswell, Esquire, arrived from Scotland at his apartments in Half Moon 
Street, Piccadilly." Boswell's marked file of the Chronicle shows that he sent in 
these notices himself. 

140 London, 22 March 1768 

as ever was made; and, as in all other scenes, though words do but 
imperfectly preserve the ideas, yet such notes as I write are suffi- 
cient to make the impressions revive, with many associated ones. 
What should there be in this house but a club every Tuesday called 
the Roman Club, consisting of gentlemen who were at Rome the 
same year I was; and who should be upstairs alone but my friend 
Consul Dick. I sent to him, and he came down immediately. We em- 
braced and in a few words renewed our covenant of cordiality. I 
then got into a hackney-coach and drove to Mr. Russel's, upholsterer, 
Half Moon Street, Piccadilly, where I had admirable lodgings. After 
unpacking my trunk, I sallied forth like a roaring lion after girls, 
blending philosophy and raking. I had a neat little lass in armour, at 
a tavern in the Strand. I then went to the Consul's and supped, and 
was quite hearty. 

WEDNESDAY 23 MARCH. The Consul had provided me not only 
good lodgings, but a good servant. His name was Anthony Mudf ord, a 
Somersetshire lad who had served his time to a hairdresser. I gave him 
a guinea a week for everything. I called on Lord Mountstuart. But he 
was out of town. I waited on the Duke of Queensberry for ten minutes, 
as he had to dress to go to Court. He received me well, and assured me 
that Mr. Douglas would run no risk. 9 

I had this morning been at Tyburn seeing the execution of Mr. 
Gibson, the attorney, for forgery, and of Benjamin Payne for highway 
robbery. It is a curious turn, but I never can resist seeing executions. 
The Abbe du Bos ingeniously shows that we have all a strong desire 
of having our passions moved, and the interesting scene of a man with 
death before his eyes cannot but move us greatly. One of weak nerves 
is overpowered by such spectacles. But by thinking and accustoming 
myself to them, I can see them quite firmly, though I feel compassion, 
I was on a scaffold close by. Payne was a poor young man of nineteen. 
He was pale as death, and half a corpse before the rope was put round 
his neck. Mr. Gibson came in a coach with some of his friends, and I 
declare I cannot conceive a more perfect calmness and manly resolu- 
tion than his behaviour. He was dressed in a full suit of black, wore 
his own hair cut round and a hat, was a man about fifty, and as he 

9 Charles Douglas, third Duke of Queensberry, famous as Gay's patron, was one 
of Archibald Douglas's guardians. 

London, 23 March 1768 141 

drove along it was impossible to perceive the least sign of dejection or 
gloom about him. He was helped up on the cart. The rope was put 
round his neck, and he stood with the mos-, perfect composure, eat a 
sweet orange,, and seemed rationally devout during prayers by Mr. 
Moore, the ordinary 1 of Newgate, who is really a good man and most 
earnest in the duties of his sad office, which I think a very important 
one. Stephen Roe, the last ordinary, was but a rough-spun blade. 
Never did I see death without some horror but in the case of Mr. 
Gibson. It seemed a very easy matter. I always use to compare the con- 
duct of malefactors with what I suppose my conduct might be. I be- 
lieve I confounded the people about me by my many reflections. I 
affected being shocked that punishment might have an effect on their 
minds, though it had none upon my own. I never saw a man hanged 
but I thought I could behave better than he did, except Mr. Gibson, 
who, I confess, exceeded all that I could ever hope to show of easy and 
steady resolution. 2 

I run about all the forenoon, and got to Mr. Billy's about three. It 
was comfortable to find myself in the shop where my book was pub- 
lished, and, from the great connection between author and bookseller, 
I was very kindly received, Mr. Dilly made me acquainted with his 
brother, Mr. Charles, a good, tall, smartish, civil, bowing young man, 
quite of the city form, and to his sister, Miss Dilly, a neat, little, well- 
behaved young lady, smart too not very pretty, but with a good air 
and a handsome headdress she appeared very well. Dinner was over, 
but I had some slices of good roast mutton and potatoes and excellent 
beer. Then we drank a glass of port and were like blood relations. A 
Mr. Clayton, a gentleman of 1500 a year and a good house about ten 
miles from London, was there. He lives at Messrs. Dillys' when he 
comes to town, and they go and visit him. Mr. Mayo, a dissenting 
clergyman, came in. I observed I was introduced with great cere- 
mony, like one whose character was high. 

1 That is, the permanent chaplain. 

2 Boswell was sufficiently impressed by this execution to work up this portion of 
the Journal as a letter to The Public Advertiser, which he incorporated in a 
Hypochondriack essay (No. 68) fifteen years later. There he attempts to explain 
his lifelong interest in executions by saying that we have a natural anxiety to 
see how others face death, but he admits that a desire to see others suffer plays 
some part. 

142 London, 23 March 1768 

We went to Guildhall to see the poll for members. It was really 
grand. Harley (Lord Mayor) , Beckf ord, Trecothick, Sir Richard Glyn, 
Mr. Deputy Paterson, and Mr. Wilkes 8 all stood upon the hustings, 
that is to say, a place raised by some steps at one end of the room. They 
had true London countenances. I cannot describe them. It was curious 
for me to look at Wilkes here and recollect my scenes with him at 
Rome, Naples, and Paris. The confusion and the noise of the mob 
roaring "Wilkes and Liberty" were prodigious. I met here Mr. Herries 
and Sir William Forbes, 4 and, after having had enough of the confu- 
sion, I went to them and drank a glass of claret. They showed me my 
Corsican gun and pistols. But the dog had broken loose and was run- 
ning about town. 5 Thomas, Mr. Herries's servant, and Will, the butch- 
er's man, and I went and patrolled an hour in the Borough, 6 but did 
not see him. I returned by Dilly's and drank tea. Doctors Saunders and 
Smith were there. I found it to be a very hospitable house. In the 
Strand I inquired at the girls for a Miss Simson whom I had known 
formerly. One of them very obligingly went with me to a Miss Sim- 
son's. But she was not the same. However, they both seemed good- 
natured, and I sat and drank some port with them, and then tossed up 
which I should make my sultana. Luckily the lot fell on my obliging 
conductress. I however was armed. 

THURSDAY 24 MARCH. I patrolled the great metropolis the 
whole morning. I dined at the worthy Consul's; a lady and a gentle- 
man were there. We were easy enough. At night I still patrolled, I 
cannot tell where. But about ten I came to Sir John Pringle's. He re- 

3 Whom Boswell had not seen since their parting in Paris in 1766. Still under 
sentence of outlawry, Wilkes had returned to England and had presented him- 
self as candidate for London in the general elections. This was the last day of the 
poll. Though vociferously supported by the mob (many of whom were riot en- 
titled to vote), he finished last among the seven candidates for the four places. 
Wilkes thereupon declared himself a candidate for Middlesex, and on 28 March 
was chosen by a heavy majority (see p. 156 and p. 286 n.8), 

4 At that time a partner in the Edinburgh banking house where David Boswell 
had been employed. Forbes later became one of Boswell's closest friends and was 
named along with Temple and Edmond Malone as one of his literary executors. 

5 Paoli had presented Boswell with one dog, Jachone, while in Corsica, but 
Jachone had run away in France on the trip home. This was another dog sent by 

6 Of Southward 

London, 24 March 1768 143 

ceived me with his usual grave, steady kindness. General Clerk was 
with him. The conversation turned on the wars of Venus. The General 
assured me that oil was an infallible shield. Sir John nodded assent; 
I resolved to try it fairly. After the General went away I talked to Sir 
John of Mademoiselle de Zuylen. I had just received a letter from Mr. 
Brown at Utrecht containing a very sensible proposal from her, that if 
I had any serious thoughts of her I should come to see her, and then 
we might judge whether we could live happily together or not. Sir 
John had opposed any such scheme. But I found him now better dis- 
posed to it, upon which I wrote to my father and begged permission to 
go to Utrecht. 

FRIDAY 25 MARCH. I dined at ray good kinsman Godfrey Bos- 
ville, Esquire's. Nobody was there, but just the family that I left. He 
received me with true kindness. Miss Bosville was now engaged to Sir 
Alexander Macdonald. 7 Godfrey had drawn up a very full account of 
his family. It entertained me a good deal and put some comfortable 
ideas in my mind. 8 I then went to Covent Garden and in one of the 
courts called for a young lady whom I had seen when formerly in 
London. I did not find her, but I found Kitty Brookes, as pretty a lively 
lass as youth need see. The oil was called and I played my part well. I 
never saw a girl more expert at it. I gave her only four shillings, to try 
her generosity. She never made the least sign of discontent, but was 
quite gay and obliging. Just as I was going away I turned back and 
again we loved. Then was the time for her to ask something. Yet she 
made not the smallest advance. I fell on my knees and kissed her 
hand: "My dear Kitty, you are a virtuous girl. I could marry you this 

I then came home, and Maconochie 9 and I went to Percy Coffee- 

7 Of Sleat, in the Hebrides. So, despite Lord Eglinton's opinion of its undesirabil- 
ity (p. 117), Miss Bosville did marry a Scotsman, and a Highlander at that. Sir 
Alexander and his wife entertained Boswell and Johnson on their tour of the 
Hebrides in 1773 in so miserly a fashion that Boswell complained of their lack of 
hospitality in his Tour to the Hebrides, 1785. Sir Alexander became very angry 
and a duel was barely avoided. 

8 At this point a leaf of the Journal has been removed, but the passage can be 
recovered from a typescript made at a time when this portion of the text was in- 
tact. This page of typescript is now printed for the first time. 

9 Alexander Maconochie, a "writer," was one of Douglas's chief legal agents. 

144 London, 25 March 1768 

house, Rathbone Place, to meet Mr. Guthrie, the historian and Critical 
R ev i ewer<j w ho had fought the battle of Douglas in the Review, and 
had praised my Account of Corsica? He was an old gentleman about 
sixty, had on a white coat and a crimson satin waistcoat with broad 
gold lace, and a bag-wig. We had port and madeira and a hearty sup- 
per. He had a great deal of the London author. He praised my book 
much, and drank a bumper to Pascal Paoli, omni titulo major. 2 He 
told me he and my father had been at the same class in the College, 
and he talked of "little Robin Hunter." He said he did not wonder that 
the Douglas cause was lost in Scotland, as it had against it all the in- 
terest of the families of Hamilton, Argyll, Hyndford, and the Dal- 
rymples. As he had observed in the Review that it was a loss to us in 
Scotland to have no jury in civil causes, I gave him Lord Hailes's argu- 
ment that the lords of session made a jury, only a wiser and more en- 
lightened jury than a number of tradesmen. 3 He answered this argu- 
ment by observing that in England the jury is always changed for 
every cause; that the jurymen are chosen by a sort of chance, as the 
judges just take a pin and prick at random on the back of the paper 
whereon their names are written, and wherever the holes happen to 
be made these jurymen are chosen. "Whereas," said he, "the lords of 
session form a perpetual jury, which is a very dangerous one." 

He praised my Account of Corsica much, though he found some 
faults with it. "You will see my opinion of it," said he. It was curious 
to sit with the very person whom in a little I should look upon as an 
awful reviewer. He talked very well (I mean very justly) of Wilkes. 
Said that ho wrote with vivacity, but that there was no political knowl- 
edge, no manliness, in his papers. "Ah-," said he, "when Lord Boling- 
broke and I wrote together, when the Craftsman came out, when Old 
England by Jeffrey Broadbottom came out." 4 We took a very cheerful 

1 In conversation apparently, for his review had not yet been published in The 
Critical Review. See later in this entry. 

2 "Greater than any title," that is, so great a man that no one used a title with 
his name. Boswell is thinking of a passage in Corsica (3d eel, 1769, p. 154 n.) in 
which he says that, at Lord Hailes's suggestion, he has avoided calling Paoli 
"Signer" or "General." "You do not say King Alexander, but Alexander of 

3 Here the text is resumed in the manuscript. 

4 Guthrie himself was the principal writer of Old England, or ? The, Constitu- 

London., 25 March 1768 145 

glass of claret and madeira. He took me by the hand and said my con- 
versation exceeded my writing. "Well," said he, "y u are a gem^s. A 
thousand people might have thought of making themselves famous 
before one would have thought of Corsica." He asked Maconochie and 
me to dine with him on the Sunday sennight. When the old man 
praised my book, I paid him a very genteel compliment. "Sir," said I, 
"amidst such historic oaks as yours, it is well if a little praise can be 
given to such a shrub as mine, growing on the rocky surface of Cor- 
sica." I gave him some curious anecdotes of Scotch antiquities which 
I had learnt from my father. Upon the whole, the evening went well 
off. We accompanied him home in our hackney-coach as far as Port- 
land Chapel, where he lived. Mr. Maconochie then set me down. 

SATURDAY 26 MARCH. On my coming to London I had called 
on Mr. Samuel Johnson, but found he was gone to Oxford and was 
living at New Inn Hall. I was very anxious to see again my revered 
friend. I had written him many letters and had received none from 
him of a long time. I had published my Account of Corsica., in which I 
had spoken very highly of him, yet he had taken no notice of it. I had 
heard he was displeased at my having put into my book a part of one 
of his letters to me. In short, I was quite in the dark concerning him. 
But, be it as it would, I was determined to find him out, and if possible 
be well with him as usual. I therefore set out early this morning in the 
Oxford fly. Anthony had an outside place. My travelling companions 
were an old, red-faced, fat gentlewoman who lived in the borough of 
Southwark, and whose husband dealt in a wholesale trade of brandy 
and wine. Dr. Cockayne, a lecturer at one of the churches, lodged in 
her house, having his own maid-servant and a boy. But she would not 
board the Doctor. "No, no. I knows him too well. Why, he's the great- 
est epicure, perpetually minding his belly. I tells him, 'Why, Doctor, 
you do nothing else from morning to night. You sure have a false 
pocket. 7 And so I roasts him. But he's a good-natured creature, and 
would have everyone to share with him. He gets up my daughter: 
'Come now, Miss, we'll have some tea and something very nice with 
it.' " Besides this good woman, there was a clergyman, a stiff divine, a 

tional Journal, which was published under the pseudonym of Jeffrey Broad- 

146 Slough, 26 March 1768 

fellow of a college in Oxford. He was very wise and laughed at the 
old lady. The fourth in the coach was a little tailor who has often trip- 
ped over to France and Flanders, and who therefore had a right to talk 
as a travelled man. All the road was roaring with "Wilkes and Lib- 
erty," which, with "No. 45/' 5 was chalked on every coach and chaise. 
We breakfasted at Slough. We became very merry. We dined at Hen- 
ley, and there we were as hearty as people could be. We had a good 
drive to Oxford, with always t'other joke on Dr. Cockayne. We stop- 
ped at the gate of Magdalen College, of which our clergyman was a 
fellow. He jumped out of the coach, and in a moment we saw what a 
great man he was; for he went into the barber's and got the key of his 
chambers, and two or three people followed him with his trunk, tea- 
things, and I know not what all. The lady left us here too. The tailor 
and I put up at the Angel, where the coach inns; but we parted there. 
I immediately had some coffee and then got a guide to show me 
New Inn Hall. Mr. Johnson lived in the house of Mr, Chambers, the 
head of that hall and Vinerian Professor at Oxford. 6 I supposed the 
professor would be very formal, and I apprehended but an awkward 
reception. However, I rung and was shown into the parlour. In a little, 
down came Mr. Chambers^ a lively, easy, agreeable Newcastle man. I 
had sent up my name, "Mr. Boswell." After receiving me very po- 
litely, "Sir," said he, "you are Mr. Boswell of Auchinleck?" "Yes, 
Sir." "Mr. Johnson wrote to you yesterday. He dined abroad, but I 
expect him in every minute." "Oho!" thought I, "this is excellent." I 
was quite relieved. Mr. Chambers gave me tea, and by and by arrived 
the great man. He took me all in his arms and kissed me on both sides 
of the head, and was as cordial as ever I saw him. I told him all my 
perplexity on his account, and how I had come determined to fight 
him, or to do anything he pleased. "What," said he, "did you come 

5 The famous number of The North Briton in which Wilkes in 1763 had attacked 
the King and his ministers, and which had played a major part in his subsequent 
career. It was identified with popular as opposed to royal or aristocratic rule. 
c A law professorship. In 1774 at about the age of thirty-seven, Robert (later Sir 
Robert) Chambers married Fanny Wilton, a fifteen-year old beauty, and went 
out to Bengal to serve on its supreme court. He subsequently became Chief 
Justice of this court and President of the Asiatic Society. Though Boswell does 
not seem to have known it, Johnson was visiting Chambers to help him write the 
lectures he was required to deliver. 

Oxford, 26 March 1768 147 

here on purpose?" "Yes, indeed," said I. This gave him high satisfac- 
tion. I told him how I was settled as a lawyer and how I had made two 
hundred pounds by the law this year. He grumbled and laughed and 
was wonderfully pleased. "What, Bozzy? Two hundred pounds! A 
great deal." 

I had longed much to see him as my great preceptor, to state to 
him some difficulties as a moralist with regard to the profession of the 
law, as it appeared to me that in some respects it hurt the principles of 
honesty; and I asked him if it did not. "Why, no, Sir," said he, "if you 
act properly. You are not to deceive your clients with false representa- 
tions of your opinion. You are not to tell lies to a judge." "But," said I, 
"what do you think of pleading a cause which you know to be bad?" 
"Sir, you don't know it to be bad till the judge determines it. I have 
said that you are to state your facts fairly; so that your thinking, or 
what you call knowing, a cause to be bad must be from reasoning, 
must be from thinking your arguments weak and inconclusive. But, 
Sir, that is not enough. An argument which does not convince you 
yourself may convince the judge before whom you plead it; and if it 
does convince him, why, then, Sir, you are wrong and he is right. It is 
his business to judge, and you are not to be confident in your opinion, 
but to say all you can for your client and then hear the judge's opin- 
ion." "But, Sir," said I, "does not the putting on a warmth when you 
have no warmth, and appearing to be clearly of one opinion when you 
are in reality of another, does not such dissimulation hurt one's hon- 
esty? Is there not some danger that one may put on the same mask in 
common life, in the intercourse with one's friends?" "Why, no, Sir. 
Everybody knows you are paid for putting on a warmth for your 
client, and it is properly no dissimulation. The moment you come 
from the bar you resume your usual behaviour. Sir, a man will no 
more carry the artifice of the bar into the common intercourse of 
society than a man who is paid for tumbling upon his hands will con- 
tinue tumbling upon his hands when he ought to be walking on his 
feet." Wonderful force and fancy. At once he satisfied me as to a thing 
which had often and often perplexed me. It was truly comfortable 
having him in his own old High-Church Oxford, and I had besides 
many good ideas of the Vinerian Professor, the head of a hall, &c. 
These halls were originally additions to colleges where there was not 

148 Oxford, 26 March 1768 

sufficient room. In time some of them became unnecessary as the 
number of students decreased. There are no students in New Inn Hall. 
But it is kept up and gives the rank of master to Mr. Chambers. 

I told Mr. Johnson a story which I should have recorded before 
this time. The day before I left London, coming through Bloomsbury 
Square and being dressed in green and gold, I was actually taken for 
Wilkes by a Middlesex voter who came up to me. "Sir, I beg pardon, 
is not your name Wilkes?' 7 "Yes, Sir." "I thought so. I saw you upon 
the hustings and I thought I knew you again. Sir, I'm your very good 
friend; I've got you five and twenty votes today." I bowed and grinned 
and thanked him, and talked of liberty and general warrants and I 
don't know what all. I told him too, between ourselves, that the King 
had a very good opinion of me. I ventured to ask him how he could be 
sure that I was a right man and acted from public spirit. He was a 
little puzzled. So I helped him out. "As to my private character, it 
would take a long time to explain it. But, Sir, if I were the devil, I have 
done good to the people of England, and they ought to support me." 
"Ay," said he. I am vexed I did not make more of this curious incident. 
After carrying my voter half-way down Long Acre, I stopped and 
looked him gravely in the face. "Sir, I must tell you a secret. I'm riot 
Mr. Wilkes, and what's more, I'm a Scotsman." He stared not a little, 
and said, "Sir, I beg pardon for having given you so much trouble." 
"No, Sir," said I, "you have been very good company to me." I wonder 
he did not beat me. I said to Mr. Johnson that I never before knew that 
I was so ugly a fellow. He was angry at me that I did not borrow 
money from the voter. Indeed, it would have made a fine scene at 
Brentford when he demanded payment of the real Wilkes, and called 
him a rogue for denying the debt. 

The conversation of Mr. Johnson, Mr. Chambers, and me then 
turned on the latest authors. Mr. Johnson would allow no character 
to False Delicacy. He praised Goldsmith's Good-Natured Man. He 
said it was the best comedy that has appeared since The Provoked 
Husband. "Sir," said he, "there has not been of late any such character 
exhibited on the stage as that of Croaker." I told him it was just the 
Suspirius of his Rambler. He said Goldsmith owned he had borrowed 
it from thence. "Sir," said he, "there is all the difference in the world 
between characters of nature and characters of manners. And there 
is the difference between those of Fielding and those of Richardson. 

Oxford, 26 March 1768 149 

Characters of manners are very entertaining; but they are to be under- 
stood by a more superficial observer than characters of nature can 
be, where a man must dive into the recesses of human nature. Even 
Sir Francis Wronghead is a character of manners, though drawn with 
great humour." He then repeated all Sir Francis's story to Manly of 
his being with the great man and securing a place. 7 I asked him if 
The Suspicious Husband did not furnish a well-drawn character, that 
of Ranger. "No, Sir," said he, "Ranger is just a rake, a mere rake, and 
a lively young fellow, but no character." 

I asked him and Mr. Chambers to go and sup at my room. They 
made me stay with them that night, and promised to come to me next 
night. I brought on the subject of the Douglas cause. Mr. Johnson had 
never studied it. He had just heard parts of it. He was of opinion that 
positive, or what is called proof that admits of no doubt, should not 
be required; but that judges should give the cause according as the 
probability should preponderate, allowing, however, to Mr. Douglas 
the general presumption of filiation as strong in his favour. He 
thought a good deal of force should be allowed to the dying declara- 
tions for this reason, because they were voluntary and spontaneous; 
for he observed that there is all the difference in the world between 
what is said without our being pushed to it, and what is said from 
a sort of compulsion. "If I praise a man's book without being asked 
my opinion of it, that is honest praise and may be depended on. But 
when an author asks me if I like his book and I give him something 
like praise, it must not be taken as my real opinion." I thought within 
myself I should not ask him about my book. He promised to read 
my Essence of the Douglas Cause. 

He told us he had not been plagued of a long time with authors 
desiring his opinion of their works. He said he used once to be sadly 
plagued with a man who wrote verses, but who had no other notion 
of a verse but that it consisted of ten syllables. "Lay your knife and 
your fork across your plate" was to him a verse: 

Lay your knife and your fork across your plate. 

7 In Sir John Vanbrugh and Colley Gibber's The Provoked Husband, Sir Francis 
Wronghead is a country squire who spends half his fortune to be elected to 
Parliament, and at once brings his family up to London, all of whom hope to 
make their fortune overnight. His kinsman, Manly, preserves them from their 
folly by his secret intervention. 

150 Oxford, 26 March 1768 

And, as he wrote a great number of verses, he sometimes by chance 
made good ones, though he did not know it. 

He put me in mind of our journey to Harwich, and we recalled 
many a circumstance. He also renewed his promise of coming to Scot- 
land and visiting with me some of the Western Isles. He was now to 
content himself with seeing one or two of the most curious. He said, 
"Macaulay, who writes the account of St. Kilda, 8 set out with a 
prejudice against prejudices, and wanted to be a smart modern 
thinker; and yet he affirms for a truth, that when a ship arrives all the 
inhabitants are seized with a cold." In this manner did our evening 
pass. When I got home I went to bed more comfortably than I had 
done for a good while past. But I was still apprehensive of some 
venereal mischief, and at any rate had the remains of an old one, 
though without infection. 

SUNDAY 27 MARCH. I sent a card to Dr. Smith, the anatomy 
professor 9 and physician here, that if it was convenient I would come 
and breakfast with him. I was made welcome. So I went and found 
him just as he was in 1 763 when poor Sir James Macdonald made me 
acquainted with him, only he was now become professor and had a 
very elegant house. Dr. Smith is a Maybole man. He had a sister who 
had come up two years ago and was our landlady. Various topics of 
conversation employed us. He is a great foe to Johnson and an admirer 
of Hume, but can bear my admiration of Mr. Johnson very well. After 
breakfast we went to Christ Church, where he introduced me to Frank 
Stewart, Lord Eglinton's nephew, a very pretty young man treading 
in the steps of Sir James Macdonald. 1 

8 The Rev, Kenneth Macaulay, great-uncle of Lord Macaulay. ". . . who writes 
[for "wrote" or "who has written"] the account of St. Kilda . . ," is a Scotti- 
cism which Johnson could hardly have used. It escaped Malone and still stands 
in the Life. 

9 Officially, professor of geometry. Maybole, mentioned further on in this entry, 
is a town in Ayrshire. 

3 Sir James Macdonald, who had died in 1766, had been considered a young man 
of brilliant promise because he united scholarly attainments and the accom- 
plishments of a man of the world. Frank Stewart was his first cousin, arid like 
him died young. David Boswell admired Stewart extremely. "I never came into 
the room where he was," he wrote to Boswell (28 April 1767), "but I trembled 
as if some superior being had been present. I know you wonder that I should 

Oxford, 2 7 March 1768 151 

I went to St. Mary's to hear the sermon before the University of 
Oxford, which has often filled me with a grand idea. But this institu- 
tion is become a matter of mere form, and, although all the preachers 
in the university must have this office in their turns, they are allowed 
to employ others to officiate for them, to whom they give three guineas 
apiece, and it is generally performed by men who have no reputation 
to lose, and are indifferent how they are received. The show of vice- 
chancellor, proctors, masters of arts, &c., was well enough, but there 
were but few students there. A Dr. Blackstone, who had been a 
physician, preached. He gave us a good, sensible, common sermon. 

After sermon, I went back to Mr. Stewart. He and I ordered dinner 
at the Golden Cross, and then went and walked in the venerable shade. 
I found he was a great admirer of my book, and was quite a Corsican. 
He resolved to visit that island, and I promised him a letter to Paoli. 
We talked of Mr. Johnson. He esteemed him highly for his learning 
and genius, but in the usual way of many people found fault with his 
language. He mentioned the ridicule of it, called Lexiphanes^ written 
by one Campbell. "Sir," said I, "nothing can be more unfair. Mr. 
Johnson's language is suitable to his sentiment. He gives large words 
because he has large ideas. If Campbell clothes little paltry ideas with 
these big words, to be sure the effect must be ridiculous. The late King 
of Prussia's tall regiment looked very stately with their large grena- 
dier caps. If Campbell had taken these caps and clapped them on the 
heads of a parcel of blackguard children in the street it would be 
highly ridiculous, but does that prove anything against the caps when 
properly applied? 2 No, Sir, Mr. Johnson has gigantic thoughts, and 
therefore he must be allowed gigantic words." This was quite in Mr. 
Johnson's own style. Mr. Stewart talked like a man of reflection and 

rave so much about this young man, but I must say that I never did see one ap- 
pear in my eyes to that advantage in conversation that he did the few times I 
was in company with him." 

2 This is so much like a passage in Longinus, On the Sublime, as to point to a 
conscious or unconscious adaption: "For dressing up a trifling subject in grand 
and exalted expressions makes the same ridiculous appearance as the enormous 
mask of a tragedian would do upon the diminutive face of an infant" (trans. 
William Smith, 2d ed. ? 1742, p. 71). Boswell read Longinus in the course in 
Logic taught by John Stevenson at the University of Edinburgh, 1756-1757. 

152 Oxford, 27 March 1768 

principle. He approved of my sentiment, "Better occasional murders 
than frequent adulteries," 3 and expatiated on the destruction of the 
nobler kinds of happiness, confidence, family affection, &c., which 
profligacy occasioned. We dined well at the Golden Cross, and had 
a serious and affecting conversation about Sir James Macdonald. We 
then adjourned to my inn, and had tea and coffee. I sent for Lord 
Dundonald's son, James, who was of Balliol College. He came and sat 
a while with us. Mr. Stewart was desirous to see Mr. Johnson. So I 
asked him to be of my party at supper, upon his promising to be very 
quiet and submissive. He left me a while to myself, when I indulged 
most agreeable thoughts of the good spirits and fortunate circum- 
stances, in many respects, which were now my lot. 

About nine Mr. Johnson, Mr. Chambers, and Mr. Stewart as- 
sembled. We had a good supper, and madeira and warm port negus, 
Mr. Johnson expatiated on the advantages of Oxford for learning, as 
there is there such a progressive emulation. "The tutors are anxious 
to have their pupils appear well in the college. The colleges are 
anxious to have their students appear well in the university. There 
are all opportunities of books and learned men; there are no avoca- 
tions. There are excellent rules of discipline in every college." I 
objected that the rules and indeed the whole system is very ill ob- 
served. u Why, Sir," said he, u that is nothing against the institution. 
The members of an university may, for a season, be unmindful of 
their duty. I am arguing for the excellency of the institution." He was 
right. Indeed I can conceive nothing nobler in the way of learning 
and science than Oxford. If they who are there neglect the means, it is 
their own absurdity; it is their own loss. The means are always there 
for such as will use them. But the expense is great. No young man can 
do with less than 1 oo a year, and, if he takes the rank of a gentleman 
commoner, it will cost him 200 a year. But this rank is of no real 
service to his education, excepting that it puts him among young 
people of better fortune who may be of use to him afterwards. 

I spoke of Guthrie. "Sir," said Mr. Johnson, u he has parts. He has 
no great regular fund of knowledge, but by reading so long and writ- 

3 In Corsica, p, 243. This "sentiment" was much ridiculed by the reviewers. Bos- 
well's temporary separation from Mrs. Dodds at the time he wrote this section 
of the book probably added fervour to his denunciation of achiltery. 

Oxford, 2 7 March 1 768 1 53 

ing so long, he no doubt has picked up a good deal." The great man 
still retained his prejudice against Scotland. The night before, he told 
us he had lately been a long while at Lichfield, but had wearied 
sadly. "I wonder at that," said I; "it is your native place." "Why," 
said he, u so is Scotland your native place." This night I talked of our 
advances in literature. "Sir," said he, "you have learnt a little from 
us, and you think yourselves very great men." Hume I knew he would 
abuse. "Sir," said he, "Hume would never have written history had 
not Voltaire written it before him. He is an echo of Voltaire." "But, 
Sir," said I, "we have Lord Kames." "You have Lord Kames," said he; 
"keep him, ha! ha! ha! We don't envy you him. Do you ever see Dr. 
Robertson?" BOSWELL. "Yes." JOHNSON. "Does the dog ever talk of 
me?" BOSWELL. "Indeed he does, and loves you." He said the severest 
thing of Robertson without intending it, for I pushed him to say what 
he thought of Robertson's History. 4 "Sir," said he, "I love Robertson, 
and I won't talk of his book." He was very hard on poor Dr. Blair, 
whom he holds wonderfully cheap for having written A Dissertation 
on Ossian. Talking of the future life of brutes, "Sir," said he, "if you 
allow Blair's soul to be immortal, why not allow a dog to be im- 
mortal?" I wanted much to defend the pleasing system of brutes 
existing in the other world. Mr. Johnson, who does not like to hear 
any ideas of futurity but what are in the Thirty-nine Articles, was 
out of humour with me, and watched his time to give me a blow. So 
when I, with a serious, metaphysical, pensive face, ventured to say, 
"But really, Sir, when we see a very sensible dog, we know not what 
to think of him," he turned about, and growling with joy replied, "No, 
Sir; and when we see a very foolish fellow, we don't know what to 
think of him." Then up he got, bounced along, and stood by the fire, 
laughing and exulting over me, while I took it to myself and had only 
to say, "Well, but you do not know what to think of a very sensible 
dog." About twelve they left me. 

MONDAY 28 MARCH. I breakfasted with Mr. Stewart. Then he 
and I went to Mr. Chambers's and found him and Mr. Johnson drink- 
ing tea. I talked of the scorpion killing itself when encircled with hot 
coals. Mr. Johnson said that Maupertuis is of opinion that it does not 
4 William Robertson's History of Scotland, a very successful book, published in 

154 Oxford., 28 March 1768 

kill itself, but dies of the heat, and that its clapping its tail to its head 
is merely a convulsion from the excessive pain, and it does not sting 
itself. I told him I had often tried the experiment, that it ran round 
and round, and finding no outlet retired to the centre, and, like a true 
Stoic philosopher, gave itself the fatal sting to free itself from its 
woes. "This will end 'em." 5 1 said it was a curious fact, as it showed 
suicide in an insect. Mr. Johnson would not admit the fact. I said I 
would write to the great Morgagni, the anatomist, and get him to ex- 
amine the head of one after the experiment, and to tell whether it 
was stung or not. Mr. Johnson said the report of Morgagni would 
convince him. I shall certainly try to get it. Mr. Johnson said that the 
woodcocks fly over to the northern countries, which is proved because 
they have been observed at sea. He said swallows certainly sleep all 
the winter; many of them conglobulate themselves by flying round 
and round, and then all in a heap throw themselves under water, and 
lie in the bed of a river. This appeared strange to me. I know not if 
Mr. Johnson was well founded in it. Our conversation was quite on 
natural philosophy. Mr. Johnson told us one of his first essays was a 
Latin poem on the glow-worm. 

I then talked of law and of our courts of justice in Scotland, of 
which I gave them a very good account. I found that having been two 
years a lawyer in real business had given me great force. I could not 
be sensible of it, while living always with the same people. But I felt it 
when I was with Mr. Johnson. 

Mr. Stewart went home with me. Riall, an honest Irishman who 
had studied civil law with me at Glasgow, came and saw me. He was 
now become a divine. We all three went to dine at Dr. Smith's. He 
had several more company; among the rest, Dr. Wilmot of Trinity, 
a pleasant, jovial parson who loves hunting and a glass dearly. He was 
well acquainted with Mr. Johnson, and said he submitted patiently 
to be bruised by him in order to enjoy his conversation. Dr. Smith was 
truly hospitable and civil. I had neglected in the morning to go and 
see the Bodleian Library, which I had not seen when formerly at 
Oxford. Dr. Smith got one of the under-keepers to show me it this 
afternoon, a Mr, Hall of Jesus, a Welshman. It is indeed a grand and 
venerable sight. I often repeated Mr. Johnson's line: "O'er Bodley's 
: ' "This must end 'em," Addison, Cato 3 V. i. 20. 

Oxford, 28 March 1768 155 

dome his future labours spread." 6 I was shown a few very fine old 
editions of books, and some rich manuscripts on vellum and illumi- 
nated. I must return and stay a month at Oxford some vacation, and 
enjoy it in calmness. 

Mr. Stewart and I were invited to sup with Mr. Chambers. When 
we went, it was about eight. I had drank tea with Mr. Stewart in an 
Oxford coffee-house, while he listened to a wonderful variety of 
anecdotes which I gave him. Said he: "You are an extraordinary man, 
and have had extraordinary good fortune in meeting with such a 
singular variety. It has been said that Mr. Johnson is a walking 
library. You are a walking collection of men." Mr. Chambers was not 
come in when we came to his house. Mr. Johnson came and enter- 
tained us, bowed and said, "Your servant, gentlemen," and was really 
courteous. The house is a good one, and genteelly furnished. We 
talked of the Chinese and Russians. Mr. Johnson advised me to read 
Bell's Travels. I asked him if I should read Du Halde's China. "Why 
yes," said he, "as one reads such a book; that is to say, consult it." 
When Mr. Chambers came we had a good supper. Mr. Johnson was 
excellent company. He laughed a good deal. I really found him more 
cheerful and gay. His mixing more in society had dissipated much of 
that gloom which hung upon his mind when he lived much alone, 
when he brooded in the Temple. 

I forgot to put down two things in former evenings : one, that he 
showed plainly that a general warrant must at times be granted by 
all governments, but they must do it at their peril; so that all the noise 
about Wilkes was idle, except as to some irregularities; the other 
thing was a fine specimen of his contriving always to have the 
superiority. When Mr. Chambers was getting the better of him in an 
argument, he said to him as to a boy, "My dear Chambers, take it to 
you, take it to you, since you will have it so," as if he made a con- 
cession to please him, when in reality he did not know how to answer 

We talked of adultery. Mr. Johnson showed how highly criminal 
it was, because it broke the peace of families and introduced confusion 
of progeny. "These constitute the essence of the crime, and therefore 
a woman who breaks her marriage vows is so much more criminal 
e 77z# Vanity of Human Wishes, 1. 139. 

156 Oxford, 28 March 1768 

than a man. A man, to be sure, is criminal in the sight of God, but he 
does not do his wife a very material injury if he does not insult her; if^ 
for instance, from mere wantonness of appetite, he steals privately to 
her chamber-maid. Sir, a wife ought not greatly to resent this. I should 
not receive home a daughter who had run away from her husband 
on that account. A wife should study to reclaim her husband by more 
attention to please him. Sir, a man will not once in a hundred in- 
stances leave his wife and go to a harlot, if his wife has not been 
negligent of pleasing." "Upon my word," said I, "he is grown liberal 
upon our hand." "But," said Mr. Chambers, "suppose a husband goes 
a-whoring, and then poxes his wife." "Why, Sir, if he poxes her, it is 
a bodily injury, and she may resent it as she pleases." 

I asked him if it was not hard that one deviation from chastity 
should so absolutely ruin a woman. JOHNSON. "Why, no, Sir; the great 
principle which every woman is taught is to keep her legs together. 
When she has given up that principle, she has given up every notion 
of female honour and virtue, which are all included in chastity," I 
argued that virtue might be found even in a common street- walker. 
He laughed^ and as I had told him of my Dutch lady, "Why," said he, 
"I shall have the Dutch lady; you can get a wife in the streets." I told 
him my objections to the Dutch lady were her superior talents. "O 
Sir," said he, "you need not be afraid, marry her; before a year goes 
about you'll find that reason much weaker, and that wit not near so 
bright." admirable master of human nature! 

He praised Baretti. "His Account of Italy is a very entertaining 
book; and, Sir, I know no man who carries his head higher in con- 
versation than Baretti. There are strong powers in his mind. He has 
not indeed so many hooks as he might have had; but so far as his 
hooks reach, he lays hold of objects very forcibly." This was another 
good night. How different was I from what I was when I last saw Mr. 
Johnson in London, when I was still wavering and often clouded. I 
am now serene and steady, I took leave of the company, being to set 
out next morning. 

TUESDAY 29 MARCH. Iset out in the fly, or rather post-coach, 

all alone. I breakfasted at , T where to my astonishment I heard 

that Wilkes had been elected for Middlesex. So fascinating is success 
7 Probably Bensington, which was the stage between Oxford and Henley. 

Bensington, 29 March 1768 157 

that I began to quit the determinations of my own reason, and to 
imagine him really a patriot and like a Roman whom 

mobilium turba Quiritium 
Certat tergeminis toller e honoribus. 8 

But a little reflection soon cured me of this. After breakfast I was 
joined by a jolly London justice who had lands in the neighbourhood. 
He and I were very hearty. 

At Henley we came out and went and looked at the machine with 
which they are levelling a very steep hill on the London side^ by 
digging it down and throwing the earth into the hollow at the bottom. 
This is done without horses, by two carts which are contrived to work 
as buckets in a well. There is a road cut down the hill, they having 
begun at the foot of it, and cut upwards as they removed the earth. A 
number of men dig the earth and throw it into the cart, to which a 
strong rope is fixed, which is wound upon a horizontal wheel above 
the face of the hill yet entire. The moment the cart is full, a bell is 
rung to warn the man at the bottom of the hill, who then lets go the 
cart which he has emptied into the hollow. Then two men go, one on 
each side of the loaded cart (or but one for each cart, I forget which. 
I now recollect the two men on each side of the loaded cart only set 
it a-going) for a little way and push it along; then one returns to his 
companions, and one goes along with the cart, guiding it till he gets 
to the brink of the deep bottom; then he has a long piece of wood 
fixed to the cart, but so as to be twisted about. This he twists till he 
fixes the end of it between two spokes of the left wheel, and so stops 
the cart. 

In the mean time, the weight of the loaded cart going down the hill 
pulls up the empty cart, which is filled, and then pulls up the other. 
The wheel to which the rope is fixed is so made as not to turn too 
quickly; so it lets down the cart at a moderate pace. At three or four 
different places, there are across the road double horizontal trees, or 
long pieces of wood, which are fixed by swinging ligatures or inser- 
tions in notches to a post. Upon these trees the rope is put to preserve 
it from trailing and being rubbed on the hill. The man who guides 

8 "The crowd of fickle voters strives to exalt to the highest honours" (Horace, 
Odes, Li. 7-8). 

158 Henley, 29 March 1768 

each, cart runs now and then a little before it. He who goes down, runs 
to draw out the tree on one side to receive the rope. He who goes up 
runs to draw out the tree to receive the rope on the other side; and as 
the one side is drawn out, the other falls in, and it is so contrived that 
by these means the ropes are always kept at a proper elevation. This 
method was invented lately by a dissenting clergyman at Henley. 9 It 
is exceedingly useful, by making that be done by two men which 
would require a great number of horses and oxen. 

When I came to Sandhill, 1 I quitted the coach and took a post- 
chaise and drove to Eton. I went into the college and walked about 
very agreeably, repeating Mr. Gray's verses, and as I looked at the 
statue of King Henry, I thought of 

grateful science still adores 
Her Henry's holy shade. 

I then returned to my chaise and drove to Windsor. It was truly ele- 
vating to ascend that noble highth. When I enjoyed the prospect, I 
repeated Gray's lines: 

And ye, who from the lofty brow 

Of Windsor's highths th' expanse below, &c. 2 

I surveyed the rooms with solid ancient taste. When I was shown the 
armour of David King of Scotland my . . . 3 

Brentford, [then] home. Sallied [out in search of ] Kitty. Borrowed 
[money] from Matthew; raged. Then Dun's, left watch and purse, 
and had [only a] crown. Wanted two [whores] like Bolingbroke. Got 
red-haired hussy; went to Bob Derry's, had brandy and water. She 
went for companion; found her not. Then once. Then home with her. 
Watchman lighted us, and she paid penny. Horrid room; no fire, no 
curtains, dirty sheets, &c. All night; three here. 

WEDNESDAY 30 MARCH. About six in the morning I decamped. 
I was despicable in my own opinion for having been in the very sink of 

The Rev. Humphry Gainsborough, a brother of the painter. 

1 Probably Boswell meant Salthill. 

2 These, and the lines above, are slightly misquoted from Gray's "Ode on a Dis- 
tant Prospect of Eton College," 11. 3-6. 

3 Here six pages have been torn from the Journal. The rest of this entry is sup- 
plied by the Notes for this day, which by chance have survived. 

London, 30 March 1 768 159 

vice. I walked about a while and looked at the windows which had 
been broken by the mob. 4 1 then came home, washed, shifted, and had 
my hair combed. Then called on Sir John Dick a moment. Then went 
to Giardini's in Queen Anne Street, Cavendish Square, and called for 
Signor Baretti. On my road to him I was a little faint, so I stepped 
into a chairman's public house and drank a glass of usquebaugh. 
Baretti was abed and bid the boy tell me he was not well. I made him 
be roused, and, when I had asked him all how he did, I found why he 
had been so restive. It seems one Mr. Bousfield lived in the same street 
with me. Baretti had called at his door, and met with a very rude 
reception, and all the time he supposed this Bousfield to be me; and so 
he had gone and abused me to all our common acquaintance. What 
confirmed him in this idea was that Davies 5 had told him that I was 
angry at a passage in his Account of Italy where he abuses the writers 
in the English newspapers in favour of Corsica. 6 However, I soon un- 
deceived him, and then he gave me my breakfast in good humour. I 
found his manners exceedingly rough, which had not disgusted me 
when I saw him at Venice, because I was so happy to find there a 
great admirer of Mr. Samuel Johnson. He and I walked over the way 
to Mr. Wilton's and saw the noble monument . . . 7 

[EDITORIAL NOTE: Great portions have been torn from the re- 
mainder of Boswell's Journal describing his stay in London, and no 
dates are given in what survives. Twelve pages have been torn away 
at this point, and the Memorandum for 30 March is very cryptic: 

4 On its return from Brentford after electing Wilkes on 28 March, the mob had 
compelled all householders to illuminate their windows on penalty of having 
them broken. They attempted to storm the Mansion House (the Lord Mayor's 
residence), and broke every pane of glass in Lord Bute's house. On the night of 
29 March the disturbance was renewed, and many more windows broken. 

5 Thomas Davies, at whose bookshop Johnson and Boswell had met in 1763. 

6 Baretti had written to Boswell on 4 March to congratulate him on his "delight- 
ful book," but also to complain that he had been unfair to the Genoese. Baretti 
added that he hated to see them libelled, "especially in favour of the Corsicans, 
who upon the very face of your book do not appear to be anything better than 
bloody-minded savages." 

7 Probably the monument to General Wolfe, now in Westminster Abbey. Joseph 
Wilton, the father of Chambers's future wife (p. 146/2.6), did not complete it 
until 1772, but he had been at work on it for many years. 

160 London, 30 March to 20 April 1 768 

"Dined Great Piazza. Sent Matthew for Black. Down to Westminister. 
Two naked. 'Ah, 'tis the barber, he's a clever one.' " On 6 April, ac- 
cording to The London Chronicle, Boswell presided at a celebration 
honouring Paoli's birthday, which was so successful that "animated 
with universal ideas of liberty" and an extraordinary number of 
toasts the group formed itself into a Corsican Club to meet annually 
on that day. The remaining fragments of the fully written Journal 

. . . He came to me this morning, and a terrible operation he had 
of it; and after all was obliged to leave so much of the nail in till he 
should get the proud flesh brought down. 8 He was an old, formal, lean 
man, pretty tall, in a brown coat and red waistcoat and long light- 
coloured bob-wig. He actually told me that he had always a turn for 
this profession, and when a boy used to get apples from the maids for 
cutting their nails. He was a Methodist-, and whined grievously, giv- 
ing one no comfort, but making the pain seem worse than it really 
was, though I do not think he had anything of a quack. But I shall 
know that when paying time comes. 

I called this morning on Mrs. Macaulay. 9 She was denied, but her 
servant came running after me: "Sir, my mistress is at home to Mr. 

8 Boswell had had trouble with ingrown toe-nails since his trip to Corsica. They 
were probably acquired by walking along mountain trails in riding-boots. 

9 Catherine Macaulay, the Whig historian, whose footman Johnson invited to 
sit down with her at dinner to test her republican principles. She was a friend 
of the American cause and visited Washington at Mt. Vernon in 1785. This was 
BoswelFs first meeting with her. In 1763, on the appearance of the first volume 
of her History of England, he had satirized her in his Ten-Lines-a-Day Verses 
(30 November 1763): 

Like a Dutch vrouw, all shapeless, pale, and fat. 
That hugs and slabbers her ungainly brat, 
Our Catherine sits sublime o'er steaming tea, 
And takes her dear Republic on her knee: 
Sings it all songs that ever yet were sung, 
And licks it fondly with her length of tongue. 

This remained pretty much his private opinion of the lady, but he was now 
placed under the restraint of politeness, first by the fact that Dilly was their 
common publisher, and secondly by Mrs. Macaulay's having volunteered a con- 
stitution for Corsica, in the form of an open letter to Paoli, 

London, 30 March to 20 April 1 768 161 

Boswell." I was shown into her study where she was sitting in a kind 
of Spanish dress. Two gentlemen were with her, who went away. She 
was very complimentative to me, but formal and affected, and she 
whined about liberty as an old Puritan would whine about grace. In 
short, I was rather disgusted with her. 

I then drove in a hackney-coach to Billy's, where I was to dine. He 
had a company for me. He introduced me to Mr. Burgh, a Scotsman, 
master of an academy at Newington Green, who had written a very 
warm commendation of my Account of Corsica in a letter to The Lon- 
don Chronicle signed "Philopaolus." Mr. Burgh is the author of The 
Dignity of Human Nature, Crito, &c. He is a stiff, positive man, know- 
ing, however, and shrewd. The next man I was introduced to was Mr. 
Ryland, master of an academy at Northampton, and a dissenting 
clergyman; a bold Briton with a very strong voice and much zeal. He 
has published a little book on mechanics, and is publishing packs of 
cards on all the sciences. The next was the Reverend Dr. Robertson, 
author of An Attempt to Explain the Words, Reason, Person, &c., who 
honestly resigned his living because he became convinced that several 
of the Articles to which he had subscribed were not true. Mr. Gum- 
ming, the Quaker, was there too; 1 and the Reverend Mr. Mayo, who I 
found was the person who had taken upon him to make some altera- 
tions in my language in the Account of Corsica, but which a violent 
letter from me to Dilly had prevented, all but one or two; and lucky 
was it, for sad alterations they were. After we were set down to dinner, 
Dr. Wayman, a physician in the city, also came. It was a most curious 
company. The most direct compliments were paid to me, without the 
least delicacy. "Dr. Wayman, this is Mr. Boswell, author of the Ac- 
count of Corsica" WAYMAN. "Mr. Boswell is a very respectable char- 
acter!" Such broad hints as these were thrown about. Dr. Robertson 
was also praised for his conduct. We had a good substantial dinner, 
after . . . 2 

. . . Another morning Willison the painter called upon me. 3 Mr. 

1 The fighting Quaker. He was a private merchant of London who persuaded the 
Government to allow him to lead an armed expedition into Senegal, which 
drove out the French and established British trading supremacy there. 

2 Fourteen pages have been torn out here. What remains was clearly not the 
record of a single day, but a "review." 

8 George Willison had painted Boswell's portrait at Rome in 1765. 

1 62 London, 30 March to 20 April 1 768 

Ryland of Northampton happened then to be with me. He and Willi- 
son began to dispute. Ryland was all enthusiasm, all in generals. 
Willison was slow, and wanted to bring him to particulars. Ryland 
boasted of his son Jack, his proficiency in learning, his excellent prin- 
ciples both in politics and morals. 4 "Well, but," said Willison, "what 
do you intend to make of him?" "Make of him?" cried Ryland, "I 
will make nothing of him. Would you have me cramp his inclina- 
tions, fetter the free-born mind? No, Sir!" "But," said Willison, "do 
you intend him for the Church or " "Church!" roared Ryland. 
"No, Sir to cringe to a despicable lord or duke, who has only the 
accidents of birth and fortune to recommend him, to be an utter syco- 
phant, a fellow destitute of every noble sentiment?" "But, Sir," said 
Willison, "what profession, I say, what profession do you intend him 
for?" "Profession!" cried Ryland. "Why, Sir, a citizen of the world, a 
lover of his country, a friend of mankind. One who knows the dignity 
of human nature. Such a mind, Sir, such a soul, is beyond all that a 
painter can show." I all the while' fanned the fire, sometimes joining 
Willison, sometimes Ryland, being like to burst out with a peal of 
laughter. Willison, with the Scotch sneer, snuffed at Ryland as at a 
great English fool, and Ryland strutted with the step of Costar Pear- 
main in The Recruiting Officer, despising Willison as a poor spiritless 
artist who knew nothing of sublime philosophy. Another morning I 
met Lord Mountstuart at Sir John Dick's . . . 5 

I was really put in a passion,, and told them I was resolved to pun- 
ish them, and would go immediately to Justice Fielding's. 1 accord- 
ingly placed a ?watchman as sentry upon the house, and then actu- 
ally went to the blind Justice's. A very decent, civil man came out to 
me; I suppose he was one of the clerks. I told him the trick that had 

4 John, Ryland, though only fifteen years old, began about this time to teach in 

his father's academy. He is said to have learned Hebrew at the age of five, and 

Greek before he was nine. Like his father, he became a distinguished Baptist 


The manuscript breaks off completely at this point, four pages having been 

torn out. The last page can be partly recovered from the "offset" on the blank 

page following. The dots indicate unrecoverable words, and the question marks 

doubtful readings. 

n Sir John Fielding, half-brother to the novelist, and blind, apparently from 

birth. He served as a justice of the peace in Bow Street. 

London, 30 March to 20 April 1 768 1 63 

been put upon me. He said I could have no immediate redress, for, as 
I had given her the money out of my own hand, it was no theft. I had 
therefore no other method but to prosecute her for a debt in a ... 
court of law, "which," said he ... "I suppose you would not 
choose." I asked him what I Powed him for his good advice. "Nothing 
at all, Sir," said he. This office of Fielding's is really an admirable 
institution. I Pposted home, and thought no more of it. 

[EDITORIAL NOTE: Here the fully written Journal breaks off. For 
the remainder of Boswell's stay in London we have only two dis- 
jointed fragments of the condensed diary, the first covering 21 April 
to 16 May, and the other 20 to 22 May. The first fragment, though 
scrappy and obscure, is of the greatest interest and importance, as it 
probably records more meetings with famous men than any other 
portion of equal length in the whole Yale collection. Boswell's "roar- 
ing" having had its usual unhappy consequence, he was now confined 
to his room, "suffering severely for immorality" as he wrote to Tem- 
ple on 26 April; and the great men of the literary and political world 
came to pay their respects to the author of Corsica, the book of the 
hour. Lord Lyttelton fan historian himself) called twice to discuss 
the possibility of aiding the Corsicans; old General Oglethorpe, Dr. 
Johnson, Baretti made their visits; and Sir John Pringle brought the 
most famous of Americans, Dr. Franklin, to dine. 

[The cause of Corsican independence was in great danger at this 
time, London being filled with rumors, and true ones, that France was 
about to take over Genoa's claims to the Island and to subdue it. Bos- 
well exerted himself on behalf of the Corsicans through his usual 
medium of newspaper "inventions," and also started to make a col- 
lection of essays by various hands,, which was finally published in 
December 1768 as British Essays in Favour of the Brave Corsicans. 
His affair with Zelide came to an abrupt end when a stinging letter 
from her prompted Boswell to call them as incompatible as thunder 
and lightning.] 

THURSDAY 21 APRIL. Lor d Ly ttelton sat an hour ; talked much 
of Corsica. . . . Bid me be well informed; so I [would] show best 
my friendship [for Corsica] . Fine interview. In great pain, afternoon. 

164 London, 26 April 1768 

[Received c. 26 April, Johnson to Bos well] 7 

Oxford, 23 March 1768 

MY DEAR BOSWELL, I have omitted a long time to write to you, 
without knowing very well why. I could now tell why I should not 
write; for who would write to men who publish letters of their friends 
without their leave? 8 Yet I write to you in spite of my caution to tell 
you that I shall be glad to see you, and that I wish you would empty 
your head of Corsica, which I think has filled it rather too long. But, 
at all events, I shall be glad, very glad to see you. I am, Sir, yours 


[Boswell to Johnson] 9 

London, 26 April 1 768 

MY DEAR SIR, I have received your last letter, which, though 
very short and by no means complimentary, yet gave me real pleas- 
ure, because it contains these words, U I shall be glad, very glad to see 
you." Surely you have no reason to complain of my publishing a 
single paragraph of one of your letters; the temptation to it was so 
strong. An irrevocable grant of your friendship, and your dignifying 
my desire of visiting Corsica with the epithet of "a wise and noble 
curiosity," are to me more valuable than many of the grants of kings. 
But how can you bid me "empty my head of Corsica?" My noble- 
minded friend, do you not feel for an oppressed nation bravely strug- 
gling to be free? Consider fairly what is the case. The Corsicans never 
received any kindness from the Genoese. They never agreed to be sub- 
ject to them. They owe them nothing; and when reduced to an abject 
state of slavery by force, shall they not rise in the great cause of liberty 
and break the galling yoke? And shall not every liberal soul be warm 
for them? Empty my head of Corsica! Empty it of honour, empty it of 

7 Boswell explains in printing this letter in The Life of Johnson (26 April 1768) 
that it had gone to Scotland, and had been sent cm to him in London, 

8 See p. 145. In the Life (May 1768), Boswell mentions that; ho asked Johnson if 
it would be improper to publish his letters after his death, and Johnson replied: 
"Nay, Sir, when I am dead you may do as you will." 

9 Printed in The Life of Johnson. 

London, 26 April 1768 165 

humanity, empty it of friendship, empty it of piety. No! while I live, 
Corsica and the cause of the brave Islanders shall ever employ much 
of my attention, shall ever interest me in the sincerest manner. . . . 
I am, &c. 


SUNDAY i MAY. Much better. Had written to Paoli and pledged 
honour no more vice, yet the scent of eau sans pareille would revive 
[thoughts of some] elegant Lais. But I repressed [them]; I forfeit 
more healthy and worthy joys. I read Lord Lyttelton's St. Paul, and 
the Bible, and was well. Guthrie, Hamilton^ and Maconochie dined. 
I was well. Guthrie said General Oglethorpe's mind and also Lord 
Elibank's [were] rich but like upholsterer's shop: carpets high up, 
glasses below, &C. 1 I talked of not writing till the very day a paper 
was needed; "because then," said I, "one runs downhill. Till then, 
one is labouring up the hill, but one is at the top the moment the point 
of necessity is reached. To write before that is double fatigue; but I 
must do so for my clients, lest running too quick downhill I miss 
something. Slowly going up, I take all." . . . 

MONDAY 2 MAY. Morning, letter from Zelide; termagant! 2 . . , 
Sent note to David Hume. He came, was most placid. Said it required 
great goodness of disposition to withstand baleful effects of Christian- 
ity. 3 . . . Just then entered Mr. Johnson. I jumped [up] and em- 

1 The simile may have been suggested by Boswell's surroundings: his landlord 
was an upholsterer. James Edward Oglethorpe, full General in the British 
army, was a grand old man who had fought against the Turks under Prince 
Eugene and had founded the Colony of Georgia as a refuge for poor debtors. He 
had sought out Boswell of his own accord and had asked to be allowed to shake 
the author of the Account of Corsica by the hand. Patrick Murray, fifth Lord 
Elibank, was a Scottish advocate and patron of literature. Johnson once wrote to 
him: "I never met you without going away a wiser man" (Tour to the Hebrides, 
12 September 1773). 

2 Boswell enclosed her letter, which has not been recovered, in one to Temple 
(14 May 1768) and commented: "Could any actress at any of the theatres attack 
one with a keener what is the word? not fury, something softer. The lightning 
that flashes with so much brilliance may scorch. And does not her esprit do so? 
Is she not a termagant, or at least will she not be one by the time she is forty?" 
(Letters of James Boswell, i. 159). Three years later, she married her brothers' 
former tutor, Monsieur de Charriere. 

8 Hume then left. In his letter to Temple of 14 May, Boswell remarked about 

166 London., 2 May 1768 

braced [him, crying] "Thou great man!" JOHNSON. "Don't call 
names." He would not dine; had bad spirits. I run on about the praise 
of my book. JOHNSON. "Sir, your book is very well. The Account may 
be had more from other books. But the Tour is extremely well. It 
entertains everybody. Sir, everybody who wishes you well [is] 
pleased." Asked him to review. JOHNSON. u No, one ass [should not] 
scratch [another]."' 1 . . . [Talk of] liberty. JOHNSON. "Sir, they 
mistake [in ranting about] universal liberty without [considering] 
private. Political liberty is only as many private [persons] as can be 
happy. Liberty of press not much. Suppose you and I and two hundred 
more restrained: what then? What proportion?" BOSWELL. "Ay, but 
[suppose] ten thousand [restrained] from reading us?" JOHNSON. 
"Yes, they are the wretches [to be pitied.] " . . . 5 

TUESDAY 3 MAY .... Lord Lyttelton had been with Lord 
Hardwicke. Bid me not come to people's doors as minister [from 
Corsica] . Get introduced; speak as hinting, not as pointing out. Mean- 
time, Corsican Club [would] make good blood, LYTTELTON. "Don't 
appear too hot-headed." . . . 

FRIDAY 6 MAY. General Oglethorpe a little, morning; then 
Frank Stewart. Then Lord Drummond; eat eggs, sat till General 
Oglethorpe came, who said mob was now [the] best blood, [being] 
old families sunk: Mortimers sweeping streets. Coffee, Great Clarke, 
morning; who read Corsica believe you thus. 

him: "David is really amiable. I always regret to him his unlucky principles, 
and he smiles at my faith. But 1 have a hope which he has not, or pretends not 
to have" (Letters of James Boswcll, L 160). 

4 Johnson was remembering the Latin proverb, "Mutuum mtili scabunt." 

5 This passage is expanded in The Life of Johnson as follows: "He talked in his 
usual style with a rough contempt for popular liberty, 'They make a rout about 
universal liberty without considering that all that is to be valued, or indeed can 
be enjoyed by individuals, is private liberty. Political liberty is good only so far 
as it prodxices private liberty. Now, Sir, there is the liberty of the press, which 
you know is a constant topic. Suppose you and I and two hundred more were 
restrained from printing our thoughts: what then? What proportion would that 
restraint upon us bear to the private happiness of the nation?' " 

6 Boswell was discovering that his chosen method of writing laid him open to the 
charge of personal fatuity (see Gray's comment, p. 9177.8), He comforted 
himself all his life with the story of Dr. Clarke, the famous theologian, which 

London, i o May 1768 167 

TUESDAY 10 MAY. The old General, Home of Billy, and Maco- 
nochie, forenoon. You was too eager with the worthy General and 
raged on subjecting inferiors, and Home joined. You was sorry at 
opposing too much the worthy man, so full of age and spirit. Maco- 
nochie stayed and eat a steak, and you and he studied President's 
speech [on the Douglas cause]. No philosophy or wit today. 

THURSDAY 12 MAY. Mr. Home of Billy [called]. Told me of 
Percivall Pott. 7 Saw him; [was] quite firm. Read much. 

SATURDAY 14 MAY. Mr. Kennedy, then Sir John Dick and Cap- 
tain Meadows. I talked of some things though [they are] in my book. 
I have observed Mr. Johnson do so. Almost every man you meet is, 
either from not having read or [from] having forgotten, just as if he 
had never seen a book. Sir John Pringle, Dr. Franklin, Mr. Rose, 
[and] Mr. Burgh dined. All was elegant. You maintained [author 
should] never correct [his] book. Sir John opposed. "But," said I, 
"Lord Kames has made [his] Elements of Criticism so 'tis not the 
same book." SIR JOHN. "Then it's another book" very well. Burgh 
[was] always saying, "Ah, that came off so fine and dry!" and Sir 
John [sat] with leg crossed and [talked with] shrewd gravity and 
satisfaction. You was quite happy and pleased as a man. Burgh and 
Rose drank tea. Franklin asked whether infidels or Protestants had 
done most to pull down Popery. We disputed the price of Robertson's 
book, 8 [and] the good done by preaching; [agreed] the English tone 
superior to Scotch, [possibly because there was] more music here, 
except whistling. 

SUNDAY 15 MAY. Mr. Bosville called and talked quite like one 
of his letters. 9 Messrs. Dillys drank tea. All turned on Robertson's 
book and the trade. At night Baretti came. He was pleasanter. Was for 

he printed In the Dedication to The Life of Johnson: "It is related of the great 
Dr. Clarke that when in one of his leisure hours he was unbending himself with 
a few friends in the most playful and frolicsome manner he observed Beau Nash 
approaching, upon which he suddenly stopped: 'My boys, (said he,) let us be 
grave; here comes a fool.' The world, my friend, I have found to be a great fool." 

7 A famous surgeon, who helped to revise surgical practice of the day. Pott's 
disease and Pott's fracture take their name from him. 

8 Robertson had just arrived in London with three large quarto volumes of his 
History of the Reign of Charles V, for which he obtained 4500. 

9 That is, in a hearty, shrewd, amusing manner. 

168 London, 15 May 1768 

answering Kenrick. Had argued with Johnson: "As you expelled 
Lady Macclesfield from society, why not so bury Wilkes, Kenrick, 
Campbell, &c.? [If you succeeded] you would have done real serv- 
ice." JOHNSON. "Sir, I don't know but I've been wrong." 1 Baretti 
talked strongly against our liberty. BARETTI. "Had you been content 
like other nations to have just jogged on, with sometimes a good king, 
sometimes a worse, you'd have done very well, as other nations. But 
to please your mad notions of claims of right, you did an unjust and 
barbarous thing to turn away your king, and sacrificed four hundred 
of the best families, and by restraining the king's power so much you 
force him and his ministers to load you with taxes to purchase power 
which they ought to have." 

He argued for the Italian ceremonies. "They are innocent," said 
he, "and our people are better so than yours, who get into taverns 
with whores and bottles and pots of beer." "But," said I, "the mind 
is hurt by that kind of idolatry, and drawn from just notions of God." 
"Nay," said he, "has any common people just notions of God?" "Yes," 
said I, "the people here." "No," said he, "they never think of God but 
with 'damn' joined to it." He was really well tonight. 

MONDAY 16 MAY. Donaldson, morning, and Sir John Dick. 
Then Captain Bosville, not a bit spoiled. [In] afternoon [was] old 
John Frail a little; quite in love with opposite lady. She signed for a 
note. 2 1 sent it; pretty answer. I have really strange fortune for adven- 
tures. But let's see . 

FRIDAY 20 MAY. Called at Lord Mansfield's. 3 I was received. 
My Lord came forward and took [me] by the hand very courteously: 
"Mr. Boswell, your servant. I am glad I was at home. I should have 
been very sorry not to have seen you." I said, "My Lord, your Lord- 

1 William Kenrick had attacked Johnson through Boswell in a pamphlet on 
Corsica. Boswell first intended to answer it, but Johnson persuaded him that to 
do so would only keep the matter alive. Lady Macclesfield was charged with 
having treated her supposed son, the poet Richard Savage, with great cruelty; 
Johnson had excoriated her in his Life of Savage. 

2 That is, she made a sign for him to send her a note. 

3 William Murray, first Baron (later first Earl of) Mansfield, Lord Chief Justice 
of the King's Bench. One of the greatest of all English lawyers, he was also a 
fine orator, a Scotsman, a bitter rival of Chatham's, and unpopular with the 
masses for his juridical treatment of Wilkee. 

London, 20 May 1 768 1 69 

ship never took any man by the hand who is more truly proud to 
have the honour of waiting upon your Lordship than I am." After 
talking of my having been ill, thus went the dialogue. MANSFIELD. 
u You have travelled a great deal, Sir." BOSWELL. "Why, yes, my Lord, 
I was very fond of seeing as much as I could, and travelled as much as 
my father would allow me." MANSFIELD. "Pray, Sir, how did you 
leave your father?" BOSWELL. "Very well, my Lord." MANSFIELD. "I 
am glad of it; he is a very respectable man." BOSWELL. "Indeed, my 
Lord, he is a very conscientious judge. He is content to do his duty. 
He does not seek to be known beyond his own circle." MANSFIELD. 
"Ay, but he is known here, especially among a certain class." BOS- 
WELL. "Why, this great Douglas cause has made all our judges known 
here by publishing their speeches." MANSFIELD. "I have not read a 
word of it. But your father has been known in many other cases." 
(Here he paid my father several compliments of which I do not re- 
collect the precise terms.) 

I was determined if possible to be at him on the great cause, so 
began again. BOSWELL. "These speeches have been read over all 
here." MANSFIELD. "If one thought them authentic, one would like to 
look at them. Pray, how are they?" BOSWELL. "Why, my Lord, Almon 
first published an edition, very imperfect indeed and so often non- 
sense, but very genuine so far as they went. After this, a writer's clerk 
who had taken full notes sent each judge his own speech to look over 
and make what corrections he pleased. Some of 'em have altered a 
good deal. I may say there are thirteen looked over by them. Lord 
Kames, who though I have a great regard for him, I must say made a 
very poor speech " MANSFIELD. "Ay?" BOSWELL. "Yes, my Lord, he 
was taken at unawares. He was clear upon Mr. Douglas's side, and 
he thought it would go without speaking cela va sans dire and 
he would only vote. But, being called upon unprepared, he made 
really a poor figure, which was a pity, as a man of my Lord Kames's 
genius might have made a very fine speech." MANSFIELD. "Yes, in- 
deed." BOSWELL. "Well, my Lord, being sensible that he had appear- 
ed so ill, he would not meddle with his speech, and I may say it is 
now better than he made it, though a very poor one. Old Lord Strich- 
en (Fraser), whom your Lordship may have heard of, would not 
correct his speech. He said with great spirit, 'No. I have given accord- 

1 70 London, 20 May 1 768 

ing to my conscience. I will not appeal to the world. If those who have 
given their opinions on the other side want a justification, let them 
publish. I want no justification.' Lord Strichen spoke like a plain 
country gentleman. Lord Alemoor (Pringle) made a very eloquent 
speech." MANSFIELD. "That's a very respectable character." BOSWELL. 
"My father made a solid, sensible speech: a few sound principles of 
law and a few reflections on the capital facts, without going into the 
wide field of circumstance, which is endless." 

MANSFIELD. "I was sorry for the manner in which that cause was 
decided; so much time employed in a question of fact, when I should 
have decided it at a sitting. And such a division. It makes one suspect 
there was something more in that cause than the cause itself." BOS- 
WELL. "Why, my Lord, that cause has done a great deal of harm. 
There was in particular the Lord President. A terrible outcry has 
been raised, though to be sure most unjustly, in regard of his giving 
an opinion contrary to his conscience; but, my Lord, it was not well 
in the president of a court to employ his supposed superior talents in 
making a violent harangue for the Pursuers. He even says in direct 
terms that he will not touch on the arguments on the other side. Now, 
my Lord, that is very dangerous. And we can prove one judge chang- 
ed by this harangue. Old Charles Erskine, the Justice-Clerk, whom 
your Lordship must have known, his son, who has the title of Lord 
Barjarg, actually wrote a new speech. We can bring one clerk who 
wrote for him a speech for Mr. Douglas, and another who wrote for 
him one for Duke Hamilton. He took a cold and kept the house a day. 
I was surprised with Veitch (Lord Eliock), a sound-headed fellow. 
Burnett (Lord Monboddo) made an admirable speech, and with 
great dignity, after they had all spoken and it was in vain to try any 
more. It was just victrix causa dels placuit, sed victa Catoni." 4 

MANSFIELD. "There are very respectable opinions on both sides." 
BOSWELL. "Yes, indeed. But the cause has done a great deal of harm. 
When the people of a country lose their confidence in their judges, 

4 Lucan, Pharsalia, i. 128: 

Victorious Caesar by the gods was crowned, 
The vanquished party was by Cato owned. 

Nicholas Rowe. 

London, 20 May 1 768 171 

and even hint anything against them, it is terrible. Now, there is 
Dundas, the President; a most dreadful outcry has been raised against 
him, though certainly most unjustly." MANSFIELD. "Ay, and does it 
continue?" BOSWELL. "Yes, my Lord. His manner was so violent; and 
then unluckily his whole speech from beginning to end is without the 
least foundation in the evidence. He has read it with very little atten- 
tion and trusted to the Pursuers' memorial, which is a most unfair 
paper." MANSFIELD. "As I told you, I have not read a word of the 
cause." BOSWELL. "I dare say not, my Lord." MANSFIELD. "I have not, 
upon my honour." (He said this like one gentleman speaking to an- 
other. A man of curiosity would have looked at it.) "I have their 
great quartos lying here upon my table, but I have been so much 
employed with other things that I have not had time to open them." 
(I was highly pleased to find that he allowed me to talk so freely and 
even seemed very desirous to hear me, for when his servant came in 
and asked if his chariot should wait, and I rose up and was going 
away, he said, "Sit still, Mr. Boswell." So I thought I would do all the 
good I could.) 

BOSWELL. "My Lord, the unhappy thing was that our judges spoke 
in so different a manner. Lord Lyttelton said their speeches were just 
pleadings on each side." MANSFIELD. "That's very bad. My Lord Lyt- 
telton, I am sure, will determine very candidly; he is a very worthy 
man." BOSWELL. "I wish to God, my Lord, that everybody thought as 
Lord Lyttelton." (I then repeated his ideas, which seemed to please 
Lord Mansfield.) "But I fancy, my Lord, the peers in general will not 
interfere," MANSFIELD. "I don't know that. There never was a cause 
where they could do it better." BOSWELL. "I should be sorry to see the 
peers in general take upon them to judge in a cause of property." 
MANSFIELD. "To be sure," BOSWELL. "What made the judges on the 
Hamilton side so obnoxious was their maintaining that there was no 
law in the cause. Now, your Lordship sees that, although gentlemen 
without doors are not lawyers, they are still judges of that great prin- 
ciple of law filiation on which we all depend; and every man is 
alarmed at the danger of that principle being taken away. When a 
man is called, 'Sir, you must stand trial for your birthright,' [he 
replies,] 'Very well. I put myself upon my country. I rest upon my 
filiation.' [Then he is told] 'No^ Sir, [there is] no law. You must 

1 72 London., 20 May 1 768 

bring proofs, and the plaintiffs must bring proofs; and then it will be 
judged whose proofs are strongest.' My Lord, when you thus deny a 
man the great privilege of filiation, you are taking the very pavement 
from under his feet. You are depriving him of half his cause." MANS- 
FIELD. "You are so." BOSWELL. "There was now poor Sir John Stewart; 
why, all the strange suggestions of his wild fancy must be made sus- 
picions against him." 5 MANSFIELD. "I did not know Sir John." BOS- 
WELL. "No, my Lord? Your Lordship knew Lady Jane?" MANSFIELD. 
u No, but I was once able to [do] her a piece of service" 6 BOSWELL. "I 
asked my father where I was born. He mentioned a house. I asked an 
old woman who was in the house at the birth, and she said another 
house. My Lord, if my birth had been scrutinized, my father and this 
old woman would have been declared perjured, as contradicting one 
another." MANSFIELD. "Very true." BOSWELL. "Every man must be 
alarmed. He runs back in his own mind and sees what difficulties 
must occur in such questions. We had a very busy winter with politi- 
cal causes." MANSFIELD. "The fewer political causes you have the 
better. They shake your court." BOSWELL. "They do so. I fear this 
great Douglas cause has been something of a political one." MANS- 
FIELD. "I imagine so. You are making great improvements at Edin- 
burgh." BOSWELL. "Yes. We have a Theatre Royal, too." MANSFIELD. 
"I believe you wrote the prologue at the opening of it. I assure you I 
admired it exceedingly." (BOSWELL. Here I told him all how Ross had 
applied to me, &c., &c.) 7 MANSFIELD. "Upon my word, it was a very 
pretty copy of verses, and I like the judicious style of it so concilia- 
ting. I'm sure it must have done him a great deal of good." 8 1 went 
home and felt myself in most admirable humour. N.B. Convinced 
him of importance of Corsica. 9 

5 Douglas's father. The evidence he gave at various times was self-contradictory, 
and even Douglas partisans admitted that it looked as if he had forged certain 
important letters. 

6 He got her a pension of 300 from the Crown at a time when her fortunes were 
at a very low ebb. 

7 See p. 115 n.6. 

8 Boswell treasured this compliment, and quoted it years afterwards in the 
memoir of himself which he wrote for The European Magazine. 

9 Boswell was apparently mistaken here. Mansfield assured Choiseul, the French 
minister of war and foreign affairs, "that the English Ministry were too weak 

London, 21 May 1768 173 

SATURDAY 21 MAY. I dined at Lord Eglinton's, he and I and 
John Ross Mackye, very well. Evening^ Lord Mountstuart's; much 
serious and open conversation. Our friendship quite renewed. 

