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DIY Ombre Crayon Candles

Hey you! How was your Passover or Easter? Speaking of Easter, that's what influenced today's diy. I was helping the Easter Bunny a friend last week assemble baskets for her kids. Inside were the usual treats, like chocolate and jelly beans. There were some Starburst candies too, organized by color. I opened up a few (my payment for helping out) and stacked them up, ombre-style. And immediately a fave diy idea of mine was remembered, but I didn't want to head out for supplies. Instead, I used what I already had, and thought you might like to see. Aren't those types of diys the best when you have everything you need? Keep reading to see how easy this is.

You'll Need--
  • crayons with paper removed, as pictured
    • I chose 3 that were similar in color, but I have made these with all sorts of colors.
  • glass container
    • I recycled a candle container for this one.
  • white candle with wick
  • heat-resistant glass bowl for melting
  • heating method--I strongly suggest a double boiler, but I admit I used my glass "craft" bowl I got from the thrift store in the microwave
  • pot holders
  • wooden chopstick for mixing (or some heat-resistant utensil that you don't mind getting wax on)
  • hammer or knife to break up the white candle
You Will Do:
  • Remove paper from crayons and break up candle. 
  • You will need to remove the wick from the candle. Some are easily pulled from the bottom and some you will have to break the candle to remove.
  • In your glass bowl, add your candle and broken up bits of crayon. I start with the darkest crayon. How much broken candle (aka your wax) you add depends on the layer size you want. I always add a little more candle than I think I will need.
  • Heat until melted and stir to make sure it is all mixed. 
  • Add a couple of drops of melted wax (I let it drip off the chopstick) to the center of the bottom of the candle container. Add your wick to the wax and allow it to cool. Depending on the stability of the wick, you might need to balance a pencil or chopstick on top of the glass and wrap the wick sticking out around it to keep it straight and centered--like this.
  • Carefully pour melted colored wax into your glass container and allow to cool.
  • Repeat steps with the next color. It doesn't have to be solid to add the next color, but you can pop in the freezer for a few minutes if you want to speed up the process.
  • Repeat steps with the final color. Allow to cool completely before using.
    • FYI: For a cleaner burn, use soy candles, but any sort of candle I've tried will work for this. 
    • Candles can be scented or non--both will work.
    • Crayons can be used as an emergency candle. But please, don't use them for diy lipstick or blush, no matter what Pinterest says.
    • In the top pic, you'll notice I removed the candle from the container, or you can leave as is, as pictured below:
Have you ever made candles from crayons before?

Extra Elle:
  • My weekend was very low-key--lots of Netflix and magazines. It was too cool (and too much pollen) for the pool but I got lots of spring cleaning done. I got my brows sugared! AND Charlie turned 5!


  1. SO stinkin' cute! What an adorable DIY to try.

  2. this is so cool and cute, great idea!


  3. That is such a fun DIY, I have never used crayons. The pollen was crazy out there, and my body couldn't handle it. Allergies for days.

  4. This is probably my favorite DIY that you've shown!! I 100% will be trying this!! xo, Biana - BlovedBoston

  5. Love your pretty candle, I can't believe you made it! We have tons of broken crayons around here, I'll have to give it a try.

    Whitney & Blaire

    Peaches In A Pod

  6. That candle is so pretty! I love this DIY! I will be making one of these!

    Doused In Pink

  7. Okay this is the cutest idea ever! It came out so perfect too! I definitely want to try this! I hope you had a great Easter!

    <3 Shannon
    Upbeat Soles

  8. It looks amazing! And you made it! I simply loved the colors and the candle - I think that hen we make something, it's so much more valuable than buying it ready! I like scented candles, so I would add scent!

  9. This is basically the cutest thing EVER! I am seriously going to try this out - probably with these exact colors, as they are perfect for spring!


  10. This is so cool! I'm going to try this out!
    Melanie @ meandmr.com

  11. What a fun little DIY project! I would have never thought to make candles from crayons before! Love the ombre idea!

    <3, Pamela
    Sequins & Sea Breezes

  12. As easy as you make this sound and as beautiful as this candle looks, I think it's a lil out of my league. I would totally get the Pinterest fail picture ;)

  13. I've always wanted to make my own candles. This is a great idea! Will have to try it. And I lol'd at the pinterest comment for using crayons as makeup haha

  14. the candle looks lovely.
    happy birthday to charlie

  15. This is a brilliant DIY, Elle and a really pretty one too! And I have seen some people using crayons for DIY lipsticks too and I thought it was weird. LOL!

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

  16. This is adorable and so smart! I have to try this asap!

  17. What a fun idea. This would be something fun to try with my kids!

  18. Cutest candle ever. We so have to try this one, seems so simple and fun!!

    xx 365Hangers

  19. WHAT?!?!? That's crazy!
    I wonder if you would add in some essential oils to give it a scent! hhmmm....

  20. Such a pretty candle!!! What a fun idea!!! I like your more relaxed weekend, those are sometimes the best. Happy Birthday to Charlie! Hope you have a great week!

  21. I love this, what a great idea!! It looks pretty AND easy to make...score :) Happy birthday Charlie!

  22. How cool is that?! So simple, would love to do this with my friends over wine!
    Thank you for visiting! If you have a moment, would love to get your thoughts on my latest design!

    Peace. Love. LOL!

    Haute Khuuture Blog

  23. These are adorable! It's a great idea.

  24. TBH, I didn't know you can do these with crayons. You really are fab with these ideas, Elle:)

  25. Very cute idea and Happy Birthday Charlie.

  26. I have never made candles before, but this was a very cute idea!!


  27. I have try doing this once but it didn't turn out at all. Have a great weekend.


  28. Again Happy birthday to Charlie! I love all of your DIYs but this one blows my mind! So cheap, and I'm 95% sure I have all these things laying around. These will make super cute gift ideas. Thanks Elle!

  29. These are beautiful! I love DIY like these!! Simple, but look so chic!

  30. These are so pretty! I had no idea you could use crayons to make candles, but it totally makes sense.

  31. How cool is this?!? I love it! Really pretty colors you used too! :)

  32. That turned out awesome! Even better that you already have everything!

  33. I've always wanted to try making my own candles! Great DIY! Happy birthday to Charlie!
    xoxo Lauren

  34. Wow, stunning DIY, dear. ^^
    Have a nice week...

  35. That is so pretty! I'm way too lazy though. I'll stick to my Bath And Body Works candles. Those are my favorites!!

  36. Happy birthday to Charlie!! This is such a cute idea!

  37. This is awesome. You have the best DIYs. PS I had a low key weekend as well with family. Loved every minute!

  38. Such a great DIY! You make everything seem super easy peasy, and it turned out so adorable! Happy birthday to Charlie, and a weekend of Netflix sounds perfect for this strange fall snap we're having!

  39. pretty. i've done a lot of things with crayons, but never a candle. fun idea!

  40. This is one thing I've always want to DIY - thank you for such a fantastic DIY, Elle! x

  41. Such a great idea! The candle looks so pretty! :)

    Renata | Speaking Beauty UK

  42. I LOVE your DIY posts! This candle is so pretty! It has a nice Spring feel to it too.

  43. You are so creative! Love the way it turned out!

  44. elle this is SUCH a cute project!! i want to make one! xo jillian - cornflake dreams


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