Friday, May 31, 2013

DIY Side-Tie T-Shirt Remix

I was in Victoria's Secret last week and they were selling tank tops with the sides slit open and little bows holding them together at the bottom.  I thought they were super cute, but pretty expensive for a shirt that doesn't even cover your torso, so I busted out my scissors and made my own.

I made mine with rehearsals in mind, and I wore it yesterday and loved it.  It's the perfect shirt to throw on over a leotard.

You'll only need two supplies to make this look: a t-shirt that's a little bit too big for you and a pair of scissors.

Here are the directions:

1.  Starting just inside the seam where the right sleeve meets the shirt, cut straight down the side of the shirt until you're almost at the bottom.  Try to leave a little wing of fabric sticking out at the bottom; you'll use that fabric to tie a bow later.  Repeat this on the left side.

2.  Cut off the bottom of the shirt to make it your desired length.  Instead of cutting straight across, though, start at the bottom seam and cut a sideways D shape, as pictured above.  This way you'll have nice and long strips of fabric to tie the bows with later.

3.  This step is optional.  I cut off the neckline of my t-shirt to give it a more easy-breazy feel. Don't cut too low though, because you'll already be showing a ton of skin on the sides, and you'll (hopefully) want to leave something to the imagination.

4.  Use the dangling fabric pieces to tie bows at the bottom of the side slits.

That's it!  It only took me 5 or 10 minutes to make this shirt, and I can tell I'm going to get a lot of wear out of it between skating and beach/pool days this summer.  I think it looks really cute with a frilly swim suit peeking out the sides.  Maybe don't wear this to Grandma's house though, ok?

Happy cutting!


  1. Great idea. It's made such a difference too. Must give this a go Mx

  2. Love the idea.

  3. such a clever idea!!!
    thank you for sharing Laura!!!
    happy weekend, xxxx Ale

  4. wow, what a great idea !

  5. Great idea! And it doesn't even require a sewing machine. :) Pretty scenery in that last photo. Have a wonderful weekend!

  6. Fabulous idea for a bathing suit cover. Thanks for sharing!

  7. What a cute idea...I love it!

  8. That is such a cute idea! I love that you wore it to rehearsals and also out and about! Love your blog!

    Following you on Bloglovin! Follow back if you want!

    Sincerely, Sara

  9. The little bows are so cute! I think I'd only wear this over my gym gear or togs, not as an everyday item.

  10. What a fantastic idea and it looks so sassy:) Have a wonderful start to the week. xoxo

  11. Such a great idea, you're very thoughtful

  12. I'm using this idea for a shirt I am making for a concert I am going to. Thank you Laura for this great idea!:)

  13. Looks great :) I've often thought of making one myself. Thank you for posting this.

  14. totally just made this shirt in 15 mins flat! thanks so much ;) I'm using mine as a workout shirt!


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