SUNDAY 22 MAY. Went in the morning to Lord Mountstuart's; 
saw his son; supposed him [one day] John Earl of Bute. I called at 
several places, and dined at Mr. Bosville's, quite easy and comforta- 
ble. Then drove about and called at doors. Between eight and nine at 
night went to Lord Mansfield's, being his levee. Found him alone; 
drank a dish of tea with him. He was quite easy with me. Told me the 
Anglesey cause was clearly shown to be an imposition by authentic 
papers. 1 The week before, he had had a cause of a horse before him. I 
pleaded Smith contra Steel. 2 He said there was no time fixed for 
redhibition* but a jury would determine just by circumstances; and, 
to be sure, a man's having kept a horse two months without offering 
him back, and working him too, was virtually passing from his objec- 

In a little, my Lord Oxford came. Then Lord Mansfield assumed 
all the state of a chief justice. Went to the opposite side of the room 
and sat by my Lord, and kept me down as I tried to speak. I was 
etourdi 4 enough to talk of Wilkes, which Lord Mansfield did not 
relish. When Lord Oxford went, Lord Mansfield became quite easy 
again. Came close to me and resumed his urbanity. I spoke again of 
the Douglas cause, but found I had exhausted it. 

He spoke (or I did it first, I know not which) of Dempster's plea 
of privilege. 5 Said it was an absurd decision. I defended it. "Come," 

and the nation too wise to support them in entering on a war for the sake of 
Corsica" (Autobiography of Augustus Henry, third Duke of Grafton, ed. Sir 
William Anson, 1898, p. 204), 

1 The Anglesey cause was another famous eighteenth-century case of contested 
filiation. Smollett inserted an affecting ex parte account of it in Peregrine Pickle. 

2 A cause of Boswell's entered in his Consultation Book under the date of 2 
February 1767. It concerned a horse. 

:i An action to annul the sale of an article and return it to the seller because of 
some material defect. Mansfield was mistaken; according to Scottish legal 
usage, the buyer had to offer the goods back to the seller within a few days of 
their purchase in order for such an action to be valid. 

4 Thoughtless or giddy. 

5 George Dempster, an old and close friend of Boswell's, was M.P. for the Perth 

1 74 London, 22 May 1 768 

said he, "how, are they not to judge only by the statute and common 
law of Scotland? Well. Had the Scotch Parliament any privilege? No. 
How then are they to judge of the privilege of a British Parliament? 
Where do they find it?" BOSWELL. "Why, in Blackstone." MANSFIELD. 
u You may as well say that candle. He is no rule to them." (I then 
harangued, I forget how.) MANSFIELD. "Keep to the point. Answer 
me a plain question. Have they any other rule but statute and com- 
mon law? "BOSWELL. "No." MANSFIELD. "Well, then, they had noth- 
ing to do with such a plea. They might as well have pleaded a statute 
of Paoli of Corsica. They should have said, 4 We know nothing of this,' 
and so proceeded, or adjourned till they took advice. They had very 
near set the two houses of Parliament by the ears, and I can tell you 
the Speaker had thoughts of moving to have 'em brought up to answer 
for what they had done. And, what was most extraordinary, they not 
only decided, but they decided wrong; and I wonder Lord Justice- 
Clerk, who heard the debates in Parliament on that subject, could go 
so far wrong. They were to proceed, and let the prosecutor be answer- 
able for what he did, as Mr. Dempster might call him before the 
House of Commons, the proper judges of privilege." 

I asked him if it was advisable for a Scotch counsel to come to the 
English bar. "No," said he, "he has not the education for it. A man of 
very extraordinary parts may perhaps succeed." I had told him at my 
first visit that nothing would tempt me from being Laird of Auchin- 
leck, &c.^ and he said, "A very laudable (or a very good) prejudice." 
He advised [me] to read Blackstone, and also Burrow's reports. He 
said he decided about seven hundred causes a year. 

burghs. In 1767 he was charged with having resorted to bribery and corruption 
to assure himself a majority for the next election. To postpone his trial he 
pleaded privilege as a member of the House of Commons, and the Court of Justi- 
ciary sustained his plea, but the House of Lords, upon being appealed to, ordered 
the trial to proceed, in terms implying a rebuke to the Court. Dempster's de- 
fence was amusing: it was that no statute covered the alleged offence, and that 
bribery was not a crime at common law. The Court "repelled" this, but 
acquitted him on the ground that it had not been proved that he had been suc- 
cessful in his attempt to bribe the electors. Everyone knew, of course, that he 
had been successful, and that he had been forced to resort to bribery because his 
opponent, Lord Clive, had used the same tactic. 

London, 7 June 1 768 1 75 

[7 June, Manuscript of The Life of Johnson]* 

Soon after this, he supped at the Crown and Anchor Tavern in the 
Strand with a company whom I collected to meet him. There were 
the Reverend Dr. Percy now Bishop of Dromore, 7 Dr. Douglas now 
Bishop of Carlisle, Mr. Langton, Dr. Robertson the historian, Dr. 
Hugh Blair, and Mr. Thomas Davies, who wished much to be intro- 
duced to these eminent Scotch literati; but on the present occasion he 
had very little opportunity of hearing them talk, for with much 
prudence, for which Johnson afterwards found fault with them, they 
hardly opened their lips, and that only to say something which they 
were certain would not expose them to animadversion; such was 
their anxiety for their fame when in the presence of Johnson. He was 
this evening in remarkable vigour of mind and eager to exert himself 
in conversation, which he did with great readiness and fluency, but 
I am sorry to find that I have preserved but a small part of what passed. 

He allowed high praise to Thomson as a poet, but when a gentle- 
man said he was also a very good man our moralist contested this 
with great warmth, accusing him of gross sensuality and licentious- 
ness of manners. . . . 

He was vehement against old Dr. Monsey of Chelsea College as 
"a fellow who swore and talked bawdy." 8 U I have been often in his 
company," said Dr. Percy, "and never heard him swear or talk 
bawdy," Mr. Davies, who sat next to Dr. Percy, having after this had 

(} The manuscript of The Life of Johnson now at Yale shows the book in all the 
stages of its composition, BoswelFs first draft serves as the basic text for this and 
later passages, but certain additions and alterations have been retained. Reflec- 
tive parts or general comments which appear to be afterthoughts are omitted. 
This supper is dated by an entry in Percy's Journal, now in the British Museum. 

7 Best remembered as the editor of the Reliques of Ancient English Poetry, 
which had appeared in 1765 and which did much to revive interest in older 
English literature. 

8 A famous eccentric, somewhat like Swift in temperament, who lived to be 
ninety-five. It is said that in old age he took savage delight in meeting younger 
physicians who were waiting for his appointment and in prophesying that they 
would die before he did, which proved to be true so far as most of them were 

176 London, 7 June 1768 

some conversation aside with him, made a discovery which in his 
zeal to please Dr. Johnson he eagerly proclaimed aloud from the foot 
of the table: "O Sir, I have found out a very good reason why Dr. 
Percy never heard Monsey swear or talk bawdy, for he tells me he 
never saw him but at the Duke of Northumberland's table." "And so, 
Sir," said Johnson loudly to Dr. Percy, "you would shield this fellow 
from the charge of swearing and talking bawdy because he did not do 
so at the Duke of Northumberland's table. Sir, you might as well say 
that you had seen him hold up his hand at the Old Bailey and he 
neither swore nor talked bawdy; or that you had seen him in the cart 
at Tyburn and he neither swore nor talked bawdy. And is it thus, Sir, 
that you presume to contradict what I have related?" Dr. Johnson's 
reprimand was uttered in such a manner that Dr. Percy was much 
hurt and soon afterwards left the company, of which Johnson did not 
take any notice at the time. 

Swift having been mentioned, Johnson as usual treated him with 
little respect as an author. One or two of our number endeavoured to 
support the Dean of St. Patrick's by various arguments. One in partic- 
ular praised his Conduct of the Allies. JOHNSON. "Sir, his Conduct of 
the Allies is a performance of very little merit." "I don't know, Sir," 
said the gentleman, 9 "you must allow it has strong facts." JOHNSON. 
"Why yes, Sir, but what has that to do with the merit of the compo- 
sition? In the Sessions paper of the Old Bailey there are strong facts. 
Housebreaking is a strong fact, robbery is a strong fact, and murder 
is a mighty strong fact, but is great praise due to the historian of those 
strong facts? No, Sir. Swift has told what he had to tell distinctly 
enough, but that is all. He had to count ten, and he has counted it 
right." Then recollecting that Mr. Davies by acting as an informer 
had been the occasion of his talking somewhat too harshly to his 
friend, Dr. Percy, for which probably when the first ebullition was 
over he felt some compunction, he took an opportunity to give him a 
hit; so added with a preparatory laugh, "Why, Sir, Tom Davies 
might have written The Conduct of the Allies." Poor Tom being thus 
suddenly dragged into ludicrous notice in presence of the Scottish 
doctors, to whom he was ambitious of appearing to advantage, was 
sadly mortified. Nor did the matter rest here; for upon after occasions 
9 Dr. Douglas. 

London, 7 June 1768 177 

whenever he, "statesman all over," 1 assumed an over importance, I 
used to hail him "the author of The Conduct of the Allies" 

When I called upon Dr. Johnson next morning I found him 
highly satisfied with his colloquial prowess the preceding evening. 
"Well," said he, "we had good talk." BOSWELL. "Yes, Sir, you tossed 
and gored several persons." 

The late Alexander Earl of Eglinton, who loved wit more than 
wine, and men of genius more than sycophants, had a great admira- 
tion of Johnson, but from the remarkable elegance of his own man- 
ners was perhaps too delicately sensible of the roughness which often 
appeared in Johnson's behaviour. One evening about this time, when 
his Lordship did me the honour to sup at my lodgings with Dr. 
Robertson and several other literati, he regretted that Johnson had 
not been educated with more refinement and lived more in polished 
society. "No, no, my Lord," said Signor Baretti, "do with him what 
you would, he would always have been a bear." "True," answered 
the Earl with a pleasing smile, "but he would have been a dancing 
bear." . . . 

[EDITORIAL NOTE: On 9 June, Boswell left London to return to 
Edinburgh for the summer term of the Court of Session. He divided 
his time thereafter mainly between Edinburgh and Auchinleck until 
his jaunt to Ireland in the spring of 1769. No journal exists for the 

[Agreement between James Boswell and Margaret Montgomerie] 2 

At Edinburgh, the eighth day of August one thousand seven hundred 
and sixty-eight years, L, Margaret Montgomerie, sister of the late 
James Montgomerie of Lainshaw, Esquire, considering that Mr. 

1 Churchill's description of Davies in The Rosciad (11. 321-322) : 

Statesman all over! in plots famous grown! 
He mouths a sentence as curs mouth a bone. 

2 This joking contract between Boswell and Ms impoverished first cousin, 
Margaret Montgomerie, is important as the first major indication of the ease and 
intimacy of their relationship, and also attests to the strength of feeling she was 
capable of arousing in him. 

178 Edinburgh, 8 August 1768 

James Boswell, advocate, my cousin, is at present so much in love 
with me that I might certainly have him for my lawful husband if 
I choose it, and the said James being of a temper so inconstant that 
there is reason to fear that he would repent of his choice in a very short 
time, on which account he is unwilling to trust himself in my com- 
pany; therefore, I, the said Margaret Montgomerie, hereby agree that 
in case I am married to the said James Boswell any time this year, or 
insist upon his promise thereto within the said time to take place any 
time thereafter, I shall submit to be banished out of Great Britain 
during all the days of my life. In witness whereof I have subscribed 
this paper written by the said James Boswell. 


[Boswell to Temple] 

Auchinleck, 24 August 1 768 

MY DEAR TEMPLE, You have good reason to accuse me of neg- 
lect in being silent so long. My apology, I fear, is not sufficient; for, 
although I was a good deal taken up with the business of the summer 
session, had I not allowed myself to employ a great deal of time in 
gaming I need not have put off from day to day writing to my best 
friend. Some years ago I had the rage of gaming, and I lost more 
money than I was able to pay. Mr. Sheridan advanced me as much as 
cleared me, but took a promise from me that I should not play at all 
for three years. 3 When I was abroad he freed me from my promise, 
but restricted me not to lose above three guineas at a sitting. I thought 
my passion for gaming had been quite gone. But since I came last to 
Scotland, I began again to try a game of chance, and I found the 
fever still lurking in my veins. (It) seized me for a while, and I 
know not how much harm it might have done me had it continued. 
But after having recovered myself so as to have lost but about fourteen 
guineas, I have made a resolution never to play at a game of chance, 
and never at whist but for a trifle to make up a party. 

My dear Temple, will you be so good as to pardon this last neglect, 

3 Thomas Sheridan was an actor and elocutionist, and father of Richard Brinsley 
Sheridan. The promise was made in the summer of 1761, when Sheridan was 
giving a series of lectures on English elocution in Edinburgh. 

Auchinleck, 24 August 1 768 1 79 

from which I am sure I suffer more than you do; and let us hence- 
forth keep up a close correspondence, and so live together as much 
as possible when at a distance. Your misfortune by the bankruptcy 
of Mr. Fenwick Stow really afflicts me. 4 You have a noble spirit not to 
be cast down by so many misfortunes. Are you in any immediate 
want of money? If you are, I will send you all that I can command. 
Do you remember how generous you was to me when I wanted to 
purchase a commission in the Guards? 5 I hope Mrs. Temple is in a 
good way. Let me know particularly about her. 

I am exceedingly lucky in having escaped the insensible Miss 
Blair and the furious Zelide, for I have now seen the finest creature 
that ever was formed: la belle Irlandaise* Figure to yourself, Temple, 
a young lady just sixteen, formed like a Grecian nymph with the 
sweetest countenance, full of sensibility, accomplished, with a Dublin 
education, always half the year in the north of Ireland, her father a 
counsellor-at-law with an estate of 1000 a year and above 10,000 in 
ready money. Her mother a sensible, well-bred woman. She the 
darling of her parents, and no other child but her sister. She is cousin 
to some cousins of mine 7 in this county. I was at their house while she 
and her father, mother, and aunt were over upon a visit just last week. 
The Counsellor is as worthy a gentleman as ever I saw. Your friend 
was a favourite with all of them. From morning to night I admired the 
charming Mary Ann. Upon my honour, I never was so much in love. 
I never was before in a situation to which there was not some objec- 
tion. But "here every flower is united," 8 and not a thorn to be found. 
But how shall I manage it? They were in a hurry, and are gone home 
to Ireland. They were sorry they could not come to see Auchinleck, of 
which they had heard a great deal Mary Ann wished much to be in 
the grotto. It is a pity they did not come. This princely seat would have 
had some effect. 

I received the kindest invitation to come and see them in Ireland, 

4 The bankruptcy of Fenwick Stow, who was the grandfather of both Temple 
and his wife, cost Temple 1 100 of her marriage portion. 

5 Temple had offered to lend him 1000 towards the purchase of a commission, 
probably in 1762. 

6 Mary Ann Boyd. See Introduction, p. xvii. 

7 The Montgomeries of Lainshaw. 

8 He had applied the same quotation to Miss Blair only a year before (see p. 81 ). 

180 Auchinleck, 24 August 1 768 

and I promised to be there in March. In the mean time both the father 
and the aunt write to me. What a fortunate fellow am I! What variety 
of adventures in all countries! I was allowed to walk a great deal with 
Miss. I repeated my fervent passion to her, again and again. She was 
pleased, and I could swear that her little heart beat. I carved the first 
letter of her name on a tree. I cut off a lock of her hair, male pertinaci? 
She promised not to forget me, nor to marry a lord before March. Her 
aunt said to me, "Mr. Boswell, I tell you seriously there will be no 
fear of this succeeding, but from your own inconstancy. Stay till 
March." All the Scotch cousins too think I may be the happy man. 
Ah! my friend, I am now as I ought to be. No reserved, prudent, 
cautious conduct as with Miss Blair. No, all youthful, warm, natural; 
in short, all genuine love. Pray tell me what you think. I have a great 
confidence in your judgment. I mean not to ask what you think of my 
angelic girl. I am fixed beyond a possibility of doubt as to her. Believe 
me, she is like a part of my very soul. But will not the fond parents 
insist on having quality for their daughter, who is to have so large a 
fortune? Or do you think that the Baron of Auchinleck is great 
enough? Both father, mother., and aunt assured me of my high 
character in Ireland, where my book is printed, the u third" edition. 
That is no bad circumstance. I shall see in what style the Counsellor 
writes., and shall send some elegant present to my lovely mistress. 

This is the most agreeable passion I ever felt. Sixteen, innocence, 
and gaiety make me quite a Sicilian swain. Before I left London, I 
made a vow in St. Paul's Church that I would not allow myself in 
licentious connections of any kind for six months. I am hitherto firm 
to my vow, and already feel myself a superior being. I have given up 

my criminal intercourse with Mrs. . In short, Maria 1 has me 

without any rival. I do hope the period of my perfect felicity as far as 
this state of being can afford is now in view. 

The affairs of the brave Corsicans interest me exceedingly. Is it 
not shocking in France to send a great armament against such a noble 
little people? 2 1 have had four letters from the General this summer. 

9 "Ill-defended" (Horace, Odes, I. ix. 24). 

1 Mary Ann. 

2 The French were now intent on making good their claim to Corsica, and were 
sending large numbers of troops into the Island. 

Auchinleck, 24 August 1768 181 

He and his countrymen are resolved to stand to the last. I have hopes 
that our Government will interfere. In the mean time by a private 
subscription in Scotland, I am this week sending 700 worth of 
ordnance. The Carron Company has furnished me them very cheap. 
There are two 32 pounders, four 24*5, four i8's^ and twenty 9 
pounders, with one hundred fifty ball to each. It is really a tolerable 
train of artillery. . . . 3 

And now, my dear friend, I trust that you will forgive my long 
silence and will be assured that I ever am with the warmest regard, 
your affectionate and faithful 


[Boswell to Temple] 

Edinburgh, 9 December 1 768 

MY DEAR TEMPLE, I delay not a post to tell you that I have re- 
ceived your letter of the 2 7th November, and that I sincerely sympa- 
thize with the gloomy feelings which at present seem to distress you. 
Your long silence made rne really uneasy. I did not know what to 
think, and I was just going to have written to Mrs. Temple or to Lord 
Lisburne to enquire if my best friend was alive. I thank God I have 
you still, for indeed, my dear Temple, I cannot be without you. 

I trust that before this reaches you the clouds will be dispelled. 
Believe me, your imagination has suggested false terrors. Read Epic- 
tetus. Read Johnson. Let a manly and firm philosophy brace your 
mind, and you will be convinced that although you deserve a better 
situation, you have no reason to be dejected. After all your mis- 
fortunes, I believe you have 200 of your own^ which with Mrs. 
Temple's 1300 is no inconsiderable fund. Your living is, I believe, 80 
a year, which with what you have clear after paying your father's 
annuity may enable you to live very comfortably. Be not too anxious 
on account of your children. Educate them with good principles and 
active habits, and they will make their way through life. I wish you 

3 It was later decided to send fewer pieces of ordnance and a greater amount of 
ammunition. The shipment reached Leghorn safely, but it is not known whether 
Paoli ever received it. According to newspaper reports, almost 20,000 was raised 
by subscription and private gift for the Corsicans before their submission In the 
summer of 1769. Boswell was directly or indirectly responsible for all of this aid. 

1 82 Edinburgh, g December 1 768 

joy of your son, and I most heartily accept the office of being his god- 
father; I give you ray solemn promise that I shall be in earnest to do 
my duty; and if my best friend shall leave the world before me, it 
may be a comfort to him to think that I am left some time longer to 
take care of his children. If taking a journey to Devonshire could be 
of any essential service to you, I should willingly come. But in this 
case, a proxy will do. 

Mr. Hume is not to go to Paris. He is busy with the continuation 
of his History. 4 " You admire our Scottish authors too much. But you 
know, my worthy friend, we differ just enough to enliven us and 
afford some exercise for our talents. 

I cannot approve of your wishing to leave your family. It was a 
sudden wish while your mind was unhinged. Do not allow your- 
self to suppose that Lord Lisburne will do nothing more for you. He is 
your relation. Keep well with him, and things may come about. Let 
me beseech you, Temple, not to fix your desire on external greatness. 
Recollect how you and I flattered ourselves that we were to be the 
greatest men of our time. 

Rectius vives, Licini, neque altum 
Nimis urgendo. 5 

Do you know that in reality your uneasiness is owing to your allowing 
yourself to think too much of those who have superior degrees of the 
favour of fortune. Pardon me, my friend, if I write thus. I am sure I 
mean it well. I should like much to have you settled in the English 
Chapel here. But I believe the income is less than at your present 
residence. I shall, however, consider of it, and inquire as to particulars 
and when there will be an opening. Keep up your spirits, and pray let 
me know exactly the state of your affairs. Be assured that my friend- 
ship for you is unchangeable. 

And now as to myself. What think you, my friend, Miss Blair is 
Miss Blair still. Her marriage with the Knight is not to be. I under- 
stand that when terms came to be considered, neither answered the 
expectations which they had formed of each other's circumstances, 

4 Of his History of England. Actually, Hume was engaged in revising rather 
than continuing it. 

5 Horace, Odes, II. x. 1-2 ("nimis" for "semper"): "You will steer your life's 
course better, Licinius, if you do not hazard yourself too often on the deep." 

Edinburgh, 9 December 1768 183 

and so the match was broken off. After the departure of my belle 
Irlandaise, I was two or three times at Adamtown, and upon my 
word the old flame was kindled. The wary mother, as you called her, 
told me that it was my own fault that her daughter was not long ago 
my wife. But that after the young lady had shown me very particular 
marks of regard, corresponded with me, &c., I had made such a joke 
of my love for the Heiress in every company that she was piqued and 
did not believe that I had any serious intentions. That in the mean 
time, the Knight offered, and what could she do? Temple, to a man 
again in love this was engaging. I walked whole hours with the 
Princess. I kneeled; I became truly amorous. But she told me that 
"really she had a very great regard for me, but did not like me so 
as to marry me." You never saw such coldness. Yet the Nabob told me 
upon his honour and salvation that he had it from one who had it 
from Miss Blair's own mouth last year that she was truly in love with 
me, and reckoned upon having me for her husband. 

My relapse into this fever lasted some weeks. I wrote to her as 
usual the most passionate letters. I said, "I shall not again have the 
galling reflection that my misery is owing to my own fault." Only 
think of this, Temple. She might have had me. But luckily for me 
she still affected the same coldness, and not a line would she write. 
Then came a kind letter from my amiable Aunt Boyd 6 in Ireland, and 
all the charms of sweet Marianne revived. Since that time I have been 
quite constant to her, and as indifferent towards Kate as if I never 
had thought of her. She is still in the country. Should I write to her 
and tell her that I am cured as she wished? Or is there more dignity in 
just letting the affair sleep? After her behaviour, do I, the candid, 
generous Boswell, owe her anything? Am I anyhow bound by pas- 
sionate exclamations to which she did not even answer? Write to me 
immediately, my dear friend. She will be here soon. I am quite easy 
with her. What should I do? By all that's enchanting I go to Ireland 
in March. What should I say to Kate? You see I am still the old man. 
I have still need of your advice. 7 Write me without delay. I shall soon 
give you a more general epistle. 

6 Mary Ann's aunt, Mrs. Jane Boyd. She was probably a sister-in-law of 
Margaret Montgomerie's father, David Montgomerie. 

7 Here Kate Blair virtually disappears from the scene. She married her cousin, 

184 Edinburgh, 9 December 1 768 

Adieu, my dearest friend. My kind compliments to Mrs. Temple. 
Ever yours, 


P.S. I am just now a good deal in debt. If you want any credit from 
me, let me know some weeks before. Excuse this. Whatever I can do 
you may always depend on. 

Sir William Maxwell of Monreith in 1776, sold Adamtown in 1783, and died in 



[Boswell to George Dempster] 

Edinburgh, 23 February 1769 
DEAR DEMPSTER, The fire was prepared, 
Your letter is burnt^ 
Your sighs all consumed, 
A delicate show. 
Go on, undismayed, 
For love is a debt, 
A debt on demand, 
So she must not say no. 

I would give the best horse in my stable to have you here just now. I 
would talk to you for seven hours without intermission Dempster, 
you dog, why did you allow me to approach the mines? I went into 
the basket thinking to amuse myself by going down a little way, and 
looking at the spars, &c. But before I had time to recollect myself, 
away went the pulleys and I found myself two hundred fathoms below 
ground, where a candle would not burn and where I could hardly 
breathe. So it happened to me at John Tait's on Friday last. I had 
dined at Lord Glencairn's and was just mellow with claret. B. and 
Kate with Miss Gordon 8 and some more company supped at Mr. Tait's. 
I was there a little after eight. I got close to B. I never ceased conversa- 
tion with her till supper. I told her, u You are in a noble situation. We 

8 Miss Gordon is probably Catherine Gordon of Stair, whom Boswell had briefly 
considered as a matrimonial possibility. Burns, who presented her with a manu- 
script collection of his poems, praised her "benevolence of temper and goodness 
of heart" (Letters of Robert Burns, i. 43). B. remains a mysterious figure. As 
Boswell and Dempster's correspondence makes plain, she was BoswelPs cousin, 
heiress to valuable mining properties, and much loved by Dempster. As early as 
July 1 768 he had refused Boswell's offer to sound her out on his behalf. 


186 Edinburgh, 23 February 1769 

all (except myself who am in Ireland) pass before you. You may 
choose whom you please." Said she, "Do you think that so great an ad- 
vantage?" "Come," said I, "I know what you mean, you have the 
pain of refusing. Never mind that. It is all fancy. There is no doubt 
but you may prefer one man to another who you must own is a more 
respectable character. So no man can take it amiss." "But," said she, 
"everybody does not think as you do, and I should be sorry not to 
have it in my power to make a return to a man who thinks me essential 
to his happiness." 

What think you of this? I gazed and admired. It is impossible to 
put in a letter the fiftieth part of our conversation. I got next her at 
supper, and she and I talked on and on together. I was the cousin and 
called her m. c.; 9 at last I felt myself absolutely in love. I am positive 
she saw it. I cried, "Ah! this is wrong, this is wrong." There was I, in 
torment before this divinity. In one corner, my sweet Marianne was 
chiding my inconstancy in her simple, lively way. Malo me petit, 
lasciva puella? In another corner my friend like Banquo's ghost 
shook his gory locks at me. I endeavoured to rage about Ireland. But I 
faltered. I begged she would dance with me at next assembly. She 
agreed. Next day Peter Craufurd and Bob Chalmers dined at my 
father's. Bob joked about mines. I spoke strongly for you. He said, "She 
did not know you was Dempster's advocate." Yesterday I dined at 
Bob's: the President, Sinclair, and so many more jolly boys; B. and 
her sisters; I, next her again. Not as at Tait's in glowing spirits, but 
calm and placid, suffering real pain, and yet keeping conversation 
ever alive. I am sure I have said nothing amiss, and you may depend 
on an honesty which nothing can vary. This evening will try me 
severely. I wish from my soul that you had her. I know the feverish 
temperature of my soul, and I know I can cure it. But if I were sure 
that her fancy is wayward enough not to choose you, I would throw 
myself headlong into the awful abyss. May I ask her about you? May 
I tell her the whole truth? 

The mistress of the Spuilhouse 2 said to me when I harangued on 

9 M. C. may well be initials for first names, as for Margaret Caroline. 

1 "The wanton girl flings an apple at me [and runs off, wishing first to be seen] " 
(altered from Virgil, Eclogues, iii. 64). 

2 Spuilhouse (properly spelled speelhuis) is Dutch; in the eighteenth century 

Edinburgh, 23 February 1 769 187 

Hibernia, "Ye're a great idiot." What could this mean? Plague on 
that disposition, be it vanity or be it idle fancy, which makes a man 
interpret everything for himself. When I asked B. to dance at this 
assembly, she said she made it a rule never to dance two nights to- 
gether; and she was engaged to the Capillaire Ball on Friday. 3 
"Madam," said I, "I beg you may do something more than common, 
something extraordinary for me." She waited a little, and then with 
that look and that soft voice which you know, said just "Yes." I 
said, "I see you give your answer at once." Said she, "I always do, and 
that prevents me from being teased." She said she was very independ- 
ent, and she was determined to (here she said something which meant 
that she was to make a very difficult choice; I forget the words) . In 
short, Dempster, she is a perfect woman-, and I think at this moment 
I could take her without a shilling. Such madness! However don't 
mind me. I can take care of myself. Where is the rock of Carrickf ergus 
now? 4 It will soon appear again. Thus have I given you a most candid 
abstract. I shall write to you again tomorrow. Burn me as I burn you. 
I say there are few men who are capable of such a correspondence. 
Tell me what to do. Ever yours, 



Edinburgh, 24 February 1 769 

DEAR DEMPSTER, I did not send off my letter of last night. I 
waited till the Assembly should be over. I was worse than ever. I was 
in a delirium. But being dressed in sea-green and silver with a sword, 
I assumed spirits, and in a gay, smiling manner tried to find out how 
she would be courted. She said a man of sense might soon find out 

it meant a low public dance hall (see Boswell in Holland, 26 May 1764). Bos- 
well is presumably making a sarcastic reference to the Assembly of Edinburgh. 
The Mistress of the Spuilhouse would then be the Hon. Miss Nicholas Helen 
("Nicky") Murray, who ruled over these dances for many years. 

3 The Capillaire Club was a convivial Edinburgh society (capillaire is a syrup 
used to flavour drinks). The Club's annual ball was one of the more brilliant 
social events of the year. 

4 The Irish seaport and fortress, celebrated in the song, The Siege of Carrick- 
f ergus, which served to remind Boswell of Mary Ann Boyd and his projected trip 
to Ireland. 

1 88 Edinburgh, 24 February 769 

whether he was a woman's choice, and that she would never be forced 
by perseverance to take a man she did not like at first, though she 
owned that perseverance in a real attachment might have some effect. 
But then she would be sure of his motives (no doubt she meant if 
mines or charms) . "But," said I, "suppose a man loves you sincerely, 
and yet has always talked in a general style and has been afraid to 
address you particularly; what say you to that?" Said she, "That is a 
disagreeable situation, both for the man and the woman. And what 
can a woman do?" I said, U 0h, see him and give him an opportunity 
to open his mind." She said, "No if you do not intend to have him." 
This was severe, for she certainly knew what I meant, as I had already 
said, "I had this morning a letter from a gentleman who I believe 
loves you as much as possible," and then expatiated on his character, 
as you know I can do. 

I then asked her if sending a friend to inquire was a good way. 
She said, "Nothing can be more indelicate to a woman. If I even had 
some liking for a man, that would destroy it. If I had none, it would 
be a good reason to give for refusing him." Dempster, this made D. R. 5 
alarming. I then asked her how comes it that a lady shall refuse a man 
whom all his friends love and esteem, who is worthy and amiable in 
every respect? Said she, "Perhaps the lady just thinks of him as all his 
friends do, who speak so much of him. But she has not that particular 
regard which you would have for one with whom you would spend 
your life." "Well," said I, "that is putting it in a light I never saw it 
before. I understand you. Perhaps we all like the man but would 
any of us marry him? I see it." 

Now, my friend, what say you to all this? Though my letter is 
dated on the 24 (Friday) I am writing this part of it on Saturday. I 
am rather warm with wine. But I would not delay another post. So 
you must take it as I can write. Yesterday (Friday) I called about 
twelve and found her in the coach waiting till her sisters should come 
down. She danced with young Pitfour at the Capillaire Ball last night, 
and this morning I found her at home just going out. By all that's 
sacred, ut vidi, ut peril.* I never in my life was so much in love. 

For heaven's sake, Dempster, determine what you are to do. How 
pleasant is it to think that it is literally true that, although I now love 

5 Possibly David Rae, an advocate and later Lord Justice-Clerk. 

6 "I saw; T perished" (Virgil, Eclogues, viii. 41). 

Edinburgh, 25 February 1769 189 

her to distraction, I would be sincerely happy at your getting her. 
This is upon honour the truth. Come over, or write to her, or give her 
up. And let me set myself at rest, one way or other. If she is for you, 
God bless you both. If not, I will ask her, and then we shall be com- 
panions. I will not see her again till I hear from you. For upon my 
conscience I am miserable in her company. I asked her if she would 
use a lover well who would candidly tell her all his mind. She said 
yes. Said I, "Would you endeavour to make him as easy as possible, 
and be a friend to him?" "Yes." Dempster, write to me without 
delay, and instead of burning those frantic pages return them, that I 
may read them calmly. Pray do. Was there ever such a situation? 
Adieu, my excellent friend. What philosophy have I! What amazing 
command of human nature! 

[Received ?6 March, Hailes to Boswell] 7 

Edinburgh, 4 March 1 769 

SIR: When I received that information which occasioned your 
letter, your father was just in my sight, and in my astonishment I re- 
lieved myself by telling him what I had heard. 8 What I said was from 
information, and did not consist with my own personal knowledge. 
Nor could it, for if all my friends had been at the door I might have 

7 On 27 February, the House of Lords had reversed the Court of Session's decision 
in the Douglas cause, and confirmed Archibald Douglas's position as lawful heir 
to the late Duke of Douglas. The news reached Edinburgh on the night of 2 
March and the populace took over. They ordered among others all the judges, 
whether or not they had voted for Douglas, to illuminate, breaking windows and 
doing further mischief where they met opposition. On the second night of cele- 
bration, the military were called in to patrol the streets and protect certain 
judges' houses. 

8 Boswell's letter has not been recovered. From what Hailes writes, one would 
infer that Hailes had told Lord Auchinleck that Boswell was in the mob that at- 
tacked his house, and that Boswell had written to demand his authority; had he 
seen him there? It was commonly reported, probably correctly, that Boswell 
had not merely been one of the mob, but that he had headed it. John Ramsay 
says that his "behaviour on that occasion savoured so much of insanity that it 
was generally imputed to his Dutch blood" (Scotland and Scotsmen, 1888, 
i. 173). This letter of Hailes makes it appear either that Boswell was disguised 
or that he was confident that nobody except members of the mob had seen him 
while the assaults were being made. 

190 Edinburgh, 6 March 1 769 

been killed by going out to speak to them before I could be known. 
Had the mob satisfied themselves with breaking my windows and 
thrown in stones which might have murdered the family, I might 
have been less displeased when the first attack was over. But renewed 
attacks not at windows but at my door, in order to break it open; these 
are insults which every man of spirit and dignity must feel. 

I am not at liberty to suppose that you had any hand in such 
things directly, and I wish that you may have an opportunity of 
letting me know that you did not countenance the mob when in my 
neighbourhood and just in the street where I live; I never could ask 
you any more particular question, for this reason which upon recol- 
lection will suggest itself to you, that had you in an unguarded hour 
forgot yourself and me, and had you acknowledged it, this would 
[have] been a circumstance for proving one of the greatest insults 
that has been committed, except those against the President. 9 

Had I been a private man I should have probably submitted to 
humour the mob in their fancy, but in my situation as a judge I 
thought that I could not submit to any commands but legal com- 
mands, unless in the case of necessity when the safety of an only 
child, and she too not in condition to be transported to a place of 
safety, might have prevailed over my sentiments of propriety. When 
I found that breaking my windows did not satisfy the populace, I had 
recourse to the last resort of civil order, a military force; a chairman 
whom I had not employed for many years came down to me and 
begged that I might call for instant assistance. I bless God, who en- 
abled me to act according to my own opinion on Friday night. I did not 
call for any aid till the necessity urged, and if anything had hap- 
pened, I should not have been answerable for the consequences. I am, 
Sir, your most obedient servant, 


[Received c. 15 March, Dempster to Boswell] 

[Dunnichen, c. 12 March 1 769] 

MY DEAR BOSWELL, I thank you for both your letters. The con- 
tents of 'em were extremely acceptable to me. But my coat of mail is 

9 On his way to the Parliament House in his sedan chair, the President had 
been jostled by a mob crying, "Pull him down." Also his house was stoned. 

Auchinleck, 15 March 1769 191 

all rust; neither sand nor files can give it the least polish. Even the 
soft breath of Melvina stuff. 1 You have been rioting, you dog you, 
and have broke thy honest father's windows, as the story here tells. 2 
Nobody suspects that you have thereby broke his heart. Nothing can 
be so strange as the present state of my affair. D.R. at my request 
waited of 3 B. and desired to know if I should take what I had got for a 
refusal, expressing in the strongest terms my resolution not to be a 
troublesome or impertinent suitor. He writes me he found B. (so) 
silent and reserved that he thought it indelicate (to inquire) farther, 
and is as little qualified to advise me now as before he spoke with B. 
on the subject. He recommends it to me to see her as I go to London, 
and doubts not but my own good sense and penetration will enable 
me to determine what is proper afterwards to be done. 4 

Your Irish plan is very prudently and properly concerted. By all 
means carry the approbation of the old gentleman along with you. 
Not that your interest would suffer by neglecting it, but that you may 
enjoy the exquisite satisfaction of gilding the evening of his life by 
every act of filial duty and attention. The public, whose faithful 
servant he has been so long, expect, nay exact, this of you. I am not 
much in the humour of writing today. The weather is fine, I have a 

1 Perhaps an allusion to Malvina in Book 4 of Macpherson's FingaL Boswell, in 
a missing letter, had presumably urged Dempster to carry off B. like a hero of 

2 Lord Marischal wrote to Boswell (26 August 1769): "I am highly delighted 
with your behaviour in the Douglas cause. . . . You broke, I am told, your fa- 
ther's windows because they were not enough illuminate. Bravo, bravissimo!" 
According to Ramsay, Lord Auchinleck "entreated the President, with tears in 
his eyes, to put his son in the Tolbooth." Being asked by Sheriff Cockburn to 
tell what had happened in his own way Boswell is supposed to have said: "After 
I had communicated the glorious news to my father, who received them very 
coolly, I went to the Cross to see what was going on. There I overheard a group 
of fellows forming their plan of operations. One of them asked what sort of man 
the Sheriff was, and whether he was not to be dreaded. c No, no,' answered an- 
other, 'he is a puppy of the President's making.' " On hearing this, the Sheriff 
went off and left Boswell to himself (Scotland and Scotsmen, i. 173 TZ.I). Bos- 
well, of course, was not punished in any way. 

3 Scots for "waited on." 

4 Dempster later reported that he had called on B. twice in Edinburgh, but that 
she had refused even to see him. 

192 Auchinleck, 15 March 1769 

guest who waits for me to ride out with him, my mind is distracted, 
but I could not restrain myself (from) sending you a letter. Write 
me <? from the) west, and believe me unalterably (yours). 

[Boswell to John Johnston] 

[Auchinleck, 31 March 1769] 

DEAR SIR, We had an agreeable journey west and a comfort- 
able meeting with our cousins at Lainshaw, whom we found much 
better than we expected. We stayed six nights there. And now we are 
safe at Auchinleck, where is also my brother John. 

I am endeavouring to acquire a taste for country affairs, and 
hope by degrees to do quite well. If you will give orders about the 
planting of the trees, I will fall on a method of getting them sent to 
Grange. But I would fain hope you may contrive matters so as to come 
here and stay a while, before you go home. My cousins of Lainshaw 
intend going to Ireland, so I shall have good company. We are to set 
out the last week of April or first of May. James Bruce tells me that 
the trees fit for sending you at present are the red fir of Hanover, the 
larix, and the different sorts of pines. I can get a parcel sent to Dum- 
fries, from whence you can have them taken to Grange, Perhaps you 
have these kinds of trees already. If so, it is needless to send them. But 
if they will be an acceptable present to you, please let me know. 

I have done nothing for my black friend these many weeks, which 
is very wrong. I therefore enclose you a draught for 10, which you 
may negotiate and deliver the money, together with my letter, to 
Mr. Hamilton, surgeon in the Back Stairs. If you think it needless for 
me to correspond with him about my black friend, you need not 
deliver the letter; but just at my desire inquire how all goes, and just 
say what I have said in the letter, and then inform me. 5 I think it 
would be proper to have as little interference as possible. If you would 
call yourself with Mr. Hamilton and deliver the money, it would 
be obliging. You will judge if any receipt is necessary. 

I am now as calm and quiet as if I had not been from Auchinleck 

5 "Tell her," said Boswell in his letter to Alexander Hamilton, "that my reason 
for not seeing her for some time is my resolution to take no part, either one way 
or other, in a certain dispute." The matter of the dispute is unknown. 

Auchinleck, 31 March 1769 193 

for years. Do come, my dear friend. Is it not very odd that one with 
whom I am in such intimacy should hardly ever be here? You ought 
never to be a year absent. I ever am, with most sincere regard, your 
affectionate friend, 


TUESDAY 25 APRIL. 6 Miss Montgomerie and I set out from 
Auchinleck. My father was so averse to my Irish expedition that she 
had not resolution to agree to accompany me. Dr. Johnston took 
leave of me, and seemed most anxious for my safe return. My father 
walked out, and I did not take leave of him. It was a delightful day. 
We were calm and social. We came to Treesbank at four. Mr. Camp- 
bell 7 had been at a burial, so dinner was not begun. We were cordially 
entertained, and very merry here* 

WEDNESDAY 26 APRIL. I gave up my place in the Lainshaw 
chaise to Lady Treesbank, and rode my mare. Miss Annie Cuning- 
hame was with us. 8 We came to Lainshaw to dinner. The Captain 9 
said he would fulfil his promise of going to Portpatrick with me. This 
left no objection to Miss Montgomerie' s going, especially as both her 
sisters were clear for it. This was a great point gained to me. I felt my- 
self quite at home at Lainshaw. Annie and her three eldest brothers 
were there. I gave them raisins and called this giving them grocery, 
a word which relished much. I sent Thomas to Glasgow to bring a 
chaise. My love for Marianne revived most beautifully. 

THURSDAY 2 7 APRIL. The Captain, Mrs. Montgomerie-Cun- 
inghame and Lady Treesbank, and I took a long walk. They were all 
of my opinion as to the Irish scheme, so right is it for a man to have 
perseverance. I stated to the Captain the process Brown against Parr, 
and was assisted by him. As there was no law in the case, his strong 
common sense was excellent for it. After dinner we drank pretty 

6 Here Boswell begins his Journal again. This section he endorsed: "Journal of 
the first part of my jaunt to Ireland in 1769 with Miss Peggie Montgomerie. I 
regret that I ceased when it would have been most interesting." 

7 See p. 55 n.6. 

8 Annie Cuninghame was the daughter of Captain and Mrs. Montgomerie- 
Cuninghame. "Lady Treesbank" was Mary (Montgomerie) Campbell, James 
Campbell's wife, sister to Mrs. Montgomerie-Cuninghame and Margaret Mont- 

9 Captain Montgomerie-Cuninghame. 

1 94 Lainshaw, 27 April 1 769 

freely, and he gave me very good hopes of a scheme that will gratify 
my ambition in a very honourable way. The families of Auchinleck 
and Lainshaw and Corsehill and Treesbank united may do much, and 
we resolved they should be united to the end of time. 1 As we were 
much in the spirit of Douglas, I put a bottle of wine and a glass in 
my pocket, and he and I resolved to go and drink to Douglas under 
the old tower at Corsehill, which had formerly belonged to the illus- 
trious family. We stopped at Oliver's in Stewarton and drank a little 
punch, and bottled up the rest of our bowl, and then, attended by 
Oliver and John Brown, one of the Captain's feuars, 2 we went to the 
ancient spot and did drink most happily, and huzzaed as boldly as if 
there had been a hundred of us. Drink makes men appear numerous. 
We feel double as well as see double. Mrs. Montgomerie-Cuninghame 
and Mrs. Campbell came out to us and brought us home. I was quite 
drunk. I am sorry for it. I behaved ill to Margaret, my own affection- 
ate friend. Such terrible effects may intoxication have. 

FRIDAY 28 APRIL. I rose with a headache and the disagreeable 
reflection that I had offended Margaret. When she came down I 
found her so much hurt that she would not have set out on our Irish 
jaunt, had she not been so kind that she would not assign the cause of 
her staying. I was very sorry, and resolved to make up to her for what 
she had suffered by my future good behaviour. We took some break- 
fast at Lainshaw; and then we and the Captain, Mrs. Montgomerie- 
Cuninghame, and Lady Treesbank all drove to Irvine, where Mr. 
Graham had breakfast ready for us at his house. On the road it was 
curious for me to think how different things in reality may be from 
what they appear. Margaret and I on bad terms were yet driving in 
one chaise, and going on a jaunt of pleasure all the way to Dublin. 
But the quarrels of friends never last. 

At Irvine we had Dr. George Augustus Cuninghame to attend us. 
We left Mrs. Montgomerie-Cuninghame and Lady Treesbank, and 
the Captain and Mrs. Graham rode with us to Ayr. It was a charming 
day, and Margaret and I became gentle and complacent. My love of 

1 The scheme that would gratify Boswell's ambition was probably a union of 
the political interests of the families mentioned, which might help him to be 
elected to Parliament for Ayrshire. 

2 One who holds a piece of land on perpetual lease for a fixed rent. 

Ayr, 28 April 1769 195 

making a show was gratified, for we had sent our servants on to order 
dinner, and it was a fair-day, and the streets were crowded with 
people; and honest James Gibson came forth and marched like a 
macer, clearing the way for us. After a cheerful welcome to each 
other to Ayr, James the waiter agreeably surprised me by delivering 
me my Roman ring, which I had lost. I also received a very handsome 
letter from Paoli, so that I was in noble spirits. We dined well and took 
a merry glass with our old landlord, who, having bought his house, 
was now Laird Gibson, and then we drank tea at Mrs. Kerr's, where 
was a whole drawing-room of people. Among others, who should be 
there but Balmuto's heiress and her Glasgow cousin! 3 This was fine 
for show. I then paid a visit at Auchinskeith's, where I received a two- 
guinea consultation from a company at Glasgow, by the hands of 
Craigengillan. I next paid a visit at Mr. Duff's; and then returned to 
our inn, where we had Mrs. Kerr and her daughter, and Captain 
Ballantyne and Dr. Mackie, her attendants, and Miss Cuninghame 
of Auchinskeith to sup with us. 

SATURDAY 29 APRIL. I breakfasted at Auchinskeith's, from 
whence we set out and drove all the length of the town of Ayr (a fine 
show, surely) . We stopped a little at Rozelle. 4 There I put the Captain 
into the chaise, and I rode my mare. There was this day a meeting of 
the gentlemen of the shire, and so, besides shaking hands with Doon- 
side over one of his dykes, I had the satisfaction of showing to many 
of the Carrick gentlemen. It was fine to meet Sir Adam Fergusson 
after the glorious Douglas decision. I called out to him, " 'Sir Fletcher, 
Sir Fletcher, your servant. 73 Well, Sir Adam, I never saw you with so 
much pleasure. We no longer meet as foes." I then showed him Paoli's 
letter, and we were classically companionable. I and my fellow 
travellers stopped at Maybole and got a pretty good dinner. The old 
Laird of Killantringan drank a glass with us. 

3 Claud Boswell of Balmuto married Anne Irvine, heiress of Kingcausie, but as 
the marriage did not take place until 1783 it is not probable that she is referred 
to here. Just possibly Balmuto is a slip for Adamtowri. 

4 The seat of Robert Hamilton of Bourtreehill, and, after his death, of his daugh- 
ter the Countess of Crawford, Margaret Montgomerie's dear friend. 

5 Sir Fletcher Norton had been one of Douglas's English counsel, and thus on 
the other side from Fergusson (see p. 27 rz-5). Boswell appears to be recalling to 
Fergusson some joke about Sir Fletcher that they shared. 

196 Maybole^ 29 April 1769 

I felt myself in love with another woman than Marianne. 6 1 spoke 
of it to Margaret. She is always my friend and comforter. She and I 
were now admirable company. I observed that there were few people 
but were mixed characters, like a candle: half wax, half tallow. But 
Sir Adam Fergusson was all wax, a pure taper, whom you may light 
and set upon any lady's table. I observed that she and I had more en- 
larged views, as we had fancy to look beyond what really is ours 
like one whose house has a prospect not only of his own lands, but of 
many beautiful objects at a distance. That Balmuto saw nothing but 
what was solid, and substantially his own. That he had thick high 
stone walls built round that extent, and had that only in his view, 
except when I surprised him by sometimes taking a hammer and beat- 
ing a hole in his walls so as to give him a peep of the fields of fancy, 
which made him caper; but his mother and sisters took care to build 
all up again directly. When I talked that Corsica was a very hilly 
country, Margaret observed that the French would have uphill work 

We came at night to Ardmillan. Mr. Craufurd we had met going 
to Ayr, and he could not be home; but we found his mother, a fine old 
lady full of life, an Episcopal and a Jacobite, and his three sisters. We 
were most hospitably entertained, but my serious passion hung 
heavily on my mind. I feared that the lady was engaged, and I was in 
great uneasiness all night. 

SUNDAY 30 APRIL. I was restless and rose at six, and walked to 
the top of the highest mountain, from whence I saw a great way. The 
sea and Ailsa pleased me. Ardmillan stands at the foot of a hill. 
There is little planting about it. But a good garden, some fields in 
excellent culture, and pretty green hills with a prospect as far as 
Ireland. The old lady and I were great friends. I read part of the 
service of the day to her, and took her prayer-book with me that I 
might get silver clasps put upon it at Dublin. No man ever understood 
the little arts of obliging better than I do, and the peculiar beauty in 
my case is that what others have done from designing views, I do 
from an amiable disposition to make people happy. No doubt, I have 
sometimes had my designs, too. But, in general, I have none. 

6 Margaret Montgomerie herself. Boswell continues to refer to her in this mys- 
terious manner. 

Ardmillan, 30 April 1769 197 

The Captain found himself fatigued, so Miss Montgomerie and I 
agreed that he should go no farther. We dined here, and at four we set 
out and took a Sabbath day's journey to Ballantrae. By the way, my 
serious passion came into my mind with more force than ever. I 
imagined that Miss Montgomerie knew the lady's mind, and from 
some things she said, I concluded that the lady was engaged. I was 
amazingly affected. I cried bitterly, and would not speak to my 
companion. I, who was on an expedition to court a pretty young lady 
at Dublin, and had with me a most agreeable companion, was miser- 
able from love of another woman, and would not speak to my com- 
panion. Such a mind! I never was in greater torment, nor indulged 
gloomier schemes. We had a good inn at Ballantrae. For ten minutes 
I continued as bad as in the chaise, till Miss Montgomerie by chance 
discovered the cause of all my misery, and with her usual kindness 
assured me that I was mistaken. I then enjoyed the most delightful 
calm after a dismal storm. We drank tea comfortably after our 
journey, read part of the evening service, had some agreeable religious 
conversation, and then supped cheerfully. I was so much rejoiced that, 
after she went to bed, I got Mactaggart the landlord to drink with 
me till I staggered. Such wild transitions! A punster would say the 
landlord might be called Macstaggered. 

MONDAY i MAY. My last night' s riot hurt me a little. I begged 
my companion's pardon, we breakfasted, and set out in good humour. 
I entertained my companion with stories of Mr. Samuel Johnson, and 
we walked up the monstrous hill of Glen App very cleverly. We 

stopped at , 7 a place now Sir Thomas Wallace's, formerly a 

Colonel Agnew's. It is just a piece of low ground gradually descending 
from the bottom of a range of hills. There is a neat house, and the most 
is made of the space that ever I saw, there being a fine garden with 
variety of flowers and fruit both on standards and walls, fish-ponds, 
and a few pretty enclosures. The sea is just before it, and the avenue 
is in the old style. I had a great desire to buy this place. It was such a 
one as I had often fancied in a romantic mood, and I thought I and my 
companion could live at it most happily. We had a pretty drive along 
the shore and through Stranraer to Portpatrick, which has the oddest- 
like rocky shore I have seen. It is a poor town, and instead of appear- 

7 Lochryan. 

198 Portpatrick, i May 1769 

ing a very public thoroughfare as it really is, it looks like a remote 
Highland sea-coast village. We dined here, and after dinner were 
visited by Mr. Fraser of the customs, formerly an attendant on the 
Earl of Cassillis, an obliging little man. He accompanied us to Craig- 
buy, the seat of Mr. Blair of Dunskey. There is little done about it. 
But there is a fine prospect to the sea. There was nobody at home but 
the two Miss Blairs. The eldest is a very pretty girl, and seems to have 
much goodness. I did not observe the other so much. 

We drank tea, and then they walked down with us to the port, 
where we engaged a boat, the James and , Captain Cosh, com- 
mander, to carry us to the other side of the water. As we knew we 
would be sick, we determined to sail that night and try to sleep, as 
there was a good cabin. We had our company to sup with us, and were 
very well. Mr. Campbell of Airies, the collector of the customs here, 
arrived atJhome about eleven, and came to us. I had not seen him for 
seventeen years. We were very cordial. At twelve my companion and I 
went aboard. I tried to brave it out for a while, but grew very sick. She 
was better than I. Only I got some sleep, which she did not. Nothing 
can be severer than to be sick at sea, for one has no hope that immediate 
relief may come, as in other sicknesses. One grows quite weak. I 
thought my Irish jaunt madness, and that I would not try another. 
Such are our minds at times. It was a very moderate breeze. We got 
over in about five hours. 

TUESDAY 2 MAY. It was pleasant to see the Irish shore, but from 
my distracted passions I had not the joy I had promised myself. We 
put up at the Hillsborough Arms, and drank a dish of tea. It was a bad 
house. Between seven and eight we went to Collector Boyd's. 8 We 
were met by our amiable friend Aunt Boyd, and in a little her 
husband came and we were received like relations and friends. We 
then saw Miss Boyd and the two youngest daughters, and my ac- 
quaintance Mr. Ponsonby Boyd, all their children then at home. We 
found here an admirable house, and took a good second breakfast. 
Then came Miss Macbride, a niece of Mr. Boyd's. 

The Collector, Mr. Ponsonby, and I took horses from the stable, 
and rode out along the shore , which is every now and then agree- 
ably varied with a fine strand on which a race might be run. I ob- 

8 Hugh, Aunt Boyd's husband. Ponsonby Boyd, mentioned below, was their sec- 
ond son. 

Donaghadee, 2 May 1769 199 

served the ground naturally good and much enriched with marl, 
which covers it with daisies. The country here is, I may say, uni- 
versally enclosed, though not in the best way, with mounds planted 
all over with whins, which do not look so well as thorns and are apt to 
spread. This may be much prevented by clearing the ditches and often 
ploughing the ground. And I observed a droll way of restraining their 
sheep, which was by putting them in couples just like dogs, which, 
however, they say prevents their feeding so well. I observed in the 
churchyards a kind of black stone like slate which was very becoming 
as gravestones, much more so than our white ones. 

We went to Grey Abbey, where is one of the finest Gothic ruins I 
ever saw, though there are but small remains of it. There has been a 
noble church and a large convent. Of the convent little is left. But 
there is a good part of the church standing; in particular there is an 
end window with three divisions in it, exceedingly Gothic, and 
covered with a thicker ivy than I ever saw, which adds greatly to its 
appearance. There is also standing a side window just adjoining to 
this end. It is a lofty arch eight yards or more wide at the bottom. I 
measured seven lengths and a third of my cane. 

While we were looking at this piece of antiquity, which belongs to 
Mr. Montgomery of Rosemount, his eldest son, a young officer, walk- 
ing about with dogs and his gun, came up to us, asked Mr. Boyd and 
Ponsonby, whom he knew, how they were, and begged we might all 
go and see his father's house, which stands not far above where we 
were. We went with him and found it to be an excellent house of Mr. 
Montgomery's own planning, and not yet finished. He was not at 
home, but his lady and two daughters were very obliging, gave us 
bread and wine, and begged we would stay dinner. I already saw a 
specimen of an Irish gentleman's family in the country. We walked 
about the place, which is remarkable for a fine view of the sea, par- 
ticularly of Strangford Bay. There is also a good deal planted. I saw 
here a singular thing, at least to me: a goldfinch's nest in a young 
pine. I believe birds never build in pines till they are well grown up, 
and then only large birds such as crows. 

We rode another way from that which we had come. As we passed 

by , 9 Mr. Mathews, the gentleman to whom it belongs, met us as 

he was out riding, and begged we would take pot luck with him. So 

9 Probably Springvale, the seat of George Mathews. 

20O Donaghadee, 2 May 1769 

hospitable is everybody here. We got home to dinner in good time. 
Aunt Boyd, as we call her, keeps a regular, genteel, good table as ever 
I saw, and the Collector and I took our bottle apiece of claret at dinner 
and supper every day. 

WEDNESDAY 3 MAY. Mr s. Boyd carried Miss Montgomerie and 
me to wait of the Countess Dowager Mount Alexander, a French lady, 
who was first married to a peer of France, and afterwards to Lord 
Mount Alexander, by whom she has a great estate about Donaghadee. 1 
She is a fine, lively old lady, has been much in the gay world, but 
lives now quite retired and dresses like a common farmer's wife. But 
as she has read a great deal, she is very good company. I should have 
mentioned that Mrs. Boyd and Miss Montgomerie had last night 
resolved not to go with me to Dublin. This vexed me much; and, 
although I said nothing, they saw me in such an humour that they this 
morning agreed to attend me. Our day passed very comfortably. We 
had with us at tea and supper a Mr. Sempill and his two daughters. 
I was really pleased to hear the Irish tone. But, being still sincerely 
in love with one whom I do not name, I was vastly uneasy in being 
distracted between that passion and my Irish schemes. 

[Boswell to Temple] 2 

Donaghadee, 3 May 1 769 

MY DEAR TEMPLE, I am fairly landed in the kingdom of Ire- 
land, and am tomorrow to proceed for Dublin to see my sweet Mary 
Ann. But my worthy friend, to whom my heart is ever open, and to 
whom I must apply for advice at all times, I must tell you that I am 
accompanied by my cousin Miss Montgomerie, whom I believe you 
saw at Edinburgh, and she perhaps may and perhaps ought to prevent 
my Hibernian nuptials. You must know that she and I have always 
been in the greatest intimacy. I have proved her on a thousand 
occasions, and found her sensible, agreeable, and generous. When I 

1 BoswelFs information is unusually inaccurate. Lady Mount Alexander's father 
was a Huguenot refugee who served under William III, and she was a widow 
when she married Lord Mount Alexander, but her first husband cannot have 
been a "peer of France." She also outlived a third husband, whom Boswell does 
not mention. 

2 This letter is printed here for the first time. It was not sent until later (see en- 
tries for 5 May and 16 June 1769) . 

Donaghadee, 3 May 1769 201 

was not in love with some one or other of my numerous flames, I have 
been in love with her; and during the intervals of all my passions 
Margaret has been constantly my mistress as well as my friend. Allow 
me to add that her person is to me the most desirable that I ever saw. 
Often have I thought of marrying her, and often told her so. But we 
talked of my wonderful inconstancy, were merry, and perhaps in two 
days after the most ardent professions to her I came and told her that 
I was desperately in love with another woman. Then she smiled, was 
my confidante, and in time I returned to herself. She is with all this, 
Temple, the most honest, undesigning creature that ever existed. 

Well, Sir, being my cousin german, she accompanies me on my 
Irish expedition. I found her both by sea and land the best companion 
I ever saw. I am exceedingly in love with her. I highly value her. If 
ever a man had his full choice of a wife, I would have it in her. But 
the objections are she is two years older than I. She has only a 
thousand pounds. My father would be violent against my marrying 
her, as she would bring neither money nor interest. I, from a desire to 
aggrandize my family, think somewhat in the same manner. And all 
my gay projects of bringing home some blooming young lady, and 
making an eclat with her brilliant fortune would be gone. 

But, on the other hand, my cousin is of a fine, firm, lively tem- 
perament, and never can be old. She may have as many children as I 
wish, and from what she has already done as an aunt, I am sure she 
would make a very good mother. Would not my children be more 
obliged to me for such a mother than for many thousands? Then, she 
has much to say with my father, who could not reasonably be enraged 
at having his niece for daughter-in-law. She would live in such a 
manner that at my death my family may be richer than if I married 
a fortune; and for the gay projects of fancy, is there any doubt that 
they are nothing when compared with real happiness? Many men 
seek to form friendships with the great, the embroidered, the titled. 
If they succeed, are they as happy as I am in the friendship of 
Temple? I fear that if I marry any other woman, my love for my 
cousin may often distract me. And what weighs much with me. 
Temple, is that amidst all this merriment and scheming, I really 
imagine that she truly loves me, that by my courting her so often she 
is so attached to me, that she would silently suffer very severely if she 
saw me irrevocably fixed to another. 

202 Donaghadee, 3 May 1769 

And yet my charming seraph, my Marianne, melts my heart. Her 
little bosom beats at the thoughts of seeing me forgive my vanity 
you know, strange as it may be, that women of all tempers and 
ages have been fond of me. Temple, you never failed me yet. What 
shall I do? This is the most delicate case of the many that I have laid 
before you. I must, however, tell you that my father is quite averse 
to Marianne, and declares he never will agree to it. But if her father 
gives me a round sum, I do not fear mine. But if I am certain that my 
cousin sincerely loves me, wishes to have me, and would be unhappy 
without me, what should I do? Should I be hard-hearted enough not 
to give happiness to the woman I love, and the friend I can trust? for 
such she literally is. And if I think of my own happiness, whether do 
you think that she or the seraph is most certain? And how shall I do 
not to hurt either of the two? Never did there live such a man as my- 
self. I beseech you write to me without delay: Dublin is address 
enough for Corsican Boswell. Pray is not your wife about your own 
age? On the other hand, might I not by a couple of thousand pounds 
marry my cousin so as that both she and I may be more properly dis- 
posed of than if we went together? 3 

My dear Temple-, I know both your heart and your understand- 
ing. Be so kind as immediately to exert them both for me. I shall just 
amuse myself at Dublin in an easy, general style till your letter 
arrives. I think I could give up my certain felicity with my cousin, 
and take my chance of the brilliant Irish scheme. But when I throw 
into the scale the concern that I believe my amiable, worthy, and de- 
sirable cousin has in it, what should preponderate? Let us ever be 
helpful to each other; and believe me to be, my dear Temple, your 
unalterable, affectionate friend, 


THURSDAY 4 MAY. Mr. Ponsonby and I and a Mr. McMinn, 4 a 
young gentleman here, rode to Newtown, where I found the curate, 
Mr. Hugh Caldwell, brother to my old friend, Mr. Samuel Caldwell. 5 

3 This sentence is heavily crossed out in an eighteenth-century ink. 

4 William McMinn later married Jane Charlotte, one of Collector Boyd's daugh- 

5 The Rev. Samuel Caldwell had been one of BoswelFs confidants at the Hague 
in 1764. 

Newtown, 4 May 1 769 203 

He resembles him a good deal, but is bigger and jollier. Mr. Stewart 6 
is proprietor of the place., having fourteen thousand a year estate 
round it. He is building some new streets, the town as yet being of no 
great extent. Caldwell was very happy to see his brother's friend. He 
showed me a very pretty chapel here which belonged to the Colville 
family, formerly lords of this manor. It is prettily stuccoed on the 
ceiling, and boxed, painted, and gilded on the walls. It stands at the 
end of the church, which is of no use, there being such a number of 
Dissenters 7 here that the chapel is sufficient to hold all those of the 
established communion; to the great concern of Mr. Hugh Caldwell, 
as I could well perceive from his manner of talking. We drank a glass 
of white wine at Tom Orr's, and then rode home by Bangor. When we 
came upon the shore we had a fine view of the bay and old Castle of 
Carrickfergus, that wonderful place of which I have thought and 
raved so much as the representative of all my Irish ideas. I sung the 
song with great violence and was quite the Hawk* 

After dinner Captain Murray of the old Highland regiment, 
brother to the Duke of Atholl, and a foreign engineer famous for di- 
recting many of the public works in Ireland, arrived in their way to 
Scotland. Mr. Boyd and I waited on them, and he asked them to his 
house. They drank tea with us, and showed us a raccoon, an American 
animal, which they had with them. Lady Mount Alexander drank tea 
with us. I accompanied her Ladyship home. She asked me in, and 
gave me a glass of good old claret, and talked of the wonderful works 
of nature, Fontenelle's Plurality of Worlds^ and other such subjects. 
I amused my wild fancy for a moment with thinking how clever it 
would be for me to carry off the old lady and her great fortune, for 
which I might well spare a few years. We passed the evening at Mr. 
Boyd's at brag. The two strangers went away. 

FRIDAY 5 MAY. I showed Miss Montgomerie a letter I had writ- 
ten to Temple to have his advice how to proceed in my distracted war 

6 Alexander Stewart, father of the first Marquess of Londonderry and grandfa- 
ther of the second (better known to history as Viscount Castlereagh) . He con- 
tributed 100 to the fund which Boswell raised for the Corsicans in Ireland. 
7 Emigrant Scots Presbyterians. The established church was Episcopalian. 
s "Was quite the Hawk" probably means "realized all my spirited ideas of what 
a Boswell should be." The crest of the Boswells of Auchinleck is a falcon or 

2O4 Donaghadee, 5 May 1769 

of passions. She would not allow me to send it. But convinced me that 
the other lady was of so generous a temper that I might marry anyone 
I liked best, or found most for my interest, and she would even help 
me to do so. I admired the other lady from the bottom of my heart, 
and all that Miss Montgomerie told me of her with intention to make 
me easy only served to distract me more, as it showed me more of her 
excellent character. We should have set out before now, but our 
chaises did not come from Belfast till this day. 

SATURDAY 6 MAY. We set out for Dublin, Mrs. Boyd and I in 
one chaise, and Miss Montgomerie and Miss Macbride in another. 
We arrived safely at Belfast. We passed along a bridge over an arm of 
the sea. It is said to be an English mile in length. It is indeed amaz- 
ingly long. It consists of above twenty arches. The town is beautifully 
situated, but it is not very pretty itself. We took a second breakfast 
here. Two Miss Pattersons of Comber visited Mrs. Boyd. They were 
both pretty girls. The eldest was clever and like an actress, and took 
my idle fancy. All this place belongs to Lord Donegall. I believe no 
subject in the three kingdoms has so large a town in property. There 
is a good mall to walk in, but there is some standing water in a ditch 
that is offensive,, and spoils the pleasure of a grove of noble old trees. 
Miss Macbride and I next were companions. She was full of narrative 
and very obligingly told me the name of every place we saw, and 
gave me some account of every person. Between Belfast and Lisburn 
there is the finest country I ever saw, naturally rich, finely diversified, 
and improved to the utmost. I never saw such a verdure or such a 
quantity of grass and daisies upon ground. The linen manufacturers 
possess this country, and, as every one has but a few acres and pays 
a rent of four or five pounds an acre, everything is done to enrich the 
land, and there is plenty of marl in all corners here. It was very 
agreeable to see a number of bleach fields, the webs looking so white 
on the green grass, and the people looking so clean. A number of them 
are Quakers. 

Lisburn is one of the prettiest towns I ever saw. The High Street 
is a good breadth, and consists of admirable brick houses, all inhab- 
ited by substantial people. We dined here. A Counsellor Smyth, for- 
merly their Member, said to Miss Macbride that if I was come over to 
raise contributions for the Corsicans a considerable sum might be 

Lisburn, 6 May 1769 205 

raised in Lisburn. I saw here a very odd sign: "Groceries, liquors, and 
coffins sold here." I made Miss Montgomerie look at it, lest my telling 
it should appear the report of a traveller. It seemed the man of the 
shop was resolved that his guests or customers should be in want of 
nothing, and, if the spirits conveyed them a little abruptly to their 
long home, coffins were ready for their reception. 

I neglected to mention a curious epitaph in the church of New- 
town: "Here lies the body of one of Joseph Macowan's children, who 
died April 10, 1754." Epitaphs are usually intended to preserve the 
memory of the dead. My old professor at Utrecht, doctissimus Trot- 
zius, has written a book, De memoria propaganda, or the various 
methods which mankind have taken to preserve their memories. 
Amongst these, epitaphs are often mentioned. But this epitaph could 
only keep up Joseph Macowan's own memory, and assure posterity 
that he had more than one child. But as to the child, it could serve no 
purpose. It neither mentions its age, sex, nor even his or her name. 

At Lisburn I visited my old acquaintance, Dr. Traill, Bishop of 
Down and Connor. 9 I was a very little while with him. He told me 
that, when he read in my Tour to Corsica that I had played to the brave 
Islanders on my flute, he thought how he had made me a present of it. 
We went at night to Hillsborough. Near to it I saw some of the largest 
silver firs that I ever beheld. There is at Hillsborough a magnificent 
inn built by the Earl. 1 But the landlord and landlady are rather too 
fine people for their business, for they had both their post-chaises 
away with themselves and friends on a party of pleasure. Miss Mac- 
bride and I walked round the Earl's improvements, and saw very rich 
fields, all kinds of trees and shrubs, a river formed into beautiful 
pieces of water, and an excellent kitchen garden. Mr. Atchison, from 
Duns in Scotland, my Lord's gardener, showed us everything. He was 
a sensible, understanding man. He had not been in Scotland for 
twenty years. He conducted us along a noble, broad walk, at the end 
of which we entered a place hedged round, and all at once found our- 
selves in the churchyard, which my Lord has taken into his place. It 
has a fine effect. There are in it many tombstones, a number of old 
trees, and the ruins of the burial-place of the Magennises to whom 

9 Boswell had met him in Florence in 1765. 

1 Wills Hill, first Earl of Hillsborough, noted for Ms improvement of his lands. 

206 Hillsborough, 6 May 1 769 

this domain anciently belonged. Atchison showed it to advantage, for 
he said he would take us the nearest way home; and, before we had 
any idea of it, we were on the solemn spot in the shade of night. Our 
evening passed pretty well. 

SUNDAY 7 MAY. We set out early. Aunt Boyd and I were in one 
chaise. Our conversation was quiet, pleasing, and really sensible. We 
agreed that she should acquaint Mr. and Mrs. Boyd at Dublin that I 
had come contrary to my father's inclination; and that I should be- 
have to Miss Boyd in such a manner as not to be particular while it 
was uncertain what could be done seriously. Aunt Boyd's observa- 
tions on different characters and the conduct of life were exceedingly 
just and agreeable, and so were her notions of religion. We break- 
fasted at Banbridge, a very good house. We next stopped at Newry, 
where we saw at a window the three Miss McCammins who, for more 
gentility, call themselves Miss Cummins. Their father keeps a shop 
here. They are all pretty. But one of them is as beautiful a creature 
as I ever beheld. We then drove through the mountains of Newry. It 
pleased my Scottish soul to see mountains. The road here is as good 
as the military roads in the Highlands of Scotland. About two miles 
from Newry, the horse which the postilion rode before the chaise 
where Miss Montgomerie and Miss Macbride were lost his feet all at 
once, and the poor fellow fell on his neck and head, and was severely 
hurt. It was just by a little farmhouse, into which we went till the 
postilion and his horse recovered. It was a neat Highland house., and 
all the people spoke Irish, though they could speak English too. I gave 
the postilion half a crown, which proved an admirable medicine to 
him. We dined at Dundalk, a town pleasantly situated on the sea 
coast. But we ... 

[EDITORIAL NOTE. The Journal breaks off here "when it would 
have been most interesting," some four weeks before Boswell's return 
to Scotland, but it is possible to reconstruct in part the weak conclu- 
sion of his long contemplated attack on la belle Irlandaise. He came 
as a suitor, but as he drew nearer to Dublin his passion steadily evap- 
orated, until, the goal of his longings reached, he ceased to be a suitor 
at all. Now believing that it was Peggie Montgomerie whom he really 
wished to marry, he conducted himself with such caution toward the 

8 May ton June 1 769: Summary 207 

heiress and her relatives (who apparently were very well disposed 
toward his advances) that they took offence. They perhaps saw little 
of his company. The scanty references which he himself made to his 
days in Dublin do not have to do with courtship, but with social dis- 
sipation and riot in the company of the Lord Lieutenant and the wits 
of the Irish metropolis, and with junketings to "beautiful country 
seats" in the County of Down. "One night of Irish extravagance" was 
to have serious consequences; he contracted a severe case of venereal 
disease. The humble lover recedes, and there emerges the more bril- 
liant figure of the Corsican traveller and friend of Paoli, everywhere 
"treated with a distinction . . . very flattering to the blood of Auch- 
inleck." 2 On 7 July there appeared in The Public Advertiser a para- 
graph dated "Dublin, June 8," written by Boswell and giving an ac- 
count of his visit to Ireland. It ends with the information that the 
great man "is now set out on his return to Scotland." He made the 
crossing about 7 June, stopped briefly at Lainshaw, and arrived in 
Edinburgh on 12 June. One of the few surviving documents of his 
Irish trip illustrates the growth of his regard for Margaret Mont- 

[Boswell to Margaret Montgomerie] 3 

Belfast, 29 May 1 769 

MY DEAR PEGGIE, It gave me great concern that you got so bad 
an evening. I hope the rain has done you no harm. Pray take care of 
yourself. I solemnly assure you that my rash and most absurd passion 
at dinner has given me real uneasiness. And allow me to say, my dear 
friend, that your taxing me with indifference went to my very heart. 

1 beseech you forget what is past that can anyhow offend you; and I 
promise you I shall for the future be so much on my guard that you 
never shall have any occasion to blame me. Oh, my dear Peggie^ these 
few hours of separation have had a serious effect on me. Be sorry for 

2 So he wrote to Sir Alexander Dick, 29 May 1769 (Letters of James Boswell, 
i. 171). 

3 Addressed to Margaret Montgomerie at Hugh Boyd's in Donaghadee. Boswell 
set out from Donaghadee on this day for a jaunt to Lough Neagh and the 
Giant's Causeway. Apparently Miss Montgomerie accompanied him as far as 
Belfast, but returned to Donaghadee the same evening, possibly because of the 
display of anger towards her for which he is writing to apologize. 

208 Belfast, 29 May 1 769 

me, and let your friendship and affectionate temper have fair play. I 
drank tea at Mrs. Haliday's, where was a company to see me. I was 
surprisingly well. I supped with some of Captain Hoggan's corps, 
drank a single glass of wine, and a little wine and water. 

We set out tomorrow by five o'clock, six of us in three chaises. By 
all I have seen, the Highland host did not strike you differently from 
what this corps does me. What an odds to read of a brave regiment in 
Germany or in America from what it is to dine or sup with the officers. 
But my old companion is exceedingly good. He is as careful as my 
lady 4 could wish. I said to him tonight, "Captain, I shall let Miss 
Montgomerie know." It will take us three days, so I cannot be with 
you till Friday to dinner. Believe me, the time seems dreary in pros- 
pect. I know not what a variety of curious objects may do to amuse my 
mind. In the mean time, my valuable friend, think of me, and for the 
sake of every good principle and my real happiness be kind enough to 
think no evil against an absent man. I am to sleep in the room where 
you and I were alone. You are present to my imagination in the live- 
liest manner. It is late and I am weary, not being well. Good night, 
my dearest. God bless and preserve you, and direct us. Make my best 
compliments to Aunt Boyd, Mr. Boyd, and all with you. Pray think 
of me as I wish and believe me to be while I have a being, your most 
sincerely affectionate 


MONDAY i 2 JUNE. 5 Set out early from Lainshaw. Got to Glas- 
gow to breakfast. Had Mr. Blair the hatter with me. Left Glasgow 
about eleven, Thomas in the chaise with me. Read newspapers all the 
way. Dined at Whitburn. Was grave and quite in the Auchinleck 
style. Thought of coming there with my lady. Young Samuel Mit- 
chelson came in and sat a while with me. I arrived at Edinburgh 
about nine. Captain Erskine was at the Cross, and followed the chaise. 
He welcomed me to town, and asked me if I had not carried Miss 
Montgomerie to Ireland to compare her with Miss Boyd and take the 
one I liked best. Found my father and John quite well. Conversation 
slow and rather dry. In my own room thought of my lady. 

