
7 Ways to RELAX Before a First Date

First date jitters happen to everyone. You're excited and all sorts of anxious. If you'd like to chill out before heading out, we've got a few relaxation tips you might want to give a go.

First date jitters happen to everyone. You're excited and all sorts of anxious. If you'd like to chill out before heading out, we've got a few relaxation tips you might want to give a go.

Feeling a bit frazzled before a date? Try one of these ideas on for size:

Play some tunes. Listen to your favorite songs or put on your favorite iTunes playlist while you're getting ready. Feel free to dance around; it's hard not to smile and relax when you're busting out your silliest moves.

Take a sip of liquid courage. No, not alcohol. Make yourself a cup of your favorite hot tea or hot cocoa. Sit down and take time to enjoy your warm beverage.

Phone a friend. Give a pal (or your mom or your sister) a quick ring just to say hello. Chatting with a loved one is sure to calm your nerves. Plus, you can ask them for last minute advice.

Get knotty. Work out the kinks and stress in your body by gently rubbing your own neck. You'll feel refreshed and relaxed after just a few minutes.

Be a bathing beauty. If you've got time, draw yourself a bubble bath and relax in the tub while reading your favorite magazines and books.

Give yourself a giggle. Ditch some of those anxious feelings by making yourself laugh. You could watch cute cat or puppy videos. Or, peruse your DVR or Hulu to rewatch an episode of your favorite funny show. One of my favorites is Parks and Recreation!

Give yourself a compliment. While you're standing in front of the mirror getting ready, remind yourself how awesome you are. Compliment your beautiful eyes, gorgeous smile, rad sense of humor, anything really! Need some inspiration? Check out this little girl' adorable daily affirmation.

Do you get nervous before dates? How do you relax before meeting a special someone for a romantic night out?

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Photo: Noel Hendrickson/Photodisc