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ERIC Number: ED256086
Record Type: RIE
Publication Date: 1984-Apr
Pages: 27
Abstractor: N/A
[Educational Therapy Using Games and Puzzles.]
Locker, Chava
Ways in which games can be used as tools in observing, diagnosing, and providing educational therapy for learning dysfunctions are listed and described in a series of four related papers: (a) "Educational Therapy for Learning Dysfunctions"; (2) "Educational Therapy and Puzzles"; (3) "Educational Therapy and Reading Fluency"; and (4) "Spelling Errors--Where?" The value of the game approach is noted and examples of the approach using crossword puzzles, which can be used for diagnosis as well as training, are offered. Other types of puzzles are advocated as ways to deal with distraction, unorganized thinking, and lack of motivation. Steps in puzzle solving are noted. A case study is presented of a 7-year old, diagnosed as hyperactive, who learned to sustain attention with a puzzle task. It is noted that many children seem hyperactive because of bad working habits, failure, and low self-confidence. The role of educational therapy in improving reading fluency and spelling accuracy is further examined. (CL)
Publication Type: Guides - Classroom - Teacher
Education Level: N/A
Audience: Practitioners
Language: English
Sponsor: N/A
Authoring Institution: N/A
Grant or Contract Numbers: N/A
Note: Papers prepared for the International Congress of the Spanish Association for Special Education (A.E.D.E.S.) (Madrid, Spain, April 25-27, 1984). Document contains occasional faint type.