TUESDAY 13 JUNE. Went to Parliament House; found it just as 
usual. Had many questions put to me as to my Irish jaunt, and where 

4 That is, Miss Montgomerie herself. 

5 A new Journal begins here, covering the summer term of the Court of Session. 

Edinburgh, 13 June 1769 209 

was my heiress? I was prepared, and laughed them off with "My 
time's not come." or, "Aha, I'm just as I was. 5 ' Mr. Claud and Miss 
Betty 6 dined with us. Claud and I drank tea at the Doctor's and saw 
Bob and his wife. 7 It was humbling and yet agreeable to see them all 
so happy. Came and sat a while with Mrs. Betty. Called for Lord 

WEDNESDAY 14 JUNE. Lord Mountstuart begged to see me in 
the morning. I went to him. and found him as agreeable as ever. But 
I was in a different style from the gay, thoughtless way in which he 
and I used to be. Baron Mure and many more of the Bute train were 
with him. I dined at home quietly, and supped at Fortune's with Lord 
Mountstuart, &c. 

THURSDAY 15 JUNE. Mrs. Fullarton and her son, Sandy Tait, 
Drs. Gregory and Austin, and Willy Wallace dined with us. I was not 
well, and in very bad spirits. At such times all the varnish of life is off, 
and I see it as it really is. Or why not may it be that there is a shade 
thrown over it which is merely ideal darkness? All my comfort was 
piety, my friends, and 7777 lady. 

FRIDAY 16 JUNE. I dined along with Lord Mountstuart at 
Fortune's. There was a great crowd there. I had little joy. Among 
others, Andrew Stuart 8 was there. I was very angry. "Why?" said Dr. 
Blair. "Because," said I, "there is no telling what he may do. He may 
bring a process to show my leg is not my own. In vain have I acknowl- 
edged it all my life long. He would insist it belonged to another per- 
son and should be cut off, and he would get a majority of the Court 
of Session for this, Doctor." My ludicrous indignation silenced the 
Doctor. "Ay," said Erskine, "it would be in proof that you had let the 
nail grow into your great toe, which no man would do were the leg 
his own!" I drank tea in comfortable quietness with Grange, whom I 
saw today for the first time this session. He and I had much conversa- 
tion. He argued me quite out of my mercenary views for marriage, 
and was clear for my lady if I thought myself sure of happiness. But 

G His father's cousin, Elizabeth Boswell. Boswell's evident liking for her ended 
abruptly when he learned that Lord Auchinleck had proposed marriage to her. 
She is also the Mrs. Betty mentioned further on in this entry. 

7 Dr. John Boswell and his son Robert, who had recently married a niece of 
Robert Sandeman, the Glassite sectary. 

8 Writer to the Signet, and the leading agent for the Hamiltons in the Douglas 

2 1 o Edinburgh, 1 6 June 1769 

he wished to see Temple's answer to my letter, which I sent off. I 
supped at Mr. Moncrieffe's. The Club 9 was merry. Sandy Maxwell 
had some jokes on me. I said he was hard on me. He kept a close fire: 
grape-shot from a wine-merchant. This set me up. But I had only 
forced spirits. 

SATURDAY ij JUNE. The reports concerning the Corsicans 
were various. I was uneasy. 1 Grange brought me Mr. Macdonald, an 
obliging and clever surgeon, to take care of me. I passed part of the 
forenoon at Lord Mountstuart's, but was both ill and low-spirited. So 
sent an apology to Mr. David Ross, where I was engaged to dine, and 
stayed quietly at home. Was very gloomy. Wrote to my lady. 

SUNDAY 18 JUNE. Lay quiet abed all day. Was calm. Sir 
George Preston, Dr. Webster, and Grange visited me. 

MONDAY 19 JUNE. The Commissioner 2 dined. I had mentioned 
my lady by the by to many as a supposable case, if I had spirit to over- 
come my mercenary views. All approved. Even the Commissioner 
and Mr. Stobie were not against it. The Lieutenant 3 indeed was. I 
stayed at home all day and was rather better. Sir Alexander Dick 
drank tea, and 

TUESDAY 20 JUNE. The Dean of Faculty 4 showed me a letter 
from Colonel Lockhart of Carnwath, from Florence, confirming the 
defeat and destruction of the Corsicans. I was quite sunk. I thought of 
retiring to the country. I felt myself unable for the law. I saw I had 
parts to make a figure at times. But could not stand a constant trial. I 
received a most comforting letter from M. I just worshipped her. I was 
at home all day, except paying a short visit to Lord Mountstuart, and 
being at the Parliament House. The Doctor 5 was with me a while. He 
commended M. highly as a sensible woman, a fine woman. But 
seemed to have some extravagant idea of a wife for me. 

9 Nameless apparently, but composed of a convivial company of advocates who 
met on Fridays at David Stewart Moncrieffe's. Moncrieffe was noted for the 
quality of his dinners, for which his guests were expected to pay in flattery. 

1 On 8 May 1769 Paoli was defeated by the French in a decisive battle at Ponte 
Nuovo and fled to Leghorn. 

2 Basil Cochrane. 

3 Boswell's brother, John. 

4 Alexander Lockhart. 

5 Dr. John Boswell. 

Edinburgh, 20 June 1 769 211 

[Received 20 June, Margaret Montgomerie to Bos well] 

Lainshaw, 1 7 June 1 769 


to think by writing it you put a force on yourself. What is the reason 
of your uneasiness? Why do you conceal from me what is the cause of 
your unhappiness? Surely you forget how much I am interested in 
what concerns you; otherwise you would not have left me in uncer- 
tainty. I was apprehensive you was not well, but you say you have 
been oftener abroad than you would choose with Lord Mountstuart, so 
that want of health cannot be the thing. Are you angry at me for keep- 
ing up a correspondence with one I could never view an the black 
colours you do? 7 I am sensible amongst the number of her enemies 
there are some who have the art of setting people's action in a very 
bad light. She is now far removed from me and quite independent of 
my friendship. It is therefore nothing wrong in me to say that, since 
it gives offence to one whose good opinion I wish to preserve, I shall 
give up all correspondence with her till I can convince him of his prej- 
udice or he make me sensible of ray weakness. Is not this sufficient? If 
that will not do, I promise never to mention her name to you again. 

How sorry I am for the poor Corsicans. I'm afraid the accounts of 
their defeat is but too true. 8 1 doubt not but you will see the General, 
as it's said he is on his way to England. I am much distressed with a 

6 Dated 18 June in the typescript (see Introduction, p. xxii), and no doubt also in 
the manuscript. But in her letter of i July, Miss Montgomerie says that she 
never writes on Sunday, and she clearly plans to post this letter during the day 
on which she is writing. Her reference later in the letter to Tuesday shows that 
she can hardly be writing on Monday. 

7 To judge from a later letter, this refers to Margaret Stuart, wife of the Earl 
of Bute's second son, Lieut-Col. James Archibald Stuart. (He later added the 
names Wortley and Mackenzie.) Though the two saw little of each other after 
Mrs. Stuart's marriage in 1767, they remained affectionate friends. The situa- 
tion is amusing if Mrs. Stuart is meant, for Boswell later developed an extrava- 
gantly sentimental regard for her. 

8 "Accounts is" and similar expressions prove Miss Montgomerie Scotch rather 
than illiterate. In the Scottish variety of English the ending for all persons and 
numbers of the present is "s," except where the personal pronoun immediately 
precedes. Boswell himself was contributing some of the Corsican accounts in 
the newspapers. 

212 Edinburgh, 20 June 1769 

headache tonight, but could not think of missing this post, as I have 

not another opportunity till Tuesday. 

May I once more entreat you to keep up your spirits, and do not 
keep the house too close. Exercise is absolutely necessary for your 
body, and society is a great relaxation to the mind. I approve much of 
your sober plan and hope you will continue it, and I am certain you 
will find it will make a great change on your sentiments; but is it 
necessary to be shut up to live sober? I hope not. Keep company with 
those who are so, and you will soon have a relish for that way of life. 

I was very uneasy after I sent off your Irish packet and would 
have given anything I had sent them where you desired, but your 
goodness in forgiving me has reconciled me to my conduct. I am 
afraid I must lay aside thoughts of being in Edinburgh this summer, 
as our sacrament is not till the second Sunday of July, so that I would 
not have a fortnight to stay, as Mr. and Mrs. Boyd spoke of being 
here the beginning of August. It would not do for me to be from 
home; however, if you think I should perform my promise to Sir 
Alexander Dick's family, I shall not make my apology but endeavour 
to pay my visit, though it should be short. 

It is now late, so I must bid you adieu, with wishing every happy 
thing to attend you, and assuring you how sincerely I am your affec- 
tionate and obliged 


I wish this long letter may not tire you., but I hope you will answer 
it and let me (know) particularly how you do. 

"WEDNESDAY 21 JUNE. I breakfasted at Sandy Gordon's tete- 
a-tete. He was for M. He and Claud and Miss Betty dined with us. 

[Boswell to Dempster] 9 

Edinburgh, [?2i] June [1769] 

I WAS RECEIVED AT DUBLIN with open arms by a numerous and 
creditable set of relations. But I give you my word, I found myself 
under no engagements. The young lady seemed the sweetest, loveliest 

9 This is the second portion of a letter to Dempster, of which the first part, dated 
4 May at Donaghadee, covers much the same ground as BoswelFs letter to Tem- 
ple of 3 May (p. 200) . This part is marked "sequel." 

Edinburgh, 2 1 June 1 769 213 

little creature that ever was born. But so young, so childish, so much 
res and 720, that (between ourselves) I was ashamed of having raved 
so much about her. I candidly told my situation: that I had come 
quite contrary to my father's inclination. That was enough for the 
present, and a genteel distance was the proper conduct. At the same 
time I found myself like a foreign prince to them, so much did I take; 
and I was assured of her having for certain 500 a year. You know me, 
Dempster. I was often carried by fancy, like a man on the finest race- 
horse; and, at all events, I would have her. But my cousin hung on 
my heart. Her most desirable person, like a heathen goddess painted 
alfresco on the ceiling of a palace at Rome, was compared with the 
delicate little Miss. Her admirable sense and vivacity were compared 
with the reserved quietness of the Heiress. I was tossed by waves and 
drawn by horses. I resolved to fix nothing. My cousin gave me that 
advice herself, for I had assurance enough to consult her deliberately. 
My journey to Scotland with her, during which I was a little indis- 
posed and had occasion to see a new proof of her affectionate atten- 
tion, has inclined me to her more and more. 

Here then I am, my friend, at no loss to determine whom I really 
love and value of all women I have ever seen, but at a great loss to 
determine whom I should marry. No man knows the scene of human 
life better than you do. At least, no man gives me such clear views of 
it. Therefore^ pray assist me. And whatever is the drawing of your 
reason, pray let me have it agreeably coloured by your fancy. An 
advice from you to a friend is singularly excellent for two reasons. 
First, because it is always at least ingenious; and secondly, because 
you are not a bit angry though he does not follow it. I depend on you, 
my worthy Dempster, and am your ever affectionate friend, 


Vraye Foz. 1 

THURSDAY 22 JUNE. Dupont and George Webster drank tea 
with us. I was quite fixed to a comfortable, quiet life. I paid a visit to 
Lord Barjarg. 

FRIDAY 23 JUNE. I breakfasted at Sir George Preston's. My 
father dined abroad. I had Grange to dine with John and me. Grange 

1 The Boswell motto. 

214 Edinburgh, 23 June 1769 

and Dr. Cairnie drank tea with me, and consulted as to my managing 

with economy that unlucky affair of Mrs. 2 Dr. Cairnie's 

friendly activity pleased me. 

SATURDAY 24 JUNE. Auchline and two daughters, a Mr. Mc- 
Intosh, and Miss Betty Boswell dined and drank tea. I was obtuse at 
night. My father talked to me of marriage. I avoided the subject. M. 
had my heart. 

SUNDAY 25 JUNE. I lay quietly abed all day and read Tissot 
On the Health of Literary Persons and Strange' s Catalogue of Pic- 
tures. The former gave me some curious thoughts. The latter cheered 
me with fine ideas of painting and the lives of painters. I felt the 
pleasures of taste to be exquisite. I thought of Margaret. But then, 
money would enable me to buy pictures, and my Irish connection 
make a pretty anecdote in my life. So I wavered. But then again, 
Margaret was like Raphael's mistress; and what real happiness all my 
life should I have with her! 3 I was just calm. Sir George Preston and 
Dr. Webster visited me. At night I rose and read a good deal of the 
Bible. I was a Christian, but regretted my not being more devout, more 
regularly pious. This would make me happier. 

MONDAY 26 JUNE. I have this summer session read and given 
my opinion both of a new tragedy and a new comedy by Scotch au- 
thors, the last by a lady. 4 Both pleased me. If every person would keep 
an exact list of all the books or parts of books he has read, it might be 
seen how a wit or a philosopher is gradually formed according to the 

2 Mrs. Dodds. Johnston and Dr. Cairnie had also helped Boswell manage the af- 
fair of his first illegitimate child, Charles, who died in 1764. (See BoswelPs Lon- 
don Journal, 1950, p. 324.) With this entry Mrs. Dodds and Sally disappear for 
ever from BoswelFs records. The complete absence of further references to 
Sally almost certainly means that she died an infant, for we know from the 
previous case of Charles that Boswell was not one to ignore his parental re- 
sponsibilities. He would not have given an illegitimate daughter the advantages 
of a daughter of the house, but he would certainly have kept in touch with her, 
and would have made such provision for her care and upbringing as the gentle- 
manly code demanded. 

3 Raphael deferred his marriage to his betrothed, Maria Bibiena, a lady of rank 
and fortune, and remained faithful to his mistress, who (according to tradition) 
bore the name Margherita. 

4 The tragedy, Chateaubriant, was by William Julius Mickle; the comedy was 
probably Sir Harry Gaylove by Jane Marshall. See pp. 275 and 285. 

Edinburgh, 2 6 June 1769 215 

materials furnished to him. Lady Preston visited me this morning. I 
received a letter from M. which made me value her more and more, 
and one from Dempster in a gay, pleasant style which made me for a 
little lay marriage out of my mind, and so relieved me. Miss Betty 
Boswell, Professor Hunter, and M. Cauvin dined with us. I was quiet, 
but dispirited on account of Corsica. My views of life sunk very low. 
I wished merely for comfort. I drank tea at Crosbie's at a consultation, 
my fourth only for this session. There seems to be little business. I 
must study law. 

TUESDAY 27 JUNE. The Reverend Mr. Foord, our housekeep- 
er's brother, and Matthew Dickie dined with us. At seven I went to 
the Goldsmiths' Hall to the first night of a new society for speaking on 
different subjects. I was quite flat and had no ambition, yet I spoke 
with force and spirit on Britain's right to tax her colonies. 

WEDNESDAY 28 JUNE. I breakfasted at Bob Boswell's. I saw his 
neat little house with satisfaction. Pope has a fine Imitation of Hor- 

What, and how great, the virtue and the art 
To live on little with a cheerful heart! &c. 5 

One may see this every day in many families, and learn contentment 
from example. I dined at Mr. John Chalmer's in company with two 
of his brothers-in-law: one a merchant in London, the other belong- 
ing to the sea. 

THURSDAY 29 JUNE. I was called out of the Parliament House 
by Mr. Capper, who had been in Corsica. He sat some time with me, 
and gave me much interesting news of Paoli, and made me have bet- 
ter hopes. I dined at Lord Monboddo's. We were alone before dinner a 
while, and I talked to him of my marrying. He was first for the child, 
as a man may form such a one as he pleases. But when I assured him I 
had a bad temper, and he observed that it requires great patience to 
breed a wife, as it does to breed a horse, he was clear for one already 
formed, and for Margaret, saying, "How it will tell is nothing." We 
were interrupted. I was quiet at dinner. I drank tea at home. Dupont 
and George Webster were with us. My father and I supped at Balmu- 

8 The Second Satire of the Second Book of Horace, 11. 1-2. 

2 1 6 Edinburgh, 30 June 1769 

FRIDAY 30 JUNE. Captain Lyon, an old schoolfellow who was 
just come from Berlin, Captain Charles Cochrane, David Stewart, 
Nairne, Balbarton, 6 and Mr. Stevenson, under clerk of session, dined 
with us; and the two captains and Stevenson drank tea with me. I was 
just resigned to my fate, and had no farther views. I had a most inter- 
esting letter from Margaret. I was much affected by it, and wrote a 
long letter to her. At night I was at Mr. Moncrieffe's, but finding brag 
run high, I calmly gave it up and looked on. I was quite dull, think- 
ing that I had given up all gay and brilliant schemes of marriage. At 
supper they talked of the Duke of Kingston marrying Miss Chudleigh 
from principles of honour and gratitude. 7 1 thought if he acted so to- 
wards a woman of her character, what ought I to do for a woman of 
real worth? I was resolved; and, what is really curious, as I considered 
that I was to make up for the want of 10,000 by frugality, my mind 
took the strongest bent that way, and I looked with aversion on a fine 
table and every piece of elegance then around me, wishing just for 
absolute plainness. I had, however, some suspicions that my father 
intended to prendre encore une femme* and that soured me totally. 
But I had no certainty for this. 

SATURDAY i JULY. I walked out early and met the Sixth Regi- 
ment of Foot and marched with my cousin, Captain Maxwell of Dal- 
swinton, a captain in it, from about half a mile west from town, 
through the city, and till the Regiment was fairly out at the Water 
Get (gate) . I have always had a great fondness for the army, at least 
for the show and parade of it, though I am fixed to the law. I am like 
a man who has married one woman while he is in love with another. 
Perhaps, indeed., if I had enjoyed my military mistress, I should have 
been heartily tired of her. Captain Maxwell returned to town, and he 
and his brother Hugh and Grange dined with us. The two former and 
I drank tea with Miss Webster. 9 At night my father hinted to me 

6 James Boswell, a distant cousin, .a man well advanced in years. Captain 
Cochrane was also a relation. 

7 She had long been his mistress before marrying him on 8 March 1 769. She was 
also, though unknown to the Duke, married to the Earl of Bristol. Her trial for 
bigamy in the House of Lords after the Duke's death was a cause celebre. 

8 See p. 209 n.6. 

9 Anne Webster, Dr. Webster's daughter, and cousin to the Maxwells as well as 
to Boswell. 

Edinburgh, i July 1769 217 

something of what I had suspected. I was amazed and hurt. It threw 
me quite into wild melancholy. It is many years since L, as it were, 
pulled myself up by the roots from the place where nature placed me; 
and though I have allowed myself to be brought back I have never 
taken firm root, but am like a tree sunk in a flowerpot that may be 
lifted at any time very easily. I must now endeavour to get matters 
settled so as to determine either on remaining where I am, or going 
somewhere else. 

SUNDAY 2 JULY. I was at church all day decently. Between 
sermons I called on Grange and told him my uneasiness and wild 
schemes. He conjured me to lay aside such thoughts as would ruin 
me, and bid me consider how much it would please my enemies. I 
answered readily, "There is one comfort: it would not please them so 
much as it would me." So wild yet is my imagination. But my honest 
friend's advice weighed with me. Sir George, Lady Preston, and Miss 
Preston dined with us. I drank tea at Mrs. Scott's and spoke French, 
but was observed to look ill. I then called on Lady Crawford, who was 
not able to see company. But I sat a long time with Miss Macredie 
and had a very agreeable conversation with her, much indeed in 
praise of M. But she hurt me by saying she thought M. would do very 
well with the Irish doctor, and that she had a hankering kindness for 
Mr. C. 1 Strange that I, whose heart has been tossed about by all the 
winds, cannot bear to think that my friend has ever had a kindness 
for anybody, though I am sure she never thought of anyone as she 
does of me. I supped quietly with my father, and resolved to be pru- 

MONDAY 3 JULY. My father and I dined at Mr. Kincaid's 
where I drank tea. I then went to Mr. Charles Brown's and saw DOUG- 
LAS, 2 who was just come to town. I had not seen him since the great 
decision. He was dressing and without coat or waistcoat when I came 
in. He expressed much joy on seeing me, and invited me to celebrate 
his birthday at Bothwell Castle. I was truly happy and easy. But 
wished I could feel the same joy I did on the glorious news. 

1 Jane Macredie was a sister of Campbell of Treesbank's first wife a cousin by 
marriage. The Irish doctor and Mr. C. are unidentified. 

2 The names of Douglas and the Deity are frequently written large in Boswell's 

218 Edinburgh, 4 July 1769 

TUESDAY 4 JULY. Whenever I do not mention my breakfasting, 
dining, drinking tea, or supping somewhere abroad, it is to be under- 
stood that I was at home. Business now began to look better. I walked 
in the Meadow with Lord Monboddo and talked of M. He said there 
was no question she was the woman for me, thought her being a little 
older nothing, and said she'd bring me children worth rearing, which 
is seldom the case nowadays. I mentioned to him my apprehensions 
concerning my father. He said it would be very foolish at his time of 
life a terrible thing a burthen on a family, &c. Bid me not delay 
getting a settlement made, which my marriage only would do. I saw 
Lord Monboddo's regard for me, and I was really happy with the 
scheme of my lady. I wrote to her at night and was in fine spirits. I 
drank tea at Mr. Thomas Boswall's. 

[Received 4 July, Margaret Montgomerie to Boswell] 3 

Lainshaw, Saturday night, 11 o'clock [~i July 1769] 

I RECEIVED THE BOOK 4 you sent me last post, for which, and your 
friendly letter tonight, I return you my grateful thanks. 

I shall read with attention the portions of Scripture you recom- 
mend, and hope I shall find great comfort and satisfaction in so doing. 
The pains you take to instruct me in what is of so much consequence 
gives me the strongest proof of the sincerity of your friendship. 
Prayers and wishes are all I have to offer in return for your goodness; 
if they are heard, I'm sure you will be happy. 

I was very uneasy at your silence; fearful I had offended, or that 
want of health prevented you from writing. I own I am vastly too 
anxious, but I cannot help it; much I have endeavoured to be less so, 
but to no purpose. 

I wish I had power to remove all uneasy thoughts from your mind 
how happy would it make me! I would gladly recommend to you 
resignation to the Divine Will in everything^ acknowledging that 
whatever He does is well and wisely ordered. I cannot see that, should 

3 The original of this letter, acquired separately from the Malahide collection, 
has survived. 

4 In later letters Miss Montgomerie refers to Andrew Michael Ramsay's Les 
Voyages de Cyrus, Johnson's Rambler , and Adam Smith's Theory of Moral Senti- 
ments. The book here referred to might be any one of the three. 

Edinburgh, 4 July 1769 219 

what you suspect take place, it could hurt you. 5 For God sake, do not 
therefore take any rash resolutions. You are warm, I know, but surely 
you will not allow any heat of passion to get the better of your good 

I will not allow the character you give of yourself to be just. If 
you are either sullen or discontented, it is your own fault. Naturally, 
you are quite the reverse. Allow your good principles once to get the 
better of bad habits, and you will be just as you could wish. Many 
times, though we are desirous to be cured of our faults, we are loath 
to part with them. Perhaps that may give you uneasiness without 
your being sensible of the cause; but persevere in your good resolu- 
tions, and you will find yourself quite a new man. 

Captain Cuninghame speaks of being in Edinburgh in a fortnight. 
He asked me this day to put off my going till then, which I promised, 
but you know he sometimes changes his mind. I shall, however, en- 
deavour to fix him one way or other and let you know what he deter- 
mines on. You may believe the day you mention would be most agree- 
able to me could I possibly bring it about, but should I not have it in 
my power, I live in hopes of another opportunity. 

Lady Crawford leaves Edinburgh in a week or two on account of 
bad health. Lady Cathcart, I hear, is still far from being well. 

I thought to have finished my letter for this night post, but I 
could not possibly get it done; however, I shall end it tonight, as I lay 
it down for a rule never to write on Sunday. I was at Treesbank on 
Friday, where you was remembered by the Laird and Lady with 
great kindness. I saw Hugh Campbell there, and Bruce at Kilmar- 
nock. I believe they are close on the wing. 

Should MacNeil lose his lands, it will put a stop to his matrimo- 
nial affairs, which I'm told was to have been concluded immediately 
on the favourable decision of the Lords. Perhaps it was a story of his 
own inventing, but it gained credit here, as most reports of the kind 
does almost everywhere. The lady, I believe I mentioned to you 
formerly, is Miss Steuart of Steuart Hall. 

I shall perhaps write again in a post or two and put it in some 
other post office, as the Stewarton stamp may give rise to suspicions 
when so often making its appearance. Good night, God bless you. 

5 Lord Auchinleck's possible marriage. 

22O Edinburgh, 4 July 1 769 

Remember me, if you think proper, to all with you, and believe me, 

my dear Jamie, your ever affectionate and obliged 


[Boswell to Margaret Montgomerie] 

Edinburgh, 4 July 1 769 

You HAVE VERY WELL OBSERVED that you cannot write as you 
would speak. I am just in the same situation. It is impossible for me to 
put upon paper the sentiments which I have felt since we parted; and 
yet if we were together, I am very sure I could make you fully under- 
stand them. I read your letters with such feelings as I never before 
experienced. I have imagined such when I have thought of my grand- 
father receiving a letter from Lady Betty. I do not imagine it possible 
for a man to value and love at the same time a woman more than I do 
my lady. You remember you said at Donaghadee that it would be 
wonderful if I stood Dublin. You know what happened, and I be- 
lieve both you and I thought more highly of my heart than we did 
before. Indeed, you have often said you was of opinion I had no heart. 
Is it so, think you? And do you intend to assume the merit of giving 
me what I had not before? Or is it that fancy has so prevailed that my 
heart could never appear? Methinks I may compare my heart to a 
rock in the sea. While the tempest of passions blew and the waves of 
vain folly beat, it could not be perceived. But now that these begin to 
subside, it shows itself as firm as any rock that ever existed. Now that 
I have told you all my history relative to yourself during such a num- 
ber of years, you need not wonder at my present situation. 

I thank you, my dearest friend, for your calm advice. I will try to 
compose myself. But what I hinted to you shocked me so much that I 
declare I was thrown into the wildest melancholy, and resolved to go 
and at once break off all connection for ever, that I might no longer 
struggle with uncertainty and a kind of unnaturality, if I may use the 
word. You alone distracted my mind. But I believe I could settle that, 
provided I myself was unhappy, for then nothing can be said. I am 
more composed now, as from some late hints I imagine any scheme to 
be concerning some other person whom I do not know. Believe me, 
such a step in a family is terrible, and I fairly own to you, that unless 

Edinburgh, 4 July 1 769 22 1 

I had an absolute security against what might be done, I would re- 
nounce all relation. The worst is that a wild, ruinous scheme in some 
measure pleases my gloomy temper, and there is not a man alive to 
whom poverty and obscurity would be easier. I shall, however, make 
no rash vows, and when you come to town we shall have a long con- 
versation on the subject. In the mean time, be quite easy as to my 
lady. I am now better than at any time. I walked a long time with 
Lord Monboddo today, and, without giving you any share in it, 
talked to him fully. He was clear, and made me admire the scheme. 

Is it not curious, my honest Margaret, to think how you and I are 
now together? Upon honour, I was uneasy that I did not hear from 
you yesterday. Are we not then pretty equal? You are, however, par- 
tial as to my character. I assure you, you are. But so much the more 
valuable are you to me. I have not yet heard from Ireland. I have 
written to Mrs. Sibthorpe and said many sincere pretty things in your 
name and mine. 6 1 beg you may come for the race week, at least a part 
of it. T I wish to see you in a crowd at Edinburgh. You must undergo 
all trials. There is nothing in the Stewarton postmark appearing as 
often as you please. 

This day poor Dr. MacNeil lost his cause. The Lords Barjarg, 
Pitfour, Monboddo, and Auchinleck were for him and all the rest 
against him, except one who did not vote and one who was absent. He 
may have a chance here yet, and I imagine a good one upon an ap- 

Adieu. Ever yours, 


WEDNESDAY 5 JULY. I was quite enamoured in the forenoon, 
and impatient to have M. for certain. I drank tea at Balmuto's. Mrs. 
Betty and I had much conversation about M. I was hurt by talking too 
much of her faults. It made me miserable. But I went home, read 
Tooke's Pantheon^ wrote to her, and recovered all my fondness and 
really admiration. 

6 Mary Ann Sibthorpe was a maternal relation of BoswelFs. Her husband, as 
Boswell remarks in his autobiographical memoir in The European Magazine 
(1791), was a gentleman of great consequence in the county of Down, and had 
introduced him into good society there. 

7 Race week started at Leith on 19 July. 

222 Edinburgh, 6 July 1 769 

THURSDAY 6 JULY. I heard a pleading in the case of the credi- 
tors of Auchinbreck, and really shuddered to think of the conse- 
quences of debt. I then waited on the Duke of Queensberry, who was 
just come to town, and was well received. I dined at Mr. Charles 
Brown's with Billy, 8 young Pitfour, Sir John Whitefoord, and Mr. 
Stewart of Blantyre. After dinner Mr. Charles read us a genuine copy 
of the Chancellor's speech on the Douglas cause. 9 1 drank tea at home 
with my father and M. Dupont, and my father and I and John and 
Mr. Claud and Mrs. Betty all supped at Mr, Thomas Boswall's. I liked 
to see a good, open Scots wife, and a sensible, understanding man of 

FRIDAY 7 JULY. Messieurs Baillie, Colquhoun, George Fergus- 
son, Blair, and Law, advocates, and William Macdonald and James 
Frazer, writers, dined with us. I was dull enough, but contented to be 
so. I had this day an answer from Temple, finely written, but prefer- 
ring interest and ambition to the heart. 1 1 hoped easily to bring him 
into my opinion. Yet I considered what I owed to my family. But then 
again, insuring health, sense, and genius to my successor would be 
better than great riches. A man too rich is like a man too fat. Besides, 
I could save more than 10,000 portion by the manner in which I 
would live with M. So I continued firm, but was uneasy at not hear- 
ing from her for some days. At seven I was at Clerihue's at a consulta- 
tion for Douglas against Duke Hamilton and Lord Selkirk. 2 I felt 
myself weak and without much memory or application. I was hum- 
ble and modest. I consoled myself that M. thought so highly of me, 
and I hoped in time to acquire law and application. I rejoiced at being 
a regular counsel for the great Douglas, for whom I had done so much 
as a volunteer. Indeed, I received a handsome retaining fee, ten guin- 

8 That is, Patrick Home of Billy. 

Lord Camden had performed the brilliant feat of recapitulating the entire 
cause from memory. 

1 Temple in his letter of i July paid high compliments to Miss Montgomerie's 
character, but insisted that the exalted position of BoswelFs family made it 
impossible for him to marry from simple choice. "Your attachments of this sort, 
you know," he added, a are violent while they last, but like the hot fits of an ague 
of no long duration." 

2 Douglas's counsels were taking further steps to repel the Hamilton claims, con- 
sequent on the decision of the House of Lords. 

Edinburgh, 7 July 1769 223 

eas. The news of Duke Hamilton's death struck us. 3 We all supped 

SATURDAY 8 JULY. About noon Mr. Maconochie and I set out 
in a post-chaise for Bothwell Castle, to be present at the celebration of 
Douglas's birthday on Monday the 10 of July. We had a great deal of 
conversation. I wavered somewhat as to my plan of life still: whether 
to remain here, or go to the English bar. Maconochie showed himself 
a little man of admirable common sense, observation, activity, and 
really a good share of neat taste from having seen so much of the 
world. We dined at Whitburn, and got to Bothwell Castle to tea. 
I rejoiced to see the Duchess, now that all was well. Douglas and the 
Duke of Queensberry were there before us, as also Captain William 
Douglas of Kelhead and a Mr. Douglas of Fechil, somewhere in the 
North, a young gentleman just come from Vienna, having travelled 
several years. 4 He had much the foreign air, and brought my travels 
fresh into my mind. I then for a little disliked the thoughts of 
marriage. But then again, I thought it was time to settle and be com- 
fortable; and my valuable M. had me all to herself. 

SUNDAY 9 JULY. We sauntered about very agreeably. There is 
a fine bank of wood here. Douglas and I got by ourselves a while. We 
seemed great intimates. I told him I did not like to trust him abroad 
till he had a wife and a child. "Then^" said he, "go along with me"; 
and described our travelling together, very agreeably. I told him it 
would take me quite out of the line of the Scotch law which I had 
taken, and I would not easily settle to it again. He argued that it 
might be made up to me. I was, for a while, very fond of the thought, 
which pleased my roving fancy and would furnish a good chapter in 
my life. But I thought warmly of Margaret. Douglas said a very 
good thing. "Bos well," said he, "you should now be just a worthy 
country gentleman, and not seek any more fame. You never can make 
yourself better known than you have done by your Account of 

3 James George, seventh Duke of Hamilton, the nominal plaintiff in the Douglas 
cause, was only fourteen years old when he died on this day. 

4 Sylvester Douglas; he married Lord North's daughter and in 1800 was created 
Baron Glenbervie. He was admitted to The Club in 1818. His Diaries (1793- 
1819) are a lively and valuable record of the times. Captain William Douglas 
was a maternal relation of BoswelFs. 

224 Eothwell Castle, g July 1 769 

Corsica. It is better known than Sir James Steuart's book. Be satisfied 
with it. You have just fallen upon a lucky thought." I was struck with 
this. We were very comfortable. The worthy Duke was very good 
company. I was deeply in love with M., and often wished to slip 
away and see her. 

MONDAY 10 JULY. This was indeed a joyful day. The Duke 
assured me that he would be ready to do me any service in his power. 
We were busy in the morning concerting toasts and seeing that 
all was in good order. A numerous company came. We were about 
seventy at table. The Duke, Mr. Douglas, and I had each a copy of 
sixteen excellent toasts. Two engineers attended and took charge of a 
cannon and mortar. Whenever they were charged, they made a sign 
with a handkerchief to a servant who was placed at the door, and who 
gave notice to me. I then rose up and called with an audible voice,, 
"Charged, all charged." Then a toast was given and I called "Fire!" 
to the servant, who made a sign to the engineers, and the artillery 
went off. 5 I was quite in my element, and had much satisfaction in 
philosophizing upon the Douglas cause and the grand period then 
before my eyes. I could not but drink pretty freely, but I was not 
drunk. We had fireworks, bonfires, and a ball, and a crowd of country 
people huzzaing. During the whole, I was constant to M. Mr. Maco- 
nochie and I set out half an hour after eleven and drove all night. It 
was very light, and I had a curious, agreeable, drowsy satisfaction. 

TUESDAY 11 JULY. We came to Livingstone about three in the 
morning, and got some fried chicken and a bottle of madeira with 
Mr. Mackellar, the landlord, for company. I know not how it is, but I 
am very fond of the road between Edinburgh and Auchinleck. It 
brings a crowd of agreeable, family, sober ideas into my mind. How- 
ever, travelling it as I now did seemed odd. It was like dancing in a 
church. I got to town just in time to throw off my laced coat and 
waistcoat, get on black clothes, and be ready at nine o'clock to attend 
some causes in the Parliament House. A thousand questions were 
put to me. I was sleepy all day, but stood it very well. 

WEDNESDAY 12 JULY. I had received a letter from Sir John 
Dick informing me that Paoli was safe at Leghorn. This was great 

5 Boswell himself gave the last toast: "May fools become wise and knaves 

Edinburgh, 12 July 1769 225 

comfort to me. I was anxious and uneasy at having no letter from M. 
this week. I was apprehensive she was offended with me. Dempster 
was now in town. He came and saw me, and heard my anxious, 
irresolute situation with patience and complacency. He bid me treat 
it lightly. He said I was yet far from matrimony, and could easier 
return than advance. That supposing Glasgow to be marriage and 
Edinburgh the state of a bachelor, I was no farther on my road than 
Fountainbridge. 6 But, upon the whole, he was for M. Said she must 
have a noble mind, and that I would be happy. He put me in spirits. 
I told him of my reception in Ireland. "You know," said I, "how finely 
I can show away to strangers who see me for a little only. I can run the 
gauntlet very well, but cannot bear being tied up to the halberts" a 
curious representation of my small degree of merit, or rather knowl- 
edge, that passes very well on a cursory view, but is found out to be 
very superficial if deliberately examined. I drank tea with worthy 
Johnston calmly and cordially. 

THURSDAY 13 JULY. I received a letter from M. in a style that 
made me think she was angry, and had given up all love for me. She 
appeared to me so cool and indifferent that I was absolutely shocked. 
I thought with a kind of distraction of the world in which one whom I 
thought I knew so intimately could be so changeable. My head turned 
giddy, and I am positive no man was ever more severely tortured by 
love. Worthy Grange represented to me that it was all my own fault, 
for I had acknowledged to him that I had written to her with such 
censure that no woman of spirit could bear; and that I ought rather to 
be grateful to her for writing at all, and should make an apology for 
what I had written. He pacified me a little. But I have a wretched 
satisfaction in being surly. I, however, was much affected, and could 
for gleams of thought have almost cried; and, had she been near me, 
would have fallen at her feet. Yet my obstinate, unreasonable pride 
still rose again, I determined not to write till I was more moderate. 
Dempster was gone home, which I regretted. 

After the House I had a walk with Lord Monboddo. He said I 
might be sure my father had thoughts de se remarier, and pushed me 
to think of marrying directly. He was clear and irresistible for M. I 
thought, "How curious is this compared with her last letter and its 
6 A western suburb of Edinburgh, now part of the city. 

226 Edinburgh, 13 July 1769 

effects on me." Mr. Claud, Miss Betty, and Grange dined with us. I 
was quite thoughtful and vexed on a complication of accounts: my 
father, Margaret, and a very bad symptom of illness. I drank tea at 
Grange's along with Mr. Macdonald, the surgeon. But was really 
low. My heart was softened. I was all gratitude to M. But alas! what 
could I do for her? I was ready to give her myself, but was persuaded 
it would make her miserable. 

At night I had a serious conversation with my father. He talked 
of my not minding affairs at home. That gave me a good opportunity 
to say that I really had no encouragement as I was in so incertain a 
way, and that he even talked de se remarier. He in a manner acknowl- 
edged his having such views. I spoke in the strongest terms, and fairly 
told him he should be no more troubled with me. I was really calm 
and determined. It is wonderful to think how he and I have differed to 
such a degree for so many years. I was somewhat hurt to find myself 
again thrown loose on the world. But my love of adventure and hope 
made me surprisingly easy. My great unhappiness was thinking of 
M. And yet in any way she could not but suffer, for I could not think 
of marriage when he exposed himself at his years and forgot my 
valuable mother. unfeeling world! I declare I am not, nor ever 
could be, so much so. And yet, honest man! he talked of his affection 
for me and what he had suffered on my account with a tone that 
moved me, though I was quite irritated against him now. I am truly a 
composition of many opposite qualities. 

[Received 13 July, Margaret Montgomerie to Boswell] 

[Lainshaw,] Saturday [8 July 1769] 

I AM MUCH OBLIGED TO YOU for both your letters, 7 and would have 
taken the very first opportunity of telling you so had I not recollected 
your intended visit to Bothwell Castle. 

I heard of both the marriages. You ask me if I feel any regret when 
I hear of a good match going off. I answer, not the smallest when I 
have no attachment, notwithstanding the opinion a certain friend of 
mine entertains of me. I have not yet perceived such charms in the 

7 Boswell's letters of 4 and 5 July. Boswell's second letter, which is missing, must 
have taxed Miss Montgomerie with too great "frankness to gentlemen." 

Edinburgh, 13 July 1769 227 

matrimonial state as to make me enter very deep into any plot to get 
myself a member of that society; however, this I know will gain but 
small credit, being inconsistent with female dependence. I must 
therefore be satisfied to lie under the general aspersion. I could not 
help being a little nettled at that part of your letter where you tax 
me with a too great degree of frankness to gentlemen. Without any 
regard to character, most men are more industrious to hide their 
faults than a friend of mine has ever shown himself to be; and, as I 
only meant civility, I see no reason why I should give myself the 
trouble to pry into the real worth of a common acquaintance. Do not 
imagine I mean by this to vindicate my behaviour; I am conscious I 
have been on many occasions too free. It is on that account I have 
often run out in praises of a prudent reserve which I'm afraid to 
a person of a frank disposition will border a little on disguise; but, 
believe me, most people will find this absolutely necessary to carry 
them through life. Experience has taught me under what disad- 
vantages one labours who is totally free of it. I have often wished to 
follow the example of the lady you drank tea with in the many 
amiable and praiseworthy parts of her character, economy not ex- 
cepted; but, though in some measure blinded by partiality to those I 
really like, my eyes are so far open to my own failings as to perceive 
I have been as yet very unsuccessful. But surely you cannot term it 
a weakness to be able to overlook the faults of our friends. I am so far 
from, being of that opinion that I wish I could do it in a more extensive 
manner. To be able to separate the offender from the offence appears 
to me of some consequence; otherwise I'm afraid we shall run a risk 
of hating both., which would be a breach of that universal charity so 
often and strongly recommended by the great Pattern of all per- 

I am most sincerely obliged to you for the friendly part you take 
in what concerns me. My debt will very soon be paid without the 
assistance of my board, 8 which you know is of some consequence to 

8 So in the typescript. Margaret had the income on 1000, and may well have 
paid board at Lainshaw. If the text is accurate, the passage perhaps means that 
she had got behind in her board and had gone further into debt to somebody for 
something perhaps the expenses of the Irish jaunt. Boswell may have offered 
to ask Mrs. Montgomerie-Cuninghame to forgive the board bill. But it is perhaps 

228 Edinburgh., 13 July 1769 

one of my way of thinking. I therefore beg you will not say a sentence 
on this subject. Most people wish to arrive at a state of independence; 
none likes the opposite situation worse than I. Why then shall I, by 
my own extravagance and folly, make myself unhappy? You seem to 
think the same frankness that has so great a share in my composition 
will secure me against the effects of inconstancy. I have never as yet 
been tried in that way, so cannot dispute your judgment. I have 
sentiments on this head perhaps peculiar to myself, but as silence can- 
not now be termed dissimulation, I beg to be indulged. 

I have read your book and like it very much. I wish I could act up 
to the precepts it contains. I should then run little risk of being too 
deeply affected with any worldly concern. I am sorry you should find 
it difficult to preserve your good opinion of your friend. With me it is 
quite easy. You are therefore the less obliged, as it's generally accord- 
ing to the trouble we have in obtaining a thing that we affix a value 
to its possession. 

I had wrote so far to be ready to send off tomorrow, when I received 
your letter dated the /th. 9 1 cannot imagine why you have not heard 
from me, as I wrote you an answer to your first letter that very post I 
received it. Surely it is in the possession of somebody or other. 

So far from blaming your friend, I admire him for the part he has 
acted towards you. 1 1 only think a supposition that I could take amiss 
his advice was owing to his not recollecting that the happiness of Miss 
Montgomerie was so much connected with his friend's that, in judging 
wisely for the one, they were certainly mutually obliged. 

I am glad it will make you cautious. You know I recommended 
silence to you, both on my own account and yours. The instability of 
the human heart (not to fix it on either sex) should teach people to be 
a little prudent and leave to time to determine the sincerity of their 
affections. Why are you so gloomy? I cannot imagine what should 
make you so. Has these religious principles you recommend to me no 
influence over your own mind? Endeavour against it, I beg of you. It 

more likely that the typist misread the manuscript, and that Margaret really 

wrote "assistance of any body." 

9 She is now writing on Monday 10 July. 

1 Boswell had retailed to her the substance of the letter from Temple which he 

had received on 7 July (see p. 222 M.I). 

Edinburgh, 13 July 1769 229 

is really sinful to indulge melancholy and discontent when the Al- 
mighty has been so bountiful to you. Instead of allowing disagreeable 
ideas to take possession of your mind, think on what cannot fail to fill 
you with gratitude, and that will bring you to a cheerful, contented 
way. I'm sure I sincerely wish you happy and do not despair of seeing 
you so, if you yourself will but suffer it. Banish from your mind as 
much as possible that subject that has caused you so much uneasiness. 
You are secure and also free. 2 

My sister disapproves of my staying at Preston. I believe she is 
right; her arguments convince me. I must therefore lay aside all 
thoughts of being in Edinburgh without my sister or the Captain 
accompanies me. 

I have many objections to the coming alone that I'm convinced 
you will approve of when I have an opportunity of communicating 
them to you. I must bid you adieu, with offering my duty to my uncle 
and best wishes to John, and begging you will believe me your 
sincerely affectionate and obliged 


I am very happy to hear your father is so well. I wish he could be 
prevailed on to come this way. My sister expects him. 

FRIDAY 14 JULY. I continued most unhappy. Having sat up 
till four in the morning, I was very feverish. I loved M. from my 
soul, but saw myself to be incapable of any lasting connection. Grange 
and I walked down to Leith Links and saw a review of Gary's, the 
Forty-third Regiment. It entertained me somewhat. One of the Scots 
Greys, who stood as a sentinel to keep off the mob, did his duty so 
faithfully and yet with so much good nature that I gave him a shilling 
to drink. A little after this, I wanted to buy a bit of gingerbread. So, to 
make a trial of human nature, I came to my Grey and asked if he 
would give me some halfpence to buy some gingerbread. This was a 
pretty severe trial, for many fellows would have damned me and 
denied they had ever seen me. But my honest Grey said, "O yes, Sir," 

2 As preserved in the typescript, this letter and one from Margaret Montgomerie 
to Boswell of 17 October 1769 (p. 334) contain near the end certain passages 
chronologically incompatible with what precedes. The simplest explanation is 
the most plausible: both letters occupied more than one sheet, and the typist 
assembled the sheets wrongly. The following paragraphs have been transferred. 

230 Edinburgh, 14 July 1769 

and immediately pulled out a leathern purse. He had indeed but one 
halfpenny, but he gave me it very cheerfully; and, instead of buying 
gingerbread with it, I keep it with a piece of paper wrapped round it, 
on which I have written the anecdote. 

I came home for a little. My father came into my room and spoke 
to me a little on indifferent subjects. But I shunned him. Grange and 
I dined comfortably at Purves's. He advised me strongly against 
any desperate scheme. But I was quite determined. Mr. Macdonald 
blooded me today to begin the cure of a severe symptom. It is hard 
for one night of Irish extravagance to suffer so much. I wrote a law 
paper this afternoon. But could hardly fix my attention. I then went 
to Mr. Moncrieffe's and played three rubbers at whist with him and 
Lord Galloway and David Kennedy, and then supped. I was observed 
to be very dull. It passed all to be on account of the fate of Corsica. 

SATURDAY 15 JULY. I took a walk on the Castle Hill with Mr. 
Maconochie, and told him my dilemma. He was vexed, but advised 
me to be prudent. I became quite outrageous, and was mad enough 

to ask him if it would not be allowable to cut off , before he ruined 

his family? But this I certainly did not seriously mean for a moment. 
I went in the stage to Pinkie, to have talked with Commissioner 
Cochrane. But he was from home. My father and Miss Betty drove 
past in a chaise. I was quite chagrined. I hired a chaise and went to 
Sir Alexander Dick's. Amidst all my gloom the sweet place and 
amiable people soothed me. I told him my dilemma. He was vexed, 
and bid me do anything to prevent it. I was at home all the evening. 
My father sent for me to him. But I would not sit down. I just spoke 
a few sullen words. I was quite gone. 

SUNDAY 16 JULY. After a wretched, feverish night I awaked 
in a dreadful state. I have no doubt that evil spirits, enemies to man- 
kind, are permitted to tempt and torment them. "Damn him. Curse 
him," sounded somehow involuntarily in my ears perpetually. I was 
absolutely mad. I sent for worthy Grange, and was so furious and 
black-minded and uttered such horrid ideas that he could not help 
shedding tears, and even went so far as to say that if I talked so he 
would never see me again. I looked on my father's marrying again as 
the most ungrateful return to me for my having submitted so much 
to please him. I thought it an insult on the memory of my valuable 
mother. I thought it would totally estrange him from his children by 

Edinburgh., 16 July 1769 231 

her. In short, my wild imagination made it appear as terrible as can 
be conceived. I rose and took a little broth, and, in order to try if what 
I liked most could have any effect on me when in such a frame, I went 
to the chapel in Carrubber's Close, which has always made me fancy 
myself in heaven. I was really relieved. I thought of M., and loved 
her fervently. But I was still obstinate. A clergyman from Leith 
preached on these words, "I have learned, in whatever state I am, 
therewith to be content." 3 He said many good things on contentment, 
and that the text informed us it was to be learnt. I was averse to 
learn any good. 

I then went and drank tea at the Miss Mackenzies'. M. again here 
in fancy. I am really constant. I wanted to be gloomy and like a man 
of such resolutions as I then had. But the agreeable company around 
me and my own gaiety insensibly made me otherwise. I then sat a 
while with Lady Crawford, with whom I have always a great deal 
of sentimental conversation. She made me love M. still more. I should 
have mentioned that in the forenoon my father wanted to speak to 
me, and I absolutely refused it by running away from him. I was very 
gloomy at night. 

MONDAY 17 JULY. A kind letter from M., without taking any 
notice of our late quarrel, warmed my heart. I went and breakfasted 
with my uncle, the Doctor, who agreed with me in thinking my father 
would marry again, and said he had heard it. The family madness 
was kept up to a great pitch by the Doctor and me. 4 1 was determined 
to throw myself on the wide world. I went and sat a while with Lady 
Crawford, and told her both my uneasiness and my love. She was 

3 Philippians 4. 11. 

4 Here is a clue to part of the secret of Boswell's "madness" overlooked by those 
who believe him to have been, at least at times, actually insane. There was un- 
doubtedly insanity in the family. His brother John was sometimes violently 
insane and had to be locked up; his daughter Euphemia suffered from delusions 
of persecution and of grandeur. But BoswelFs "madness" was partly posturing, 
partly the common depression of spirits suffered by all sensitive men who feel 
themselves thwarted in their ambitions. He rather liked to see himself in the 
role of madman, and in the Journal sometimes enacted that part with the same 
gusto with which he enacted the parts of traveller, lover, philosopher, or lit- 
terateur. Sometimes genuine "hypochondria" plunged him into despair and 
moral lethargy. In short, he was childish, unreasonable, above all melancholy; 
but not mad. 

232 Edinburgh, 17 July 1769 

anxious to have me prevent the one, and clearly of opinion for the 
other. I took my clerk, Mr. Brown, to dine with me at Purves's. I had 
been with the Duchess and Douglas in the morning. At night I 
laboured at the law. but could hardly fix my attention at all. I wrote 
to Mrs. Montgomerie-Cuninghame to beg she would interpose in the 
unlucky affair. I also wrote to Margaret and to Temple. 

[Boswell to Margaret Montgomerie] 

Edinburgh, 1 7 July 1 769 

MY DEAREST PEGGIE, The enclosed will account to you for my 
long silence. 5 It has been long in comparison of our frequent corre- 
spondence. Though your last letter but one made me imagine you had 
given me up, and I was for a while piqued and enraged, you see how 
humble I became, and how a true passion tears the heart. But my 
pride has made me keep the enclosed by me, and since I wrote it I 
have thought seriously that I am not fit for marriage with any woman. 
If I could behave so to such a valuable and affectionate woman as you, 
what a shocking temper must I have! The frankness for which I 
blamed you is really a perfection, for I never saw you improperly free. 
My present situation is dreadful. What an infamous woman must 
she be who can impose on an old man worn out with business, and 
ruin the peace of a family! I am employing all prudent methods to 
prevent the ruinous scheme. If it shall go on, I am fixed in my resolu- 
tions. You must know that Douglas has pressed me to go abroad with 
him. This will be a very honourable employment for a year or two 
of my life. I shall not, however, determine hastily on anything. 

What you tell me of my servant enrages me beyond measure. 6 
Pray allow me to tell the rascal his villainy and turn him off. But yoii 
may depend on my doing nothing without your permission. Be not 
uneasy, my dear friend. Malicious reports against you can gain no 
credit. Your letter today has made me write this night. Be persuaded 
that my heart is wholly yours, though I am (perhaps madly) uneasy 
at what I formerly wrote to you about a certain gentleman. Adieu. 


5 The enclosure, now missing, was apparently an apology, and possibly a further 
statement of his intentions toward her. 

6 The reference to Thomas is unexplained. 

Edinburgh, Summer 1 769 233 

[EDITORIAL NOTE: The following essay, preserved among Bos- 
well's miscellaneous papers, is undated but clearly was written dur- 
ing the summer of 1 769 between the time when Boswell learned of 
his father's desire to remarry and the settlement of his own marital 
plans. The manuscript is at least a second draft, and very possibly was 
intended to serve as fair copy for the printer, though we have no 
evidence that it was ever published. "On Second Marriages" may be a 
reworking of an older narrative Boswell had come across, but it is 
more likely that "Queen Anne's Reign" and the English locale had 
their origin in the fancy that turned Douglas into Dorando and Edin- 
burgh into Seville. The essay is a striking instance of how Boswell's 
imagination responded to the factual, when given a free rein, and 
provides as well a full and revealing account of his attitude towards 
his father and his father's prospective bride.] 


The duties which become essential to a man from the relation of 
family in the present state of society are most important and serious, 
and a neglect or transgression of them is often attended with such 
fatal consequences as I am now about to relate. A gentleman of 
distinction in Berkshire was at a proper age married to one of the best 
women that ever lived. He was one of those men of strong sense, 
prudence, and application to business, whose usefulness to society 
makes them generally respected. His lady brought him several chil- 
dren, all of whom she lived to see in a fair way of succeeding in the 
world, and then was carried off by a sudden illness. The gentleman's 
eldest son was then abroad upon his travels, but, being deeply affected 
with the loss of his valuable mother, and the distress into which his 
father was thrown, he returned home immediately. Though he had 
a distinguished genius, and a fire and impetuosity which could hardly 
brook the least control and disposed him to enjoy all the variety of 
life, regard for his father and for the family from which he was 
descended made him resolve to give up all the gay schemes of happi- 
ness which he had formed, and submit himself to a plan of living 
which he considered to be a perpetual succession of disgust. In order 
to this, he deadened his mind gradually, till he brought himself 

234 Edinburgh, Summer 1 769 

to a kind of state of indifference, forced himself to take a share in 
the dull employments and insipid society around him, and at length 
brought himself to be perfectly content. While the truly dutiful son 
conducted himself in this manner, the father, who had appeared 
almost inconsolable for the death of his wife and had been warned 
of mortality by a severe distemper, gave all the reason in the world 
to believe that he could have no other intention than to pass the 
rest of his days with a becoming gravity and abstraction, and would 
wish to see his heir assume in some measure the place which, in 
the course of nature, he was destined one day to fill. But instead of 
this, in little more than two years after the death of his wife, the father 
began to think of a second marriage. He communicated his design to 
his son with that awkward hesitation which generally shows itself 
when we are about to do anything of which we are ashamed. The 
young gentleman was shocked at the idea. He could hardly allow 
himself to believe such a thing of his father. Being of a melancholy 
temper, he began to doubt the reality of all apparent worth when he 
saw so shameful an instance of selfishness. His heart grew big, and he 
with difficulty could restrain himself from breaking out into sallies of 
indignation. He employed a prudent person to talk to the lady whom 
his father had in view, and to represent to her that if she complied 
with his proposals she would not only have the meanness to become 
the legal prostitute of libidinous old age, but would be the cause of 
destroying the peace of a family and ruining a young man of merit. 
He at the same time remonstrated to his father in the strongest terms, 
conjured him to remember his deceased spouse, and told him plainly 
that the keenness of his feelings were such that if his father put his 
scheme in execution, he would from that moment renounce him for 
ever. But vile interest in the one, and wretched appetite in the other 
of these parties prevailed over every proper sentiment, and produced 
a second marriage. The son, who was equally determined as he was 
warm, quitted his ungrateful father and retired to a distant country, 
where he indulged his gloomy reflections without restraint, and would 
upon no account listen to any terms of reconciliation. The father soon 
perceived that age and distemper are miserably suited for conjugal 
society, and for all the art of his new wife he saw her disgusted 
with his nauseous fondness. The respectable character which he had 

Edinburgh, Summer 1769 235 

maintained was now sunk in folly and dotage. He became the sub- 
ject of drunken jests, and turpe senilis amor peccet ad extremum 
ridendus 7 were every day applied to him. None of his children would 
see a man who, for the selfish gratification of at most but a few years, 
had exposed himself, affronted the memory of their mother, driven 
from his country a son who did honour to it, and ruined a family 
which had supported itself for ages. He died in great agony both in 
body and mind, and may serve to teach decorum and generosity of 
conduct to those who come after him. 

TUESDAY 18 JULY. I continued as bad as ever. I appeared be- 
fore my father in some causes, and had a strange satisfaction in plead- 
ing calmly to a man with whom I could not have any intercourse 
in private. I felt a kind of regret to leave the Parliament House, to 
which I have a kind of family attachment. But I considered all attach- 
ments to be now at an end. I was really in a terrible state. Lord Mon- 
boddo desired to speak with me after the House. I accordingly took a 
walk with him, when he told me that he had just had a long and 
serious conversation with my father, who had complained to him 
of my behaviour, told him that it was my choosing to live in the irreg- 
ular state of a bachelor which made him think of marrying again, 
and my Lord said if I would not alter my plan he was right. "But," 
said he, "will you let me negotiate between you? Yours is an estate 
and a family worth preserving." I said I could marry no other woman 
but Margaret. "Well," said he, "be serious and firm, and I hope to 
settle matters." This gave me quite a new set of thoughts. 

I had told Douglas my uneasiness, and he promised to be my firm 
friend in all events. I went in the coach with the Duchess to Lord 
Chief Baron's, where we dined along with the Duke of Queensberry 
and Douglas. I was in perfect good spirits. The sight of grandeur made 
me for a second or two consider if I was not wrong to give up all 
schemes of marrying for ambition and wealth. But M. soon brought 
me back. I soon saw that my real happiness is not in such objects. 
That I only love sometimes to contemplate them, and that I would 
do it with double satisfaction when I have Margaret for my com- 

7 "An old man's love is shocking ridiculous, he transgresses in his last years" 
(Ovid, Amores, I. ix. 4; Horace, Epistles, I. i. 9). 

236 Edinburgh, 18 July 1769 

panion. Every different attempt to make me waver makes my love 
steadier. The Duchess and I paid a visit to Lady Alva and the young 
Countess of Sutherland, 8 and then returned to town, the mob huzzaing 
and crying, "Douglas for ever!" I supped with my father. But Mr. 
Brown was with us, as I wished to avoid particular conversation. We 
were, however, tolerably well. 

WEDNESDAY Q JULY. Mr. Walter Campbell and his wife, 
Mrs. Ritchie, Lord Monboddo, and Tilquhilly dined with us. I was 
persuaded to go to the Assembly. There was a very fine company, and 
I felt myself wonderfully calm and constant. I renewed my acquaint- 
ance with my old friend, Lady Colville. I was mad enough to dance 
one country dance. Mrs. Walter Campbell was my partner, which 
made me dance with violence. It did me much ill. I supped at Queens- 
berry House with the Duke and the three Douglases. We were gay 
and easy. I thought all the time how perhaps I should by and by be in 
a company. Talking of the Hamilton Lords, 9 the Duke said, "Why, 
the devil entered into them." "Yes," said I, "just as he did into the 

THURSDAY 2O JULY. I was hurt by having danced. David Arm- 
strong, Grange, and I took a chaise and saw a race at Leith. At night 
I resolved to put M.'s affection to the strictest trial. I wrote to her, 
taking no notice of any hopes of a compromise, but told her plainly 
that if she would go off with me and live on my 100 a year, with the 
interest of her 1000, 1 was ready to marry her. I bid her think fully, 
and give me no reasoning but a direct answer. I wrote to Temple of 
this, while I told him of the prospect of a compromise. This was truly 
romantic, and perhaps too severe a trial of a woman of so much good 
sense and so high a character. 

[Boswell to Margaret Montgomerie] 

[On the outside Boswell has written] Read this in your own room, 
and think as long as you please. Only let me have a positive answer as 
I am quite dependent on you. 

8 Very young; in fact, only four. "Lady Alva" was her grandmother. 

9 Either the five members of the House of Lords who had protested against the 
Lords' decision in favour of Douglas, or the Lords of Session who had earlier 
sustained the claim of the Hamilton side that he was a supposititious child. 

Edinburgh, 20 July 1769 237 

Edinburgh, 20 July 1 769 

MY DEAR COUSIN, I know I shall have a friendly and affection- 
ate answer to the last letter which I wrote to you. But in the mean 
time, I am going to write you a calm and determined epistle, in few 
words but of infinite importance to us both. 

You never knew till we were in Ireland that I had at different 
periods of my life been deeply in love with you. That has, however, 
been the case; and had not vanity or some other artificial motive made 
me, from time to time, encourage my fancy in other schemes, the 
genuine inclinations of my heart would ever have been constant to 
my dear Peggie Montgomerie. As it was, you know how fond I have 
been of you, and how I have at different times convinced you that my 
love for you was truly sincere. While wavering in my resolutions, I 
was always determined that if your happiness depended upon having 
me, I would not hesitate a moment to make my best friend happy. 
And I accordingly begged in a late letter that you would tell me 
freely if that was the case. 

I was at the Assembly last night, and saw a variety of beauties. I 
was not inconstant to you for a moment. Indeed, after standing the 
trial you did in Ireland, there could be little fear. Any other person 
than you would be apt to disregard what I say in my present situation. 
But I think I may trust to the generosity of a noble-minded woman, 
as Dempster calls you. I therefore make you this proposal. You know 
my unhappy temper. You know all my faults. It is painful to repeat 
them. Will you, then, knowing me fully, accept of me for your hus- 
band as I now am; not the heir of Auchinleck, but one who has 
had his time of the world, and is henceforth to expect no more than 
100 a year? With that and the interest of your 1000, we can live in 
an agreeable retirement in any part of Europe that you please. But 
we are to bid adieu for ever to this country. All our happiness is to be 
our society with each other, and our hopes of a better world. I confess 
this scheme is so romantic that nothing but such love as you showed 
at Donaghadee could make you listen to it. Nor ought I to be surprised 
if a woman of your admirable sense and high character with all who 
know you should refuse to comply with it, should refuse to sacrifice 
every prudent consideration to me. But as I love you more than I can 
express, you will excuse me for making this proposal. I am ready 

238 Edinburgh, 20 July 1 769 

upon these terms to marry you directly. And, upon my honour, I 
would not propose it now, were I not fully persuaded that I would 
share a kingdom with you if I had it. I also solemnly promise to do 
everything in my power to show my gratitude and make you happy. 
Think seriously of this. Give me any positive answer you honestly 
can. But I insist on no mediocrity, no reasoning, no hesitation. Think 
fully, and one way or other tell me your resolution. I am much yours, 


FRIDAY 21 JULY. I dined at Lord Monboddo's with the Duke 
of Queensberry, Douglas, &c. All went on with politeness and most 
agreeable society. I passed the evening quietly at home. 

SATURDAY 22 JULY. I breakfasted at Queensberry House with 
all the excellent friends there. Then Douglas carried me in his phae- 
ton to the race at Leith. It was a handsome carriage with pretty 
mares, and he drove with great spirit among the crowd of company, 
always coming to pay his attentive duty to the worthy Duke. I was 
exceedingly happy. I exulted in reflecting that the author of the 
Essence had his charge so prosperous. As we drove home, I tried to 
make Douglas talk of immortality. He seemed to believe, and be ani- 
mated with the idea of seeing the great who have appeared in the 
world. After the race, the Duke, Lord Monboddo, &c., and I went 
with Douglas to Willison's, and I made him fairly sit once to his pic- 
ture, in order to begin it. I dined quietly at home with my brother. 
Grange drank tea with me. At night my father, having dined abroad 
and drank, cheerfully spoke to me of Lord Monboddo's telling him 
of my scheme as to M. I endeavoured to be as reserved as possible, but 
insensibly he and I fell into our usual bad humour. It is hard. 

SUNDAY 23 JULY. I went to Mr. Erskine's church and heard 
Dr. Gibbons preach. This was an English clergyman recommended 
to me by Mr. Dilly. 10 In the morning I had been at the burial of John 
Mair, an extractor and the best formalist about the House, and then 
I breakfasted with Professor Wallace, who showed me a genealogy 
of the family of Fullarton vouched by papers for above five hundred 
years. It is curious how pleasing variety is. Mr. Wallace's style of 
conversation amused me much, and when I saw his law papers neatly 

10 It was Thomas Gibbons, a Nonconformist minister, whom Johnson invited to 
come "and dawdle over a dish of tea in an afternoon" (Life of Johnson, 3 June 

Edinburgh, 23 July 1769 239 

bound up, with accurate indexes, and amongst them some of my own 
writing, the business of a Scotch lawyer acquired value in my mind, 
and I thought of continuing at it even in the worst event. But while I 
was in church, I thought that if M. gave me a prudent, cold, evasive 
answer, I would set sail for America and become a wild Indian. I had 
great thoughts of my acquiring strength and fortitude, and could not 
regret much leaving all I had known, as I should adore God and be 
happy hereafter. Between sermons, I called on Lady Preston and told 
her my dilemma. She was vastly hurt, and joined with me in rage. I 
then went to Queensberry House. I told my cousin, Willy Douglas, 
my dilemma. He was struck and said, "I sincerely commiserate you." 

The worthy Duke had just a select company of us to dinner. He 
was very good company, and told us of a Scotch servant in London 
whom he turned off one day for drunkenness. Next day the fellow 
appeared at dinner. "How now!" said the Duke. Said the servant: "If 
ye dinna ken when ye hae a good servant, I ken when I hae a good 
master; and I'm no ga'in awa." All the company interceded, and he 
continued. Captain Douglas and I drank tea at the Miss Mackenzies' 
very agreeably. I then supped at the Duchess of Douglas's with the 
worthy Duke, Douglas, &c. 

MONDAY 24 JULY. The Commissioner called on me a little. I 
told him my dilemma. He could not believe it. But when I raged, he 
stopped me and said, "No. You must make the best of it." His cool 
sense for a moment communicated itself to me. But I soon regained 
my usual warmth. I received a letter from my brother David, which 
pleased me much and gave me spirits. Dr. Gibbons and a young 
student of physic along with him, Mr. Harris a London dissenting 
clergyman, the Reverend Messrs. Walker and Erskine, and Mr. An- 
drew Hunter the preacher, dined with me, my father being at a Jus- 
ticiary trial. I made myself excellent clerical company and was won- 
derfully well. 

TUESDAY 2 5 JULY. The important answer from M. was brought 
to me in the Parliament House: "I accept of your terms." For a 
minute or two my habits of terror for marriage returned. I found 
myself at last fixed for ever; my heart beat and my head was 
giddy. But I soon recovered and felt the highest admiration and grati- 
tude on a conduct so generous. Her letter was finely written, and did 
me more real honour than anything I have ever met with in life. I 

240 Edinburgh, 25 July 1769 

determined to make it my study to do all in my power to show my 
sense of her goodness. And I became calm and easy, thinking that as 
I was now fixed in the most important concern, everything else was 
but secondary. The Commissioner dined with us. At night I was at 
the Society, and spoke against repealing the Marriage Act. 1 

[Received 25 July, Margaret Montgomerie to Bos well] 

[Enclosed in a wrapper endorsed by Boswell] The most valuable 
letter of my valuable friend, which does honour to both her and me. 
Vraye Foi. 2 

[Lainshaw] Saturday [22 July 1769] 

I HAVE THOUGHT FULLY as you desired, and in answer to your let- 
ter I accept of your terms, and shall do everything in my power to 
make myself worthy of you. J.B. with 100 a year is every bit as val- 
uable to me as if possessed of the estate of Auchinleck. I only regret 
the want of wealth on your account, not being certain if you can be 
happy without a proper share of it. Free of ambition, I prefer real 
happiness to the splendid appearance of it. I wish you could meet me 
at Glasgow on Saturday. Could you not come that length in the fly 
and return on Monday? Let me know and I'll be there any day you 
will appoint. 

My heart determines my choice. May the Almighty grant His 
blessing and protection, and we need not be afraid; His providence 
extends over all the earth, so that wherever you go I shall willingly 
accompany you and hope to be happy. Had you been, as you mention, 
in your former prosperity, I should perhaps have indulged myself in 
female prudence, &c., but I think this is not now the time for dis- 
simulation. I am therefore ready to meet you when you please and to 
join my fate to yours. Is not this as full an answer as you could wish? 
Say nothing of the affair to your father, as you are sure he will never 
consent; and to disobey after consulting is worse than doing it without 
saying a word. 

1 An Act passed in 1753 requiring that all marriages in England, with a few 
exceptions, had to be performed by an Anglican priest, or in Scotland by a Pres- 
byterian minister, according to certain established rules. 

2 The original of this letter has survived. 

Postscript to James Boswell's letter of proposal to Margaret Montgomerie 

(20 July 1769), and his endorsement on her letter of acceptance (22 July 

1769) . From the originals in the Yale University Library 

Edinburgh., 25 July 1769 241 

My heart is more at ease than it has been of a long time, though 
still I feel for what I'm afraid you suffer. Be assured, my dear Jamie, 
you have a friend that would sacrifice everything for you, who never 
had a wish for wealth till now, to bestow it on the man of her heart. 

I wrote two letters, one on Friday and one on Tuesday. I hope the 
contents of neither have offended you. My anxiety about your happi- 
ness made me use every argument in my power to prevail on you to 
stay at home. In hopes of meeting with you soon, I shall only add that 
I most sincerely am, my dear Jamie, your faithful and affectionate 


Sunday. I did not get this sent off yesterday, so have had one other 
night to think of it, and am still determined in my resolution to go 
with you where you please. Write me soon and let me know if you can 
meet me, 

WEDNESDAY 26 JULY. I was in great uneasiness on account of 
my illness, but Macdonald and Dr. Cairnie, whom I also consulted, 
made me give over terrible apprehensions. I was this afternoon at a 
meeting of the late Mr. Adie's trustees. At night I wrote to M. She 
had proposed to meet me on Saturday at Glasgow. But I could not get 
so far, as the Duke was to dine with us. I begged to know if she could 
come to Whitburn. I was very desirous to see her. 

THURSDAY 27 JULY. Cowhill, Skerrington, and Matthew Dick- 
ie dined with us. Dupont drank tea, and then he and I and my brother 
went and saw Willison's pictures. 

FRIDAY 28 JULY. I was chancellor to the jury who served 
Horatius Cannan of Barlay heir to his father and grandfather. I liked 
a ceremony of this kind, and was pleased to think of my standing 
upon record in it. We all dined with the heir at Small's. It was quite a 
comfortable Edinburgh dinner, and I was neither better nor worse 
than my neighbours, but just plain and content. I supped at Mr. 
Moncrieffe's. It was a jovial meeting over a capercailye. 3 

SATURDAY 29 JULY. This has been a good week for me in the 
way of business. I have cleared twenty guineas, and have really been 
able to do very well. I am ready for whatever may happen. My dear- 
est Margaret is my great object. The Duke of Queensberry, Douglas, 

3 A wood grouse from the Highlands. 

242 Edinburgh, 29 July 1 769 

Lords Pitfour and Monboddo, Mr. Stewart of Blantyre, Mr. Solicitor, 
Captain Douglas, Mr. Douglas of Fechil, and Lord Chief Baron dined 
with us. Things went on admirably. I then went with the Duke, 
Douglas, &c., to Lord Advocate's, 4 from whence Mrs. Montgomery, 
Lady Mary Hay, and her aunt, Miss Lockhart, were attended by us 
to Comely Garden. Lady Mary was a fine, good-humoured young 
lady of a noble carriage, stately person, and the daughter of the Lord 
High Constable of Scotland. 5 1 was truly desirous to have a match be- 
tween her and Douglas. We walked some time in the garden, then 
went in and drank tea, I in excellent spirits observing Douglas and 
Lady Mary taking to one another. They danced a country dance, and 
I stood with my black clothes and my cane, looking on as grave and 
anxious as if I had been their parent. There was a good company. I 
was quite constant to Margaret. I had once been with her here, and I 
had some conversation about her tonight with her correspondent, 
Miss Kitty Mackenzie, which pleased me more than I can tell. I was 
all affection and admiration. The Duke and Douglas and the Captain 
and I supped at the Duchess's, where we met my father, and my uncle 
the Doctor, and David Moncrieffe and Maconochie. We were all 
friends and very good company. 

I find it is impossible to put upon paper an exact journal of the 
life of man. External circumstances may be marked. But the varia- 
tions within, the workings of reason and passion, and, what perhaps 
influence happiness most, the colourings of fancy, are too fleeting to 
be recorded. In short, so it is that I defy any man to write down any- 
thing like a perfect account of what he has been conscious during one 
day of his life, if in any degree of spirits. However, what I put down 
has so far an effect that I can, by reading my Journal, recall a good 
deal of my life. 

SUNDAY 30 JULY. I was at church all day. I fancied M. sitting 
beside me as she used to do. Sir George 6 and George Webster dined 

4 Chief prosecutor for the Crown in Scotland. The office was held at this time by 
James William Montgomery, later Lord Chief Baron of the Court of Exchequer 
and a baronet. 

5 The Earl of Erroll, in whose title the office is hereditary. Lady Mary (just 
fifteen when this was written) next year married General Scott of Balcomie, 
but before long ran off with Captain James Sutherland, later fifth Lord Duffus. 
She died in 1782, aged only twenty-seven. 

Edinburgh, 30 July 1 769 243 

with us. It was curious to observe how my father's manner awed and 
checked the freedom of conversation. This is really hard to bear. I 
went out with Ulbster to his house in a park off the Pleasance, and 
drank tea with Lady Janet. It pleased me to see his children coming so 
well on, and I found myself wonderfully regarded here. 7 Jamie Col- 
quhoun was here. I applied to him, who is narrow and loves to stay at 
home, a droll story which George Webster told me of the late Presi- 
dent Craigie's eldest son, who, when his father asked him to go abroad 
and offered him 400 a year, answered, "Very well; and wha'll that 
come off at the lang run?" Such a speech I think I never heard. I was 
in very good humour today. I recollected my former follies; I saw 
that my father had indulged and forgiven me more than I could a 
son of mine if I had one. I therefore would have no resentment against 
him, let him do as he pleased. I would just consider his marrying 
again as a fatality by which he was killed and his estate overwhelmed, 
and, without farther connection either with the one or the other, I 
would go and live as easily and agreeably as possible with my dearest 
M. I wished to tell him something like this at night. But I found my- 
self kept back as usual. 

MONDAY 31 JULY. The Commissioner carried me out in his 
chaise to Pinkie, where I dined with him most comfortably along 
with my brother John. The Commissioner did not seem very fond of 
my scheme with M. However, that will be got over. He spoke to me 
very seriously against being outrageous on my father's marrying 
again, and really his notions were rational, I came to town in the fly. 
A German was in it, and I spoke to him in his own language, but 
found myself much rusted. At night I was quiet at home. 

