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10 Ways to Look Younger Naturally in Just 10 Minutes post image

10 Ways to Look Younger Naturally in Just 10 Minutes

The whole point of makeup – or at least one of its major points – is to make us look younger. At times it may seem like an impossible task… Still, there are ways to take years off your face in a short time before breakfast. Do you find it hard to believe? Don’t be in a hurry… before you try these tips that can make you 10 years younger in just as many minutes!

1. Accentuate Your Brows

Look-younger-beauty-tips-cara-delevingeLet’s begin with your brows. Eyebrows that will give you a youthful look must be natural and quite full. It used to be a thin curve for quite a long time, but these days the most effective young look is the one stated by Cara Delevingne with her brows that are ore on the thick side, but gracefully so. Just make sure there are no harsh lines – should they occur, take a spooley brush to them. Harsh outlines can create an impression of artfulness, and you won’t want that.

2. Moisturize Your Skin

look-younger-naturally-tips-3A minute-long way to put on a look of youth is to moisturize the skin! To achieve this effect you don’t have to splurge wads of money purchasing beauty products that claim to increase your collagen and turn back the clock. You want a product that guarantees improving the tone and the texture of the skin, prevents it from going dry. A skin that is properly hydrated is plumper and looks smooth and soft, wrinkles and lines there are become much less pronounced.

3. Opt for a Youthful Fragrance

Your overall (more youthful) appearance is made up of many factors, some of them are not visual. Perfume! Have you thought that it has to do with age? It does, for researchers say perfume is generally strongly associated with age. There are “younger” scents and “mellower” scents.

For example, rose-based perfume is considered to be more suiting older women, while youthful smells would be fruity and sending out stronger vibes. Wishing to go back in time, opt for tropical-scented perfume, smell grapefruit and feel like shedding years.

4. Avoid Heavy Makeup

Layers and layers of makeup often accentuate wrinkles rather than conceal them. If you’re bent on taking years off, think of playing the makeup down and warming it up. You have relied on black eyeliner? Now you will want to flatter yourself with brown hues. Treat your eyes with warmer eye shadows – pink, beige, then make your eyelids look firmer with a gray or brown crease line. Here you are, it’s better!

5. Get Rosy Cheeks

Look-younger-naturally-tips-2The image children evoke most often is probably that of smooth rosy cheeks. So, if we look a little flushed, we produce a more youthful impression. Pick a color that is a shade brighter than your natural skin tint and apply it over your cheekbones. Do you hesitate over the choice? Wash your face with cold water to bring out your natural blush – or ask a makeup specialist to suggest the most suiting shade. If your skin is drier than usual and looks aged, go for a cream blush which blends better and conceals fine lines better than powder.

6. Use Lip Gloss

Look-Younger-Naturally-TipsThe body’s generation of collagen decreases with age, which leads to our lips losing their youthful full shape. It’s good that cosmetic companies turn out a wide choice of lip glosses that are excellent for plumping out lips in no time at all. They will acquire a nice natural plump look adding to your fresher appearance.

7. Moisturize Your Hands Skin

Hands usually provide good indication of a person’s age, and you should take good care of them so they don’t give you away. The obvious idea is to treat them well and daily by applying, for example, SPF15 sunscreen unstintingly. Also, don’t forget about moisturizing – as you apply cream over the face, see that a lot of it goes on the hands as well.

8. Teeth Whitening

A white-toothed bright smile is great for creating the impression of youth and health. As we grow older, constant consumption of tobacco, coffee and alcohol dull the youthful brightness. If it’s your issue, use straws when you drink staining beverages and purchase a whitening toothpaste. Then, regard your lipstick: brownish and orange shades don’t do so much justice to your teeth, but bluish or reddish undertones will set off the whiteness better.

9. Wear a Youthful Haircut

You can take off years by opting for a different haircut which can give you a younger look – and feel! The longer and darker your hair is, the more it spells age, so if you want to achieve a younger effect think medium, short and fair. For those whose natural hair color is dark, try copper or blonde highlights and see how far back it can take you. The style can do things to you, too, like shifting to a side part as you are experimenting for a younger hairdo.

10. Have Sex Regularly

Expert psychologists reveal that people who lead an active sexual lifestyle are likely to look younger by five to seven years compared to their biological age. Dermatologists also believe that regular bedroom romps are beneficial for the skin, preventing drying, adding glow and maybe even getting rid of that acne. Think how you combine pleasure and health care every time you enjoy time with your partner!

About the Author
Daria KurilkoDaria Kurilko is the founder, writer and editor of Geniusbeauty.com – an online guide for women about beauty, health and relationships. She has a master’s degree in sociology with a number of scientific publications to her credit and extensive experience in marketing and PR. Daria, who currently lives in Wiesbaden, Germany, is also a loving mother and wife. Since 2007 she enjoys sharing her experiences and broad knowledge about all things beauty, health and lifestyle with her readers.

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Reply April 27, 2020, 10:27 am

ThankGod A. Ocheme

I think it is going to be splendid and fabulous.Thanks

Reply July 4, 2019, 6:09 am

Jennifer Lynne

I guess I’m looking 5-7 years older…lol…not really lol.

Reply March 8, 2017, 3:38 pm

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