8 Ways to Avoid Atopic Dermatitis Flare-Ups in the Summer

Although winter is known as the worst season for atopic dermatitis (eczema), summer can also present some challenges. Here’s how to protect your skin.

8 Ways to Avoid Atopic Dermatitis Flare-Ups in The Summer

Discover 8 tips to prevent atopic dermatitis flare-ups during summer.
8 Ways to Avoid Atopic Dermatitis Flare-Ups in The Summer

For some people with atopic dermatitis, (the most common form of eczema) summer isn’t always so sweet. The soaring temps and warm-weather activities like swimming and sunbathing can trigger atopic dermatitis.

“Although wintertime is actually the most common time for flares to occur, eczema can flare year-round,” says Shari Marchbein, MD, an assistant clinical professor of dermatology at Mount Sinai Health System in New York City. Several aspects of summer — like increased heat and sweating, seasonal allergens, and certain sunscreens — can lead to flare-ups.

The good news is you can take a proactive approach to minimizing these risks. Here are eight strategies for avoiding atopic dermatitis flare-ups in the summer.

a woman reading a book outside in the sun
Too much time in the sun can be an eczema trigger, but there are ways to avoid flare-ups, like seeking shade and wearing non-irritating sunscreen.iStock

1. Stay Cool, Avoid Sweating, and Drink Enough Water

One reason summertime flare-ups might happen is that increased heat and humidity can lead to more sweating, says Susan Bard, MD, a dermatologist with Vive Dermatology Surgery and Aesthetics in Brooklyn, New York, and a medical reviewer for Everyday Health.

“Sweat contains various salts that can be irritating to broken skin, such as eczema skin,” Dr. Bard says. More specifically, sweat can contain zinc, copper, iron, nickel, cadmium, lead, manganese, sodium, and chloride, and when these build up, irritation can result.

The obvious first step is to try to minimize sweating. “Staying cool by avoiding excessively warm temperatures and reducing sweating are the most important strategies,” says Daniel P. Friedmann, MD, a dermatologist with Westlake Dermatology in Austin, Texas.

That might mean sticking to the shade when you’re outside or staying indoors in an air-conditioned environment when the temperatures climb, Bard notes. (You may want to consider using a humidifier if your air-conditioner dries out the air in your home too much.)

Be sure to drink plenty of water, too. That will keep your body at a normal temperature.

And opt for wide-brimmed hats and loose-fitting clothes in breathable fabrics and light colors that’ll reflect the sun (think wicking shirts and cotton).

If you like to exercise outside, work out in the early morning or evening hours when the sun’s rays are less intense to avoid excessive sweating.

And when you do work up a sweat, take a cool shower as soon as possible afterward to rinse off.

2. Choose a Physical (or Mineral) Sunscreen

Slathering on sunscreen — a common summertime habit — can also cause the eczema you thought you had under control to go into turmoil if you don’t choose an eczema-friendly product.

Bard says choosing a physical sunscreen (sometimes called a mineral sunscreen) versus a chemical one is the best option for people with atopic dermatitis. “Some chemical sunscreens can be irritating to sensitive skin,” she says.

Physical sunscreens are also more moisturizing. Look for the words “physical” or “mineral” on the bottle and ingredients such as zinc oxide and titanium dioxide.

Plus, a small number of people experience photoallergic contact dermatitis, a skin reaction that occurs when the sun activates an ingredient found in sunscreen, perfume, or medication.

If this happens to you, you can request a patch test from your allergist or dermatologist to figure out which ingredient is bothering you and avoid products that contain that ingredient.

Managing atopic dermatitis in the summer can be challenging, but choosing the best sunscreen for eczema can make a huge difference. Learn about physical (mineral) sunscreens with gentle ingredients like zinc oxide and titanium dioxide that offer effective skin protection without irritating sensitive skin.

3. Consider Phototherapy to Prevent Flares

This treatment option uses ultraviolet light — the same that is found in sunlight — which has been filtered to remove the damaging aspects.

“Controlled exposure to ultraviolet light during the daytime can improve eczema and prevent flares due to the anti-inflammatory properties of ultraviolet B wavelengths,” Dr. Friedmann says.

A small study involving children with atopic dermatitis found that narrowband ultraviolet B treatment reduced signs of eczema by 61 percent.

This doesn’t need to be limited to a summer practice, though, and can be used year-round.

Other treatments for eczema are also available, including a variety of topical treatments, biologics, oral immunosuppressants, other medications, and wet wrap therapy.

4. Change Out of Wet Clothing as Soon as You Can

Staying dry should be your summertime mantra if you’re struggling with eczema-prone skin. If you feel perspiration start to build and your T-shirt starts to stick to your back, for instance, swap your wet clothes for dry ones as soon as you can.

Research has shown that changing clothes when they become wet with sweat is an effective technique for those with atopic dermatitis.

5. Use an Air Purifier to Battle Environmental Triggers

Seasonal environmental factors could also be to blame for summer eczema. “An increase in allergens in the environment — pollen, for example — can incite histamine release, which causes itching,” Friedmann says.

Consider buying an air purifier for your home to help remove dust, pollen, and other allergens from the air, says Joshua Zeichner, MD, the director of cosmetic and clinical research in the department of dermatology and an associate professor of dermatology at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City.

“When inhaled, these air particles can drive allergic reactions in the skin,” says Dr. Zeichner, adding that more research is needed to prove that air purifiers truly benefit people who have atopic dermatitis. Zeichner recommends opting for a HEPA purifier with a carbon filter for added protection.

6. Rinse Off Immediately After You Go Swimming

Chemicals found in chlorinated pools and salt found in the ocean could be a problem for those with sensitive skin. Just in case there’s no shower in sight, bring along a bottle filled with water and use it to rinse off immediately afterward. Follow up by reapplying moisturizer and sunscreen to protect the skin and keep it from drying out.

7. Bathe or Shower Daily to Keep Skin Clean

Taking a bath or shower each day can help clear the skin of bacteria as well as sweat and dust that may have accumulated over the course of the day. A small study found that children with eczema saw their symptoms improve as a result of bathing daily plus moisturizing immediately afterward in the summer months.

Always be sure to wash with a mild soap that doesn’t include dyes or fragrance.

8. Moisturize With Ceramides to Restore the Skin’s Barrier

Levels of ceramides, which are lipids naturally found in the skin, decrease when skin is dry, no matter if it’s winter or summer. Plus, dry skin can contribute to an eczema flare-up.

Your defense? A moisturizer that contains ceramides. “It can help restore the skin’s protective barrier and hydration,” Dr. Marchbein says. She recommends applying the moisturizer within 60 seconds of getting out of the shower for best results.

If you’re prone to dry skin, try showering in lukewarm water, and limiting showers to no more than once a day and to no longer than 5 to 10 minutes in duration.

The Takeaway

Summer can be a tricky time for atopic dermatitis, due to hotter temperatures, increased sweating, and greater exposure to allergens. Make sure you find ways to stay cool, choose an eczema-friendly sunscreen, and shower quickly after sweating or swimming, among other strategies, to avoid flare-ups.

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  6. The Difference Between Physical and Chemical Sunscreen. Piedmont Healthcare.
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  12. Atopic Dermatitis (Eczema): Diagnosis and Treatment. Mayo Clinic. May 9, 2023.
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