[Received 31 July, Margaret Montgomerie to Bos well] 

[Lainshaw] Saturday [29 July 1769] 

I WAS so HURRIED and had such a severe headache when I wrote 
my last letter, I had it only in my power to tell you I could not meet 
you at Whitburn. The Captain was so very ill I thought it was im- 
proper for me to leave my sister, but if he is tolerably well I shall be 

7 George Sinclair of Ulbster and Lady Janet, his wife. One of the children, John, 
was later a baronet, first president of the Board of Agriculture, and compiler of 

244 Edinburgh., 31 July 1769 

at Glasgow on Saturday, in case you think the journey will do you 
no harm; but I entreat you will not think of coming without you can 
do it safely, as a few weeks will soon pass over, when I hope to be 
happy with you here. You must, however, be punctual in writing, as 
your silence would now affect me very much. I hope nobody knows 
of my letter you received in the Parliament House. You must not 
mention it, as it would not be right anybody knew of it but yourself. 
I wonder you could ever imagine I would write you an evasive answer 
to yours. Have you not often experienced my sincerity? How could 
you, then, imagine me such a dissembling, mercenary being? Believe 
me, without the least hopes of a reconciliation, and with the prospect 
of setting out in a few weeks, perhaps in a few days, I wrote my letter. 
I had my uneasy reflections also, but they were quite different from 
yours. I was fearful you would have the feelings you describe, but I 
dreaded they would not so soon wear off. I was, however, satisfied 
that, notwithstanding my frankness in declaring my sentiments and 
resolutions, I would not take any advantage of the offer you made me 
if you was not perfectly convinced that, in making the proposal, you 
consulted your own happiness. I am much obliged to you for acting 
so honestly by me. You told me what was your situation when you 
read my letter; I have therefore no doubts of the sincerity of the dec- 
laration that follows. Believe me, I am perfectly satisfied of the reality 
of that affection you express, and shall make it my constant endeav- 
our to be worthy of it. I neither fear for you nor myself. I am conscious 
my conduct will be such as you must approve, and I am likewise sen- 
sible your natural dispositions are good. I have therefore no doubts of 
our being constant friends. You must not indulge melancholy. You 
know it's what we may easily bring upon ourselves, but what is very 
hard to remove. Be therefore as cheerful as possible from this generous 
consideration: that the happiness of your friend depends on yours. 

Did you not speak of buying some Holland for shirts? I wish you 
would get some female friend to choose it and send it to me. I'll get 
them made for you. Let it be pretty fine, as I hate to see you with 
coarse linens. Don't buy any stockings for me. I assure you I want 
nothing. I am determined to be a perfect economist now, so you must 
not put me out of my way. 

The Captain is still very much distressed. He gets no sleep at 

Edinburgh, 31 July 1769 245 

nights, which makes the fever continue with him. Tell me if your 
father knows your resolutions with regard to me. If he does, and 
comes this way, I shall be frightened to face him. Have you heard 
from David? Poor man, I long to hear how he does. Pray, is the Lieu- 
tenant with you? Has he received his garters? This will reach you on 
Monday; I hope therefore to hear from you on Tuesday. You see I 
am selfish in some respects, for, notwithstanding your telling me how 
much you was busied, I scruple not to put you to additional trouble. 
Could you send me a few franks, as I never see Lord Eglinton now to 
ask them from him? I doubt you pay double postage for my letters. 
Write me if you do. You never mention the lady's name you suspect 
to be your father's favourite, but I imagine it must be B.B. 8 I believe 
I told you I had received a letter from Aunt Boyd. I had also one from 
her husband, but not a sentence of their coming to Scotland. 

I see by the papers your friend General Paoli is on his way to Eng- 
land. He will surely visit Scotland also. The Captain has got your dog. 
I was obliged to write James Bruce to send him. I ought to have asked 
your liberty first, but he was so impatient I had not the time, but I 
know you will forgive me. 

I must now bid you adieu in hopes of hearing from you soon that 
you was not angry at me for not being at Whitburn as you desired. I 
remain, my dear Jamie, your ever affectionate 


TUESDAY i AUGUST. Mr. John Chalmer, Mr, James Neill from 
Ayr, and Grange dined with us. At five I drank tea along with 
Maclaurin at Mr. John Swinton's, at a consultation. I really, for the 
most part, like the business of the law. There is a kind of entertain- 
ment in observing the progression of causes, and a great variety of 
ideas are made to work, 

WEDNESDAY 2 AUGUST. Dempster was in town in his way to 
London. I had written him a letter while he was sick, which I said just 
came on its tiptoes to inquire how he was. I went now and found him 
at Peter Ramsay's, and observing him thin, "Dempster," said I, "your 
belly has been imitating the India stock of late falling"; a very 
proper similitude for a director of the East India Company. I told him 
I was fixed to M. He said he was much pleased; that his only surprise 

8 Betty Boswell? 

246 Edinburgh, 2 August 1769 

was how I could do so rational a thing. He said it was just as if either 
he or I could be transformed into a female, and the one marry the 
other. He was quite against my outrage, supposing my father to 
marry again. He said I had a title to remonstrate, and try to prevent 
it; but if my father insisted for it, it was my duty to submit. He said 
it was not an insult to the memory of a first wife to marry a second. 
"I suppose^" said I, "you will say it is no more so than it is an insult 
upon boiled beef to eat afterwards of roast mutton." "Just so," said 
he, "when the first course is gone, why not take a second?" This lively 
argument would have some truth if a wife were looked upon with as 
little sentiment as a dish at one's table. 

Dempster said that all schemes of flying one's country were bad, 
because the moment there is a variation in the sentiments of a person 
who does so he is miserable, because it is very difficult for him to re- 
turn. Said I, "Would it not be noble for me to get among the wild 
Indians in America?" "What," said he, "would you give up for ever 
with me, with Miss Montgomerie?" I was sorry to part with him. I 
dined at Lord Monboddo's with the Duke of Queensberry and Doug- 
las, and we were so well and cheerful that it was agreed we should all 
meet again at supper too. I was in admirable spirits, with perfect 

THURSDAY 3 AUGUST. I do not recollect this day. 

FRIDAY 4 AUGUST, My father came into my room this morning 
and told me that although he thought my scheme of marriage im- 
proper and that Margaret and I would part in half a year, yet as I 
insisted for it he would agree. I was really very grateful to him, and 
hoped to be able to behave to his satisfaction. 

SATURDAY 5 AUGUST. I had agreed to go to Lainshaw to see 
Margaret. I accordingly set out this morning in the fly. There was a 
very good company, and I was calm and just as I could wish. I was 
taking a glass of madeira at Graham's when Sir James Steuart sent to 
me that he was in the house and would be glad to see rne. I went to 
him. I told him I had a companion whom I would wish to introduce. 
"Oh," said he, "bring him in by all means," "There he is," said I, 
pointing to my bottle of madeira-, which I had made the waiter set 
upon the table. Sir James made it very welcome, and he and I were 
very social. He argued for prudent, interested marriages. I told him 

Glasgow, 5 August 1769 247 

of mine. He opposed my scheme, "For," said he, "whenever you have 
enjoyed a woman you are in love with, love goes off." "No fear," said 
I, "my mistress and I are old friends; and surely our friendship will 
not be lessened because we enjoy happiness together? Do you think 
two friends will become less so by drinking a bottle of champagne 
together? I grant you that if the champagne is the only connection 
that brings two people together, their love will not last; but my situa- 
tion is quite different." I really thought I had the better of Sir James 
when I argued for love. I received here a kind letter from Margaret. 
I was in the best frame imaginable. 

I took a post-chaise and set out for Lainshaw. It pleased me to 
drive through Glasgow, and recall a variety of ideas, I got to Lain- 
shaw before ten. The poor Captain was very ill. When I saw my val- 
uable Margaret, I was in more agitation than I could have believed. 
Mrs. Cuninghame and I had a serious conversation, and all was now 
certainly fixed. It is impossible to write down all that M. and I said. 

[Received 5 August, Margaret Montgomerie to Boswell] 

[Lainshaw] Friday [4 August 1769] 

IT MADE ME VERY UNEASY to be obliged to apologize for not coming 
to Glasgow, but I found it impossible for me to do otherwise, as the 
Captain continues so distressed, and Sandy is also very ill of a sore 
throat. 9 

I did not receive your letter till late last night; otherwise I would 
have told you how kind I thought you for remembering me so often. 
You may believe it hurts me to be obliged to act so ungratefully and 
inconsistently to one I am bound by the strongest ties to behave [to] 
in a different manner. But the opinion of those we live with must be 
attended to if we wish to have any satisfaction in life. You know I 
have often told you I am a coward, and in some measure a slave to 
public report. I never but in one instance got entirely the better of 
these two, and then I thought the affair of too great importance to 
me to be withheld by either. 

I shall send this under cover to Mr. Graham's, lest my letter 

9 Alexander Cuninghame, one of the Captain's younger sons. He was at this 
time probably in his early teens. 

248 Glasgow, 5 August 1 769 

should not reach you in time to inform you of the impossibility of my 
meeting you as you desired, and to beg you will come to Lainshaw if 
you can. I am not at all the housekeeper; I keep close in my own room 
except when called to the dining-room or to take a walk, and am 
never out of bed after eleven; so you see I follow all your prescrip- 
tions, and, what's more, I obey your commands in not writing to any 
disagreeable person. 

I really wish above all things to see you, and, believe me, I am al- 
most convinced you'll be here. If you do not come, figure what will be 
my disappointment. News I have none to entertain you with. I am 
accustomed to very little variety, and, I may say, with no conversa- 
tion at all. The whole amusement I have is in reading my friend's 
letters and sometimes a paper of The Spectator or some serious book. 
As to my French, I have applied but little of late. A mind taken up 
with more important concerns is capable of making small progress 
in any piece of learning. But as you desire me to give attention to it, 
you may believe that is sufficient. 

I will be much obliged to you for the picture. I often regret the 
one I have has no resemblance; the only thing makes it valuable is 
knowing who it was designed for, and remembering out of whose 
hands I received it. I shall walk at least a mile or two to meet you on 
Saturday evening; if you don't come, I shall go home not in good 

You did not tell me if your father proposes coming this way. I 
should like to know, that I may be out of the way. 

The Captain is still very feverish; he got no sleep last night, which 
has fretted him and makes him more uneasy today. I must now bid 
you farewell, with wishing every happy thing to attend you, and as- 
suring you I am, with sincerity, my dear Jamie's ever affectionate 
and faithful friend, 


You are not angry at me for calling you by your name? Tell me 
and I will not do it again. 1 

SUNDAY 6 AUGUST. We did not go to church, but stayed quietly 
at home. I felt myself serene and happy, and I had infinite satisfaction 

1 Boswell intensely disliked being called "Jamie." He apparently made no protest 
at this time, but after marriage his wife seems to have addressed him invariably 
as "Mr. Boswell." 

Lainshaw, 6 August 1769 249 

in seeing my dear M. as happy as I was. As I was to set out next morn- 
ing at three to be in time for the fly I did not go to bed, but kept Mr. 
Grahames and Dr. Dean with me over a bowl of punch. M. went to 
bed early, as she was to go with me. During the night I became anx- 
ious and frightened that still I should not have her. 

MONDAY 7 AUGUST. When she came down in the morning, I 
told her my uneasiness and insisted that we should take each other's 
hands and solemnly engage ourselves. We did so, and I was easy. We 
had an agreeable drive to Glasgow, where we breakfasted. I was hap- 
pier than I can describe. It was curious to look back, and then to con- 
sider my present situation. It vexed me that I could not immediately 
marry. But I pleased myself that the scheme's being known for some 
time before would be more creditable, as it would show it to be no 
sudden flight. Captain Wood was in the fly with me, and some more 
good company. We were exceedingly merry. We took a mutton chop 
at Whitburn, and I pushed about madeira till four of us drank five 
bottles. I was hurt to find myself so inclined to intemperance. When 
I got to town, I went to the opera of Artaxerxes. Archie Stewart, my 
old Rotterdam friend, and Captain Erskine sat with me in a dark cor- 
ner. I told them I was now fixed, and they rejoiced at my happiness, 
though they could not help hinting that they had apprehensions of 
my inconstancy. I was not afraid. My father was pretty kind when I 
came home. 

TUESDAY 8 AUGUST. Sir Thomas Wentworth, Lady Macdon- 
ald's uncle, was now here in his way to Skye. I went and called for 
him, but he was abroad. In a little he came to me, and we were at once 
quite easy. My father and Balmuto and I dined along with him and 
the two Mr. Riddels and William Macdonald at Mr. Campbell of 
Ashnish's. I drank freely and then I went to Fortune's, where Mr. 
Moncrieffe's guests were entertaining him, and there I became out- 
rageously jovial and intoxicated myself terribly, and was absurd and 
played at brag and was quarrelsome. How unhappy is this! 

WEDNESDAY 9 AUGUST. I was quite gloomy and dejected. I 
wrote a long letter to Margaret. That valuable woman will make me 
the man I wish to be. The company who dined together yesterday, 
with the addition of Lord Hailes, dined at my father's. William Mac- 
donald and I supped at Mr. Surgeon Macdonald's and drank bottles 
apiece of the finest old claret that I ever tasted. I consulted Dr. Gregory 

250 Edinburgh, 9 August 1 769 

this afternoon. He thought me in no bad way and was of opinion I 
might be cured very well here, but as it would make my mind easy 
advised me to go to London and drink some of Kennedy's decoction. 

THURSDAY io AUGUST. Mr. Riddel gave a dinner at Leith to 
Sir Thomas Wentworth and a number of others, amongst whom I was 
one. My spirits sparkled in an extraordinary degree. Lord Kellie was 
in high glee, 2 "Upon my soul," said he, "we are merry. We have said 
a devilish number of good things." "Why," said I, "my Lord, it is 
very natural for puns and rebuses, &c.^ to keep company with Rid- 
dels." My Lord abused his tailor for having given him a brown coat 
that made him look like a dean of guild. Said I, "It is very proper for 
you, my Lord, now that you are becoming a grave man: Quid verum 
atque decens^ euro et rog*o." 3 "Curo et rogo" said he; "I wish you 
would cure the roguery of the tailor." The Earl played his battery 
against me, and gave me many hard hits which I need not repeat. 
When he was in great triumph, I said, "My Lord, I can say nothing 
to you myself, but I'll tell you what Dictionary Johnson would say: 
'Why, Sir, Kellie is a turf that burns for other people while he con- 
sumes himself.' " The whole company roared, and my Lord was 
foundered for some time. But he soon got up again and went on with 
immense spirit. I drank immensely and was so joyous that I was 
clearly of opinion that intoxication is a noble thing. Such is the effect 
of wine. And perhaps a good quantity of it may at times do well for 
many people. But I, who have so much extravagance and vice to sub- 
due, must observe the strictest sobriety. Sir Thomas and William 
Macdonald and I walked up, and I was fit for business and wrote a 
law paper. I must mention that during all our excess of merriment, I 
was continually wafting my fervent vows to M., and rejoicing that I 
was at last so happily fixed. 

FRIDAY 11 AUGUST, Lord Galloway carried Sir Thomas Went- 
worth and me in his coach out to St. Catherine's, Lord Gardenstone's 
country place. 4 By the way we were very pleasant. My Lord told us a 

2 Thomas Alexander Erskine, sixth Earl of Kellie, was a noted musician, humor- 
ist, and drinker. 

3 "What is right and seemly is my study and pursuit" (Horace, Epistles, Li. 11). 

4 Francis Garden, a judge in the Court of Session with the style of Lord Garden- 
stone, was another able, literary, and eccentric judge. His eccentricity showed 

St. Catherine's, 1 1 August 1769 251 

repartee of Lord Hyndford's to the King of Prussia, who never had a 
child. He was laughing at the Emperor, and said, "// est bon a rien 
que pour bercer des enfants" Replied Lord Hyndford, "Et pour en 
faire. " 5 My Lord did not relish much a joke of mine on the Hamilton 
tutors, who had about this time very serious meetings. "My Lord," 
said I, "you have had long sederunts 6 a long parliament; and I 
believe a good many bills have been brought in." Mr. Lockhart and 
Mr. and Mrs. Macqueen were with us at dinner. I drank too much bur- 
gundy. I came to town in Mrs. Macqueen's chaise, with her and Sir 
Thomas. I supped at Charles Small's with Captain Erskine. I was in 
liquor, but good company. We drank bottles of claret apiece. Erskine 
would not let me call for any more. 

[Received ? 1 1 August, Margaret Montgomerie to Boswell] 

[Lainshaw] Thursday [10 August 1769] 

WITH THE UTMOST IMPATIENCE I wait the arrival of the post in 
hopes he will bring me a letter from my dear friend. What an anx- 
ious, uneasy time have I spent since I received your last letter! I am 
fearful you are not well your fatigue, hard drinking, and going to 
the opera all join to make me unhappy. I imagine you perhaps met 
some companion there who prevailed on you to sup abroad, and by 
that means finished the irregularities of the day. Oh, what would I 
give to be certain this was not the case, and to hear you had not 
suffered in the least by your journey! I can write no more till I see 
what accounts the post brings. I am just going to set off for Stewarton, 
so adieu for a little and God bless you, my best friend. 

itself in a fondness for pigs, a visitor even having stumbled over one which slept 
in his bedroom according to report. He also successfully founded a large village. 

5 "He is only good for rocking children" . , . "And to beget them." John 
Carmichael, third Earl of Hyndford, acted as envoy extraordinary and pleni- 
potentiary to mediate between Frederick II and Maria Theresa on Frederick's 
invasion of Silesia in 1741. He is the subject of one of Carlyle's best portraits 
(History of Friedrich II, Book xiii, Ch. 2). The "Emperor" alluded to was 
presumably Maria Theresa's husband, Francis of Lorraine, though he did not 
become Emperor until 1745. 

6 Sessions. 

252 Edinburgh, 11 August 1769 

I am now returned and beg you will accept of my sincere, my 
grateful thanks for your kind letter. I have read your friend's epistle 
and admire him much, setting aside the partiality his goodness to me 
must naturally inspire me with/ His sentiments are beautiful, and 
his having so much vivacity is a convincing proof there is perfect 
peace within. I shall be happy to get acquainted with him, and hope 
our good opinion of each other will rather increase than diminish. 
How glad I am to see him of the same opinion I was with regard to 
your father. 8 I hope you and he shall always live in the strictest 
friendship, for such a companion, whose goodness you have experi- 
enced, is certainly valuable, and his advice will always be an un- 
speakable advantage. 

I am happy to think your father treats you with so much kindness. 
It shall be my constant endeavour to behave so to him as that he shall 
have no cause to regret your choice. I am sensible of my faults, and 
very desirous to amend them. He shall ever find me dutiful to him, 
and extremely ready to follow his directions, as far as lies in my 

I am sorry you met with Sir Thomas Wentworth, since it led you 
into a riot. It is on account of your health I am most uneasy, as I am 
not afraid but you will be very sober when you reflect that being 
otherwise will make a person unhappy who would sacrifice a great 
deal for your satisfaction. 

As to your going to London, I cannot, will not, object if it's your 
interest to be there, but how will your father relish such an expedi- 
tion? I'm afraid he will be greatly offended. In that case, I should be 
extremely uneasy. If your health is not in question, you could see Mr. 

7 Boswell's letter has not been recovered. He enclosed a letter from Temple (28 
July) in which the latter says: "If you can obtain your father's approbation, you 
cannot be too soon united to so respectable, so amiable a woman. You have been 
tossed too long on the ocean of irregular desire, without compass, without real 
attachment, without real enjoyment. ... I really now long to see you the 
married man. What a different turn will it give to your letters! No more venereal 
disasters, no more intrigues, no more Zelide, no more gardener's daughters. 
The volatile, the witty, the amorous Boswell will then write like any other 
grave, sensible man." 

8 Temple had argued that Lord Auchinleck had a right to remarry, to comfort 
his "cheerless solitude," 

Edinburgh, 11 August 1769 253 

Johnson some other time, but you are surely the best judge yourself. 
I pretend not to dictate; I only wish you to act so as not to disoblige 
my uncle when he is so very good to you. 

You are quite right as to my anxiety. I suffer as much from that as 
you can possibly imagine. I must surely see you before you set out for 
London. If you are determined to go, I'll endeavour to be in Edin- 
burgh before you leave it. There's a great odds betwixt the distance of 
the two places to me; in the one I can see you in a day, but I would 
have no sort of excuse for setting out to London without the ceremony 
had been put over. I really think it should; it would have been much 
more satisfactory to me to think I had it in my power to see you with- 
out giving real cause for censure; and, when once people are deter- 
mined, the sooner they put it over the better. I must have many prom- 
ises of sobriety before I give my consent to your going to London. 

The Captain, poor man, is extremely distressed; he seems to think 
himself, as he really is, in a dangerous way. Did you tell Archie 
Stewart, or was it his own supposition? I must surely write Lady 
Maxwell, as I was her confidante when she engaged herself, and I 
think I ought to act in the same manner by her, but I shall not do it 
till I hear from you. You are very good to allow me to correspond with 
Mrs. S. 9 1 shall never abuse the confidence you put in me. I shall think 
it my duty to give up any acquaintance that is disagreeable to you, 
but I would willingly do it by degrees. I must once more entreat you 
will be sober. Consider, my dear Jamie, that my happiness is entirely 
in your power, and I'm sure your generosity will make you deny 
yourself an indulgence that may be hurtful to you as well as your 
friend. Lord Eglinton sent his compliments to me by Mr. Grahames 
today, and bid him tell me he heard for certain I was to be married to 
Mr. Boswell. How in the world does everybody know so well? It must 
surely be from you, for I declare it is not from me they know anything 
of the matter. I fancy you will have received my letter I wrote on 
Tuesday. I mentioned your keeping Thomas. It's on T. Brace's 1 ac- 
count I wish him continued, and, if you live with your father, he may 
do well enough; but I am doubtful he is not a servant where there is 
nobody to depend on but himself. I fancy you will have some conver- 
9 Mrs. Stuart? See p. 211 n.j. 

1 So in the typescript, but probably it should read "J. Bruce's." 

254 Edinburgh, 1 1 August 1 769 

sation with Lord Auchinleck before you part. Let me know what 

humour he is in with me. 

I am obliged to make my letter shorter than I intended, as I was 
called down to entertain some of our neighbours while my sister was 
with the Captain. They are now gone, but I'm afraid I shall be too late 
for the post, and I should be sorry to lose the earliest opportunity of 
assuring you with what sincere gratitude and affection I ever shall be 
your faithful and affectionate 


SATURDAY 12 AUGUST. The session rose today. Lord Mon- 
boddo took leave of me, hoping to meet me next as a married man. 
My father was to have set out for Auchinleck today. But some busi- 
ness detained him. John went, and my father and I were easy and 
well. After dinner he talked of Margaret and me. Said we had both 
very good sense, but were thoughtless, and must become just different 
beings. I told him I was under a necessity to go to London for a little 
to clear my constitution. He acquiesced. The evening passed well. 

SUNDAY 13 AUGUST. My illness was visibly decreasing, so I 
resolved to stay in and take care of it for a week or a fortnight, and be 
pretty well before I set out for London. My father and I had a warm 
dispute at night on male and female succession. I argued that a male 
alone could support a family, could represent his forefathers. That 
females, in a feudal light, were only vehicles for carrying down men 
to posterity, and that a man might as well entail his estate on his post- 
chaise, and put one into it who should bear his name, as entail it upon 
his daughter and make her husband take his name. I told him that the 
principle of family, of supporting the race of Thomas Boswell of 
Auchinleck, was what supported my mind, and that, were it not for 
that, I would not submit to the burthen of life here, but would go and 
pass my days in a warm climate, easy and gay. I bid him consider 
that he held the estate of Auchinleck, at least the old stamen of it, in 
prejudice of no less than four females. That excluding females might 
at a time hurt a fond father who had daughters and no sons. "But 
what," said I, "is a sorry individual to the preservation of a family? 
Is there any comparison? Besides, in that view, why will you make 
the son whom you see miserable on account of some woman who may 
appear nobody knows when?" I saw he was quite positive in the 

Edinburgh) 13 August 1769 255 

strange, delusive notion of heirs whatsoever, and I had the mortifi- 
cation to be sensible that my dissipated and profligate conduct had 
made him at all think of an entail, and made any arguments from me 
of little force. I, however, hoped to get him prevented from ruining 
his family. I was quite in a fever, for I declare that the family of 
Auchinleck is my only constant object in this world. I should say, has 
been so. For my dearest M. is now as firmly established. I determined 
to leave the country if he made the settlement which shocked me. I 
told him so, and I knew M. would not complain. Indeed I was too hot 
for a son to a father. But I could not help it. I was like an old Roman 
when his country was at stake. 

I fell upon a most curious argument which diverted my own 
fancy so much that it was with difficulty I could preserve my gravity 
when uttering it. "If," said I, "you believe the Bible, you must allow 
male succession. Turn to the first chapter of Matthew: 'Abraham 
begat Isaac, Isaac begat Jacob,' &c. If you are not an infidel, if you do 
not renounce Christianity, you must be for males." Worthy man! he 
had patience with me. I am quite firm in my opinion on this point. It 
will not do to say a grandson by a daughter is as near as a grandson by 
a son. It leads into a nice disquisition in natural philosophy. I say the 
stamen is derived from the man. The woman is only like the ground 
where a tree is planted. A grandson by a daughter has no connection 
with my original stock. A new race is begun by a father of another 
name. It is true a child partakes of the constitution of his mother, gets 
some of his mother's blood in his veins. But so does he as to his nurse, 
so does he as to the ox whose beef he eats. The most of the particles of 
the human frame are changed in a few years' rotation. The stamen 
only continues the same. Let females be well portioned. Let them en- 
joy liberally what is naturally intended for them: dowries as virgins, 
a share of what their husbands have while wives, jointures when 
widows. But for goodness' sake, let us not make feudal lords, let us not 
make barons of them. As well might we equip them with breeches, 
swords, and gold-laced hats. 

In every age some instances of folly have occurred to humble the 
pride of human nature. Of these, the idea of female succession is one 
of the most striking. A foolish fondness for daughters has introduced 
it, when fathers thought they could not do enough for them. Like the 

256 Edinburgh, 1 3 August i 769 

ancient Scottish clergy, who became so very fond of the Virgin Mary 
that, not satisfied with Aves and other acknowledgments, they grave- 
ly disputed in a synod at St. Andrews whether they should not say 
Pater Noster, "Our Father which art in heaven," to her. Spottiswood 
relates this as a most monstrous absurdity. To make a woman a feudal 
lord is much such another. If it be said that remote heirs male may be 
in the lowest ranks, surely remote heirs female may be so too. I love 
the late Earl of Cassillis, who, when settling his estate, being told by 
his man of business that he had called all the heirs male, "Then," 
said he, "give it to the devil." This was the true spirit and dignity of 
the ancient peer. 2 

MONDAY 14 AUGUST. The Commissioner and I had a serious 
conversation in which he gave me hopes that by patience, calmness, 
attention, and good behaviour, I would get all matters made easy 
with my father. This cheered me. My father was quite in good hu- 
mour again, and took a kind leave of me as he set out for Auchinleck. 

1 was now left quiet, and hoped to get away soon to London. 

TUESDAY 15 AUGUST. I wrote law papers and stayed close at 
home. I should have mentioned that I received some time ago an ad- 
mirable letter from Temple, approving much of my marriage with 
M. and putting it in the most agreeable light. 

Having from this day till Thursday the 24 omitted to mark what 
passed every day, it is enough to say that I have been close keeping 
the house, that Dr. Cairn ie has attended me now and then, and Mr. 
Macdonald constantly. That my distemper has been gradually melt- 
ing away. That I have written a great many pages of law papers, and 
been employed several hours for several evenings in sorting a large 
mass of session papers belonging to my father and selecting such as 
are worth binding; and, to show the force of custom, I have been very 
fond of this business. I have been visited by Sir George Preston very 
frequently, by M. Dupont every Thursday, by worthy Grange often. 
One day Mr. David Hume came and sat a while with me. I said that 
Dr. Robertson from the first part of his Spanish history had drawn the 

2 Here begins the long and wearisome contest between Boswell and his father 
over the Auchinleck entail, not ended until 1776, and then by a compromise 
satisfactory to neither. By that time, Boswell had two daughters himself, and his 
"old Gothic Salic male enthusiasm" had so far abated that he wished them 
"called" in the entail after the male heirs of Lord Auchinleck' s own body. 

Edinburgh., 1 6 to 24 August i 769: Review 257 

riches of Peru, of which the second is to treat. Mr. Balfour of Pilrig 
was with me one morning. I thanked him for his Philosophical Es- 
says, particularly for the one on liberty and necessity. "You have 
smoothed it finely, Sir," said I. "You have put a good swaird 3 upon it." 
M. Dupont and Surgeon Macdonald drank tea with me today. 

[Boswell to Margaret Montgomerie] 

Edinburgh, 2 1 August 1 769 

I HOPE MY LETTER OF SATURDAY has prevented you from being un- 
easy till this arrives. Be assured that it shall ever be my constant study 
to ward off pain from my dearest friend, and to make her as happy as 
I can. You have been kind enough to accept of me with all my faults. 
I am sure I have told you everything bad about myself: my melan- 
choly, my jealousy, every unhappy feeling to which I am subject. 
You are prepared to bear with them all, or to prevent them by your 
kindness. You may just keep in mind that a disposition to melancholy 
and the most violent passion for the family of Auchinleck make a part 
of my very existence. So you are not to wonder at their effects. I in- 
deed hope that neither the one nor the other shall trouble you much. 
If I am at times unhappy^ I trust I shall not make you so. To see my 
dearest Peggie well is enough to comfort me. But enough of this at 
present, when I am as contented and cheerful as you could wish me to 
be. I am recovering my health very fast, and pleasing myself with the 
most agreeable prospect of our mutual happiness. 

I do not wonder at your panic and reluctance to go to Auchinleck. 
Nobody but such as know my father's way perfectly can imagine how 
hard it must be upon you. For the truth is that his manner of keeping 
people in awe, joined with his peculiar talent of putting what he 
pleases in a contemptible light, is galling beyond expression to a feel- 
ing mind. The best remedy which I have found against the effects of 
this has been to prepare myself calmly for it, as for a piece of carica- 
tura, which I am certain is unjust but which may entertain me. A 
great part of the happiness of lovers and friends consists in the high 
opinion which they entertain of each other. In what particular way 
you think of me, I cannot know; but am convinced that you have a 

3 An obsolete form of "sward," surface. 

258 Edinburgh, 21 August 1769 

value for me, as I have for you, as much as ever man had for woman, 
and for which I have often given you the best reasons. Now how terri- 
ble must it be for any one of us to have the other represented as a very 
inconsiderable being. However, allowance must be made. No other 
person can think equally high of us as we do of each other, and my 
father less so perhaps than anybody else. Let us bear it patiently, and 
hope to make him by degrees think better of us. 

I approve of your not being in too great a hurry to go to Auchin- 
leck. I have written to my father telling him that, as I now look upon 
you as my wife, it will be very obliging to me if he will send his chaise 
for you, or at least write to you, and behave to you with kindness as 
his daughter-in-law. My letter will be with him this afternoon. You 
may wait a day or two, and see what effect it produces. As this is our 
sacrament week at Auchinleck, he may put off sending for you till 
next week. But if you do not hear from him by Friday, I would have 
you send your letter to him. You will observe that I have shortened it 
considerably and have struck out the paragraph justifying yourself as 
to our marriage. I think you have no need of a justification. Are not 
you my equal? Are not you his own niece? Keep in mind your own 
value, my dearest. Keep in mind that you are my spouse, the woman 
whom I have preferred to all others for her real merit. Will you for- 
give me for rejoicing in my reformation? and let me add the woman 
whom I have preferred to the temptations of fortune? for so you know 
to be true. On my account, as well as your own, I will not suffer you to 
write to my father as if you were a milliner or a tenant's daughter 
whom his son had married in a foolish fit of love. Remember you are 
my lady. I have also thought it best to keep out the paragraph as to 
some of your relations having contributed to prejudice him against 
you. Let all these things be forgotten. My life for it, we shall hear no 
more of them now. I have taken the same liberty with the expression, 
"If you admit me into your family," because I wish if possible that he 
should invite us rather than that we should propose it. With the alter- 
ations I have made, I am of opinion your letter will be of service to 
prepare him for receiving you. 

I do really believe that the reason of his asking you to come to him 
is to talk with you calmly, and judge how far it will be proper for him 
to have us to live in family with him. Do not suspect him of attempt- 

Edinburgh, 21 August 1769 259 

ing to make you give up your marriage with me. Let us not, amidst 
many unhappy differences, forget his real worth. It was from him 
that I derived that strict regard to truth and to honour which I have 
ever preserved. He has already plainly given his consent to the match. 
He has said so to myself; and he knows that I went to Lainshaw the 
day after, and that I am positively engaged to you. No, no, my dearest 
life, you wrong him when you carry your apprehensions so far. All 
you have to fear is a kind of chilling and dispiriting method in which 
he may talk to you. 

I should not imagine he will, like the Doctor, 4 be inquisitive as to 
when I made my proposals, and all the circumstances of our attach- 
ment. If it should so happen, you must tell him that, in the very time 
of my schemes for heiresses, I used often to make strong professions of 
love to you, to tell you that I would marry you rather than any other 
woman, were it not that I was resolved to have 10,000 with a wife. 
That, at the same time, I bid you not mind me; and that accordingly 
you considered all I said to be words of course. That wh^n you was at 
Auchinleck last spring, I paid you more than ordinary attention. 
That before you was aware, this made some impression on you. That 
you concealed your sentiments, as you knew I was upon another 
sche'me, and besides imagined that he would not approve of a match 
for me by which I got neither money nor any new connections that 
could be of use to me. That you wished much to avoid going to Ire- 
land, but that I insisted on it, and got your sister and the Captain to 
join their influence. That on the journey to Ireland, I became unusu- 
ally thoughtful and uneasy, told you that you was the woman on 
earth whom I really loved, that I had been in love with you in my 
earliest years and twenty times since, that you was my friend whom I 
valued, and that I was miserable to think that I was going to marry 
another, which was at the same time not honourable, considering my 
love for you. That you then began to think me serious, but still re- 
solved to keep your mind to yourself, and, though you should be un- 
happy, let me do what was most for my interest. That at Donaghadee, 
I put myself in such a passion with you at your declining to go to Dub- 
lin, that you was so much affected as to let me know the impression I 
had made upon your mind, though you at the same time continued 

* Dr. Boswell. 

260 Edinburgh, 21 August 1769 

your resolution to keep both our secrets. That in Dublin I saw every- 
thing fair for me; but confessed to you that although I was distracted 
between gay views of fortune and real attachment, the latter would 
prevent me at that time from making any advances to the Heiress. 

That my passion continued in the same way till we returned to 
Lainshaw. But you did not allow yourself to reckon on me as yours, 
though we corresponded very frequently this summer. That you re- 
ceived a letter from me, telling you that my father was going to marry 
again, which hurt me so much that I was to leave Scotland for ever, 
and that I then owned to you that I durst not see you, because I had 
been indulging hopes of getting his consent to marry you, and that to 
see you in view of parting for ever would almost turn me mad. That 
you was shocked with this letter, wrote to me in the most earnest 
terms and used every argument to reconcile rne to my father's 
scheme; but in vain. That your affection for me was such that you 
wished to let me know that you would go with me. That while you 
was in that situation, you received a letter from me, telling you that if 
I were not conscious I would share a crown with you if I had it, I 
would not make the proposal I was going to make; which was that if 
you chose to join the interest of your 1000 to my 100 a year, and 
would go with me to some agreeable retirement, I was ready to marry 
you directly. That you readily accepted my proposal, trusting to 
God's providence which extends over all the earth. That I was most 
grateful for this; I informed you that I had hopes of a mediation by 
means of Lord Monboddo. That this having accordingly taken place, 
and my father having kindly told me that he would give his consent 
to our marriage, I came to you at Lainshaw, and then we solemnly 
engaged ourselves as we should answer to God. 

This, my dear Peggie, is, I think, a just and true abstract of our 
story. It does you great honour, and I appear a better man than people 
have imagined. Take courage, and tell this slowly to my father, and I 
am almost sure it will please him. Take care, at the same time, to let 
him know that as you have always been my confidante, and are there- 
fore the best judge of me, you can assure him I never was before in the 
style in which you now know me to be. Do as I direct you, and there 
will be no room for dissimulation. Be rather silent and reserved, and 
let him take the lead. What a comfort would it be if you and I could 

Edinburgh, 2 1 A ugust 1769 261 

make him happy, and prevent his doing a very improper thing which 
would lessen his character and estrange him from me. The Commis- 
sioner was with me this forenoon. He again repeated what I formerly 
wrote to you, and said he was persuaded that if you and I humour my 
father, and behave properly, he never will marry again. So let us be 
much in earnest. I give you full liberty to come under all engage- 
ments for me as to sobriety, application, and every part of my behav- 
iour. Be not hurt by what my father may throw out either against you 
or me. Just let it blow over and by your gravity and cheerful compo- 
sure of manners conciliate his affection. I cannot help indulging hopes 
that before two years are over he may be perfectly satisfied with us, 
and that we may be living together in the greatest harmony. Assure 
him of my sincere wishes for this. How comfortable, how respectable 
would it be for all of us! 

Nothing more occurs to me as necessary to be remembered. Your 
own admirable sense can be at no loss. I am clear for your taking Mrs. 
Campbell with you, though she should stay but a single night. The 
meeting with my father must be awkward. All meetings between 
people who have anything of importance upon their minds are awk- 
ward. When I was last at Lainshaw, I was quite uneasy and in the 
strangest palpitation when you came into the room; and, do you 
know, for all the anxious wishes that I have for our meeting again, 
I think of the very moment in the same manner. There is no help for 
such sensibility. It carries its superior joys along with its pains. What 
would I give to have you just sitting by me at present! 

You was right to own so far to Lady Crawford. I wonder how Lord 
Eglinton said that he had it from myself. It is true I have told him 
that I loved you better than any other woman. But I have never told 
him that we were to be married. Shall I write him a pleasant letter, as 
my old governor in the gay world, and tell him that I am at last 
happily fixed? I think you may allow me. I shall keep within proper 
bounds. For your entertainment, I enclose you the copy of a letter 
to M. van Sommelsdyck, our grand Dutch relation and my very good 
friend. You will see how I make you appear abroad. 5 M. Dupont could 

a Boswell, in his letter (18 August), described Miss Montgomerie as follows: 
"She is not what is called a beauty, but she is well built, has a very agreeable 
countenance, and, without boasting of being a bel esprit, has a great deal of good 

262 Edinburgh, 21 August 1769 

not find one fault in the French of it. I beg you may return it to me, 

with a translation. It will please me to see how well you understand it. 

I wish you would allow me to let Aunt Boyd know what is fixed. 
I am to write to her and worthy Mr. Hugh this week. I have only one 
frank for her^ which I shall send to you along with my letter. I wish 
to keep a good understanding with our Irish friends, and, if I have 
your permission, I will write from London to Dublin Mrs. Boyd, in- 
form her politely of my situation, and return her the paper* 

Mr. David Hume was with me this morning, and gave a philo- 
sophical opinion that our marriage must be a happy one. Were it not 
for his infidel writings, everybody would love him. He is a plain, 
obliging, kind-hearted man. By the by, as a tax for the privilege of 
keeping Mr. Temple's letter, I must put you to the trouble of send- 
ing me a copy of that part of it where he desires me to put some 
questions to Mr. Hume on the study of history. You must know my 
friend Temple is a man of much reading, especially since he was 
married. He says to me in a late letter, "You will be surprised and 
vexed to find how much knowledge I have acquired." 7 This is a 
delicate reproof to me for my idleness and dissipation. 

I wish Mrs. Montgomerie-Cuninghame would not interfere at 
all. My father is not to be managed. He must have his own way. 8 I 
hope we shall recommend ourselves to him. 

I have now fixed Monday next for setting out on my London 
journey. You may depend on my writing to you very often. All 
letters to me must be sent under cover "To George Dempster, Esq., 
M.P., London," and they will come safe. I arn quite satisfied with the 
way in which you account for your having been so much abroad 
when here. My kind compliments to all at Lainshaw. Adieu, my 


sense and the most engaging vivacity. . . . Besides having the most affectionate 
heart, my cousin has also the best principles of religion." 

6 An obscure item, variously described as a paper, letter, and picture, which had 
caused hard feelings between Boswell and the Dublin Boyds. 

7 Boswell somewhat alters a sentence in Temple's letter of i July. 

8 But on 17 July Boswell had written to Mrs. Montgomerie-Cuninghame asking 
her to interpose in the tangled affairs of the family. 

Edinburgh, 25 August 1769 263 

FRIDAY 25 AUGUST. The day passed on with a variety of busi- 
ness. Dr. Boswell was a while with me. I told him he and I had 
frequent flows of high spirits: we had bottles of champagne in our 
heads which were every now and then poured out. It will do better in 
French: "Nous avons des bouteilles du vin de champagne a la tete qui 
se versent de temps a autre," or "de temps en temps." M. Dupont says 
of me, "Vous etes ne pour le francais." I must make my dear Margaret 
a good French scholar. 

SATURDAY 26 AUGUST. I took a chaise and carried George 
Webster with me to dine at the Commissioner's. We were very com- 
fortable. I relished much being again in life after a fortnight's confine- 
ment and starving. The Commissioner gave me some more good ad- 
vice. George and I went and saw a singular curiosity, a playhouse 
in Musselburgh. Fisher's strolling company were there; the play was 
The Provoked Husband. We just saw the beginning of it. We supped 
at Sir George Preston's. 

SUNDAY 27 AUGUST. I was at home^ calm and comfortable, 
having fixed next day for setting out. Horatius Cannan and young 
Mr. Hair, his governor, and Dr. Cairnie drank tea with me. Captain 
James Webster was arrived. I went and sat a while with him, his 
sister, and George. He was in prodigious spirits. He pleased me highly. 
George was merry. He was impatient for his Sunday's supper, for his 
sheep-head broth. He cried, "Bring in the sheep-head, bring in Scipio 
Africanus." 9 Such ludicrous nonsense as this will entertain one sur- 
prisingly. Miss Webster said of my marriage, "It's in every drawing- 
room in town." "Ay," said George, "but it is not in a bedroom yet." 
A real bon mot^ upon honour by an Edinburgh cloth merchant. I 
supped at worthy Dr. Boswell's. Talking of Johnson, he said he was 
a Herculean genius, just born 1 to grapple with whole libraries. The 
Hon. James Cochrane was there. My marriage was talked of, and I 
was quite easy and cheerful. 2 

9 Give it the Italian pronunciation. "Scott used to take off [William Coulter, 
Lord Provost of Edinburgh in 1810] as saying at some public meeting, "Gentle- 
men, though doomed to the trade of a stocking weaver, I was born with the soul 
of a SheepioP " (Lockhart, Life of Scott, Ck xix). 

1 The manuscript has the alternative, "made." 

2 The Journal, which has been on loose sheets, now shifts to a quarto notebook 
which Boswell provided with an elaborate title-page that promises more than it 

264 Edinburgh, 28 August 1769 

MONDAY 28 AUGUST. Asl had full time to prepare for setting 
out on this jaunt, I thought for once to have everything quite ready 
a day before. But I find leaving a place where one has been for some 
time is like dying and so leaving the world, in this respect: that some- 
thing is always forgotten. Last night I recollected owing a number of 
letters. So in order to get them dispatched, I was obliged to sit up till 
five this morning. I was called before seven, so was a little feverish 
and uneasy. However, my constitution is now so much changed for 
the better that this did not disconcert me, and I rose in good spirits. 
My worthy friend Grange came to me, and we had some kind, cordial 
conversation. Mr. Surgeon Macdonald and he breakfasted with me, 
and then came Mr. Farquhar Kinloch, merchant in London, my 
companion for the journey, with his brother and Mr. John Chalmer, 
his brother-in-law, who saw us to our chaise. 

It was a fine day. My companion was a man between forty and 
fifty, dressed in black, with buckskin breeches and boots and a queue- 
wig. He had been many years a merchant in London, and was ac- 
quainted with various branches of trade. I made our conversation 
turn upon it, and learned a good deal from him as to some mercantile 
causes in which I am concerned. I have heard my father say that the 
old Earl of Aberdeen was continually asking questions at everybody 
he met, by which means he was always picking up knowledge of one 
kind or other. This is sometimes a good rule. But if too often applied 
I should think it would be ridiculous. A great deal of the knowledge 
to be casually picked up from those we meet is hardly worth having. 
I would dig for a golden treasure or look for diamonds with as much 
attention as any man. But I would not toil to get at a lump of copper, 
nor hang my head anxiously and search every seam in my chamber- 
floor in order to find pins. As I was determined to make this a jaunt 
of perfect economy, just to take care of my health and have my blood 
thoroughly purified, I took nothing with me but a suit of black clothes 
in my portmanteau, and an old suit of the same colour which I wore. 
I was entertained and pleased to find Mr. Kinloch fond of ancient 
families. Though he was but the son of James Farquhar, merchant (as 

performs: "Journal of my jaunt to London, the Jubilee at Stratford upon Avon 
in memory and honour of Shakespeare, and to visit my old and most intimate 
friend, the Reverend Mr. Temple in Devonshire, &c,, &c., &c. Autumn 1769." 

Norton, 28 August 1 769 265 

we say in Scotland, but truly just hardwareman) at the sign of the 
Red Lion, he seemed to love noble blood as if he had been a true lioris 
whelp^ as the poets talk. I gave him a history of our family. I was quite 
in my element. 

We eat an egg at Norton, and drank a dish of tea at Cornhill, and 
got at night to Wooler Haugh Head. Mr. Kinloch proved a knowing 
man in his profession, spoke very slow but very distinctly, and was 
extremely obliging and really careful of me, as he knew I had not 
been well. 

TUESDAY 29 AUGUST. We set out by five o'clock, three hours 
sooner than we did yesterday. When I made the comparison between 
leaving home and finally leaving the world, I might have observed 
that when one forgets anything in the first case it may be remedied 
by writing back. But in the last, that cannot be done. Nothing but a 
permission to revisit the world can do. That such permissions have 
been granted I firmly believe. 

We breakfasted at Morpeth. I went here and paid a visit to Mrs. 
Collingwood, a widow, lady of a gentleman in the neighbourhood 
and aunt to Mrs. Temple. She has a fine family of daughters. I 
was made acquainted with this family by my last companion from 
London, Captain Dickson, whose brother is married to one of her 
daughters. I was in fine spirits, and charmed to hear English so 
prettily spoken. My dearest love was ever present to my mind, and 
every happy moment I felt, I wished she was with me to partake of it. 

We got to Newcastle to dinner. Here my companion met two 
London acquaintances: Mr. Phipps, a young lawyer, a clever con- 
veyancer, and a kind of buck in vacation time, as I thought; and Mr. 
Sitwell, an old bachelor, a comely old gentleman with a grey coat, 
large white wig, fair complexion, and linen remarkably well got up. 
He was formerly an ironmonger, but was now worth 200,000, partly 
in money, partly in landed estates. We dined all together and were 
very hearty. It was curious to observe in old Sitwell the true littleness 
of a London cit. 3 There was a bottle of port on the table untouched, 
when my companion and I were going away to visit some people. 
"Come," said he, "gentlemen, you shall pay no part of this bottle"; 
and violently did he battle it. A just idea, no doubt. But a very mean 

8 Johnson defines cit as tl a pert, low townsman." 

266 Newcastle, 29 August 1769 

one. I introduced Mr. Kinloch at Dr. Wilson's, where we drank tea, 
and then the Doctor and I went and sat a while with Mr. Aitken, the 
dissenting clergyman. I wrote from this to my love, and thought a 
lively letter might do her spirits good and dissipate too much thought- 
fulness in my absence. 

We took tickets in the fly here as far as Grantham, when we could 
judge whether to travel in that manner any farther. But, in order to 
get a sound sleep, we took a post-chaise and went on at night to Dur- 
ham. Having seen in the papers that Sir John Pringle was arrived 
from Paris, I wrote to him tonight, informed him of my whole 
situation., and prepared him for receiving me in London,, so as that I 
should not have the awkward task of telling him all about myself. 
I was not at all fatigued, and my spirits were admirable. 

WEDNESDAY 30 AUGUST. There came up to us this morning 
about seven in the fly, Mr. Dodds, a little, fat woollen-draper in New- 
castle, a cheerful old gentlewoman, and her daughter Mrs. Topham, 
wife to one of Sir Francis DelavaFs tenants. We all breakfasted to- 
gether, and then set out. We were exceedingly chatty, and well 
entertained with that kind of broken conversation that leaves no trace 
behind it. I told them I was to be married so soon as I returned from 
London. Being free with absolute strangers is really and truly no 
freedom. For when you say, "I am to do so and so," to people who 
know nothing about you, it is the same thing as if you said A or B 
are to do it, and you are amused with their remarks and sometimes 
even helped by their advice. I said my great study at present was to 
get a proper posy or motto for my spouse's wedding-ring: "With this 
ring I thee wed." Mrs. Topham had none on hers. But her mother had 
a very good one: "Love and live happily." I took a memorandum of 
it in my pocket-book, and said I questioned if I should find a better. 4 

The good gentlewoman treated us with some excellent cake, and 
when we came to Darlington we made her and her daughter take a 
glass of white wine from us. How pleasant is it to live well with our 
fellow creatures, and interchange civilities. Here our ladies left us. 
But a younger and genteeler one than either came in, Lord Darling- 

4 Margaret Montgomerie's wedding ring is now owned by Mrs. Joyce T. Mc- 
Combe, who has kindly described it for us as 'gold, plain, very thin, and for a 
very slight finger.' It bears no inscription. 

Darlington, 30 August 1769 267 

ton's gardener's daughter, the wife of a shopkeeper here. She was 
smart and could talk incessantly. Mr. Kinloch and she kept up a close 
conversation on all sorts of provisions. We took up here, too, Mr. 
Howell, a farmer of this country, very little removed from a brute. 
He was not ill natured. But he was monstrously big, had the coarsest 
dress and manners, and spoke a language that could hardly be 
understood. We dined at Northallerton, where our lady parted from 
us, and we got to Wetherby at night. 

THURSDAY 31 AUGUST. We set out at f our. I slept very soundly 
in the fly. Mr. Dodds told us he was from Scotland, and had a pretty 
estate of 40 a year at Melrose, to which he intended to retire. He had 
travelled to London and back again very often, and was prodigiously 
knowing as to everything upon the road. 

We breakfasted at Ferrybridge. The joy of an English breakfast 
in a clean, handsome inn, after having travelled a couple of stages, 
is great. We took up here another good old woman, a Yorkshire 
farmer's wife. I was in a droll humour, and, seeing rich clover fields, 
I started a scheme of feeding the human race upon them. I was for 
bringing up a young child with a calf, giving it a little milk for so 
long, keeping it in a cowhouse at night, and, in the daytime, making 
the calf and it feed in a clover field. There is no describing the rage of 
the worthy farmer's wife at this doctrine. "You are little better than 
an atheist!" said she. "I don't believe you fears either God or man." 
I persisted with great composure and gravity to enforce my system, 
and I thought my other companions would have died of laughing. 
Mr. Dodds was quite overcome. It is, however, really a bad thing to 
joke in that manner. How are people to be sure that a man is in 
earnest, when they have seen him., with the earnest and serious 
appearance of truth, maintaining what is farthest from his mind? 

We dined very well at Barnby Moor, and instead of waiting near 
an hour, as we did yesterday at Northallerton, we had dinner imme- 
diately. The farmer's wife left us at Tuxford, not a little regretted by 
Mr, Howell, to whom she very cordially communicated a brandy 
bottle which she had in her pocket. 

We got into Grantham before eight. I went and called on my 
acquaintance, the Reverend Mr. Palmer, chaplain to Sir John Gust, 
the Speaker of the House of Commons, a sensible, knowing man who 

268 Grantham, 31 August 1769 

improves much on acquaintance. He insisted I should sup with him, 
and he entertained me in a plain, friendly manner. His lady was in- 
disposed; but he introduced to me his children, a daughter and two 
sons, saying before his eldest son that he was glad he would have it to 
say that he had taken by the hand the friend of the great Paoli. It is 
amazing how much and how universally I have made myself ad- 
mired. This is an absolute fact. I am certain of it, and with an honest 
pride I will rejoice in it. Mr. Heron, another clergyman here, supped 
with us. We talked of Johnson, and particularly of his wonderful 
knowledge of the world, which I observed was most extraordinary, as 
he had lived so much in the retirement of Oxford and the Temple. Mr. 
Palmer remarked very justly that to know the world really well one 
must not be too much in it. One will see better what is going on., and 
be able to trace the springs of action better by standing sometimes at 
a side. I pursued the thought. "One," said I, "should not be too early 
in the world, otherwise he will never know it fully; that is to say, in a 
philosophical sense. If he goes into it early, he becomes so insensibly 
accustomed to everything that he never inquires into its causes. Let 
him first study human nature in speculation, and form to himself a 
habit of examining it as exerted in active lif e., and then every scene he 
sees will be an experiment, and he will in time acquire much knowl- 
edge of the world. Though perhaps being late of entering upon it may 
make one's manners somewhat awkward. But that is but of inferior 
consequence." I went to my inn and had a few hours' sleep. 

FRIDAY i SEPTEMBER. We set out at three o'clock, breakfasted 
at Stilton, dined at Biggleswade, and got to London between eight and 
nine. The sights of London again put me in high spirits. I cannot well 
account how it has had so strong an effect upon me since I can remem- 
ber anything. Both before I saw it and since, my ideas of it have 
been very high. Messrs. Howell and Dodds were set down in Gray's 
Inn Lane. Mr. Kinloch and I took a hackney-coach in Holborn and 
drove to Mr. Dilly's. There was nobody in the house at this time but 
the two brothers, who received me with a most lively joy. I introduced 
Mr. Kinloch to them, and he stayed and supped with us. I was quite 
at home. I liked to see the effects of being an author. Upon the 
strength of that, here were two booksellers who thought they could 
not do enough for me. 

London, i September 1769 269 

At eleven I walked down to my revered friend Mr. Samuel John- 
son's to see if he was in town. But Miss Williams, the blind old lady 
who lives with him, told me he was down at Brighton. I sat some little 
time with her, and was rejoiced just to sit in Mr. Johnson's parlour, 
and see his inkhorn standing on the table. Miss Williams advised me 
to go to the Jubilee in honour of Shakespeare, at Stratford upon Avon. 5 
Indeed, when I left Scotland I was resolved not to go. But as I ap- 
proached the capital I felt my inclination increase, and when arrived 
in London I found myself within the whirlpool of curiosity, which 
could not fail to carry me down. 

Mr. Dilly insisted that I should live at his house, where I should 
be quite at home. I accepted of his kind invitation; and was pleased 
to be lodged in the house of my bookseller in the Poultry, in one of the 
most frequented streets of the city of London, where coaches pass at 
all hours. I was calm and well. 

SATURDAY 2 SEPTEMBER. I went immediately and waited on 
Sir John Pringle. My principal intention in coming to London now 
was to put myself under the care of the famous Dr. Kennedy, to purify 
my blood from every remain of vicious poison. Sir John received me 
with his usual reserved kindness. He was not for my applying to 
Kennedy, but just taking Mr. Forbes, a regular surgeon, as the phrase 
is. However, he allowed me to please myself. It is amazing to see a 
man of Sir John's character so impregnated with partiality as to re- 
fuse its just credit to a medicine which has undoubtedly done wonders. 

5 An elaborate publicity stunt of Garrick's, flamboyantly designed and poorly 
executed. The first day, Wednesday 6 September, began with an oratorio in the 
church. Then the company marched in procession to the amphitheatre erected 
for the occasion, where it dined and various songs, such as Sweet Willy O y com- 
posed for the Jubilee were sung. A ball was held in the evening. The next morn- 
ing Garrick recited his Dedication Ode with a musical accompaniment. During 
this performance benches gave way in various parts of the amphitheatre, injur- 
ing several people. At night there were fireworks, and the masquerade ball took 
place. On the third and final day, despite the continued unfavorable weather, 
a horse race (with the horses knee deep in water) for the jubilee cup was held, 
but a grand procession in Shakespearian costume had to be cancelled. Those 
who had not escaped from Stratford by that evening attended a ball which closed 
the Jubilee. Between the weather and inadequate arrangements it was hardly 
a full success, and the general vulgarization of Shakespeare which characterized 
it was widely satirized in the next few months. 

270 London, 2 September 1 769 

I tried him formerly as to Keyser's pills, 6 and found him equally 
prejudiced. As Sir John has witnessed many of my weaknesses and 
follies, and been always like a parent to me, I cannot help standing 
much in awe of him. He would insist that I was not yet in earnest to 
marry. I told him that I could not show him the inside of my mind as 
one does a watch, but that I was certainly conscious that my wheels 
now went calmly and constantly. He said, "Vous avez encore un 
peu de vertige." I was slightly angry and a good deal diverted, as 
I was sure of my being quite a different man from what he had 
formerly known me. 

I breakfasted at the Smyrna Coffee-house, now removed to St. 
James's Street. When it was in Pall Mall, it was one of my first resorts 
in London, in the days when Derrick, the late Master of the Cere- 
monies at Bath, was a kind of governor to me. 7 I thought its being 
removed a striking instance of the instability of human affairs. Such 
consequence do objects acquire which have entered our minds early. 
They are like people who come to the play when the doors open, and 
take up more room in the pit than others who come in late and are 
obliged to squeeze themselves into any little space they can find. I 
went to Greek Street, Soho, and called on my friend Dempster. We 
were rejoiced to meet. He had a letter for me from my dearest Mar- 
garet, as all my letters come under his cover. It was a kind, sensible, 
admirable one. I showed him her noble and generous letter. 8 He said 
it was the finest he had ever seen. "And," said he, "she gets an honest 
and honourable man." He and I agreed to dine together and parted. 

I went to Lincoln's Inn Fields and called on Dr. Kennedy. I had a 
letter for him from my uncle the Doctor, but would not deliver it till 
I saw how I liked him. He was a very old gentleman, large and formal 
and tedious, but seemingly worthy. 9 After talking over my case with 
him, I told him who I was and gave him my uncle's letter. He allowed 

6 An extensively advertised nostrum presented to the public with certificates of 
"ambassadors, ministers of state, and other noblemen of the first rank" as an 
efficacious and mild cure for a "certain disorder, without the least trouble or con- 
finement." It also cured "scorbutic eruptions, leprosies, white swellings, stiff 
joints, gout, and rheumatic disorders" (Public Advertiser, 4 February 1768). 

7 Derrick, who had died in March 1769, introduced Boswell to the sensual 
pleasures of London in 1760. 

8 Her letter accepting his proposal (see p. 240) . 

9 He was supposed to be nearly ninety and was probably seventy-seven. For a 

London, 2 September 1 769 271 

me to go to Shakespeare's Jubilee before I began my course of his 
medicine. I then went to a Mr. Dalemaine, an embroiderer in Bow 
Street, Covent Garden; gave him, cut out in paper as well as I could, 
the form of a Corsican cap, and ordered Viva la Liberia to be em- 
broidered on the front of it in letters of gold. 

Dempster and I dined at the Crown and Anchor Tavern in the 
Strand. He had just come from Orme who wrote the history of 
Hindustan. Dempster found him reading Euripides in Greek. He said, 
"I know not how it is. But my mind does not relish anything very 
easy. I must have something hard to chew, like one who has got the 
toothache." His house was pretty. He said, "I have been several years 
gradually making this an agreeable habitation for myself, like an 
insect making its nest. 5 ' Over one door a drawing of a boy painting. 
Over the opposite door, a boy playing on a flute. "There," said he, "is 
my notion of poetry: beautiful images and fine sounds." There is a 
famous bon mot of his on Lord Clive. When somebody said his Lord- 
ship neglected his old friends, Orme answered, "Lord Clive is a man 
who rides post through life and changes his horses at every stage." 
This may be applied to most ambitious rising men. 

Dempster said he was happy I had escaped being made the matri- 
monial prey of a certain junto. 1 "That is true," said I. "It would have 
been putting an ortolan on the same spit with a parcel of dunghill 
fowls, while one turnspit dog served to roast them all." "Yes," said he, 
"it would have been putting a goldfish into the same basket with 
skate." We both talked how much bans mots were relished by every- 
body. Plutarch has collected a number of ancient ones, and Menage, 
of modern ones. Dempster said a man who publishes such a collection 
will be more a favourite of the public than one who publishes some 
able work of his own. When Dempster lived at Kensington, he one 
day asked his sister if currants and raisins could be bought there. "O 
yes," said she, "as currently and reasonably as in London." 2 

We went and took a survey of Blackfriars Bridge, and were agree- 

quack he had good credentials, being M.D. of Rheims and Oxford, and Fellow 
of the Royal Society. 

1 Probably a reference to the proposed match with Mary Ann Boyd, but possibly 
a reference to Miss Blair and her connections. See p. 126. 

2 Walker's Pronouncing Dictionary (1791) defends the pronunciation "reezon" 
for "raisin." 

272 London, 2 September 1769 

ably struck with its grandeur and beauty. We walked upon it first, 
and then took a boat and sailed a little up and down the Thames to see 
it perfectly. We then drank tea at the Somerset Coffee-house. I asked 
Dempster if I should go to the Stratford Jubilee. He said that belonged 
to the chapter of whims, as to which no advice should ever be given. 
He made me happy by saying that my dearest Margaret might be 
quite sure of me, for that the idea of my drawing back from my 
solemn engagement was just the same as the idea that Blackfriars 
Bridge should walk from its foundation. 

We argued on newspaper fame. He was against it, because he 
thought that he who is pleased with that kind of praise will be hurt 
by censure of the same kind. I maintained that it was not so. For I said 
that I did not allow anything written against me to make an im- 
pression, while I enjoyed fully anything written for me. I did like one 
eating cherries. While I get good sweet ones, I hold them in my mouth 
and have all their relish. When a bad one comes in my way, I spit it 
out without chewing. I declare I have attained to this happy art. This 
was really a very agreeable day. I came home quietly, supped gen- 
teelly, and was comfortable. 

SUNDAY 3 SEPTEMBER. I employed a Scots barber called Gall. 
I called him the perfidious Gaul, a term very proper to denote him 
when he does not come at the time he promises. I went to St. Paul's, 
but was too late. I then went to the Temple Church. The idea of the 
Knights Templars lying in the church was solemn and pleasing. The 
noble music raised my soul to heaven, though it was not Stanley's day, 
who officiates as organist every other Sunday. A Dr. Morell preached 
on these words: "For neither circumcision availeth anything nor un- 
circumcision, but faith which worketh by love.' 9 -' 5 He argued against 
a formal shadow of religion, and against Methodists with simple 
faith, and just recommended plain, rational, calm piety. I was much 
pleased with him. It was very agreeable to find myself in so good a 
frame. I thought much on my dearest Peggie. She and I were very 
happy together in Dublin at different places of worship; I wished to 
have had her here with me. After this I shall not mention my dearest 
in my Journal, unless when something extraordinary occurs. To say 
that I love her and wish to have her with me is like saying my pulse 
beats and my blood circulates. It is to be always understood. 
3 Author of the libretti for several of Handel's oratorios. His text is Galatians 5. 6. 

London, 3 September 1 769 273 

I dined at Sir John Pringle's. There was nobody with him but Sir 
John Mitchell from Shetland, a quiet, genteel man to appearance. He 
had been in the army. Sir John kept his authority ut semper. He 
talked of Shakespeare as a barbarous writer, and run out in praise of 
the French tragedies. He said if he was a savant about town, he would 
read Corneille with Voltaire's notes and observations, and was sure 
he would make a figure, as dramatic excellence was there reduced to 
a system which a man may learn. He spoke of the inconveniency of 
the old town of Edinburgh. I told him I would never leave it, for I 
preferred our good old house in the Parliament Close to all the 
elegance of the new buildings. 4 I made him almost angry by main- 
taining this. At last I finished the dispute with a droll application of a 
passage in Cicero, where he says that Ulysses preferred his old wife 
to immortality. "Ay, ay," said I, "I love my old house. Vetulam suam 
praetulit immortalitati^ 

We went and walked round St. James' Park, taking the Green 
Park in our circuit. It was fine to see such crowds of well-dressed 
people, without being known to one of them. Sir John Pringle ob- 
served that the manners of Edinburgh are very bad. That the people 
there have a familiarity, an inquisitiveness, a way of looking through 
one, that is extremely disagreeable. He is very right. But how can 
a man do who is to live amongst them? He must be exceedingly re- 
served, for, if he allows his vivacity to play, the sarcastical rogues will 
attack him; and should he, with the politeness well known abroad, 
show his displeasure, they would raise a hoarse laugh and never 
mind him. So that nothing less than a downright quarrel can make 
them understand that they have hurt him. I drank coffee at the 
Smyrna, and then came home to supper. 

MONDAY 4 SEPTEMBER. I breakfasted with Mr. Dempster. He 
had company with him, so nothing material passed. In one of the 
streets of Soho I met Mr. Sheridan, whom I had not seen for many 

4 Boswell is referring to the northern extension of Edinburgh known as the New 
Town, which was begun in 1767. 

5 Boswell's Latin is really from Bacon's Advancement of Learning (I. viii. 7) or 
the essay, "Of Marriage and Single Life." Cicero (De oratore, i. 196; De legibus, 
ii. 3) says Ulysses preferred Ithaca to immortality, and his language is quite dif- 
ferent. Boswell had probably read an edition of Bacon's Essays in which the 
editor had pointed to the parallel in Cicero. 

274 London, 4 September 1769 

years. 6 1 lie under many obligations to him, as he took a great concern 
about me when I was a very idle, impetuous young fellow, and had 
me often in his house in the kindest manner. So I was happy to meet 
with him, and promised to come and dine with him without cere- 
mony, when I was not engaged. I then called on Mr. Thomas Davies, 
bookseller, whom I must always remember as the man who made me 
acquainted with Mr. Samuel Johnson. He is a very good kind of man 
himself, and has been long my acquaintance. He told me that Mr. 
Berenger, the Master of Horse, who it seems is mighty delicate and 
polite, said that Mr. Johnson was, in a genteel company, like an ox 
in a china-shop. He overturns everything. I dined at home, and after 
dinner Mr. Dilly and I walked about searching all over the town for 
my necessary accoutrements as a Corsican for the Stratford Jubilee. 
Some I had made on purpose. Others I borrowed. 7 But at last I got 
everything in order, and everything that I wanted went into such 
small bounds that I could carry the whole in my travelling-bag, ex- 
cept my musket and staff. I met by chance with a most curious staff 
in a shop in Cheapside: a very handsome vine with the root upper- 
most, and upon it a bird, very well carved. I paid six shillings for it. 
After I had bought it, I told the master of the shop, "Why, Sir, this 
vine is worth any money. It is a Jubilee staff. That bird is the bird of 
Avon." I supped quietly at home. 8 

TUESDAY 5 SEPTEMBER. I set out at seven in the Oxford fly, 
having for my companions a tradesman of Oxford, brother to Fletcher 
the bookseller in St. Paul's Churchyard, a cook-maid going home to 
Lord Harcourt, and the nurse of some nobleman's child, carrying it 
in her lap. We were all quiet, obliging, good-humoured people. We 
breakfasted at Slough. At Maidenhead the nurse left us. We jogged 
along. But I cannot say anything either instructive or entertaining 
passed. We dined at Henley, where we were joined as messmate by a 
brisk lawyer's clerk. We got to Oxford about six. I put up at the Angel 

6 Probably not since the spring of 1763. 

7 He had brought a native costume back with him, as he says in Corsica, but had 
left it in Edinburgh. 

8 The Memorandum for this date adds: "M. the guardian angel to heaven in 
her arms." 

Oxford., 5 September 1 769 275 

The grandeur and solemnity of Oxford as a literary retreat always 
fills me with agreeable reverence. But it makes my heart sore too, for 
it recalls the memory of Sir James Macdonald. I may add, too, the 
memory of Frank Stewart. 9 Last time I was at Oxford he supped with 
me, along with Mr. Samuel Johnson and Mr. Chambers, the Vinerian 
Professor, in the very room where I now sat. My intention was to go 
on a stage or two this night towards Stratford, to be ready to get up to 
the Jubilee next morning. But finding myself in remarkably good 
spirits, I sat down and wrote letters to my dearest love, to Mr. Samuel 
Johnson at Brighton, and to my cousin, Mr. Bosville of Yorkshire. I 
drank some coffee, and then sent for Mr. Mickle, corrector of the 
Clarendon Press, author of The Concubine, a Poem in the Manner of 
Spenser, beautifully describing the fatal effects of licentious passion, 
as also author of Chateaubriant, a Tragedy, which he sent to me 
to read, and which I had recommended to Mr. Garrick. 1 1 found my- 
self appearing to great advantage before this poet, who, though of a 
superior genius in my opinion as a bard, was awkward in conversa- 
tion. It however pleased me to find him a sincere believer in religion. 

I had a fine thought in a letter to Miss Montgomerie tonight. "Let 
us not," said I, "have much concern about settlements. In contracting 
and binding two lovers, the elegant passion is often destroyed; just as 
we have seen a bunch of flowers, of roses, jessamine, and honeysuckle, 
lose their flavour in being tied together." The thought is pretty, and 
is better expressed in my letter, if I could recollect it. It is amazing 
how much of sentiment consists in expression. Nothing but hard sci- 
ence remains the same when put in different words. 

Mr. Mickle supped with me, and a little before twelve I set out 
in a post-chaise alone for Stratford, not having been able to find an 
idle scholar in all the university to accompany me. They were all 
gone already. It was very dark, and I was afraid both of being robbed 
and being overturned, so could not sleep. 2 

9 Frank Stewart had died at Rheims in October 1768. 

1 Garrick rejected it, to Mickle's rage, and it was never produced. It was printed 
in 1794, after Mickle's death, under the title, The Siege of Marseilles. 

2 Half a leaf of the manuscript has been cut away. When the narrative is resumed 
Boswell has digressed to give an account of a visit to u an old dallying compan- 
ion," Miss Reynolds, who during one of his earlier sojourns in the metropolis 
had impressed him by her generosity. 

276 Oxford, 5 September 1769 

. . . for, after having given her genteelly for some amorous inter- 
views, I pretended that I had spent all my money. "My dear,' 7 said I, 
"such is my situation. I gave you when I had money. Now, when I 
have none, will you favour me with your company? I can hardly ask 
such a {thing, much as) I (wish) to try." She . . , 3 

. . . tints of delight, I allowed myself no other liberty than once 
drawing my hand gently along her yellow locks. I had my valuable 
spouse ever present before me, and not only my reason but my heart 
and every feeling were even at that moment sensible of her superi- 
ority. I was wholly hers. I told Miss Reynolds with a most engaging 
address, "You are not made for this way of life. You have not the 
qualifications for it, except-, indeed, being very pretty and very agree- 
able. You have not the avarice, the falseness, which is requisite. I 
wish to have you out of it." She promised to me that she would go into 
the millinery business and behave properly. It was curious to see her 
drink. "Sir, I vish" ("wish," according to the true London pronuncia- 
tion) "I vish you all happiness in your new state of life." She asked 
me to come and see her again. But I was determined to let this be my 
last visit. 

And now let me return to my journey to Stratford. Before I got 
to Woodstock I had, from an over-caution, put my watch in one pocket 
of the chaise, my purse in another, and my pocket-book in another. I 
thought I had taken them all out again. But when I was three miles 
beyond Chapel House, the next stage, I missed my pocket-book, in 
which I had several papers, particularly the most valuable letter of 
my valuable friend. I was in great uneasiness. First I thought of send- 
ing back an express for it. But rny anxiety made me take fresh chaise 
and horses and return myself. I thought most fervently of my dearest 
all the way, which kept up rny spirits. I imagined I should be obliged 
to go all the way to Oxford, as the chaise from that place, in which 
was my pocket-book, must be gone back, I was beginning to fret. But 
at once I turned my mind to philosophical resolution. I know from 
experience how much power we have over our minds. 

3 Two and a half pages of the manuscript have been removed. 

Oxford, 5 September 1769 277 

[Boswell to Margaret Montgomerie] 

Oxford. 5 September 1 769 

MY DEAREST LIFE, My last was not half an answer to yours. 
You quite overpower me with goodness. What return can I make for 
the beautiful sentiments of sincere regard which your last contains? 
Indeed, my dear friend, my only uneasiness now proceeds from mel- 
ancholy fears, at times, that this happiness is too great to last long in 
human life, and an anxiety lest you should really imagine that I am 
not sufficiently sensible of what I owe to you. There is the most re- 
fined delicacy in your manner of expressing a doubt that my affection 
is not so strong as yours, because I can go at such a distance from you 
with so much ease. This would strike most people. But be assured, my 
dear Peggie, it is not a just conclusion. Consider that it was absolutely 
necessary for me to go to London, and a journey which appears long 
to you cannot affect in the same manner one who has travelled so 
much as I have done. And, since I am upon this subject, believe me, 
my going to Shakespeare's Jubilee, and wishing to see many friends 
and enjoy many amusements, ought not to be interpreted as marks of 
indifference. I am forwarding the recovery of my health; I am ac- 
quiring an additional stock of ideas with which to entertain you. I 
am dissipating melancholy clouds, and filling my mind with fine, 
cheerful spirits. 

You are, however, my constant object. What we read in the old 
romances is realized in me. Upon honour, my dearest life, I just adore 
you. I doubt if the style in which you found me when last at Lainshaw 
be altogether natural to me. I hope it shall be so from custom. I am at 
present the most sober, amiable, polite man that you can imagine. I 
am quite pleased with myself, and see the justness of your being 
raised in your own opinion, by thinking that you are the person whom 
such a man prefers to all the world besides. I give you my word, your 
attachment has that effect upon me. Let us be mutually happy in 
thinking how much each contributes to make the other so. You have 
no occasion to fear Yorkshire. 4 I am positive absolutely certain 

4 Not clear. Elizabeth Diana Bosville had married Sir Alexander Macdonald 
more than a year before this. Godfrey Bosville had another daughter, Julia 
(later Lady Dudley and Ward), but she was only fifteen at the time, and is no- 
where mentioned in the Journal as a matrimonial possibility. 

2 78 Oxford, 5 September 1 769 

that my constancy to you is invariable. I now believe the doctrine I 
have often heard, that we can be in love but once; for I never before 
felt what I feel now. I took the liberty to show my friend Dempster 
your noble, generous letter accepting of my terms. He said it was the 
finest letter he had ever read, and with the greatest warmth he re- 
joices at our being to be united. He gives me franks for you, and he 
says very pleasantly that, next to seeing my face, you will be happy 
to see his hand. 

