Want To Sell Your Stuff At A Convention? Read This Comic First

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Thinking about getting a table or booth at a comic book convention, but don't know the first thing about selling your wares? This comic is a handy primer for anyone looking to sell at a convention for the first time.

Cartoonist Mark Monlux of The Comic Critic and The Return of Stickman! made Stickman's Tips for Having a Table at a Comic Book Convention as his 2011 project for 24-Hour Comic Book Day. While it isn't completely comprehensive (get your seller's permits, folks), it is chock full of things I wish I had known the first time I tabled at a convention—like the importance of a good tablecloth. It's geared specifically toward comic book conventions, but there's useful advice here for selling products at all sorts of conventions.

You can see the first few pages below, but check out the full comic at Monlux's website.


Stickman's Tips for Having a Table at a Comic Book Convention [Mark Monlux via MetaFilter]