I left London this morning and came in the post-coach to this 
venerable seat of learning, on my road to Stratford. The Jubilee be- 
gins tomorrow. I have forty miles yet to go. So I take a post-chaise at 
every stage, and well wrapped up in a greatcoat I travel all night 
asleep; and shall be at Shakespeare's birth-place tomorrow morning 
early, and put myself under the tuition of Mr. Garrick, who is stew- 
ard of the Jubilee. I believe you and I differ as to shows and grand oc- 
casions. This Jubilee, which makes all my veins glow, will make little 
impression on you. I shall not therefore insist much upon that topic, 
but leave you to the newspapers for information, I have engaged to 
Dempster not to describe myself there, and yet I could hold any sum 
that other people will; for I assure you my Corsican dress will make 
a fine, striking appearance. 5 My gun slung across my shoulder, my 
pistol at one side and stiletto at another, with my bonnet or kind of 
short grenadier cap, black, with Viva la Liberia (that is, "Long live 
liberty," or, as the English say, "Liberty for ever") embroidered upon 
its front in letters of gold, will attract much notice. I have that kind 
of weakness that, when I looked at myself in the glass last night in 
my Corsican dress, I could not help thinking your opinion of yourself 
might be still more raised: "She has secured the constant affection 
and admiration of so fine a fellow." Do you know, I cannot think 
there is any harm in such a kind of weakness or vanity, when a man 
is sensible of it and it has no great effect upon him. It enlivens me and 
increases my good humour. 

Donaldson, who was formerly at Edinburgh, is now an esteemed 
miniature painter in London. I was fairly set down to him since I 
came up. But difficulties occurred which your ladyship must be 
pleased to settle. Do you choose the size to be for a bracelet or for 
5 He broke his promise or got Dempster to release Mm from it. 

Oxford., 5 September 1769 279 

hanging at your watch? What clothes do you choose? Shall my hair 
be powdered or not? 

I beg to know if I should not get Lady Margaret Macdonald to 
choose a marriage gown for you. Might you not have a silver stuff? 
You know it must be white. Or do you really prefer a plain white? 
Write me as to this. You know you and I are not to be tied down to the 
ordinary rules and ceremonies. 

I am delighted with the pious strain of your letters. I hope we 
shall be truly happy together in devotion. I bless the memory of my 
valuable mother, who gave me impressions of religion which I shall 
ever retain, and which I flatter myself shall henceforth have a con- 
stant influence on my conduct. Between ourselves, the Church of Eng- 
land worship is infinitely superior to our Presbyterian method. I at 
present have my mind raised to heaven by the grand churches, noble 
organs, and solemn service of the churches around me. Our Jubilee 
tomorrow begins with an oratorio in the church, which will give me 
great satisfaction. I am just now expecting a very ingenious gentle- 
man, here, the author of a tragedy which I have recommended to Mr. 
Garrick. I never saw the gentleman, but he corresponds with me. I 
must entertain him for an hour, and then set out. So, my dear, dear 
Peggie, farewell for this night, and may God bless and preserve you 
to your ever grateful, affectionate, and constant 


My compliments to all at Lainshaw. What says the Captain to 
us? I cannot omit giving you a simile which occurred to me when 
travelling in the coach this afternoon. Love such as ours is of a most 
delicate nature. In treating and settling and binding, it might be 
destroyed, just as you have observed a fine bunch of flowers roses, 
jessamine, and honeysuckle lose their flavour by being handled 
too much in tying them together. 

WEDNESDAY 6 SEPTEMBER. When I arrived at Woodstock, the 
landlord had my pocket-book for me. I was comforted and happy, I 
took breakfast, it being near six in the morning. But I was now in a 
new difficulty. Such crowds had passed that there was no post-chaise 
to be had. Here then was I, on the very morning of the Jubilee, in 
danger of not getting to it in time. I became very impatient, so hired 
a couple of horses and off I set, the postilion carrying part of my bag- 

280 Woodstock, 6 September 1769 

gage and myself the rest. I had no boots, and only a short greatcoat 
which I had borrowed of a postilion, and it rained pretty thick. I was 
really distressed, and the fear that my health would suffer made me 
worse. However, at the end of six miles, I found a post-chaise into 
which I got directly, and partly by threatenings, partly by promises, 
prevailed on the post-boys to drive fast, and arrived at Stratford be- 
tween twelve and one. The first view of the Avon and of the town 
where Shakespeare was born gave me those feelings which men of 
enthusiasm have on seeing remarkable places. Cicero had them when 
he walked at Athens. 6 

I went to Mr. Payton's at the Red Lion, the great inn here. 7 There 
was no room, but one of the maids pointed me out an old woman 
called Mrs. Harris, who had a house just by, directly opposite to 
Shakespeare's house; and she let me have a tolerable old-fashioned 
room with a neat, clean bed at a guinea a night, the stated Jubilee 
grice for beds. 

Having fixed this point, I went immediately to the great church. 8 
It was surrounded by a crowd of people; and, as objects anyhow sim- 
ilar call up similar circumstances, I could not help thinking of the 
Monday's meeting after giving the sacrament in a country church in 
Scotland. I was exceedingly dirty; my hair hung wet about my ears; 
my black suit and the postilion's grey duffle above it, several inches 
too short every way, made a very strange appearance. I could observe 
people getting together and whispering about me, for the church was 
full of well-dressed people. At last Mr. Garrick observed me. We first 
made an attitude to each other and then cordially shook hands. I gave 
him a line I had written to let him know I was incognito, as I wished 
to appear in the Corsican dress for the first time they should know me. 
Many of those who had stared, seeing that I was intimate with the 
steward of the Jubilee, came up to him and asked who I was. He 
answered, "A clergyman in disguise." To see a noble band of the first 
musicians from London with Dr. Arne at their head, Mr. Garrick, a 

6 Probably Boswell refers to De finibus, v. i. 

7 Rather the White Lion. Payton became notorious for his exorbitant charges 
during the Jubilee. It cost those resident in the inn a shilling to use the outhouse, 
and those who were not resident eighteen pence. 

8 Dr. Arne's oratorio, Judith^ was being given there. 

David Garrick (1717-1779) as Steward of the Stratford Jubilee, September 

1769, from a mezzotint in the Theatre Collection of the Harvard College 

Library, by Joseph Saunders after Benjamin Van der Gucht 

Stratford, 6 September 1769 281 

number of nobility and gentry and of the learned and ingenious as- 
sembled to do honour to Shakespeare in his native place, gave me 
much satisfaction. 

As for a description of the Jubilee, I must refer to a letter which 
I have written upon the subject in The Public Advertiser of Saturday, 
September 1 6th. 9 1 here mention what was particular to myself. I met 
several acquaintances before I was aware: two Mr. Swintons from 
Scotland, Mr. Love, Mr. Lee. Mr. Victor, Mr. Richardson, printer. At 
dinner in the amphitheatre, I found my old brother soaper, 1 Dr. Ber- 
keley, who introduced me into a party where he was. It consisted of 
several ladies and gentlemen. A Mrs. Sheldon, an Irish lady, wife of 
Captain Sheldon, a most agreeable little woman, pleased me most. I 
got into great spirits. I paid her particular attention. I began to imag- 
ine that she was stealing me from my valuable spouse. I was most 
unhappy from this imagination. I rose and went near the orchestra, 
and looked steadfastly at that beautiful, insinuating creature, Mrs. 
Baddeley of Drury Lane, 2 and in an instant Mrs. Sheldon was effaced. 
I then saw that what I feared was love was in reality nothing more 
than transient liking. It had no interference with my noble attach- 
ment. It was such a momentary diversion from it as the sound of a 
flageolet in my ear, a gay colour glancing from a prism before my 
eye, or any other pleasing sensation. However, the fear I had put my- 
self in made me melancholy. I had been like a timorous man in a post- 
chaise, who, when a wagon is passing near it, imagines that it is to 
crush it; and I did not soon recover the shock. My having had no 
sleep all night, travelled in the rain., and suffered anxiety on account 
of my pocket-book, no doubt contributed to my uneasiness. I recol- 
lected my former inconstancy, my vicious profligacy, my feverish 

9 It is more accessible in The London Magazine for September 1769, which 
reprinted it together with u an account of the armed Corsican chief at the 
masquerade at Shakespeare's Jubilee." 

1 That is, a member of the Soaping Club, a jovial Edinburgh society founded bv 
Boswell on his return from London in 1760. 

2 Actress and singer, she was the rage of fashionable London. Her acting of 
Fanny in Garrick and Colman's Clandestine Marriage so delighted George III 
and Queen Charlotte that they ordered her painted by Zoffany in the character. 
In later years she became addicted to laudanum, and died poor and wretched in 
Edinburgh in 1786. 

282 Stratford, 6 September 1769 

gallantry, and I was terrified that I might lose my divine passion for 
Margaret, in which case I am sure I would suffer more than she. I 
prayed devoutly to heaven to preserve me from such a misfortune, 
and became easier, 

My friend, Mr. Ross of the Edinburgh Theatre, was here. He and 
Mrs. Ross had come up on purpose. I drank tea with them, and there I 
got acquainted with Mr. King, the comedian, and his wife. King 
seemed a genteel, agreeable man. I went to the ball tonight just to see 
how the company looked when dressed, and to be able to tell that I 
had been there. I was so sleepy that I could hardly stand upon my feet, 
so I went home and went to bed immediately. My landlady got me 
warm negus, and seemed to be a good, motherly woman, I told her 
that perhaps I might retire from the world and just come and live in 
my room at Stratford. 

THURSDAY j SEPTEMBER. I dined with Messrs. Ross and King- 
quietly and comfortably. After dinner in came Mr. Richard Baldwin 
of London, bookseller, in immense spirits. He told us that he would 
soon have The Public Advertiser worth 2000 a year, and was quite 
heroic as a publisher. Mr. and Mrs. Ross and I went to his lodgings to 
drink tea. His wife was really a grave, sensible, well-behaved woman, 
and his daughter took after the mother. 

This was the night of the ball in mask, when I was to appear as a 
Corsican chief. I had begun some verses for the Jubilee in that char- 
acter but could not finish them. I was quite impatient. I went home 
and forced myself to exertion, and at last finished what I intended. I 
then ran to Garrick, read them to him, and found him much pleased. 
He said the passage as to himself: 

Had Garrick, who Dame Nature's pencil stole, 
Just where old Shakespeare dropped it, &c., 

was both a fine poetical image and a fine compliment. There was a 
fellow called Fulke Weale here, who advertised "printing at an hour's 
notice," I suppose taking it for granted that Stratford would produce 
a general poetical inspiration, which would exert itself every hour. 
To him I went. But Mr. Angelo's fireworks turned his head, and made 
him idle. He preferred them to all poetical fire. I then went to the 
bookseller and printer of the place, Mr. Keating. He had a lad from 

Stratford, 7 September 1769 283 

Baskerville's at Birmingham, of Scots extraction, his name Shank. I 
found him a clever, active fellow, and set him to work directly. He 
brought me a proof to the masquerade ball about two in the morning. 
But could not get my verses thrown off in time for me to give them 
about in my Corsican dress. 

I was quite happy at the masquerade. I had been at a public break- 
fast in the town hall, and had tea made for me by my pretty Irish 
lady, who no longer disturbed me. Tonight she did me the favour to 
dance with me a minuet while I was in complete armour, 3 and, when 
I laid aside my arms, a country dance. I got acquainted with Mr. 
Murphy, Mr. Colman, Mr. Kelly, Mr. Foote at this Jubilee; 4 also with 
Mr. Solicitor Dagge and many others. My Corsican dress attracted 
everybody. I was as much a favourite as I could desire. 5 1 had been in 
the morning to wait on Mr. Garrick. He lived at Mr. Hunt's, the town 
clerk, to whom he introduced me. Mr. Hunt seemed a jolly, sagacious 
lawyer, and had an admirable house. I pleased myself with a variety 
of ideas with regard to the Jubilee, peculiar to my own mind. I was 
like a Frenchman at an ordinary, who takes out of his pocket a box of 
pepper and other spices., and seasons a dish in his own way. 

FRIDAY 8 SEPTEMBER. We did not get home, many of us, till 
past six in the morning. I got about three hours' sleep. Then rose and 
called at Baldwin's, where I had some breakfast. The true nature of 
human life began now to appear. After the joy of the Jubilee came the 
uneasy reflection that I was in a little village in wet weather and knew 
not how to get away, for all the post-chaises were bespoke, I don't 
know how many times over, by different companies. We were like a 
crowd in a theatre. It was impossible we could all go at a time. I first 
thought of going to Birmingham with Ross, which, though above 
twenty miles out of rny way, was the speediest, if not the shortest, way 
to London, as I could there get carriages enough. But Baldwin found 
for me a gentleman originally from Scotland, a kind of genius and 
patriot. Sir Andrew Chadwick designs him in his will "honest Scott" 

3 That is, with Ms musket, stiletto, and pistols, 

4 All these men were well-known dramatists; Foote was also a celebrated mimic. 
E As Boswell modestly reported in The London Magazine, "The novelty of the 
Corsican dress, its becoming appearance, and the character of that brave nation 
concurred to distinguish the armed Corsican chief." 

284 Stratford, 8 September 1 769 

and leaves him three thousand pounds. He had here a chaise from 

London to himself, and politely offered me a seat in it next morning. 

I sauntered about till about two, when I went into Payton's public 
room to have some dinner. At a table by themselves sat two gentlemen 
who seemed to know me. I asked them if I could have anything to eat. 
They asked me to sit down with them; I did so. They were both Lich- 
field men. The one, Mr. Bailye, a middle-aged gentleman who had 
been at school with Garrick and knew Mr. Samuel Johnson well. The 
other, Lieutenant Vyse of Sir Joseph Yorke's Dragoons, who also knew 
Mr. Johnson, being the son of a clergyman in Lichfield in whose fam- 
ily my revered friend is intimate. They both named me, and we dined 
very agreeably together. It is fine to have such a character as I have. 
I enjoy it much. 

I then took the parish clerk and went into the great church, and 
viewed calmly and solemnly the tomb of Shakespeare. His wife lies 
buried beside him. I observed with pleasure that she was seven years 
older than he, for it has been objected that my valuable spouse is a 
little older than I am. I read with much satisfaction a monumental 
inscription to the memory of Samuel Walford (I think, as I had 
neither pen nor pencil), "who, after many years spent in trade, re- 
tired to think of eternity." 6 This is just my system. I have mentioned 
it in my Account of Corsica on the subject of convents. 

I began to think that honest Scott, who seemed to be very dissi- 
pated, would not be the best travelling companion for me. Mr. Rich- 
ardson, the printer, and a Captain Johnston of an Indiaman, had also 
a chaise. I drank tea with them, and we agreed to go all three to- 
gether, which was a more comfortable plan for me. I went to Mr. Gar- 
rick and gave him a parcel of my Verses. 7 He read them to rne in such 
a manner that I was quite elated. They seemed admirable. My money 
had run short. So I asked him to let me have five guineas. He told me 
his brother George had taken almost all he had from him. "Come, 
come," said I, u that won't do. Five guineas I must have, and you must 
find them for me." I saw very well that he was not making any serious 

6 A good opportunity to test Boswell's memory. Samuel Walford, "after many 
years employed in trade, retired to prepare for eternity." Boswell was writing 
at least eight days later (see the reference to The Public Advertiser of 16 Septem- 
ber in the entry for 6 September) . 

7 His Verses in the Character of a Corsican. They are printed in Appendix A. 

Stratford, 8 September 1769 285 

difficulty. "Well," said he, "you are right, you are a stranger. I must 
get you them." So he run to Mrs. Garrick, and brought me them. I 
went to bed in good time. 

SATURDAY Q SEPTEMBER. I left an apology to honest Scott 
that, as I was in a hurry to get to town, I had set out. About five 
o'clock we left Stratford., much consoled by comparing our situation 
with that of such as were left. We had a London chaise which had 
come down here, and we agreed to take it all the way. It seemed very 
tedious. But luckily for us, the chaise was in such bad condition that 
we had a just plea to get rid of it at Oxford. The driver too was a surly 
dog. He stopped us at a village near half an hour to get a wheel 
mended, and then swore we had not been kept above five minutes. My 
companions scolded him to good purpose. Richardson said his meas- 
urement of time was such that he might make hour-glasses to the 
Patagonians, a droll fancy, as if the time of these people were in pro- 
portion to the size of their bodies. We breakfasted at Chapel House, 
and got to Oxford to dinner. I sent for Mr. Mickle, who came and sat 
a while with me; and then he and I paid a visit to Dr. Smith, my old 
acquaintance. It was very agreeable to see a Maybole man a professor 
at Oxford. We took a post-chaise and drove to Benson, where we stayed 
all night. 

SUNDAY 10 SEPTEMBER. We reposed well here, and after tak- 
ing a comfortable breakfast drove on. It is not right to travel on Sun- 
day. I very seldom do it. We were amused with Captain Johnston 
speaking such broken English as the Chinese do. He told us a China- 
man at Canton showed him Wilkes's head in china, and said, a He 
knockifar your king. Your king fooly king. Do so here, cutty head. 
Inglis no love your king; Cots (Scots) love your king." It is curious 
that people at such a distance can understand so much of the minutiae 
of Britain. We dined at Salthill. 

Colman and Lacy of Drury Lane were there. I walked a little with 
Colman in the garden, and asked him if he would bring on a comedy 
written in Scotland which I had read, and which was then lying with 
him. He said no. It would not do. There was very good sense in it. But 
it would not bear representation. He said it was with writers of plays 
as with players: many of lesser sense will please when those of greater 
sense fail. There is a particular knack necessary. 

286 Hounslow, 10 September 1769 

We stopped at Hounslow and had coffee and tea. Captain Johnston 
was born at Dumfries, but had not been in Scotland for a vast many 
years, and had acquired the true English oddity. He said he should 
find nobody in London on a Sunday, and therefore he would stay a 
couple of hours at Hounslow, and take a chaise and drive in at night. 
A true John Bull scheme. Surely he would tire as much at Hounslow, 
one should think, as in London. We persuaded him off his project, and 
came all to town together. I found at Mr. Billy's two French transla- 
tions of my Account of Corsica. One of them had come consigned to 
Mr. Wilkes, who sent me many compliments. I had a desire to visit 
the pleasant fellow, but thought it might hurt me essentially. 8 The 
translations of my book flattered my vanity. It is a curious sensation 
one has from reading one's own composition when put in a foreign 
dress. 9 

MONDAY 11 SEPTEMBER. I hastened to my friend Dempster' s, 
and found excellent letters from my valuable friend. We breakfasted 
agreeably. I was finding fault with John Home, and regretting that 
an ingenious and really a good man should be such a coxcomb. 1 
Dempster said it was not to be regretted. It was John's distinguishing 
characteristic. "Every man," said he, "carries his flag, like the ships 
of different nations. Foppery is John Home's flag." A lively thought. 
He and I went and called on Sir John Pringle. I cannot say anything 
passed but the weather and the Russian fleet. 2 

I called on Dr. Kennedy, and this night I began to take the Lisbon 
Diet Drink. 3 I called on my fellow-traveller, Mr. Kinloch, but did not 

8 Wilkes was in jail. After his election from Middlesex, he surrendered on the 
decree against him of outlawry that had been passed in 1764, and was committed 
to prison. The Court of King's Bench reversed the outlawry, but fined him 1000 
and sentenced him to nearly two years' imprisonment on his prior convictions. 
The House of Commons expelled him three times, and finally declared a Court 
tool elected in his place. He remained in prison until 17 April 1770. 

9 On 4 October he made a note to "write letter against" one of them (that by 
J. P. I. Dubois), probably because he had found that it was an abridgement. 

1 Author of the noted neo-classical tragedy, Douglas. Formerly a minister in 
the Church of Scotland, he had been secretary to Lord Bute and tutor to George 
III while Prince of Wales. 

2 Russia and Turkey were at war. A Russian fleet headed for Constantinople was 
expected at Spithead, where it arrived near the end of the month. 

3 Dr. Kennedy's nostrum. (He had been for many years physician to the British 
Factory at Lisbon.) Its virtues are thus extolled in a contemporary advertise- 

London, 11 September 1769 287 

find him. I received a noble letter from Mr. Samuel Johnson, then at 
Brighton, containing both warmth of friendship and admirable praise 
of my Tour to Corsica. It set me high. I dined at Mr. Dilly's. Dr. Daw- 
son, a physician, a great man for the reigning notions of liberty and 
for the dissenting kind of religion, dined with us. I went to Foote's 
theatre in the Haymarket, and saw Sheridan play Brutus. One of the 
players, I forget his name, I shall call him Carey, was always laugh- 
ing. Many people around me grumbled, but did no more. "Come," 
said I, "I'll stop him." So, as he was going off, I called quite out, 
"Carey, you rascal, what do you laugh for?" This made him as grave 
and serious as a bishop. The people around thought me a great man. 
"I'll tell you," said I, "if he had continued to laugh, I would have 
catched hold of the spikes, jumped upon the stage, and beat him with 
my stick before the audience." This made me appear as great as 
Brutus himself. So easily is momentary admiration to be gained, and 
so wonderfully inclined am I to be a London playhouse buck. 

[Received 1 1 September, Johnson to Boswell] 4 

Brighton, 9 September 1 769 

DEAR SIR, Why do you charge me with unkindness? I have 
omitted nothing that could do you good or give you pleasure, unless 
it be that I have forborne to tell you my opinion of your Account of 
Corsica* I believe my opinion, if you think well of my judgment, 

fnent (Public Advertiser, 7 October 1769): "The Lisbon Diet Drink, so well 
known to people of the highest rank for many years in curing every species of 
the scurvy, even to that of a leprosy. It acts as an alterative, and answers every 
intention of a benign salivation, without the least confinement or hurt to the 
most delicate constitution. Also those who have been injured by a certain dis- 
order, and brought almost to a total weakness, will find this the greatest restora- 
tive in nature. . . . This solution is more pleasant to the taste, will keep longer, 
and may be sent to any part of the kingdom put up in pint bottles, with printed 
directions, at half a guinea each. To be had at Mr. Woodcock's, perfumer, in 
Orange Street, Red Lion Square, and nowhere else." 

4 Printed in The Life of Johnson. 

5 Actually Johnson had already expressed his opinion of Corsica (see entry for 2 
May 1768). Geoffrey Scott suggested that Boswell suppressed this earlier con- 
versation in The Life of Johnson because he wanted Johnson's later written 
praise to appear with the greatest possible effect. 

288 London, 11 September 1769 

might have given you pleasure; but when it is considered how much 
vanity is excited by praise, I am not sure that it would have done you 
good. Your History is like other histories^ but your Journal is in a very 
high degree curious and delightful. There is between the History and 
the Journal that difference which there will always be found between 
notions borrowed from without and notions generated within. Your 
History was copied from books; your Journal rose out of your own ex- 
perience and observation. You express images which operated strong- 
ly upon yourself, and you have impressed them with great force upon 
your readers. I know not whether I could name any narrative by 
which curiosity is better excited or better gratified. 

I am glad that you are going to be married; and as I wish you well 
in things of less importance, wish you well with proportionate ardour 
in this crisis of your life. What I can contribute to your happiness, I 
should be very unwilling to withhold; for I have always loved and 
valued you, and shall love you and value you still more as you become 
more regular and useful: effects which a happy marriage will hardly 
fail to produce. 

I do not find that I am likely to come back very soon from this 
place. I shall, perhaps, stay a fortnight longer; arid a fortnight is a 
long time to a lover absent from his mistress. Would a fortnight ever 
have an end? I am, dear Sir, your most affectionate, humble servant, 


TUESDAY 12 SEPTEMBER, I dined at Mr. Harris's. I observed 
that the petitioners to His Majesty at this season of opposition, when 
they tried to appear sensible amidst their madness, were like a 
drunken man trying to seem very grave and rational. Between five 
and six I came home and stood to have a drawing of me, as the armed 
Corsican chief at Stratford, taken by Mr. Wale. 7 It was pleasing to 

6 The controversy over Wilkes's status had given rise to numerous petitions list- 
ing grievances against the Ministry and urging the dissolution of Parliament. 

7 Wale's sketch (which may have been a work of some distinction) is not known 
to have survived. An uninspired engraving from it by J. Miller (see the entry 
for 23 September) appeared in The London Magazine for this month accom- 
panying Boswell's letter and essay (see p. 281 n.g). It is not a good likeness, and 
has been so much hackneyed by reproduction that we have ventured to exclude 
it from our list of illustrations, A re-drawn version of it appears on the spine of 
the dust jacket. 

London, 12 September 1769 289 

think that I was at that moment getting my figure done in London, to 
be engraved for four thousand London Magazines. 

WEDNESDAY 13 SEPTEMBER. I breakfasted with Dempster. 
He was reading Carter's Epictetus, and he spoke much in praise of 
Stoicism. I said, "We should only have a little of it." "True," said he, 
"a man should have it like a box of Cayenne pepper. It is the best 
seasoner in the world." Mr. Kinloch went with me to the Old Bailey, 
where I heard two women tried for theft and found guilty. Justice is 
administered here very quickly, but I believe very fairly. I dined at 
Mr. Billy's, and after dinner he and I went and saw the Bank of Eng- 
land, the grandeur and elegance of which filled me with noble ideas. 
The number, too, of the books and papers gave me great satisfaction, 
to see with "what order and exactness the greatest multiplicity of af- 
fairs may be conducted. 

Mr. Samuel Vaughan, who had been one of the most zealous 
friends of the Corsicans in promoting the contribution for them, had 
called several times on me, and I on him at his town house. 8 Mr. Dilly 
and I this afternoon took the Hackney stage and went to see him there. 
He was at this time under a cloud, having offered 5000 to the Duke 
of Grafton to procure a place to his son. He was writing his defence. 
So we found him in his nightcap. He chanced to let it fall. I lifted it. 
He made an apology. "Sir," said I, smiling, "it is the cap of liberty." 
He lived in noble apartments in the house which formerly belonged 
to the noted Ward, mentioned by Pope: 

To Ward, to Waters, Chartres, or the Devil. 9 

(Sir John Pringle sarcastically observed that the house had good luck 
as to inhabitants; and when I said I had heard that Mr. Vaughan was 
truly a worthy, generous man, "True," said Dr. Franklin, "he was 
very generous to the Duke of Grafton.") 1 Mr. Vaughan seemed not a 
little confused and awkward. He was engaged to tea at Dr. Dawson's 

8 Vaughan, a wealthy West-Indian merchant, was an ardent Wilkesite and 
"American": in 1785 he presented Washington with the elaborately carved 
Italian mantelpiece still to be seen in the banquet room at Mount Vernon. 

9 Moral Essays, iii. 20 ("or" for "and"). 

1 Benjamin Franklin. These remarks were probably made on 15 September (see 
end of entry for that day). 

290 Hackney., 13 September 1769 

just by. So we went there. It was tiresome enough. But it did not last 
long. Mr. Dilly and I returned quietly home. 

THURSDAY 14 SEPTEMBER. Dempster called on me and car- 
ried me with him to the India House, where I heard some debates on 
sending the supervisors to India, and felt that I could debate there too 
if I were a proprietor. I was happy to hear Dempster doing very well. 
I was here till near five. It was grand to think that these people here 
in London had power over immense countries at so great a distance. I 
eat a beefsteak at Dolly's. 

I then called on Dr. Kennedy. Found he was a gaping babbler. I 
had no trust to his head, but made use of him as an engine to play 
upon and extinguish fire, which his decoction certainly does. I was 
uneasy, and already impatient to see some effect. I had heard that 
Colin Campbell, the advocate, who was now going to Grenada, had 
received much benefit from Kennedy. I called on him at his lodgings 
in Devereux Court. But he was in the Temple at Mr. Irving's, late of 
Auchinbedrig, a solicitor here. I went there and was introduced to 
Mr. Irving, whom I found to be an agreeable and a sensible man, 
who brought Scotch ideas fully into London. Colin assured me that 
after spending above 300 on his cure at Edinburgh in vain, Kennedy 
had cured him in a very few weeks; and he told me Duncan Forbes, 
surgeon to the Horse Guards, had gone with him to Kennedy. This 
comforted me. For it makes a great odds when one has the aid of a 
regular practitioner whom one knows. 

FRIDAY 15 SEPTEMBER. I breakfasted with Mr. Forbes. His 
firm tone and rough animal spirits raised mine. He was very candid. 
He said different kinds of medicines would be effectual on different 
constitutions and at different times. That it was needless to argue 
against facts. That he had known very desperate cases cured by Ken- 
nedy's Diet Drink. That I was pursuing a very safe course; that he 
approved of it, would superintend my cure, and would go with me to 
Kennedy's. This made me very easy. 

I called on Mr. Sheridan. His astonishing vanity made me won- 
der. But his knowledge and talents pleased me. He complained that 
our present system of education is too general, and does not fit a young 
man for any one state, of life. That it was as if people should read lec- 
tures upon the human frame to a young man, and then bid him go 

London, 15 September 1769 291 

and make a statue. I met Mr. Forbes at Mr. Colin Campbell's, and he 
and I went to Kennedy's and had the form of a consultation. 

I then dined quietly at home with Mr. Charles Dilly, after which 

1 went to call on my cousin, Mr. Charles Boswell. He is a younger son 
of the late David Boswell of Craigston, whose father was Mungo Bos- 
well, son to John Boswell of Auchinleck by a second marriage with 
the daughter of Stewart, Lord Ochiltree. 2 Charles was upon the expe- 
dition to Cartagena with Lord Cathcart, as a surgeon. 3 On his return 
he was very poor, and his relations in Scotland were not kind to him. 
He then went to Jamaica, and afterwards was a lieutenant in a regi- 
ment in Britain for several years. He went back again to Jamaica, got 
the care of several plantations, and made a great deal of money. He 
had not been in Scotland for thirty years. He came to England above 
a year ago. His relations, who had heard nothing certain of him for 
many years, were extremely curious to know all about him when it 
appeared that he was very rich. His brother John, and his nephews 
Hallglenmuir and Knockroon, came up and saw him. 4 1 wrote to him 
on hearing that he was a zealous friend both to the Corsicans and to 
Douglas. His answer to my letter showed a proper feeling of the neg- 
lect he had formerly experienced, and a strong regard for me. "My 
heart warms to such a man," were his words. He had called on me 
this forenoon. I wished to show him my eagerness to meet him. So 
went, as soon as I could, to his house in Newman Street, Oxford Road. 
He was not at home. So I left a card with my name. The maid ran 
after me, and told me that her mistress was at home and begged to 
see me. I knew he had a lady who had lived with him for several 

2 This genealogy is far from accurate. The Boswells of Craigston derived from 
the first marriage of John Boswell of Auchinleck, and there was at least one 
more generation in the descent. Though loyalty to the Family of Auchinleck 
was one of the main passions of BoswelFs being, he was always very vague and 
hazy as to the details of his family history. His father and grandfather, though 
less enthusiastic in their professions, were both precise genealogists. 

3 The British attacked this Spanish possession on the Caribbean in 1741. The at- 
tack was a miserable failure, owing chiefly to poor medical and sanitary arrange- 
ments. Smollett also served on this expedition, and drew on his experiences in 
writing Roderick Random. 

4 John Boswell, younger brother to Charles, had married the heiress of Knock- 
roon, which explains why his son was Knockroon and he was not. 

292 London, 15 September 1769 

years. I returned, and found her to be a comely, sensible, agreeable 
woman, with a modesty and decency of behaviour very different from 
that of a kept mistress, I drank tea with her, and was pleased to find 
that she knew so much of our family. She told me what age I was. It 
gave me concern to think she was not my cousin's wife. It was also 
out of character for a son of Auchinleck to be living in a licentious 
style. 5 1 promised to return to breakfast next morning. 

I called at Sir John Pringle's. I found him and his travelling com- 
panion, Dr. Franklin, sitting playing at chess. 6 Sir John, though a 
most worthy man, has a peculiar, sour manner. Franklin again is all 
jollity and pleasantry. I said to myself, "Here is a fine contrast: acid 
and alkali." I took the warm bath in Newgate Street. 

SATURDAY 1 6 SEPTEMBER. I walked out betimes to visit my 
cousin Charles. I was impatient, curious, and agitated to think of 
meeting for the first time with him. He received me in the passage, 
and I at once saw him to be a son of Thomas Boswell of Auchinleck. 7 
Each of us could perceive a family likeness in the other. He proved to 
be a sensible, plain, well-bred gentleman, very cordial, and very good 
company. I cannot describe what satisfaction I had from seeing a de- 
scendant of our ancient family. We were just like brothers. I told him 
a great deal about Scotland, and he entertained me with telling me a 
great deal about Jamaica. "Come," said he, u will you take pot luck 
with us?" And turning to his mistress, "We are not," said he, "in 
order yet, as we are just got into this house. But I see he's an easy 
man." I was engaged to dinner, but promised to come back and drink 

I observe continually how imperfectly, upon most occasions, 
words preserve our ideas. This interview is but faintly seen in my 
Journal. And all I have said of the Stratford Jubilee is very dim in 
comparison of the scene itself. In description we omit insensibly many 
little touches which give life to objects. With how small a speck does 
a painter give life to an eye! The vivid glances of Garrick's features, 
which cannot be copied in words, will illuminate an extent of sensa- 

5 Charles Boswell married his mistress later in the autumn, perhaps partly 
through Boswell' s urging. 

6 Pringle had travelled with Franklin on the Continent. 

7 First laird of Auchinleck, who died at Flodden Field in 1513. 

London, 16 September 1769 293 

tion, if that term may be used, as a spark from a flint will throw a 
lustre in a dark night for a considerable space around it. 8 Certain 
looks of my dearest life and certain tones of her voice, which I defy all 
the masters of language to show upon paper, have engaged my soul in 
an angelic manner. I find myself ready to write unintelligibly when I 
attempt to give any kind of idea of such subjects. 

I called on Lady Margaret Macdonald, but did not find her at 
home. I then called on Signor Baretti, who had been on a tour through 
Spain, and was employed in preparing for the press four octavo vol- 
umes of his travels, for which he got 500. He was so full of himself, 
and so assuming and really ferocious in his manner, that he disgusted 
me not a little. I then called on Dempster, with whom I sauntered 
about through the new streets round Soho till dinner time. 

I dined with Mr. Sheridan. He had nobody with him but his two 
daughters and two sons, who were surprisingly grown since I saw 
them in 1763, and seemed to be a fine family. 9 Sheridan said he 
thought Dr. Reid of Glasgow's Essay on the Human Mind on the 
Principles of Common Sense a standard book. It gave me satisfaction 
to hear this. For my Lord Marischal lent me it at Berlin soon after it 
came out, and it settled my mind, which had been very uneasy from 
speculations in the abstruse and sceptical style. Sheridan said that 
Reid's book was the most correct of any that North Britain had pro- 
duced, for that he had not found one Scotticism in it. I am amazed this 
book is so little known. Hume has spoiled the taste of this age. Men do 
not wish to be taught sound wisdom and morality. I observed to Mr. 
Sheridan that although my father and I differed a good deal, yet upon 

8 Garrick's powers of expression were famous. Boswell reported in his description 
of the Jubilee in The London Magazine that after Garrick had recked his Dedi- 
cation Ode, Lord Grosvenor "told Mr. Garrick that he had affected his whole 
frame, showing him his veins and nerves still quivering with agitation." 

9 The younger of the sons was the statesman and dramatist, at this time not 
quite eighteen. Anne Elizabeth, the youngest daughter, aged eleven, remem- 
bered this day and told her daughter about it: "In the year 1769, Mrs. H. Lefanu, 
then a child, remembers a thin, eager-looking young man in black who talked a 
great deal about General Paoli. Mr. Sheridan said to him in his good-humoured 
way, 4 I suppose you are in mourning for Corsica?' to which he answered in the 
affirmative. This was James Boswell" (Alicia Lefanu, Memoirs of the Life and 
Writings of Mrs. Frances Sheridan, 1824, pp. 336-337)- 

2 94 London, 16 September 1769 

the whole our system was much the same. That we were like two men 

on horseback who set out from a post at one part of a circle in order to 

reach a post at an opposite part. My father | O | takes the northern and 


rugged side. I again take the southern, gay side. He is very angry to 
see me taking what is seemingly the direct contrary road to his. But if 
he will have patience, he will find us both at the same ending post. In 
the mean time, however, he cries, "It is a strange thing you will not 
come with me," and is very ill pleased. While I cry, "Never mind. 
Let me take my own way. I shall do well enough." 

I called for a quarter of an hour on Dempster, and he and I talked 
of the sarcastical temper of the Scots : how it checked all endeavours at 
excellence, and made people very uneasy. I then drank tea at Charles 
Boswell's. I informed him of my being to be married, and he was very 
glad to hear that I was to be so happy. I then marched home to the 

SUNDAY 17 SEPTEMBER. My illness seemed to go off very 
slowly. I was anxious and uneasy. I breakfasted with Mr. Forbes, and 
he gave me encouragement. 1 I then called on Sir John Pringle, and 
strolled a little with him towards Golden Square. I then went to the 
Bavarian Minister's Roman Catholic Chapel to revive in my mind 
former days when, in that very place, I was so solemnly happy in 
thinking myself united to the grand and only true church. But it had 
little effect upon me. I could not have so much devotion there as in the 
Churches of England. Mrs. Bellamy, the actress, was there. I just 
bowed to her and went out, without any farther intercourse. 

I dined at Dr, Kennedy's, His sister was a great, fat woman, a kind 
of greasy wit. There was a curious company, and strange formality. 
A Dr. Sutherland from Bath, who had just come from a tour in Ger- 
many, was there. He was the most determined talker I ever heard. He 
hardly ever looked at the company, but keeping his eyes on the table 
he would go on as a boy says his lesson. He seemed to be a jolly, sensi- 

1 In the Memorandum for this day, Boswell advised himself to "breakfast, Mr. 
Forbes. Consult as to plaster and camphorated friction." The plaster almost 
certainly contained a mercuric ointment. "Camphorated friction" probably 
refers to the use of camphor liniment, which was applied externally as a mild 
stimulant or counter-irritant. See p. 317 n.g. 

London., 17 September 1769 295 

ble fellow. We had here, too, Shirley, the author of The Black Prince, 
a tragedy. Mr. Garrick had kindly brought on that play at Drury 
Lane, and so put a considerable sum in Shirley's pocket. But, because 
he did not bring on another for him, Shirley most ungratefully be- 
came his mortal enemy. He attacked our Stratford Jubilee and Gar- 
rick's Ode with virulence, and I defended both with keenness. I did 
not know till he was gone that my antagonist was Shirley. Had I 
known it, he should have had enough from me. I would have trimmed 

After coffee, Dr. Kennedy and Dr. Sutherland and I went to Dr. 
Campbell's in Queen Square, when I was introduced to that volumi- 
nous author. I found him to be a fat, pleasant man, full of knowledge 
and of entertaining stories. He had a rosy countenance, a large wig-, a 
brown coat, with a scarlet waistcoat with broad gold lace. He had no 
rust of authorship upon him, and looked more like an admiral himself 
than like one who had written the Lives of the Admirals. He had been 
a great favourite of the Duke of Argyll's, and he revived to me my 
ideas of the Duke in my younger years. 2 He told me that Wilkes said 
to him one day, "Dr. Campbell, I have seen a miracle this morning"; 
to which he answered, "Miracles are now very rare, and, if there was 
to be one, I doubt if you would believe it." "But," said Wilkes, "I 
really have seen a miracle: a Scotsman in a post-chaise going home 
with a smile upon his countenance." This happened to be Mr. 
Veitch, now Lord Eliock, who has always a kind of smile or grin. I 
should have mentioned that I called before dinner on George Lewis 
Scott, whom I found hearty and well. I observed to him that there 
should be half a dozen of Menages in every age to preserve the re- 
markable sayings which are often lost. Dr. Campbell said Mr. John- 
son was a very great man. In short he pleased me much. 

I made an experiment to see if I could go home without asking the 
way at all. So I walked from street to street a long time. At last I 
found myself in the fields near to the Foundling Hospital. This was 
not so safe. So I just turned back, was happy to get again into a crowd- 
ed street, and then asked my way and got to my quarters in good time. 

2 It was the Duke who remarked when Boswell wanted a commission in the 
Guards in 1760: "That boy must not be shot at for three and sixpence a day" 
(Boswelliana, ed. Rev. Charles Rogers, 1874, p. 229). 

296 London, 17 September 1769 

I was very well at Mr. Dilly's, Mrs. Jedd, his housekeeper, was a 
governess to me. James, his footman, was most obsequious, and my 
linen were washed and dressed by a city laundress to do one's heart 
good to see them. 

MONDAY 18 SEPTEMBER. I had promised to pay a visit to my 
old friend Mr. Love, and see him in his greatness as manager of the 
Theatre Royal on Richmond Green. So I this morning set out in the 
Richmond stage. Among the passengers was one who, I believe, was a 
German old lady. She spoke broken English. But, knowing the antipa- 
thy of the people of this country to foreigners, she thought to persuade 
us that her manner of speaking was owing only to loss of teeth. We had 
a fine, hale old gentleman, a Tory, who took care to remind us that 
the title which his present Majesty has to the British throne is his 
being a descendant of the House of Stuart; and he gave it as his opin- 
ion that the mad Lascar who some days before that had disfigured 
Queen Anne's statue in St. Paul's Churchyard, was not so very mad, 
but was in fact set on by the violent Whigs. 3 

It was a most delightful day. Richmond seemed delicious. Mr. 
Love's theatre is a very handsome one, having everything in minia- 
ture. He and I, after seeing it, took a walk on the banks of the Thames, 
and recalled our having walked together on Arthur's Seat. Mrs. Love 
looked very well, though verging on fifty; and Billy was grown a sur- 
prising musician. He played to me on the pianoforte. 4 1 tried to ana- 
lyse the operation, and saw how mechanical music is when a boy of 
thirteen can do so much in that art. I know not how it is, but we fancy 
we feel a kind of soul in music, a kind of expression which speaks to 
us. We respect the performer of a noble piece. But I believe that the 
performer is often less sensible than the people who hear him. 

Miss Radley, apprentice to Mr. Love, a fine little young actress, a 
very good singer and a very modest girl, dined with us, as did Mrs. 

3 Not "some days before" but on the previous morning". The. Lascar broke off both 
the arms, with the globe and sceptre, and disfigured the emblematic figures 
surrounding the pedestal. When apprehended he drew a knife on one of the 
constable's men. 

4 William Dance (Love was his father's stage name) became eminent in his 
profession, and in 1813 was made a director and treasurer of the newly formed 
Philharmonic Society. 

Richmond, 18 September 1769 297 

Moff at, a Carlisle woman, cousin german to Mr. David Armstrong the 
advocate, and dresser to Mrs. Barry of Drury Lane Theatre. My old 
friend treated me with old hock, and I was really well, thinking of the 
ideas of players which we find in Addison, and many other ideas 
which please such a fancy as mine. When Mr, and Mrs. Love went to 
the theatre to dress, Miss Radley made tea for me, and went with me to 
one of the high boxes, and was like a little daughter to me. Mr. Love 
played Richard the Third very well in some of the kind of comic 
scenes, but he is not a good tragedian. Mrs. Love as Catherine, and 
Keaseberry, whom we had formerly at Edinburgh, as Petruchio, 
played very well in the farce, as did Waldron, also one of our Edin- 
burgh performers. 5 1 had my Kennedy's bottle by the afternoon stage 
and was quite regular, and I had a neat little room at Mr. Love's (I 
fancy Miss Radley's) , with bandboxes and laced caps and I know not 
how many pleasing objects all about me. 

TUESDAY 19 SEPTEMBER. Between eight and nine I had a 
comfortable breakfast, and at nine took the stage to town, but had no 
company except some idle women. My cousin Captain Bosville, then 
on duty in the Tower, called for me at Mr. Billy's and engaged me to 
dine in the Tower next day. G 

Mr. Sheridan, Dr. Dawson, and a Captain Clunie, formerly a 
very rich man, dined with us at Mr. Dilly 's. Mr. Sheridan in his usual 
style lamented the depravity of the age, and maintained that there 
was little religion. "Oh," said I, "when they who seem most thought- 
less are dying, they have all serious apprehensions." Mr. Sheridan 
upon this made a curious observation. "Very few now die," said he. 
"Physicians take care to conceal people's danger from them. So that 
they are carried off, properly without dying; that is to say, without 
being sensible of it." Clunie had commanded a merchant ship, and 
made many voyages. He had just published a book called The Ameri- 
can Traveller. 7 He talked incessantly, and put an end to all recipro- 
cation of converse. He would make us hear his many projects. At first 
we were angry with him, till we saw him to be what is called a 

5 The farce was David Garrick's alteration of The Taming of the Shrew entitled 
Catherine and Petruchio. 

6 William, eldest son of Godfrey Bosville, a lieutenant in the Coldstream Guards. 

7 Through Dilly; hence his presence at the dinner. 

298 London, 19 September 1769 

character, and then he entertained us. He insisted on our dining with 

him on Saturday. 

Mr. Sheridan and I walked to Soho, and I informed him of my 
marriage. I drank tea with Dempster. I said the Outer House of the 
Court of Session was a good house for me, but it required a garden, 
and the amusement of London was my garden. We were very cheer- 
ful and happy. 

WEDNESDAY 20 SEPTEMBER. I breakfasted with Mr. Forbes. I 
found myself in such a state that it would be necessary for me to have 
lodgings nearer him than in the City. I tried to get lodgings in Bos- 
well's Court near Red Lion Square, or in Boswell's Court, Lincoln's 
Inn Fields. But could get none. 8 I however met with a very good 
habitation, just opposite to the latter, at the house of Mr. Careless. I 
saw the name upon a door in Carey Street. It took my fancy. There 
was a bill, "Lodgings to be let." So I went in and found very gretty 
ones. I asked Mrs. Careless what was Mr. Careless's profession. Her 
answer was, "No particular profession." This was quite in character 
for Careless. I took the lodgings for a week. 

I dined at the Tower with Captain Bosville and several of his 
brother officers of the Guards, some of whom were really very sensi- 
ble, agreeable company. Colonel Wright and Bosville fell a-disputing 
about something. Bosville would not give up his argument. The 
Colonel said he put him in mind of a young man who was once under 
his care, and, while he thought he was profiting by a serious lecture 
he was giving him, the young man looked up to a flock of crows flying- 
over their heads and bid the Colonel look, who therefore gave him up 
as incorrigible. How the story was to apply to Bosville, I cannot say. 
But I called to him, "Come, Captain. Don't give up your argument to 
the Colonel. Don't let him crow over you." 

THURSDAY 21 SEPTEMBER. I breakfasted with Mr. John Don- 
aldson, the bookseller, and then he carried me over the way to Marr's, 
the hatter, in whose house was lodged a Chinese. Mr. Man* took me 
into his back parlour and there he introduced me to the Chinese, who 
was not a man of fashion but an ingenious artist in taking likenesses 

8 He was trying to imitate Johnson, who at this time lived in Johnson's Court, 
When he was in Scotland in 1773, Johnson referred to himself as "Johnson of 
that ilk." 

London, 21 September 1769 299 

in terracotta (fine earth) , which he works very neatly. He spoke some 
imperfect English. He was precisely such a figure as we see on an 
Indian screen. I got him to read a little to me from a fan with Chinese 
characters. It was just what Mr. Johnson told me of another Chinese: 
a sound like the ringing of a small bell. 

I then called at Mr. Thomas Davies's, the bookseller. Dr. Gold- 
smith was there. I had not seen him for near three years. We met 
quite frankly. He pleased me by telling me that he had supped the 
night before in a company where I was highly spoken of., and that Mr. 
Colman had very justly observed that my character was simplicity: 
not in a sense of weakness, but of being plain and unaffected. Rose, 
Matthew Henderson's old governor, who keeps an academy at Chis- 
wick, came in. He is a bold, honest fellow, and a man of coarse abili- 
ties. We talked of the celebrated political writer, Junius. Goldsmith 
would not allow him great merit. He said he was like a flower upon a 
dunghill. He appeared in a newspaper in which the writing is so bad 
that his seems very good. I said he was a keen writer; that his pen was 
a caustic, and like a caustic burnt a sound part as well as a corrupted. 
Rose said writing for the stage was the most profitable. Goldsmith 
said, "No"; writing for Davies was the most profitable. "Why, now," 
said he, "I am just now writing a natural history for which I get a 
thousand pounds. That kind of writing is sure, whereas writing plays 
is difficult and their profits uncertain." 9 He recounted to us all the dis- 
agreeable circumstances attending a dramatic author. 

I dined at Mr. Billy's. We had with us the Reverend Mr. Stretch, 
who has compiled a book in which he praises my Account of Corsica 
very much. 3 1 said I was afraid he had stretched a point. But I said this 
only to Mr. Dilly. I called at Dempster's, and finding no letter from 
my dearest was uneasy. It was not a post day from Scotland. So 
Dempster cheered me with hopes for next day. He and I had a disser- 
tation on my plan of life. We agreed that I might be happy with a 

9 This is somewhat misleading. Goldsmith was not writing the "natural history" 
for Davies, but for Griffin. He was to receive 800 guineas for it. In June of this 
year, however, he had interrupted the work on that project to write The History 
of England for Davies, a four- volume work, for 500. 

1 The Beauties of History, or Pictures of Virtue and Vice drawn from Real Life, 

2 vols., published by Dilly. It ran through fifteen editions between 1769 and 

3oo London, 21 September 1769 

seven years' seat in Parliament, if it could be had easily. But, in the 
mean time, I was very well with the law in Scotland. 

I went to a club to which I belong. 2 It meets every other Thursday 
at St. Paul's Coffee-house. It consists of clergymen, physicians, and 
several other professions. There are of it: Dr. Franklin, Rose of Chis- 
wick, Burgh of Newington Green, Mr. Price who writes on morals, 
Dr. Jeffries, a keen Supporter of the Bill of Rights, 3 and a good many 
more. We have wine and punch upon the table. Some of us smoke a 
pipe, conversation goes on pretty formally, sometimes sensibly and 
sometimes furiously. At nine there is a sideboard with Welsh rabbits 
and apple-puffs, porter and beer. Our reckoning is about, i8d. a head. 
Much was said this night against the Parliament. I said that, as it 
seemed to be agreed that all Members of Parliament became cor- 
rupted^ it was better to choose men already bad, and so save good men. 
Dr. Franklin informed me that Paoli was actually arrived in London, 
for he had seen Mr. Wood, the Hinder-Secretary of State, who had 
been with him. This was noble news to me. I went this night to my 
lodgings at Mr. Careless's. I said I was now the Philosophe de Sans 
Souci* The very name of the maid was uncommon. She was called 
Phoebe. I liked my lodgings much. 

FRIDAY 22 SEPTEMBER. I breakfasted with Mr. Forbes, who 
has the best breakfast in London, having marmalade made him by 
his nieces in Scotland. I then went to Old Bond Street and called on 
Paoli. A footman who opened the door said he was not well and could 
not see company, and made a great many difficulties. "Stay," said I. 
"Get me a bit of paper and pen and ink, and I'll write a note to him." 
His valet de chambre came down. Seeing something about him like 
what I had been used to see in Corsica, I asked him in Italian if he was 
a Corsican. He answered, "Yes, Sir," "Oh, then," said I, "there is no 
occasion to write. My name is Boswell." No sooner had I said this, 

2 Essentially a group of Benjamin Franklin's friends called by him "The Honest 
Whigs." Boswell seems out of place in a club of honest Whigs and dissenting 
clergymen, and a few years later would certainly have felt uncomfortable in 
that company. He was now united to them by his love of "liberty," the first word 
and recurring theme of Corsica. 

3 The "Supporters of the Bill of Rights" were a group of Wilkes's friends. 

4 Frederick the Great was the "philosopher of Sans Souci," the name of his 
retreat in Potsdam. It means "Careless." 

London, 22 September 1769 301 

than Giuseppe (for that was his name) gave a jump, catched hold of 
my hand and kissed it, and clapped his hand several times upon my 
shoulders with such a natural joy and fondness as flattered me exceed- 
ingly. Then he ran upstairs before me like an Italian harlequin, being 
a very little fellow, and opening the door of the General's bedcham- 
ber, called out, "Mr. Boswell." I heard the General give a shout before 
I saw him. When I entered he was in his night-gown and nightcap. 
He ran to me, took me all in his arms, and held me there for some 
time. I cannot describe my feelings on meeting him again. We sat 
down, and instantly were just as when we parted. I found myself 
much rusted in my Italian. The General made a fine observation 
upon a man's being in want of language. '"When," said he, "I came 
over to Italy, and was obliged there and in Germany to speak French, 
in which I had not a fluency from want of practice, je trouvais mon 
ame renfermee comme dans un cachot"* An admirable metaphor. 
The more it is considered, the better it appears. How well does it show 
the soul shut up, and ideas struggling to get out! He had a number of 
newspapers on his table. He was struck with the daring style of the 
political writings in them. Said he: U I am come here to a northern 
country, and I find the newspapers all on fire." 

In came Count Gentili, a Corsican, who had a company in the 
Imperial service but left it from a zeal to serve his country, and had 
been about a year with Paoli. He was a lean, beak-nosed gentleman 
between thirty and f orty^ much Germanized in his manner, no extra- 
ordinary genius but good-natured and enterprising. He was very 
happy to see me. The General had also with him his secretary, the 
Abbe Guelfucci, whom I have painted in my Corsican Tour. 6 He and 
I were glad to meet again. Here was also Mr. Burnaby, chaplain to 
the British factory at Leghorn. Though I had corresponded with him 
frequently, I had never seen him till now. 7 He did not answer my idea 
at all. He seemed a worthy, sensible, and knowing man. But he had a 

5 "I found my soul shut up as if in a cell." 

6 U A man whose talents and virtues, united with a singular decency and sweet- 
ness of manners, have raised him to the honourable station of secretary to the 
General" (Corsica, p. 338). 

7 Burnaby, who had visited Paoli in 1766, had allowed Boswell to quote at length 
from his Journal in Corsica. 

302 London, 22 September 1769 

curious, lank countenance, and a reserve and closeness that I some- 
times laughed at and sometimes was angry at. The General had his 
hair dressed and then appeared in a blue frock suit, plain cloth with a 
white silk lining. He looked very well, having recruited wonderfully 
upon his journey. He told me he would have written to me, had he 
not expected to see me soon. He said, "This country ought to renew 
its alliance with Austria, the real advantageous alliance for the rival 
of France. Great Britain and Austria," said he, "are like two lovers 
who have quarrelled. Both wish to make it up. But neither will make 
the first advance." He insisted on my dining with him, ill dressed as 
I was. 

I left him a little to go and look at the company going to and 
coming from Court, to please my monarchical genius. I met the 
worthy Duke of Queensberry in his chair in St, James's Street. He 
made his chairmen set him down, and shook hands with me cordially. 
I told him of Paoli's arrival, and asked him if he would not go and see 
him. He said he should be very happy. "But where," said he, "and 
how shall I find him?" "Just now," said I, "my Lord. Follow me, 
chairmen." So I just walked back to his lodgings, and introduced the 
Duke. His Grace seemed much struck. He said, "Je rencontrais mon 
ami> Monsieur Boswell, II vous dira combien j'ai ete interesse pour 
vous." 8 The General behaved with the utmost ease and politeness. 
I sat by with joy in my heart and a cheerful smile on my countenance 
to see my illustrious friend and the worthy Duke together. 

Paoli's lodgings were in the house where the Duchess of Douglas 
had lived. They were the most magnificent, I suppose, to be hired in 
all London. I dined with Paoli; Count Gentili and Abbe Guelfucci 
were with us. I felt myself just as when at Sollacaro. 9 As I hardly 
hoped to meet Paoli in this world again, I had a curious imagination 
as if I had passed through death and was really in Elysium. This idea 
made me not afraid of actual death, of which I think so often, just 
as my grandfather Mr. James Boswell did. I was filled with admira- 
tion whenever the General spoke. I said that after every sentence 
spoken by him I felt an inclination to sing Te Deum. Indeed, when he 

8 "I met my friend, Mr. Boswell. He will tell you how interested I have been in 
your cause." 

9 The Corsican town where Boswell had visited Paoli. 

London^ 22 September 1769 303 

speaks it is a triumph to human nature and to my friendship. He said 
the Russian fleet was moving up the Mediterranean like the mother 
of Proserpine, with a torch in each hand to kindle a fire all the way 
she advanced. (I might say it of a fleet. But, as we say she of a single 
ship, why not say so also of a large fleet?) He said he believed that 
in a course of years, perhaps moral events would be calculated just 
as physical ones are. That, as there is a gradual progress in states, 
it might be calculated such a year will be a war, just as we see in the 
almanac that there will be an eclipse. I fear this is too curious. Gen- 
eral events of a moral nature may be prognosticated. But particular 
events depend so much on circumstances for the time of their happen- 
ing, that I fancy it cannot be calculated with any precision. 

I then went to Dempster's, and finding no letter from my dearest 
Peggie, I was really uneasy. I sat down and wrote to her, which did 
me good. The General's arrival obliged me to alter my retired, frugal 
system. It was my duty to attend upon him, and be genteelly dressed 
accordingly. So I ordered a genteel, plain, slate-blue frock suit, and a 
full suit of a kind of purple cloth with rich gold buttons, and Mr. Dilly 
supplied me with a silver-hilted sword. Paoli said he was sorry he had 
not room for me in the house with himself. I could have wished it. 
But I did my best, and immediately took very handsome lodgings 
within a few doors of his, at a M. Renaud's, an old Swiss, whose wife 
kept a milliner's shop. She was a well-behaved, obliging woman. The 
Bishop of Peterborough had been her lodger many years. Indeed the 
apartments were excellent. I had a large dining-room with three 
windows to Old Bond Street, a bedchamber, and a dressing-room, 
both looking into Burlington Gardens. So that I saw a pretty large 
extent of green ground and stately trees in the very centre of the 
court end of the town, 

I took a coach to Carey Street about eleven. Mrs. Careless was in 
bed with her husband, whom I had never seen. Phoebe called her up. 
She seemed amazed when she heard that I was to leave my lodgings 
in her house after sleeping there only one night. And I dare say she 
had a shrewd suspicion that I was about no good, when I shifted so 
suddenly. It looked somewhat like a highwayman. However, I told 
her the reason of it, paid her five and twenty shillings, the whole 
week's money^ and left my new address. And thus did I quit Sans 

304 London, 22 September 1769 

Souci, though it sounded like the seat of the King of Prussia, and the 

maid Phoebe, though a song in The Spectator says: 

My time, ye Muses, was happily spent, 
When Phoebe went with me wherever I went. 1 

Such nonsense. But I may now and then play myself with ideas. I 
paid for my apartments in Old Bond Street a guinea and a half a week, 
only the half of what they bring in winter. I found there a pretty 
little Yorkshire maid called Mary. I determined however to get a 
servant who could speak Italian. It seemed pleasant thus to move from 
lodging to lodging. 

SATURDAY 23 SEPTEMBER. I went this morning and sat for 
above an hour to Mr. Miller, who was engraving a print of me in 
the Corsican dress; and while I am sitting to him, I may bring in a bit 
of Journal omitted, I think, on Thursday. I called on Dr. Armstrong, 
whom I found as worthy, as lively in his way, and as splenetic as ever. 
He is a violent Scotsman. He said the only advantage the English had 
over us was the recitative, the tone of speaking. He said Drummond 
of Hawthornden's verses were equal to Waller's, and that the style 
of his History was excellent. He owned indeed he had never read it 
through, which led me to talk of the little which most people read. 
I said I had read very little. He owned to me he had never read Virgil 
through. "Nay," said I, "that is too much." 

I dined this Saturday at Captain Clunie's, the strange mortal 
whom I have mentioned as dining at Mr. Dilly's, Mr, Sheridan, Dr. 
Dawson, and Mr. Charles Dilly were there. Clunie was more moderate 
this day. He had lost a great part of his fortune, but had spirits and 
projects to make him not mind it. The conversation turned on Admiral 
Byng 2 and some such old topics, which, like old brass candlesticks, re- 
quired a great deal of scouring to make them fit to be presented to 
company. Sheridan, Dr. Dawson, and I drank coffee at Dilly's. I then 
called at Dempster's, and found an agreeable letter from Margaret, 
which cheered me. I know not how the evening passed. I had called 

1 No. 603; John Byrom's pastoral, Colin and Phoebe. 

2 Byng's fleet had been defeated by the French off Minorca in 1755. Accused 
and found guilty of misconduct, he was shot in 1757. His execution prompted 
Voltaire's famous remark in Candida that in England it is thought good to 
execute an admiral from time to time "to encourage the others." 

London, 23 September 1769 305 

at the General's in the morning and he was not up, and when I called 
at night he was gone to bed. 

SUNDAY 24 SEPTEMBER. I breakfasted with Mr. Forbes. He 
thought me much better, and so gave me spirits. I then waited on 
Paoli. Frederick, natural son to King Theodore, was with him. 3 He 
seemed to be a low-lifed being, though well dressed. He was explain- 
ing to the General a court calendar with the names of all the principal 
officers in Great Britain. Sir Edward Hawke drew his Excellency's 
attention, as having been the admiral on whom the fate of this nation 
once depended; and also as he had last winter strongly opposed 
Great Britain's assisting Corsica, by which he had done an essential 
service to France, which has now that Island. Frederick, pointing out 
Hawke, said, "E quello che ha battuto i francesi" (It is he who beat 
the French). The General answered, "Non, e quello che non ha 
battuto i francesi" (It is he who did not beat the French) , meaning in 
not preventing them from obtaining Corsica. 

I went to the Temple Church. Dr. Morell preached on this text: 
"Thou hast made him a little lower than the angels." 4 1 dined at Dr. 
Campbell's. He had with him a Dr. Archer, much like one of Sir John 
Douglas's family in appearance, and a mild, genteel man in his be- 
haviour; and a Mr. Briscoe, who belonged to some of the public offices, 
a very well-dressed young man, who spoke with wonderful keenness 
without any meaning, or such as every human being had without his 
speaking. Last time I was with Dr. Campbell, he told me that he was 
beginning to agree with Mr. Johnson about the colonists. "Sir," said 
Johnson, "they are a parcel of convicts, and if they get anything short 
of hanging they ought to be content." The Doctor entertains very 
hospitably. His wife is a notable woman, 5 and his son is all the chil- 
dren he has that I know of, except a daughter married in Scotland. 

3 Theodore, Baron von Neuhoff, was a Westphalian adventurer who in 1736 
persuaded the Corsicans to proclaim him King, on the strength of the promises 
of support he said he could procure. Not long afterwards he fled from Corsica and 
died in a London debtor's prison in 1756. Frederick was probably an impostor. 

4 Psalms 8. 5. 

5 She was supposed to have been a printer's devil before marriage. Johnson once 
described her in company as having "a bottom of good sense," and when he 
observed that "bottom" provoked tittering and laughing, sternly continued: "I 
say the woman was fundamentally sensible" (Life of Johnson^ 20 April 1781)* 

306 London, 24 September 1769 

The Doctor seemed very fond of me. He said, "I look upon it as one of 
the white days of my life that brought you here." I stayed a long time 

I then called for the General. He was just gone to bed. But he de- 
sired that I would walk up. I was afraid to see him in bed, lest it might 
lessen his dignity and diminish my grand idea of him. But it had no 
such effect. Though his hands and arms were under the clothes and he 
showed his countenance only, he appeared with superior lustre. His 
eyes alone expressed the vivacity of his mind. He talked of the political 
heats of this country and of his own incertain situation with ease and 
cheerful manliness. 

MONDAY 25 SEPTEMBER, While I was sitting at breakfast, I 
was agreeably surprised with the arrival of Mr. George Frazer, who 
was just returned with his wife and daughter, with whom he had been 
in France on a visit to his son Andrew, the commissary at Dunkirk. 
As Andrew is a great engineer, I borrowed a simile from his art to 
make his father eat a hearty breakfast. "You must consider, Sir," said 
I, u that a breakfast in London is a fortification which is to stand the 
attack of so many hours till dinner comes to its relief. It never can 
hold out unless it have a proper degree of strength. So you must make 
ravelins of muffins, and other works accordingly." 

The General carried me, Mr. Burnaby, and the Abbe Guelfucci 
an airing in his coach. A crowd followed him in the streets. He 
graciously smiled and bowed, while they paid him what honours 
they could. We drove to Putney and then down the river, and re- 
turned by Westminster Bridge. It was a delightful day^ and the 
country round London appeared to great advantage. He was charmed 
with it. He seemed to be an accurate observer of the beauties of nature. 
After we returned, I called on Mr. Burnaby Greene, a gentleman of 
fine fortune, author of Corsica, an Ode, in which he has paid rne a 
very genteel compliment. Talking of the influence of truth in Corsica, 
he says, 

And grace a classic isle with Boswells of her own. 6 
I found him a genteel man about thirty, very polite and eas^. He had 
translated Anacreon. He said there was something peculiar in the 
style of that poet which would always distinguish his compositions. 
6 Boswell reviewed the poem in The London Chronicle for 31 October, and 
quoted the passage in which this line occurs. 

London, 25 September 1769 307 

I dined at Paoli's. He had a good table, having dinner at a crown 
a head from the Brawn's Head Tavern in Bond Street. Mr. Sheridan 
had expressed the strongest desire to see the General. I obtained leave, 
and in the evening introduced him. He was exceedingly struck, and 
although he spoke French very ill and understood little or no Italian, 
I contrived to have some conversation kept up between the General 
and him. Paoli, being informed by me of Mr. Sheridan's study of 
language, entered immediately on that subject. He said a great 
language, or a noble language, was a language in which great men 
have written; for it is by being moulded and animated by superior 
souls that a language becomes superior. He told us he had said to the 
Emperor 7 that he would either ruin or aggrandize the House of 
Austria. His opinion was that the latter would be the case. "Consider," 
said he, "a young man, very hardy, very enterprising, with the true 
spirit of a soldier, at the head of 250,000 troops including hussars and 
other irregulars, and consider the state of Europe by and by: France 
under a minority; Spain having an idiot for her king; the King of 
Prussia sunk into the dotage of old age, or succeeded by a very weak 
prince." This was well drawn. It is disagreeable to think he might 
have added, ''Great Britain deprived of her colonies, and her trade 

After Mr. Sheridan went away, I sat with the General and gave 
him a lesson on the English language by reading newspapers with 
him. He and I reclined upon a couch, and his vivacity, nobleness of 
thought, and engaging manners raised my ideas and made me truly 
happy. I then told him how the thoughts of my father's marrying 
again had agitated me, and from that I introduced an account of my 
dearest spouse's generous behaviour. In a cursory way, he seemed to 
approve my warm resentment of my father's conduct. But we soon 
passed from it to the beautiful subject of Miss Montgomerie. I took 
out her most valuable letter. Paoli read it, and translated it with 
elegant spirit into Italian. "Free of ambition, I prefer real happiness 
to the splendid appearance of it," struck him much. He read it over 
again and again, and repeated it, saying, "Questo e sublime" (this is 
sublime) . He with much cordiality wished me all happiness. This 
was a rich evening. 

7 Joseph II, son of Maria Theresa, He was twenty-eight at this time. 

308 London, 26 September 1769 

TUESDAY 26 SEPTEMBER. Mr. and Mrs. and Miss Frazer, hav- 
ing come from the country somewhere, took an early breakfast with 
me. Edinburgh ideas and sounds afforded a variety to me in the 
midst of London. I took this visit very kind, and I was a plain, hos- 
pitable, hearty landlord for tea and bread and butter. After they were 
gone, Mr. Burnaby came and breakfasted with me at the usual hour. 
His closeness and most anxious concern to observe the strictest pro- 
priety in every trifle diverted me not a little. I could see that the 
Ministry had employed him to consult with respect to Paoli; and that 
this, joined with his natural disposition, produced the behaviour 
which appeared to me so curious. He seemed, however, to be a man 
of worth, knowledge, and good understanding. I sat at home and 
wrote this my Journal all the forenoon. I was cairn and cheerful from 
living with perfect sobriety. I dined with Dr. . . . 

[EDITORIAL NOTE. Here the Journal stops. Had Boswell contirmed., 
the next word would have been "Goldsmith"; it was at this dinner 
that he first met Sir Joshua Reynolds, who was to be his loyal and 
affectionate friend for more than twenty years. The remainder of 
Bos well's stay in London is covered by two overlapping series of 
Journal Notes and Memoranda, which are interwoven here with 
passages from the manuscript of The Life of Johnson and letters.] 

TUESDAY 26 SEPTEMBER .... Dined Dr. Goldsmith's. Mark 
company. Colnian said Sir John Vanbrugh our best comic writer. His 
wit flows; Congreve's, in artificial jet d'eaus. Congreve's may apply 
anyhow, Vanbrugh's in character. Sir John Brute's admirable. 8 
Chambers maintained him architect of much fancy. Dispute as to 
Garrick's vanity. Baretti said he wondered he was not more vain. 
GOLDSMITH. "How can he more, unless j he wears] real caps and 
bells?" COLMAN. u He is not more vain than others, but has this, that 
he must have frequent drams to his vanity." I was happy; looked at 
Colman as comic writer to be talked of in future. Full feeling- of 
London society of wits. Colnian said yours the truest book. 

WEDNESDAY 27 SEPTEMBER. Breakfast, Forbes. Then home, 
dressed. Court. The sentries happy. Waited with impatience. Fine to 

8 A character in Vazibrugh's Th$ Provoked Wife, 

London, 27 September 1769 309 

see presentation, Paoli and King of Britain. 9 Hervey told me King said 
[Paoli had] the most sensible and spirited countenance, . . . 

[Boswell to Margaret Montgomerie] * 

[London, ?2 October 1769] 

. . . LORD LYTTELTON'S LETTER ABOUT YOU. It never entered into 
my head. 2 I am going to write to my father tonight. I shall not take 
any notice of having heard that he was angry. I shall write to him in 
my usual style. But you may depend upon it, I never will make him 
any apology for warning him of what he is to expect. It is lucky I 
have contrived to enjoy so much of the estate of Auchinleck while I 
was abroad. By what I can see, I shall have little more of it. I am 
obliged to Mrs. Montgomerie-Cuninghame for her kindness. But still 
I heartily wish she would not interfere. If she writes to me, I will tell 
her so again. I hate absurd consultations. Soften my father! What 
nonsense would it appear to any rational being who does not know 

9 Boswell repeated an anecdote of this meeting in a letter to Sir Alexander Dick. 
"The King said, T have read Boswell's book, which is well written (scritto con 
spirito). May I depend upon it as an authentic account?' The General answered, 
'Your Majesty may be assured that everything in that book is true, except the 
compliments which Mr. Boswell has been pleased to pay to his friend' " (Letters 
of James Boswell, i. 1 74) . The original of this letter is in the Manuscript Divi- 
sion: Miscellaneous Papers (Boswell, James) of the New York Public Library. 

1 A fragment, probably lacking at least four pages at the beginning. The Notes 
for what appear to be this letter survive, dated 2 October: "Letter to M. Explain 
to her your keen feelings, and say SHE has no reason to be uneasy if having 
her friend invariably attached be enough. Say you must take time to recover 
yourself after her unhappy letters, that she should have recollected into what a 
fever I was formerly thrown. That Father seems a selfish and realty a bad man." 
After having persuaded himself that the scheme was given up. Boswell seems to 
have heard that his father intended to marry a second time, and wrote to him 
"in very strong terms" (Boswell to John Johnston, 16 October 1769). Lord 
Auchinleck was very angry, but communicated his wrath to the blameless Miss 
Montgomerie, not to his son. It may have been, however, in response to this 
letter that Lord Auchinleck said, "James, my estate is not entailed" (John 
Ramsay, Scotland and Scotsmen, i. 173). 

2 What never entered his head is not clear. Lord Lyttelton had written Boswell 
a note of congratulation on hearing of his approaching marriage, but there ap- 
pears to be nothing in it that should have offended Lord Auchinleck. 

3io London, 2 October 1769 

him, should he be told what are the offences for which it is necessary 
to plead as if a man had been upon the highway! Mr. Johnson settled 
my mind fully this afternoon as to my father. "Sir," said he, "the dis- 
putes between you and him are matters of sensation not of judgment. 
So it is in vain to reason with him. He grumbles because you come 
to London. He cannot understand why it is very right you should 
from time to time enjoy London. There is no help for it. Let him 

Mr. Johnson is of opinion that when a man marries and becomes 
the head of a family, he ought to have his own house, and cannot 
possibly be happy under his father's roof, more especially if circum- 
stances are such, from temper or anything else, that a man and his 
father cannot live well together even while the son is unmarried. He 
advises me strongly to have my own house. He says my father will 
treat you and me much better when we have our own home and 
leave him at night. As to my father's marrying again, he thinks it had 
much better not happen. But he is of opinion that I would be a fool 
(there he goes) should I give up with everything and everybody on 
that account. His feelings are not such as mine, you see. I am sup- 
ported by enthusiasm, and would care little for existence did I not, 
like Zoroastre (was it not?), hope for everlasting love* So cannot 
bear what I need not repeat. If there is not love, let there be at least 
a decent regard. But that vile subject haunts me. Down with it! Mr. 
Johnson says that if you and I live near my father and are often with 
him, it will be as effectual in preventing his marrying again as living 
with him would be. Be not uneasy. I shall do nothing rashly, nor take 
any hasty resolutions. I again beg you may just think of me as your 
friend and lover. Leave everything else to time. Perhaps I may bring 
myself to try to live in Scotland. But in the mean time, I positively in- 
sist on your having no intercourse whatever with the infamous 
wretch/ I am not for Robert. 5 But I thank you for your attention. 

Now, my dear Peggie, be so good as excuse the freedom with which 

3 A reference to Andrew Michael Ramsay, Les Voyages de Cyru$> Book 2, end 
of the story of Selima: 'Those who love each other purely will love thus forever; 
true love is immortal." 

4 Probably Elizabeth Boswell, the prospective second Lady Auchinleck, 

5 Someone whom she had suggested as a servant? 

London, 2 October 1769 311 

I have written. You may be certain that you see the worst of me; and 
I can assure you beforehand that no paragraph in any of my letters, 
or insinuation of my father's, ought to make you unhappy. I have 
erased from your letter the sentence which shocked me more than I 
can express. "Good God," said I, "is this her idea of love? Let me re- 
turn to abandoned profligacy." So mad did you make me. 6 Adieu, my 
dearest. Ever yours, 


("Manuscript of The Life of Johnson] 

On the 30 September we 7 dined together at the Mitre. I attempted 
to argue for the superior happiness of the savage life, upon the usual 
fanciful topics. He said, "Sir, there can be nothing more false. The 
savages have no bodily advantages beyond those of civilized men. 
They have not better health; and as to care or mental uneasiness they 
are not above it but below it, like bears. No, Sir, you are not to talk 
such paradox; let me have no more on't. It cannot entertain, it can- 
not instruct. Lord Monboddo, one of your Scotch judges, talked a great 
deal of such nonsense. I suffered him, but I will not suffer you." 
BOSWELL, "But, Sir, does not Rousseau talk such nonsense?" JOHNSON. 
"True, Sir, but Rousseau knows he is talking nonsense, and laughs at 
the world for staring at him." BOSWELL. "How so, Sir?" JOHNSON. 
"Why, Sir, a man who talks nonsense so well must know that he is 
talking nonsense. But I am afraid (chuckling and laughing) Mon- 
boddo does not know that he is talking nonsense." BOSWELL. "Is it 
wrong then, Sir, to affect singularity in order to make people stare?" 8 
JOHNSON, "Yes, if you do it by propagating error; and, indeed, it is 
wrong in every way. There is in human nature a general inclination 
to make people stare, and every wise man has himself to cure of it, 
and does cure himself. If you wish to make people stare by doing better 
than others, why, make them stare till they stare their eyes out. But 
consider how easy it is to make people stare by being absurd. I may do 
it by going into a drawing-room without ray shoes. You remember 

Miss Montgomerie's shocking observation, so far as one can gather, amounted 
to no more than that she found nothing repugnant in second marriages, 

7 Johnson and BoswelL 

8 Perhaps Boswell was thinking of his masquerade appearance at the Jubilee. 

312 London, 30 September 1769 

the gentleman in The Spectator who had a commission of lunacy 
taken out against him for his extreme singularity, such as never wear- 
ing a wig but a nightcap. Now, Sir, abstractly the nightcap was 
best; but relatively the advantage was overbalanced by his making 
the boys run after him." 9 

Talking of a London life 1 he said, "The happiness of London is not 
to be conceived but by those who have been in it. I will venture to say 
there is more learning and science within the circumference of ten 
miles from where we now sit than in all the rest of the kingdom." 
BOSWELL. "The only disadvantage is the great distance at which 
people live from one another." JOHNSON. "Yes, Sir, but that is 
occasioned by the largeness of it, which is the cause of all the other 
advantages." 2 BOSWELL. "Sometimes I have been in the humour of 
wishing to retire to a desert." JOHNSON. "Sir, you have desert enough 
in Scotland." 

Although I had proposed to myself a great deal of good conver- 
sation from him on the conduct of the married state, of which I had 
then a near prospect, he did not say much upon that topic. . . . 

When I found fault with a gentleman of my acquaintance for 
entering into a second marriage, 3 as it showed a disregard of his first 
wife, he said, "Not at all, Sir. On the contrary, were he never to marry 
again, it might be concluded that his first wife had made him heartily 
sick of marriage; but by taking a second wife he pays the highest 
compliment to the first, by proving that she made him so happy as 
a married man that he has a mind to be so a second time. "... 

We drank tea with Mrs. Williams. I had last year had the pleasure 
of seeing Mrs. Thrale at Dr. Johnson's for a short while in a morning, 
and had conversation enough with her to admire her talents and to 
show her that I was as Johnsonian as herself. Dr. Johnson had prob- 

9 Johnson is recalling, somewhat inaccurately, Spectator, No. 576. 

1 As the Notes show, Boswell raised this topic by asking how Johnson could 
describe life when he had lived in Oxford and the Temple rather than in the 
world (see entry for 31 August 1769). Johnson replied, "Sir, I was in [the] 
world," and went on to say that one could "live and appear genteel" in London 
on 30 a year (see Life, under 1737). 

2 The Notes add: "BOSWELL. 'Is it not hurtful?' JOHNSON. *No, Sir, health [is] as 
good [here as elsewhere] .' " 

3 Lord Auchinleck, of course. 

London, 30 September 1769 313 

ably praised me, for this evening he delivered me the following card 
from Mr. Thrale and his Thralia dulcis* in the fair handwriting of 
that lady. I preserve it as my first ticket to a great deal of most agree- 
able society: "Mr. and Mrs. Thrale present their best compliments to 
Mr. Boswell, and should think themselves highly favoured in his 
company to dinner at Streatham." 

On the 6 of October I complied with this obliging invitation, 
and found, at a charming villa six miles from town, every circum- 
stance that can make society valuable. Johnson, though quite at home, 
was yet looked up to with an awe tempered by affection., and seemed 
to be equally venerated by his host and hostess in their different ways. 
I rejoiced at seeing him so happy. 

He played off his wit against Scotland with a good-humoured 
pleasantry, as giving me, though no bigot to national prejudices, an 
opportunity for a little contest with him. I having said that England 
was obliged to us for gardeners, almost all their good gardeners being 
Scotchmen; JOHNSON. "Why, Sir, that is because gardening is 
much more necessary amongst you than with us, which makes so 
many of your people learn it. It is all gardening with you. Things 
which grow wild here must be cultivated with great care in Scotland. 
Pray now (throwing himself back in his chair and laughing), are 
you ever able to bring the doe to perfection?" 

I boasted that wo had the honour of being the first to abolish the 
unhospitablc and troublesome and ungracious custom of giving vails 
to servants. JOHNSON. "Sir, you abolished vails because you were too 
poor to be able to give them." 

Mrs, Thrale disputed with him on the merit of Prior. He attacked 
him, powerfully; said he wrote of love like a roan who had never felt 
it. His love verses were college verses, and he repeated the song, 
"Alexis shunned his fellows swains," so ludicrously, that he made 
us laugh very heartily and wonder how anybody could have been 
seriously pleased with such fantastical stuff. Mrs. Thi^ale stood to her 
guns with great courage in defence of amorous ditties which Johnson 
despised, till ho at last silenced her by saying, "My dear lady, talk 
no more of this. Nonsense can be defended but by nonsense." 

4 So Johnson had called Mrs. Thrale in a Latin ode to her, written on his tour 
to the Hebrides with Boswcll in 1773. 

314 Streatham, 6 October 1 769 

Mrs. Thrale then praised Garrick's talent for light, gay, lively 
poetry^ and, as a specimen, repeated his song in Florizel and Perdita, 
and dwelt with peculiar pleasure on this line: 

I'd smile with the simple, and feed with the poor. 

JOHNSON. "Nay, my dear lady, this will never do. Poor David! Smile 
with the simple! What folly is that! And who would feed with the 
poor that can help it? No, no, let me smile with the wise, and feed 
with the rich." I repeated this sally to Garrick, and wondered to find 
his sensibility as a writer much irritated by it. To console him, I ob- 
served that Johnson at times spared none of his friends; and I quoted 
the passage in Horace, foenum habet in cornu, where he represents 
one who attacks his friends for the sake of a laugh to be avoided as a 
pushing ox that is marked by a bunch of hay put upon his horns. 
"Ay," said Garrick vehemently, "he has a whole mow of it." 

Talking of history Johnson said, u We may know historical facts to 
be true, as we may know facts in common life to be true. Motives are 
generally uncertain. We cannot trust to the characters which we find 
in history, unless when they are drawn by those who knew the per- 
sons: as those, for instance, by Sallust or by Lord Clarendon." 

He would not allow much merit to Whitefield's oratory. "His 
popularity, Sir," said he, "is chiefly owing to the strangeness of his 
manner. He would be followed by crowds were he to wear a nightcap 
in the pulpit, or were he to preach from a tree." 

I know not from what spirit of contradiction he burst out into a 
violent declamation against the Corsicans, of whose heroism I talked 
in high terms. "Sir," said he, "what is all this rout about the Corsi- 
cans? They have been at war with the Genoese for upwards of twenty 
years, and have never yet taken their foxtified towns. They might 
have battered down the walls and reduced them to powder in twenty 
years. They might have pulled the walls in, pieces., and cracked the 
stones with their teeth in twenty years." It was in vain to argue with 
him upon the want of artillery: his powerful imagination was not to 
be resisted for the moment. 

On the evening of the 10 October, I presented Dr. Johnson to 
General Paoli. 5 1 had greatly wished that two men for whom I had 
5 This appears to be a mistake. Boswell makes no mention in the Memorandum 

London, 10 October 1769 315 

the highest value should meet. They met with a manly ease, mutually 
conscious of their own abilities and of the abilities one of each other. 
The General spoke Italian and Dr. Johnson English, and understood 
one another very well with a little aid of interpretation from me, in 
which I compared myself to an isthmus which joins two great con- 
tinents. Upon Johnson's entering the room the General said, "From 
what I have read of your works, Sir, and from what Mr. Boswell 
has told me of you, I have long had you in great esteem and venera- 
tion." The General talked of language being formed on the particular 
ideas and manners of a country, without knowing which we cannot 
know the language. We may know the direct signification of single 
words, but by these no beauty of expression, no sally of genius, no 
wit is conveyed to the mind. All this must be by allusion to other ideas. 
"Sir," said Johnson, "you talk of language as if you had never done 
anything else but study it, instead of governing a nation." The Gen- 
eral said, "Questo e un troppo gran compliment '-o" (this is too great 
a compliment) . Johnson answered, "I should have thought so, Sir, if I 
had not heard you talk." The General asked him what he thought of 
the spirit of infidelity which was so prevalent. JOHNSON. "Sir, this 
gloom of infidelity, 1 hope, is only a transient cloud passing through 
the hemisphere which will soon be dissipated and the sun break forth 
with his usual splendour." "You think then," said the General, "that 
they will change their principles like their clothes." JOHNSON. "Why, 
Sir, if they bestow no more thought on principles than on dress, it 
must be so." The General said that "a great part of the fashionable 
infidelity was owing to a desire of showing courage. Men who have 
no opportunities of showing it in real life take death and futurity as 
objects on which to display it." JOHNSON. "That is mighty foolish 
affectation. Fear is one of the passions of human nature, of which it is 
impossible to divest it. You remember that the Emperor Charles V, 
when he read upon the tombstone of a Spanish nobleman, 'Here lies 
one who never knew fear,' wittily said, 'Then he has never snuffed a 
candle with his fingers.' " 

He talked a few words of French to the General, but finding he did 

covering this day that he had brought Paoli and Johnson together, and The 
London Chronicle (2 November 1769) declared that Boswell introduced Johnson 
to Paoli on 31 October* 

31 6 London, 10 October 1769 

not do it with facility, he asked for pen, ink, and paper, and wrote 

the following note: 6 

"I have read in the geography of Lucas de Linda a Pater Noster 
written in a language completely different from Italian and from all 
others which derive from Latin. The author calls it linguam Corsicae 
rusticam. It has perhaps been extinguished little by little, but it 
certainly once prevailed in the mountains and in the country. The 
same author says the same thing in talking of Sardinia: that there are 
two languages in the island, one of the cities, the other of the country." 

The General immediately informed him that the lingua rustica 
was only in Sardinia, 

Dr. Johnson went home with me, and drank tea till late in the 
night. He said General Paoli had the loftiest port of any man he had 
ever seen. He denied that military men were in general the most 
genteel, for "Perfect good breeding," he observed, "consists in having 
no particular mark of any profession, but a general elegant smooth- 
ness of manners; whereas in a military man you can commonly distin- 
guish the marks of a soldier, Vhomme d*epee." 

He shunned tonight any discussion of the perplexed question 
of fate and free will, which I attempted to agitate: "Sir," said he, "we 
know our will is free, and there's an end on't." 

SATURDAY 14 OCTOBER. Yesterday I breakfasted with Tom 
King, genteel, easy, and lively. Said he loved and respected Sheridan, 
but that he was mad on oratory and would persuade you that a man 
could not be a good gingerbread baker without it. Then Davies's a 
little. Heard from him that all Baretti's friends had been to see him, 
so you called at Newgate. But he was bailed. Then to Poultry; met 
Dilly and Baldwin and Rivington, and settled London Magazine. 7 
Then Cleland; curious figure. Thought how 'twould have struck you 
some years ago. . . 8 

G In French, which Boswell prints. 

7 Boswell became a part proprietor in the magazine, buying probably a one- 
fifth or sixth share. Later he published his Hypochondriack essays iri it. 

8 John Cleland, whose Fanny Hill, or, Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure, has 
often been called the most obscene book in English literature, though there is 
not a dirty word in it, 

London, 15 October 1769 317 

SUNDAY 15 OCTOBER. Yesterday breakfast, Forbes. He saw 
that incision was to be performed. Then strolled about. Called Ken- 
nedy; he frightened you. But no matter. Dined Charles Boswell, very 
well. Told him of Father's scheme. He said it amazed him. Said I, 
"One would have laid one hundred to one against it." "One hundred," 
said he; "ten thousand. I should have thought the chance was not upon 
the dice. It is enough to give one misanthropical ideas. Ay, to see what 
we may come to. I prof ess I am afraid to live till sixty." . . . 

MONDAY 16 OCTOBER. Yesterday morning Duncan Forbes 
came, and with kindness to save dire forebodings cut, . . . Then 
called Kennedy; nonsense. Then Pott; sensible, neat, and fine. 9 . . . 
Journal all evening. 

[Manuscript of The Life of Johnson'] 

He 1 honoured me with his company at dinner on the 16 of 
October at my lodgings in Old Bond Street, with Sir Joshua Reynolds, 
Mr. Garrick, Dr. Goldsmith, Mr. Murphy, Mr. Bickerstaff, and Mr. 
Thomas Davies. Garrick played round him with a fond vivacity, 
taking hold of the breasts of his coat, and, looking up in his face with a 
lively archness., talking how well he now was; while the Sage, shaking 
his head, beheld him with a gentle complacency. One of the company 
was late, in coming. I started the usual question upon such occasions 
if I should not order dinner to be served, and said, U 0ught six people 
to be kept waiting for one?" "Why, yes," answered Johnson, "if the 
one will suffer more by your sitting down than the six will do by 
waiting." There was a delicate humanity in this observation. Gold- 
smith, to divert the tedious minutes, strutted about bragging of his 
dress, and I believe was seriously vain of it, for his mind was wonder- 
fully prone to that passion. "Come, come," said Garrick, "talk no 
more of that. You are, perhaps, the worst eh, eh!" Goldsmith was 

Boswell wrote to John Johnston on 16 October: "My illness has taken various 
turns. At last I see a prospect of being soon perfectly well, and you may believe 

1 am very much relieved, for I have been under sad anxiety. The knife has been 
absolutely necessary, and you know I am a very bad bearer of pain. However, 
the thoughts of being made well once for all cannot fail to cheer me." Dr. Harry 
Roil suggests that the incision was probably made to relieve a paraphimosis, 
though it is possible that some form of local infection was in question. 

1 Johnson. 

31 8 London, 16 October 1769 

eagerly breaking In, when Garrick went on, laughing ironically, 
"Nay, you will always look like a gentleman, but I am talking of 
being well or ill dressed" "Well, let me tell you," said Goldsmith, 
"when my tailor brought home my bloom-coloured coat, he said, 'Sir, 

1 have a favour to beg of you. When anybody asks you who made your 
clothes, say John Filby at the Harrow in Water Lane.' " JOHNSON. 
"Why, Sir, that was because he knew the strange colour would at- 
tract crowds to gaze at it, and thus they might hear of him and see 
how well he might make a coat even of so absurd a colour." 

When we were set down 2 our conversation first turned upon Pope. 
Johnson said his characters of men were admirably drawn, those of 
women not so well. He repeated to us, in his forcible, melodious 
manner, the character of Moore 3 and the concluding lines of The 
Dunciad. While the company were loud in praise of the lines, I 
ventured to say, "Too fine for such a poem: a poem on what?" JOHN- 
SON (with a disdainful look), "Why, on dunces. It was worth while 
being a dunce then. Ah, Sir, hadst thou lived in those days! It is not 
worth while being a dunce now, when there are no wits." Bickerstaff 
observed, as a peculiar circumstance, that Pope's fame was higher 
when he was alive than now. Johnson said his Pastorals were poor 
things, though the versification was fine. He told us with high satis- 
faction the anecdote of Pope's inquiring who was the author of 
London, a Satire, and saying, he will be soon deterred He said that 
in Dry den's poetry there were passages drawn from a profundity 
which Pope could never reach. He repeated his lines on love (gentle, 
tempestuous, &c.; look for them)* and gave great applause to the 
character of Zimri. Goldsmith said that Pope's character of Addison 
was drawn deep from feeling and knowledge of the human heart. 
Johnson said that the description of the temple in The Mourning 
Bride was the finest poetical passage he had ever read; he recollected 
none in Shakespeare equal to it "But," said Garrick (all alarmed for 
"the god of his idolatry"), 6 "we know not the extent and variety of 

2 "After dinner" according to the printed version of the Life, 

3 Probably the lines on James Moore Smythe (Dunciad, ii. 35-50). 

4 Unearthed. London was Johnson's first major poem, 

5 The parenthesis in the printed Life reads, "which I have now forgotten." The 
lines in question are probably those from Tyrannic Love which Johnson later 
quoted in his Life of Dry den. 

6 See Romeo and Juliet, II. ii. HA. 

London., 16 October 1769 319 

his powers. We are to suppose there are such passages in his works. 
Shakespeare must not suffer from the badness of our memories." 
Johnson, diverted by this enthusiastic jealousy, went on with greater 
keenness: "No, Sir. Congreve has nature" (smiling on the tragic 
eagerness of Garrick) ; but composing himself he added, "Sir, this is 
not comparing Congreve on the whole with Shakespeare on the whole, 
but only saying that Congreve has one finer passage than any that 
can be found in Shakespeare. Sir, a man may have no more than ten 
guineas in the world, but he may have those ten guineas in one piece; 
and so may have a finer piece than a man who has ten thousand 
pounds: but then he has but one ten-guinea piece. What I mean is 
that you can show me no passage equal to this where moral ideas are 
not mingled and there is simply a description of material objects, 
which produces such an effect." Mr. Murphy mentioned Shakes- 
peare's description of the night before the Battle of Agincourt, but it 
was observed it had men in it. Mr. Davies suggested the speech of 
Juliet imaging what she should feel if she awaked in the tomb. Some- 
body mentioned the description of Dover Cliff. JOHNSON. "No, Sir, it 
should be all precipice all vacuum. The crows impede your fall. 
The diminished appearance of the boats and the other circumstances 
may be all very good description, but do not at once affect the mind 
with the horrible idea of immense highth. The impression is divided; 
you pass on by computation from one stage of the tremendous space to 
another. Had the girl in The Mourning Bride said she could not cast 
her shoe to the top of one of the pillars in the temple, it would not 
have aided the idea, but on the contrary weakened it," 

Talking of a barrister who had a bad utterance, some one (to 
rouse Johnson) wickedly said that it was a loss to him that he had not 
been taught oratory by Sheridan. JOHNSON. "Nay, Sir, if he had been 
taught by Sheridan he would have cleared the room." GARRICK. 
"Sheridan has too much vanity to be a good man." Now mark John- 
son's mode of defending a man; taking him into his own hands, and 
discriminating. JOHNSON. "No, Sir. There is, to be sure, in Sheridan 
something to reprehend, and everything to laugh at; but, Sir, he is 
not a bad man. No, Sir, were mankind to be divided into good and bad., 
he would stand considerably within the ranks of good. And, Sir, it 
must be allowed that Sheridan excels in plain declamation, but he 
can exhibit no character." . . . 

320 London, 16 October 1769 

Mrs. Montagu, as the author of an Essay on Shakespeare, being 
mentioned; REYNOLDS. "I think that Essay does her honour." JOHN- 
SON. "Yes, Sir, it does her honour, but it would do nobody else honour, 
I have, indeed, not read it all. But when I take up the end of a web 
and find it packthread, I do not expect by looking farther to find em- 
broidery. Sir, I will venture to say there is not a sentence of true 
criticism in it." GARRICK. "But, Sir, surely it shows how much Voltaire 
has mistaken the English, which nobody else has done," JOHNSON. 
"Sir, nobody else has thought it worth while. But what merit is there 
in that? You may as well talk of a schoolmaster whipping a boy for 
construing ill. No, Sir^ there is no real criticism in it: none showing 
the beauty of thought, as coining from the human heart, from certain 
dispositions of the mind." . . . 

Johnson went on with his notion of true criticism: "It is what the 
Scotchman 7 has attempted in his Elements of Criticism. I don't mean 
that he has taught us anything, but he has told us old things in a new 
way." MURPHY. "He seems to have read a great deal of French criti- 
cism and wants to make it his own, as if he had been for years anato- 
mizing the heart of man and peeping into every cranny of it." GOLD- 
SMITH. "It is easier to write that book than to read it."jOHNSON. "As 
an example of true criticism there is Burke's Essay on the Sublime 
and Beautiful; and, if I recollect, there is also Du Bos and Bouhours, 
who shows all beauty to depend on truth. There is no great merit in 
telling how many plays have ghosts in them, and how this ghost is 
better than that. You must show how terror is impressed on the 
human heart. In the description of night in Macbeth, the beetle and 
the bat detract from the general idea of darkness inspissated 

Politics being mentioned he said, "This petitioning is a new mode 
of distressing government, arid a mighty easy one. I will undertake 
to get petitions either against quarter-guineas or half-guineas with 
the help of a little hot wine. There must be no yielding to encourage 
this. The object is not important enough. We are not to blow up half 
a dozen palaces because one cottage is burning." 

The conversation then took another turn. JOHNSON. "It is amazing 
what ignorance of certain points one sometimes finds in men of 
7 Lord Kames. 

London, 16 October 1769 321 

eminence. A wit about town, who wrote Latin bawdy verses, asked 
me how England and Scotland, which were once two kingdoms, were 
now one; and a great barrister 8 did not seem to know that there were 
such publications as the Reviews. 

"The ballad of Hardyknute is nothing extraordinary if it be really 
ancient. 9 People talk much of nature. But mere obvious nature may 
be shown with very little power of mind," 

TUESDAY 17 OCTOBER. Donaldson the painter breakfasted with 
you; continued your miniature. He had fallen into the absurd practice 
of sneering at what is universally established: Pope, &c. Poor being 
then ; so made him use hands and eyes only. 

Called Mr. Johnson. 1 Talked of suicide^ if a crime. He said, "Yes. 
Thought so by all Christians. Saul forsaken of God. Cut off leg to 
preserve life." BOSWELL. "But may it not be done to save many lives, 
if you can't bear torture and would discover?" JOHNSON. "Why, Sir, 
there's no end of arguing on improbable suppositions. And after all, 
you do not make out that what you allow is not vicious. Only this, 
that in a supposablc case, a smaller vice is to be chosen rather than a 
greater." I instanced Turenne. 2 BOSWELL. "If you promise to a high- 
wayman 100, should you keep it?" JOHNSON. "Why, yes. It is bind- 
ing not as an obligation with respect to the highwayman but with re- 
spect to society, which has an interest that promises be kept and men 
do not explain them away." BOSWELL. "But, Sir, if 10,000?" JOHN- 
SON. "Why, then, Sir, a man is to balance the circumstances. If him- 
self alone concerned, 'tis binding," BOSWELL. "But he has perhaps a 
wife and family." JOHNSON. u Why, then, their claim in justice may 
be preferable. But, Sir, that kind of casuistical reasoning is veiy per- 

* Sir Fletcher Norton. 

^Hardyknute was published in 1719 as an ancient poem, but is generally be- 
1 loved to have been the composition of Lady Wardlaw of Pitreavie, who died 
in 1727, Percy, who had introduced the poem in the famous Reliques (1765), 
Had cast doubt on its antiquity. 

1 The following conversation between Boswell and Johnson was overlooked 
when Boswell was writing the Life, and is printed here for the first time, 

2 The person instanced is undoubtedly the great seventeenth-century French 
general, the Vicomte de Turenne, but just what lie is brought in to illustrate is 
not clear. 

322 London, 17 October 1769 

nicious. Rules cannot be given for improbable cases. One must judge 
when they happen. There may be with the temptation a way to es- 
cape not allowable but on necessity. Y'are not to stand forth and do 
wrong for good. Otherwise, there'd be no security, as the man who 
acts judges of the good." Dined London Tavern, &c. . . . Then Jubi- 
lee in Drury Lane. 3 

[Manuscript of The Life of Johnson] 

On Thursday 19 October, I had a long evening with him' at his 
house by ourselves. He advised me to complete a Dictionary of words 
peculiar to Scotland, of which I showed him a specimen. "Sir," said 
he, "Ray has made a collection of North Country words. By collecting 
those of your country, you will do a useful thing towards the history 
of the language." He bade me also go on with collections which I was 
making upon the antiquities of Scotland. "Make a large book, a 
folio." BOSWELL. "But of what use will it be, Sir?" JOHNSON. "Never 
mind the use; do it." 

I complained that he had never mentioned Garrick in his Preface 
to Shakespeare, and asked if he did not admire him. JOHNSON. "Yes, 
as c a poor player, who frets and struts his hour upon the stage' as 
a shadow." 8 BOSWELL, "But has he not brought Shakespeare into no- 
tice?" JOHNSON. "Sir, to allow that would be to lampoon the age. 
Many of Shakespeare's plays are the worse for being acted: Macbeth, 
for instance." BOSWELL. "What, Sir, with the advantages of decoration 
and action? No^ I do wish that you had mentioned Garrick." JOHN- 
SON. "My dear Sir, had I mentioned him, I must have mentioned 
many more: Mrs. Pritchard, Mrs. Gibber, nay, and Mr. Gibber 
too; he too altered Shakespeare." BOSWELL, "You have read his Apol- 
ogy, Sir?" JOHNSON. "Yes, it is very entertaining. But as for Gibber 
himself, if you took from his conversation all that ho ought; not to 
have said, he was a poor creature. He was in earnest with his odes, I 

3 Garrick presented a stage version of the vStratford Jubilee as an afterpiece at 

the Drury Lane Theatre, in which Boswell saw himself (no doubt to his great 

satisfaction) impersonated by an actor. He seems, indeed, to have lent Garrick 

his costume so that the impersonation might be more apt 

* Johnson. 

5 See^Macbeth, V. v, 24-25. 

London, 1 9 October 1769 323 

remember he brought me one to have my opinion of it, in which was 
this stanza: 

Perched on the eagle's soaring wing 
The lowly linnet loves to sing. 

I could not bear such nonsense, and would not let him read his ode 
out; so little respect had I for that great man! (laughing). Yet I re- 
member Richardson wondering that I could treat him with famil- 

I mentioned to him that I had seen the execution of several con- 
victs at Tyburn two days before, and that none of them seemed to be 
under any concern. 6 JOHNSON. "Most of them, Sir, have never thought 
at all." BOSWELL. "But is not the fear of death natural to us all?" 
JOHNSON. "So much so, Sir, that the whole of life is but keeping away 
the thoughts of it." He then, in a low and earnest tone, talked of his 
meditating upon the awful hour of his own dissolution, and in what 
manner he should behave upon that occasion: "I am uncertain," said 
he, "whether I should wish to have a friend by me, or have it all be- 
tween God and myself." 

Talking of our feeling for the distresses of others: JOHNSON. 
"Why, Sir, there is much noise made about it, but it is not true. No, 
Sir, you have a decent feeling to prompt you to do good: more than 
that Providence does not intend. It would be misery to no purpose." 
BOSWELL. "But now if I were in danger of being hanged?" JOHNSON. 
"I should do what I could to bail you, but when you were once fairly 
hanged I should not suffer for you." BOSWELL. "Would you eat your 
dinner that day, Sir?"jOHN\soN, "Yes, Sir, and eat it as if you were 
eating it with me. Why, there's Baretti who is to be tried for his life 
tomorrow; friends have risen up for him on every side, but if he 
should bo hanged, none of those friends will eat a slice of plum pud- 
ding the less. Sir, that sympathetic feeling goes a very little way in 
depressing the mind," 

The London Chronicle printed Boswell's own report of the incident on 24 
October: u As a strong instance of strange curiosity, James Boswell, Esquire, was 
observed last Wednesday at Tyburn when six men were executed. And in order 
to be as near as possible, where did he sit but on the top of the hearse which 
waited to carry away the body of George Low, one of the malefactors. A A man 
so various,' <fec." 

324 London., 19 October i 769 

I told him that I had dined lately at Foote' s, who showed me a let- 
ter to him from Tom Davies, telling him that he had not been able to 
sleep from the concern which he felt on account of this sad affair of 
Baretti, begging of him to think if he could suggest anything that 
would be of service to Baretti; and, at the same time, recommending 
to him an industrious young man who kept a pickle shop. JOHNSON. 
"Ay, Sir, here you have a true specimen of human sympathy: a friend 
hanged, or a cucumber pickled. We know not whether Baretti or the 
pickle man has kept Davies from sleep, nor does he know himself. 
But, Sir, as to his not sleeping, Tom Davies is a very great man; Tom 
has been upon the stage, and knows how to do these things. I have 
not been upon the stage, and cannot do these things." BOSWELL. "I 
have blamed myself for not feeling for others in the keen manner that 
others say they do." JOHNSON. "Why, Sir, don't be duped by them any 
more, and, Sir, you will find these very feeling people are not very 
ready to do you good. They pay you by feeling." BOSWELL. "But I am 
uneasy that I do not feel enough." JOHNSON. "Why then, keep better 
company, and read melancholy stories." 

BOSWELL. "Foote has a great deal of humour?" JOHNSON. "Yes, 
Sir," BOSWELL. "He has a singular talent of exhibiting character." 
JOHNSON. "Sir, it is not a talent, it is a vice; it is what others abstain 
from. It is not comedy, which exhibits the character of a species, as 
that of a miser gathered from many misers; it is farce, which gives 
individuals." BOSWELL. "Did not he think of exhibiting you, Sir?" 
JOHNSON. "Sir, fear restrained him; he knew I'd break his bones. I 
would have saved him the trouble of cutting off a leg; I would not 
have left him a leg to cut off." 7 BOSWELL. "Pray, Sir, is not Foote an 
infidel?" JOHNSON. "I do not know, Sir, that he is an infidel. But if he 
be an infidel, he is an infidel as a dog is an infidel; that is to say, he 
has never thought upon the subject." BOSWELL. "I suppose-, Sir, he 
has thought superficially, and seized the first notions which occurred 
to his mind." JOHNSON. "Why, then, Sir, still he is like a dog that 
snatches the piece next him. Did you never observe that dogs have 
not the power of comparing? A dog will take a small bit of meat as 
soon as a big, when both are before him. 

7 Foote had lost, a leg in 1766 through a fall from a high-spirited horse on which 
he had been mounted as a practical joke. 

London, 19 October 1769 325 

"Buchanan has fewer centos 8 than any modern Latin poet. He not 
only had great knowledge of the Latin language, but was a great poet. 
Both the Scaligers praise him." 

He again talked of the passage in Congreve with high commenda- 
tion, and said, "Shakespeare never has six lines together without a 
fault. Perhaps you may find seven, but this is not against my general 
assertion. If I come to an orchard and say there's no fruit here, and 
then comes a poring man and finds two apples and two pears, and 
says^ 'Sir, you are mistaken; I have found both apples and pears,' 
I should laugh at him ; what would that be to the purpose?" 

BOSWELL. "What do you think of Dr. Young's Night Thoughts, 
Sir?" JOHNSON. "Why, there are very fine things in them." BOSWELL. 
"Is there not less religion in the nation now, Sir, than there was for- 
merly?" JOHNSON. "Why, I don't know not." BOSWELL. "For instance, 
there used to be a chaplain in every great family, which is not the 
case now." JOHNSON. "Neither do you find many of the state servants 
which great families used formerly to have. There is a change of 
modes in the whole deportment of life." 

Next day, 20 October, he appeared, for the only time I suppose in 
his life, as a witness in a court of justice, being called to give evidence 
to the character of Signor Baretti,, who had stabbed a man in the 
street, and was arraigned at the Old Bailey for murder. 9 Never did 
such a constellation of genius enlighten the awful Sessions House: 
Mr. Burke, Mr. Garrick, Mr. Beauclerk, and Dr. Johnson; and un- 
doubtedly their favourable testimony had much weight with the 
court and jury. 1 Johnson gave his evidence in a slow, deliberate, and 
distinct manner, and with a minuteness of circumstance which was 
uncommonly impressive. It is well known that Mr, Baretti was ac- 

On the 26 of October, we dined together at the Mitre Tavern. I 
found fault with Foote for making a fool of his company. JOHNSON. 
"Why, Sir, when you go to see Foote, you do not go to see a saint: you 

8 Compositions made up of bits from other authors. 

l) Baretti was accosted in the street by two prostitutes, and drove one off with a 
blow of the hand. Three bullies, friends of the women, then attacked him, and 
in self-defence he stabbed one of them mortally with a pocket fruit knife. 
1 Goldsmith and Reynolds were also witnesses. 

326 London, 26 October 1 769 

go to see a man who will live at your house and then bring you on a 
public stage; who will have you at his house for the very purpose of 
bringing you on a public stage. Sir, he does not make fools of his com- 
pany; they whom he exposes are fools already; he only brings them 
into action." 

Talking of trade, he observed, "It is a mistaken notion that a great 
deal of money is brought into the nation by trade. It is not so. Com- 
modities come for commodities, but trade produces no capital acces- 
sion of wealth. But, though there should be little profit in money, 
there is a considerable profit in pleasure, as it gives to one nation the 
productions of another; as we have wines and fruits and many other 
foreign articles brought to us." BOSWELL. u Yes, Sir, and there is a 
profit in pleasure, by its procuring occupation to mankind." JOHN- 
SON. "Why, Sir, you cannot call that pleasure to which all are averse, 
and which none begin but with the hopes to be idle; a thing which 
men dislike before they have tried it, and when they have tried it." 
BOSWELL. u But, Sir, the mind must be employed, and we grow weary 
if idle." JOHNSON. "That is, Sir, because others are busy^ and we want 
company; but if we were all idle, there would be no wearying; we 
should all entertain one another. There is, indeed, this in trade: it 
gives an opportunity for change of situation amongst men. If there 
were no trade, those who are poor would always remain poor. But no 
man loves labour for itself." BOSWELL. "Yes, Sir, my father does. He 
is a very laborious judge, and he loves the labour." JOHNSON. "Sir, 
that is because he loves respect and distinction. Could he have them 
without labourt he would like it better." BOSWELL. "He tells me he 
likes it for itself." JOHNSON. "Why, Sir, he fancies so, becaxise he is not 
accustomed to abstract." 

We went home to his house to tea. Mrs. Williams made it with 
sufficient dexterity notwithstanding her blindness, though her man- 
ner of satisfying herself that the cups were full enough was a little 
awkward. She put her finger down a certain way till she felt the tea 
touch it. 2 In my first elation at being allowed the privilege of attend- 

2 Boswell toned down this account of Mrs, Williams's manner of pouring tea in 
the printed Life., saying rather that such seemed to be her method; he added in 
a footnote in the second edition that he had since been given reason to think that 
she could estimate the amount of tea in a cup by feeling its outside. 

London, 26 October 1769 327 

ing Dr. Johnson at his late visits to this lady, which was like being 
e secretioribus consiliis? I willingly drank cup after cup, as if it had 
been the Heliconian spring. But as the charm of novelty went off,, I 
grew more fastidious; and besides I discovered that she was of a peev- 
ish temper. 

There was a pretty larg circle this evening. Dr. Johnson was in 
very good humor, lively, and ready to talk upon all subjects. Mr. 
Ferguson, the astronomer, told him of a new-invented machine 
which went without horses. A man who sat in it turned a handle 
which worked a spring that drove it forward. "Then, Sir," said John- 
son, "what is gained is, the man has his choice whether he will move 
himself alone, or himself and the machine too." Dominiceti being 
mentioned, he was violent against him, and said, "There is nothing 
in all this boasted system. No, Sir, medicated baths can be no better 
than warm water: their only effect can be that of tepid moisture." 
One of the company 4 took the other side, very keenly maintaining 
that medicines of various sorts, and some too of most powerful effect, 
are introduced into the human frame by the medium of the pores; 
and n therefore, when warm water is impregnated with salutiferous 
substances it may produce great effects as a bath. This appeared to me 
very satisfactory. Johnson did not answer it; but talking for victory, 
and determined to be master of the field, he had recourse to the device 
which Goldsmith imputed to him in the witty words of one of Gib- 
ber's comedies: "There is no arguing "faith Johnson, for c when his 
pistol misses fire, he knocks you down with the butt end of it.' " 5 He 
turned to the gentleman, "Well, Sir, go to Dominiceti, and get thyself 
fumigated; and let the steam be directed to thy head, for there's the 
peccant part"* This produced a triumphant roar of laughter from the 
motley assembly of philosophers, printers, and dependents, male and 

I know not how I came to introduce so wild a supposition, but I 

3 One of the inner circle. 

4 Probably Boswell himself, 

K Altered from The Refusal, act i. 
6 Pope, Essay on Man., ii. 143-144: 

Imagination plies her dangerous art, 
And pours it all upon the peccant part. 

328 London, 26 October 1769 

ventured to say, "If, Sir, you were shut up in a castle, and a new-born 
child with you, what should you do?" JOHNSON. "Why, Sir, I should 
not much like my company." BOSWELL. "But would yoti bring it up?" 
He seemed, as may well be supposed, unwilling to pursue the subject; 
but, upon my persevering in my question, replied, "Why yes, Sir, I 
would; but I must have all conveniences. If I had no garden, I would 
make a shed on the roof, and take it there for fresh air. I should feed 
it, and wash it much, and with warm water to please it, not with cold 
water to give it pain." BOSWELL. "But, Sir, does not heat relax?" JOHN- 
SON. "Sir, you are not to suppose the water is to be very hot. I would 
not coddle the child. 7 No, Sir, the hardy method of breeding up chil- 
dren does no good. I'll take you five children from London, who shall 
cuff five Highland children. Sir, a man bred in London will carry a 
burthen or run or wrestle as well as one brought up in the hardiest 
manner in the country." BOSWELL. "Good living, I stippose, makes the 
Londoners strong." JOHNSON. "Why, Sir, I don't know that it does. 
Our chairmen from Ireland, who are as strong men as any, have been 
brought up upon potatoes. Quantity makes up for quality." BOSWELL. 
"Would you teach your child anything?" JOHNSON. "No, I should 
not be apt to teach it," BOSWELL. "Would not you have a pleasure in 
teaching it?" JOHNSON. "No, Sir, I should not have a pleasure in 
teaching it." BOSWELL. "Have you not a pleasure in teaching men? 
there I have you. You have the same pleasure in teaching men that 
I should have in teaching children." JOHNSON. "Why, something 
about that." 

BOSWELL. "Do you think, Sir, that what is called natural affection 
is born with us? It appears to me to be the effect of habit, or of grati- 
tude for kindness. No child has it. for a parent whom it has not seen," 
JOHNSON. "Why, Sir, I think there is an instinctive natural affection 
in parents towards their children." 

Russia being mentioned as likely to become a great nation by the 
rapid increase of population: JOHNSON, "Why,, Sir, I see no pros- 
pect of their propagating more. They can have no more children than 
they can get. I know of no way to make them breed more than they 
do. It is not from reason and prudence that people marry, bxrt from 
inclination. A man is poor; he thinks, *I cannot be worse, and so I'll 

7 By "relax" Boswell means "enfeeble." And by "coddle" Johnson means "par- 
boil" (as in the expression "a coddled egg"), not "pamper," 

London, 26 October 1769 329 

e'en take Peggie.' " BOSWELL. "But have not nations been more popu- 
lous at one period than another?" JOHNSON. "Yes, Sir^ but that has 
been owing to the people being less thinned at one period than an- 
other, whether by emigrations, war, or pestilence, not by their being 
more or less prolific. Births at all times bear the same proportion to 
the same number of people." BOSWELL. "But to consider the state of 
our own country; does not throwing a number of farms into one hand 
hurt population?" JOHNSON. "Why no, Sir, the same quantity of food 
being produced will be consumed by the same number of mouths, 
though the people may be disposed of in different ways. We see now if 
corn be dear and butchers' meat cheap, the farmers all apply them- 
selves to the raising of corn till it becomes plentiful and cheap, and 
then butchers' meat becomes dear; so that an equality is always pre- 
served. No, Sir, let fanciful men do as they will, depend upon it, it 
is difficult to spoil the system of life." BOSWELL. "But, Sir, is it not a 
very bad thing for landlords to oppress their tenants by raising their 
rents?" JOHNSON. "Very bad. Why, Sir, it never can have any general 
influence. It may distress some individuals. But consider this: land- 
lords cannot do without tenants. Now tenants will not give more for 
land than it is worth. If they can make more of their money by keep- 
ing a shop or any other way they'll do it, arid so oblige landlords to 
let land come back to a reasonable rent, in order that they may get 
tenants. Land in England is an article of commerce. A tenant who 
pays his landlord his rent thinks himself no more obliged to him than 
you think yourself obliged to a man in whose shop you buy a piece of 
goods. He knows the landlord lets him have his land for no less than 
he can get from others, in the same manner as the shopkeeper sells 
his goods. No shopkeeper sells a yard of riband for sixpence when 
scvenpencc is offered for it." BOSWELL. "But, Sir, is it not better that 
tenants should bo dependant on landlords?" JOHNSON. "Why, Sir, as 
there arc many more tenants than landlords, and a state of depend- 
ence is riot a desirable state, we should wish not. But, if you please, 
you may let your lands cheap, arid so get the value, part in money, 
part in homage, I should agree with you in that." BOSWELL. "So, Sir, 
you laugh at schemes of political improvement?" JOHNSON. "Why, 
Sir, most schemes of political improvement are very laughable 

He observed, "Providence has wisely ordered that the more nu- 

33O London., 26 October 1769 

merous men are the more difficult it is for them to agree in anything, 
and so they are governed. There is no doubt that if the poor should 
reason, 'We'll be the poor no longer, we'll make the rich take their 
turn,' they could easily do it, only that they could not agree. So the 
common soldiers, though so much more numerous than their officers, 
are governed by them for the same reason." 

He said, "Mankind have a strong attachment to the habitations to 
which they have been accustomed. You see the inhabitants of Norway 
do not with one consent leave it and go to some country in America 
where there is a mild climate and where they may have the same pro- 
duce from land with the tenth part of the labour. No, Sir, the attach- 
ment to their accustomed dwellings and the terror of a general change 
keep them at home. So we see many of the finest spots in the world 
thinly inhabited and many rugged spots well inhabited." 

The London Chronicle, which was the only newspaper he con- 
stantly took in since I was acquainted with him, being brought, the 
office of reading it aloud was assigned to me. I was diverted by his im- 
patience. He made me pass over so many parts of it that my task was 
very easy. He would not suffer one of the petitions to the King about 
the Middlesex election to be read. 

I had hired a Bohemian as my servant while I remained in Lon- 
don, and being much pleased with him, I asked Dr. Johnson if his 
being a Roman Catholic should prevent my taking him home to 
my family. JOHNSON. a Why no, Sir. If he has no objection, you can 
have no objection," BOSWELL. u So, Sir, you are no great enemy to the 
Popish religion." JOHNSON. u No more, Sir, than to the Presbyterian 
religion." BOSWELL. "You are joking." JOHNSON. "No, Sir^ upon hon- 
our I think so. Nay, Sir, of the two, I prefer the Popish." BOSWELL. 
"How so, Sir?" JOHNSON. "Why, Sir, the Presbyterians have no 
church, no apostolical ordination." BOSWELL. "And do you think that 
absolutely essential, Sir?" JOHNSON. "Why, Sir, as it was an apostol- 
ical institution, I think it is dangerous to be without it. And, Sir, the 
Presbyterians have no public worship: they have no form of prayer 
in which they know they can join. They go to hear a man pray, and 
are to judge whether they will join with him." BOSWELL. "But, Sir, 
their doctrine is the same with that of the Church of England. Their 
Confession of Faith and the Thirty-nine Articles contain the same 

London, 26 October 1769 331 

points, even the doctrine of predestination." JOHNSON. "Why yes, 
Sir, predestination was a part of the clamour of the times, so it is men- 
tioned in our Articles, but as little positively as could be." BOSWELL. 
"Is it necessary, Sir, to believe all the Thirty-nine Articles?" JOHN- 
SON. "Why, Sir, that is a question which has been much agitated. 
Some have thought it necessary that they should all be believed; 
others have considered them to be only articles of peace; that is to say, 
you are not to preach against them." BOSWELL. "It appears to me, Sir, 
that predestination, or what is equivalent to it, cannot be avoided, if 
we hold an universal prescience in God." JOHNSON. "Why, Sir, does 
not God every day see things going on and does not prevent them?" 
BOSWELL. "True, Sir, but if a thing be certainly foreseen, it must be 
fixed, and cannot happen otherwise; and if we apply this considera- 
tion to the human mind, there is no free will, nor do I see how prayer 
can be of any avail." He mentioned Dr. Clarke, and Bishop Bramhall 
on liberty and necessity, and bid me read South's sermons on prayer, 
but avoided the question which has excruciated philosophers and 
divines beyond any other. I did not press it farther when I perceived 
that he was displeased and shrunk from any abridgement of an 
attribute usually ascribed to the Divinity, however irreconcilable in 
its full extent with the grand system of moral government. His sup- 
posed orthodoxy here cramped the vigorous powers of his understand- 
ing. He was confined by a chain which early imagination and long 
habit made him think massy and strong, but which, had he ventured 
to try, he could at once have snapped asunder. 

I proceeded: "What do you think, Sir, of the doctrine of purga- 
tory, as believed by the Roman Catholics?" JOHNSON. "Why, Sir, it is 
a very harmless doctrine. They are of opinion that the generality of 
mankind are neither so obstinately wicked as to deserve everlasting 
punishment, nor so good as to deserve to be admitted into the society 
of blessed spirits; and therefore that God is graciously pleased to allow 
of a middle state, where they may be purified by certain degrees of 
suffering. You see, Sir, there is nothing unreasonable in this." BOS- 
WELL. "But then, Sir, their masses for the dead?" JOHNSON. "Why, 
Sir, if it be once established that there are souls in purgatory, it is as 
proper to pray for them as for our brethren of mankind who are yet 
alive." BOSWELL. "But the idolatry of the mass?" JOHNSON. "Sir, there 

London, 26 October 1769 

is no idolatry in the mass. They believe God to be there, and they 
adore him." BOSWELL. 'The worship of saints?" JOHNSON. "Sir, they 
do not worship saints, they invoke them; they only ask their prayers, 
I am talking all this time of the doctrines of the Church of Rome. I 
grant you that in practice, purgatory is made a lucrative imposition, 
and that the people do become idolatrous as they recommend them- 
selves to the tutelary protection of particular saints. I think their 
giving the sacrament only in one kind is criminal, because it is con- 
trary to the express institution of Christ, and I wonder how the Coun- 
cil of Trent admitted it." BOSWELL. "Confession?" JOHNSON. "Why, 
I don't know but that is a good thing. The Scripture says, 'Confess 
your faults one to another,' and the priests confess as well as the laity. 
Then it must be considered that their absolution is only upon repent- 
ance, and often upon penance also. You think your sins may be for- 
given without penance, upon repentance alone." . . . 8 

When we were alone I introduced the subject of death., and en- 
deavoured to maintain that the fear of it might be got over. I told him 
that David Hume said he was no more uneasy to think he should not 
be after this life than that he had not been before he began to exist. 
JOHNSON. "Sir, if a man really thinks so his perceptions are disturbed, 
he is mad; if he does not think so, he lies. Hume knows he lies. Ho 
may tell you he holds his finger in the flame of a candle without feel- 
ing pain; would you believe him? When he dies, he at least gives up 
all he has." BOSWELL. "Foote, Sir, told me that when he was very ill 
he was not afraid to die." JOHNSON. "It is not true, Sir. Hold a pistol 
to Foote's breast or to Flume's breast and threaten to kill them, and 
you'll see how they behave." BOSWELL. "But may we not calm our 
minds for the approach of death?" Here I am sensible I was in the 
wrong to bring before his view what he ever looked upon with horror; 
for, although when in a celestial frame in his Vanity of Human 
Wishes he can suppose death to be "kind Nature's signal for retreat" 
from this state of being to "a happier seat," the general state of his 
thoughts upon this awful transition was dismally apprehensive. Gar- 
rick told me that he believed him to be harassed with doubts. I 

8 Boswell goes on to remark in the printed Life that this is an accurate account 
of what Johnson had said, but if someone "had taken the other side he might 
have reasoned differently.'* 

London, 26 October 1769 333 

agreed, and said his mind resembled the vast amphitheatre, the Colos- 
seum at Rome. In the centre stands his judgment like a mighty gladia- 
tor, which combats doubts that like the wild beasts are all around in 
cells ready to be let out upon him. He grumbles and growls while 
they foam and roar. They fight, and he drives them back into their 
dens, but never kills them, so that they are always coming out again 
upon him. To rny question, if we might not calm our minds for the ap- 
proach of death, he answered in passion, "No, Sir, let it alone. It mat- 
ters not how a man dies, but how he lives. The act of dying is not of 
importance, it lasts so short a time." He added, with an earnest look, 
"A man knows it must be, and submits. It will do him no good to 

I attempted to continue the conversation. He was so provoked that 
he said, "Give us no more of this," and was thrown into such a state of 
tumult that he expressed himself in a way that alarmed and distressed 
me; showed an impatience to have me leave him, and, when I was 
going away, said, "Don't let us meet tomorrow." 

I went home exceedingly uneasy. All the harsh observations 
which I had ever heard made upon his character crowded into my 
mind; and I seemed to myself like the man who had put his head into 
a lion's mouth a great many times with perfect safety, but at last had 
it bit off. 

Next morning I sent him a note acknowledging that I might have 
been in the wrong, but it was not intentionally; he was therefore, I 
could not help thinking, too severe upon me. That notwithstanding 
our agreement not to meet today, I would call in my way to the City, 
and stay five minutes by my watch. "You are," said I, u in my mind 
since last night surrounded with cloud and storm. Let me have a 
glimpse of sunshine, and go about my affairs in serenity and cheer- 

Upon entering his study I was glad that he was not alone, which 
would have made our meeting more awkward. There were with him 
Mr. Steevens and Mr. Tyers, both of whom I now saw for the first 
time. My note had, or his own reflection, softened his ferocity, for he 

9 Since Boswell's r's and n's are ordinarily identical, this might be read "on" as 
it is printed in the Life. Nevertheless, in this case, it looks much more like "or," 
as Hill conjectured it might be. The phrase, "or his own reflection," is inserted 

334 London, 27 October 1769 

received me very complacently; so that I unexpectedly found myself 

at ease, and joined in the conversation. 

He said the critics had done too much honour to Sir Richard 
Blackmore in writing so much against him. That his Creation had 
been helped by various wits, a line by Philips and a line by Tickell: 
so that by their aid and that of others the poem had been made out. 

I defended Blackmore's lines, which have been celebrated for ab- 
solute nonsense: 

A painted vest Prince Voltiger had on, 
Which from a naked Pict his grandsire won. 1 

I maintained it to be a poetical conceit. A Pict being painted, if he is 
slain in battle and a vest is made of his skin, it is a painted vest won 
from him, though he was naked. 

Johnson spoke unfavourably of a certain pretty voluminous au- 
thor, saying, "He used to write anonymous books and then other books 
commending those books, in which there was something of rascality." 

I whispered him, "Well, Sir, you are now in good humour." 
JOHNSON. "Yes, Sir." I was going to leave him, and had got as far as 
the staircase. He stopped me, and smiling said, "Get you gone in"; 
a curious mode of inviting me to stay, which I accordingly did for 
some time longer. . . . 

[Received ?23 October, Margaret Montgomerie to Boswell] 

Lainshaw, 1 7 October 1 769 

paragraph on friendship which I transcribed from Cyrus. I thought 
it applicable, as like Araspes I have had my fears, whilst you, with a 
generosity equal to the Persian monarch, removed them by your as- 
surance of unalterable regard and affection. 2 I likewise thought it 

above the line in the manuscript, and perhaps Boswell actually meant to put it 
before rather than after "had." If so, the printer may have read "on" because it 
made more sense considering where the phrase is inserted. 

1 Actually, as Boswell pointed out in a note to the second edition of the Life, 
these lines are a parody of a passage in The British Princes by the Hon. Edward 

2 Les Voyages de Cyrus, in the middle of the third book. 

London, 23 October 1769 335 

would please you to see I was paying some attention to a language 
which you wish me to understand. I hope with your assistance I shall 
make some proficience, but at present my mind is too much taken up 
to apply to what requires a good deal of study. 

I have read your Tour to Corsica with great pleasure and shall 
read the History also. 

We had a meeting today about settling the turnpike road from 
Stewarton to Kilmarnock. Lord Eglinton and Captain Montgornerie- 
Cuninghame are on opposite sides. There has no great friendship sub- 
sisted between them for some years, and any difference in opinion or 
interest augments a disgust which is at best only smothered. It's a 
most disagreeable thing to live at variance with one's neighbours; at 
least it appears so to me, whose wish it is to live in peace with all the 
world. But I cannot answer for myself if I was as wealthy as some 
people. Riches often brings such a spirit of independence that its 
possessors are apt to forget they have superiors. I mean those who ac- 
quire the advantages of fortune at a time of life when the love of the 
world begins to take root in their minds; with such, in the Apocryphal 
style, "according to their riches, so is their anger." 3 

The Rambler has a very good paper on foolish passion. He has 
drawn a most natural picture of a domestic tyrant. 4 It appears pretty 
much the character of an acquaintance of yours: rough at the best, 
his passion seems to gather strength as his body decays. Don't tell me 
of your being hot tempered. Where a man has sense and any degree 
of politeness, I never think there's any fear of his allowing himself to 
be transported beyond the bounds of good nature. If you are angry at 
me at times I shall always suppose myself in the wrong, as I'm posi- 
tive I must be; but I shall likewise trust to your generosity for pardon 
when I acknowledge my fault. I have ever met with this indulgence 
from yoxi, and I fear not that you will deny me when you have me, if 
possible-, more in your power. 

I flatter myself my temper is much calmed of late. I am sure I can 
bear a great deal from one I really like, and also am positive that your 
advice and opinion will have its due weight with me. 

I have sent you inclosed a brass ring as a measure. It is fully wide, 

8 Altered from Ecclesiasticus 28. 10. 

4 No. 1 1, Apparently Lord Auchinleck is meant. 

336 London, 23 October 1769 

but I could get nothing that fitted so well except the one I have with 

my brother and sisters' hair; however, you will order it a very little 


I wish to see your friend the General; at the same time I am afraid 
I should make a very awkward figure. 5 Consider me living at Lain- 
shaw, unaccustomed to see the face of a creature except our own fam- 
ily, and you will not wonder at my being apprehensive of appearing 
greatly to the disadvantage before so great a man. I cannot think he 
will leave London before the meeting of Parliament, as the favour- 
able reception he has met with from our good King will, I hope, assist 
him to make friends amongst the people in power, who may in some 
period, I hope not far distant, be helpful in restoring him to his be- 
loved Corsica. 6 

My anxiety is certainty too great. I went to the post-office, and, 
because there was no letters, which I might reasonably have expected 
would be the case, I was uneasy and disappointed. Perhaps you will 
be in Devonshire before this reaches London. I wish you safely there, 
and that you may find your deservedly esteemed friend happy and 
well. Ask him if he thinks you had cause for being as angry at me as 
you say you was for what I formerly wrote. Do you recollect a book 
you gave me, of which I remember nothing more than the name 
(Smith on The Theory of Moral Sentiment) , except one observation, 
to wit: that a person is much more displeased when their friend does 
not enter warmty into their sentiments than when they appear in- 
sensible of the merit and good qualities of those they love? 7 It's per- 
haps not expressed in this manner, but it runs in my mind that it's 
something to the same purpose. I wish I had a memory equal to 
Paoli's, but I find myself very different as to that. T trust T shall hear 
from you tomorrow. I beg you will observe this is tho third letter I 
have wrote without once enquiring when you propose being home. I 
saw Mr. Montgomerie, Coilsfield and Mr. Hamilton, Stmdrum, They 
joked me a good deal, but were pleased to signify how much they re- 
joiced at the prospect of having me for a near neighbour. 

We have Treesbank and Hugh Campbell tonight. I must draw my 

5 Boswell wrote to John Johnston on 16 October that the General "has promised 
me that he will go to Scotland, and I have hopes that he will go down the be- 
ginning of next month and be present at my marriage," 

6 For what follows, see p. 229 n.2. 

7 See Part I, Section i, Ch. 2, entitled, "Of the Pleasure of Mutual Sympathy." 

London, 23 October 1769 337 

letter to a conclusion, as I scruple to trouble you with such long, stu- 
pid scrawls. I shall therefore, though unwillingly, bid my dear friend 
adieu, after assuring him that I sincerely am his ever faithful and 


[Received ?3O October, Margaret Montgomerie to Boswell] 

Lainshaw, 24 October 1 769 

riot receiving a letter from my dear friend. I was not well and very 
low spirited, and therefore stood in need of comfort, but your former 
goodness to me puts it out of my power to complain. I have just now 
had very melancholy accounts of poor Lord Eglinton. He was on 
his way to Lord Glasgow's and met an excise officer amongst his en- 
closure at Ardrossan; as he is a notorious poacher, my Lord ordered 
him to deliver his gun, which he positively refused, adding he would 
part 8 with it and life together. My Lord upon this jumped out of his 
coach, arid the fellow presented his piece to him, warning him to keep 
off; in the mean time Campbell's foot struck a stone and he fell back 
into a furrow; when, seeing Lord Eglinton advancing towards him, 
he fired and shot him through the body. Expresses are gone every way 
for assistance, but, by the accounts I have received, I'm afraid all is 
over with him. I have sent off to get the particulars from Charles 
Crookshanks, 9 and shall be able to give you distinct information about 
this unhappy affair as soon as the express returns. 

The man has just arrived and has brought me a letter from one of 
the surgeons, which I inclose to you. Oh, what a melancholy thing it 
is to lose one's friend in such a shocking, barbarous manner! The fel- 
low is put in jail, and was examined before the magistrates of Irvine. 
He confessed he shot my Lord, but insists that he was in the way of 
his duty and therefore not culpable. He had information of smugglers 
coming that way, if one can credit his method of telling the story. But 
surely the law was open to him; if my Lord did an unwarrantable 
thing, he therefore ought to have sought his redress in that way. 

What an afflicted family! Poor Lady Eglinton 1 parted with him in 

$ Typescript, "hunt." 

Lord Eglinton's steward in England. 

1 His mother. Eglinton never married, btit is said at the time of his death to have 

338 London, 30 October 1 769 

great health and spirits, and in a few hours after had him brought 

back a woeful, bloody spectacle. 

How vain, how transitory, is every earthly enjoyment! that such 
a striking instance of mortality may teach us to keep in mind our 
latter end, and so to number our days as to apply our hearts unto 
wisdom. 2 

I cannot write anything else, I am so distressed with this sad acci- 
dent. I really hardly know what I am doing. Write me soon, my dear 
Jamie, and tell me how you do. I am more and more anxious about 
you. When I feel so much for the danger an old and intimate ac- 
quaintance is in, what must I not suffer for the man I prefer to every 
earthly being, when I consider that he is not well, and, for aught I 
know, may at present be under the greatest distress? 

I suppose next letter I write will inform you that your old friend 
is now no more. I was told so this moment, but as it was not from cer- 
tain authority I do not assert it for a truth, though Mr. Fleming's ac- 
count makes it extremely probable. 3 

Adieu, my dearest friend. May the Almighty bless and preserve 
you to your ever faithful and affectionate 


[Boswell to Margaret Montgomcrie] 

Mamhead, Sunday evening |'/5 November"] 1 769 
MY DKARKST LOVE, Times and places have much influence on 
souls so happily enthusiastic as mine. You know this, and therefore 
you will easily conceive what are my cairn, agreeable feelings on a 
Sunday evening at the parsonage of Temple, my old and most inti- 
mate friend. I got here to breakfast on Friday morning; and had the 
pleasure to find Mr. and Mrs. Temple very well. The parsonage is a 
small thatched house. But it contains several very tolerable rooms, 
which are neatly fitted up so that one may live in them comfortably 

been engaged to Mrs. Jean Montgornerie, Margaret Montgomerie's widowed 

2 See Psalms 90, 12, 

3 Eglinton did, in fact, die that night. Fleming was the surgeon referred to 
earlier. His letter has not been recovered. 

Mamhead, 5 November 1769 339 

We passed the day on Friday very happily. I found myself quite 
at home. Mrs. Temple is an amiable, well-behaved young woman, 
and is interested about me as if I had been her friend as long as I have 
been that of her husband. My friend has a fine boy about fourteen 
months old. He was privately baptized long ago. But yesterday we 
had him solemnly admitted a Christian in the church, where I stood 
as godfather to him. Mr. Harington, a clergyman in the neighbour- 
hood, who stood for the other godfather, a gentleman now in London, 
dined with us. He is a man of an ancient family and a high Tory, so 
was an admirable companion for me. Yesterday passed away in con- 
versation and friendly sentiment more valuable than I can describe 
without appearing to exaggerate. 

I have been today at the parish church. It is a small, old building, 
but like every church in England, even the smallest, has something 
venerable and ornamental about it. There is a ring of five bells. Some 
pillars in the church. Some curious painted glass in the windows, and 
some inscriptions on the walls. Over the door is, "To him. that knock- 
eth it shall be opened." On one side fronting the pulpit is, "Wherewith 
shall I come before the Lord," &c., from Micah "To do justly, love 
mercy, and walk humbly with thy God" and over the communion 
table in a little chancel railed in with Gothic carving in wood, "But 
let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of this bread and drink 
of this cup."* My friend preached on II Timothy, chapter i, verse 10: 
"Our Saviour Jesus Christ hath brought life and immortality to light 
by the gospel." He gave us an excellent consolatory discourse on the 
immortality of the soul. He has a very small congregation, not above 
fifty people. I was in the best frame imaginable, full of present con- 
tentment and future hope. 

I wish you was here with me. We all flatter ourselves with that 
prospect, Devonshire is a delightful country. This parsonage has a 
good glebe, and a charming prospect both of land and sea. Mr. Tem- 
ple is to accompany me this evening to Exeter, from whence I set out 
tomorrow morning at one in the post-coach for London. This visit to 
my friend has fully answered my expectations. Adieu, my dearest 
love. I am ever your faithful and affectionate 

* Luke 11. 10; Micah 6, 6, 6. 8; I Corinthians 11. 28. 

340 London, 8 November 1 769 

[Received ?8 November, Margaret Montgomerie to Bos well] 

Lainshaw, 31 October 1769 

ABLE LETTERS, 5 it is almost unnecessary to say how happy they made 
me, as you must ere now be persuaded that every proof of your affec- 
tion and remembrance confers an obligation on your grateful friend. 
I shall say nothing of the one dated the second of October; only you 
are sensible I am not without feeling, so can easily imagine I could 
not read it without pain. 

Though you may believe I wished and likewise expected to have 
seen you sooner than I now can; yet, as you tell me your absence 
is necessary, I submit. I cannot help being uneasy at the thoughts of 
General Paoli's being witness to the ceremony. It's at any rate an aw- 
ful affair, and would be doubly so in the presence of so great a man. 
To be sure, I ought to carry my views much higher and consider my- 
self before the Supreme Being, but sensible objects have too great an 
effect on our minds, and are apt to draw them off from tilings of 
greater importance. I sincerely wish he may not come n but if lie does, 
and you signify to me your desire to have him, you may believe I 
shall agree, whatever it should cost me. Do not again take a disgust at 
me and think me a weak, awkward, spiritless being. Remember, with 
advantages vastly superior to mine, you yourself was uneasy in the 
presence of the illustrious Chief. You bid me tell you every thought of 
my heart and have no other confidant but you. I really have none, and 
do fairly acknowledge to you that I wish you could steal out of Edin- 
burgh when nobody can suspect where you are going, and let the 
ceremony be put over as privately as possible, as I would like to re- 
main in the country till you thought it necessary for me to come to 
town; however, determine on whatever is most; agreeable and con- 
venient for yourself, and be assured I shall willingly comply with 
whatever you judge right. 

You would be greatly shocked with the accounts of poor Lord 
Eglinton's death. His murderer is nephew to Netherplace. I doubt not 
but they will apply to you to be his counsel, but I am likewise certain 
their application will be in vain. It was put in the newspapers that it 
was accidental, bxit my Lord expressed himself in a very different 
5 These letters have not been recovered. 

London, 8 November 1 769 341 

manner, and his servants were witnesses to its being designed. I forgot 
if I told you Lord Eglinton settled 100 a year on Charles Crook- 
shanks and two hundred a year on Mrs. Brown. 6 

My sister talks of being in Edinburgh in ten days to settle her 
eldest son at the college, and secure a house for herself and family. I 
wish you could come west while she remains in town. I am clearly of 
opinion you should continue your servant, and I don't believe that his 
wages are higher than Thomas's were; but you may try if he will 
agree to the same terms, as it will not sound so ill to the Commissioner 
and some more of your economical friends. 

I hope you will not be angry at me for objecting to the presence of 
Paoli. I am only telling you my uneasiness, at the same time assuring 
you that I shall do all in my power to get the better of it. This will not 
reach you till after your return from Devonshire, but I hope I shall 
hear from you while there. I must now conclude with assuring you 
that I sincerely am my dear Jamie's ever faithful and affectionate 


| Received ?8 November, Margaret Montgomerie to Boswell] 

Lainshaw, 2 November 1769 


safely returned from his Devonshire excursion. 

I wrote 3^>u last night, and am now sorry that I expressed myself 
as I did on a certain subject. I wish you may not blame me also, but 
remember I am willing to be entirely guided by you; so you must for- 
get as much as possible what is weak and foolish, and consider that 
when we meet I shall not only act as you think proper, but I hope 
through time to acquire a manner of thinking agreeable to you. 

I am not in spirits for writing at present. This is poor Lord Eglin- 
tori's bxirial day. I am something of an Episcopal in my heart, and 
often read the Book of Prayer with great satisfaction. Their form of 
burying their dead pleases me much; it is so decent and solemn. How 
differently do they go about it in the Presbyterian way: talking with- 
out any concern about their business, or perhaps the most trifling sub- 

6 Lord Eglinton's kept mistress. Boswell considered her good looking, and was 
agreeably impressed by her quietness and good nature upon first acquaintance, 
but afterwards thought her "a low censorioxis Scots lass" (Boswell's London 
Journal, 14 May 1763). 

342 London, 8 November 1 769 

jects that can occupy the thoughts of reasonable beings. My Lord 
begged he might be privately interred, and above all things recom- 
mended sobriety. On most occasions this advice might be very neces- 
sary (to) the Colonel, but he is in such real distress about his brother's 
death that I believe he has little relish for his bottle. 7 

The wife and sister of the unhappy murderer went to Lord 
Loudoun, but my Lord would have nothing to say to them. He desired 
they might apply to some other person, for he never would interest 
himself in such a cause. Campbell is one of the most worthless of the 
human race. He twice attempted to murder before (he) deprived poor 
Lord Eglinton of life. What can be expected from a creature who, 
without the principles of what the world calls honour, denies the 
existence of a God? s I am called downstairs, so must bid my dear 
friend good night, but I shall write soon again. Adieu, and may the 
Almighty bless and preserve you is the sincere prayers of your affec- 
tionate and faithful 


[Manuscript of The Life of Johnson'] 

Being to set out for Scotland on the 10 of November, I wrote to 
him at Streatham begging that he would meet me in town on the 9th; 
but if this should be very inconvenient to him I would come out to 
him. He answered: 

9 November 1 769 

DEAR SIR, Upon balancing the inconveniencies of both parties, 
I find it will less incommode you to spend your night here, than me 
to come to town. I wish to see you, and am ordered by the lady of this 
house to invite you hither. Whether you can come or not, I shall not 
have any occasion of writing to you again before your marriage, and 
therefore tell you now that with great sincerity I wish you happiness. 
I am, dear Sir, your most affectionate, humble servant, 


7 Archibald Montgomorie, who succeeded his brother as eleventh Earl, was 
notorious for "his hard drinking. 

8 Campbell was found guilty of murder and condemned to death, but he hanged 
himself in prison, 

9 This letter is missing in the manuscript, and is supplied from the printed Life. 

Streatham, to November 1769 

I was detained in town till it was too late on the gth, so went out to 
him early in the morning of the i oth November. "Now," said he, "that 
you are going to marry, do not expect more from life than life will 
afford. You may often find yourself out of humour, and you may 
often think your wife not studious enough to please you, and yet you 
may have reason enough to consider yourself as upon the whole very 
happily married." 

Talking of marriage in general he observed, "Our marriage ser- 
vice is too refined. It is calculated only for the best kind of marriages, 
whereas we should have a form for matches of convenience, of which 
there are many." He agreed with me that there was no absolute neces- 
sity for having the marriage ceremony performed by a regular clergy- 
man, for this was not commanded in scripture. 

I was volatile enough to repeat to him a little epigrammatic song 
of mine on matrimony, which Mr. Garrick had a few days before pro- 
cured to be set to music. 


In the blithe days of honeymoon, 
With Kate's allurements smitten, 
I loved her late, I loved her soon, 
And called her dearest kitten. 

But now my kitten's grown a cat, 
And cross like other wives, 
Oh! by my soul, my honest Mat, 
I fear she has nine lives. 

My illustrious friend said, "Mighty well, Sir, but don't swear." Upon 
which I altered, "Oh! by my soul" to "alas, alas!" 

He was good, enough to accompany me to London, and see me into 
the post-chaise which was to carry me on my road to Scotland. 

[Received ? 1 2 November, Margaret Montgomerie to Boswell] 

Lainshaw, 5 November 1 769 


dear friend, for which I beg leave to offer my sincere and grateful 
thanks. The one dated the 3Oth had by the stupidity of some of the 

344 Newcastle, 12 November 1769 

clerks to the post-office been missent, which made me a day longer of 
receiving it and of consequence a sufferer. I am truly sorry to think 
you have been melancholy, but I know it's in vain to argue against it. 
To the Almighty I put up my earnest request that he may remove far 
from your mind every gloomy, every discontented thought. In His 
mercy I trust that you will have few returns of such a disagreeable 
complaint. Do not be uneasy at the thought of your being ill to live 
with, when you can have the satisfaction to think you have never 
deceived me; on the contrary have always made yourself worse than 
you really are. Be that as it will, I have no right to believe you free of 
the faults and imperfections you charge yourself with, and therefore 
am prepared to bear with them. Be not therefore distressed about 
what ought never to give you pain. You have plainly told me what is 
your real temper. It will be my duty to study your happiness; other- 
wise I shall be much more faulty than you. 

I am very unhappy to think you are complaining of a bad cold. 
Oh, be careful of yourself, and consider how dangerous it is to neglect 
it, how fatal it has been to many by laying the foundation of long and 
tedious disorders. I wrote you last night, as I thought there was a 
chance my letter might reach you, but I fancy Mr. Dempster will 
send it after you, though it's of no great consequence whether or not. 
As to our meeting, you may believe I earnestly wish it may be soon, 
but not till you have recovered the fatigue of your journey and find 
yourself better of your cold-, as I would not wish to see you at the ex- 
pense of your health. I really think it would be more proper for you 
to come this length; it would have a much better appearance, and 
that, you know, should be considered. You are, I dare say, perfectly 
convinced that my inclination would lead me to do what you desire., 
but for your sake I wish to behave with prudence and propriety. I 
hope you will write me from Newcastle in case you stay a day on the 
road. I know I shall hear upon your arrival in Edinburgh. May God 
bless you and return you in safety is my sincere and fervent prayer. I 
am under a necessity to make this letter shorter than I could wish, as I 
have no frank. 

All here are pretty well; the Captain complains of a rheumatic 
disorder. My sister had a letter from your father, who has been dis- 
tressed with the same complaint. He is better, but was not so well as to 

Newcastle, 12 November 1769 345 

be able to do the last sad office to poor Lord Eglinton's remains. Adieu, 
my dearest friend, and that you may be at all times directed by infi- 
nite wisdom to what is for your happiness here and hereafter is the 
earnest wish of your ever faithful and affectionate 


[Received ? 1 6 November, Margaret Montgomerie to Boswell] 

Lainshaw, 15 November 1769 

SINCE YOUR ARRIVAL IN SCOTLAND I have received no less than five 
letters: one from Mr. Temple's, one from London, and one from 
Musselburgh last night, and this post brought me a letter from Exe- 
ter, and another from Edinburgh. 1 Words cannot give you a just idea 
of the grateful sense I have of your goodness. I can only at present 
offer you my thanksS, but trust that you shall be convinced by my con- 
duct that I am truly sensible of the obligations I owe you for your 
friendly attention. My heart is greatly at ease now that you are safely 
arrived in Edinburgh, and the prospect I have of seeing you so soon is 
most agreeable to me, but yet I'm afraid it may fatigue you too much. 
I reflect with uneasiness on your travelling so far without sleep, and 
am fearful that you may still feel the bad effects of it. 

It is my sincere wish that you and your father may be on a friend- 
ly footing. I know it is a matter of consequence to you. Independent of 
any prudent motives, the affection of a parent, even in an humble 
station, is necessary to promote the happiness of one of your princi- 
ples. This I am positive you will find to be the case, and therefore 
hope you will have great satisfaction to think you have in some meas- 
ure yielded to him, 

I sent you by the carrier a little black jelly 2 for your cold, as I 
could get no honey. It was made by your friend, the Lady Treesbank. 

The Captain, poor man, has been more distressed than usual, 
which has determined Mrs. Montgomerie-Cuninghame to put off 
corning to Edinburgh for some time. Her sons and their governor are 
to be in town Saturday night. 

If you tell me you ar,e determined to be here, I'll meet you on the 

1 Only the lotter from Temple's (printed p. 338) has been recovered. 

2 Probably black currant jelly. 

346 Edinburgh., 16 November 1 769 

road if in health; but if not, you must just come up to my room, where 
I shall be alone to receive my dear friend. But if you are in the least 
degree complaining, or imagine your father will disapprove of your 
coming, do not think of it; for, believe me, I shall not misconstruct the 
delay. Will you take the trouble to tell Dr. Boswell to send out the 
picture he took to get framed, as the Captain is impatient to have it. I 
shall not lose hopes of seeing you on Saturday till I hear from you that 
you are not to be here, so you see by this that it is no small sacrifice to 
give up a point of that kind. Adieu, and believe me your faithful and 


1 have only one frank for you, which I keep till 1 have a longer 
letter to write. 

[Received ?i/ November, Margaret Montgomeric to Boswell] 

Lainshaw, 1 6 November 1 769 

I WROTE YOU A LETTER LAST NIGHT begging you would not think of 
coming here without you was in perfect health and found it would 
not disoblige your father. By yours tonight I am happy to see you arc 
quite well, and would gladly hope there can be no objections made to 
your coming out, as I am extremely anxious to see you, having a thou- 
sand things to tell you which I cannot write. Believe me, I almost 
repent my writing last night, as I thixik it may have prevented you 
from coming, which will be a very great disappointment to rne; but I 
am sure it will not happen without a good cause, so I ought to be quite 
submissive. I am extremely happy to think home is so agreeable to 
you. I hope you will always find it so. I shall enclose this to Bob Bos- 
well, in case you are set out before it arrives. 

I see the Captain and my sister expect you, and from some things 
I have heard, though not from themselves, they will think it odd if 
you are not here soon. The Captain keeps the fatted calf for your ar- 
rival. Poor man, he has not been well for some time past; his rheu- 
matic disorder has increased, as also his stomachic complaints. I shall 
hear from you on Saturday what time you think of being here, that I 
may know when I should set out to meet you. You see I will have it 
that you are to come, notwithstanding what I wrote on Wednesday. 

Edinburgh, 1 7 November 1 769 347 

You don't say anything about your father's want of health, so I would 
gladly hope he is now perfectly well. I believe the children will not be 
in Edinburgh till the beginning of next week. They are gone to Trees- 
bank to take leave of their friends there. All here join in best wishes to 
you. My prayers are more fervent for your happiness than my own. 
Adieu, and believe me, my dearest friend, your ever faithful and 


| Boswell to Margaret Montgomerie] 

Edinburgh, Thursday 23 November 1 769 

MY BEAR PEGGIE, This is probably the last letter which I shall 
have an opportunity to write to Miss Peggie Montgomerie. Your kind 
favour (your last, too, as a young lady), which I received this morn- 
ing, is another proof of your admirable heart and spirit. I went to 
your friend Lord Egiinton and delivered your polite message, which 
he received in the best manner, A favour is making for him, and he is 
to appear with it on Sunday. I cannot think of our coming to my 
father's house. It would be mixing gall with my honey. We shall 
concert what to do when we meet. I like your saying, "Be you positive 
to take me with you." Only think: the day after tomorrow we are to 
be married. Pray look back and recollect all our former scenes. I have 
some bitter oranges for the Captain. I am so earnestly invited to Both- 
well Castle that I cannot refuse. So I shall be there tomorrow night. 
Your gown comes with mo. You can soon put it on. Let dinner be late. 
We shall both dross in white before it. I ever am your faithful and 


This is wrillon from worthy Grange's room. He offers you his best 

\ Scots Magazine'] 

25 [NOVEMBER"], 3 At Edinburgh, Alexander Boswell, Esquire, of 
Auchinleck, one of the Lords of Session and Justiciary, to Miss Betty 

3 The Edinburgh Marriage Register gives the date of Lord Auchinleck's mar- 
riage as 19 November, which is more likely the correct date. 

348 Lainshaw^ 25 November 1 769 

Boswell, second daughter of John Boswell, Esquire, of Balmuto, de- 

25 [NOVEMBER]. At Lainshaw, in the shire of Ayr, James Boswell, 
Esquire, of Auchinleck, advocate, to Miss Peggie Montgomerie, 
daughter of the late David Montgomerie of Lainshaw, Esquire. 

[EDITORIAL NOTE. Boswell, always keenly sensitive to symbolism., 
summed up in his marriage contract all the major enthusiasms of his 
life for the three years immediately preceding his marriage: love, 
Corsica-, Dr. Johnson, and the Douglas cause. It is a contract with the 
woman of his choice, drawn by himself as an advocate; it is witnessed 
by General Paoli, Dr. Johnson, and Archibald Douglas, He has folded 
it in the usual style of a legal paper, and endorsed it, Marriage Con- 
tract between James Boswell, Esq. and Miss Peggie Montgomerie, 

This is the marriage contract between James Boswell, Esquire, 
eldest son to the Right Honourable Alexander Boswell, Esquire, of 
Auchinleck, one of the Lords of Session and Justiciary in Scotland, 
and Miss Peggie Montgomerie, daughter to the late David Mont- 
gomerie of Lainshaw, Esquire. 

The said parties do hereby agree that, in consideration of the sin- 
cerest mutual love and regard, they will, on or before the holy festival 
of Christmas next to come, be united to each other by marriage. 

They solemnly engage to be faithful spouses, to bear with one 
another's faults, and to contribute as much as possible to each other's 
happiness in this world; hoping through the merits of their blessed 
Saviour, Jesus Christ, for eternal happiness in the world which is to 

In faith of which, this paper, written by the said James Boswell, 
Esquire, is subscribed by him at London on the thirty-first day of 
October in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and 
sixty-nine, before these witnesses: Pascal Paoli, General of the Corsi- 
cans, and Samuel Johnson, Doctor of Laws, and author of The Ram- 
bler and other works. 


The Marriage Contract between James Boswell and Margaret Montgomerie, 

ft Ottober tj(M^ sigtHMl by Miss Moutgouiorit* on '25 November 1769; with 
owlorsotmwt* by Pawj\uilf <lo Paoli, Saitiuol Johnson, and Archibald Douglas. 
From the original in the Yale University Library 


/" '? ' 

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^ ^T^^^f^ 


; : ' ' ' ;: ; \; ll:#$f< 

A',' "> f \ 'W\A^ A 

Lainshaw, 25 November 1769 349 

lo sottoscritto ho veduto, e sono stato presente^ quando il Signore 
Giacomo Boswell ha sottoscritto questo foglio. 4 

SAM. JOHNSON, Witness. 

And by the said Miss Peggie Montgomerie at Lainshaw, on the 
twenty-fifth of November in the year of our Lord one thousand seven 
hundred and sixty-nine, before these witnesses: the Honourable 
Archibald Douglas of Douglas, Esquire, and the said James Boswell, 

A. DOUGLAS, Witness. 

4 "I, the undersign rd, was present and saw James Boswell, Esquire, subscribe this 
document." Paoli did not conic to Scotland for the marriage. 


Versus in the Character of a Corsican at Shakespeare's 
Jubilee^ at Stratford-upon-Avon^ Sept. 6^ 1769 . 


From the rude banks of Golo'^ rapid flood, 
Alas! too deeply tinged with patriot blood; 
O'er which, dejected, injured freedom bends 7 
And sighs indignant o'er all Europe sends : 
Behold a Corsican! in better days, 
Eager I sought my country's fame to raise; 
When o'er our camp Paoli's banners waved, 
Arid all the threats of hostile France we braved, 
Till unassisted, a small nation failed-, 
And our invaders* tenfold force prevailed. 

Now when I'm exiled from rny native Iand 7 

I come to join this classic festal band, 

To soothe my soul on Avon's sacred stream, 

Arid from your joy to catch a cheering gleam. 

To celebrate great Shcikespeare's wond'rous fame, 

And add new trophies to the honoured name 

Of nature's bard, whom though your country bore, 

His influence spreads to ev'ry distant shore: 

Wherever genuine feeling souls are found., 

His "wood notes wild" with ecstasy resound. 

Had Shakespeare lived our story to relate, 
And hold his torch o'er our unhappy fate; 
Lived with majestic energy to tell 
How long we fought, what heroes nobly fell! 
Had Garrick, who Dame Nature's pencil stole, 


352 Verses in the Character of a Corsican 

Just where old Shakespeare dropped it, when his soul 

Broke from its earthy cage aloft to fly, 

To the eternal world of harmony 

Had Garrick shown us on the tragic scene, 

With fame embalmed our deeds of death had been; 

If from his eyes had flashed the Corsic fire, 

Men less had gazed to pity than admire. 

happy Britons! on whose favoured isle, 
Propitious freedom ever deigns to smile, 
Whose fame is wafted on triumphant gales, 

Where thunders war, or commerce spreads her sails, 

1 come not hither sadly to complain, 

Or damp your mirth with melancholy strain; 

In man's firm breast concealed the grief should lie, 

Which melts with grace in woman's gentle eye; 

But let me plead for liberty distressed, 

And warm for her each sympathetic breast: 

Amidst the splendid honours which you bear, 

To save a sister island be your care! 

With generous ardour make us also free; 

And give to Corsica a noble jubilee! 

ocatina manu of me places mef2tionea in tne text 



UW^WK ^p^Q^mm % 


. - ^ n/!D 




locatina manu or l/te D laces mentioned in fne /e< 

5*"^v N Edinburgh"* 

"^""w- _ ~t" ^ 

Woofer Hough Head \ B 

** ' 

']! /'< <3.. 

t"/ 1 \\^ LOMOND Xv ^ X .H, k 

(l\ f ' 

'!\ J '\ *., ' C 

^v - Darlington J"/ .^. 

! '^"s- 1 

T L A N D .... 

/' %1 

O ! 

Barnby Moor^ 


1 1 Stratford upon Avon 

" Black Nokly . 

} l( R E\L A N D 

Portsmouth*^ Mri$htm 


A 11 C H 1 N L E C 

locating many of me places mentioned in me text 


Genealogical Tables 

















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g JT! GO 

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This is in the main an index of proper names, but Part I of the article, BOS- 
WELL, JAMES, collects and digests under general headings Boswell's refer- 
ences to his states of mind, traits of character, opinions, feelings, &c. There 
is a brief analysed article, SCOTLAND, and general subjects which Johnson 
happened to discuss are fully reported in Part III of the article, JOHNSON, 
SAMUEL. Observations on specified persons and places are ordinarily entered 
under the person or place in question; for example, Boswell's opinions of 
Lord Auchinleck will be found under Lord Auchinlecfc and not under Bos- 
well Churches, streets, inns, mountains, &c, are given separate articles in 
the main alphabet, except for those in London and Edinburgh, which will be 
found under those entries. Place names, if no country is specified, are in 
Great Britain and Ireland, or are so well known that to add the name of a 
country would be an impertinence. Emperors and kings are entered under 
their Christian names; other sovereign princes under either Christian name 
or title, according to which is the better known; noblemen and lords of ses- 
sion and their wives under their titles. The styles chosen are usually those 
proper to 1766-1769, Well-known names (e.g., Eugene, Prince of Savoy) 
have been anglicised in cases where it was thought that English-speaking 
readers would be more accustomed to the English forms. Maiden names of 
married women are given in parentheses. Titles of books are listed under the 
name of the author, except where the author has not been identified in the 
text or notes, in which case a cross reference is given from the title to the 
author. The following abbreviations are employed: D. (Duke), M, 
(Marquess), E. (Earl), V. (Viscount), B. (Baron), JB (James Boswell), 
SJ (Samuel Johnson), 

Abbott,C, Colle6r,xxv, in, Agnew, Lieut-Col. Andrew, of Lochryan, 

Aberdeen, William Gordon, ad E. of, 2264 197 

Adam, Pire, friend of Voltaire* 46 Aiken, Robert, law agent, 37 

Adams, Frederick B., Jr., xxvi Ailsa Craig island, 196 

Adamtovra, eutate 01 Catherine Blair, atvii, Aitken, Rev. Edward, 136, a66 

67, 78-79, 81, 86, 89, 98, loo-tot, 104, Ajaccio, Corsica, rvi 

183 Alemoor (Andrew Pringle), Lord, 27, 170 

Addiion, Jo$tph f Oio, t$4$ S&^ct&tor, 248, Alexander the Great, 59 

a Q7t $Q4i 3**-3* a Alexander, William, merchant, 116 

Adi0 % Ptttr, lurgfton, 44* Mmon, John, bookseller, 169 




Alnwick, 135 

Alps, 2 

Alva, "Lady." See Erskine, Elizabeth 

Alva (James Erskine), Lord (Lord 
Barjarg), 121, 122, 170, 213, 221 

Ambrose, St., 8 

America, 120, 239, 246 

Anacreon, 306 

Angel Inn, Oxford, 146, 274 

Angelo. See Tremamondo, Domenico 

Anglesey cause, 173 

Arbuthnot, ? Robert, 31 

Archer, Edward, M.D., 305 

Archibald, James, soldier, 130 

Ardmillan, 196 

Ardrossan, 337 

Argyll, Archibald Campbell, sd D. of, 295 

Argyll, family, 144 

Aristippus, 61 

Armstrong, David, advocate, 118, 236, 297 

Armstrong, John, poet and physician, 59, 

Armytage, Sir George, Bt, 136-137 

Arne, Thomas Augustine, composer, 
Artaxerxes, 249; Judith, 269/1., 279, 280 

Arniston, 19, 113 

Atchison, gardener, 205-206 

Atholl, John Murray, 3d D, of, 203 

Atticus, 94 

Auchinbreck. See Campbell, Sir James, Bt. 

Auchinleck (Alexander Boswell), Lord, 
father of JB 

[Part I, General References; Part II, 
His Second Marriage; Part III, Rela- 
tions with JB and Margaret Mont- 

I. General References. Account of, i; 
his character, x, 39; contrasted with Dr. 
John Boswell, 25/2.2; sits as judge in the 
Outer House, 75; does not have a good 
opinion of Belle de Zuylen, 8; Pringle a 
great friend of, 28/1.3; Pringle writes to 
of Belle de Zuylen, 35; studies Douglas 
memorials, 45; attends burial of Sir 
Thomas Miller's wife, 60 ; has never been 
uneasy about religion, 63-64; ill, 64, 113, 
344; his conceit on flirtations with 
married women, 66; entertains Mrs. and 
Miss Blair at Auchinleck, 68; visits Miss 
Blair, 86; had a bad opinion of Temple in 

1759, 90; relations with his children, 99- 
100; dines in various companies, 121, 

122, 129, 132, 215-216, 217, 222, 242, 

249; Lord Mansfield praises, 169; invited 
to visit Lainshaw, 229; relates the old 
Earl of Aberdeen's manner of picking up 
knowledge, 264; loves labour, 326; men- 
tioned, xvii, 14, 41, 52/z., 55/2.6, 73, 78, 
79, 80, 82, 91, 93, 96, 111, 115, 144, H5, 
208, 213, 221, 239, 256, 335, 348 

II. His Second Marriage. JB objects to 
his prospective marriage, xi, xii, 23, 108, 
216-217, 220-221, 226, 232, 243, 246, 
260, 307, 309-311, 312, 317; inspires JB's 
essay "On Second Marriages," 233-235; 
proposes marriage to Elizabeth Boswell, 
209/2.6; tries to talk about marriage with 
JB, 214; acknowledges his intention of a 
second marriage to JB, 226; JB refuses to 
talk with, because of proposed remar- 
riage, 230, 231, 236; his scheme of re- 
marriage talked of by Lord Monboddo, 
218, 225, by Maconochie and Sir Alex- 
ander Dick, 230; marries Elizabeth Bos- 
well, 347; leaves his widow a large join- 
ture, xi 

III. Relations with JB and Margaret 
Montgomerie. Introductory account of, 
x-xii, i; JB disputes with over entail, 
xi, 254-256; tells JB his estate is not en- 
tailed, 309/2.1; position as judge helps JB 
as a young advocate, xii, 75; opposes JB's 
marriage to Margaret Montgomerie, 
xviii, 201, 240, 252/2.7; cheerfully tells 
JB of hearing of his desire to marry 
Margaret Montgomerie, 238; Margaret 
Montgomerie is afraid to meet, 245, 248, 
257-262; agrees to JB's marriage with 
Margaret Montgomerie, 246, 254; re- 
ceives JB kindly on his return from Lain- 
shaw, 249; Margaret Montgomerie 
pledges her duty to, 252, begs JB not to 
offend, 345; JB objects to taking his bride 
at once to the house of, 347; JB in mob 
that breaks windows of, xiv, 189, 191; 
JB praises his speech in the Douglas 
cause, 170; JB imagines the effect of his 
marrying the gardener*s daughter on, 4; 
approves of JB's writing the Account of 
Corsica, 10, calls it Quixotism, 45; dis- 
putes verdict in JB's first criminal case, 



12; approves JB's progress as a lawyer, 
31; converses with JB on the law, gives 
an account of Hamilton memorial, 43; 
criticizes JB's paper in the cause of Mac- 
kenzies v. Sir Alexander Mackenzie, 57; 
Dalrymple mediates differences between 
JB arid, 13/2.6; JB is advised to please by 
SJ, 15, by Pringle, 29, by Temple, 98, by 
Dempster, 191; JB thinks will not like 
the wife of his choosing, 23; talks to JB 
on economy, 43; ceases to treat JB like a 
boy, 44; lives happily with JB at Auchin- 
leck, 51, 68; would be pleased by a mar- 
riage between JB and Catherine Blair, 
51, 72, 107, 133; JB resolves to please, 
t^ 54, 103, 122-123; helps JB buy Dal- 
blair, 55, 57; dictates to JB an account of 
the Bos wells, 57; JB accompanies to 
Dumfries, 67; displeased with JB, 31, 89- 
90, 98, 100, 103, 118, 235; displeased at 
JB's going to Ireland, 193, 206, 213; JB 
writes for permission to go to Utrecht 
with the idea of marrying Belle de 
Zuylen, 143; is averse to JB's marrying 
Mary Ann Boyd, 202; manner of, checks 
freedom of conversation, 243; JB feels 
more forbearing towards, 243; JB dis- 
putes with on male and female succes* 
sion, a54-56; JB sorts a mass of Session 
papers belonging to, 256; JB makes a 
simile on the differ ing temperaments of 
himself and, 393-294, &v ako Part II of 
this article 

Auchinleck (Kuphemia Erskine), Lady, ist 
wife of Lord Auchinleck, x xi, 2, 114/2.3, 

Auchinleck, family of, ix, x, 51, 57, 

Auchinleck (house and estate), JB's rever- 
ence for, 103; JB visits, 5-1 7? 43-% **~ 
403, 178-181, 10&-193; JB plans to visit, 
9*j; described, 51, 68; visited by Mm and 
Mi Blair, 68; Mi** Blair is fond of, 
no; JB urges Temple to visit, 74; JB 
gives Temple instructions for tour of, 78; 
Temple advises on additions to, 98-99; 
Lord Auchinleck sets out for, 256; the 
Broomholm, 55, 68, 78, 85; Hem Gate, 
68; mentioned, x, acvii, 8, 55/1,5, 65, 7*- 
7a,a4r85 9 g6, 177*179 

AucMttltek village, 67 

Auchinskeith. See Cuninghame, William 

Auchline. See Campbell, James Goodlate 

Austin, Adam, physician, 209 

Austria, 302 

Ayr, 67, 84, 94, 194-195 

Ayrshire, i 

Ayrshire elections, 118 

B., Miss (unidentified), xvi, 185-189, 191 

Bacon, Francis (Baron Verulam, Viscount 
St. Albans), Advancement of Learning, 
Essays, 273/7.5 

Baddeley, Sophia, actress, 281 

Baden-Durlach, Karl Friedrich, Margrave 
of, 2 

Baillie, James, law agent, 123 

Baillie, William, advocate, 222 

Bailye, Richard, of Lichfield, 284 

Baldwin, Miss, daughter of Richard Bald- 
win, 282 

Baldwin, Elizabeth, wife of Richard Bald- 
win, 282 

Baldwin, Henry, printer, 316 

Baldwin, Richard, bookseller, 282, 283 

Balfour, James, of Pilrig, Philosophical Es- 
says, 257 

Ballantrae, 197 

Ballantyne, Captain, attendant of Mrs. 
Agnes Kerr, 195 

Baltimore, Frederick Calvert, 6th B., A 
Tour to the East, 92 

Banbridge, 206 

Bangor, 203 

Bank of England, 289 

Barclay, "Old," Quaker of London, 31 

Baretti, Giuseppe Marc' Antonio, 17, 156, 
*59 163, 167-168, 177, 293, 308, 316, 
323-324, 325 

Barglachan, 69 

Barjarg, Lord. See Alva, Lord 

Barnby Moor, 137, 267 

Barquharrie, 69 

Barry, Ann (Street) Spranger, actress, 297 

Baskerville, John, printer, 283 

Bath, 63, 97 

Beauclerk, Topham, 325 

Beckford, William, Lord Mayor, 142 

Bedlay. See Roberton, Archibald 

Belfast, ^04 

Belford, 135 



Bell, John, author, Travels from St. Peters- 
burg in Russia, 155 

Bellamy, George Anne, actress, 294 

Bellegarde, Francois Eugene Robert, Comte 
de (also Marquis des Marches and de 
Cursinge), 7-8 

Benhill, a hill near Dalblair, 66 

Bennett, Charles H., xxv 

Bensington, 156 

Benson, 285 

Berenger, Richard, gentleman of horse, 274 

Berkeley, John, M.D., member of the Soap- 
ing Club, 281 

Berwick, 3, 71, 79-80, 135 

Bibiena, Maria, Raphael's betrothed, 214 

Bible, 19, 26, 165, 214; Acts, 4; Corinthians, 
58, 339; Greek New Testament, 44, 45, 
52, 55; Ecclesiasticus, 335; Galatians, 
272/1.3; John, 130; Luke, 339; Maccabees, 
iSn.; Mark, 40; Matthew, 58, 255; 
Micah, 339; Psalms, 305, 338; Romans, 
28; Timothy, 339 

Bickerstaff, Isaac, dramatist, 317, 318 

Biggleswade, 139, 268 

Black, Mr., in London, 160 

Blackmore, Sir Richard, poet and physi- 
cian, Creation, 334 

Blackstone, Sir William, Commentaries, 

Blair, Mr., hatter at Glasgow, 208 

Blair, Miss, younger daughter of John Blair 
of Dunskey, 198 

Blair, Anne (Blair), of Adamtown, mother 
of following, 38-39, 68, 71, 79, 81, 86, 98, 
101, 105, 106, 109-110, 111, 126, 133, 183 

Blair, Catherine, "the Heiress," later wife 
of Sir William Maxwell of Monreith, 
Bt, introductory account of JB's relation- 
ship with, xvii, 87; described, xvii, 50- 
51, 71-72; JB sees at church, 32, likes her 
more and more, 38-39; visits Auchinleck, 
68; JB visits, 67, 128; JB drinks toasts to, 
69, 76, 80-81; JB urges Temple to meet, 
74, sends letter to by Temple, 79; Temple 
admires, xvii, 72, 77, 80, 81, 88, 89; is 
charmed with Temple, 84, 101; JB is ad- 
vised on his pursuit of by Temple, 98, 
119-120; by Pringle, 107; by Lord Eglin- 
ton, 117-118, 121; does not write to JB, 
82-83, 94; JB receives an agreeable letter 
from, 84, writes to, 92; JB is jealous of, 

100, 109; will not make up quarrel with 
JB, 101-102; shows indifference to JB, 
102, 105, 110-112; JB hears her abused as 
a jilt, 102; JB wishes to deserve her, 104; 
makes up quarrel with JB, 108-109; JB 
hopes to win, 114, then hears she has ac- 
cepted Sir Alexander Gilmour, 115, 117- 
118; does not marry Sir Alexander Gil- 
mour, 182; JB feels indifferent towards, 
121-122; Fullarton and JB agree to make 
an end of their suits for, by direct pro- 
posals, 124; JB proposes marriage, and is 
rejected, xvii, 124-127; JB is glad to be 
free of, 132, 179, again falls in love with, 
183; her marriage and death, 183/2.7; 
mentioned, 55, 75, 85-86, 91, 106, 113, 
133, 271/1.1 

Blair, Hugh, 41 and n.8, 42, 74, 175, 209, 
Critical Dissertation on the Poems of Qs~ 
sian, 155 

Blair, Jean, daughter of John Blair of Dun- 
skey, 198 

Blair, John, of Dunskey, 198 

Blair, Margaret (or Janet), Catherine 
Blair's Glasgow cousin, 109-110, 120 

Blair, Robert, advocate, later Lord Presi- 
dent, 222 

Bluitt's Inn, York, 136 

Bolingbroke, Frederick St. John, 2d V., 158 

Bolingbroke, Henry St. John, ist V,, 144 

Bosville, Elizabeth Diana, later wife of Sir 
Alexander Macdonald, daughter of God- 
frey Bosville, xvi, 7, 10, 35, 50, 77, 10$, 
117,139, 143,249,277/1. 

Bosville, Godfrey, 7, 35, 143, 167, 173, 275, 
277/1., 297^6 

Bosville, Julia, later Lady Dudley and 
Ward, daughter of Godfrey Bosville, 

Bosville, Capt William, 168, 397, 298 

Boswall, Thomas, accountant, a 18, aaa 

Boswell, Anne (Irvine), wife of Claud Ir- 
vine Boswell, 195/2.3 

Boswell, Charles, from Jamaica, 391, aga, 
294, 3*7 

Boswell, Mrs. Charles, 291-1192 

Boswell, Charles, illegitimate child of JB, 

Boswell, Claud Irvine, advocate, later Lord 
Balmuto, 67, 68, 116/1.8, 122, 128, 
196, 209, 212, 215-216, aa*, aa6, 



Boswell, David, of Craigston, father of 

Charles Boswell, 291 

Boswell, David, later Thomas David, 
brother of JB, described and character- 
ized, 51, 62-63; letter to JB, 99-100; ap- 
prenticed to a banking house, 35, 36; 
drinks to Temple, 36; comments on his 
father's oddities of character, 39; advises 
JB against Mrs. Dodds, 42, 49; his opin- 
ions of Sir Thomas Miller, 6ora.2, Capt. 
James Webster, 135/2.8, Frank Stewart, 
150^.1; his pride in the family hypo- 
chondria, 66-67; plans to visit Auchin- 
leck, 95; oath taken on the occasion of 
his leaving to become a merchant in 
Spain, 96-97; dines with Mrs. Wilson, 
99; JB is inspirited by a letter from, 239; 
mentioned, 80, 82, 83, 94, 142/1.4, 245 
Boswell, Elizabeth, later 2d Lady Auchin- 
leck, JB thinks an infamous woman, xi, 
332, 255; inspires JB 1 essay "On Second 
Marriages," 233-235; dines with JB, 209, 
a 12, 214, 215, 226, with Thomas Boswall, 
222; JB talks too much of Margaret 
Montgomerie's faults to, 221, forbids 
Margaret to communicate with, 310; 
Margaret guesses she is Lord Auchin- 
leek's choice, 245; JB meets driving with 
his father, 230; marries Lord Auchinleck, 
Boswell, Lady Elizabeth (Bruce), wife of 

James Boswell, JB's grandfather, 220 
Boswdl, Euphomia, daughter of JB, 231/1*4 
Boswell, James, of Auchinleck, grandfather 

of JB, $a, aao, 302 
Boswell, Jamoi, of Balbarton, 216 

[Part I, Biographical; Part II, Writ- 

L Biographical* Including States of 
Mind 9 Traits of Character, fadings, 
Opinions* <fcc. Sketch of life to March 
1766, i-a; other biographical references 
prior to March 1766, 3 and! ,8, 4, 5> 6, 9 
and .6, io 16, 94, S4> 35^-* ^ a 37* 
45 65, 7% 70, 90.6, 91, 114, *3< *3 
*6Q *$6 *% 178, i8a, 
3, a68 270* a73-^74 a8i~ 
s*8a, 094, 95; <* Happiness and misery, 
6 46, 89, 95-96, **6 aol 3 35 *77 ^83; 
happy (cheerful, gay, lively, contented, 

&c.), 9, 20, 24, 25, 27, 36, 43, 51, 58, 64, 
69, 74, 114, 117, 124, 132, 167, 193, 195, 
198, 208, 217, 218, 224, 235, 238, 239, 
241, 243, 246, 247, 248, 250, 257, 264, 
265, 266, 268, 272, 277, 283, 298, 307, 
308, 339; calm, serious, quiet, 25, 26, 64, 
118, 122, 186, 192, 193, 208, 210, 215, 
226, 230, 236, 240, 246, 256, 264, 338; 
easy, comfortable, 26, 39, 43, 45, 55, 64, 
69, 84, 111, 125, 128, 150, 173, 183, 213, 
217, 224, 236, 240, 254, 263, 272, 282, 
334; wishes merely for comfort, 215; un- 
happy (hurt, gloomy, melancholy, has 
low spirits, &c.) 20, 25, 32, 36, 38, 42, 
43, 52, 67, 68, 80, 113, 130, 132, 197, 208, 

209, 210, 211, 215, 2l6, 217, 220, 221, 
226, 228, 229, 230, 231, 235, 249, 277, 28l, 

344; uneasy (anxious, agitated, con- 
cerned), 33, 40, 42, 56, 91, 93, 100, 101, 

111, 112, 113, 196, 210, 217, 221, 222, 

225, 229, 231, 232, 235, 247, 249, 261, 

277, 281-282, 294, 299, 303; feverish (too 
high, has fiery blood), 5, 25, 38, 4** 5, 
67, 90, 122, 134, 186, 229; has great force 
and weakness of mind, 6; firm (hearty, 
powerful), 19, 25, 27, 31, 42, 43, 45, 140, 
146, 157, 222, 226; mind hardened 
(strengthened), 19, 28, 42, 55, 121, 130, 
*37* 154; na s sound ambition, 119; lacks 
ambition, 215; has wavering mind, 40, 
42, 72, 81, 214, 223, 237; asks advice, 5, 
11, 33> 7> 86, 111, 112, 183, 202, 210, 
213, 215, 217, 218, 225, 230, 239; weak, 
40, 222; has indolent and anxious 
temper, 116; indolent, listless, 31, 33, 41; 
dull, 222, 230; obtuse, 214; has unhappy 
(gloomy) mind and temper, 42, 103, 219, 
221, 225, 231, 237, 257; angry (vexed, 
outrageous), 111, 162, 200, 207, 226, 230, 
232, 239, 259, 292, 297, 311, 333; ^Pa- 
tient, 279, 282, 292, 308; quarrelsome, 
249; hot-tempered, 335; has lively imagi- 
nation (quick sensibility), 34, 42, 44, 5 1, 
208, 217, 231; romantic, 5, 115, 197, 236, 
277; romantic but sensible, 50; man of 
enthusiasm, warmth, 239, 280, 338; free 
of fancies, 115; carried by fancy, aoi, 
203, 213, aao, 237; flighty, volatile, 71, 
343; combines extravagance with good 
sense, 39; feels self improved, 56, 122, 
138, 180, 209, 264; feels calm superiority, 



40, 138; has real dignity, 112; conscious 
of good qualities, 21; proud, 100, 101, 225, 
232; on effects of vanity, 278; sees all 
depends on frame of mind, 114; com- 
pares mind to room, 137-138, to watch, 
270; like Agamemnon, 5, Don Quixote, 
35> 135? Mark Antony, 41, Spaniard, 20, 
42, 83, old Roman, 255; Baron, prince, of 
Auchinleck, 85, 180; a Sicilian swain, 
180; might become a wild Indian, 239, 
246; a London, playhouse buck, 287; 
wants to acquire strength and fortitude, 
239, to feel self more manly, 52; dissi- 
pated, 68, 262; too fx*ee and rampagene- 
ous, 68; talks too much at random, 104- 
105; makes habit of jocularity,, 116; finds 
it difficult to fix attention, 113, 230, 232; 
solid and sagacious, 64; intends to be 
quiet and studious, 83; has great animal 
spirits, 127; has flow of spirits like cham- 
pagne, 263; has strange temper and im- 
petuous disposition, 1 t i ; etourdi, 1 73 ; 
candid and generous, 183; has unvarying 
honesty, 186; has strict regard to truth 
and to honour, 259; humble and modest, 
222, 232; wants to be self, 42, 89, to be 
uniform, pretty man, 104; resolves to ex- 
ert active powers, 43; a most various 
composition, 6; made up of many oppo- 
site qualities, 22; has singular mind (hu- 
mour), 102, 125; thinks of his life as play 
(novel), 5-6, 81, 214, 223; has variety of 
genius, 44; on reflection, ideas, self-anal- 
ysis, 41, 46, 114, H7 277, 280, 283, 304; 
has old ideas, 113, 1*4, *2i, 130, 247, 
297; has noble ideas, 289; ideas raised, 
307; has enlarged mind (views), 128, 
196; philosophic, 5, 7, 22, 46, 96, m- 
112, 125, 189, 224, 276; thinks no phi- 
losophy equal to action, 335 thinks action 
necessary only as remedy to distempered 
minds, 41-42; on Stoicism, 289; on con- 
temporary philosophy, 293; blends phi- 
losophy and raking, 140; thinks his bril- 
liant qualities like embroidery on gauze, 
40; fixes period for perfection, 104; hopes 
period of perfect felicity in view, 180; 
hopes to acquire (maintain) proper con- 
duct (virtues), 96, 122, 123, 138, 217, 
279; leads strange life, 31; variety of his 
life (productions, <fec.) 41, 51, 65, 119; 

regard for (ideas on) family, 43, 45, 51, 
115, 119, 143, 222, 224, 233-235, 257, 
265, 292; regard for relatives, 115, 291- 
292; on family hypochondria (madness), 
66-67, 231-232; on being a Scots laird, 
55, 69, 174; half advocate, half country 
gentleman, 46; quite in Auchinleck 
style, 208; discusses entail, 254-256, 
256/2.2; thinks of retiring to country, 2 to; 
endeavours to acquire taste for country 
affairs, 192; on Scottish characteristics, 
9, 90, 112, 167, 273, 294; may bring him- 
self to try to live in Scotland, 310; de- 
fends Scotland, 312; finds home agree- 
able, 346; a student of human nature, 
21, 131, 189, 229-230, 268; on (exalted) 
friendship, 6, 33, 74* $9* 182, 201, 209, 
302-303; on others' approval and disap- 
proval, 27, 67, 115, 129-130; awe for 
great people gone, 27, 41, 114, 124; ad- 
mires distinguished spirits, 33; on praise, 
admiration, 39, 76; in favour of as many 
attachments as possible, 115; hopes to 
distinguish himself in society, country, 
50, 54; feels confident in (content with) 
position, 115, 116, 120-121, 139; thinks 
of wild schemes, 217, 221, 230; deter- 
mines to throw himself on world, 231; 
understands art of pleasing, 196; wants 
to make people happy, 196; thinks it 
pleasant to live well with others, 266; 
can make figure at times, but cannot 
stand constant trial, 210, 225; feelings 
about being in society, company, 57, 65, 
66, 68, 122, 129, 263; on openness and 
guarded conduct, 52, 55; on freedom with 
strangers, 266; has blamed himself for 
lack of sympathy, 324; thinks "natural" 
affection results from habit or gratitude, 
328; appears a better man than people 
have imagined, a6o; in love (in delir- 
ium, mad, in fever, fancy inflamed, de- 
voted, torn with passion, <&c.) 3-5, 8-0, 
20, 24, 25, 28, 3<>*3*> 3, 35, 3^, 3$ 4t 
41, 42, 64, 66, $?> 7*-7* 66, 87, 100-101, 
103-104, 109, no, 117, 124, ta6-i7, 
134-135* *& 178* 179-180, 183, 185- 
*%* *93 *9^> 197* aoo-aoa, 304, 010, 
213, 214, aao, 221, 224, 229, 231, aja, 
237, 248-249, 250, 259, 6i, 265, 272, 
276, 277, 279, 307, 334; *lav* to (enamel- 



pated from) love, 42, 43-44, 49, 50, 108, 
112, 121-122; suffers from distracted pas- 

sions, 196-198, 200-202, 203-204, 206- 

207, 213, 260; out of love, 45, 63; is gen- 
uine lover, 5, 180; falls in love easily, 
122; thinks love a fever of the mind, 102; 
thinks we can be in love but once, 278; 
would care little for existence if he did 
not hope for everlasting love, 310; heart 
tossed by waves, 213, 217, 257, like rock 
among waves, 220; jealous, 20, 32, 33, 

36, 109, 120, 217; inconstant, 35, 120, 
178, 201; fears inconstancy, 281; con- 
stant, 231, 236, 237, 242, 277, 278; thinks 
women of all ages and tempers fond of 
him, 202; on experience in love-making, 
122; on mutual high opinion of friends 
and lovers, 257; considers (anticipates, 
discusses, proposes) marriage, 3, 4-5, 6, 
7-8, 23-24, 35, 50-51, 65, 71-72, 82, 83, 
86, 89-90, 91, 100-101, 102, 103, 104, 
114, 115, 117, 124-127, 139, 143, 179- 

l8o, 187-189, 200-202, 203, 210, 213, 

216, 218, 221, 223, 226, 235, 
39, 940-047, 249, 258, 263, 
266, 270, 7* 75, 94 9B 3", 343i 
347* 348-349? attributes desired (to be 
avoided) in wife, 5, 6, 7, 8, 24, 102, 156, 
aoi~aoa, 209, aaa, 235, 259; on Scots 
(English) wife, 35, ica, ua, 115, 128, 
aaa; foals (too much) like married man, 
S* S3* 40; unfit for (apprehensive 
marriage, 5, 8a, 87, 178, 215, 226, 
330, 239; on bachelors and married 
, as; thinks an insult to first wife to 
marry a second, 230, 346, ",ia; on adul- 
tery, 4 50, 153, 155-1?!' 5 on chastity 
and female virtue* 156; on fatherhood, 
a34, 63, ai4tt,a, aaa 270; has (ap- 
proaches, gives up) soxi il relations, 32, 

37, 76, 118, lai, t3 *!'! "9, 140, 143, 
*43i i$8 *8o f 076; ntwei 'lobauches an in- 
nocent girl 9 3; effect of cv.sual intercourse 
on, tai; teols himself a rake, 123; con- 
fusod and debilitated, 3--; despicable for 
having been in sink of vice, 158-159; 
pledgts to give up immorality, 165, 180; 
catches (escapes, suffers from, is treated 
Cor) vt unreal disease, 37, 40, 43, 51, 

80, 8a-S3 91, 94* 96 106, na *t7, 
163, 165, a*o t aa6, 


230, 236, 241, 249-250, 254, 256, 257, 264, 
265, 269, 286-290, 291, 294, 297, 298, 
305, 3*7 and 72.9; opinions on venereal 
disease, 56, 96; health, 9, 55, 82-83, 86, 
87, 123, 194, 198, 208, 211, 213, 217, 344, 
345* 34$; on medicines, 269-270, 327; ad- 
mitted to bar, 1 1 ; reactions to law as pro- 
fession, xii, 11, 14, 25, 30, 43, 54, 116, 

124, 147, 210, 215, 222, 223, 239, 245, 

264, 283, 298, 300; busy (labours, works 
hard) at law, 24, 26, 27, 30, 33, 41, 42, 54, 
$7, 73, 75-76, 115, 116, 119, 122, 124, 215, 
218, 224, 232, 241, 245; legal cases, 12, 
20, 25, 30, 31, 41, 51, 56, 57, 58, 65, 70, 
113, 115, 116, 117, 118, 123, 129, 173, 
*93? *95 222-223, 241 (see also under 
proper names); speaks in court, 25, 33, 
11 9? 235; on lords of session as jury, 144; 
discourses on law and courts, 154; thinks 
filiation a great principle of law, 171- 
172, 209; wonders about Scotch counsel 
(himself) going to English bar, 174, 223; 
thinks English justice quick and fair, 
289 j interest in Corsica (see under Cor- 
sica and Paoli and in Part II of this arti- 
cle under Account of Corsica); religious 
feelings and opinions, 21-22, 28, 41, 42, 
45, 52, 112, 114, 122, 168, 209, 214, 231, 
238, 239, 242, 255-256, 275, 279, 282, 
294; sketch of religious development, 
138; argues for metempsychosis, 58-59; 
on death and funerals, 60, 65, 130-131, 
302, 332; on ghosts, 52, 265; on future 
life of brutes, 153; wishes to discuss fate 
and free will, 316, 331; attends (does not 
attend) divine services, 19, 27-28, 35, 44, 
45, 52, 55, 64, 68, 124, 136, 151, 231, 238, 
242, 248, 272, 305* 339; approves (disap- 
proves) of sermon, 28, 151, 272, 339; 
thinks Church-of-England worship pref- 
erable to Presbyterian, 279; believes in 
vows, 14, 16-17; thinks evil spirits per- 
mitted to torment mankind, 230; has ex- 
traordinary struggle with evil, 17; thinks 
general but not particular moral events 
may be prognosticated, 303; on having 
Eoman Catholic servant, 330; on his 
fame, importance, 112, 129, 213, 268, 
283, 284; on former respectful and mys- 
terious notions of authors, 130; on fume 
effects of being author, a68; reaction to 



newspaper fame, 272; promises not to de- 
scribe himself in newspapers, 278; able 
to revive whole scene from single hint, 
115; thinks an author should never cor- 
rect work, 167; cannot write as he would 
speak, 220; amazed how much of senti- 
ment consists in expression, 275; observes 
how imperfectly words preserve ideas, 
292-293; reads, 165, 167, 214, 221; has 
read very little, 304; on forgetting books, 
167; appears formed man of learning, 
115; has only superficial knowledge, 225; 
feels pleasures of taste to be exquisite, 
214; as literary critic, 148-149, 151, 214, 
256-257, 275, 308, 334; as literary pa- 
tron, 275, 279, 285; on liberty of press, 
166; on contribution of books to forming 
wit or philosopher, 214-215; on picking 
up knowledge from others, 264; has full 
feeling of London society of wits, 308; at- 
tends Shakespeare Jubilee, 269, 272, 274, 
277, 278, 279-285 (see also under Shake- 
speare and Stratford upon Avon); on 
subordination, 167; is wrong to be neu- 
tral in Ayrshire election, 118; thinks it 
curious Chinese should know minutiae of 
British politics, 285; would like to be 
elected to Parliament, 299-300; suggests 
electing only bad men to Parliament, 
300; against petitioners, 288; has pleas- 
ing thoughts of British power, 290; has 
monarchical genius, 302; speaks at debat- 
ing society, 215, 240; exercise, sports, 9, 
68-69; attends plays (concert, opera), 
109, 115, 121, 131-132, 136, 249, 251, 
263, 280, 322 and n,3; attends balls, 128, 
129, 187, 236, 237, 282, 283; plays (does 
not play) cards, 113, 178, 203, 216, 230, 
249; plays at drawing straws and at odds 
and evens, 135; plays dams, 19; drinks 
(is sober), 20, 31, 37, 38 and n.i, 65, 68, 
69, 76, 80-81, 118-119, 121, 123, 124, 
129, 135, 139, 159,, 188, 193-194, 197, 200, 

203, 208, 212, 213, 224, 246, 249, 251, 

297; on effects of intoxication, 194, 250; 
sober, amiable, polite, 277; reads aloud, 
19, 44, 45, 52, 55, 330; sings, 27, 36, 129, 
203, feels like singing Te Deum> 302; 
comments on weather, 19, 42, 60, 113, 
114, 264; travels by coach (post-chaise, 
%), 19, 60, 68, 101, 105, 116, 134-139, 

145-146, 156-158, 161, 173, 204-206, 208, 
223, 224, 230, 235, 236, 238, 243, 246, 
247, 250, 263, 264-268, 274-275, 276, 278, 
279, 280, 285-286, 297, 306, 343; on past 
and prospective travels, 45-46, 169, 223, 
232; thinks it wrong to travel on Sunday, 
285; afraid both of being robbed and 
overturned in coach, 275; thinks journeys 
always start in confusion, 134; compares 
leave-taking to hanging, 134, to dying, 
264, 265; pleased by people in North of 
England, 136; charmed with Irish tone, 
200, to hear English prettily spoken, 
265; likes moving from lodging to lodg- 
ing, 304; financial affairs (transactions), 
24 and 72.8, 33, 41, 55, 5&~57, 57^-3, 67, 

140, 222, 236, 237, 240, 241, 260, 284, 

303, 304; on economy, 43, 216, 264; 
shudders to think of consequences of debt, 
222; dress, 101, 136, 148, 187, 264, 280, 
302, 303, 347; contrasts his present state 
with past, 5, 139, 152, 156, 249, 270; de- 
fends his Latin, 16; much rusted in Ger- 
man, 243, in Italian, 301; thinks of sui~ 
cide, 42; asks if suicide is a crime, 321; 
visits prison, 26, 27-28, 36, 130-131, car- 
pet manufactory and tannery, 65, coal- 
work, 69, assembly room, 137, chapel, 
203 (see also under proper names) ; visits 
and describes digging machine, 157-158; 
attends executions, 131, 140-141, 323 and 
n.6, election poll, 142, horse races, 236, 
238; looks at medals, 68; wants own 
house, 79; looks for dog, 142; has (loves) 
adventures, 168, 180, 226; leads mob, 
t8grz.8, 190, 191 and n.a; love of show, 
194-195, 2 8; cries, 197; could almost 
have criecl, 25; resigned to fate, a 16; 
thinks poverl * and obscurity would be 
easy for him, *m; plays jokes, 148, 267; 
puns, 250, 25 ; bans mots, 371, 295; en- 
tertained by i msense, 263; loses and re- 
covers pocket " )ok, a/6, 379; not tied to 
ordinary nil*"* 1 and ceremonies, &?g; in- 
cognito, 280; is sketched, painted, 3178, 
288-289, 30.<, sat; takes warm bath, 
292; experiments on finding way, ag$; 
wants Italian-speaking servant, 304; has 
thought of retiring to desert, 312; on con- 
formity and singularity, 8; on effects of 
age and experience, 11, 51, 55; wonders 



why we suffer from what no longer ex- 
ists, 33; on savage and civilized life, 22, 
311; sympathizes more with poor than 
genteel, 26, 118/2.4; sees contemptible 
people vain of being satirical, 39; feels 
existence unreal, 39-40; sees everything 
is only practice, 52; thinks impetuosity 
better than bashfulness, 69; finds appear- 
ances often deceitful, 84, 194; resolves to 
take men as he finds them, 114; sees no 
difficulties in life, 114; on preconceptions 
of future, 68; on remorse, 80 ; talks on 
fear, 3130; thinks eating, drinking, and 
sleeping important, 136; on suicide of 
scorpion, 153-154; finds success fascinat- 
ing, 156-157; on shop sign, 205; on epi- 
taph, 205; on churchyard, 205-206; ad- 
mires the military, 208, 216; sees mili- 
tary review, 229; on effects of variety of 
objects, ao8, 297; compares a man too 
rich to a man too fat, 222; thinks it curi- 
ous how pleasing variety is, 238; feels all 
important meetings awkward, 261; on 
joy of English breakfast, 267; compares 
breakfast to fortification, 306; on activity 
and retirement, 284; on true English 
oddity, a 86; on music, 296; London his 
amusement, 298; thinks Chinese sounds 
like tinkling of bell, 299; asks if promise 
to highwayman should be kept, 321; 
would have pleasure in teaching chil- 
dren, 328; on tenants and landlords, 329; 
Coraican Boswell, aoa 

II. Writings, Mainly between i?&6 and 
jf7$^, i. Account of Corsica, &c,, 1768, 
Walpole first suggests writing* 132; pur- 
pose of, xv; translations of, xv, a 86; in- 
Hiwnco of, xv; JB"$ little monument, xv, 
ioB; JB hopes to arous interest in Cor- 
mcn through, it; JB intends to write, 10, 
3*S; JB collects material for, ia~i3, 54; 
JB obliged to write like gotist in, 11; JB 
undecided about title and epigraph for, 
li; JB write*, 44 45* 4$, 47> 5* 55* 56, 
57* 3& 63, 70, 88; Johnson's opinion of, 
i$t *45 *4ft *^4 166, 287-388; Hume 
agrees to manage publication of, 28, 35* 
46; Prlnglo advises on, 30, 107-108; 
described to Chatham, 53-541 Hailes as 
critic of, 13-14* 73 75, 93* *4; Temple 
to reviiet 73, 91, 9$"-94> 98; Temple's 

opinion of, 75, 100, 103, 104, 108; Gray's 
opinion of asked, 11, 91; Gray's comment 
on, 91/7.8; Wyvill as critic of, 84, 91, 93- 
94; JB thinks lie is writing for Europe, 
45; writing o elevates JB's soul, 51; 
dates of completion and publication pre- 
dicted, 46, 51; JB revises, $3, 90; JB sells 
to Dilly, 83, 85; printing of, 88, 105; JB 
hopes for applause from, 90; JB thinks 
Journal most valuable part of, 91; JB 
thinks will give him character to support, 
104, will do him credit, 112; on publica- 
tion of, 129, 133; has many curious read- 
ers, 137; JB honoured and flattered for, 
141, 163, 16572.1, 207, 268; JB's language 
in, slightly altered by Dr. Mayo, 161; 
praised, 134, 137, 144, 151, 15972.6, 161, 
166, 223-224, 299, 308, 30972.9, 335; at- 
tacked, 15272.3, 15977.6, 168/1.1; JB criti- 
cized for method of writing, 166 and n.6; 
Irish edition of, 180; mentioned, xiv/2.4, 
18/2.1, 119, 122, 138, 14472.2, 152, 167, 

205, 30072.2 

2. Journal, bibliography of, xx-xxi, 
xxii-xxiii, xxiv, xxv, 19, 69, 160, 163, 

206, 308; JB writes, 304, 308, 317; JB 
records ideas and scenes imperfectly in, 
292; JB finds it impossible to record life 
fully in, 140, 242; JB reads London Jour- 
nal aloud, 32; Holland Journal lost, 64; 
quoted or referred to in footnotes on pp. 
20, 31, 32, 38, 113, 128, 141, 143, 144, 158, 
161, 162, 208, 231, 263, 275, 276; men- 
tioned, 1,73,177 

3. Memoranda and Notes, bibliography 
of, sod, xxii-xxiii, xxiv, xxv, 163, 308; 
extracts quoted in text on pp. 158, 160, 
163, 165-174,308-309,316-317, 321-322; 
quoted or referred to in footnotes on pp. 
158, 274* 294, 312, 314; mentioned, 159 

4. Letters, bibliography of, xxii, xxiii, 
xxiv; JB writes, 31, 264; JB writes ex- 
travagant epistle, 5; JB thinks Ms letters 
genuine effusions, 6; JB writes strange 
sultanic letter, 100-101; specimens ap- 
pear in the text on pp. 3-11, 16-18, 21- 
24, 31-32, 32-35, 36~38, 45-46, 4^-5*> 
52-54, 71-72, 73-74, 75-76, 80-81, 82-84, 
85-87, 89-92, 93-94, 95-06, 100-105, 
108-112, 125-128, 132, 164^165, 178-189, 
192-193, 200-202, 207-208, 211-213, 220- 

3 66 


221, 232, 236-238, 257-262, 277-279, 309- 

311, 338-339, 347; mentioned, 69, 73 

5. Periodical items: in London Chron- 
icle, bibliography of, xxiii; purpose of, 
xiv-xv, 13; specimens printed on pp. 20- 
21, 44~45, 59-^0? 66, 70-71, 92-93, 94- 
95, 139/2.8, 323/2.6; others quoted or sum- 
marized^ 69-70, 160, 306/2.6} in Edin- 
burgh Advertiser, 70; in Public Adver- 
tiser, 14172.2, 207, 281; in Scots Maga- 
zine, 55; in London Magazine, 28172.9, 
28872.7, JB buys share of, 316 and 72.7 

6. Writings connected with the law: 
De supellectile legata, 1766, 11, 14, 16, 
33; The Hamilton Cause, 1767, 27 and 
72.5, 36; The Douglas Cause, 1767, 67; 
Dorando, 1767, xiii, 56, 57, 63, 70, 85, 90, 
91, 94-95; The Essence of the Douglas 
Cause, 1767, 88, 96, 123, 149, 238; Letters 
of Lady Jane Douglas, 1767, 88, 9672.3; 
Consultation Boole, xxii, 17372.2; legal 
papers, xxii, 20, 41, 51, 56, 57, 113, 118, 
238-239; JB writes (on writing of) legal 
papers, 30, 31, 32, 165, 250, 256 

7. Verses other than those connected 
with the Douglas cause: Prologue at the 
Opening of the Theatre Royal, 1767, 
11572.6, 172 and 72.8; Crambo Song, 1768, 
pointed, 127-128; Verses in the Character 
of a Corsican, 1769, 282-283, 284, printed, 
Appendix A; A Matrimonial Thought., 
1769, printed, 343; Ten-Lines-a-Day 
Verses, quoted, 160/2.9 

8. Miscellaneous, 1766-1769: Register 
of Letters, xxii; Boswell of AucMnleck, 
57, 58; Memorabilia, 1767, xxii, extracts 
printed, 39-40; Instructions for Mr. Tem- 
ple on his Tour, printed, 78-79; Agree- 
ment between James Boswell and Mar- 
garet Montgomerie, 1768, printed, 177- 
178; On Second Marriages, printed, 233- 
235; Marriage Contract, printed, 348-349 

9. Works projected, 1766-1769: Com- 
edy, 139; Collection of Scottish Antiqui- 
ties, 322; Scots Dictionary, 322 

10. Other works: Letters Between the 
Honourable Andrew Erskine and James 
Boswell, Esq., 1763, 20/2.6, 134; British 
Essays in Favour of the Brave Corsicans, 
1769, xv, 163; The Mypochondriack, 
1777-1783, 14171.2, 316/2,7; Journal of a 

Tour to the Hebrides., 1785, 143/2.7; 165 
w.i; Life of Samuel Johnson, 1791, JB on 
recording materials of, 175; quoted or 
referred to in the footnotes on pp. 14, 16, 
150, 164, 166, 238, 287, 305, 318, 321, 326, 
332, 333, 334, 342; mentioned, xxiv; bib- 
liography of MS of, xxi-xxii, 175/2.6; ex- 
tracts from MS of, printed in text on pp. 
175-177, 3H-316, 317-321, 322-324, 
342-343; mentioned, xxiii; Memoirs in 
European Magazine, 1791, 172/2.8, 221 
/2.6; Letters of James Boswell Addressed 
to the Rev, W, J. Temple, 1857, xxiii, 
23/2,4, 78/2.7; Boswelliana, 1874, xii, 295 
/2.2; Letters of James Boswell, 1924, xxiii, 
xxiv, 21/2.2, 52/2.7, 132/2.2, 165/2/2.2 and 3, 
207/2.2; 309/2.9; Private Papers of James 
Boswell, 1928-1934; xxiii, xxiv; Bos- 
weWs London Journal, 1762-1763, 1950, 
1/z.i, 214/2.2, 341/2.6; Boswell in Holland, 

1952, 2/2.2, 3/2.6, 7/2.7; Boswell on the 
Grand Tour: Germany and Switzerland, 

1953, 2/2.3, 45^/2.2 and 3; Boswell on the 
Grand. Tour: Italy, Corsica*, and France, 
1955, quoted or referred to in the foot- 
notes on pp. xiv, 2, 7, 10, 34, 113, 132 

Boswell, James, the younger, son of JB, xx 

Boswell, John, 4th Laird of Auchinleck, 29 1 

Boswell, John, of Balmuto, 348 

Boswell, John, M.D., JB walks with, 25, 
calls on, 129, 131, drinks tea with, 209; 
calls on JB, 263; thinks Temple a good 
quiet philosopher, 83; visits Prcstonilold 
with JB, 116-117; has ideas of an exalted 
match for JB, aio; curious to know de- 
tails of JB's courtship, 259; sups at the 
Duchess of Douglas's, 242; discusses Lord 
Auchinleck's remarriage and the family 
madness with JB, 231; gives JB a letter 
of introduction to Dr. Kennedy, 270; 
mentioned, 43/2.2, 263, 346 

Boswell, John, father of John Boswell of 
Knockroon, 291 

Boswell, John, of Knockroon, 56* 123* 291 

Boswell, Lieut, John, brother of JB, 135, 
192, ao8, aio, 213, 222, 229, 231/1,4, 238, 
241, 243, 245, 254 

Boswell, Margaret (Henderson), wife of 
John Boswell of Balmuto^ 1 16 

Boswell, Mungo, of Craigston, api 



Boswell, Robert, W.S., son of Dr. John 

Boswell, 43, 209, 215, 310, 346 
Boswell, Sally, JB's illegitimate daughter, 

112, 133, 214^,2 
Boswell, Sibella (Sandeman), wife of 

Robert Boswell, 209 
Boswell, Thomas, ist Laird of Auchinleck, 

68.g, 254, 292 
Both well, Elcanora, sister (actually daugh- 

ter) of Henry Bothwell, Lord Holyrood- 

housc, 122 

Bothwell Castle, 95, 217, 223-224, 226, 347 
Bouhours, Dominique, French author and 

critic, Manidre de bien pen$er y 320 
Boulogne, France, xxii 
Bous field, Mr., 159 
Boyd, two Misses, younger daughters of 

Hugh Boyd, 198 
Boyd, Charles, counsellor, father of Mary 

Ann Boyd, 179-180, 202, 206 
Boyd, Mrs. Charles, wife of preceding, 1 79- 

180, 206, 262 
Boyd, Hugh, collector, 198-200, 302/2.4, 203, 

ao8, 212, 245, 262 
Boyd, Jane ("Aunt"), wife of preceding, 

179"- l8o, 183, 198, 200, 204-206, 208, 212, 

345, 6a 

Boyd, Mary Ann, daughter of Charles 
Boyd, introductory account of, xvii; JB 
describes his meeting with, 179-180; JB 
thinks of, while feeling in love with B., 
186; is reminded of, 187/2.4; JB's love for 
revives, 193, declines, 196; JB writes of 
his conflict in choosing between her and 
Margaret Montgomery, 200-202; Lord 
Atu'.hitilt'ck averse to JB's marrying, 202; 
JB deckles on manner of behaving to- 
wards, ao6; JB recounts his behaviour to, 
a*a-iit3, 259; JB again considers marry- 
ing, a 14; Lord Monboddo at first favours 
JB* marrying, a 15; mentioned, 183, 197, 

Boyd, Ponfionby, son ol Hugh Boyd, 198- 

aoo, aoa-403 
Bramhall, John, D*D., Archbishop of 

Armagh, A Defence of the True Liberty 
of Human Actions, 331 

Brontford 148, 158 

Briscoe Mr,, 305 

Bristol, Augustus John Hervey, 3d K of, 


British Museum, 175^.6 
Brookes, Kitty, prostitute, 143, 158 
Brooks, Cleanth, xxvi 
Brown, Mrs., beneficiary in Lord Eglinton's 

will, 341 

Brown, Charles, advocate, 217, 222 
Brown, James, JB's clerk, 45, 52, 56, 57, 

232, 236 
Brown, John, feuar of Capt. Montgomerie- 

Cuninghame, 194 

Brown, Rev. Robert, at Utrecht, 64, 143 
Brown v. Parr, cause of, 193 
Bruce, Alexander, son of James Bruce, 97 
Bruce, Andrew, son of James Bruce, 97 
PBruce, Euphemia, the gardener's daughter, 

xvi, xxiii, 3-5, 8, 11, 50, 102, 25272.7 
Bruce, James, overseer at Auchinleck, 59, 

64, 65, 68, 69, 78, 97, 98, 100, 106, 192, 

245, 253 

Bruce, James, son of James Bruce, 97 
Bruce, John, Lord Auchinleck's major- 
domo, 43 

Bruce, John, son of James Bruce, 97 
Bruce, Rev. Robert, 44 
Brunswick- Wolfenbuttel, Ludwig Ernst, D. 

of, 45 

Bryce, Mr., client of JB, 25 
Buchanan, George, author, 44, 325 
Buckingham, George Villiers, 5th D, of, 

The Rehearsal, 13 
Burgh, James, author, 167, 300; Crito, The 

Dignity of Human Nature., 161 
Burke, Edmund, 325; Of the Sublime and 

Beautiful., 320 
Burnaby, Rev. Andrew, 122, 301, 306, 308; 

Journal of a Tour to Corsica, 13, 30171.7 
Rumet, Gilbert, Bishop of Salisbury, His- 
tory of My Own Time, i 1 
Burns, Robert, 55^.3, ii/n.1, 12272.2, i&$n.; 

Letters of Robert Burns, 117/2.1, 18572. 
Burrow, Sir James, barrister, 1 74 
Bute, John Crichton-Stuart, 2d M. of, 173 
Bute, John Stuart, 3d E. of, 2, 1471,9, 159^.4, 

21 in. 7, 28672.1 
Bute, John Stuart, 4th E. and ist M. of. See 

Butter, Rev. Mr., 124 
Butterfield, John, suspected malefactor, a6n. 



Byng, Admiral John, 304 

Byrom, John, poet, Colin and Phoebe, 304 

Gaboon, Herbert, xxvl 

Cairncross cause, 41 

Cairaie, John, M.D., 214, 241, 256, 263 

Caithness memorial, 20 

Caldwell, Rev. Hugh, 202, 203 

Caldwell, Rev. Samuel, friend of JB at The 
Hague, 202 

Caledonian Mercury, Son. 

Cambridge University, 3/2.5, 10/2.2 

Camden, Charles Pratt, ist.B., later ist E., 
Lord Chancellor, 222 

Campbell, Mr. son of John Campbell, au- 
thor, 305 

Campbell, Anne, daughter of John Camp- 
bell. See Grant, Anne 

Campbell, Archibald, author, 168; Lezi- 
phanes, 151 

Campbell, Bruce, of Barquharrie, cousin of 
JB, 65/1,, 68, 219 

Campbell, Colin, advocate, 290-291 

Campbell, Eleanora (Ker), wife of Walter 
Campbell, 236 

Campbell, Elizabeth (Vobe), wife of John 
Campbell the author, 305 

Campbell, George, of Airies, collector of 
customs at Portpatrick, 198 

Campbell, Helen (Macredie), ist wife of 
James Campbell of Treesbank, 217^.1 

Campbell, Hugh, of Mayfleld, 58, 219, 336 

Campbell, Hay, later Sir Hay, Bt and Lord 
President, 129 

Campbell, Sir James, of Auchinbreck, Bt., 


Campbell, James, of Treesbank, 55, 64, 193, 


Campbell, James Goodlate, of Auchline, 214 
Campbell, John, LL,D., author, 295, 305- 

306; Lives of the Admirals, 295 
Campbell, John, of Skerrington, 241 
Campbell, Mary (Montgomerie) , ad wife 

of James Campbell of Treesbank, 55/1.6, 

Campbell, Mungo, of Netherplace, 340 
Campbell, Mungo, convicted murderer, 337, 

340, 342 

Campbell, Robert, of Ashnish, 249 
Campbell, Walter, of Shawfield, 121, 236 
Cannan, Horatius, of Barlay, 241, 263 

Capper, Peter, 215 

Capraja, island, 52, 60, 66 

Careless, Mr., London, 298, 300 

Careless, Mrs., wife of preceding, 298, 303- 

Carlyle, Thomas, History of Friedrich H, 


Carrickfergus, castle of, 187, 203 
Carron Ironworks, Stirlingshire, 181 
Carruthers, John, of Holmains, 123 
Cartagena, Spanish possession, 291 
Carter, Elizabeth, translator of Epictetus, 


Caruthers, Mr., of Hardriggs, 123 
Gary, Gen. George, son of 6th V. Falkland, 


Cascade of Velino, Terni, Italy, 66 
Cassillis, John Kennedy, 8th E. of, 198, 256 
Castlereagh, Robert Stewart, V. (also 2d 

M. of Londonderxy), 203/2.6 
Cathcart, Charles Cathcart, 8th Lord, 291 
Cathcart, Charles Schaw Cathcart, gth Lord, 

Cathcart, Sir John, of Killochan Castle, Bt,, 

122, 123 
Cathcart (Margaret Hamilton) , Lady, wife 

of Sir John, 122, 219 
Cauvin, Louis, French teacher, 215 
Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de, Dow 

Quixote., 45 

Chadwick, Sir Andrew, Kt ? 383-284 
Chalmer, John Muir, W.S., 115, 123, 245, 


Chalmers, James, of Fingland, 58 
Chalmers, Robert, W.S,, 186 
Chambers, Fanny (Wilton), wife of Robert 

Chambers, 146/1.6, 159^.7 
Chambers, Robert, later Sir Robert, 146- 

149, 152-156, 275, 308 
Chancellor. See Camden, Charles Pratt, 

ist B, 

Chapel House, 276, 285 
Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor and King 

of Spain, 315 
Charles Emmanuel III, King of Sardinia 

and D. of Savoy, 7 
Charlotte Sophia, Queen of George III, 

Charriere, Charles Emmanuel de, 

Chatham, William Pitt, ist E. of, letters 
from JB, 16, 17-18, 5-54; letter to JB, 


2i'&-a7; xiii, 2, 10, 30, 35, 16871.3; Cor- 
respondencc of William Pitt, Earl of 
Chatham^ 5272.. 

CMdester, Harriet, xxvi 

Choiseul- Slain ville, tienne Francois, Due 
do, statesman, 172/2.9 

Church of England, 279, 330 

Church of Ireland, 203 

Church of Scotland, 58^.6, 114/2.4, 279, 330 

Churchill, Charles, poet, 177 

Gibber, Colley, actor and dramatist, Apol- 
ogy, 322; The Refusal, 327; and Sir John 
Vanbrugh, The Provoked Husband., 148, 
149/2,7, 263 

Gibber, Susannah Maria (Arno), actress, 
wife of Thoophilus Gibber, 322 

Cicero, Marcus Tullius, 49, 94/1.4; De fini- 
bus 9 280; De legibus, 273; De orator, 273 

Clarendon, Edward Hyde, ist E. of, states- 
man and historian, 314 

Clarke, Samuel, D.D,, 166, 331 

Claxton, John, F.S.A., 10, 37, 134 

Clayton, Mr*, friend of the Dillys, 141 

Cleland, John, author, Fanny Hill, or ? 
Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure^ 316 

Clement XIII, Pope, 7 

Clerk, Gen. Robert, 143 

Clifford, James L<, xxv 

Give, Robert Olive, ist B., 173/1.5, 371 

Glume, Capt. Alexander, 304; The Amer- 
ican Traveller) 297 

Coat-black /ofa?, Tha, song, 139 

(George Brown), Lord, 36, lai, 


Cochrano, Basil, Commissioner of Customs, 

JB's groat-undo, 43, a to, 230, 239, a40 9 

Cochrane, Maj, Charles, SOB of 8th E. of 
Dundtmald, a 16 

Cochrano, Hon. James Atholl, son of 8th E. 

of Dundonald, 153, 363 
Cockbum, Alicia or Alison (Rutherford), 

authoress, taa 

Cockburn, Archibald, Sherif-depute of 

Midlothian, 19 in, a 
Cockbum, George, later George Haldane, 


Coiltfiold, 68 

o f William, D.D*, 146 
Richard d xxv 
Cole$worth f 1 38^.3 

Collingwood, Mrs., aunt to Mrs. Temple, 

Colman, George, the elder, dramatist and 
theatre manager, xix, 283, 285, 299, 308 

Colquhoun, James, later Sir James, ad- 
vocate, 222, 243 

Colville, Elizabeth (Erskine), Lady, wife 
of following, 31, 40, 42, 236 

Colville of Culross, Alexander Colville, 7th 
Lord, 3172.9 

Colville family, 203 

Congreve, William, 308, 325; The Mourn- 
ing Bride, 318, 319 

Connell, Rev. James, 63 

Constantinople, 92 

Conway, Henry Seymour, politician, 34 

Corneille, Pierre, dramatist, 273 

Cornell, W. Kenneth, xxvi 

Cornhill, 265 

Corsehill, 194 

Corsica, JB*s visit to, xiv, 2, 46; introduc- 
tory account of JB's efforts in behalf of, 
xiv~xv, 87-88; JB keeps before the public 
eye with newspaper items, xxiii, 13, 59- 
60, 70, sends artillery for, 180-181, raises 
money for, 181, 203/2.6, 204-205; JB dis- 
cusses with SJ, xii, who disapproves of 
JB's interest in, 15, 164-165, 314; JB 
pleads its cause with Pitt, 2, 16-18, who 
cannot see Great Britain interfering in 
the affairs of, 27, 53; British Government 
sends arms to, xv; JB writes to about, or 
talks of with Rev. Hugh Blair, 41, Vol- 
taire, 46, Sir George Armytage, 136-137, 
Lord Lyttelton, 163, Lord Mansfield, 
172, Margaret Montgomerie, 196, 
Charles Boswell, 291; JB sees remarks 
on, in Graevius, 19, believes Sir James 
Stewart's Political Economy injurious to, 
93; Capraja taken, 52, 66; Proclamation 
of 1763, 53; toast to Miss Corsica, 121; 
its cause in great danger, 163; conquered 
by the French, June 1769, xv, 210, an, 
215, 230, 305, 351-352; mentioned in 
JB's marriage contract, 348; mentioned, 
10-11, 13-14, 336 

Corsica** Club, London, 160, 166 

Corte, University of , Corsica, 112 

Cosh, sea-captain, 198 

Coulter, William, Lord Provost of Edin- 
burgh, 26371.9 


CowhilL See Maxwell, Charles 

Craftsman, periodical, 144 

Craigbuy, 198 

Graigie, Robert (Lord Glendoick), Lord 
President, 243 

Craufurd, Archibald, of Ardmillan, 196 

Craufurd, John, of Doonside, 195 

Craufurd, Marion (Hay), mother of Archi- 
bald Craufurd of Ardmillan, 196 

Craufurd, Peter (? Patrick Craufurd of 
Auchenames) , 186 

Crawford, Jean (Hamilton), Countess of, 
115, 122, 123, 129-131, i95-4 9 217, 219, 
231-232, 261 

Critical Review, 144 

Cromartie, Lady Augusta of. See Murray, 
Lady Augusta (Mackenzie) 

Crookshanks, Charles, steward to Lord 
Eglinton, 337, 341 

Crosbie, Andrew, advocate, 12, 119, 129, 

Cullen, Robert, later Lord Cullen, 122 

Gumming, Tom, the fighting Quaker, 161 

Cumnock, 45/2.9, 52, 56, 65 

Cuninghame, Miss, of Auchinskeith, 195 

Cuninghame, Alexander, son of Capt. Alex- 
ander Montgomerie-Cuninghame, 193, 

Cuninghame, Annie, daughter of Capt, 
Alex. Montgomerie-Cuninghame, 193 

Cuninghame, David, later Sir David Mont- 
gomerie-Cuninghame of Corsehill, Bt., 

Cuninghame, George Augustus, 194 

Cuninghame, Walter, later Sir Walter 
Montgomerie-Cuninghame of Corsehill, 
Bt, 193 

Cuninghame, William, of Auchinskeith, 

Gust, Sir John, Bt., 267 

Dagge, John, solicitor, 283 
Dalblair, estate of, 55, 6, & 
Dalemame, G. C., embroiderer, 271 
Dalhousie, George Ramsay, 8th E. of, 115 
Dalrymple, family, 144 
Dance, William, musician, 296 
Darlington, Henry Vane, ad E. of, 266-267 
Darlington (place), 266 
Davidson, John, W. S,, 129 


Davies, Thomas, actor and bookseller, 159, 

175-177 5 274, 299, 316, 317, 319, 324 
Dawson, Thomas, M.D., 287, 289-^90, 297, 


Dean, Mr., surgeon, 249 

Delaval, Sir Francis, 266 

Demosthenes, 10 

Dempster, George, letter to JB, 190-192; 
letters from JB, 185-189, 212-213; his 
humorous comment on Miss Blair's con- 
nections, 126; his plea of privilege, 173- 
174; JB pleads his cause with B., 185- 
189; his pursuit of B., 190-192; discusses 
JB's matrimonial doubts, 225; JB re- 
grets his absence, 225; discusses with JB 
plans for marrying Miss Montgomorie, 

245, 272, fleeing from one's country, 

246, newspaper fame, 272, the "sarcasti- 
cal temper" of the Scots, 294, JB's plan 
of life, 300; greets JB in London, 270; 
does not regret John Home's foppery, 
286; reads Carter's Epictetus and praises 
Stoicism, 289; reassures JB on his not re- 
ceiving a letter from Margaret Mont 
gomerie, 299-300; mentioned, 121, 215, 
237, 262, 273, 278, 290, 293, 298, 303, 
304, 344 

Dempster, Jeanie, sister of George Demp- 

ster, 271 
Denis, Mme. Louise (Mignot), niece of 

Voltaire, 46 

Derrick, Samuel, author, 270 
Devonshire, xxi, 73, 263/^,2, 339 
Dick, Sir Alexander, of Prestonfield, Bt,, 

5, 3<>, 74, 77, 83, 87, 95, 117, 132, aoyn.a, 

aio, 212, 229, 230, 309^,9 
Dick, Sir John, Bt., British Consul at Leg- 

horn, 13, 17, 52, 140, 142, 159. i6, *% 

168, 224 
Dickie, Matthew, law agent, 43, 55, 

Dickson, Captain, 265 

Dilly, Charles, bookseller, 83/2.7, 141, 167, 

a68, 291, 304 

Dilly, Edward, bookseller, purchases Ac- 
count of Cornea, 83, announces it is 
ready for publication, 129; prevented by 
JB from making alterations in Cornea, 
161; JB finds French translations of C0r 
sica with, 286; receives JB cordially, 14*, 
a68; JB drinks tea with, 149, 167, dines 


with, 287, 297, 299; introduces JB to 
minor writers, 161; talks of Robertson's 
book and the Trade, 167; invites JB to 
live in his house while in London, 269, 
296; helps JB collect costume for Strat- 
ford Jubilee, 274; JB visits Bank of Eng- 
land with, 289; visits Samuel Vaughan 
with JB, 389-290; provides JB with 
sword, 303; mentioned, 88, 108, ta8, 160 
rt.O, '238,31(5 

Dilly, Manila, sister to Charles and Ed- 
ward I) illy, 14,1 

Diodorus Siculus, Historical Library, 48 

Dodds (or Dcxkl), woollen-draper at New- 
castle, a6$~a68 

Dodds, Mrs,, characterized as Circe, xvi, 43, 
50, as Lais, 44, as Chloe, 48/7.6; described, 

8-9 54, ,$ 44, $<>; <*! nole on JB ' 8 en- 
tanglement with, u; follows JB to Edin- 
burgh, 19 and n,5; reproves JB for drink- 
ing, ao; JB umclrt jealous of, ao, 33,, 35 3^ 
but defends faithfulness of, 34, 87; quar- 
rels and reconciliations with JB, a/>, a 7, 
31, 3<i, 40; JB takes a house for, 5; JB 
vtsifs, a(5 -27, i,i % 3<>, 41, 114, u#, tsio; 
visits JB* 40; delights JB by appearing in 
black, aH, |o; JB hears scatulal of, 3, 4U, 
*$*5; JB in urged to break with, by Er.slune 
and Grange, 33, by David Boswell, 4$, 
by Temple, 47 '48, 105 tdi; JB gives 
mime in Full, 351; gives up house, 36*; do* 
termines to lettw JB, 0; forgives JB' 
drunken infidelity, 37; is affected by JB*s 
bad conduct, ,|S; JB rtwlvi>s to give up, 
43, breaks off with, 41, 4fHf iBo, re- 
joice* that he in free of, 41-4*$; her prt>g 
nancy, (>| ya toa; JB fcnru he has in* 
telitd, Ho 81, ls hopes thii h*w <nicapod 
inf(K*tinn, 8u Teiwplf! think ill of, 8a, 
t6, lidittifffi JBV huxwunity towards, 88; 
Pringle ndviw* JB to mako amends to, 
by mon<\v v $074 boars JB*s dnughtur, 
Sally, *u; JB rtnww.i gallantry with, 
tav ia4i bwlUwru h is again pregnant, 
i20{ JB snul 10 to, through Johnston, 
i<W JB connultt} about, with Grange* and 
t)r, CaimiCt di$ 314; mentioned, 51, 74, 

Donaldson, John, bookseller, brother of 
Alexander Donaldson, 298 

Donaldson, John, painter, 278-279, 321 

Doncgall, Arthur Chichester, 5th E. of, 204 

Doonside, See Craufurd, John 

Doniock, 123 

Douglas, Archibald James Edward, later 
ist B. Douglas of Douglas, Duke of 
Quocnsbcrry expects victory for, 140; 
his victory, xiv; JB meets for first time 
after victory, 217; invites JB to Bothwell 
Castle, 217, 347; retains JB as counsel, 
xiii, 222; invites JB to accompany him 
on travels, 223, 232; entertains JB at 
Bothwell Castle, 223-224; JB calls on, 
232; JB dines with, 235, 236, 238, 239, 
241-242, at Lord Monboddo's, 246; JB 
tells of uneasiness about his father, 235; 
gives JB his idea of immortality, 238; is 
taken to Willison's to sit for portrait, 
238; JB wishes him to marry Lady Mary 
Hay, 242; witnesses JB's marriage con- 
tract, 348-349; mentioned, 32^.3, 143/2.9, 

Dottunicottf Bartholomew tltj, 37 

t, 1 08-a oo 

Douglas, James, prebendary, ta$ 

Douglas, Lady Jane, wife of Sir John 
Stewart, xiii, #7*1.5, 73, 96/2,3, 172 

Douglas, John, D.D, later bishop of Car- 

lisle and of Salisbury, 175, 1 76 
Douglas, John, of Tilquhilly, advocate, 336, 


Douglas, Margaret (Douglas), Duchess of, 
wife of ist D. of, 32, 95, 223, 233, 235- 

ft3$ 930, H 3oa 

Douglas, Sylvester, of Fochil, later B, Glen- 
borvio, ajS, a^a; Diaries, 223 

Douglas, Liaut. Willliim, te/tr Sir William, 
of Kttlhcftd, Bfc., a3, aj0, 230, 943 

Douglas family, 194 

Douglas eaute, introductory account of, 
xrn-xiv* 87-88; JB writes Domndo on, 
xiii, 56, 57, Hamilton Came, 37; Douglas 
C&U9ti> 67, "inventions* 1 concorning, 69- 
70; mftmoriftls of, stutlicnl by Lore! Au* 
chinlx:k, 45, by JB, fit; JB entortainod 
by i 57 1 ^ appealed to House of Lords, 70; 
JB wtainwi h\ 7*-7h aaa; cllay in tie- 
tejrminatian of, 73; JB discusses with 
Lord Prwidont, 114, with Johnson, 149, 
with Chariot Bosiwell, 39 1; with Lord 
Miiutfiold, i60-if9! 1173; Dr, Wilton of 



Newcastle's essay on, 136; JB reads or 
hears speeches on it by Lord President, 
167, the Scotch judges, 169, the Chancel- 
lor, 222; riot following decision, xiv, 189, 
191; JB philosophizes on, 224; men- 
tioned, 12, 32?z.3, 66, 78, 8572., 96, 114, 
130/2.4, 144, 189-190, 195, 209/2.8, 236, 

Down, county of, 207, 221/7.6 

Drummond, Capt. Duncan, 60 

Drummond, Thomas Lundin, styled Lord 
Drummond, 166 

Drummond, William, of Hawthornden, 
History of Scotland., 304 

Dryden, John, The Kind Keeper; or, Mr. 
Limberham, 50; Tyrannic Love, 318 

Dublin, 194, 200, 204, 207, 272 

Dubois, J. P. I,, author, 286/2.9 

Du Bos, Abbe" Jean-Baptiste, 140; Reflex- 
ions sur la poesie, 320 

Duff, William, Sheriff-depute of Ayr, 55, 


Du Halde, Jean-Baptiste, author, General 
History of China, 155 

Dumfries, William Crichton-Dalrymple, 
4th E. of, 57, 66 

Dumfries (place), 67, 192 

Dun, Mr., in London, 158 

Dun, Rev. John, minister at Auchinleck, 
44, 52, 58, 97 

Dunbar, 135 

Dundalk, 206 

Dundas, Miss, younger sister of Henrietta 
Dundas, 19 

Dundas, Elizabeth (Rermie or Ranme), 
ist wife of Henry Dundas, gn.6 

Dundas, Henrietta, daughter of Robert 
Dundas, 19 

Dundas, Henry, later ist V, Melville, 9, ist, 
119, 123, 129, 242 

Dundas, James, of Dundas, 19 

Dundas, Jean (Grant), wife of Robert Dun- 
das, 128 

Dundas, Robert (Lord Arniston), Lord 
President of the Court of Session, votes 
against Douglas, xiii, and is victimized 
for it, 114, 170-171, 190; JB visits, ig; 
orders arrest of publishers of newspapers, 
70; talks with JB about Corsica, 19, the 
Justiciary Court, 19, Douglas cause, 114; 

shows concern at Lord Auchinleck's ill- 
ness, 113; JB dines with, 123, 128, break- 
fasts with, 124, 129; mentioned, 9/2.6, 
167, 186, 191/2.2 

Dundonald, Thomas Cochrane, 8th E. of, 
130, 152 

Dupont, Rev. Pierre Loumeau, 122, 213, 
215, 222, 241, 256, 257, 261-263 

Durham, 266 

Eden, Catherine, daughter of following, 

later wife of John Moore, Archbishop of 

Canterbury, 123 
Eden (Mary Davidson), Lady, wife of Sir 

Robert, 123 
Edinburgh, xiv, i, 2, 11, i9~43> 7*^-5, 71- 

134, 94, 103/2., 108, 177, 181, 207-264, 

273, 345, 347 
Buildings: Goldsmiths' Hall, 215; 

Luckenbooths, 121; Parliament House, 
27, 123, 124, 208, 210, 215, 224, 335; 
Royal Infirmary, 20; Theatre Royal, 
115/2.6, 172; the Tolbooth, 12, 27, a8.o, 

Churches and Chapels. Of the estab 
lishment; New Church (east end of St, 
Giles's), 27, 32, 51, 109, 115, iaa, ta^ 
124, 129, 130, 217, 242; Old Greyfriars, 
238; qualified Anglican chapels: St. 
Paul's (foot of Carrubber's Close), 33, 
124; English chapel (Blackfriars Wynd), 
183; of the (then non-juring) Episcopal 
Church in Scotland: Old St, Paul's (cast 
side of Carrubber's Close), 124/1, 

Coffee-housefi 9 Inn$, and Taverns; 
(John) Clerihue's (Star and Garter), 
s^n.j 36, 121, 133, 124, ia6, aaa; Mrs. 
Dunbar's, 31; Fortune's, 117, ia8, ia$, 
209., 249; Purvo^s, a 30, 333; Potw Ram- 
say's Red Lion, tax, 345; Small**, 341, 

Parks and Gardens: Comely Garden, 
342; Leith Links, aa 

Streets and Squares: Borth wick's Close, 
a/j; the Bow, 118; Castle Hill, 330; the 
Cowgate, 43/0; the Cross, 117, 125, 
191/1,2, 208; High Street, 43*2.2; Milne's 
Square, 94; Parliament Close, 43/2^ 
73/1.8; the Plcsasance, $43; St. Mary** 
Wynd, t%m*g 

f Capillaire Club, 189; Faculty 



of Advocates, 11, 120; College of Physi- 

cians,; Soaping Club, 281; new 
debating society, 215, 240 

Miscellaneous: Arthur's Scat, 72, 296; 
Fountainbridgo (suburb), 225; Old and 
New Towns, 273 

Edinburgh, University of, i, 372.5, 9/1.6, 
31/2.9, 3372.1, 41/2.8, 56/2.2, 144, 15172. 

Edinburgh Advertiser, 70 

Edmondson, Thomas, JB's servant, 37, 73, 
76, 78-7fl- Bo, 85, 91, 95, 101, 113, 193, 
208, a.V2, 253, 34 1 

Eglinton, Alexander Montgomerie, loth E. 
of, admires the gardeners daughter, 3 
4; comments on an Italian "woman of 
gallantry," 38, on Dr. Johnson's rough- 
ness, 177, on Miss Bosville's marrying a 
Scotsman, 117, 14,^/2.7; JB embraces at 
the Cross of Edinburgh, 117; advises JB 
how to woo Miss Blair, 1 1 7-1 18; JB dines 
with, 173; Margaret Montgomerie de- 
pends for franks on, 24,5; knows of JB's 
engagement to Margaret Montgomerie, 
a#'l a()t; at variance with dipt. Alex, 
Montgomerie Ominghame, ^35; account 
of tho shooting of, .w-MH, '$40-341; 
burial of, 341-343, 34*5; mentioned, i, 
04. *f><> 

Fjglmton, Archibald Montgomery, nth E. 
of, ,143, 347 

Eglintcm t Susanna (Kennedy), Counter of, 
mother of loth and tith Knrta of Kglin- 

Elibtmk, Patrick Murray, 5th Lord, 1 
Eliock (Jam Witch), Lord, 4*, 170, 
Elixabeth I, Queen of England, iaan.& 
Kpaminondaft, Thobnn general, 10 
Epictetuft, iSt 

Erroll, James Hay, tfjth E, of, 4 
Ewkine, Hon, Andrew, ao, a 7, 3*t*9* 
40, 4, 54.t ao8, uof), 349, 95 

the //on. Andruw Rrskintt 

Charles (Lord Tmwald), Lord 
Just let *Cterk t 170 

Lady Alva, widow of Charles Erakino, 

Entkino, John, D.D. 

77, 9$ 
Bton Cdllegt, 158 

Eugene, Prince of Savoy, 165/2.1 
Euripides, 271 

European Magazine, 172/1.8, 221/2.6 
Exeter, 339 

Farquhar, Alexander, of Gilrnillscroft, 69 
Farquhar, George, dramatist, Recruiting 

Officer, 162 

Farquhar, James, merchant, 264 
Fawkener, Capt. Everard, 9/2,6 
Ferguson, Adam, LL.D., 74; An Essay on 

the History of Civil Society , 38 
Ferguson, James, astronomer, 327 
Fergusson, Sir Adam, of Kilkerran, Bt, 27, 

66, 195, 196 
Fergusson, George, advocate, later Lord 

Hermand, 222 
Fergusson, James ("young Pitfour"), ad- 

vocate, l88, 222 
Fergusson, Sir James, of Kilkerran, Bt, 

xxiv, xxv 

Fergusson, Rev. Joseph, 95, 97 
Fcrney, France, 45 
Ferrybridge, 137, 267 
Fielding, Henry, 59/2.8, 148, 163/2.6; Joseph 

Andrews, 83 

Fielding, Sir John, magistrate, 162-163 
Kilby, John (actually William), tailor, 318 
Fmghmd. See CJhnlniers, James 
Fisher, actor, a 63 
Fitzgerald, Percy, Life of James 

1'leming (or FIw>ming) t (Charles, surgeon^ 

;i17i JJ $ 

Fletcher, James, hookRcllo^ 274 
Florence, Italy, 20^/^.9 
Fokdare, Joseph, xxv 
Fontmcslle, Bernard Lo Bovier die, Plurality 

of Worlds, 303 
Foord, Hcv Mr,, 215 

Gt Samuel, dramatist and mimic, 283, 

Forbes, Mr. (same as Duncan Forbes, sur- 

geon?), 106, 107 

Forbe% Duncan, Lord President, 115 
Forbes, Duncan, surgeon, a60 o, aj)i, 

94, 308, 300, 3<>& 108,3*7 
Forbes, Sir William, of Pitsligo, Bt,, 14^ 
Forfar, election cawsea of f 113, 117, 118 
Formey, Jean Henri Samuel, author, 44 
Poulis* Robert^ printer^ 57, 79^ 80, 



France, xv, 2, 18, 45, 163, 180, aion.i, 302, 

305, 307 

Francis I, Holy Roman Emperor, 251 
Franklin, Benjamin, 163, 167, 289, 292, 300 
Fraser, James, customs officer, 198 
Frazer, Lieut. -Col. Andrew, son of George 

Frazer, 306 
Frazer, George, excise officer, 19, 114-115, 

121, 123, 306, 308 

Frazer, Mrs. George, wife of preceding, 308 
Frazer, Miss, daughter of George Frazer, 


Frazer, James, law agent, 222 
Frazer, John, 115 
Frederick, supposed son of King Theodore. 

See Vigliawischi, Frederick 
Frederick II (the Great), 2, 251, 300^.4 
Frederick William I, King of Prussia, 151 
Fullarton, Barbara (Blair), widow of Wil- 

liam Fullarton of Fullarton, 209 
Fullarton, William, of Fullarton, 209 
Fullarton, William, of Overton, 55, 56 
Fullarton, PWilliam, of Rosemount ("the 

Nabob"), 81-83, 85, 100, no, 124-129, 

133, 183 
Fullarton family, 238 

G,, Miss, landlady in Edinburgh, 41 
Gainsborough, Rev. Humphry, inventor, 

Gainsborough, Thomas, painter, 

Gall, Robert, barber, 272 

Galloway, Alexander Stewart, 6th E. of, 
117, 121, 230, 250-251 

Galloway, rioters of, 65, 67 

Galston, 43 

Gardenstone (Francis Garden), Lord, 250 

Garrick, David, JB recommends Mickle's 
Chateaubriant to, 275, 279; JB expects to 
meet at the Stratford Jubilee, 278, meets 
dramatically, 280; is pleased with JB's 
Verses in the Character of a Corsican, 
282, 284; JB calls on, 283; JB borrows 
five guineas from, 284-285; JB unable to 
describe his play of features, 292-293; 
attacked by Shirley, 295; his vanity dis- 
puted, 308; dines with SJ, 317; discusses 
Goldsmith's dress, 317-318, Shakespeare 
and Dryden, 318-319, Sheridan's ora- 
tory, 319, Voltaire and the English lan- 
guage, 320, SJ's doubts about death, $$a; 

presents a stage version of the Stratford 
Jubilee, 322^.3; SJ disparages, 322; wit- 
ness in Baretti case, 3255 causes JB's song 
on matrimony to be set to music, 343; 
Catherine and Petruchio, 297, Clandes- 
tine Marriage, 28172,2 (see also Colman), 
Florizel and Perdita, 314, Ode upon Dedi- 
cating a Building and Erecting a Statue 
to Shakespeare at Stratford-upon-Avon, 
269^., 293^2.8, 295, A Peep Behind the 
Curtain, 136; mentioned, 133/2,, 284 

Garrick, Eva Maria (Violetti), wife of pre- 
ceding, 285 

Garrick, George, brother of David Garrick, 

Gay, John, 140/2.; Beggar's Opera, xvii, 81, 
131-132; Macheath, character of, 81 

Geneva, Switzerland, 90^.6 

Genoa, 2, 18, 60, 163 

Gentili, Count, Corsican, 301-302 

George III, King of Great Britain and Ire- 
land 14/2.9, 267*,., 2872.3, 28171.2, 28671.1, 
309, 336 

Giardini, Felice de\ violinist, 159 

Gib, James, provoat of Auclimleck, 69 

Gib, James, of Dalblair, 57 

Gib, Mrs. James, wife of preceding, 57 

Gibbons, Thomas, D.D., 238, 239 

Gibson, James, attorney, 140-141 

Gibson, James, landlord at Ayr, 195 

Gilkio #. Wallace*, cause of, 51 

Gilmour, Sir Alexander, of CrnigmilJer, 
Bt, 11571.7, 117-118, 121, i4-ia6, *8a 

Giuseppe, valet to Paoli, 300-301 

Glasgow, John Boyle, 3d E, of, 337 

Glasgow, 12, 78, 70, 84, 09, 195, 208, 244,, 
247, 249 

Glasgow, University of, t, 5671, a, 79, 154 

Glen App, hill, 197 

Glencaira, James Cunningham, i^th E. of, 

Glenmuir, 5571,5 

Glyn, Sir Richard Carr, Bt, 142 

Godefroi, innkeeper in Paris, 57-58 

Golden Cross, inn at Oxford, 151, 152 

Goldsmith, Oliver, 308, 117-318, 330, ;pf$ 
w.i, 327; Good-Naturtd Man, Mjn. 148; 
History of the Earlh^ 399; Mfotory of 
England* 299^,9 

Gordon, lion. Alexander, advocate, later 
Lord Rockville, tag, aia 



Gordon, Alexander Gordon, 4th D, of, 94 

Gordon, Catherine, of Stair, 185 

Gordon, Jane (Maxwell), Duchess of, wife 

of 4th D, of, 94^.7, 109, tio 
Gordon, John, W.S., 26 
Graovius, Jnharm Georg, 19 
Graf Ion, Augustus Henry Fitzroy, $d D. 

of, 289; Autobiography of Augustus 

Henry 9 third Duke of Graf ton,, 172^.9 
Graham, Mr,, landlord of Saracen's Head 

Inn, Glasgow, -246, 24,7 
Graham, Arthur, at Jrvino, 19.}, 
Grahanio.s, Mr,, at Lainshaw, 249, 253 
Grange, estate in Dumfriesshire, 192 
Grant, Anno (Campbell), daughter of Dr. 

John Campbell, ,$05 
Gnmtham, 138/1.;$, 266, 207-268, 302 
Gray, Thomas, j,8, 10-11, .$ 7/^.7, 75, 91, 

tot, i (>()/.(>; Ode on a Distant Prospect 

of Eton College^ 158 
Great Britain, xv, 18, a 7, 4,5, 53, $oa, 305, 

3>7, 313 
Grwno, Edward Bxmiuhy, poet and trans* 

lator, Corsica^ (in Qdt\ 306; Works of 

Anacwon and Sappho^ 306 
Gregory, John, MIX, 31, 34,, 7.1,, 80, 209, 

tt4f)-ti50; Comparative View of the Slate 

and Faculties of Man with Thme of the 

Animal World, u /*<) >V 
Grey Abboy, ruin, ton 
Griffin, William, ptiblkher, 299^,9 
Gro*vanor, Richard Grosvouor, ist B., //t*r 

ifit K, 39^/1,8 
Guelfucci da Belgodere, A!b(^ Botifiglio, 

jo i, joa, ^tjti 

(tuthrii\ William,, imthor imtl critic, 144- 
14*5, fju 115^ t(if5t OW England^ or, T7iif 
Constitutional Journal^ 144 

*\ 44 "4 
(Sir Duvid Dnlrymplo, Bt.) 

to IB, v-4i Bo tfHH advinc JB 
on 4ccol fj/ Corsica nut! makers ftivor- 
able c.riticim of it, Mi4, 73, 75i f,H* 
104; JB preientu n copy of Corsica to, 
tain JB drinks* tea with, a$; atlviwii JB to 
burn hit *ong oa tho Htmiiton caust^ 
aj; In Ciumcrwi cttii f 41; tnlk* with 

JB about his conduct in legal causes, his 
affair with Mrs, Dodds, 41; his observa- 
tion on the jury system, 144; writes to 
JB about his part in the rioting following 
the Douglas decision, 189-190; dines at, 
Lord Auchinleck's, 249; mentioned, 91, 


Hair, Mr., governor to Horatius Caiman, 

Halbert, William, schoolmaster at Auc.hin 

leek, 69 

Haliday, Mrs. ? Alexander, at Belfast, 208 
Hall, Benjamin, librarian of Bodleian, 154- 


Hamilton, Alexander, surgeon, 192 
Hamilton, Elizabeth (Dalrymple), widow 

of William Hamilton of Bangour, 121- 


Hamilton, James George Hamilton, /th D. 
of, xiii, 223. See also Douglas cause 

Hamilton, John, of Sundrum, 56, 165, 336 
Hamilton, Robert, of Bourtreehill, 195*1.4 
Hamilton, family, 144 
Hamilton cause, 43, 51, 58, 171, 236, See 

also Douglas cause 
Handel, George Frederick, 117^/2.3 
tfurcourt, Simon Harcourl, ist E., 274 
Hardriggs, See Caruthers, Mr. 
Hurdwicke, Philip Vorke, ad K. of, 166 
Huringtoiu Rev, Richard, 339 
Harloy, Thomas, Lord Mayor of London,, 

Ilttrriwgton, Caroline (Fitzroy), Counter 

of f 77 

HarriH, Mr., dissenting clergyman, 439 
llarriH, Mrs,, at Stratford, a 80, a8a 
Harris, ? James, author, aBB 
Harwich, t /jo 
Hawki\ Admiral Sir Edward, later ist B. 

Hawthorne, William F., xxvi 

Hay, James, W.S., 119, 1^9 

Hay, Lady Mary, daughter of tgth E. of 

Enroll, 5142 

Hay, Robert, malofcictor, 25, a 6, a 8, 52, t$o 
Hay, William, W.S n 95, ia,$ 

^ Matthew, antiquary, 117-118, 

Heitky, 146^ 157-15^^ 274 
Heron, Kev. Hubert, a 68 



Herries, Robert, later Sir Robert, Kt, 142 

Herries, Cochrane, and Company, London, 

Hervey, PFrederick Augustus, Bishop of 
Derry, later 4th E. of Bristol, 309 

Hervey, James, devotional writer, 52 

High Church, Glasgow, 79 

High Street, Lisburn, 204 

Hill, Robert W., xxvi 

Hilles, Frederick W., xxv 

Hillsborough, Wills Hill, ist E. of, later 
ist M. of Downshire, 205 

Hillsborough, 205 

Hillsborough Arms, inn at Donaghadee, 

Hoadly, Benjamin, dramatist, The Sus- 
picious Husband, 115, 149 

Hoggan, Capt James, 208 

Holland, 2, 18, 44-45 

Holmains. See Carruthers, John 

Holyroodhouse, Henry Bothwell, titular 
Lord, 122 

Home, John, Douglas, 286 

Home, Patrick, of Billy, 167, 222 

Horace, 314; Epistles, 24, 41, 64, 104, 235, 
250; Odes, 9, 23, 43, 51, 90, 157, 180, 182; 
Satires, 314 

Hounslow, 286 

House of Commons, 28672.8 

House of Lords, 70, 88, 236^.9 

Howard, Hon. Edward, The British 
Princes, 334/z.i 

Howell, Mr., farmer, 267-268 

Hume, David, characterized, 82, 153, 262, 
293, 332 ; finds no venom in JB's song on 
the Hamilton cause, 27; agrees to trans- 
act publication of JB's Account of Cor- 
sica, 28, 35, 46; quarrel with Rousseau, 
34; appointed secretary to Conway, 34; 
admired by Dr, John Smith of Oxford, 
150; visits JB, 256; History of England, 
182; mentioned, 46, 165 and n3 

Hunt, William, town clerk of Stratford, 283 

Hunter, Andrew, D,D,, professor at Edin- 
burgh University, 239 

Hunter, James, bailie of Edinburgh, 123 

Hunter, Robert, professor at Edinburgh 
University, 35/2.1, 91, 144, 215 

Hunter, Veronica (Murray), wife of 
Robert Hunter of Polmood, laa 

Hyde, Donald F,, 

Hyde, Mary (Crapo), 132/2.2 
Hyndford, Janet (Grant), Countess of, 114 
Hyndford, John Carmichael, 3d E. of, 251 
Hyndford, John Carmichael, 4th E. of, 114 
Hyndford, family, 144 

Ireland, 177, 179-180, 183, 192, 198-208, 


Irvine, 194, 337 
Irving, John, solicitor, 290 
Isham, Lt.-Col. Ralph Heyward, xxii, xxiii, 

Italy, 2, 1372.9 

Jachone, Corsican mastiff, 142/2.5 

Jamaica, 292 

James, footman to Mr. Dilly, 296 

James, waiter at Ayr, 195 

James IV, King of Scotland, 68/2.9 

James and _, ship, 198 

Jedd, Mrs., Edward Billy's housekeeper, 

Jeffries, Joseph, LL.D., 300 


[Part I, Miscellaneous; Part II, Rela- 
tions with JB; Part III, Opinions and 
Observations; Part IV, Works."], 

L Miscellaneous, SJ characterised, xii, 
177, 263, 274, 314; meets Wilkes, 83/2,7; 
tests Mrs. Macaulay's republican princi- 
ples, 160/2.9; admired by Dr. Smith of 
Oxford, 150; helps Robert Chambers 
write lectures, 146/1.6; entertained by Sir 
Alexander Macdonald and his wife on 
tour of the Hebrides, 143/1.7; invites Dr, 
Gibbons to tea, 338/1,; meets Paoli, 314- 
316; mentioned, x, xxiii, 151, 181, 197, 
35*-353 &&4 

II. Relations with JB. Introductory ac- 
count of his relationship with JB xl-xii, 
i; letters to JB, 14-15, 164, 387-288, 343; 
letters from JB, 16-17, 164 165; JB's 
first meeting with, i, 159/2.5$ disapproves 
of JB's enthusiasm for the Cortkans, xv, 
164, 314, of JB's proposed Account of 
Corsica^ 15; JB wishes him to read Cor- 
sica, 104; praises Cornea, but refuses to 
review it, 166, 887-288$ JB visits or en- 
tertains, a, 146-450, i5ft-t$4 *53-*& 
*$3 165-166, 175-177, 3U~3*6 t 3*7-3S4 
343; JB finds Mm away at Oxford, 145, 



at Brighton, 269; approves of JB\s reso- 
lution to obey his lather, 13, of liis study 
of the law, 14-15; JB emulates, 25, 90, 

167, 250, '298?!,; promises to visit Scot- 
land, tfjo; JB writes to, 275; JB recalls 
visiting at Oxford, 275; wishes JB well in 
marriage, 1188; advises JB to complete a 
dictionary of words peculiar to Scotland, 
322; invites JB to visit him at Strcatham, 
342; accompanies JB to London, 343; 
witnesses JB's marriage contract, 348- 


III. Opinions and Observations, On 

adultery*, 155-156; American colonists, 
305; animals, future life of, 153; Auchin- 
leek, Lord, JB's differences with, 310, 

plan to remarry, 310; Baretti, 156, 323- 
31*4; Biackmore, 334; Blair, 153; Buchan- 
an's poetry, 325; Burke's Sublime and 
Beautiful* 320; change, terror of, 330; 
characters of nature and characters of 
manners, i.^S-HO; chastity in women, 
156; child, bringing up a new-born, if 
shut up in a castle with it, xii, 328; Chin* 
esc, sound of voice of, 399; Gibber., 33 a~ 
,$,$; Ocmgreve, .318-319, 335; Gorsicans, 
the, 314; criticism, the nature of true, 
;$ao; Crosbic, Andrew, u <),(>; death, 
fear of, 323, 33^31$; domestic tyranny, 
^5; Dominic.cti's baths, 337; Douglas 
cinwe, 149; Dry<lou* poetry, 318; Du 
Haldtt's ChirM) i$f>; Elibank, Lord, 165 
.i; Cuto and free will, refuses to dUoufis, 
v $i6, 33 1; KitrftUHtum, Sir Adam, a/n.5; 
Fielding, 148; FooU\ 3*44, ,v<i# -.v^O; 0r- 
ru'k*H acting, ; jau, Floriwl and Pmltta, 
314; general wammtft, ifHi Goldsmith's 
conuulics, 148; guent, waiting dinner for 
ii tardy, 317; Outline, Wi Ilium, i$a~ig;$; 
H(irdfknutt\ 4&u; history, 314; Hume* 
*U ignorijuu't* in nwn of *mi nance, 330-' 
331; infidelity, ^135 Knmo*, Lord, E fo- 
ments of GritiGi&rn % 154, jao; landlords 
and tennttti, 339; legal othic*, 147; Lich 
field* 153; London life, advantages of, 
3ia; ttiarriage^ 328, 343; marriage, 0o 
ond^ jta; married couples living with 
parents, 3*0; military manners, 316; 
Monboddo t Lord, evolutionary vitwa of, 
trtatmwt of u tke savagt Ufa 1 *, 
Monsey T Dr, of Chelsea Colltga, 

175-176; Montagu, Mrs., Essay on 
Shakespeare, 320; Oxford, advantages of, 
for leaz*ning, 152; Paoli, 315-316; peli 
tions, 320; plays, new, 148-149; political 
improvement, schemes of, 329-330; poli- 
tics, 320; Pope's Dunciady Epistle to Dr. 
Arbuthnot, Moral Essays, and Pastorals, 
318; population, 328-330; predestination, 
331; Presbyterianism, 330-331; Prior, 
313; praise on compulsion, 149; religion, 
325, 330-332; Hidhardson, 148; Robert- 
son, 153; Roman Catholic Church, 330- 
332; Rousseau's treatment of "the savage 
life," 311; scorpion, whether it kills it- 
self, 153-154; Scotland, 153, 312, 313; 
Scots authors, 153; Shakespeare, 318- 
320, 322, 325; Sheridan's ox*atory, 319; 
singularity, 311-312; suicide, 321-322; 
swallows, conglobulation of, 154; Swift, 
176-177; sympathy for distresses of 
others, 323-324; Thomson, 175; trade, 
3116; Whitefield, 514; Wilkes, 168; wood- 
cocks, migration of, 154; Young's Night 
Thoughts, 325 

IV. Works. London, a Poem y 1738, 
318; Life of Savage^ 1744, 168/1.1; The 
Vanity of Human Wishes, 1749, 154- 
155, 332; The Rambler, 1750-1752, 19, 
148, ai8,4, 335-4 349; Dictionary of 
the English Language, 1755, 86; Preface 
to Shakespeare^ 1765, 322; Life of Dry- 
rftfn, 1779, 3i8n*; mentioned, x, xxiii, 
145, 151, 181, 197, aga-a&j, ^84 

Johnston, sea-captain, 284-286 

Johmfcm, Dimiol, M*D., 45, 5^ 55-57, fe 

Johnston, Mrs, Daniel, wife of preceding?, 

Johnaton t John, of Grange, note on JB's 
letters to, xxii; letters from JB 9 95-^6, 
193103; dittos at Lady Betty Macfar* 
lano*s, 31, with JB, 213-314, 216, 226, 
245; drinks tea with JB lai, a5 aa6, 
a 38; delighted with JB'e London Journal, 
33; disapproves of JB's liaison with Mrs, 
Dodds, a, 40, 49, 6a, 313-314; JB philos- 
ophize* to, on their vices and follies, 95- 
96; JB off on journey, 134, 264; JB 
writes to, of Mary, 139/1.6; advises JB 
against a mercenary marriage, a 09; 
Brings a doctor to JB aio; advises and 



soothes JB in regard to father's proposed 
remarriage, 217, 225, 229-230, 309/2.1; 
attends a race at Leith with JB, 236; 
mentioned, 54/2.1, 80, 82, 83, 86, 89, 131 

-7 3 56, 336/2.5, 347 
Joseph, Mr., at Kilmarnock, 99 
Junius, political writer, 299 
Justiciary, High Court of, 12, 19, 67 

Kames (Henry Home), Lord, 28, 109, 129, 
153, 169; Elements of Criticism, 28/^2, 
167, 320 

Keaseberry, William, actor, 297 

Keating, James, bookseller at Stratford, 282 

Keil, Harry 3VL, M.D., xxvi, 317/2.9 

Kellie, Thomas Alexander Erskine, 6th E. 
of, 20/2.6, 42, 250 

Kelly, Hugh, dramatist, 283; False Deli- 
cacy, 133/2., 136, 148 

Kennedy, Miss, sister of Dr. Gilbert Ken- 
nedy, 294 

Kennedy, David, advocate, later loth E. of 
Cassillis, 129, 167, 230 

Kennedy, Gilbert, M.D., 250, 269, 270, 286, 
290, 291, 294-295, 317; Lisbon Diet 
Drink, 286, 297 

Kermet (Robert Bruce), Lord, 124 

Kenrick, William, author, 168 

Ker, James, Keeper of the Records, 116 

Kerr, Mrs., at Ayr, 195 

Kerr, Miss, daughter of preceding, 195 

Keyser's pills, 270 

Killantringan, laird of. See MacMichan, 

Kilmarnock, 52, 99, 219 

Kilmaurs, 64 

Kincaid, Alexander, printer, later Lord 
Provost of Edinburgh, 1 16, 217 

Kincardine, Veronica (van Sommelsdyck), 
Countess of, 44/2*5 

King, Thomas, actor, 282, 316 

King, Mrs. Thomas (Baker), wife of pre- 
ceding, 282 

Kingston, Elizabeth (Chudleigh), Duchess 
of, wife of following, 216 

Kingston, Evelyn Pierrepont, ad D of, a 16 

Kingswells, 78 

Kinloch, Mr., brother to George Farquhar 
Kinloch, 264 

Kinloch, Lieut. Archibald, 64 

Kinloch, David, later Sir David, of Gilrner- 

ton, fit., father of preceding, 64 
Kinloch, George Farquhar, merchant in 

London, 264-268, 286-287, 289 
Kinnaird, Charles Kinnaird, 6th Lord, 121 
Kinnaird, Jeany, natural daughter of 

Charles Kinnaird, 6th Lord Kinnaird, 


Kinnoul, Thomas Hay, 8th E. of, 129 
Kirby, John P., xxv 

Lacy, James, actor and manager, 285 
Lainshaw (person). Sec Montgomerie, 

James, of Lainshaw 
Lainshaw (place), 56^,4, 64-65, 94, 99- 

100, 192-194, 207-208, 246-249, 348 
Lam, George L., xxvi 
Lambe, Robert, Bishop of Peterborough, 


Langton, Bennet, 175 
Laurie, Mrs., at Dumfries, 67 
Law, William, advocate, 222 
Lee, John, actor, 281 
Lefanu, Alicia, Memoirs of the Life, and 

Writings of Mrs. Frances Sheridan^ 293 


Leghorn, Italy, 18 in., a 10/2.1, 224 
Leith, Mrs., in Edinburgh, 24-25 
Leith (place), 221/2.7, 2 3 &3$? 250 
Leven, David Leslie, 6th E, of, 1 14 
Lewis, Mrs. ("Louisa"), actress, % 
Lichileld, 153 
Liobert, Herman W, xxv 
Lincoln, Eleanor T,, xxv 
Linda, Lucas de, Polish writer and state 

official, Dcscnptio Qrbis, 316 
Lisbum, 204-306 
Lisbume, Wilmot Vaughan, 4th V. and tst 

E. of, 9^.7, 51, 61, 63, 93, 97, 104, 134, 

181, i8a 

Livingston, Thomas, M.D., as 
Livingstone, 43, 024 
Lochmabea, m* 123 
Lochryan, 197 
Lockhart, Alexander, Dean of Faculty, 

laUr Lord Covington, 41, 116, a*o 
Lockhart, Col. James, of Cumwath, aio 
Lockhart, John Gibson, Life of Scott^ 363 

Lockhart, Susan, aunt of Lady Mary Hay, 




London, JB compares to a garden, 298; ad- 
vantages of life in, 312; visited by JB, 
t39-i77, 264-343; mentioned, i, 35, 51, 
63,93, 128, 134 

Buildings: Drury Lane Theatre, 133^., 
295, 297, 322; East India House, 290; 
Foundling Hospital, 295; Great Piazza, 
160; Guildhall, 142; Haymarket Theatre, 
287; Mansion House, 159^.4; Newgate 
Prison, 316; Old Bailey, 289, 325; Tower 
of London, 297-298 

Churches and Chapels; Bavarian Min- 
ister's Chapel, 294; Portland Chapel, 145; 
St. Paul's Cathedral, 180, 272; Temple 
Church, 272, 305; Westminster Abbey, 

Coffee-houses and Taverns; Brawn's 
Head Tavern, 307; Crown and Anchor 
Tavern, 175, 371; Dolly's, 290; London 
Tavern, 322; Mitre Tavern, 311, 325; 
Percy ColTee-house, 143-144; St. Paul's 
Coffeo-house, 300; Somerset Coffee- 
house, 7; Smyrna Coffee-house, 270, 
a 711, 273; Star and Garter, 139 

Parks and Gardens: Burlington Gar- 
dens, 303; Green Park, 373; St. James* 
Park, 273 

tftrwtSi Squares, and Courts: Blooms- 
bury Square, 148; BoswelPs Court, near 
Bed Lion Squara, 398; BoswelPs Court, 
Lincoln's Inn Fiold^ o8; Bow Street, 
Covcnt Garden, 27*; Carey Street, 08, 
303, Chettp*idtt, ^74; Covent Garden, 143; 
Dovoreux Court, 990; Golden Square, 
a4; Gray's Inn Lane, a68; Great Russell 
Street, Bloomftbury, *o; Greek Street, 
Soho, 70| Half Moon Street, Piccadilly, 
130K.B, 140; Jermyw Street, 93; John- 
son's Court! ag8ft.; Lincoln's Inn Fields, 
a/o t apS| Long Acre, 148; Newgate 
Street, aga; Newman Street, agi; Old 
Bond Street, 300, 303-304, 317; Oxford 
Road, a0i; the Poultry, 8j, a6j), 994, 3*6; 
Queen. Anne Street, Cavendish Square, 
*5i Queen Square* 0195; led Lion 
Square* 8| St. James Street, 30^; St. 
Paul's Churchyard, a6; Soho Square, 
*05 S; the Strand* i, 140, H 

MU&tllctnwust Blockfrian Bridge* 
ft7i-7a; Bob Dorry^s bagnio, 158; H The 
Honiit Whigs* 1 (club), 300; Borough of 

Southwark, 142; Thames River, 272, 296; 
Tyburn, 140, 323; Westminster, 160; 
Westminster Bridge, 306 

London Chronicle, JB's "facts" and "inven- 
tions" about Corsica printed in, xiv-xv, 
xxiii, 20-2t, 44-45, 59-60, 66, 69, 70-71, 
92-93, 94-95; prints account of celebra- 
tion of Paoli's birthday, 160, James 
Burgh's commendation of Corsica, 161, 
JB's report of execution of six men, 
323/2,; JB reads to SJ, 330; mentioned, 
* 39^.8, 3o6n., 31471. 

London Inn, Exeter, 134 

London Magazine, 281 n.9, 28377,5, 288-289, 

Londonderry, 2d M. of. See Castlereagh, 
Robert Stewart, V. 

Longbrigend, 135 

Longixms, On the Sublime, 151/2, 

Lord Advocate. See Montgomery, James 

Lord Justice-Clerk. See Miller, Thomas 

Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, See Town- 
shend, George Townshend, 4th V., later 
ist M 

Lord President. S@ Dundas, Robert 

Lothian, Jean Janet (Kerr), Dowager 
Marchioness of, wife of 3d M of, 122 

Lothian, William Henry Kerr, 4th M. of, 

122, 133 

Loudoun, John Campbell, 4th E, of, 342 
Loudoun (place), 78 

Louisa, SM Lewis, Mrs. 

Love, James, stage nanw^of James Dance, 

actor and author, 132/1,9, a8i, a<)6-ag7 
Love, Mrs, James (Hooper), wife of pre 

ceding, issm.g, 296-297 
Low t Goorge, malefactor, 33371, 
Lowe, landlord at Ferrybridge, 137 
Lucari, Pharsatta^ 170 
Lucretius, De mrum nature 37 
Luther, Martin, 59 
Lyon, Capt Adraw t a 16 
Lytteltoa, George Lyttelton, ist B, 163, 

165-166, 171, 309 

McAdam, James, of Waterhead, 56 
McAdam, Capt, James, son of prucedkig, 

McAdam, John, of CraigengUlao, 65* 




Macaulay, Mrs. Catharine 

historian, 160-161 
Macaulay, Rev. Kenneth, 150 
Macaulay, Thomas Babington Macaulay, 

ist B., 150/7.8 
Macbride, Mary, niece of Hugh Boyd, 198, 


McCammin, Misses, at Newry, 206 
Macclesfield, Anne (Mason), Countess of, 


McCombe, Mrs, Joyce T., 266/2. 
Macdonald, Sir Alexander, of Sleat, Bt, 

later ist B., 143, 277?!. 
MacDonald, PHugh, surgeon, 210, 226, 230, 

241, 249, 256, 257, 264 
Macdonald, Sir James, of Sleat, Bt., 150, 

152, 275 
Macdonald, Lady Margaret (Montgom- 

erie), widow of Sir Alexander (d. 1746), 

279, 293 

Macdonald, William, W.S., 222, 249, 250 
Macfarlane, Lady Elizabeth. See Colville, 

Elizabeth (Erskine),Lady 
Macfarlane, Walter, of Macfarlane, anti- 
quary, 31/2.9 
Mclntosh, Mr., 214 
McKee, Irving, xxv 
Mackellar, landlord of inn at Livingstone, 


Mackenzie, Misses, of Seaforth, 231, 239 
Mackenzie, Sir Alexander, of Gairloch, Bt., 

Mackenzie, Catherine, sister of Kenneth 

Mackenzie, E. of Seaforth, 242 
Mackenzie, John, of Dolphinton, 116 
Mackenzie v, Mackenzie, 57, 58 
Mackie, Dr., at Ayr, 195 
Mackye, John Ross, advocate, 173 
Maclaine, Rev. Archibald, pastor, English 

church at The Hague, 44 
Maclaurin, John, later Lord Dreghom, 245 
MacMichan, PGilbert, laird of Killantrm- 

gan, 195 
McMmn, Jane Charlotte (Boyd), wife of 

William McMinn, 198, 202/1.4 
McMinn, William, 202 
MacNeil, Dr., litigant in the Court of Ses- 
sion, 219, 221 
Maconochie, Alexander, of Meadowbank, 

legal agent, 143-145, 165, 167, 

230, 242 

Macowan, Joseph, at Lisbum, 205 

Macpherson, James, Fingal, 191 

Macqueen, Mary (Agnew), wife of Robert 
Macqueen, 251 

Macqueen, Robert, later Lord Braxfield 
and Lord Justice-Clerk, 118, 251 

Macredie, Jane, daughter of William Mac- 
redie of Perceton, 2 1 7 

Mactaggart, landlord at Ballantrae, 197 

Magennis, family, Hillsborough, 205 

Maidenhead, 274 

Mair, John, extractor in the Court of Ses- 
sion, 238 

Malahide Castle, xxv^ 

Malone, Edmond, 142/2.4, 150/2,8 

Mamhead, 9/2.7, 91, 93, 105, 119, 133-134, 

Mansfield, William Murray, ist B., later 

ist E. of, xxi, 168-174 
Mare"chal de Turenne, inn at The Hague, 


Margherita, Raphael's mistress, 214/1,3 

Maria Theresa, Queen of Hungary, Em- 
press, 251/2.5, 307/2. 

Marischal, George Keith, loth E., 20, 39/1., 
102, 191/2.2, 293 

Marr, hatter in London, 298 

Marshall, Jane, authoress, Sir Harry Gay- 
love, 214, 285 

Martin, David, painter and engraver, 116 

Mary, in Edinburgh, prostitute, 135, 137, 

Mary, maid at M, ReuaudX London, 304 

Massey, Miss, mistress of 6th E. of Kollu*, 

Mathews, George, of Spring vale, 190 

Matthew, Pservant, 158, 160 

Mauchline, 45 

Maupertuis, Pierre Louis Moreau de, phi* 
losopher, 153-154 

Maxwell, Lady, 134, 953. (Either Darcy 
Brisbane, widow of Sir Walter Maxwell 
of Pollok, Bt., or Frances Colhoun, wife 
of his brother* Sir James Maxwell of 
Pollok, Bt, or Margaret Stewart, wifa of 
Sir William Maxwell of Sprixigfcell) 

Maxwell, Alexander, wine merchant, aio 

Maxwell, Charles, of Cowhill, 241 

Maxwell, Hugh, son of Hugh Maxwell of 
Dalswinton, a 16 



Maxwell, Jane. See Gordon, Jane (Max- 
well), Duchess of 

Maxwell, Sir John, of Pollok, Bt., Lord of 
Session. See Pollok, Lord 

Maxwell, Capt, William, of Dalswinton, 

Maxwell, Sir William, of Monreitli, Bt, 

Maybole, 150, 195 

Mayo, Henry, D.D., dissenting clergyman, 
141, 161 

Meadows (should have been spelled Med- 
ows), Charles, Post Capt. R.N., later as- 
sumed name Pierropout, and was created 
E, Manvers, 167 

Manage, Gilles, Menagiana, 271, 295 

Mctfcdorf, Robert F., xxv 

Micklo, William Julius, 275, a 70,, 28/5; Con- 
Gubint!) 275; Siege of Marseilles,, 214, 275 

Millar, Andrew, publisher, aS, 35 

Miller, tavern-keeper hi Edinburgh, 133 

Miller, John, engraver, a88n.7, 304 

Miller, Margaret (Murdoch), ist wife of 
Thomas Miller, 60 

Miller, Thomas, Lord Justice-Clerk (later 
Sir Thomas, of Glenloe, Bt., and Lord 
President), la, 60, tac), 174 

Mitchell, Alexander, of Hallglenmuir, 44, 
fit, 6& ^ 60, ia& api 

Mitchell, Andrew, advocate, 56 

Mitchell^ Sir Andrew, K,B., diplomatist, 
ao-ai, 30 

Mitchell, Sir John, of Wostshore, Bt,, 273 

Mitcholsuft, Samuel, Sr M WS., 30 

Mitcholson, Samuel, Jr., W*S, 208 

Moffnt, Mrs** dresser to Anno Spranger 
Bitrry, aoS-w 

MoFfat, 5-u, 49 

Moleftworth, Robert, ist V, Motesworth, 
An Account of Dnmark> 98 

Monboddo (Jtmti Buratt) Lord, com- 
mtmti on JB*i pason lor Mrs. Dodds, 
40; viawi on evolution, 40/1,5, on the su 
pirior happinais of the savage Hie, 311; 
JB feels himself a rakt befora, 123; dines 
with JB, 133-144, 036, 2138, JH^ 346* 
attends bull at Fortune's, ta; speech in 
the Douglas cause praised, 170; favors 
JB* marrying Margaret Montgomerie, 
aij, at8 asit, aa, and acts as mediator 
between JB and Ms father, 435* % dis- 

approves of Lord Auchinleck's second 
marriage, 218, 225; on the side of Dr. 
MacNeil, 221; takes leave of JB at the 

end of the session, 254; mentioned, 124, 


Moncrieffe, David Stewart, advocate, 115, 
123, 210, 216, 230, 241, 242, 249 

Mousey, Messenger, physician to Chelsea 
Hospital, 175 

Montagu, Elizabeth (Robinson), author- 
ess, Essay on Shakespeare, 320 

Montgomerie, Alexander, of Coilsfield, 68, 

Montgomerie, David, of Lainshaw, 183/2.6, 

Montgomerie, James, of Lainshaw, 5n.6, 
64/1., 177 

Montgomerie, Jean (Maxwell), widow of 
preceding, 64-66, 94 

MQNTGOM&GUE, MARGAKET, later wife of JB, 
characterized, 196, 221, 237, 293; de- 
scribed, rviii, 261, 284; notes on corre- 
spondence with JB, acxii, xxiv; texts of 
letters to JB, 94, 211-212, 218-220, 226- 
229, 240-241, 243-245, 247-248, 251-^54, 
334-337* 337-333, 34Q~34*, 34i~343> 
343-345* 345-346, 34^-347; texts of let- 
tors from JB, 207-208, 220-221, 232, 
236-238, 257-262, 277-279, 309-311, 
338~339 347; writes to JB, 210, 215, 216, 
a5, a$i, 247-248, 249, 270, a86, 304; 
JB writes to, aio, ai6, 218, 232, 241, 266, 
75 303; introductory account of JB*s 
courtship of, xvii-XTiii; dines with JB T 
1115; visits Prostonficld with JB, 116-117; 
JB drinks tea with, ia$; signs a jocular 
contract not to marry JB, 177-178; ac- 
companies JB to Ireland, 193-308; of- 
fended with JB but reconciled, 194; JB 
confesses he loves her rather than Mary 
Ann Boyd, 196; JB very xmeasy because 
he fears die is engaged, 196-197; assures 
JB shd is not engaged, 197; vexes JB by 
declining to go to Dublin, changes her 
mind, aoo; JB asks advice as to whether 
he should marry, from Templet, aocn-aoa, 
a04 Dempster, 213; assures JB she will 
help him marry whomever he chooses, 
ao$-^04; JB wishes to marry, fto6; JB 
apologises for display of angor towards, 
ao/-ao8; JB stylea **my lady,*' aoS, ao0, 

3 82 


210, 2i8, 221, 258; JB's marriage to, ap- 
proved of (disapproved of) by John 
Johnston, 209, by several unnamed ac- 
quaintances, 210, by Lieut, John Boswell, 
210, by Commissioner Cochrane, 210, 
243, by Dr. Boswell, 210, by Dempster, 
215, 225, 245-246, 270, 278, by Lord 
Monboddo, 215, 218, 221, 225, 235, by 
Temple, 222, 256, by Lady Crawford, 
23 1 ) by Hume, 262, by Dr. Johnson, 288; 
ill, 211-212, 243, 337; JB wavers be- 
tween a marriage with and a marriage 
of wealth, 213, 214, 216, 222, 235-236; 
JB hurt by hints of other attachments of, 
217, by talking of her faults, 221; hopes 
to visit JB in Edinburgh, 219; JB fears 
he has offended, 225, receives a letter 
from, which makes him think she has 
given him. up, 225; JB jealous over, 226, 
232; refers to her debt, 227; Lord Mon- 
boddo proposes to secure Lord Auchin- 
leck's consent to JB's marriage to, 235, 
238; JB proposes marriage and a life of 
exile to, 236-238, and is accepted, 239- 
241; Lord Auchinleck reluctantly con- 
sents to JB's marriage to, 246; JB visits 
and they solemnly engage themselves to 
each other, 247-249; JB's summary of 
the whole affair, 259260; JB promises 
a portrait of himself, 248; JB rejoices at 
being engaged to, 250; believes Lord 
Auchinleck has a right to remarry, 252, 
311; Lord Auchinleck summons to Au- 
chinleck for a conference, 257-259; JB 
hopes to make a French scholar of, 248, 
263, 334r~335; her wedding ring, 266, 
335-336; JB loses her letter of accept- 
ance, 276, recovers it, 279; JB thinks her 
opinion of herself might be raised by 
having secured the affection of so fine a 
fellow, 278; JB consults concerning min- 
iature of himself, 278-279, about her 
marriage gown, 279; older than JB, 284; 
JB uneasy at not having letter from, a 99, 
305, 304; Paoli much struck with her let- 
ter of acceptance, 307; reads JB's Tour to 
Corsica^ 335; deprecates inviting Paoli to 
her wedding, 336, 340, 341; worried be- 
cause JB has a cold, 344, 345; married to 
JB, 348; marriage contract between JB 
and, 348-349; mentioned passim^ on 

practically every page from p. 198 to p. 

Montgomerie-Cuninghame, Capt. Alex- 
ander, of Kirktonholm, visits Auchinleck, 
55; JB enjoys serious conversation with, 
65; agrees to accompany JB to Port- 
patrick, 193; drinks to Douglas with JB, 
194; accompanies JB to Irvine, Ayr, and 
Ardmillan, 194; feels fatigued and goes 
no further, 197; asks Margaret Mont- 
gomerie to put off trip to Edinburgh, 
219; his illnesses, 243-245, 247, 253-254, 
344-345, 346; borrows JB's dog, 245; at 
variance with Earl of Eglinton, 335; ex- 
pects to see JB just returned from Lon- 
don, 346; JB sends bitter oranges to, 347; 
mentioned, 99, 229, 259, 279, 345 
Montgomerie-Cuninghame, Elizabeth 
(Montgomerie), of Lainshaw, wife of 
Capt. Alexander Montgomerie-Guning- 
hame, later Mrs. J. Beaumont, JB talks 
of the family hypochondria with, 66, 
about his engagement, 247; gives birth 
to a daughter, 100; defends JB to Lord 
Auchinleck, too; JB visits, 134; dines 
with JB, 124, 126, 128; approves of JB's 
Irish scheme and brings him home after 
drinking to Douglas, 193-194; accom- 
panies JB to Irvine, 194; JB writes to, 
begging her to interpose in his father's 
marriage scheme, 332; JB rejects aid of, 
in placating Lord Auchinlcck, 20a, 309; 
receives a letter from Lord Auchinlock, 
344; mentioned, 99, a<), ^43* afe *&), 
34i 345, 34<* 

Montgomery, James William, Lord Advo- 
cate, later Sir James, of Stanhope, Bt, 
and Chief Baron of Exchequer, iu, u.j,& 
Montgomery, Margaret (Scott), wife of 

James William Montgomery, 34^ 
Montgomery, William, of Grey Abbey, 199 
Montrose, James Graham* ist M* of, to 
Moore, Rev, John, ordinary at Nwgat 

Morell, Thomas, D.D, t P*R.S* classical 

scholar, a /a, 305 
Morgagni, Giovanni Battiftta, anatomist, 


Morning Society, The Hague, 44 
Morpeth, 135, 265 



Mount Alexander, Mary Angelica (De- 
lachcrois), Countess of, 200, 203 

Mount Alexander, Thomas Montgomery, 

5th E. of, 200 
Mountain (place), 79 
Mountstuart, Charlotte Jane (Hickman- 

Windsor), styled lady, wife of follow- 

ing, 30/7,4 
Mountstuart, John Stuart, styled Lord, 

later 4th E. and ist M. of Bute, 2, 13/2.9, 

14, 16., 30, 140, 162, 173, 209-211 
Mudford, Atithony, JB's servant, 140, 145 
Mure, William, Baron of Exchequer, 209 
Murphy, Arthur, author, 283, 317, 319, 

,$ao; The Citizen^ 115 
Murphy, Robert K., xxvl 
Murray, "Mrs.," of Stormont, 1 24, (One of 

the unmarried ulsters of Lord Mansfield, 

probably either Margaret or Nicholas 

Murray, Alexander, advocate, later Lord 

Ilenderland, 1 18 
Murray, Lady Augusta (Mackeri'/ie), wife 

of Sir William, 129 
Murray, Fanny, Set* Eovss, Fanny (Mur- 

Murray, Maj^Gon. James, son of Lord 

George Murray, 203 
Murray, (Jen, Lord John, son of John Mur- 

ray, ist I), of Atholl, ia.$ 
Murray, Hem, Miss Nicholas Helen 

('Nicky'), diwttrm of the Edinburgh 

Assembly, ?tu4, 186*187 

Wtlliimi, advocate, later Sir Wil- 
liam, Bt,, and Lord Dumumtttt, 27, a 16 
Nnplo*, 41$ 
Nupolwm Boniipwte, KVTL 

National Library d Scotland, xxii 

Noil I, Acliim, printer, tat) 

Naill, JtmwH, tMuile t Ayr, 133, 945 

NimhofT, Thorntons Baron von. ftv Thw> 

(low, King of Corsica 
New Church, Glasgow. Av St Andrews, 

churrli at Glasgow 
Now Inn Hull, Oxford, 445, 147-148 
New Mercbtnton, Sttrlmgshirf, it 8/1*4 
New York Public Library^ , 
d, of 

Newark, 138^.3 

Newbattle Abbey, seat of M. of Lothian, 


Newcastle, 135, 265, 344 
Newmilns, 79 
Newry, 206 

Newtown-Ardes, 202-204 
Nicholls, Rev. Norton, 37, 85, 87 
NIsbet, PMary, of Dirleton, later wife of 

Walter Campbell of Shawfield, 36 
Nisbet, Mary (Hamilton), wife of William 

Nisbot of Dirleton, 36 
North, Frederick, styled Lord North, later 

( 2(l E. of Guilford, 223/2.4 
North Briton, The, 146 
Northallcrton, 267 
Northumberland, Hugh (Smithson) Percy, 

D. of, 176 
Northumberland, 8 
Northumberland House, i 
Norton, Fletcher, later ist Baron Gnmtley, 

75, 77. i<)5, 3^1 
Norton (place), 265 

Ocbiltroc, Andrew Stewart, ad Lord, 291 
Ogilvy trial, 1 1 ;$tt. i 

Oglethorpe, Gon James Edward, 163, 165- 

Old Cartibus, 77 

Oliver, tavern-keeper In Stewarton, 194 
Ord, Elizabeth, daughter of Robert Ord, 

later ad wife of Lord Braxfield, i i$ t ti6 
Orel, Nancy, daughter of Robert Ord, 115, 

Orel, Kobort, Chief Baron of Exchecquer, 

Orme, Alexander, W*S n tat, 123 

Orm<% Robert, historian, a/i 

Orr, Thomas, innkeeper at Newtown, 203 

Osborn, James M,, xxvi 

Otway, Thomas, Orphan, 8; Venice Pre- 

Overton* See Fullarton, William, of Over- 

Ovid, /Imorer, 335 

Oxford, Edward Harlc% 4th E, of, 173 
Oxford University, 77^,^ 146-156, 274- 

a/5, a8s; BnlHol College, i^a; Bodleian 

Library, 154-155; Christ Church, 150; 

Jesus College, 154; Magdalen College 

146; Trinity CoHefle, 154 



Sally. See Boswell, Sally 

SalthiU, 158, 285 

Sandeman, Robert, 20972,7 

Sappho, 139/2.4 

Saracen's Head Inn, Glasgow, 78 

Sardinia, King of. See Charles Emmanuel 

Sardinia, 316 

Saunders, PWilliam, M.D., 142 

Savage, Richard, poet, i68n.i 

SCOTLAND (Scots manners, speech, &c,)? 
Scots sarcasm, xi, 273, 294; manners bad 
in, 273; Scots v. English accent, 9, 29; 
English tone preferable to Scots, 167; hy- 
perbolical modes of speech in, 29; Scots 
grammar, an; Scotticisms, 85-86, 150 
n.8, 293; heavy drinking in, 38; riots over 
sale of meal in, 65; law the great profes- 
sion in, xii; the illiberal race of Scots 
lawyers, 112; agents and advocates, 131; 
Court of Session no power to judge Par- 
liamentary privilege, 174; Scots counsel 
not educated for English bar, 174; cool- 
ness and good sense of Scotsman, 39; 
Scots family ideas, 119; Scots lass v. Eng- 
lishwoman, 128; JB employs a Scots bar- 
ber in London, 272; SJ's prejudice 
against, 153, 312, 313; Scotsman going 
home with a smile on his face, 295; 
Scots burials, 341-342; see also Edinburgh 

Scots Magazine, 55, 347 

Scott, Mrs,, housekeeper for the Rev, Mr, 
Dupont, 217 

Scott, Alexander, legatee of Sir Andrew 
Chadwick, 283-285 

Scott, Geoffrey, 9672,4, 287^5 

Scott, George Lewis, mathematician, 295 

Scott, Maj,-Gen. John, of Balcomie, 24272,5 

Scott, Walter, W.S., father of Sir Walter 
Scott, 131 

Scott, Sir Walter, 2472.8, 12272.2, 131/2.8, 
26372.9; Heart of Midlothian., 2872.9; Guy 
Mannering s 11972.6 

Selkirk, Dunbar Hamilton Douglas, 4th E, 

Of, 222 

PSempill (MS has Sample), Willoughby, 

at Donaghadee, 200 
Session, Court of, method of conducting 

business in, 31-33 
Shakespeare, William, xxi, 263/2.2, 273, 

280, 284, 318-319, 325, 351-353; / Henry 

IV, 37; // Henry IV, 11671.9; Henry V, 

319; Julius Caesar, 2772.8, 287; King 

Leer, 319; Macbeth, 320, 322; Othello, 

33, 109, 120; Richard III, 297; Romeo 

and Juliet, 31872.6, 319; The Taming of 

the Shrew, 29772.5 
Shank, printer at Stratford, 283 
Shelburne, William Petty, 2d E. of, later 

ist M. of Lansdowne, 55 
Sheldon, Capt. Thomas, 281 
Sheldon, Mrs. Thomas, wife of preceding, 

281, 283 
Sheridan, Alicia, later Mrs, Joseph Lefanu, 

elder daughter of Thomas Sheridan, 

Sheridan, Anne Elizabeth, later Mrs. Henry 

Lefanu, younger daughter of Thomas 

Sheridan, 29372.9 
Sheridan, Charles Francis, older son of 

Thomas Sheridan, 293 
Sheridan, Richard Rrinsley, 17872., 29372.9 
Sheridan, Thomas, actor and elocutionist, 

father of preceding, 178, 273-274, 287, 

290, 293, 297, 298, 304, 307, 316, 319 
Shirley, William, dramatist, The Black 

Prince, 295 
Sibthorpe, Mary Ann (Cochrane), wife of 

Robert Sibthorpe, 221 
Sibthorpe, Robert, of County Down, Ire- 

land, 22171,6 

Sidney, Algernon, republican, 1 1 
Siege of Carrickftfrgm, Tha 9 song, 187/1.4 
Siena, Italy, xvi, a 
Simson, Miss, prostitute, 142 
Sinclair, Mr. 7 186 
Sinclair, George, of Ulbster, 243 
Sinclair, Lady Janet, wife of preceding, 243 
Sinclair, Sir John, of Ulbster, Bt, 24371. 
Sinclair, PRobert, advocate, 35 
Sitwell, William, master of Ironmongers 1 

Company, 265 
Skerrington, See Campbell, John^ of Sker 

Skye, 249 

Sleat, Skye, 14371,7 
Slough, 146, a 74 
Small, John, mater of Court of Session, 

Smeaton, Rev, David, seceding minister, 

Smith, Dr. Sn* Smith, ?James Carwichael 



Smith, Adam, political economist, 34, 81; 

Theory of Moral Sentiments, 218^.4, 

336; Wealth of Nations, 34*2.8 
Smith, PEIizabeth (Hoodie), wife of Dr. 

Robert Smith of Ferret, 1 29 
Smith, ? James Cannichacl, M.D., 142 
Smith, John, M.D., professor of geometry 

at Oxford, 150, 154-155, 2 % 
Smith, Warren H., xxvi 
Smith w. Steel, 173 
Smollett, Tobias George, 59^.8; Pvmgrinc 

Pickle, i73,t; Roderick Random, 291^.3 
Smyth, Edward, M.P. in Irish Parliament, 


Smythe, Jatnos Moore, 318/1.3 
Solicitor General, Scotland. Sec Dimdas, 


Soilucaro, Corsica, 302 
Sommolsdyck, F. (1 van Aorsson van, 44, 


Sommekdyek, family, laa 
Sornbeg, 43, 65 
South, Robert, D.D,, Sermons Preached 

upon Ntwcral Occasions^ 331 
Sowtlon, w'tor, tat -ism 
Spain, <)6r*4, 307 

Spearman, PRalph, Newcastle attorney, 136 
Spectator* Stfc under Addisou 
Spmuu*, Joseph, literary and art critic, 77 
%enccu\ Hon. John, father of following, 

er, John Spencer, ist K., 
Sputtiswood, John, Archbishop of St, An- 

drewi, a^6 

Kpringvule, nc^iit of George MuthewB, 199 
Stadtiiolder, &W William V, Prince of 

Stair, 60/1.3 

Stanley, John, mimciiun, a 73 
Stanynn, Ahrahntn, diplomat! An Amount 

of $wits#rlan<li g$ 

Stofwenn, Georgn f Shakespi)arima editor^ 333 
Stauart, Mitt! of Stuuart Hall, a if) 
%Steuart, A, Frtncis f Tfa* Douglas 

Sti>wrt| Archibald, of Steuftrt Hall, 64 

Stuuart, DaTid, W.S,, a*6 

Stouart, Sir Jam^ Bt, later Steutrt-Den- 

ham, 046^147; Inquiry into th* Principle 

of Political Economy^ ga t a4 

Stevenson, Alexander, Under-clerk of Ses- 

sion, 216 

Stevenson, James, Edinburgh, 26 
Stevenson, John, Professor of Logic, Edin- 

burgh University, 128, 15 int. 
Stevenson, Robert Louis, Weir of Hermis- 

ton y ii8/z.3 
Stewart, ? Alexander, later loth Lord Blan- 

tyre ("Mr. Stewart of Blantyre"), 222, 

Stewart, Alexander, of Mount Stewart and 

Bally lawn Castle, 203 
Stewart, Archibald, of Tobago, 3d son of 

Sir Michael Stewart of Blackball, 249, 


Stewart, Francis, nephew of Alexander 
Montgomerie, loth E. of Eglinton, 150 

155, 166, 275 
Stewart, Lady Jane (Douglas). See Doug- 

las, Lady Jane 
Stewart, Sir John, of Grandtully, Bt., hus- 

band of Lady Jane Douglas, xiii, 172 
Stewart" Nicolson, Houston, 40, 132 
Stewarton, 64, 194, 251 
Stilton, 13812,3, 268 
Stobie, John, clerk to Lord Auchinleck, 31, 


Stockdale, Rev. Pcrcival, author, 8 
Stonefield (John Campbell), Lord, 121 
Slow, Miss, elder sister of Anne Stow, 6 
Stow, Anne. See Temple, Anne (Stow) 
Stow, Fenwick, grandfather of W, J. 

Temple, 179 
Strange, Robert, later Sir Robert, engraver, 

Descriptive Catalogue of Picture, 214 
Strangford Bay, 199 
Stranraor, 197 

Stratford Jubilee, xv, xxi, 269, 271, a 72, 
Z/^79, 280-285, aga, 395, 31111,8, 

Stratford-on-Avon, a63n.a > 280-285 
Strathaven, 43, 103 
Streathaxn, 313, 342 

Stretch, Ret. Laurence M,, The Bmutm 

of History 399 
Stricken (Alexander Fraaar), Lord, 115, 


Stuart, Andrew, W.S, aoo 
Stuart, Lieut-CoL Jamas Archibald, latur 

Stuart-Wortley-Macksnzie, son of $d E, 

of Bute, sktin.7 

3 88 


Stuart, Margaret (Cunynghanie), wife of 

preceding, 211, 248, 253 
"Supporters of the Bill of Rights," group of 

Wilkes's friends, 300 
Sutherland, Alexander, Bath physician, 

Sutherland, Elizabeth Sutherland, Countess 

of, 236 
Sutherland, Capt. James, later 5th Baron 

Duffus, 242/2,5 
Sweet Willy 0, song, 269/2. 
Swift, Jonathan, 9172.9, 175^-8; Conduct 

of the Allies, 176-177 
Swinton, John, advocate, later Lord Swin- 

ton, 245 
Swintons, two Mr. from Scotland, 281. 

(Possibly the preceding and his father, 

John Swinton of Swinton, d. 1774, also 

an advocate.) 
Switzerland, 2, 18 

Tait, Miss, mantua-maker, 94 

Tait, Alexander, Cleric of Session, 38, 129, 

Tait, Mrs. Alexander, wife of preceding, 

Tait, John, W.S., 185 

Taylor, William, legal agent, 31 

Temple, Anne, wrongly printed Ann, 
(Stow), wife of W. J. Temple, described, 
972.8, 84; Temple reluctantly intends to 
marry, 61, 71 and .*}; married to Tem- 
ple, 81-82; Temple happy with, 89; JB 
wishes for such a wife, 102; JB seeks ad- 
vice from, on Miss Blair's indifference, 
112; her pregnancy, 120, 128, 179; JB 
asks about her age, 202; sends compli- 
ments to JB, 85, 93, 99, 101, 106; JB 
sends compliments to, 86, 87, 92, 94, 103, 
109, 112, 184; mentioned, 3, 6, 34, 91, 
181, 265, 338-339 

Temple, Rev. William Johnson, notes on 
JB's correspondence with, xxii, xxiii; 
texts of JB's letters to, 3-5, 5-11, 21-24, 
31-32, 32-35, 36-38, 49-51, 71-72, 73- 
74, 75-76, 80-81, 82-83, 84, 85-86, 86- 
87, 89-91, 91-92, 93~-94, 100-101, 101- 
103, 103-105, 108-109, 109-112, 135- 
128, 178-181, 181-184, 200-202; texts of 
letters to JB, 47-499 61-62, 62-63, 72-73, 
79-80, 8*~8a, 84-85, 88- 

89, 93, 97-99, 105-106, 119-120, 133- 
134; JB writes to, 163, 165/2.2 and 72.3, 
232; writes to JB, 60; JB's friendship 
with, 3/2.5, 6, 33, 38, 74-75, 9*~93; in- 
tends with reluctance to marry Anne 
Stow, 9.8, 61-62, 71/2.5; marries Anne 
Stow, 81-82; becomes a clergyman, 21; 
his passion for the maid-servant, 61-63, 
complains of his relations, 74; visits 
Adamtown and Auchinleck, 78-79; ap- 
plies to JB for loan, 93; advises on add- 
ing to Auchinleck, 98-99; complains of 
his "vile house," 133-134; JB's literary 
executor, 14272.4; JB godfather to his son, 
182, 339 

Opinions,, Auchinleck, Lord, JB's rela- 
tions with, 23, 97-98, 252; Blair, Cath- 
erine, and JB's pursuit of, xvii, 72, 80, 
81, 105, 119-120, 133; Corsica, Account 
/ 5 75> 85, 98, 100, 104; death and God, 
63; divines in ecclesiastical history, 21- 
22; Dodds, Mrs,, 47-49, 62, 72, 82, 88, 
106; Douglas cause, 72-73; happiness, 
33; marriage, 105, 222; Montgomerie, 
Margaret, 256; Piccolomini, Girolama, 
73; Rousseau, 22; mentioned, xx\ 9071,6, 
228, 252, 262, 26371.2, 336 

Theodore, King of Corsica, 305 

Theatre Royal, Richmond Green, Rich- 
mond, 296 

Thirty-Nine Articles, 160, 380-381 

Thistle Banking Company, Glasgow, 1 1871,4 

Thomas, JB's servant. See Bdmondson 

Thomas, servant to Mr. Herries, 142 

Thomson, James, poet, 175; Winter, 23 

Thrale, Henry, 313 

Thrale, Mrs. Hester Lynch (Salisbury), 
later Mrs. Piozzi, 3ia-^i4, 34* 

Tickell, Thomas*, poet, 334 

Tilquhilly. See Douglas, John, of Tilqu* 

Tinker, Chauncey B., Young BosuxtU, xvi. 

Tissot^ Simon Andri, M.D., Essay on the 
Diseases Incident to Literary and Sedent- 
ary Persons, a 14 

Tooke, Andrew, schoolmaster, 

Topham, Mrs., JB*s coach 

Torre, Lillian da la, xxvi; 

Heir of 



Townshend, George Townshend, 4th V., 

later ist M., 207 
Trabboch, Auchiulcck, 60 
Traill, James, D.D., Bishop of Down and 

Connor, 205 
Trecothick, Barlow, alderman of London, 


Treesbank, 64, 193, 12 tc), 347 
Trelawny, Sir Jonathan, Bt,, Bishop of 

Bristol, of Exeter, and of Winchester, 

Trcmamondo, Domcnico Angelo Malevolti, 

fencing-master, 282 
Trot'/-, Christian Henry (Trotzius), pro- 

fessor at Utrecht, 205 
Tundcrgarthy 95/2.1, 97 
Turenne, Henri cle In Tour d'Auvcrgne, 

Vicomte (le, 32 1 
Turkey, a86.2 
Turnbull's Inn, Alnwick, 135 
Tuxford, iit> 7 
Tyers, Thomas, author, 333 

Utrecht, Holland, a, 61, 143 

Valencia, Spain, 97 
ValloyfioM, 1 14^.3 

Vnnbrugh, Sir John, The Provoked Wife, 
308; and Colley Gibber, 77*' Provoked 
Husband * 148, 149/1.7, 263 

Vaughtm, Samuel, merchant, 289 
Venice, 17/1,7-, 159 

Victor, Benjamin, theatrical manager, aBi 
Vigliawiftclu, Fnxtorick, supposed son of 

Theodore, King of Corsica, 305 
Virgil, 304; Aeneld^ it, *& fli; ffat agues* 

i86\ 1 88; <3w#iVtf, /4w 89 
Voltaire, Francois Marie Arcmet de, letter 

from JB, 45 47; t 70, .^ f ^f'K *f>3^ 

a 7,^, ,^ao; Candida 304/1,51 
Vyse, (ran, Richard, 5184 
Vyw, Ev. William, father of proofing, 

Waingrow, Mrs, Hope G., i 
Wnlngrow, Mawhall, vi 
Waldron, Francu Godolphin, actor, 5297 
Wak, Samuel, R,A., a88 

Watford, Samuel, at Stratfoi*d^oiATon 

Walker, Isabel, one of Lady Jane Douglas's 
maids, 73 

Walker, Rev. Robert, minister of the New 
Church, Edinburgh, 239 

Wallace, George, advocate, 26, 66 

Wallace, Thomas, Pmerchant of Cumnock, 

Wallace, Sir Thomas, of Craigie, Bt., 197 

Wallace, William, advocate, 209 

Wallace, William, Professor of Scots law 
at Edinburgh, 66, 238-239 

Waller, Edmund, poet, 304 

Walpole, Horace, later 4th E. of Orford, 
letter from JB, 132; gin.S; Supplement 
to the Letters of Horace Walpole, 132)^.2 

Walsh, Joseph L., xxv 

Ward, Henry, dramatist, The Vintner 
Tricked^ 132 

Ward, John, M.P., 289 

Wardlaw (Elizabeth Halkett), Lady, of 
Pitreavie, poetess, Hardyknute; A Frag- 
ment, 321 

Wardlaw, 65-66 

Warfel, Mrs. Phyllis C, xxvi 

Warnock, Bobert, xxvi 

Warnock cause, 41 

Washington, George, 160/2.9, 289/2.8 

Waterhead, See McAdain, James, of Water- 

Way man, Luke, M.D. 9 161 

Weah\ Fulko, printer at Stratford, 282 

Webster, Alexander, DJ)., 114, 135/2.8, 210, 
a 1 4, a 16/1.9 

Wevbster, Annie, daughter of Dr. Alex. 
Webster, lattzr Mrs. Mingay, a 16, 263 

Wobstor, George, son of Dr, Alex. Webster, 
a 13,215, a4a-343% 

Webster, Capt. (later Lieut. -Col.) James, 
mm of Dr. Alox, Webster, 135, 263 

Webster, Mary (Erskine), wife of Dr. 
Alex* Webster, 11417.4 

Wdbrtw, William, son of Dr. Alex* Web- 
ster, 19 

Weis t Charles McC,, x^cvi 

Wentworth,, Sir Thomas, Bt, lat^r Sir 
Thomas Blackett, 249, ^50, aga 

Watherby, 6; 

Whitbum^ ao8, $> 841, 249 

WKto Lion, inn at Stratford, 280/1,7 

Whitofield, George, ovaixgelist, 101, 314 

3QO Index 

Whitefoord, Sir John, of Blairquhan, Bt, 

123, 222 

Wilkes, John, JB believes his song Hamil- 
ton Cause has the force of, 27; meets Dr. 
Johnson, 83/2.7; JB sees on the hustings 
in the Guildhall, 142; political uproar 
over, 146, 155; elected for Middlesex, 
iS) *59; imprisonment, 28672.8; Lord 
Mansfield averse to talking of, 173; JB 
wishes to visit, but is prevented by mo- 
tives of prudence, 286; controversy over 
status of, 288; writings criticized by Wil- 
liam Guthrie, 144; JB mistaken by a 
voter for, 148; Chinese's remark about, 
285; French translation of the Account of 
Corsica sent to, 286; anecdote of Lord 
Eliock's perpetual smile, 295; Essay on 
Woman, 115/2.6; mentioned, 2, 168/1.3, 

Wilkie, John, publisher, 90 
Wilkinson, Tate, actor, 136 
Will, butcher's man, London, 142 
William III, King of England, Scotland, 

and Ireland, 200/2,1 
William V, Prince of Orange, 45 
Williams, Anna, poetess, 269, 312, 326 
Willison, George, painter, 161-162, 238, 


Wilmot, James, D,D., 154 
Wilson, Andrew, M.D,, 135-*^ 266 
Wilson, Mrs. Andrew, wife of preceding, 

Wilson, Janet (Simson), wife of following, 

Wilson, John, bailie and merchant of 

Kilmarnock, 64, 65 
Wilson, William, W.S., 25, 27, 131 
Wilton, Joseph, sculptor, 159 
Windsor, 158 

Winn, George, Baron of Exchequer, 129 
Wollaston, William, moral philosopher, 63 
Wood, Capt. ? Alexander, army officer, 249 
Wood, Robert, Under Secretary of State, 


Woodstock, 276, 279 
Wooler Haugh Head, 265 
Wright, Lieut-Col. William, 298 
Wyvill, Christopher, LL.D., 77, 80, 82-85, 

9*, 93, 94 

York, 136-137 

Yorke, Charles, Attorney General, later 

Lord Chancellor, 75, 77 
Yorke, Sir Joseph, Kt, later B, Dover, 44 
Yorkshire, 7 
Young, Edward, poet, Night Thought^ 32^ 

Zflide. See Zuylen, Belle do 
Zoffany, John, R,A., 281/1.2 
Zuylen, Belle de, rd, 2, 7, 8, 35, 103, 115, 

*39, H3, 15^7 1^3, 165, 179, 353H.7 

Zuylen, Diederik Jacob vim Tuyll van 
Serooskerken, Heer van, father of pre- 

ceding, 7 

/oca tin a /nany o/ t/ie places mentioned in tne far/: \ 

10 20 30 40 50 

f " 

'^ ... 

locating many of tnc place* mentioned in f/ie 

1 1 8 467